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Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor

Market: A Field Experiment

Devah Pager Bruce Western
Princeton University Harvard University

Bart Bonikowski
Princeton University

Decades of racial progress have led some researchers and policymakers to doubt that
discrimination remains an important cause of economic inequality. To study
contemporary discrimination, we conducted a field experiment in the low-wage labor
market of New York City, recruiting white, black, and Latino job applicants who were
matched on demographic characteristics and interpersonal skills. These applicants were
given equivalent rsums and sent to apply in tandem for hundreds of entry-level jobs.
Our results show that black applicants were half as likely as equally qualified whites to
receive a callback or job offer. In fact, black and Latino applicants with clean
backgrounds fared no better than white applicants just released from prison. Additional
qualitative evidence from our applicants experiences further illustrates the multiple
points at which employment trajectories can be deflected by various forms of racial bias.
These results point to the subtle yet systematic forms of discrimination that continue to
shape employment opportunities for low-wage workers.

espite legal bans on discrimination and the ity in total joblessnessincluding those who
D liberalization of racial attitudes since the
1960s, racial differences in employment remain
exited the labor marketincreased among
young men during this period (Holzer and
among the most enduring forms of economic Offner 2001). Against this backdrop of persist-
inequality. Even in the tight labor market of the ent racial inequality, the question of employment
late 1990s, unemployment rates for black men discrimination has generated renewed interest.
remained twice that for whites. Racial inequal- Although there is much research on racial dis-
parities in employment, the contemporary rel-
evance of discrimination remains widely
Direct all correspondence to Devah Pager,
Department of Sociology, Princeton University,
One line of research points to the persist-
Princeton, NJ 08544 ( This ence of prejudice and discrimination as a criti-
research has been supported by grants from the cal factor shaping contemporary racial
National Science Foundation, the National Institute disparities (Darity and Mason 1998; Roscigno
of Justice, the JEHT Foundation, the Princeton et al. 2007). A series of studies relying on sur-
Research Institute on the Region, and the Industrial veys and in-depth interviews finds that firms are
Relations Section of Princeton University. The first reluctant to hire young minority menespe-
author acknowledges generous support from NSF cially blacksbecause they are seen as unreli-
CAREER, NIH K01, and a W.T. Grant Scholars able, dishonest, or lacking in social or cognitive
Award. We also gratefully acknowledge the support
of the New York City Commission on Human Rights,
skills (Holzer 1996; Kirschenman and
and Commissioner Patricia Gatling. Thanks to Glenn Neckerman 1991; Moss and Tilly 2001;
Martin, Don Green, and the many workshop partic- Waldinger and Lichter 2003; Wilson 1996: chap.
ipants who provided generous feedback on earlier 5). The strong negative attitudes expressed by
drafts of this article. employers suggest that race remains highly

AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 2009, VOL. 74 (October:777799)


salient in employers evaluations of workers. to assess exactly how and under what conditions
At the same time, research relying on inter- race shapes employer behavior. We address this
views with employers leaves uncertain the issue with a field experiment that allows direct
degree to which self-reported attitudes are influ- observation of employer decision making. By
ential in actual hiring decisions (Pager and presenting equally qualified applicants who dif-
Quillian 2005). Indeed, Moss and Tilly fer only by race or ethnicity, we can observe the
(2001:151) report the puzzling finding that degree to which racial considerations affect real
businesses where a plurality of managers com- hiring decisions. Furthermore, we move beyond
plained about black motivation are more likely experimental estimates of discrimination to
to hire black men. In fact, across a series of explore the processes by which discrimination
analyses controlling for firm size, starting wage, occurs. Examining the interactions between job
the percent black in the relevant portion of the seekers and employers, we gain new insights
metropolitan area, and a businesss average dis- into how race influences employers percep-
tance from black residents in the area, Moss and tions of job candidate quality and desirability.
Tilly find that employers who overtly criticize Studying the multifaceted character of dis-
the hard skills or interaction skills of black crimination highlights the range of decisions that
workers are between two and four times more collectively reduce opportunities for minority
likely to hire a black worker (pp.15152). Hiring candidates.
decisions, of course, are influenced by a com-
plex range of factors, racial attitudes being only CONCEPTUALIZING
one. Employers stated preferences do not pro- DISCRIMINATION
vide a clear picture of the degree to which neg-
ative attitudes about blacks translate into active Empirical studies often portray discrimination
forms of discrimination. as a single decision. Research on employment
Research focusing on wages rather than disparities, for example, considers the role of
employment offers even less evidence of con- discrimination at the point of initial hire;
temporary discrimination. Neal and Johnson research on pay disparities considers discrimi-
(1996), for example, estimate wage differences nation at the point of wage-setting decisions. In
between white, black, and Latino young men. reality, discrimination may occur at multiple
They find that two thirds of the black-white decision points across the employment rela-
gap in wages in 1990 to 1991 can be explained tionship. In this way, even relatively small
by race differences in cognitive test scores meas- episodes of discriminationwhen experienced
ured 11 years earlier, and test scores fully at multiple intervals or across multiple con-
explain wage differences between whites and textscan have substantial effects on aggregate
Latinos. This and similar studies trace the outcomes.
employment problems of young minority men Depictions of discriminators also often por-
primarily to skill or other individual deficien- tray the labor market as divided neatly between
cies, rather than any direct effect of discrimi- employers with a taste for discrimination and
nation (Farkas and Vicknair 1996; Neal and those who are indifferent to race (Becker 1957).
Johnson 1996; ONeill 1990). Heckman Consequently, it is suggested, job seekers can
(1998:101102) puts the point most clearly, avoid discrimination by sorting themselves into
writing that most of the disparity in earnings sectors of the labor market where discrimination
between blacks and whites in the labor market is less likely to occur (Heckman 1998:103).
of the 1990s is due to differences in skills they Fryer and Levitt (2003:5) characterize employ-
bring to the market, and not to discrimination ers according to a similar dichotomy, with appli-
within the labor market. He goes on to describe cants best advised to identify and avoid
labor market discrimination as the problem of employers prone to discrimination, rather than
an earlier era. wasting time pursuing job opportunities among
Does employer discrimination continue to firms unwilling to hire them: In the face of dis-
affect labor market outcomes for minority work- criminatory employers, it is actually in the inter-
ers? Clear answers are elusive because dis- est of both employee and employers for Blacks
crimination is hard to measure. Without to signal race, either via a name or other rsum
observing actual hiring decisions, it is difficult information, rather than undertaking a costly

interview with little hope of receiving a job In addition to noting the varying role of race
offer. According to this conceptualization of across employment interactions, some research
labor market discrimination, racial preferences shifts the focus from employer characteristics to
or biases are fixed and concentrated among a the characteristics of the job for which a given
specific subset of employers. worker is being considered. Previous research
Other evidence challenges this tidy distinc- points to the negative consequences of the
tion between employers who do and do not dis- changing composition of low-wage jobs for
criminate. Alternative formulations of labor black men, with the shift from manufacturing
market discrimination encourage us to view the to services skewing the distribution of skill
process as more interactive, contextual, and demands toward soft skills, for which black
widespread. Theories of both statistical dis- men are considered lacking (Moss and Tilly
crimination and stereotypes view race as a 2001). Jobs involving customer service or con-
heuristic employers use to evaluate job appli- tact with clients heighten the salience of race
cants about whom little is known. Here, group- because of employers concerns about the dress
based generalizations provide guidance about and demeanor of young black men (Moss and
the expected profile of individuals from a given Tilly 2001). Jobs at the back of the house or
group and facilitate decision making when infor- those emphasizing manual skills are less like-
mation or time are scarce (Aigner and Cain ly to activate concerns of this kind. In this sce-
1977; Fiske 1998). Heuristics of this kind are nario, discrimination may obtain not at the
pervasive (and often unconscious). Their effects employer level but at the job level, with black
may vary depending on the availability of and applicants excluded from some job types and
attention to person-specific information (such channeled into others. In this case, we would
as that conveyed through application materials look to variation in discrimination not among
or in an interview) that may interact with and employers but among the job openings for which
potentially override initial expectations. workers are being considered.
A long line of social psychological research Rather than viewing discrimination as a sin-
investigates how stereotypes give way to indi- gle decision, or as the result of a small group of
vidualizing information, as well as the condi- highly prejudiced employers, a growing body of
tions under which stereotypes demonstrate a research points to the variable contexts that
stubborn resistance to change (Bodenhausen shape how information about applicants may be
1988; Fiske 1998; Trope and Thomson 1997).1 filtered and interpreted along racial lines.
This research suggests that salient personaliz- Decision making under uncertainty and the
ing information can quickly counteract stereo- race-typing of jobs both make discrimination
typed expectations; however, in evaluating more likely. To capture the contingent and cumu-
difficult-to-observe or ambiguously relevant lative effects of discrimination implied by these
characteristics, or when decision makers have theories requires an examination of how expe-
competing demands on their attention, stereo- riences of discrimination may be distributed
types often filter information in ways that pre- across a wide range of decision points and may
serve expectations (Darley and Gross 1983; vary depending on interactions among the
Dovidio and Gaertner 2000; Gilbert and Hixon employer, the applicant, and the job in question.
1991). In these cases of decision making under
uncertainty, racial preferences or biases are
unlikely to be expressed in any static or uniform
way, but will vary in intensity and consequence
depending on other characteristics of the appli- Economic theory predicts the decline of dis-
cant, the employer, and the interaction between crimination through market competition (Becker
the two. 1957), but several features of contemporary
low-wage labor markets may sustain or renew
racialized decision making. Shifts in the com-
1 Theories of statistical discrimination also predict position of both low-wage jobs and workers
employer responsiveness to individual characteristics have potentially created new incentives and
(e.g., Altonji and Pierret 2001; Oettinger 1996; cf. opportunities for employers to enact racial pref-
Pager and Karafin 2009). erences in hiring. First, low-wage job growth is

concentrated in service industries, in positions applicants (in which one member of each pair
that place a heavy emphasis on self-presentation, was randomly assigned a criminal record), Pager
interaction with customers, and other person- found that a black applicant with no criminal
ality-related attributes (Moss and Tilly 2001). As background experiences job prospects similar
discussed earlier, employers consistently express to those of a white felon. That blackness con-
concerns over the soft skills of black men, fers the same disadvantage as a felony convic-
implying a potential skills mismatch between the tion helps calibrate the deeply skeptical view of
skill requirements of new job growth and the young black men in the eyes of Milwaukee
perceived skill profile of black male job seek- employers.
ers. Furthermore, because many of the qualities The growing importance of soft skills, ethnic
valued by employers for contemporary low- heterogeneity, and job seekers with criminal
wage jobs are difficult to evaluate from a writ- records suggest the persistence or increasing
ten application or brief meeting, generalized incidence of discrimination in contemporary
negative perceptions of minority workers may low-wage labor markets. Whether based on sta-
be more difficult for individual minority appli- tistical generalizations or inaccurate stereo-
cants to disconfirm (Biernat and Kobrynowicz types, preconceived notions about the
1997). characteristics or desirability of black men rel-
Second, low-wage labor markets today are ative to other applicant types are likely to struc-
characterized by increasing heterogeneity of ture the distribution of opportunity along racial
the urban minority work force, with low-skill lines.
black workers now more likely to compete with
other minority groupsin particular, low-skill METHODS FOR STUDYING LABOR
Latino workers. Interviews with employers in MARKET DISCRIMINATION
Los Angeles and Chicago suggest consistent
preferences for Latinos over blacks, with Latino Racial discrimination in the labor market is typ-
workers viewed as more pliant, reliable, and ically studied by comparing the wages of whites
hard-working (Kirschenman and Neckerman and minorities, statistically controlling for
1991; Waldinger and Lichter 2003). Given these human capital characteristics. Estimates from a
racial preferences among employers, growing variety of social surveys suggest that the black-
competition within the low-wage labor market white difference in hourly wages among men
may leave black men vulnerable to discrimina- usually range between about 10 and 20 percent
tion relative not only to whites, but to Latinos (Cancio, Evans, and Maume 1996; Darity and
as well. Meyers 1998; Neal and Johnson 1996).
Finally, low-wage labor markets are increas- Although widely used, this residual method, in
ingly supplied by workers with criminal records. which discrimination is defined as the unex-
Nearly a third of black men without a college plained race difference in wages, is sensitive to
degree have prison records by their mid-30s, the measurement of human capital. Where race
adding to employers reservations about black differences in human capital are incompletely
male job applicants (Pager 2007b; Pettit and observed, the effect of discrimination may be
Western 2004). The high rate of incarceration overestimated (Farkas and Vicknair 1996; Neal
makes a criminal record a newly important and Johnson 1996).
source of stigma that is worth studying in its own Residual estimates of discrimination infer
right. Moreover, we can view a criminal record employer behavior from data on workers wages.
as an extreme and authoritative signal of the Field experiments, by contrast, offer a more
kinds of problematic behaviors that employers direct approach to the measurement of dis-
ascribe to young black men. In this context, crimination. This approach, also referred to as
separating the effects of criminal stigma from an audit methodology, involves the use of
race provides a useful benchmark for measur- matched teams of job applicantscalled
ing racial stigma. In the first effort in this direc- testerswho apply to real job openings and
tion, Pagers (2003) research in a Milwaukee record responses from employers. Testers are
field experiment compared racial and criminal assigned equivalent rsums and are matched on
stigma among matched pairs of job seekers. a variety of characteristics like age, education,
Fielding a pair of black and a pair of white job physical appearance, and interpersonal skills.

Because black and white testers are sent to the large urban labor markets. To our knowledge,
same firms, and testers are matched on a wide this is the first study of its kind to simultane-
variety of characteristics, much of the unex- ously examine the employment experiences of
plained variation that confounds residual esti- three racial/ethnic groups. Third, to help cali-
mates of discrimination is experimentally brate the magnitude of racial preferences, we
controlled. compare applicants affected by varying forms
In part due to taxing logistical requirements, of stigma; specifically, we compare minority
the use of in-person audit studies of employment applicants with white applicants just released
remains rare, with only a handful of such stud- from prison. Where the Milwaukee study
ies conducted over the past 20 years (Bendick, attempted this comparison across teams, the
Jackson, and Reinoso 1994; Bendick et al. 1991; present analysis provides a direct test by com-
Cross et al. 1990; Pager 2003; Turner, Fix, and paring the outcomes of minority and ex-offend-
Struyk 1991).2 Moreover, the typical emphasis er applicants who visit the same employers.
on a single comparison group leaves several Finally, we extend our analysis from the quan-
significant features of contemporary urban labor titative evidence of differential treatment to a
markets unexplored. rich set of qualitative data that allow for an
By studying both race and criminal back- exploration of the process of discrimination.
ground, the Milwaukee audit study represents an Drawing from the testers extensive field notes
important starting point for this project (Pager that describe their interactions with employers,
2003). The Milwaukee study examined the influ- we provide a unique window into the range of
ence of the criminal justice system on labor employer responses that characterize discrimi-
market stratification by studying the effect of a nation in contemporary low-wage labor markets.
criminal record for black and white job seekers.
Although race emerged as a key theme in the RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS
studys findings, the topic of racial discrimina-
tion was not a central focus. Moreover, the The New York City Hiring Discrimination Study
research design yielded only indirect evidence sent matched teams of testers to apply for 340
of racial discrimination because black and white real entry-level jobs throughout New York City
testers did not apply to the same employers. over nine months in 2004. The testers were
Our ability to investigate when and how racial well-spoken, clean-cut young men, ages 22 to
discrimination occurs is therefore limited in 26. Most were college-educated, between 5 feet
this context. 10 inches and 6 feet in height, and recruited in
The current study updates and extends ear- and around New York City. They were matched
lier research in several ways. First, we focus on the basis of their verbal skills, interactional
directly on the question of racial discrimination, styles (level of eye contact, demeanor, and ver-
in both conceptualization and design. This bosity), and physical attractiveness. Testers were
emphasis allows us to situate our research with- assigned fictitious rsums indicating identi-
in ongoing debates about discrimination and to cal educational attainment and comparable qual-
provide a rigorous design for detecting racial ities of high school, work experience (quantity
discrimination. Second, we move beyond stan- and kind), and neighborhood of residence.
dard two-race models of discrimination by Rsums were prepared in different fonts and
including matched black, white, and Latino job formats and randomly varied across testers,
seekers, reflecting the racial heterogeneity of with each rsum used by testers from each
race group. Testers presented themselves as
high school graduates with steady work expe-
rience in entry-level jobs. Finally, the testers
For a summary of the results of earlier audit passed a common training program to ensure
studies of employment, see Heckman and Siegelman
uniform behavior in job interviews. While in the
(1993) and Pager (2007a). Correspondence studies,
which rely on rsums sent by mail rather than in-per- field, the testers dressed similarly and commu-
son applications (e.g., Bertrand and Mullainathan nicated with teammates by cell phone to antic-
2004), are less costly but rely on application proce- ipate unusual interview situations.
dures less suited for low-wage labor markets (which We fielded two teams that each included a
typically require in-person applications). white, Latino, and black tester. To help ensure

comparability, the Latino testers spoke in unac- for each tester. For employer i (i = 1, . . . ,N ) and
cented English, were U.S. citizens of Puerto tester t (t = W, B, or L for white, black, or Latino),
Rican descent, and, like the other testers, a positive response, yit, is a binary variable that
claimed no Spanish language ability. The first scores 1 for a job offer or callback, and 0 oth-
team tests a standard racial hierarchy, with the erwise. We define the level of differential treat-
white tester serving as a benchmark against ment as the ratio in positive response rates for
which to measure variation in racial and ethnic
each comparison, rWB = y W / y B, where y t is the
discrimination. To calibrate the magnitude of proportion of positive responses for testers of
racial stigma, the second team compares black race t. Under the null hypothesis of equal treat-
and Latino testers with a white tester with a ment, r WB = 1, the proportion of positive
criminal record. The criminal record was typi- responses received by each racial group is equal.
cally disclosed in answer to the standard ques- For data on matched pairs, several statistical
tion on employment applications, Have you tests have been proposed that use within-pair
ever been convicted of a crime? If yes, please comparisons to account for the correlation of
explain. We instructed testers to reveal, when observations from the same pair (e.g., Agresti
asked, that they had recently been released from 1990; Heckman and Siegelman 1993). In our
prison after serving 18 months for a drug felony case, where three testers are sent to the same
(possession with intent to distribute, cocaine). employer, we have a matched triplet and infor-
In addition, following Pager (2003), the white mation from all three testers should ideally con-
testers criminal record was also signaled on tribute to an inference about a contrast between
the rsum by listing work experience at a state any two. Ghosh and colleagues (2000) suggest
prison and by listing a parole officer as a ref- that matched pairs can be fit with a hierarchi-
erence.3 cal logistic regression with a random effect for
For both teams, we sampled employers from each pair. We generalize their approach to our
job listings for entry-level positions, defined matched triplets, fitting a random effect for
as jobs requiring little previous experience and each employer. If the probability of a positive
no more than a high school degree. Job titles response is given by E(yit) = pit, the hierarchi-
included restaurant jobs, retail sales, warehouse cal model is written
workers, couriers, telemarketers, customer ser-
vice positions, clerical workers, stockers,
movers, delivery drivers, and a wide range of
(1 p ) = + B
i it + Lit ,

other low-wage positions. Each week, we ran- where Bit is a dummy variable for blacks, Lit is
domly drew job listings from the classified sec- a dummy variable for Latinos, and the random
tions of the New York Times, Daily News, New effects for employers, i, is given a normal dis-
York Post, Village Voice, and the online service tribution. The employer effects, i, induce a
Craigslist. The broad range of job listings correlation among observations from the same
allowed for extensive coverage of the entry- employers and reduce standard errors, as in the
level labor market in New York. From the avail- usual matched-pair inference. We estimate the
able population of job listings, we took a simple models with Markov Chain Monte Carlo meth-
random sample of advertisements each week. ods. We construct intervals for the ratios (rWB,
Testers in each team applied to each job with- rWL, and rBL) by taking random draws from the
in a 24-hour period, randomly varying the order posterior predictive distribution of y it .
of the applicants. Alternative methods that adjust for clustering by
Our dependent variable records any positive employer yield similar results to those report-
response in which a tester was either offered a ed below.
job or called back for a second interview. We
recorded callbacks using voicemail boxes set up
The quality of audit results depends on the com-
3 Results from Pager (2003) suggest that provid- parability of the testers. Because race cannot be
ing information about a criminal record to employ- experimentally assigned, researchers must rely
ers who do not request the information does little to on effective selection and matching to construct
affect hiring decisions. audit teams in which all relevant characteristics

of testers are similarsomething that may leave standard training period, was required to dress
substantial room for bias. Heckman and uniformly, and was subject to periodic spot
Siegelman (1993) argue that researchers know checks for quality control.7
little about the hard-to-observe characteristics Despite these measures, uncontrolled tester
highly prized by employers. If testers are poor- effects remain a threat to inferences about dis-
ly matched, evidence of discrimination may be crimination. We assess the sensitivity of our
merely an artifact of idiosyncratic tester char- results to testers in four ways. First, each tester
acteristics. may have a unique effect, but the average effect
Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004) remove of the testers may be zero. In this case, the
tester effects in a correspondence test that observations from each tester will be correlat-
sent rsums with common white and black ed and standard errors that ignore this cluster-
names to employers in Boston and Chicago. ing will tend to be too small. We allow for this
Their design allows the random assignment of possibility by fitting an additional random effect
rsum characteristics to white- and black- for each tester in our hierarchical logistic regres-
sounding names, largely removing concerns sion.8 Second, each tester may have a unique
about unobserved characteristics. Rsums with effect, but these effects may not average to zero.
white names were 50 percent more likely than To assess the sensitivity of our results to each
those with black names to receive callbacks tester, we perform a type of cross-validation in
from employers (9.7 versus 6.5 percent). Studies which the treatment effect is recalculated for a
of this kind provide some reassurance that reduced data set, sequentially omitting those
results from the body of audit research are not employers associated with each individual tester.
driven by tester effects alone. Confidence intervals below are based on mod-
Because we rely on in-person audits for our els that include employer and tester random
study of low-wage labor markets, the effective effects. We compare these results with cross-val-
matching of testers is a key concern. 4 We idation treatment effects based on subsets of
reviewed more than 300 applicants to identify the data in which individual testers are sequen-
our final team of 10 testers.5 Successful appli- tially omitted. Third, we recalculate our key
cants were subject to two lengthy screening results for each unique combination of testers
interviews and a written test, a far more prob- matched in teams over the course of the field-
ing job selection process than the testers encoun- work (see Appendix, Table A2). These results,
tered in their fieldwork.6 Each tester passed a although sensitive to small sample sizes for
some combinations, tend to support the con-
sistency of effects across a number of tester
4 In-person audits also allow for the inclusion of
As a final investigation of tester effects, we
a wide range of entry-level job types (which often consider the possibility that the expectations or
require in-person applications); they provide a clear behaviors of testers may influence the audit
method for signaling race, without concerns over results in nonrandom ways. For example, if a
the class-connotations of racially distinctive names black tester expects to be treated poorly by
(Fryer and Levitt 2004); and they allow us to gather
both quantitative and qualitative data, with informa-
tion on whether an applicant receives the job as well
as how he is treated during the interview process. ultimately improve the nuanced calibration of test
5 These 300 applicants were prescreened for appro- partners.
priate age, race, ethnicity, and gender. 7 In addition to on-site supervision at the start and
6 Indeed, as an employer herself, the researcher finish of each day of fieldwork, on several occa-
must identify subtle cues about applicants that indi- sions, we tested the testers. For example, we hid
cate their ability to perform. Whether or not these cues video cameras in the offices of confederate employ-
are explicit, conscious, or measurable, they are pres- ers, which allowed us to monitor testers compliance
ent in a researchers evaluation of tester candidates, with the audit protocol as well as to use the tapes as
just as they are in employers evaluations of entry- a training tool to better synchronize test partners per-
level job applicants. Like employers, researchers are formance (not counted among results).
affected by both objective and subjective/subcon- 8 Additional models (not shown here) test for fixed

scious indicators of applicant quality in their selec- effects of individual testers; we find no significant
tion and matching of testers in ways that should differences across testers within each race group.

employers, he may appear more withdrawn, eight applicants for each entry-level job open-
nervous, or defensive in interactions. The nature ing (Pager 2007b). If race represents only a
of the interaction may create a self-fulfilling minor concern for employers, we would expect
prophecy, in which the tester experiences poor all members of our audit team to make it through
outcomes for reasons unrelated to his race the first cut. If race figures prominently in the
(Steele and Aronsen 1995). We assess these first round of review, we can infer that this char-
tester effects by analyzing the degree to which acteristic has been invoked as more than a mere
personal contact between testers and employers tie-breaker. In these cases, the evidence of race-
is associated with widening racial disparities. based decision making is quite strong.
Overall, we find no evidence that testers inter-
personal styles or expectations are associated EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
with increasing discrimination; if anything, per-
sonal contact appears to weaken the effect of The primary results from the field experiment
race, suggesting that testers performance min- focus on the proportion of applications sub-
imized, rather than exaggerated, our measures mitted by testers that elicited either a callback
of racial bias (see Appendix, Table A1). or a job offer from employers, by race of the
The problem of imperfect matching among applicant. Our first team assesses the effects of
testers is a well-understood vulnerability of race discrimination by comparing the outcomes
audit experiments, and one to which we devot- of equally qualified white, Latino, and black
ed considerable attention. Ironically, however, applicants. Figure 1a reports positive response
achieving perfect matches can itself produce rates for each racial/ethnic group. In applications
distortions in the hiring process. Because audit to 171 employers, the white tester received a
partners are matched on all characteristics that callback or job offer 31.0 percent of the time,
are most directly relevant to hiring decisions compared with a positive response rate of 25.2
(e.g., education, work experience, and physical percent for Latinos and 15.2 percent for blacks.
attributes), employers may be forced to privilege These results show a clear racial hierarchy, with
relatively minor characteristics simply out of whites in the lead, followed by Latinos, and
necessity to break a tie (Heckman 1998:111). If blacks trailing behind.
employers care only marginally about race, but Figure 1b shows the contrasts between the
are confronted with applicants equal on all other three race groups. Once we adjust for employ-
dimensions, this single characteristic may take er and tester effects, the confidence interval for
on greater significance than it would under nor- the white-Latino ratio of 1.23 includes one.10 By
mal circumstances when evaluating real appli- contrast, the white-black ratio of 2.04 is sub-
cants who differ according to multiple stantively large and statistically significant. The
dimensions. positive response rate for blacks is also signif-
The design of our study, which focuses on the icantly lower than the rate for Latinos. The
early stages of the hiring process, avoids situa- points in the figure show the cross-validation
tions in which employers must choose only a results obtained by sequentially dropping cases
single applicant. By using callbacks as one of associated with each individual tester. All ratios
our key dependent variables, we include cases remain consistently greater than one, indicating
that represent an employers first pass at appli- that employers treat blacks less positively
cant screening.9 Indeed, recent surveys suggest
that employers interview an average of six to
10 In a model pooling cases from the two teams,

with main effects for team and criminal background,

9 Positive responses recorded in this study were the white-Latino gap becomes statistically significant.
fairly evenly split between callbacks and job offers. The generality of this result certainly deserves more
Employers who made offers on-the-spot were typi- study. The Puerto Ricans of New York that our Latino
cally hiring more than one applicant, thus similarly testers represent are a longstanding community of
avoiding a situation in which a forced-choice becomes U.S. citizens. In other local labor markets, where
necessary. In fact, rates of job offers were more even- markers of citizenship and accent are more prominent
ly distributed by race relative to callbacks (see Tables sources of difference, evidence of ethnic discrimi-
A1 and A2). nation may be stronger.

Figure 1. Positive Response Rates and Paired Comparisons by Race and Ethnicity
Notes: Positive responses refer to callbacks or job offers. Hollow circles in Figure 1b indicate point estimates of the
ratio. Solid circles indicate ratios obtained by sequentially dropping testers from the analysis. We estimated 95 per-
cent confidence intervals from a hierarchical logistic regression with employer and tester random effects. Number
of employers = 171.

regardless of which testers are applying for parison; yet the white applicant with a crimi-
jobs. Overall, these results indicate that, rela- nal record still does just as well, if not better,
tive to equally qualified blacks, employers sig- than his minority counterparts with no crimi-
nif icantly prefer white and Latino job nal background.
applicants. The findings suggest that a black Figure 2b shows that the white-Latino ratio
applicant has to search twice as long as an is close to one and the confidence interval
equally qualified white applicant before receiv- overlaps one by a large margin. The white-
ing a callback or job offer from an employer. black ratio is now a statistically insignificant
The results from this first comparison indi- 1.32, compared with a significant ratio of 2.04
cate employers strong racial preferences, but when the white tester had a clean record. As in
the magnitude of this preference remains some- the previous experiment, Latinos were pre-
what abstract. To calibrate the effects of race ferred to blacks, but here the difference is not
against another stigmatized category, the ex- significant. As before, the cross-validation
offender, we repeated the experiment, this time treatment effects, obtained by dropping
assigning a criminal record to the white tester. employers associated with one particular tester,
Figure 2a shows the percentage of positive are all close to one. These results indicate that,
responsesjob offers or callbacksreceived regardless of which testers were sent into the
by each tester. In this experiment, whites with field, employers differentiated little among the
criminal records obtained positive responses in three applicant groups.
17.2 percent of 169 job applications, com- The comparison of a white felon with black
pared with 15.4 percent for Latinos and 13.0 and Latino applicants with clean backgrounds
percent for blacks.11 The white testers racial provides a vivid calibration of the effects of
advantage narrows substantially in this com- race on hiring decisions. While ex-offenders
are disadvantaged in the labor market relative
11 to applicants with no criminal background, the
The overall rate of positive responses is lower
for all testers relative to the results presented in stigma of a felony conviction appears to be no
Figure 1. This is likely due to the staggered fielding greater than that of minority status. Replicating
of teams and resulting differences in the composition earlier results from Milwaukee (Pager 2003),
of employers audited across the two time periods. these findings suggest that New York employ-

(clean record) (clean record)

Figure 2. Positive Response Rates and Paired Comparisons by Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal
Notes: Positive responses refer to callbacks or job offers. Hollow circles in Figure 2b indicate point estimates of the
ratio. Solid circles indicate ratios obtained by sequentially dropping testers from the analysis. We estimated 95 per-
cent confidence intervals from a hierarchical logistic regression with employer and tester random effects. Number
of employers = 169.

ers view minority applicants as essentially RACE AT WORK: AN EXAMINATION OF

equivalent to whites just out of prison. INTERACTIONS BETWEEN APPLICANTS AND
Theories of statistical discrimination point EMPLOYERS
to the very high incarceration rates among The strong evidence of hiring discrimination
young black men as a key explanation for from the field experiment provides a clear
employers indifference between white felons measure of the continuing significance of race
in employer decision making. These numbers,
and blacks with potentially unobserved crimi- however, tell us little about the process by which
nal histories. Current estimates suggest that race comes to matter. Fortunately, the in-person
roughly 18 percent of young black men with design of the experiment allows us to further
high school degrees will experience incarcera- supplement the experimental findings with qual-
itative evidence from testers field notes that
tion by their early 30s (Pettit and Western 2004),
report their interactions in job interviews. These
and a larger fraction surely have lower level detailed narratives describe employers delib-
convictions and arrests. Still, the fact that known erations and suggest some of the ways race
information about a white applicants serious comes into play during employment interac-
criminal conviction is viewed with no more tions.
Our analysis examines cases in which testers
concern than the assumed characteristics of a
had sufficient interaction with employers for
young black man points to the strength and content coding. Consistent with the notion that
intensity of contemporary racial attitudes. contemporary forms of discrimination are large-
Overcoming these negative expectations, even ly subtle and covert, many cases contain little
for a candidate with otherwise appealing char- that would lead us to anticipate the differential
treatment that followed. Of those that do, how-
acteristics, requires the negotiation of a number ever, we observe several consistent patterns in
of significant hurdles not present for white job employers responses. In particular, three cate-
seekers. gories of behavior stand out, which we refer to

here as: categorical exclusion, shifting stan- CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION

dards, and race-coded job channeling. The first
Few interactions between our testers and
type of behavior, categorical exclusion, is char- employers revealed signs of racial animus or
acterized by an immediate or automatic rejec- hostility toward minority applicants. At the same
tion of the black (or minority) candidate in favor time, a close comparison of test partners expe-
of a white applicant. Occurring early in the riences shows a number of cases in which race
application process, these decisions involve lit- appears to be the sole or primary criterion for
tle negotiated interaction but appear to reflect an employers decision. With little negotiation
a fairly rigid application of employers racial or deliberation over the selection decision, these
preferences or beliefs. A second category of employers decisions seem to reflect a preex-
behavior, shifting standards, reflects a more isting judgment regarding the adequacy or desir-
ability of a minority candidate. The
dynamic process of decision making. Here we
uncompromising nature of the employers deci-
observe cases in which employers evaluations sion can be characterized as a form of categor-
of applicants appear actively shaped or con- ical exclusion.
structed through a racial lens, with similar qual- A clear-cut case of categorical exclusion was
ifications or deficits taking on varying relevance provided when all three testers applied for a
depending on an applicants race. Finally, a third warehouse worker position and received a per-
category of behavior moves beyond the hiring functory decision. Zuri, one of our black testers,
decision to a focus on job placement. Race- reported: The original woman who had herd-
based job channeling represents a process by ed us in told us that when we finished filling out
which minority applicants are steered toward the application we could leave because theres
particular job types, often those characterized no interview today, guys! .|.|. When I made it
across the street to the bus stop .|.|. the woman
by greater physical demands and reduced cus-
who had collected our completed applications
tomer contact. pointed in the direction of Simon, Josue, and
By observing the interactions that character- myself [the three test partners] motioning for us
ize each of these behavior types, we gain a rare to return. All three of us went over.|.|.|. She
glimpse into the processes by which discrimi- looked at me and told me she needed to speak
nation takes place. At the same time, we empha- to these two and that I could go back. Zuri
size that this discussion is intended as a returned to the bus stop, while his white and
descriptive exercise rather than a formal causal Latino test partners were both asked to come
analysis. Indeed, the categories we identify are back at 5 p.m. that day to start work. Simon, the
not mutually exclusive; some of the same white tester, reported, She said she told the
other people that we needed to sign something
processes may be operating simultaneously,
that thats why she called us overso as not to
with employers shifting evaluations of applicant let them know she was hiring us. She seemed
skills leading to different patterns of job chan- pretty concerned with not letting anyone else
neling, or assumptions about the appropriate know.
race of the incumbent of a particular position In this context, with no interview and virtu-
leading to forms of categorical exclusion. ally no direct contact with the employer, we
Likewise, this typology cannot account for all observe a decision that appears to be based on
of the differential treatment we observeat little other than race. The job is a manual posi-
least half of the employer decisions were made tion for which Zuri is at least as able, yet he is
on the basis of little or no personal contact readily passed over in favor of his white and
between applicant and employer, leaving the Latino counterparts.
This case is unusual in that three testers were
nature of the decision entirely unobserved. With
rarely present at a given location at the same
these caveats in mind, we nevertheless view the time. More often, we found evidence of differ-
analysis as providing a unique contribution to ential treatment only after comparing the testers
the study of racial discrimination, revealing reports side by side. Here again, we observed
mechanisms at work that observational research several hiring decisions in which race appeared
can rarely identify. to be the sole or primary source of differentia-

tion. In one example, the three testers inquired positive response when his white or Latino part-
about a sales position at a retail clothing store. ner did not.12
Joe, one of our black testers, reported that, [the These cases of categorical exclusion,
employer] said the position was just filled and although directly observed in only a small num-
that she would be calling people in for an inter- ber of audits (5 of the 47 cases of differential
view if the person doesnt work out. Josue, his treatment across the two teams), reveal one
Latino test partner, was told something very form of discrimination in which racial consid-
similar: She informed me that the position was erations appear relatively fixed and unyield-
already filled, but did not know if the hired ing.13 Before black (or minority) candidates
employee would work out. She told me to leave have the chance to demonstrate their qualifica-
my rsum with her. By contrast, Simon, their tions, they are weeded out on the basis of a sin-
white test partner, who applied last, had a gle categorical distinction.
notably different experience: I asked what the Categorical exclusion represents one impor-
hiring process wasif theyre taking applica- tant form of discrimination. While these rather
tions now, interviewing, etc. She looked at my abrupt interactions reveal little about the under-
lying motivation that drives employers deci-
application. You can start immediately? Yes.
sions, they do demonstrate the sometimes rigid
Can you start tomorrow?Yes. 10 a.m. She was
barriers facing minority job seekers. In these
very friendly and introduced me to another
cases, black (or minority) applicants are dis-
woman (white, 28) at the cash register who will
couraged or dismissed at the outset of the
be training me. employment process, leaving little opportunity
A similar case arose a few weeks later at an for a more nuanced review.
electronics store. Joe, the black tester, was
allowed to complete an application but was told
that his references would have to be checked SHIFTING STANDARDS
before he could be interviewed. Meanwhile, Making it past the initial point of contact was
Simon and Josue, his white and Latino partners, not the only hurdle facing minority applicants.
applied shortly afterward and were interviewed Indeed, among those who recorded more exten-
on the spot. Joes references were never called, sive interaction with employers, we observe a
while Simon received a callback two days later complex set of racial dynamics at work. On the
offering him the job. one hand, personal contact with employers was
When evaluated individually, these interac- associated with significantly improved out-
tions do not indicate racial prejudice or dis- comes for all testers and a narrowing of the
crimination. Side by side, however, we see that racial gap (see Appendix, Table A1). The testers
minority applicants encounter barriers not pres- interpersonal skills seemed to reduce the influ-
ent for the white applicant, with employers cit-
ing excuses for putting off the black or minority
candidate (e.g., the job has already been filled 12 In an additional 13 cases, both white and Latino
or wed have to check your references before
testers received positive responses; in seven cases, the
we can proceed) that appear not to apply for the Latino tester alone was selected (see Appendix,
white applicant. To be sure, certain cases may Table A2).
capture random errorperhaps a position 13 The denominator of 47 represents the total num-
became available between the testers visits, or ber of cases of black-white differential treatment
an employer was otherwise preoccupied when from the first (N = 28) and second (N = 19) teams.
one applicant arrived but not another, leading to In calculating the numerator, we do not include a
the employers differential response. Still, the number of additional cases of differential treatment
consistency of the pattern in these data sug- resulting from applications in which there was little
gests that random error is unlikely to be a dom- or no personal contact between testers and the
employer (rates of personal contact were similar by
inant factor. Indeed, of the 171 tests conducted race of tester). In such cases, differential treatment
by the first team (no criminal background), may reflect categorical exclusion (based on a visual
white testers were singled out for callbacks or assessment of the candidate), shifting standards
job offers 15 times, whereas there was only a (based on a review of the completed applications),
single case in which a black tester received a random error, or something else.

ence of racial bias, or at least did not exacerbate black tester, found that they are only looking
it. Yet, even in the context of this more person- for experienced line cooks. Joe wrote, I start-
alized review, we see evidence of subtle bias in ed to try and convince him to give me a chance
the evaluation of applicant qualifications. In but he cut me off and said I didnt qualify.
particular, a number of cases reveal how testers None of the testers had direct experience with
objective qualifications appear to be reinter- kitchen work, but the white and Latino appli-
preted through the lens of race. Although testers cants were viewed as viable prospects while
rsums were matched on education and work the black applicant was rejected because he
experience, some employers seemed to weigh lacked experience.
qualifications differently depending on the In other cases, employers perceived real skill
applicants race. In the following interactions, or experience differences among applicants
we see evidence that the same deficiencies of despite the fact that the testers rsums were
skill or experience appear to be more disquali- designed to convey identical qualifications. In
fying for the minority job seekers (N = 11). one example, the testers applied for a job at a
In one case, Joe, a black tester, was not moving company. Joe, the black applicant, spoke
allowed to apply for a sales position due to his with the employer about his prior experience as
lack of direct experience. He reported, [The a stockperson at a moving truck company, but
employer] handed me back my rsum and told [the employer] told me that he couldnt use me
me they didnt have any positions to offer me because he is looking for someone with mov-
.|.|. that I needed a couple years of experience. ing experience. Josue, his Latino partner, pre-
The employer voiced similar concerns with sented his experience as a stocker at a delivery
Josue and Kevin, Joes Latino and white part- company and reported a similar reaction, He
ners. Josue wrote, After a few minutes of wait- then told me that since I have no experience .|.|.
ing .|.|. I met with [the employer] who looked there is nothing he could do for me. Simon,
over my rsum. He said that he was a little wor- their white test partner, presented identical qual-
ried that I would not be able to do the work. ifications, but the employer responded more
Kevin reported an even stronger reaction: [The favorably: To be honest, were looking for
employer] looked at my rsum and said, There someone with specific moving experience. But
is absolutely nothing here that qualifies you for because youve worked for [a storage company],
this position. Yet, despite their evident lack of that has a little to do with moving. He wanted
qualifications, Kevin and Josue were offered the me to come in tomorrow between 10 and 11.
sales job and asked to come back the next morn- The employer is consistent in his preference
ing. In interactions with all three testers, the for workers with relevant prior experience, but
employer clearly expressed his concern over he is willing to apply a more flexible, inclusive
the applicants lack of relevant work experi- standard in evaluating the experience of the
ence. This lack of experience was not grounds white candidate than in the case of the minori-
for disqualification for the white and Latino ty applicants. Employers shifting standards,
candidates, whereas the black applicant was offering more latitude to marginally skilled
readily dismissed. white applicants than to similarly qualified
When applying for a job as a line cook at a minorities, suggest that even the evaluation of
midlevel Manhattan restaurant, the three testers objective information can be affected by
encountered similar concerns about their lack underlying racial considerations.
of relevant experience. Josue, the Latino tester, Even in cases where the white tester pre-
reported, [The employer] then asked me if I had sented as a felon, we see some evidence that this
any prior kitchen or cooking experience. I told applicant was afforded the benefit of the doubt
him that I did not really have any, but that I in ways that his minority counterparts were not.
worked alongside cooks at [my prior job as a In applying at an auto dealership, for example,
server]. He then asked me if I had any knife the three testers met with very different reac-
experience and I told him no.|.|.|. He told me he tions. Joe, the black tester, was informed at the
would give me a try and wanted to know if I was outset that the only available positions were for
available this coming Sunday at 2 p.m. Simon, people with direct auto sales experience. When
his white test partner, was also invited to come Josue, his Latino partner, applied, the lack of
back for a trial period. By contrast, Joe, the direct auto sales experience was less of a prob-

lem. Josue reported, He asked me if I had any In one case, Zuri, a black tester, applied for a
customer service experience and I said not real- sales position at a lighting store that had a sign
ly.|.|.|. He then told me that he wanted to get rid in the front window stating Salesperson
of a few bad apples who were not performing Wanted. Zuri described the following interac-
well. He asked me when I could start. Josue was tion: When she asked what position I was look-
told to wait for a callback on Monday. When the ing for I said I was open, but that since they were
employer interviewed Keith, their white ex- looking for a salesperson I would be interested
felon test partner, he gave him a stern lecture in that. She smiled, put her head in her hand and
regarding his criminal background. The employ- her elbow on the table and said, I need a stock
er warned, I have no problem with your con- boy. Can you do stock boy? Zuris white and
viction, it doesnt bother me. But if I find out Latino test partners, by contrast, were each able
money is missing or youre not clean or not to apply for the advertised sales position.
showing up on time I have no problem ending Another black tester, Joe, was similarly chan-
the relationship. Despite the employers con- neled out of a customer service position in his
cerns, Keith was offered the job on the spot. The application to a Japanese restaurant. Joe report-
benefit of the doubt conferred by whiteness ed, I told her I was there to apply for the wait-
persists here, even in the context of a white er position and she told me that there were no
applicant just released from prison. server positions. I told her it was advertised in
A pattern in these interactions, when com- the paper, and she said there must have been a
pared side by side, is the use of double stan- mistake. She said all she had available was a
dardsseeking higher qualifications from busboy position. I told her since there was no
blacks than non-blacks, or viewing whites as waiter position, I would apply for the busboy.
more qualified than minorities who present Later that day, Kevin, his white test partner,
equivalent rsums. Recent research empha- was hired for the server position on the spot.
sizes employers use of race as a proxy for dif- We also observed channeling of the Latino
ficult-to-observe productivity characteristics testers. Josues fieldnotes of an audit at a cloth-
(Moss and Tilly 2001; Waldinger and Lichter ing retailer begin by describing the young
2003). Where we have detailed field notes on white 20-something women running the place.
job interviews, the interactions we observe sug- One of the women interviewed him, asked about
gest that employers also use race in interpreting past work experience, and asked which job he
and weighing observable skill characteristics. was applying for. I told her sales associate,
Standards appear to shift as employers evaluate Josue reported, and he presented a rsum on
various applicants qualifications differently which the most recent job listed was as a sales
depending on their race or ethnicity (see also assistant at a sporting goods store. She then told
Biernat and Kobrynowicz 1997; Yarkin, Town, me that there was a stock position and asked if
and Wallston 1982). I would be interested in that. Josue was offered
the stocker job and asked to start the next day.
RACE-CODED JOB CHANNELING In many cases, these instances of channeling
are coded as positive responses in the initial
The first two categories of differential treat- analyses. While our key concern is about access
ment focus on the decision to hire. Beyond this to employment of any kind, this general focus
binary decision, employers also face decisions masks another form of racial bias at work. A
about where to place a worker within the organi- closer analysis of the testers experiences sug-
zational hierarchy. Here, at the point of job gests that decisions about job placement, like
placement, we observe a third category of dif- hiring more generally, often follow a racial
ferential treatment. In our review of the testers logic. We coded all instances of job channeling
experiences, we noticed that applicants were across both our teams and counted 53 cases
sometimes encouraged to apply for different (compared with 172 positive responses). By
jobs than the ones initially advertised or about comparing the original job title to the suggest-
which they had inquired. In many cases, these ed job type, we then categorized these cases as
instances of channeling suggest a race-coding downward channeling, upward channeling, lat-
of job types, whereby employers prefer whites eral channeling, or unknown. We define down-
for certain positions and minorities for others. ward channeling as (1) a move from a job

involving contact with customers to a job with- Table 1. Job Channeling by Race
out (e.g., from server to busboy), (2) a move
Original Job Title Suggested Job
from a white-collar position to a manual posi-
tion (e.g., from sales to stocker), or (3) a move Blacks Channeled Down X
in which hierarchy is clear (e.g., from supervi- Server Busser
sor to line worker). We define upward chan- Counter person Dishwasher/porter
Server Busboy
neling as a move in the opposite direction. We
Assistant manager Entry fast-food position
focus on these two types of channeling for our Server Busboy/runner
current analysis. After eliminating cases in Retail sales Maintenance
which all testers within a team were similarly Counter person Delivery
channeled, we have 23 additional cases of dif- Sales Stockboy
ferential treatment that were not recorded by our Sales Not specifieda
initial measurement of job offers and callbacks.
Like hiring criteria, job placement is also Latinos Channeled Down
Server Runner
patterned by race (see Table 1). Black applicants Sales Stock
were channeled into lower positions in nine Steam cleaning Exterminator
cases, Latinos were channeled down in five Counter person Delivery
cases, and whites experienced downward chan- Sales Stock person
neling in only one case. Many of these cases
were restaurant jobs in which the tester applied Whites Channeled Down
for a position as a server but was steered to a job Server Busboy
as a busboy or dishwasher. In almost all cases,
Latinos Channeled Up
the original position required extensive cus- Carwash attendant Manager
tomer contact while the suggested position did Warehouse worker Computer/office
not (e.g., salesperson to stocker). Testers were
sometimes guided into lower positions because Whites Channeled Up
their rsums indicated limited work experi- Line cook Waitstaff
ence, but racial differences in channeling sug- Mover Office/telesales
gest that insufficient work experience was more Dishwasher Waitstaff
Driver Auto detailing
penalizing for minorities than for whites. The Kitchen job Front of the house job
one case of downward channeling among white Receptionist Company supervisor
applicants involved a tester presenting with a
Note: This table includes all cases of upward and
criminal background. downward channeling, except when all testers on a
In fact, whites were more often channeled up team were channeled similarly.
than down. In at least six cases, white testers a Employer told tester that sales might not be right

were encouraged to apply for jobs that were of for you.

a higher-level or required more customer con-
tact than the initial position they inquired about.
In one case, the white tester was even encour- with the testers field notes, employers appear
aged to apply for a supervisory position, despite to apply more stringent hiring criteria to minor-
limited work experience. Kevin reported: [The ity workers, preferring whites for jobs that
employer] then asked me if I had any experience require greater skill or responsibility. In addi-
in construction. I told him I did not. He asked tion, minorities are disproportionately chan-
if I would be okay working with people that have neled out of customer service positions,
thick accents like his. I told him that was fine. consistent with other research in which employ-
He then told me that he wanted me to be his new
ers view minority applicants as lacking com-
company supervisor.
Employers appear to have strong views about munication skills or as otherwise discomfiting
what kind of person is appropriate for what for customers. Although our testers presented
kind of job, based either on their own assump- highly effective styles of interpersonal com-
tions of worker competence or assumptions munication, the cursory review process for these
about what their clients expect or prefer in the jobs often leaves group membership more
appearance of those serving them. Consistent salient than any individuating characteristics.

Figure 3. Discrimination at Three Decision Points

The three types of differential treatment we cal exclusion represent one of the most extreme
observe illustrate how employers enact their forms of discrimination, wherein minority appli-
racial preferences in the hiring process. Rather cants have little opportunity to overcome
than outward hostility or racial animus, we see employers potential concerns. By contrast, a
more subtle forms of discouragement or rejec- larger number of interactions suggest a more
tion. At multiple points in the hiring process, complicated set of negotiations at play. In eval-
black (or Latino) applicants face additional hur- uating applicant qualifications, minority appli-
dles or barriers that reduce their chances of cants, and black men in particular, appear to be
employment and affect the quality of jobs for held to a higher standard than their white coun-
which they are considered. Figure 3 illustrates terparts. Black men are disqualified more read-
the processes identified in the preceding dis- ily, or hired more reluctantly, than their white
cussion. At each of the three decision points, we partners with identical skills and experience.
see pathways deflected by various forms of Furthermore, racialized assessments of applicant
racial bias. Subtle differences in employers quality and fit affect not only the decision to
responsesoften imperceptible to the appli- hire, but also decisions about job placement,
cants themselvesproduce a pattern of out- with minority applicants more often channeled
comes systematically affected by race. into positions involving less skill or customer
Complementing the quantitative indicators contact. Together, these experiences illustrate
of differential treatment, these qualitative obser- how racial disadvantage is dynamically con-
structed and reinforced, with the assessment of
vations provide a rare window into the process-
applicant qualifications and suitability subject
es by which discrimination occurs. The three
to interpretation and bias. While not an exhaus-
categories of differential treatment observed in
tive catalogue of discrimination experiences,
these data point to the range of experiences that
the fact that these dynamics are observed in
constitute discrimination in the employment
natural settings (with little prompting) attests to
process.14 In a small number of cases, minori- their relative frequency and regularity. Our
ty testers were disqualified early on in deci- testers experiences suggest how race shapes
sions that appear to reflect employers fairly employers evaluations in subtle but systemat-
rigid preferences. These instances of categori- ic ways, with important implications for struc-
turing opportunity along racial lines.
14 To be sure, our study captures only a few of the
many pathways in the employment process that are DISCUSSION
potentially affected by racial bias. Beyond our win-
Sending trained testers with equivalent rsums
dow of observation, the pathways of this diagram
to apply for entry-level jobs reveals clear evi-
would presumably continue along later points in the
employment process, including wage-setting deci- dence of discrimination among low-wage
sions, training opportunities, promotion, and termi- employers in New York City. Blacks were only
nation decisions. This research represents one half as likely to receive a callback or job offer
incremental contribution to understandingand doc- relative to equally qualified whites; moreover,
umentingthe varied decision points that may be black and Latino applicants with clean back-
affected by race. grounds fared no better than a white applicant

just released from prison. The magnitude of ty obligations of large firms (Dobbin et al.
these racial disparities provides vivid evidence 1993). Nevertheless, our sampled employers
of the continuing significance of race in con- well represent the kinds of low-skill service
temporary low-wage labor markets. There is a work that dominate low-wage urban labor mar-
racial hierarchy among young men favoring kets.
whites, then Latinos, and finally blacks as the A second limitation on the generalizability of
candidates of last resort. our findings results from our sampling proce-
The episodes of discrimination recorded in dures based on classified advertisements.
this study were seldom characterized by overt Surveys of job seekers suggest that 25 to 30 per-
racism or hostility. In fact, our testers rarely cent of low skill jobs are filled by classified ads;
perceived any signs of clear prejudice. It was the remainder are filled through some combi-
only through side-by-side comparisons of our nation of network referrals, walk-in applica-
testers experiences that patterns of subtle but tions, and employment agencies (Holzer 1987).
consistent differential treatment were revealed. These search strategies may generate a differ-
Minority applicants were disqualified more ent distribution of employers from that report-
readily and hired more reluctantly than their ed here. Some argue that the focus on jobs
white partners with identical skills and experi- advertised through metropolitan newspapers
ence. Additionally, black and Latino applicants understates the extent of discrimination. Firms
were routinely channeled into positions requir- that wish to discriminate, it is argued, are more
ing less customer contact and more manual likely to advertise job openings through more
work than their white counterparts. In interac- restrictive channels, such as networks of exist-
tions between applicants and employers, we see ing employees, employment agencies, or more
a small number of cases that reflect employers selective publications (Elliott 2000; Fix and
seemingly rigid racial preferences. More often, Struyk 1993; Petersen, Saporta, and Seidel
differential treatment emerged in the social 2000). Others, by contrast, argue that any ran-
interaction of the job interview. Employers dom sample of employers will overstate the
appeared to see more potential in the stated extent of discrimination actually experienced by
qualifications of white applicants, and they job seekers. If minority applicants can identify
more commonly viewed white applicants as a and avoid firms that discriminate, the actual
better fit for more desirable jobs. incidence of labor market discrimination will be
Our findings of discrimination are particu- correspondingly reduced (Becker 1957;
larly striking because the testers in this study Heckman 1998).
represent a best-case scenario for low-wage job Of course, minority workers ability to avoid
seekers. The testers were college-educated the effects of discrimination by self-selecting
young men with effective styles of self-presen- into nondiscriminatory firms requires that a
tation. Although posing as high school gradu- sufficient number of nondiscriminatory employ-
ates with more limited skills, these young men ers exist; that there are no differences in the qual-
stood well above the typical applicant for these ity of jobs offered by employers who are more
low-wage jobs. The effects of race among indi- and less likely to discriminate; and that the
viduals with fewer hard and soft skill advantages search costs necessary to locate nondiscrimi-
may well be larger than those estimated here. natory employers are trivial. Future research
At the same time, while we find robust evi- using microdata to track the search patterns and
dence of racial discrimination, we should be outcomes of black and white job seekers could
careful not to interpret these results as showing better address these issues. From our data, we
the level of discrimination actively experienced can safely conclude that job searches across a
by minority job seekers in the New York labor wide range of employers represented by the
market. Our sampling design, based on employ- classified ads of five New York newspapers
ers, not workers, over-represents small firms reveal substantial discrimination. Understanding
relative to their share of employment. The sam- how job seekers adapt to this reality remains a
ple includes many restaurants and independent challenge for future research.
retailers for whom hiring is less bureaucratic, Our findings for the New York City labor
and who lack the human resource departments market add to evidence of racial discrimina-
that manage the equal employment opportuni- tion in employment reported from recent field

experiments in Milwaukee, Boston, and Chicago force participationincluding the discouraging

(Bertrand and Mullainathan 2004; Pager 2003). effects of discriminationwage estimates can
The significant evidence of discrimination account for only one incomplete picture of the
found in these studies contrasts sharply with larger employment process.
recent survey research showing small racial dif- Our findings add to a large research program
ferences in wages (Farkas and Vicknair 1996; demonstrating the continuing contribution of
Neal and Johnson 1996). How might these dis- discrimination to racial inequality in the post-
parate findings be reconciled? First, as noted civil rights era. Still, significant questions
above, the presence of discrimination in the remain unanswered. The audit experiment nec-
labor market may lead workers to differential- essarily focuses on employers hiring behav-
ly sort across employers, such that minority job iors but does not examine the skills, preferences,
seekers queue for jobs offered by employers and networks of job seekers. We do not know,
who are less likely to discriminate. These and few research designs have been devised to
dynamics can lead to longer search or wait test, the relative magnitude of the effects of dis-
times for minority job seekers, which might not crimination compared with the effects of human
be reflected in ultimate wage offers. Indeed, and social capital. Such an analysis would need
data from the late 1990s show that the unem-
to study both employers as they screen job appli-
ployment spells of black men (3.1 months) are
cants and workers as they search for jobs.
about twice as long as those for whites (1.6
The effects of discrimination, relative to
months) (Gottschalck 2003:2). This suggests
human and social capital, should also be defined
that the primary effects of discrimination on
broadly. As evidence of discrimination in the
labor market outcomes may be reflected in
employment differentials rather than wages.15 post-civil rights era accumulates, new research
Second, the experience of discrimination may should go beyond determining whether dis-
add to the psychic costs of the job search crimination is present to consider how the effects
process, prompting some to opt out altogether. of discrimination unfold over the life cycle and
If discrimination discourages all but the most across social space. Episodes of discrimination
motivated and able black job seekers, black may not only cause unemployment at one point
wage earners would represent an increasingly in time, but may have long-term effects that
select group. Since the 1990s, increasing num- weaken minority workers attachment to the
bers of young black men have dropped out of labor market and reduce labor force participa-
the formal labor market, contributing to an arti- tion. Discrimination may produce broad cul-
ficial convergence of black and white wages tural effects in which work itself is
(Western and Pettit 2005). Without effectively de-legitimated as a fair source of opportunity.
accounting for the processes that precede labor The effects of discrimination may also vary
across the population, concentrating perhaps
among the young men whose employment rates
are lowest. Tracing these larger and more var-
Johnson and Neal (1998), for example, find ied effects of discrimination show both the
that after controlling for cognitive ability and other
advantages and limits of the experimental
human capital characteristics, black-white differ-
ences in employment among young men remain large method used here. The experiment allows us to
and statistically significant. The importance of infer discrimination with great certainty, but
employment over wages for racial inequality in eco- the effects of discrimination are narrowly
nomic status is likely to be especially great for young defined. The broader effects of discrimination
non-college-educated men, for whom the overall on the cultural dimensions of economic life and
level of wage dispersion is low. Later in the life over the life courseare harder to pinpoint but
course, as wage dispersion increases and labor force may indicate more fundamental and intractable
experience accumulates, the racial wage gap becomes inequalities. A research agenda that includes
more pronounced (Tomaskovic-Devey, Thomas, and
Johnson 2005). For a historical example, see Whatley
these wider consequences would be less skep-
(1990), who shows that despite the substantial racial tical that discrimination exists and more curious
barriers to employment that existed among Northern about its continuing effects on not just employ-
firms after World War I, blacks and whites experi- ment inequality, but on American race relations
enced remarkably similar wage rates. more broadly.

Devah Pager is an Associate Professor of Sociology stantial personal contact. Here we see some evi-
and Faculty Associate of the Office of Population dence that personal contact reduces racial dis-
Research at Princeton University. Her book, Marked: parities in employment, consistent with the
Race, Crime, and Finding Work in an Era of Mass
notion that individualizing information can help
Incarceration, investigates the racial and economic
consequences of large scale imprisonment for con- offset the effects of negative stereotypes.
temporary U.S. labor markets. The bottom half of Table A1 presents these
same comparisons for the team in which the
Bruce Western is Professor of Sociology and direc-
white applicants presented evidence of a felony
tor of the Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality and
Social Policy at Harvard University. conviction. Across these comparisons, we find
treatment effects close to zero, supporting the
Bart Bonikowski is a PhD candidate in sociology at finding that employers did not distinguish
Princeton University. In addition to his work on strat-
ification, he is completing a project that compares
strongly between whites with criminal records
popular conceptions of the nation among the popu- and minority job seekers without. In short, these
lations of 30 countries. results indicate a large racial preference among
New York employers for white job applicants
APPENDIX over black applicants, smaller preference for
whites over Latinos and Latinos over blacks, and
ROBUSTNESS CHECKS little difference between white felons and
We examine the robustness of our primary minorities with clean backgrounds. All results
results by looking at racial and ethnic contrasts are robust to tester effects and experimental
for different subsets of the data (Table A1). effects and appear to be roughly uniform across
Although small numbers in certain cells lead to New York City.
some instability in estimates, these breakdowns
can examine the consistency of effects across the RESULTS BY TESTER TEAMS
full range of the sample. To account for learn-
In the course of fielding two three-person teams
ing or adaptation by the testers, we estimate
of testers, we used 10 different testers: two
effects for the first and second halves of the
experimental period. In each period, whites and Latinos, four blacks, and four whites. In each
Latinos received significantly more positive three-person team consisting of a white, a black,
responses than did blacks, and whites received and a Latino, we combined the 10 testers into
slightly more positive responses than did six different unique combinations. Before pool-
Latinos. To examine whether our results depend ing the data across combinations of testers,
strongly on any particular area within New York, Heckman and Siegelman (1993) recommend
we separate the experimental effects by location. testing for the homogeneity of responses across
Over half the audited employers were located in combinations. The columns in Table A2 repre-
Manhattan. We found the pattern of black dis- sent mutually exclusive outcomes; overall
advantage throughout Manhattan and in the response rates by race can be calculated by
outer boroughs. To examine whether the first summing all columns in which a given race
tester sent to an employer was more likely to be group is represented. A chi-square test within
successful, we randomized the order in which each team fails to reject the null hypothesis of
testers were sent. Experimental effects are sim- homogeneity across combinations. With this
ilar regardless of which tester interviewed first. evidence of homogeneity, we report treatment
Finally, we compare the outcomes of audits in effects pooled across testers. Table A2 reports
which testers had little or no interaction with the the detailed experimental results for each unique
employer with those characterized by more sub- combination of testers.

Table A1.Percentage of Positive Responses and Race Differences, by Date, Employer Address,
and Race of First Tester

White Latino Black Race Differencesa

Subsample (N) (W) (L) (B) W/L W/B L/B
Total (171) 31.0 25.1 15.2 1.2 (.02) 2.0 (.00) 1.7 (.00)
Feb. 23 to April 7 (84) 29.8 23.8 9.5 1.3 (.08) 3.1 (.00) 2.5 (.00)
April 8 to July 16 (84) 33.3 27.4 21.4 1.2 (.04) 1.6 (.00) 1.3 (.05)
Below 34th St. (56) 23.2 21.4 12.5 1.1 (.31) 1.9 (.00) 1.7 (.03)
34th St. to 72nd St. (46) 30.4 21.7 17.4 1.4 (.02) 1.8 (.00) 1.3 (.15)
Above 72nd St. (18) 33.3 22.2 5.6 1.5 (.00) 6.0 (.00) 4.0 (.00)
Other (50) 40.0 34.0 20.0 1.2 (.12) 2.0 (.00) 1.7 (.00)
Race of First Tester
White (68) 27.9 23.5 10.3 1.2 (.11) 2.7 (.00) 2.3 (.00)
Black (45) 40.0 31.1 20.0 1.3 (.06) 2.0 (.00) 1.6 (.01)
Latino (53) 28.3 22.6 18.9 1.3 (.09) 1.5 (.00) 1.2 (.15)
Type of Positive Responsed
Callback (171) 12.9 9.9 2.9 1.3 (.10) 4.4 (.00) 3.4 (.00)
Job offer (171) 21.1 17.0 12.9 1.2 (.02) 1.6 (.00) 1.3 (.02)
Personal Contacte
No personal contact (46)f 10.9 6.5 0 1.7 (.09) >10.9 >6.5
Personal contact (65) 52.3 46.2 29.2 1.1 (.11) 1.8 (.00) 1.6 (.00)
White felon Latino Black Race Differencesa
Subsample (N) (Wf) (L) (B) Wf/L Wf/B L/B
Total (169) 17.2 15.4 13.0 1.1 (.25) 1.3 (.08) 1.2 (.17)
March 2 to April 13 (83) 16.9 13.3 10.8 1.3 (.16) 1.6 (.06) 1.2 (.21)
April 14 to Aug. 6 (82) 17.1 17.1 15.9 1.0 (.43) 1.1 (.35) 1.1 (.34)
Below 34th St. (51) 9.8 7.8 3.9 1.3 (.30) 2.5 (.05) 2.0 (.00)
34th St. to 72nd St. (46) 13.0 17.4 13.0 .8 (.74) 1.0 (.42) 1.3 (.14)
Above 72nd St. (7) 0 0 0
Other (62) 29.0 21.0 21.0 1.4 (.08) 1.4 (.09) 1.0 (.46)
Race of First Tester
White (53) 20.8 18.9 13.2 1.1 (.34) 1.6 (.13) 1.4 (.15)
Black (59) 18.6 15.3 15.3 1.2 (.20) 1.2 (.15) 1.0 (.39)
Latino (52) 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.0 (.44) 1.0 (.42) 1.0 (.41)
Type of Positive Responsed
Callback (169) 11.2 9.5 5.3 1.2 (.23) 2.1 (.01) 1.8 (.02)
Job offer (169) 5.9 6.5 7.7 .9 (.58) .8 (.77) .8 (.65)
Personal Contacte
No personal contact (75) 8.0 8.0 4.0 1.0 (.45) 2.0 (.09) 2.0 (.04)
Personal contact (39) 35.9 28.2 30.8 1.3 (.12) 1.2 (.24) .9 (.58)
a Numbers in parentheses are bootstrap p-values for a one-sided test of whether the ratio is less than or equal to
b Changes over time capture several possible effects: learning or adaptation by testers, compositional changes in

the types of employers brought into the sample at different points, and changes in the business cycle.
c Street addresses are for Manhattan.
d Because some testers received both a job offer and a subsequent callback, the sum of these two columns may be

greater than the total listed above (in which a positive response is calculated by the presence of a callback or a job
e Analyses of personal contact include only those cases in which all tester partners experienced personal con-

tact; the no personal contact analyses include cases in which none of the testers experienced personal contact.
This exclusion avoids any confounding effect of employers racial preferences as reflected in the decision to
f Because the response rate for blacks in this subsample is zero, ratios in which blacks are in the denominator are

undefined. For the purposes of this analysis, we represent this ratio as greater than the value of the numerator
over one.

Table A2.Detailed Experimental Results, by Unique Combination of Testers

Who Gets a Positive Response (percent)

Group All None W+L W+B L+B W L B N
White without criminal record (posterior predictive probability of statistic: .054)a
1 11 69.2 4.4 3.3 0 7.7 4.4 0 91
2 7.5 67.9 11.3 0 0 9.4 3.8 0 53
3 36.4 18.2 0 0 0 18.2 18.2 9.1 11
4 33.3 33.3 33.3 0 0 0 0 0 6
5 28.6 57.1 14.3 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 0 66.7 0 0 0 33.3 0 0 3
Total 12.9 63.7 7.6 1.8 0 8.8 4.7 .6 171
White with criminal record (posterior predictive probability of 2 statistic: .588)
1 3.7 75.3 2.5 2.5 1.2 7.4 4.9 2.5 81
2 4.9 56.1 2.4 2.4 7.3 14.6 7.3 4.9 41
3 2.8 77.8 8.3 2.8 2.8 2.8 0 2.8 36
4 0 60 0 0 20 0 20 0 5
5 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 25 4
6 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total 3.6 71.0 3.6 2.4 3.6 7.7 4.7 3.6 169
Note: W = white; L = Latino; B = black. Columns of Who Gets a Positive Response represent mutually exclu-
sive categories (i.e., rows sum to 100 percent). In the first experiment (no criminal record), there was only a
single case (group 3) in which a black tester received a callback when neither of his test partners received one.
a The chi-square test is undefined with marginal counts of zero. We calculate a posterior predictive p-value by

simulating counts under independence for nonzero cells.

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