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Donovan Dicks

English 9 Period 6
Jurassic Park Dialectic Journals

Journal 1
[] the island will quickly proceed to behave in unpredictable fashion [] There is a
problem with that island. It is an accident waiting to happen. Malcolm describing his theory of
the island (76).

The pages before this passage Malcolm is describing chaos theory, which explains things
such as weather patterns and other unpredictable events. He goes on explaining the scientific
theory, defining it, relating it to situations, until finally arriving at how it relates to the island.
Malcolm bases the assumption that the island is a disaster in hibernation off chaos theory, and
condemns the island. This passage serves a little bit of foreshadowing and creates suspense.
However I find it questionable that he bases his entire assumption off theory, and that he may
rely on science too much.

Journal 2
So our animals are all female. We tend to refer to some of them as male [] but in fact theyre
all female. And, believe me, they cant breed. Wu explaining the dinosaurs sex (109).

This passage really just surprises me as to why they dont have males. Wu states it is much easier
to create a female than a male, but surely one would want both the sexes for the purpose of science and
diversity, to have and observe the differences. I definitely feel like the genetics and the characteristics of
the dinosaurs will reappear multiple times and play a large part in the story. It still just surprises me that
they would want to keep it only female dinosaurs. Also Wu seems very sure of the dinosaurs and their
anatomy and expresses his intelligence confidently, possibly a little too confidently.

Journal 3
What is she afraid of? Malcolm whispered.
Probably another tyrannosaur, Grant whispered.
Malcolm and Grant discussing the tyrannosaur after she eats the goat. (148)

The defense and survival mechanisms of the dinosaurs are obviously still very much intact and
utilized. This passage makes me wonder about any previous encounters this tyrannosaur may have had
with others. Have these survival techniques of caution been used before? The environment seems to be
presenting as more of an observable real life, dinosaur survival area rather than a zoo or of something of
the sort. The behavior of the tyrannosaur shows that the animalistic traits still exist and thus they are a
potential danger. I feel like this is also a hint to what is to happen later in the story.

Journal 4
The idea of nature, red in tooth and claw was wrong description of the goat event (149)

This passage is really interesting to me. It discusses the real ways of predator and prey; the hunt
and their behavior. The predator spends plenty of time tracking and preparing for its attack on its prey,
carefully plotting every move. Despite all the preparation, the prey escapes most of the time. The predator
in this case does succeed; however, it treats its success with pride and respect as well as caution. The
tyrannosaur had just killed a goat, and claimed it as its own, but was also very watchful and careful about
others that might take away her reward. This part was very intriguing and I found it even poetic the way it
was described.

Journal 5
Its nothing to do with me. Its chaos theory. Malcolm discussing with Gennaro the sick
dinosaur (158)

I expected this theory would return later in the novel. So far it has been right though, and
Malcolms predictions are beginning to become a reality. Chaos theory continues to be proven correct and
is leading the journey; all of the unpredictable events change their plans. I find it slightly strange that
Malcolm has been correct so far basing his predictions entirely off theory, but then again the theory
makes perfect sense, so why shouldnt he be correct?

Journal 6
Because the history of evolution is that life breaks all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to
new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way. Malcolm and Gennaro
discussing the park and chaos theory (159)

This passage I also find very interesting. Malcolm is discussing the flaws of the park, and
alluding to what might happen because of this. He is completely right when he describes how different the
world is to the dinosaurs; theyve use millions of year old genes to create dinosaurs in a modern land.
This part appeals to me because of the deliverance of the reality, that things could go disastrously wrong.
The animals are born with the need to move, and will push their boundaries.

Journal 7
Slow, ominous strides, coming right toward them [] There was another crack of lightning, and
in that instant of glaring white light, Grant watched in horror as the tyrannosaur roared, and leapt
forward Description of the dinosaur attack (189)

These are good descriptions I feel. It reminds me a little of Maya Angelou. Theyre scary images
being painted with words, and effectively describing the situation. They convey the creepiness and the
intensity of the whole event and get the point across quite nicely. The descriptions describe both the
dinosaur and the surrounding effects.

Journal 8
You know, at times like this one feels, well, perhaps extinct animals should be left extinct
Malcolm adding a little to the dinosaur attack (189)

A little ironic, coming to the island to see the recreation of dinosaurs and ending up in a situation
where you wish they had just stayed extinct. Personally I agree with this statement, and I think bringing
back dinosaurs would be quite the disaster. Theres a little bit of humor with this, which is even more
humorous combined with the fact that its from a very serious and dangerous situation, giving a little
insight into Malcolms character.

Journal 9
Grant froze [] He was completely exposed [] still unmoving Grants behavior during the
attack (190)

Grants behavior stuns me, and whether he did it out of shock or thought it through, I think it was
a bad call. It seemed to work at first, but eventually it failed he was killed. If he had ran away, he couldve
possibly stood a better chance. Sure the tyrannosaur could have cough him while he was running but at
least he wouldnt have been standing there like a sitting a duck, just an easy target.

Journal 10
What was going on? [] What had happened? [] No, the tyrannosaur couldnt see him The
dinosaurs behavior during the attack (190-191)

This really astonishes me. The tyrannosaur does what it does like is portrayed in so many movies
and books, and this novel continues this image. The dinosaur cannot see things unless they make sudden
movements. So Grant is at first unseen, and lost to the tyrannosaur. However whats different is that the
tyrannosaur can tell theres something there, but it cant see it. Eventually the dinosaur catches on, and
grant is killed. I think this is a clever way of showing behavior for this type of situation and addressing
the question of sudden movements.

Journal 11
The dinosaur had spit on him The dinosaur attacking Nedry (196)

The dinosaur spitting is another example of the defensive or survival mechanisms that the
dinosaurs still have. They can defend themselves and live independently, just as before. This is posing as
quite a danger, because the humans have thus become invaders, the strange species to all others on the
island. The various characteristics that the dinosaurs possess will continue to make this an ever more
dangerous island.

Journal 12
[] a complete refusal to deal with the situation that now faced the park. [through rest of page]
Hammonds odd evasive bahvior (198-199)

Hammond is chosing to avoid the drastic dangers at hand. His ignorance is going to get people
killed and only increase the problems. He is hiding in his protective shell, shielding him from the real

Journal 13
God damn it, Arnold, you son of a bitch! God damn it, get this park back on track! Now!
Get my grandkids back here! Now! John Hammond stood in the control room, screaming and
stamping his little feet Hammond barking orders at Arnold (219)

Hammond seems to be having a fit about things new, a big change from avoiding the
issues from the previous passage. I find Hammond to be rather annoying/whiny. He likesto get
his way with everything and will complain until he gets it.

Journal 14
Its your park, Mr. Hammond. You didnt want anybody to be able to injure your
precious dinosaurs. Well, now youve got a rex in with the sauropods, and theres not a damned
thing you can do about it Hammonds argument with Muldoon (250)

Hammond suggested ways to take down the tyrannosaur but they were all ineffective, and
because of him as well. He suggested only methods that would not harm the tyrannosaur, which
would not work. There was an order for more powerful weapons to be used to take down
dinosaurs but the order was cut down by Hammond, and the only weapon they had had been
taken. Hammond had now left them with not method of defense all for the protection of the

Journal 15
Hammond whined. But what are you going to do to my animals?
Thats not really the question, Mr. Hammond, Muldoon said. The question is, what are they
going to do to us? Hammond talking to Muldoon after the raptors escape (303)

Hammond has once again shown his shallow side, putting the dinosaurs ahead of
everyone, and only himself above them. His selfish ways cause him to be disliked and a nuisance
who is no help to the survival. I really dont like Hammond and think that he needs to be forced
into usefulness or die.

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