Thesis Handout

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Thesis Statements

Characteristic 1: Hey, what's the big idea?

A thesis statement is the main point of an essay.

Your thesis is the central idea you are trying to get across to your audience. If there is one
thing you want your readers to remember when they finish reading your piece, it's your
thesis statement.

An example of a thesis:

Solar power is an excellent source of alternative energy because it is renewable, it is

economical, and it does not pollute the environment.

Characteristic 2: The devil is in the details (and so is a good thesis).

A good thesis is complex. It shows sophisticated, analytical thought about your topic and
ensures that you have enough material to cover in your essay.
A good thesis is specific. It narrows your topic to a manageable size and shows that your
support for your main idea is precise, not vague.

A thesis that needs improvement: We should stop global warming.

The revised thesis: Because global warming is having such an effect on weather patterns
and the polar ice caps, governments should be serious about passing legislation that reduces
the emissions that cause this phenomenon.

Characteristic 3: DO argue with me, young man!

A good thesis is arguable. This means that your thesis invites discussion and
If no reasonable person would ever disagree with your statement, what is your purpose in
writing your essay?

A thesis that needs improvement: War is horrible.

The revised thesis: Though war is horrible, it is sometimes necessary to defend ideals that a
country considers important.

Another revised thesis: Because war has horrible consequences, nations should exhaust
every possible diplomatic solution before entering into an armed conflict.
Thesis Statement Improvement Practice

Improve these thesis statements by making them complex, specific, and arguable.

1. Schools should prepare kids for life.

2. There are lots of violent shows on TV.

3. Libraries should get more money.

4. Gas is too expensive, so we should do something about it.

5. Lots of students have to juggle work and class.

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