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Immigration Our guide

worries to the ACS

for foreign meeting,
scientists in plus the final
U.S. program
P.20 P.32, 49
MARCH 13, 2017

drug production
Three stories about how
molecules are made

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Contents VOLUME 95, NUMBER 11

March 13, 2017

30 Spider venom: An
insecticide whose time
has come?
Bioinsecticide maker Vestaron
says fruit and vegetable farmers
are ready for its spider venom

20 Foreign students
and postdocs in U.S.
worry about the future
With Trump taking aim at
immigration, foreign trainees
consider taking their talents

23 Electrosynthesis 32 ACS in San

gives organic chemists Francisco
more power Highlights for the upcoming
Cover story Using electric current as a national meeting.
reagent streamlines reactions
by avoiding hazardous reagents, 34 C&EN talks with
Building generating less waste, and
reducing cost.
Fraser Stoddart, 2016
chemistry Nobelist
pharmaceutical 26 Chemical rms
Northwestern professor
discusses his legacy and hopes
outsourcing exit 2016 with some
for scientists in China.

Demand was strong for some

partnerships specialties, but results showed
Three tales of creating new therapeutic molecules. the impact of slow growth and
lower prices.
Page 36
28 Pharmaceutical
rms see modest
growth in 2016
Quote of the week Individual company results were
mixed as major products were
beset by patent squabbles and
Electrosynthesis expirations.
a disruptive
technology and will Departments ACS News
be a game changer
for industry. 4 Editorial 47 ACS Comment
5 Concentrates 49 253rd ACS national
On the cover Siegfried R. Waldvogel, 78 C&ENjobs meeting
Illustration by Yang H. Ku/ professor, Johannes Gutenberg 80 Newscripts Final program for San Francisco,
C&EN/Shutterstock University Mainz Page 23 April 26.
CENEAR 95 (11) 180 ISSN 0009-2347
115516th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036
From the Editor
(202) 872-4600 or (800) 227-5558

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Bibiana Campos Seijo

PRODUCTION DIRECTOR: Rachel Sheremeta Pepling
Live from Pittcon
SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Marvel A. Wills recently returned from attending they play during learning or how they affect
Pittcon in Chicago. The annual con- memory or different human behaviors is
NEW YORK CITY: (212) 608-6306 ference and exposition on laboratory crucial to begin to address brain conditions
Michael McCoy, Assistant Managing Editor
Rick Mullin (Senior Editor), Marc S. Reisch (Senior Correspondent), Alexander
science took place March 59, and such as mental illness or addiction.
H. Tullo (Senior Correspondent), Rachel Eskenazi (Administrative Assistant). as we have come to expect from events of Besides Deisseroth and Sweedler, other
CHICAGO: (917) 710-0924 Lisa M. Jarvis (Senior Correspondent).
HONG KONG: 852 9093 8445 Jean-Franois Tremblay (Senior this size, it offered a little something for speakers taking part in the technical pro-
Correspondent). HOUSTON: (281) 486-3900 Ann M. Thayer (Senior everyone: a packed technical program, work- gram were Nobelist W. E. Moerner from
Correspondent). LONDON: 44 1494 564 316 Alex Scott (Senior Editor).
WEST COAST: (315) 825-8566 Melody M. Bomgardner (Senior Editor) shops, poster sessions, awards, short cours- Stanford University, Shana Kelley from the
es, and plenty of networking opportunities. University of Toronto, and Chad Mirkin
Cheryl Hogue, Assistant Managing Editor Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for from Northwestern University.
Britt E. Erickson (Senior Editor), Jessica Morrison (Associate in-depth reports about the latest research On the exhibition floor, Pittcons live
Editor), Andrea L. Widener (Senior Editor)
and trends in analytical chemistry and demos proved very popular. Now in their
SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY/EDUCATION instrumentation by C&EN reporters Marc second year, they included dynamic image
WASHINGTON: Lauren K. Wolf, Assistant Managing Editor
Celia Henry Arnaud (Senior Editor), Stuart A. Borman (Senior Correspondent), Reisch and Celia Arnaud. To whet your analysis systems designed to extract infor-
Matt Davenport (Associate Editor), Stephen K. Ritter (Senior Correspondent).
BERLIN: 49 30 2123 3740 Sarah Everts (Senior Editor). BOSTON: (973)
appetite, here are a few nuggets of what mation about a samples particle size and
922-0175 Bethany Halford (Senior Editor). CHICAGO: (847) 679-1156 happened during the show. shape; ultrasensitive mass spectrometers
Mitch Jacoby (Senior Correspondent). WEST COAST: (626) 765-6767
Michael Torrice (Deputy Assistant Managing Editor), (925) 226-8202 Jyllian From the technical program, it is worth that could analyze the air at the show in real
Kemsley (Senior Editor), (510) 390-6180 Elizabeth K. Wilson (Senior Editor) highlighting the keynote lecture by Howard time and identify trace organic compounds;
JOURNAL NEWS & COMMUNITY Hughes Medical Institute investigator and and portable Raman detectors for real-time
(510) 768-7657 Corinna Wu (Senior Editor) Stanford University professor Karl Deisse- monitoring of chemicals through white plas-
(651) 447-6226 Jessica H. Marshall (Associate Editor)
roth. He spoke about the rapidly expanding tic containers, colored glass bottles, or ma-
ACS NEWS & SPECIAL FEATURES field of optogenetics, in which scientists nila envelopes. These demonstrations were
Linda Wang (Senior Editor)
modify specific cells in the nervous sys- limited in terms of the scope of what was
EDITING & PRODUCTION tems of lab animals so that they respond to possible (for example, there was no running
Kimberly R. Bryson, Assistant Managing Editor
Sabrina J. Ashwell (Assistant Editor), Craig Bettenhausen (Associate light. This allows researchers to use light to water available), but they were entertain-
Editor), Taylor C. Hood (Assistant Editor), Manny I. Fox Morone
(Associate Editor), Alexandra A. Taylor (Assistant Editor)
explore how stimulating specific neural cir- ing and educational and were particularly
cuits may affect the behavior of animals suited to showcase portable technology. A
Robert Bryson, Creative Director how they interact with each other and their fun addition, although it was unclear how
Tchad K. Blair, Interactive Creative Director surroundings, how they move. Deisseroth it was connected to analytical chemistry
Robin L. Braverman (Senior Art Director), Ty A. Finocchiaro (Senior Web
Associate), Yang H. Ku (Art Director), William A. Ludwig (Associate Designer) is a pioneer in this field, and aptly, he or Pittcon, was the Lego gravity car racing,
was part of the group that helped launch where attendees could build cars and then
Renee L. Zerby, Manager, Digital Production then-president Barack Obamas BRAIN compete with each other.
Luis A. Carrillo (Web Production Manager), Marielyn Cobero (Digital Initiative in 2013. The initiative, which is For C&EN, an exciting moment was
Production Associate), Joe Davis (Lead Digital Production Associate),
Krystal King (Lead Digital Production Associate), Shelly E. Savage (Senior ongoing, was designed to support the de- when as part of the awards program, anoth-
Digital Production Associate), Cesar Sosa (Digital Production Associate) velopment and application of technologies er familiar face, 2016 Talented 12 winner
BRANDED CONTENT EDITOR: Mitch A. Garcia that will help scientists better understand Ren Robinson from the University of
brain function and improve how we can Pittsburgh, was recognized with the Pitts-
Stephanie Holland, Manager, Advertising Sales & Marketing cure, treat, and prevent its disorders. burgh Conference Achievement Award.
Natalia Bokhari (Digital Advertising Operations Manager), Kirsten Dobson
(Advertising and Marketing Associate), Sondra Hadden (Senior Digital
Another familiar face in the lecture pro- Wed like to congratulate her on this acco-
Marketing Specialist), Quyen Pham (Digital Advertising & Lead Generation gram, and also focusing on the brain, was lade. Which reminds me: Keep nominating
Associate), Ed Rather (Recruitment Advertising Product Manager)
Analytical Chemistry Editor-in-Chief Jona- for this years T12 class at
ADVISORY BOARD than Sweedler of the University of Illinois, The deadline is April 1.
Deborah Blum, Raychelle Burks, Jinwoo Cheon, Kendrew H. Colton, Franois-
Xavier Coudert, Cathleen Crudden, Gautam R. Desiraju, Paula T. Hammond, Urbana-Champaign. His talk covered the
Matthew Hartings, Christopher Hill, Peter Nagler, Anubhav Saxena, Dan Shine, development of analytical tools that allow
Michael Sofia, Michael Tarselli, William Tolman, James C. Tung, Jill Venton,
Helma Wennemers, Geofrey K. Wyatt, Deqing Zhang cell-by-cell characterization in the brain.
Sweedler discussed the advancements
Thomas M. Connelly Jr., Executive Director & CEO made in single-cell profiling using mass
Brian D. Crawford, President, Publications Division
spectrometry techniques that can be per-
EDITORIAL BOARD: Nicole S. Sampson (Chair), formed on large cellular populations. Such
ACS Board of Directors Chair Pat N. Confalone,
ACS President Allison A. Campbell, Cynthia J. Burrows,
methods allow researchers to sample thou-
Jerzy Klosin, John Russell, Gary B. Schuster sands of cells at the same time and identify
Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society some of the most importantnot neces-
Canadian GST Reg. No. R127571347 sarily abundantmetabolites in them. Un-
Volume 95, Number 11
derstanding how neurons use these chem- Editor-in-chief
icals to talk to each other and what role @BibianaCampos

Views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of ACS.

4 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017


Chemistry news from the week
George Olah dies at 89
Quantum effect could explain chiral interactions
Data bit stored on single atom
Rening crude oil analysis
Nestl, Danone look to renewable bottles
Vertex acquires deuterated competitor
DSM, Evonik get omega-3s from algae
EPA scraps methane reporting for oil and gas industries 16


Dual therapy first weakens, then

kills antibiotic-resistant pathogens
The drug pentamidine disrupts the outer drugs we dont usually use for Gram-nega-
tive infections because they wouldnt have
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, been able to cross the outer membrane,
allowing antibiotics inside to finish the job comments Robert Hancock, a University of
O O British Columbia
Among the most nefarious human patho- ten use to kill the microbiologist
gens are bacteria with two sets of mem- protozoan patho- H2N NH2 who characterized
branes protecting their innards. The dou- gens that cause Gram-negative
bled armor can prevent antibiotics from sleeping sickness pathogens early in
penetrating these so-called Gram-negative and leishmaniasis. Pentamidine his career and now
bacteria, and it can help them develop After infecting mice with multi-drug-re- focuses on battling antibiotic resistance.
resistance to antibiotics. Now a team led sistant Acinetobacter baumannii, the team And another exciting thing is that pentam-
by Eric Brown at McMaster University has could cure the animals by administering a idine is already a drug, he adds. So theres
found a way to weaken the outer mem- combination of pentamidine and antibiot- a possibility it could be fast-tracked by reg-
brane of Gram-negative microbes so that ics for Gram-positive pathogens, bacteria ulatory agencies such as the Food & Drug
previously unusable drugs can penetrate with only one membrane. Administration because its already been
and kill the pathogensincluding several Pentamidine can breathe life into proved safe in humans.
multi-drug-resistant strains (Nat. Microbiol. The new work supports a growing belief
2017, DOI: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2017.28). among scientists that developing com-
In late February, the World Health Orga- pounds to weaken rather than kill bacteria
nization published a list of our planets most can lessen pathogens evolutionary drive
problematic bacterial pathogens. The top to become resistant. Once weakened, the
three are multi-drug-resistant Gram-neg- pathogens can be killed with a drug that
ative microbes from the Acinetobacter and wouldnt otherwise work. The idea,
Pseudomonas genera and Enterobacteriaceae Brown adds, is to add an agent to take care
family. They can cause life-threatening of a resistance mechanism, or in this case,
pneumonia or systemic infections, and to get around intrinsic resistance.
patients are increasingly acquiring them in But to date, Brown says only one success
hospitals. As a last resort, doctors can treat story for this strategy in the clinic comes to
infected people with antibiotics mind: bacteria that are resistant to antibi-
that are toxic to nerve and kid- otics with a -lactam ring in their structure
ney cells. But bacteria are devel- (a family of broad-spectrum drugs that in-
oping resistance to even these cludes penicillin). These antibiotic-resistant
suboptimal drugs, threatening to cause bacteria have enzymes that break down the
a serious breach in our last line of defense ring structure. So
against multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative Pentamidine doctors prescribe
pathogens, Brown explains. helps disrupt the -lactamase inhib-

To tackle this problem, outer membrane itorsweakening

Brown and colleagues looked of Gram-negative agentsalong with
for compounds that disrupt pathogens, -lactam antibiotics
the outer membranes of allowing to kill the patho-
Gram-negative bacteria. They found an ex- antibiotics inside gens.SARAH
isting drug, pentamidine, which doctors of- to do their work. EVERTS

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 5

Science Concentrates
no award meant more to him than the ACS
George Olah dies at 89 Award in Petroleum Chemistry, which
he received in 1963 for his work on Frie-
Nobel Laureate advanced carbocation chemistry del-Crafts chemistry related to refinery
processing of crude oil.
and alternative-energy technology Olah, who in 1963 had recently relocated
from Hungary, said: I was an unknown
George A. Olah, the Donald mations needed to convert immigrant at that time. And for a young
P. and Katherine B. Loker methane and carbon dioxide guy who came from a faraway country and
Distinguished Professor of to methanol. They aimed to started all over with nothing, it really was a
Organic Chemistry at the drive the so-called metha- significant honor. ACS later renamed the
University of Southern Cali- nol economy, in which an award the George A. Olah Award in Hydro-
fornia and the recipient of the inexpensive, abundant, and carbon or Petroleum Chemistry.
1994 Nobel Prize in Chemis- carbon-neutral supply of He was an amazing guya visionary
try, has died. He was 89. methanol could be widely and a giant of a chemist, says Prakash, who
Olah was a towering used as an energy carrier. worked with Olah for more than 40 years.
figure, physically and scien- In the drive to develop He was also a great mentor and teacher,
tifically, who earned inter- technology that underpins always jovial and very friendly.
national chemistry fame 40 methanol use, the USC re- Gabor A. Somorjai of the University of
years ago for his novel use searchers developed a direct California, Berkeley, knew Olah since the
of magic acid, a concoction of antimony methanol fuel cell for generating electricity 1950s, when they were both at the Techni-
pentafluoride and fluorosulfonic acid that from methanol without first producing hy- cal University of Budapest. George was a
is billions of times as strong as sulfuric acid, drogen. The team also developed catalytic tireless promoter of science and technology,
to prepare long-lived carbocations. processes for reducing the greenhouse gas especially connected to energy indepen-
By extending the lifetimes of these fleet- carbon dioxide to methanol. dence, Somorjai says. He used his scien-
ing species, Olah was able to probe them In an industrial development of this tific talents and excellent communication
directly via spectroscopy methods. That green technology, Carbon Recycling Inter- skills for the benefit of society.
work rapidly advanced and greatly popular- national began operating the worlds first The University of Utahs Peter J. Stang,
ized the study of reactive intermediates and commercial CO2-to-renewable-methanol another fellow Hungarian chemist, ex-
organic reaction mechanisms. It ultimately plant in Iceland in 2012. Named in Olahs presses a similar sentiment: George was
led to Olahs receipt of the Nobel Prize. honor, the plant recycles 5,500 tons of CO2 one of the most creative and original chem-
In addition to research in fluorine chem- annually and produces some 5 million L of ists of the 20th and early 21st centuries,
istry, Olah and longtime USC colleague and methanol, which is used in gasoline blends. Stang says. The world has lost a great per-
scientific collaborator G. K. Surya Prakash Upon winning the ACS Priestley Medal, son and a great scientist in the truest sense
recently focused on the chemical transfor- Olah remarked that other than the Nobel, of the word.MITCH JACOBY


Quantum effect could explain chiral interactions

functions involved in the interactions. The
Electron spin polarization dictates symmetry constraints in turn lead to energy
recognition between chiral compounds differences when molecules of the same
chirality interact compared with molecules
Biomolecules from small amino acids to (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2017, DOI: of opposite chirality, favoring homochiral
large DNA helices are chiral, and how they 10.1073/pnas.1611467114). interactions.
interact depends on their chirality. A newly The mechanism that they have demon- Its a real quantum mechanical property
identified quantum effect could help ex- strated is different from any that was that cant be represented in classical-phys-
plain how biomolecules chirality persists. previously reported, comments David N. ics-based models, Naaman emphasizes.
When two molecules interact, their Beratan of Duke University. If the idea The effect is short-range and arises
electron clouds reorganize. In chiral mole- holds up, it could entirely change the way only when electrostatic and other non-

cules, that reorganization is accompanied we think about molecular recognition in covalent interactions bring molecules
by electron spin polarization that enables biological and organic chemistry. together, making it more likely to influence
molecules of the same chirality to interact In the new work, Naaman and colleagues enantiospecific recognition in a crowded
more strongly than molecules of opposite combined experimental studies of helical cellular environment than in dilute solu-
chirality, reports a research team led by oligopeptides with computational analysis. tions. It is also additive and becomes more
Ron Naaman and Jan M. L. Martin of the They found that the electron spin polar- significant when many chiral functional
Weizmann Institute of Science and David ization induced by molecular interactions groups interact across the surfaces of large
H. Waldeck of the University of Pittsburgh constrains the symmetry of the wave biomolecules.JYLLIAN KEMSLEY

6 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017


Data bit stored on single atom

Lab demo may lead to strategies for in a single-atom electron spin resonance
boosting data-storage density measurement.
Describing the experimental techniques
In the drive to cram ever more informa- of thousands of atoms. Meanwhile, various at the heart of the study as ingenious,
tion into handy data-storage devices, re- researchers have continued to shrink that Roberta Sessoli, a specialist in magnetic
searchers have reduced the size of a bit of bit size to just a handful of atoms in lab materials at the University of Florence,
data to the ultimate limita single atom demonstrations.
(Nature 2017, DOI: 10.1038/nature21371). Now, that number
The study may lead to ways of increasing has been reduced
the data-storage density of devices such as to just one atom by
computer hard drives, in which informa- Fabian D. Natterer,
tion is encoded in magnetic materials. Christopher P. Lutz,
To store data on a computer hard drive, and coworkers at IBM
a device known as a read-write head rapidly Almaden Research
magnetizes nanometer-sized regions of the Center.
hard disk. That process sets the magnetic By using a cus-
polarities of these domains, or bits, in one tom-made scanning
of two states, corresponding to the zeros tunneling microscope
and ones of digital data. The head reads the (STM) at ultralow
data by sensing the magnetic state of the temperatures and un-
domains. der ultrahigh vacuum,
For decades, hard-disk manufacturers the team isolated a IBMs Lutz examines the
have been increasing their devices da- few holmium atoms scanning tunneling microscope
ta-storage densities by gradually shrinking on a magnesium oxide used to read and write magnetic
the size of the magnetic domains in which film and applied brief data on a single atom.
data are stored. One challenge has been electric pulses to set
ensuring that the microscopic domains are the atoms magnetic

magnetically stable. If the polarity of a do- states, or spins. Then the team detected asserts that the IBM team has unambigu-
main spontaneously flips, data will be lost. the orientation of the spins via an STM ously achieved the ultimate limit of writ-
That problem is related to the domains technique known as tunnel magnetore- ing and reading information.
composition and size, as well as their ther- sistance, which showed that the spins can The complexity of the method means
modynamic properties. be switched at will and remain stable for that the work is still far from real-world
The domains in todays commercial several hours. To confirm that they had applications, she notes, yet it shows that it
devices, which have lateral dimensions in achieved spin switching, the researchers is possible to store and retrieve magnetic
the nanometer range and are a few atomic placed one iron atom near the holmium information with a single atom.MITCH
layers thick, typically consist of hundreds atoms and used it as a magnetic sensor JACOBY

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 7

Science Concentrates

route to heterocycle
Bifunctional metal agents reversibly coordinate
heterocycles and derivatize them at remote sites
Chemists often use CH activation to help The reagents use distance and geome-
replace specific hydrogen atoms in organ- try constraints to focus on specific target
ic compounds with complex functional sites on substrates, like enzymes do. They
groups. This strategy generally involves coordinate reversibly with substrate
covalently bonding a reagent con- molecules, derivatize them, de-
taining a CH-activating O N O tach after activation, and then
group, such as a palladium CH3O N Pd N F move on to activate other
atom, to a substrate that substrate molecules, also
already has a directing func- OCH3 N like enzymes do. The re-
tional group. The directing agents work stoichiomet-
group steers the CH rically or catalytically, and
activator to the desired A bimetallic H relatively large amounts
CH bond. Once the bond reagents Pd are required. But their ef-
breaks, a new functional anchoring ficiency can potentially be
group replaces hydrogen palladium (near center) improved, experts say.
and the directing group is coordinates with the Yu and coworkers
removed. nitrogen atom of a substrate used the new reagents
A new class of bimetal- (quinoline in this case, red), to alkenylate a range of
lic reagents now uses en- positioning the reagents nitrogen heterocycles,
zyme-inspired reversible second palladium (lower including phenylpyridine,
metal coordination, in- right) to activate a remote quinoline, and the anti-
stead of covalent bonding, CH bond (green). cancer natural product
to achieve CH activation camptothecin, none of
and functionalization in nitrogen hetero- which could previously be functionalized
cycles, with no need to preinstall or later in the same way using CH activation, Yu
remove a directing group. The reagents, says.
designed by Jin-Quan Yu and coworkers at Motomu Kanai of the University of
Scripps Research Institute California, also Tokyo comments that the technique is
activate remote CH bonds that have been very powerful, noting that it could ease
difficult to reach or completely inaccessible drug design by making it possible to modi-
with other synthetic techniques (Nature fy compounds at positions other methods
2017, DOI: 10.1038/nature21418). cannot easily reach. Victor Snieckus of
CH activation hasnt worked well with Queens University in Ontario calls the
heterocycles because metal discovery a major leap
activators tend to coordi-
nate with heteroatoms, in-
The discovery forward in synthetic
aromatic substitution
terfering with site selectiv- is a major chemistry. And Kian Tan,
ity. Yu and coworkers have
now turned that problem
leap forward who leads the Chemical
into an advantage. In their
new bimetallic reagents,
in synthetic group at Novartis in Cam-
bridge, Mass., says the
one palladium atom is de- aromatic templates are amazingly
signed intentionally to co-
ordinate reversibly with the substitution well designed and ver-
satile, making it easy to
heteroatom of a substrate,
positioning the second
chemistry. envision creating libraries
of templates to access
metal to activate a remote Victor Snieckus, different selectivity pat-
CH bond. Queens University in Ontario terns.STU BORMAN

8 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Get to Know



Refining a crude analysis Ion Chromatography

Method improves crude oil separation, could aid
petrochemical refining and spill assessment
Crude oil is an unruly soup of tens of and silica, making the method reproducible,
thousands of organic compounds, and relatively simple, and inexpensive. The Electrochemistry
this diversity makes it difficult to pick out real novelty is putting it all together, says
individual molecules from the crowd for Ryan P. Rodgers, director of the Future
analysis using standard tools such as mass Fuels Institute at Florida State University,
spectrometers. Despite the vast quantities who was not involved with the work. By de-
of crude oil used globally each day, much ploying the separation columns in the right
remains unknown about its chemical com- order and eluting the crude oil with a series
position, which can vary dramatically from of increasingly polar solvents, the method
one oil field to the next. isolates molecules depending on how well
A method that separates crude oil into their functional groups stick to each type of
a dozen fractions based on their chemical column. This process yields fractions that
properties now promises more details are each dominated by a particular chemical
about composition: It could help chemists class: sulfoxides, quinolines, carbazoles,
measure low levels of molecules that cor- fluorenones, and more.
rode pipelines or pinpoint the most toxic After analyzing each fraction with tech-
compounds in an oil spill (Anal. Chem. 2017, niques such as gas chromatography/mass
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b04202). spectrometry, the team identified dozens
Fractionation is not a new approach to of specific compounds. Some of them, Laboratory Process
simplifying oil analysis. One of the most such as thioxanthones, were previously un-
common methods, dubbed SARA, uses known in crude oil. The method achieves a
chromatography to split oil into four broad better separation between different classes
classes: saturates, aromatics, resins, and of chemicals, says Sonnich Meier of the
asphaltenes. But this separation is based Institute of Marine Research. Its the best Find out more at
largely on the molecules solubilities in Ive seen.
the solvent being used, and many chem- Meier has been working with Rowlands
ical classes remain obscured within the team for the past three years and plans
mlange in each fraction. to use the technique to single out the
In contrast, the new method developed by compounds in crude oil that are toxic to
Steven J. Rowland of the University of Plym- fish embryos, which can be contaminated
outh and coworkers is particularly good at during an oil spill.
teasing apart a mixture of polar compounds Meanwhile, the oil industry increasingly
containing nitrogen, sulfur, or oxygenof- wants to know the precise composition of

ten responsible for poisoning oil-processing a crude oil before investing in extracting it.
catalystswhich conventional analytical Declining production of low-sulfur, sweet
methods struggle to identify. crude, oil has the industry relying on heavier
The procedure is not based on radical crudes requiring more refining and posing
innovation. It relies on a series of columns greater risks of pipeline corrosion or block-
filled with commercial ion exchange resins ages.MARK PEPLOW, special to C&EN

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 9

Science Concentrates
Nonlinear optical
laser material
avoids beryllium
Materials scientists have developed a new O N K+
class of deep-ultraviolet nonlinear optical
(DUV NLO) crystals that promise to be less
Sweetener tracks O
toxic and have better performance than the

Li2B6O9F2 offers
tinkling in the pool Acesulfame
deep-ultraviolet Researchers estimate that swimming pools contain 30 to 80 mL of urine for
nonlinear optical each person whos jumped in. The problem, aside from the ick factor, is that
properties without urine reacts with chemical disinfectants in the water to form potentially
beryllium and harmful by-products. To track the safety of pools and hot tubs, scientists
debilitating layering. would like to find a chemical marker of how much urine is actually in the
water. Xing-Fang Li and coworkers at the University of Alberta propose that
materials currently the artificial sweetener acesulfame potassiumused in products such as bev-
used (Angew. Chem. Int. erages and baked goods, often in combination with other sweetenerscould
Ed. 2017, DOI: 10.1002/ be that marker. Humans dont metabolize the sweetener, so its excreted
anie.201700540). intact in urine. Li and coworkers used liquid chromatography and tandem
DUV NLO materials mass spectrometry to measure acesulfame in 250 samples from 31 pools and
are increasingly being hot tubs in two Canadian cities. They also sampled the corresponding input
used in the semiconductor industry and are tap water for comparison (Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/acs.
crucial in producing solid-state lasers with estlett.7b00043). The team found the sweetener in all pool and hot-tub sam-
wide frequency ranges. The fluorooxoborate ples at concentrations from 30 to 7,110 ng/L, compared with 15 ng/L or less in
KBe2BO3F2, which is the only practical laser the tap water samples. Using the average amount of acesulfame in a human
material for generating light below 200 nm, urine sample, the researchers then estimated that urine can account for up to
has had researchers scrambling for alterna- 30 L of the volume in a standard 420,000-L community pool. The ubiquity of
tives to avoid further use of toxic beryllium. acesulfame suggests that it could indeed be used as a urinary marker for track-
It also grows in layers, which can reduce its ing water quality, the researchers note.CELIA ARNAUD
optical properties. Now, a team led by Shilie
Pan, vice director of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences Xinjiang Technical Institute of
Physics & Chemistry, has prepared a class promising antimicrobial and antitumor activities, The enzymes AmbU4, WelU1,

of beryllium-free fluorooxoborate crystals but they are difficult to make synthetically. New and WelU3 use cascade
that dont layer. The teams strategy involved findings on how cyanobacteria biosynthesize them reactions to convert a common
inserting (BO3F)4, (BO2F2)3, or (BOF3)2 could help guide future synthetic efforts. Xinyu Liu indolenine precursor into three
groups into three-dimensional boron-oxy- and Qin Zhu at the University of Pittsburgh have natural products.
gen networks. The material works as needed discovered that U-pro-
without beryllium, and the synthesis meth- tein enzymes catalyze
od avoids the formation of terminal oxygen cascade reactions that
atomsthe existence of which leads to layer structurally diversify a
formation. One compound in particular, common precursor into
WelU3 H NC
Li2B6O9F2, promises to further break down different indole alkaloids NC
the DUV wall for NLO materials, the re- (Chem. Commun. 2017, N
searchers report.ELIZABETH WILSON DOI: 10.1039/c7cc00782e). Indolenine precursor N
For example, three of the H
enzymesWelU1, WelU3, AmbU4 12-epi-Hapalindole C
BIOCATALYSIS and AmbU4convert a WelU1

Indole alkaloid single indolenine into a

tetracyclic fischerindole, a
tricyclic hapalindole, and a
biosynthetic tetracyclic hapalindole, re- NC H
pathways unraveled spectively. Each enzymes
cascade reaction includes
a Cope rearrangement, an N N
Indole-based alkaloid natural products such aza-Prins cyclization, and H H
as fischerindoles and hapalindoles have a carbocation-deposition 12-epi-Hapalindole U 12-epi-Fischerindole U

10 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

step. The indolenine precursor and its deriv-
atives are structural isomers, so the cascades NANOMATERIALS
in effect are multistep rearrangements.
With U-protein enzymes now in handthey
can be isolated from cyanobacteriaLiu be-
Nanostructures lift the fog
lieves it will be easier to synthesize diverse To state the obvious, water makes things wet. What may not be so obvious,
members of this family of bioactive natural however, is that even superhydrophobic surfaces can succumb to waters pro-
products in the laboratory.STU BORMAN pensity to moisten. Researchers often fashion tiny hydrophobic bumps, pillars,
and protrusions on these surfaces to help keep water away. But theyve found
that fine fog droplets can still slip into the spaces between nanostructures
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATION and accumulate into larger drops to wet surfaces. So researchers led by David
Bumblebees leave Qur of ESPCI Paris
launched a systematic 200 nm
investigation into the
foot odor on flowers design of nanotextured
hydrophobic surfaces
Not only do bumblebees have smelly feet, that get around the
but the insects also leave an imprint of their fogging problem (Nat.
foot odor on flowers they visit. In fact, the Mater. 2017, DOI: 10.1038/
hydrocarbon chemical signature is so strong nmat4868). By plasma
that it can be detected for about 24 hours etching self-assembled Hydrophobic nanocones pinch the bottom of fog
after being deposited. A team of researchers thin films of a polysty- droplets, creating enough pressure to eject the
led by Richard F. Pearce of the University rene-poly(methyl meth- water from the surface and prevent fogging.
of Bristol reports that bumblebees visiting acrylate) block copoly-
flowers can also decipher whether the left- mer, the team created arrays of rods or cones, depending on the etching con-
ditions. The researchers then coated the arrays with hydrophobic fluorinated
chlorosilane groups. Water droplets initially grew on all the textured surfaces,
but substrates with tightly packed cones eventually kicked the droplets off. The
shape and proximity of the cones caused growing droplets to contort dramat-
ically, which generated enough pressure to expel water from the surface with
unprecedented efficiency, Qur explains. He adds that such droplet departure
has been observed previously, but what seems unique with nanocones is the
rate of departure is much, much larger than previously reported. Understand-
ing this behavior could help scientists design better antifogging windshields,
mirrors, and solar cells, the researchers say.MATT DAVENPORT

have been able to show that bumblebees acid (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, DOI: 10.1021/
can distinguish their odor from that of their jacs.6b12360). Gandelmans group had pre-
nest mates, Pearce notes.SARAH EVERTS viously studied a triazolium salt and found
When bumblebees land on a flower, they it to be an analog of imidazole-based N-het-
leave behind their foot odor, which stems erocyclic carbenes, including the ability to
in part from (Z)-9-tricosene (shown). CHEMICAL BONDING serve as a ligand for transition metals. The

over foot funk is their own, a nest mates, Nitrogen Lewis central nitrogen of the saturated NNN
triazolium unit in the molecule can accept
or that of an entirely unknown bumblebee. electron density from a metal into a vacant
The researchers think being able to dis-
acids unveiled p orbital, even though it weakly donates its
tinguish these odor prints could prevent lone pair of electrons residing in an sp2-type
bees from making redundant visits to the Lewis acids and bases are one of chemistrys orbital to the metal. With that information

same nectar source (Sci. Rep. 2017, DOI: fundamental concepts, depicting a mole- in hand, the team decided to treat various
10.1038/srep43872). Bumblebees arent the cules ability to accept an electron pair from triazolium compounds with different Lewis
only insects to leave behind smelly foot a partner molecule or to donate an electron bases such as phosphides, phosphines, and
residues as they go about their day: Wasps, pair to a partner, respectively. For example, carbanions and found that the nitrogen-cen-
termites, and ants also secrete mixtures of electron-rich nitrogen-centered mole- tered molecules functioned as the Lewis acid
hydrocarbons from their feet that give each cules such as ammonia function as Lewis partner. Gandelman and coworkers think
individual its own personal aroma. The bases. Mark Gandelman of these new nitrogen-based
secretions also help with adhesion and with TechnionIsrael Institute of CH3 Lewis acids could join other
: Base
avoiding desiccation. For bumblebees, their Technology and his group have N well-established Lewis acids
signatures often include (Z)-9-tricosene found a situation in which they N+ : based on boron, phosphorus,
and other long-chain hydrocarbons, and the can turn that donor-acceptor N aluminum, and tin and serve in
relative concentration of these components reactivity around, so that reactive frustrated Lewis pairs
uniquely identifies an individual. The new a nitrogen-centered mol-
CH3 or other types of catalysts.
findings represent the first time researchers ecule functions as a Lewis Triazolium Lewis acid STEVE RITTER

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 11

Business Concentrates

Rejecting PPG bid, AkzoNobel

will exit chemicals
the value within our com-
Proposed merger would be latest pany ourselves rather than
consolidation move for industry submit to an acquisition
that substantially under-
AkzoNobel has rejected an unsolicited Both companies are values the firm, he says.
takeover offer from PPG Industries and says largely paint makers that Future options for the
it will instead embark on a program to sepa- also operate chemical busi- chemical business include
rate its specialty chemical business from its nesses. Both have pared establishing it as an inde-
main business in paints and coatings. back their chemical oper- pendent company. PPG did
PPG privately proposed on March 2 to ationsPPG through the not say if it intends to keep
acquire AkzoNobel in a deal that would val- sale of its chlor-alkali op- AkzoNobel sells its Dulux the chemical operation if it
ue the Dutch company at about $22 billion. erations in 2012 and Akzo paints in China. ultimately succeeds in its
AkzoNobel says it rejected the proposal as Nobel through the sale of bid for AkzoNobel.
not in the interests of its stakeholders. its catalyst business in 2004. A successful PPG bid for all of AkzoNo-
PPG says it will consider its path for- Still, AkzoNobel continues to be a major bel would continue a relentless wave of
ward. AkzoNobels stock rose more than player in chemicals, with a specialty chem- consolidation in the chemical and allied
15% after the disclosures, indicating that ical business that had sales of $5.1 billion industries. Dow Chemical and DuPont are
investors are betting PPG will come back last year. The company considers itself to pushing to complete their historic merger
with a higher offer. have leadership positions in markets such by the end of the first half of the year. The
PPG and AkzoNobel each have annual as surfactants, polymer chemistry, pulp industrial gas giants Praxair and Linde plan
sales of roughly $15 billion. And the two processing, and chlor-alkali. to merge. Bayer is advancing its acquisition
companies have done business before. In According to AkzoNobel CEO Ton Bch- of agricultural products rival Monsanto.
2013, PPG acquired AkzoNobels North ner, PPGs bid brought forward a plan to And ChemChina is close to completing
American decorative coatings business for separate the chemical business. Taking the its acquisition of Syngenta.MICHAEL
about $1 billion. step now will allow AkzoNobel to unlock MCCOY

Nestl, Danone look to

87% The proportion of

researchers using
renewable bottles
Nestl Waters and Danone are the latest
beverage makers to investigate biobased
polyethylene terephthalate (PET). They
are teaming up with the California-based
start-up Origin Materials to form the
NaturALL Bottle Alliance, which hopes
In 2011, the firm licensed a technology
from the University of California, Davis.
Now Origins main focus, the process
uses hydrochloric acid to convert bio-
mass into 5-chloromethylfurfural (CMF),
which is reduced to 2,5-dimethyl furan.
CRISPR who are new to have water bottles made from renew- That undergoes a Diels-Alder reaction
to gene editing, according able PET on store shelves by 2020. with ethylene to yield p-xylene via an ox-
to a survey by Synthego, a PET is typically made from the petro- anorbornene intermediate.
provider of synthetic RNA used chemicals ethylene glycol and purified Nestl and Danone invested in Origin
in genome editing and research. terephthalic acid (PTA). Since 2009, as part of a $40 million financing round
Although CRISPR is viewed as Coca-Cola has been using biobased eth- last fall. The company has received
easier to use than older gene- ylene glycol in its PlantBottle, but it and $80 million since its founding in 2008.
editing methods, the Synthego other companies have struggled to come Origin has been running a pilot plant
survey showed that a majority up with an alternative to PTA derived in Sacramento for three years. Next year,
of users struggle with making from petrochemical p-xylene. it plans to inaugurate a plant that can
edits efficiently, verifying the Origin was formerly known as Micro- make about 10,000 metric tons of CMF
edits, and delivering genes. midas, which got its start with a fermen- per year, according to CEO John Bissell.
tation process for converting municipal The company hopes to open a plant 10
wastewater into polyhydroxyalkanoate. times that size in 2022.ALEX TULLO

12 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017


Vertex buys Concerts DSM, Evonik form

cystic fibrosis drug omega-3 joint venture
DSM and Evonik Industries are setting up a joint venture to make
Vertex Pharmaceuticals will pay up to $250 million for Con- omega-3 fatty acids from natural marine algae for use in fish feed
cert Pharmaceuticals cystic fibrosis drug CTP-656. Current- and pet food.
ly in Phase II clinical trials, the drug is a The venture, called Veramaris, will spend $200 million to build
deuterated version of Vertexs own HO D3C an omega-3 fatty acid facility at an existing Evonik site in the U.S. It
compound ivacaftor, which CD3 will go onstream in 2019. The firms have already made pilot-scale
it sells under the name O O CD 3 quantities of the oil at DSMs facility in Kingstree, S.C.
Kalydeco. N The new plant will turn out a highly concentrated algal oil,
Like ivacaftor, CTP- H the partners say, using algae production expertise from DSM and
656 is a cystic fibrosis N industrial-scale fermentation
transmembrane con- H know-how from Evonik.
ductance regulator (CFTR) Omega-3 fatty acids are a
potentiator. Substituting deu- CTP-656 family of polyunsaturated fats
terium atoms for specific hydrogens that include eicosapentaenoic
in the structure generates a novel compound with altered acid (EPA) and docosahexaeno-
pharmacokinetic properties. Notable is its longer half-life, ic acid (DHA).
which means CTP-656 may need to be given only once per Initial output from the
day versus two times daily for Kalydeco. planned facility will meet about
For Concert, the deal validates its deuterium chemistry 15% of the farmed salmon in-
approach to drug design and presents an opportunity for dustrys demand for EPA and
CTP-656 to advance toward commercialization. Vertex al- DHA, the two firms say. Fish
ready leads the cystic fibrosis drug market with Kalydeco and use omega-3 for metabolic
Orkambi, a CFTR potentiator combination it launched in functions and as a cellular
2015. Sales of the two products reached $1.7 billion in 2016. membrane component. Veramaris plans to supply
Vertex will acquire rights to all of Concerts other cystic fi- Most of the omega-3 fatty enough omega-3 fatty acid to
brosis research and preclinical programs. Concert intends to acids used by the aquaculture meet 15% of the needs of the
use the money to support itself through 2021 and advance its industry today come from salmon farming industry.
deuterated JAK 1/2 inhibitor CTP-543, now in Phase II testing harvested wild fish such as sar-
to treat the autoimmune disease alopecia areata. dines. A number of companies have developed alternative sources
The deal brings at least three benefits to Vertex, Leerink of protein for farmed fish, but finding an alternative source of ome-
stock analyst Geoffrey C. Porges told clients in a report. It ga-3 fatty acids has proven difficult until now, the partners say.
removes a potential competitor, adds a new compound that DSM and Evonik have had a joint technology development
can improve the firms existing cystic fibrosis therapy combi- agreement since July 2015. Both companies say they achieved pos-
nations, and extends its intellectual property protection by at itive results in product development while extensively working
least five years.ANN THAYER with the entire value chain, including fish feed producers, fish
farmers, and retailers.ALEX SCOTT


Instrument makers invest in cloud computing

Thermo Fisher Scientific has acquired Core discovery oriented, while what we already Managing information through cloud-
Informatics, a fast-growing, venture-capi- had supported quality control and quality based software is part of PerkinElmers
tal-backed provider of cloud-based scien- analysis in manufacturing processes, ex- strategy too, said Jim Corbett, head of the
tific data management systems with about plained Dan Shine, analytical instruments firms discovery and analytical solutions
100 employees. president at Thermo Fisher. They will inte- unit.
Thermo Fisher announced the purchase grate seamlessly into what we already have. Instruments are generating more data
last week at the Pittsburgh Conference on Also at Pittcon, Waters Corp. launched than they did just a few years ago, and
Analytical Chemistry & Applied Spectros- the cloud version of its Empower chroma- scientists need a way to sort through it
copy (Pittcon) in Chicago. It underscored tography data management system. The all, Corbett said. Cloud-based software
the growing importance for instrument cloud has changed the way the world inter- systems make that possible, he noted.
makers of systems capable of handling, acts with data, said Steve Smith, Waters PerkinElmer made its own informatics

storing, and manipulating the flood of data informatics vice president, by allowing acquisition with the purchase of laboratory
from todays scientific instruments. companies to focus on science and not the software and services firm Ceiba Solutions
Their cloud-based offerings are more infrastructure. in 2014.MARC REISCH

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 13

Business Concentrates
Biobased start- FDA warns Wockhardt, Fosun
The U.S. FDA has again warned the Indian generic drug producer Wockhardt
up tries new about problems at one of its facilities, this time in the U.S. The agency also
financing route warned a subsidiary of Fosun Pharmaceuticalone of Chinas leading drug
producersregarding a facility in southwest China. In a statement to the
National Stock Exchange of India, Wockhardt says FDA has banned its Chica-
Blue Marble Biomaterials aims to raise go-based unit, Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals, which produces oral and top-
money via a stock offering to small inves- ical formulations, from launching new products in the U.S. until it addresses
tors. Based in Missoula, Mont., Blue Marble manufacturing deficiencies. In December, FDA warned Wockhardt about fail-
uses biorefining to convert food waste into ure to maintain sterile conditions and manufacturing data integrity at a facility
chemicals. Last year it launched a dithi- in Gujarat, India. In China, FDA uncovered data integrity issues at Fosuns
azine bacon flavor from raw materials such Chongqing Pharma Research Institute subsidiary, which produces active phar-
as coffee grounds, tomato pomace, and maceutical ingredients. Investigators found that the firm deleted entire chro-
grape pomace. It also formed a collabora- matographic sequences and other data from its computer records.JEAN-
tion with Welchs to upgrade waste from FRANOIS TREMBLAY
grape and apple juice processing. In 2015,
the Securities & Exchange Commission
adopted Regulation A+, which allows start-
ups to raise up to $50 million from small START-UPS produce fuels from CO2 and wastewater
investors. Previously, such venture capital
investing was limited to high-net-worth BASF, others with the help of solar power.MICHAEL
individuals.ALEX TULLO
back P2 Science
ELECTRONIC MATERIALS The renewable chemical company P2
Fine Industries sold
Sumitomo to triple Science has closed a $9.6 million series B
financing round that included BASF Ven-
to Chinese buyer
ture Capital. The company says it will use
OLED touch screens the proceeds to build its first commercial
plant, in the New Haven, Conn., area. Co- The private equity firm Northedge
Sumitomo Chemical will triple capacity founded by Yale University, Yale scientists, Capital has sold the Middlesbrough,
at its South Korean subsidiary Dongwoo chemical industry veteran Neil Burns, and England-based fine chemicals firm Fine
Fine-Chem to make film-based touch- Elm Street Ventures, P2 uses ozonolysis Industries to Chinas Lianhe Chemical
and flow chemistry to convert feedstocks Technology for an undisclosed sum. With
such as vegetable oil and forestry-derived 220 employees, Fine Industries had sales
terpenes into specialty chemicals. last year of $63 million and pretax profits
MICHAEL MCCOY of $12 million. It manufactures interme-
diates and active ingredients for pesticide
and pharmaceutical customers along with
CLIMATE CHANGE a suite of specialty chemicals. Fine Indus-
Alberta funds tries was acquired by Degussa in 2001 be-
fore being sold to management in 2008 and
then to Northedge in 2013.ALEX SCOTT
CO2 to chemicals
The Samsung The Alberta government will award a total COATINGS
Galaxy Edge phone of $12 million to four projects that seek
to transform carbon dioxide from waste Perstorp sells

features an OLED display.

into an asset. Two of the projects, from
Solidia Technologies and CarbonCure
Belgium site to
screen panels for displays based on organic
light-emitting diodes. The films are partic-
Technologies, sequester CO2 by injecting
it into concrete during the curing process.
ularly suited for use on curved and flexible Mangrove Water Technologies, a spin-off
displays, Sumitomo says. The Japanese from the University of British Columbias Swedish specialty chemical firm Perstorp
firm decided to expand its plant because chemical engineering department, is de- has agreed to sell its site in Ghent, Belgium,
South Korean display makers are signifi- veloping a reactor that converts CO2 and which produces additives for the coatings
cantly expanding. OLED displays are pres- saline wastewater into chemicals such industry, to England-based Synthomer for
ent on Samsung smartphones and may be as hydrochloric acid and carbonate salts. about $82 million. The plant has 45 employ-
adopted by Apple for its next generation of And working with the Canadian start-up ees and generated pretax profits of $8.5 mil-
iPhones.JEAN-FRANOIS TREMBLAY Lumenfab, McGill University seeks to lion in 2016. The business is an excellent

14 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

fit and provides increased access to new MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS
products and customers, says Synthomer
CEO Calum MacLean.ALEX SCOTT Otsuka to acquire
Wacker will expand Otsuka Pharmaceutical will pay $100 mil-
lion up front and up to $150 million in
potential milestone payments to acquire
silicon in Norway Cambridge, Mass.-based Neurovance, a A researcher in called SOS that acts as
six-year-old company focused on atten- the Fesik lab at a molecular switch ac-
Wacker Chemie is expanding silicon metal tion-deficit/hyperac- Vanderbilt. tivating KRAS, a gene
capacity at its site in Holla, Norway. The N tivity disorder. Its lead essential to normal
company will spend about $90 million on a ADHD candidate is tissue signaling. Mutations of the gene are
new plant that will come on-line in the first H centanafadine, which responsible for the onset of various forms
half of 2019. Wacker uses the metal to make has completed Phase II of cancer. The venture is based on research
silicones and polysilicon. The Holla plant clinical trials. Accord- done in the laboratory of Vanderbilt chemist
currently covers one-quarter of the compa- ing to Neurovance, Stephen W. Fesik. The partners previously
nys silicon requirements.ALEX TULLO centanafadine is one identified compounds that bind to KRAS
of a new generation of with high affinity.RICK MULLIN
triple reuptake inhibitors that modulate the
BIOLOGICS activity of norepinephrine, dopamine, and
Chinas BeiGene serotonin. The acquisition will extend Ot-

plans biologics plant

sukas efforts in the area of central nervous
system therapy.ANN THAYER Sanofi, AstraZeneca
in respiratory deal
Beijing-based oncology drug discovery ONCOLOGY
firm BeiGene is joining with the govern-
ment of Guangzhou in southern China to Boehringer, Sanofi Pasteur and MedImmune, the bio-
logics arm of AstraZeneca, have agreed to
build a $330 million biologic drug facility in develop MED18897, a monoclonal antibody,
the Guangzhou Development District. The
Vanderbilt pact for the prevention of lower respiratory tract
venture will also fund biologic drug R&D in
China. Under the agreement, $30 million
targets KRAS illness caused by respiratory syncytial virus.
MED18897 is currently in a Phase II clinical
will come from BeiGene and $150 million trial involving infants ineligible for Synagis,
from Guangzhou. The venture will bor- Advancing a two-year-old cancer drug dis- the current standard of care. Sanofi Pasteur
row the rest. BeiGene says it needs large- covery partnership, Boehringer Ingelheim will make an up-front payment of $127 mil-
scale manufacturing facilities to ensure and Vanderbilt University will research and lion to MedImmune and milestone pay-
growth.JEAN-FRANOIS TREMBLAY develop small molecules targeting a protein ments of up to $523 million.RICK MULLIN

Business Roundup mulate and test products for

the Indian market.
ecule drug discovery pro-
grams at Belgiums UCB.

Wacker Chemie will spend Pharmaron, a Beijing-based Vaxess Technologies has BioVersys, a Swiss biotech
about $7 million to expand sil- contract research firm, has received two grants totaling firm, will work with the U.S.
icone production at its Jandi- agreed to buy a majority stake about $6 million from the Bill drug discovery services firm
ra site near So Paulo, Brazil. in a U.S. subsidiary of Japans & Melinda Gates Foundation Aptuit on new targets and
The firm says the project will Shin-Nippon Biomedical Lab- to support the development molecules for Gram-negative
boost output of antifoam oratories. Based at the Uni- of polio and measles-rubella bacteria. BioVersys studies
compounds and specialty sil- versity of Maryland BioPark, vaccines. The company uses small molecules that interfere
icones for industries such as the subsidiary conducts silk-derived biopolymers to with bacterial-resistance
paper and personal care. Phase I and II clinical studies create controlled-release mi- mechanisms.
for drug industry customers. croneedle patches for trans-
Vernalis and Servier, dermal delivery of vaccines. Takeda Pharmaceutical
partners since 2007, have set Herbalife, a producer of invested in the $120 million
up a new two-year oncology supplements used for weight UCB Biopharma has signed initial public offering of Arix
drug discovery collaboration. loss and nutrition, has set up a multiyear insourcing Bioscience, a London-based
Vernalis will receive an ini- a 275-m2 facility at the Banga- agreement with the French firm that finances and builds

tial $2 million for applying lore, India, site of the contract contract research firm NovA- life sciences businesses. Arix
its fragment- and struc- research firm Syngene. Staffed liX. Under the pact, NovAliX says it will create and incubate
ture-based drug discovery with Syngene employees, the will provide on-site chemistry companies in partnership
methods to the program. facility will help Herbalife for- services to support small-mol- with Takeda.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 15

Policy Concentrates

EPA scraps methane reporting

for oil and gas industries
Pruitt kills data collection at several states request
The Trump Administration has withdrawn gas 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide,
an EPA request that oil and natural gas according to EPA. The Trump EPA nixed requirements for
companies provide information on their The U.S. is experiencing an oil and gas existing oil and gas operations to report
methane emissions from field operations. bonanza, with some 1 million wells in op- their methane emissions.
The Obama Administration had sent eration. However, in the rush to exploit
the data request to some 15,000 oil and gas the resource, much is uncleareven tist. Some companies are already collecting,
companies late last year. It asked for basic the exact number of wells is uncertain. and often sharing, information on their
information on the numbers and types of Confusion also surrounds the quantity of methane emissions, he adds.
equipment used at onshore drilling and methane emissions. The now-canceled Industry applauds the withdrawal.
production facilities as well as more de- reporting was intended to help resolve this Howard Feldman, the American Petro-
tailed information on methane emission uncertainty. leum Institutes director of regulatory
sources and control devices. There is a lack of transparency in oil and affairs, calls EPAs announcement a
Earlier in 2016, EPA issued methane gas operations, notes Mark Brownstein, positive step.
control regulations for new oil and gas vice president of climate and energy at the EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt says
facilities but did not address existing fa- Environmental Defense Fund, an activist the day before the March 2 withdrawal,
cilities. The data collection rule was an group. We really dont know what is out he received a request from nine state
attempt by the Obama EPA to learn more there. You cant manage what you are not attorneys general and the governors of
about oil and gas operations in preparation measuring. The irony is industry called for Mississippi and Kentucky to kill the re-
for emissions regulations at operating this information before EPA proposes to porting request. EPA, he says, takes such
facilities. regulate existing oil and gas facilities. concerns seriously and is committed to
Oil and gas operations are the largest It is a missed opportunity, says Rob strengthening its partnership with the
industrial source of methane, a greenhouse Jackson, a Stanford University earth scien- states.JEFF JOHNSON, special to C&EN

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Liquids not playing nice

Maria Zakharova, a graduate student at Laval University, encountered
this stunning emulsion when trying to purify the product of a reaction
shed run. She was trying to separate her low-polarity amide product
from her reactant, undecanoic acid. Zakharova performed the extraction
with dichloromethane (DCM), which dissolves her product, and water,
which dissolves more-polar molecules, such as undecanoic acid. But
instead of two clean, separable layers, Zakharova ended up with this.
The undecanoic acid molecules anchored their polar heads in the water
while keeping their nonpolar tails in the DCM, thereby forming micelles
and preventing the water from settling as a separate layer. This kind
of emulsion remains stable for quite a long timeweeks, months,
Zakharova says. Even though this reaction looks beautiful, it is not easy
to purify.MANNY MORONE

Submitted by Maria Zakharova

16 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

U.S. said to be
falling behind in U.S., EU to share pharma
advanced reactors inspection reports
The U.S. nuclear industry is lagging behind U.S. and European Union regulators have agreed to recognize each others
China, Russia, and others on advanced inspection reports of pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. The decision is
nuclear reactor technology because of reg- expected to help FDA and EU drug inspectors avoid duplicating inspections.
ulatory hurdles, witnesses said last week Its also expected to
at a Senate hearing. The U.S. is starting lower inspection costs
to cede its global leadership on nuclear and help regulators fo-
energy, Ashley E. Finan, policy director of cus resources in parts
the research and advocacy group Nuclear of the world where the
Innovation Alliance, told the Senate Envi- risk of unsafe drugs
ronment & Public Works Committee. With is the greatest. The
that leadership position goes influence on agreement comes
nonproliferation discussions and on best after nearly three
practices and safety and on environmental years of collaboration
issues globally, Finan said at the panels between FDA and EU
hearing on the proposed Nuclear Energy inspectors to assess
Innovation and Modernization Act (S. 512). the risks and benefits
The bipartisan legislation, introduced ear- of relying on foreign
lier this month, is aimed at modernizing inspections of drug
the U.S. nuclear regulatory process and manufacturing facilities. Congress gave FDA the authority to use foreign drug
revitalizing the nuclear industry sector, inspection reports in 2012 with the passage of the FDA Safety & Innovation
said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), the com- Act. The law allows FDA to recognize foreign inspections as long as those
mittees chair. Barrasso, who introduced inspections meet U.S. requirements. The Mutual Recognition Agreement is
the bill, is concerned that advanced nuclear an important step in working collaboratively and strategically with key part-
reactor technology in the U.S. faces de- ners to help ensure that American patients have access to safe, effective, and
lays and costs from regulatory red tape. high-quality drugs, says Dara Corrigan, FDAs associate commissioner for
The measure would require the Nuclear global regulatory policy.BRITT ERICKSON
Regulatory Commission to develop a se-
ries of steps for licensing non-light-water
fessor who chaired the committee. To be they are open to modernizing the accord.
prepared, federal agencies should grow in- The American Chemistry Council, the
BIOTECHNOLOGY house expertise on the changing biotech- Chemical Industry Association of Canada,
Prepare for flood nology landscape, coordinate cross-agency
risk assessments for new products, and
and the Mexican Chemical Industry Na-
tional Association say NAFTA has greatly
fund research into ethical, legal, and social benefited the industry, created jobs, and
of new products, implications of emerging biotechnology made the region more competitive glob-
report says products, the report says. EPA, FDA, and
USDA commissioned the study in 2015
ally. Trade in chemicals among the three
NAFTA countries more than tripled from
as part of an effort to modernize the U.S. $20 billion in 1994 to more than $63 billion
The U.S. regulatory system is likely to be regulatory system for biotechnology in 2014. But the groups say they are open
overwhelmed by an onslaught of biotech- products.JESSICA MORRISON to updating NAFTA, outlining priorities
nology products in coming years, according such as strengthening cross-border data
to a report from the National Academies of protection, setting new standards for
Sciences, Engineering & Medicine. In the TRADE state-owned companies, and streamlining
report, the National Academies committee
of academic and industry biotechnology Chemical sector customs procedures. Most importantly,
all chemical products are traded duty-free
experts recommends strategies to help fed- under NAFTA, and a modernized NAFTA
eral agencies prepare based on predicted
outlines priorities should maintain this policy, the industry
future biotechnology products and antic-
ipated regulatory challenges. The rate at
for NAFTA rewrite associations say in a joint statement. Its
unclear what changes the White House

which biotechnology products are intro- will seek in the trilateral trade agreement,
duced, and the types of products, are ex- With the Trump Administration vow- but the GOP-led Congress is considering
pected to significantly increase in the next ing to renegotiate the North American border adjustment import taxes and other
five to 10 years, and federal agencies need Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and measures that would upend the current
to prepare for this growth, says Richard Canada, trade groups representing the tariff-free arrangement.GLENN HESS,
M. Murray, a Caltech bioengineering pro- North American chemical industry say special to C&EN

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 17


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Foreign students and postdocs

in U.S. worry about the future
of inclusiveness that the U.S. has had where
While Trump takes aim at immigration, foreign if you work hard, you have the opportunity
trainees consider taking their talents elsewhere to do great no matter where youre from.
Khademhosseini, who is originally from
LINDA WANG, C&EN WASHINGTON Iran, says hes worried about the long-term
impact these political actions will have on

n late January, when President Donald J. Trumps initial U.S. competitiveness in science and tech-
executive order took effect barring people from seven nology. There are many places in the world
that would love to have smart, educated
predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S. for people who have skills in science and tech-
90 days, the scientific community reacted swiftly (C&EN, nology, he says.
Feb. 6, page 5). Among them, foreign graduate students and postdocs Khademhosseini and 45 other journal ed-
itors recently published an editorial in ACS
in the U.S. scrambled to figure out how such travel restrictions would Nano encouraging the scientific commu-
affect them. nity to promote a culture of inclusiveness,
The first 24 hours, nobody did any Im walking on eggshells, and I dont tolerance, and diversity (2017, DOI: 10.1021/
work, says Saghi Saghazadeh, an Iranian know whats going to happen, Saghazadeh acsnano.7b00953).
postdoc in the lab of Ali Khademhosseini at says. The worst part is that we cannot plan Foreign grad students and postdocs
Harvard Medical School. I was constantly for the future. whom C&EN spoke with said they are seri-
refreshing news websites; thats all I did. The National Science Foundations ously considering leaving the U.S. for coun-
A federal judge issued a stay on that National Center for Science & Engineering tries that have a more welcoming immi-
executive order, but President Trump on Statistics conducts a Survey of Graduate gration policy. Im questioning staying in
March 6 announced a new executive order Students & Postdoctorates in Science & En- America, and I have already started looking
that suspends for 90 days immigration gineering. According to that survey, 45% of through documents for Canada, Saghaza-
from six, instead of seven, predominantly full-time graduate students in science and deh says. I will go to a country where I have
Muslim countries: Iran, Libya, Somalia, Su- engineering in the U.S. were on a temporary to worry less about my life.
dan, Syria, and Yemen. Iraq, which was list- visa in 2015. Cathleen Crudden, a chemistry pro-
ed in the first immigration executive order, Khademhosseini, who is researching fessor at Queens University in Ontario

is no longer on the list. tissue engineering, says the majority of stu- and a member of C&ENs advisory board,
These curbs on immigration are prompt- dents and postdocs in his lab are from other says she has been fielding phone calls and
ing foreign grad students and postdocs in countries. e-mails every day from foreign scientists
the U.S. to consider alternative plans for We are very multicultural in our lab, and in the U.S. and other countries inquiring
their education and career, including mov- its representative of most labs in the U.S., about joining her lab. Ive had people from
ing to another country. he says. Ive always appreciated this vision the U.S. contact me to say that they want to

20 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

move in the middle of their Ph.D. program, Foreign talent lls labs have to plan accordingly, says the Oklaho-
she says. That tells you how people are The number of grad students in the U.S. ma State grad student. I dont feel secure,
feeling, that theyre willing to do that. who are on temporary visas is catching up and I dont have a clear vision of whats
But just because a foreign grad student or to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. going to happen. I have to look at other op-
postdoc moves to Canada doesnt guaran- tions. He says hes looking into opportu-
tee an easier life. The challenge in Canada Full-time grad students in science and engineering nities in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and
is that we dont have the same capacity in countries in Europe, as well as prospects
terms of the workforce, Crudden says. But 250,000 back home in India.
that can always change. Most of the industry 200,000 Delaney points out that applying for
in Canada is made up of small multinational 150,000 an EB-1 extraordinary ability or an EB-2
enterprises. But our government is interest- national interest waiver green card is still
ed in investing in science and technology. an option for foreign scientists, although
With growth and proper investment, we 50,000 the bar for getting one of these green cards
could certainly improve the opportunities 0 is high. If youre good enough and youre
available in the chemical industry, she says. 1980 85 90 95 00 05 10 15 accomplished enough, you can make a
The political uncertainty is discouraging U.S. citizens and permanent residents solid case, Delaney says. At least there
foreign talent from heading to the U.S., Temporary visa holders are still avenues open without having to be
whether for education, for work, or even Source: National Science Foundations National Center sponsored by companies. He encourages
just a scientific meeting. Grad students and for Science & Engineering Statistics foreign scientists to educate themselves
postdocs who are from the affected coun- about the process so they know their op-
tries worry that they wont be able to travel 15% of their employees on H-1B visas. tions moving forward. At the ACS Career
to the U.S. for conferences. Sogol Borjian, With Lufgrens proposal, an H-1B-depen- Fair at the societys national meeting in San
an Iranian scientist at Queens University, dent employer would have to pay a certain Francisco in April, an immigration law firm
is program chair for an optical society con- percentage of its H-1B visa holders at least will be available to answer questions about
ference in the U.S. in June, and she is not $130,000 annually to avoid restrictions re- visas and other immigration issues. ACS
certain that she will be able to get a visa to garding recruiting and displacing U.S. work- will also be offering a workshop on navigat-
attend. The American Chemical Society is ers. Thats a significant increase from the ing the U.S. visa process.
hearing similar concerns from those sched- current H-1B-dependent wage exemption Foreign grad students and postdocs
uled to attend its national meeting in San level of $60,000. Whats more, the bill pro- say they feel more isolated from their col-
Francisco next month. poses a new formula to calculate the H-1B leagues. Im the only person from one of the
Meanwhile, Sara Mahshid, an Iranian prevailing wage and allocation of H-1B visas. seven countries in my group, says Hooman
postdoc at the University of Toronto, says The bigger corporations would be in a Yaghoobnejad Asl, an Iranian postdoc at the
that because of the executive order, she position to be able to absorb those much University of Pennsylvania. It somehow
was unable to attend a job interview at the
University of California, Davis. She and her
sister, Sahar, also a postdoc at the Universi- I dont know whats going to happen.
ty of Toronto, are now wondering whether
they should apply for jobs in the U.S. at all.
Even if I have a visa to enter the U.S., if Im
The worst part is that we cannot
not eventually able to get a green card or a
work permit, there is no point in offering
plan for the future.
someone like me a job, Sara Mahshid says. Saghi Saghazadeh, Iranian postdoc, Harvard Medical School
Its not just students and postdocs from
the affected countries who are feeling un- higher wages, and theyre hiring more com- affects the way other people see you. Every-
settled. A graduate student at Oklahoma puter programmers, computer engineers, one is asking, So, whats going to happen to
State University who came to the U.S. from and software engineers, says Brendan you next? I feel like Ive been separated from
India in 2011 says he worries about poten- Delaney, an immigration lawyer with Leavy, the group, and everyone is concerned about
tial changes that might happen to the pro- Frank & Delaney in Bethesda, Md. If youre me.
cess of obtaining an H-1B temporary work a scientist on more of the research side Despite the political uncertainties, one
visa. He didnt want his name included out of things, and a small or midsized biotech thing is certain: Scientists are learning to
of concern for his career prospects. company wants to hire you, where are they speak up, Khademhosseini says. Many
On March 3, the Trump Administration going to be in all of this? of the people I know who are scientists
announced suspension of expedited pro- The number of H-1B visas awarded to re- have never really been involved in activism
cessing of H-1B visas for up to six months. searchers in the chemical sciences is already and politics, but these kinds of things have
And several bills now in Congress propose extremely low. In 2015, according to data made a lot more people aware, and theyve
additional changes to the H-1B visa process. from the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration started to think about how they can let their
For example, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) Services, initial H-1B petitions approved in voices be heard, he says.
has introduced the High-Skilled Integrity & occupations in mathematics and physical Saghazadeh agrees. As international
Fairness Act of 2017, a bill designed to curb and life sciences accounted for approximate- scientists we have always been closed in our
what some see as H-1B visa outsourcing ly 4% of the total approved H-1B petitions. In labs, and we have not been communicat-
abuse and instead attract highly skilled and comparison, 62% of the approved H-1B peti- ing with people. Thats why they see us as
highly paid workers. One portion of the bill tions went to computer-related occupations. strangers, she says. We should find a way
deals with employers that are considered If I get a job in the U.S., I would stay, but to talk to people, and I hope we can get to a
H-1B dependentthose that have at least if I dont get a job, what am I going to do? I point where we can have a dialogue.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 21


gives chemists
more power
Organic chemists find using
electric current as a reagent
helps streamline reactions

hen it comes to electrochemistry, the first thing Waldvogels lab in Mainz, Germany,
that pops into mind probably isnt CH activation uses a variety of divided and undivided
batch-type electrochemical cells (colored
or arene cross-coupling reactions. You might think solutions added for visualization) for
of batteries and solar cells, or industrial processes small-scale screening reactions and for
such as electroplating and the electrolytic production of metals such prep-scale electrosynthesis.
as aluminum. Others might think of cyclic voltammetry, a technique hands of the modern synthetic organic
used to study the chemical properties of compounds and reaction chemist, who is faced with the challenge of
mechanisms. creating increasingly complex molecules
in a greener, more sustainable, safer, and
But for plain old organic chemistry, like mentally about adding and subtracting more cost-effective manner over current
those arene cross-couplings, electrochem- electrons to and from target molecules. reagent-based approaches.
istry isnt common in research or used Researchers achieve electron pushing typi- Waldvogels group, for example, in
widely on a preparative scale. The centu- cally through the power of an acid, base, or collaboration with researchers at Evonik
ry-old chlor-alkali electrolysis process to metal catalyst, accompanied by the activity Industries, last year created a metal-free,
prepare chlorine and sodium hydroxide of a cocatalyst or oxidizing and reducing oxidant-free one-step electrochemical
from sodium chloride solution is one agents to complete the circuit, so to speak, protocol for cross-coupling phenols to
exception. And emerging more recently allowing the catalyst to be recycled. make symmetrical and nonsymmetrical
have been clean energy electrocatalytic In recent years, improvements in pho- biaryl diols (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016,
reactions such as splitting water to make tocatalysis, in which light interacting with DOI: 10.1002/anie.201604321 and 10.1002/
hydrogen and reducing carbon dioxide to a catalyst helps drive the electron-transfer anie.201605865). The researchers just
make simple hydrocarbons. process, have further boosted organic syn- expanded the approach to aniline-aniline
Todays chemists have been simply re- thesis. Electrosynthesis is offering a similar cross-couplings to form 2,2-diamino-
luctant to adopt electrosynthesis, believing boost, except its a pair of electrodes con- biaryls (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, DOI:
the technology is too cumbersome or ex- trolling electron flow in the reaction vessel 10.1002/anie.201612613).
pensive. Yet as a growing cadre of research- instead of a lightbulb. Electrochemical syn- Overall, the scalable power-to-chem-
ers is showing, the benefits of the technolo- thesis shares some of the same perceived icals approach is important for making

gy can no longer be overlooked. barriers to adoption as photocatalysis, but specialty, value-added products, Waldvogel
Synthetic chemists have long viewed both approaches present the benefit for notes, including drug candidates, agro-
electrochemistry as an area where a few chemists to do more with less. chemicals, flavors and fragrances, catalyst
people do interesting reactions that are Electric current, when used as a surro- ligands, and molecules for materials sci-
difficult for everyone else to repeat, says gate reagent, offers researchers the ability ence. And going beyond standard batch
Kevin D. Moeller of Washington University to avoid toxic or dangerous oxidizing or processes, Waldvogels team is developing
in St. Louis. That view is changing: The reducing reagents, protecting groups, and continuous electrochemical processes us-
field is undergoing a dramatic uptick in catalysts typically used in organic syn- ing microflow reactors, which can further
popularity at the present, which for those of thesis. Moreover, reducing or eliminating increase efficiency and reduce waste.
us who have been advancing the technique heating and cooling of reaction vessels can This stuff is extraordinary, Wald-
for a while now is really exciting. cut energy consumption. Another plus is vogel exclaims. These findings bring
There is a real resurgence of electrosyn- the ability to selectively target functional oxidative cross-coupling to the next level.
thesis, adds Siegfried R. Waldvogel of Jo- groups in a molecule during a reaction Electrosynthesis represents a disruptive
hannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The based on their different redox potentials, technology and will be a game changer for
invasion of more synthetically oriented sci- which is useful in diversifying intermedi- industry .
entists is propelling the area dramatically. ates and final products. In another example, Jun-ichi Yoshida
Synthetic organic reactions are funda- Those advantages play right into the and coworkers at Kyoto University have

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 23

been helping advance electrosynthesis with Another misconception is that product sep- natural products. Typical approaches in-
a series of arene functionalization reac- aration is difficult. volve chromium or selenium reagents and
tions. Yoshidas team carried out electro- Barans group became involved with palladium or rhodium catalysts, which are
chemical oxidation of toluene derivatives electrosynthesis out of necessity, he says, unsuitable in an industrial process, because
to form benzyl cations that accumulate in when his team was attempting to prepare of their toxicity or their cost.
solution, what Yoshida refers to as a cation the dimeric natural product dixiamycin B. Horn, Rosen, Baran, and their colleagues,
pool. Reactions with subsequently added After extensive screening, the researchers working in collaboration with chemists at
nucleophiles give the desired benzylic CH/ couldnt find a chemical oxidizing reagent Bristol-Myers Squibb, found an inexpen-
aromatic CH cross-coupling products. capable of forging the NN bond needed to sive N-hydroxyphthalimide catalyst that
The Kyoto researchers have used this ap- couple the two monomer units in the final undergoes electrode oxidation to form an
proach to make a variety of compounds, in- reaction step. Only after exhaustive evalua- oxygen-centered radical that leads to the
cluding a precursor of TP27, an inhibitor of tions did they begin to consider an electro- oxidation products. The researchers tested
protein tyrosine phosphatases. PTPases, as chemical oxidation. it by converting valencene to nootkatone,
they are called, are regulators of cell growth Rosen, Baran, and their coworkers found the major flavor compound in grapefruit.
and metabolism associated with conditions a plausible method, assembled the needed Process chemists subsequently used the ap-
such as diabetes (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, equipment, and then dialed in the oxidation proach to convert dehydroepiandrosterone
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b05273). parameters to accomplish what no chemical derivatives to enones on a 100-g scale,
Taking another approach, Shannon S. reagent could. The achievement demon- eliminating the need for 80 g of a chromium
Stahls group at the University of Wisconsin, strated the power of electrochemistry in reagent and the need to remove chromi-
Madison, has been working toward devel- organic synthesis, particularly in complex um-based contaminants from the product
oping more efficient electrochemical oxida- settings that require exquisite chemoselec- (Nature 2016, DOI: 10.1038/nature17431).
tion of biomass-derived alcohols. TEMPO tivity, Baran notes. Electrochemistry holds great promise
(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidine N-oxyl) Barans group now turns more often to for organic chemistry in terms of incredible
is an effective catalyst for such oxidations, electrosynthesis. For example, the research- efficiency and unique reactivity, Baran
but it requires running reaction cells at high ers were looking for a practical chemical says. But in order for it to really catch on,
electrode potentials. Stahls group found method for direct allylic CH oxidations to it will need to penetrate the most populat-
that copper bipyridine and TEMPO work as make enone and allylic alcohol derivatives ed market of practicing organic chemists:
cooperative partners for the two-electron as intermediates for preparing terpene Those in industry.
oxidation of alcohols to make ketones and
aldehydes. The dual electrocatalyst oxida-
tions run at a fivefold faster rate and operate Leading the charge
at an electrode potential a half-volt lower Multiple organic research groups are turning to electrosynthesis for
than that used for the TEMPO-only process a variety of reactions.
(Nature 2016, DOI: 10.1038/nature18008).
This is incredibly impactful research Waldvogels nonsymmetric phenolic cross-couplings
the reemergence of electrochemistry OH
deserves our attention, says Phil S. Baran OH OH R1
of Scripps Research Institute California. R1 + R2
Getting the attention of reluctant chemists R2
isnt going to be easy, however, as Baran R1, R2 = various groups HO
along with Evan J. Horn and Brandon
R. Rosen in his group point out in a recent Yoshidas cation pool cross-couplings
perspective article (ACS Cent. Sci. 2016,
DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.6b00091). N Nucleophiles (Nu) Nu
R1 R2N=S(C6H5)2
R1 R1
In their experience, the Scripps research- R2
ers find a number of electrosynthesis fears
must be overcome. These include investing Cation pool
in equipment. The barrier to investment R1 = various groups; R2 = tosyl; Nu = heterocycles, unsaturated aliphatics
becomes higher, they note, when chemists
discover that a standard instrument for pre- Barans allylic CH oxidations
parative electrolysis doesnt exist and that O O
many of the recent electrosynthesis success
stories reported in the literature relied on H H
Phthalimide catalyst,
home-built rather than commercially avail- H H
H 100-g scale H
able equipment. RO RO O
Adding to that fear, the Scripps research-
ers point out, is trying to understand the R = H, COCH3
complex reaction setup, from the poten-
Aub and Moellers polycyclic lactam oxidations
tiostat to the endless number of variables OCH3
encountered, such as deciding what type of O O
reaction cell, electrode, or electrolyte to use N N
for a given reaction. Plus, a common miscon-
Phone-charger power source,
ception is that only aqueous solvents can be O pencil-lead electrodes O
used, when many organic solvents do work. H H

24 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

That barrier also appears vulnerable to falling. We are moti-
vated by electrochemistrys ability to precisely control the flow
of electrons in a redox process and its potential to access novel
mechanisms, says Jeremy Starr, an associate research fellow at
Pfizer whose group has been advocating organic electrosynthesis
for several years. This power is amply illustrated, Starr notes, by the
stories Baran and others are laying out, which really capture the T3P The New Standard in
excitement of this field with some of the most inspiring examples of Peptide Bond Formation
what currently can be done.
An especially important and perhaps underappreciated applica- and Other Condensations
tion for organic electrochemistry is in late-stage functionalization
of drug lead compounds, Starr points out. His team has been using Amide Bond Formations:
electrosynthesis to introduce oxygen or fluorine, or for making High Yields Simple Work-up No Epimerization
new CC bonds, in small samples of complex molecules. At the
other end of the spectrum, electrochemical oxidations, reductions, T3P is an outstanding reagent to achieve quick
and cross-coupling reactions can offer synthetic and cost efficien- breakthroughs even for most challenging applications.
cies for scale-up by sparing the use of stoichiometric quantities of T3P can reduce overall costs by 20%.
reactants, he says. F
Boc O
Like photoredox chemistry, I think the popularity of organic HN F T3P
electrochemistry will grow as the perception of a high barrier to OH O
+ HN
entry falls away, as inexpensive and easy-to-use power supplies and N one pot O
analytical tools become available, and as the relative ease of con- F F

trolling and scaling the reactions becomes more broadly appreciat-

ed in the synthesis community, Starr observes.
Besides pushing to develop new electrochemically enabled
reactions, the research groups leading the way are also pushing
to develop instrumentation specifically for the organic synthe-
sis community, in some cases collaborating with lab equipment
companies. The goal for these new products is to offer what Baran
calls out-of-the-box instrumentation, or what Waldvogel says
is equipment like a utility truck, not a high-end Ferrari. Wald-
vogel has already helped launch IKAs lab-scale continuous-flow
electrosynthesis system, called Electrasyn Flow. Baran hints that a
product codeveloped in his lab will be unveiled later this year. Coupling Agent Yield (%) Epimerization (%)
For Washington Universitys Moeller, his group has been working T3P 87 1.8
for close to 30 years to make organic electrosynthesis more acces- DCC/HOBt 61 5.9
sible. Moellers team was one of the first to show that electrochem- EDC/HOBt 67 11.1
istry can be used to couple two nucleophilic reagents, opening up a HBTU 66 16.1
new set of reaction pathways. The researchers have used these reac- TBTU 53 9.1
tions along with electrochemical amide oxidations to synthesize a PyBOP 63 14.2
range of complex molecules. Many of these reactions can be driven
by sunlight using solar cells or by other simple power sources, Advantages of T3P
Moeller says, providing evidence that anyone can do this. Propane Phosphonic Acid Anhydride
To demonstrate, Moeller and his coworkers attached small pho-
High yields and broad functional group tolerance
tovoltaic cells normally used to power toy cars and boats or 6-V lan-
Easy processes and work-up (only water-soluble byproducts)
tern batteries to the electrodes in their reaction flasks. Using these
Mild conditions, typically lowest level of racemization /
setups, they reproduced the yields of electrochemical reactions they
epimerization without additives
originally ran with a conventional power supply. With Moellers Safe handling, non-toxic, no sensitizing properties
guidance, Jeffrey Aubs group, then at the University of Kansas and Reduced overall process costs (already several large-scale
now at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, has shown pharma applications existing; 20% cost savings possible)
how a repurposed cell phone charger can serve as a power supply We have produced T3P for decades as a 50% (w/w) solution
and mechanical pencil leads can replace carbon electrodes. The re- in many different solvents
searchers reported how that simplified equipment could be used for Application examples: amide bond formation, esterifcations,
the CH oxidation of polycyclic lactams in late-stage functionaliza- conversion of amides / acids into nitriles, isonitrile formation,
tions (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201504775). oxidations and many more
Over the period of many years, a series of dedicated scientists
has explored electrochemical methods in ways that both illustrate
their potential and define the experimental parameters needed to
more fully capitalize on them, Moeller says. Now with increasing Request our T3P Application
pressure on the synthetic community to run more sustainable reac- Package or Free Samples:
tions, we have the opportunity to fully capitalize on this potential
to enable a broad scope of synthetic transformations. No longer is
electrochemistry the realm of specialists, and that change could
not be more welcome.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 25


Chemical firms exit 2016

with some bruises
Demand was strong for some specialties, but results perfluorooctanoic acid released from a for-
mer DuPont plant. DuPont and Chemours
showed the impact of slow growth and lower prices agreed to split the $670 million settlement,
thus addressing a key contingent liability
MELODY M. BOMGARDNER, C&EN WEST COAST on Chemourss books, Vergnano wrote to

.S.-based chemical firms failed earnings boost of 31% to $187 million, com- Meanwhile, results at Dow were mod-
in their attempts to boost profits pared with the 2015 pro forma figures. estly higher on mixed performance in its
in 2016 in the face of an uneven Chemours CEO Mark Vergnano wrote diverse businesses. As at DuPont, con-
and slow-growing global in a note to investors that 2016 was sumer specialties blossomed: Sales were
economy. The 19 chemical compa- about transformation; our five- up 25% compared with 2015, and earnings
nies tracked by C&EN largely met point transformation plan delivered more than doubled. Dows purchase of all
earnings expectations for the final results on all frontscost reduc- of Dow Corning amped up silicone sales to
quarter. But for the full year, sales tions, portfolio rationalization, auto and consumer care markets. Plastics
declined 5.3%, mainly because of growth opportunities, focused used in packaging continued their strong
lower raw material costs, while 2016 capital investments, and cultural run. The firm also introduced ingredients
earnings fell 8.7%.
The picture looked rosier
financial change. The company focused on
lowering the cost of producing the
for gluten-free products that were well re-
ceived by the food industry.
for the 17 firms that are not in review white pigment titanium dioxide But demand was lower for Dows refin-
the fertilizer business. Their combined and growing its sales of Opteon, its line of ing chemicals and performance monomers.
earnings slipped by only 1.8%. And most low-greenhouse-gas-potential refrigerants. Overall, Dow earned $4.2 billion for the
specialty chemical makers, thanks to their Vergnano was also pleased about a year, up 4% from 2015.
value-added products, more than made up recent agreement to settle thousands For firms with portfolios tied more
for lower materials costs to post significant of lawsuits in Ohio and West Virginia closely to basic chemicals, 2016 was not
earnings gains. In contrast, the fertilizer over drinking water contaminated with a great year. Huntsman Corp., Lyondell-
sellers Mosaic and CF Industries were hit
hard by much lower selling prices and ex- The year in chemicals
cess global supply. Specialties rms mainly had a good year, but basic chemicals and fertilizer companies
The power of specialties to generate struggled.
higher profits was particularly evident
for companies that sell into consumer SALES EARNINGSa CHANGE FROM 2015 PROFIT MARGINb
markets. In the fourth quarter, DuPont $ MILLIONS SALES EARNINGS 2016 2015
saw volume growth for sweeteners and Air Products $9,051 $1,580 -1.6% 13.7% 17.5% 15.1%
probiotics aimed at the food industry and Albemarle 2,677 483 -5.3 10.0 18.0 15.5
for performance materials used in auto- Ashland 4,978 415 -3.5 -11.7 8.3 9.1
motive manufacturing. The firm also ben- Celanese 5,389 963 -5.0 5.0 17.9 16.2
efited from the popularity of its Solamet
CF Industries 3,685 109 -14.5 -87.8 3.0 20.8
brand of metallization paste, used in solar
Chemours 5,400 187 -5.5 30.8 3.5 2.5
Overall, DuPonts 2016 sales dipped Chemtura 1,616 111 -5.3 9.9 6.9 5.9
slightly compared with 2015not every Dow Chemical 45,108 4,221 -3.4 4.1 9.4 8.7
specialty was in high demandbut earn- DuPont 24,594 2,934 -2.1 27.5 11.9 9.2
ings shot up by more than 27% to $2.9 bil- Eastman Chemical 9,008 1,003 -6.6 -8.1 11.1 11.3
lion. Chief Executive Officer Ed Breen FMC Corp. 3,282 380 0.2 14.1 11.6 10.2
credited the success to new product intro- W.R. Grace 1,599 192 -1.8 8.5 12.0 10.9
ductions as well as to the companys ef- Huntsman Corp. 9,657 377 -6.2 -23.4 3.9 4.8
forts to aggressively slim down in advance LyondellBasell 29,183 3,865 -10.9 -20.0 13.2 14.8
of its planned merger with Dow Chemical. Mosaic 7,163 298 -19.5 -70.2 4.2 11.2
In a conference call with analysts, he said NewMarket 2,049 243 -4.3 1.7 11.9 11.2
DuPont trimmed 11% from its operating
Praxair 10,534 1,576 -2.2 -6.0 15.0 15.6
costs, including a 41% cut in corporate
Stepan 1,766 98 -0.6 24.1 5.5 4.4
The year was also a good one for Du- Westlake Chemical 5,075 399 13.7 -38.2 7.9 14.5
Ponts former performance chemicals TOTALc $181,814 $19,434 -5.3% -8.7% 10.7% 11.1%
businesses, Chemours. In its first full year a After-tax earnings from continuing operations, excluding significant extraordinary and nonrecurring items. b Af-
of financial results, Chemours reported an ter-tax earnings as a percentage of sales. c Percentages were calculated from combined sales and earnings.

26 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Chemical top 10
Dow retook the top earner spot from LyondellBasell in 2016.
2016 $ MILLIONS 2015 $ MILLIONS 2015 % OF SALES 2015
1 Dow Chemical $45,108 1 Dow Chemical $4,221 2 Albemarle 18.0% 4
2 LyondellBasell 29,183 2 LyondellBasell 3,865 1 Celanese 17.9 2
3 DuPont 24,594 3 DuPont 2,934 3 Air Products 17.5 5
4 Praxair 10,534 4 Air Products 1,580 5 Praxair 15.0 3
5 Huntsman Corp. 9,657 5 Praxair 1,576 4 LyondellBasell 13.2 6
6 Air Products 9,051 7 Eastman Chemical 1,003 6 W.R. Grace 12.0 11
7 Eastman Chemical 9,008 6 Celanese 963 8 DuPont 11.9 13
8 Mosaic 7,163 8 Albemarle 483 13 NewMarket 11.9 10
9 Chemours 5,400 9 Ashland 415 12 FMC Corp. 11.6 12
10 Celanese 5,389 10 Westlake Chemical 399 10 Eastman Chemical 11.1 8
Note: Based on the companies listed on page 26.
Basell Industries, and Westlake Chemical expansion in petrochemical manufactur- in both the third and fourth quarters of
all saw earnings shrink compared with ing capacity could put pressure on profit 2016. These measures and other indicators
the prior year. And for Eastman Chemical margins in the industry, according to Lau- caused ACCs Chemical Activity Barometer
and Ashland, large specialties portfolios rence Alexander, chemicals analyst at the to rise by 0.4% in February, which the group
couldnt offset poor performance in com- investment bank Jefferies. Still, he expects considers a strong gain.
modity businesses. chemical firms to flex their muscles and The chemical industry had embarked on
Two Eastman specialties, Tritan co- raise prices as soon as they can. a large round of deal-making when it looked
polyester and Saflex acoustic interlayers, Our leading indicator for chemical sec- as if economic growth would be slow for
benefited from strong demand, but its sales tor pricing power is now the strongest since years. Now, it can look to postdeal restruc-
of fibers and lower-value copolymers fell. 2011, which supports chemical company turing as a way to capture more profit from
And lower raw material and energy costs aspirations to pass through higher input a rebound in manufacturing.
decreased selling prices for its additives prices in the second half of the year, Alex- Dow and DuPont continue their efforts
business, dampening results. Lower selling ander wrote in a note to investors. to clear regulatory hurdles ahead of their
prices took a bite out of revenues at Hunts- An increase in U.S. historic merger, which
mans performance products and advanced
materials businesses and affected sales of
industrial manufacturing
would strengthen pricing Our leading is now expected to close
some time in the first half
olefins at Westlake.
Mark Costa, Eastmans CEO, said the
power by creating demand
for larger quantities of indicator for of the year. In his confer-
ence call with analysts,
company is working to improve its mix
of advanced materials to contain more
raw materials supplied by
the chemical industry. A chemical DuPonts Breen reiterated
his confidence that the
high-margin products. The strategy will second boost could come deal will proceed and said
help the firm in 2017, according to Charles
Neivert, chemicals analyst at the invest-
if manufacturing firms
increase investments in
sector pricing the focus of regulators is
mainly on the two firms
ment bank Cowen & Co. He noted in partic-
ular Eastmans success in developing and
equipment in addition to
just churning out more
power is now overlapping crop protec-
tion offerings.
marketing high-performance tire resins
and additives.
Both changes appear to
the strongest But a flurry of other
deals is also happening.
Improved portfolio management
should support additional earnings growth
be under way. In January,
manufacturing activity ex-
since 2011. Albemarle sold its surface
treatment business to
with lower volatility, Neivert wrote in a panded for a third straight Laurence Alexander, BASF in the fourth quarter
research note about the firm. month, according to the chemicals analyst, Jefferies of 2016. In January of this
Ashlands specialty businesses had a American Chemistry year, Air Products com-
strong year, yet overall earnings slipped Council (ACC), the main trade group for pleted the sale of its performance materials
12% from 2015 as substantially lower U.S. chemical companies. division to Evonik Industries, making Air
selling prices dogged its butanediol oper- Production was higher in several Products a pure-play industrial gas firm.
ations. Its specialty ingredients division chemistry-intensive manufacturing indus- And Air Products main gas-selling rival,
saw volumes increase 6% in the latter tries, including food and beverages, appli- Praxair, will transform if a merger with
part of the year. In a note to investors, the ances, construction supplies, machinery, Linde comes to fruition.
company said, Consumer specialties con- electronics, semiconductors, petroleum Ashland officially spun off its retail
tinued to drive growth across multiple end refining, iron and steel products, paper, motor oil and service brand Valvoline into
markets, notably hair care and oral care. structural panels, printing, and furniture, a publicly traded company last year. On
Demand was also strong for Ashlands ACC said in a weekly economics report. Feb. 1, Chemturas shareholders agreed
industrial specialties, mainly coating, ad- Data on business investments are up- to sell the company to Lanxess. Finally,
hesive, construction, and energy-related dated less frequently, but according to Huntsman is working to spin off its TiO2
products. an index published by the U.S. Bureau of business, to be called Venator, later this
In 2017, higher-cost petroleum plus an Economic Advisors, spending increased year.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 27


Pharmaceutical firms saw

modest growth in 2016
Individual company results were mixed contribute to growth, but for now the com-
pany must face competition to biologics it
as sales of major products were beset by originated years ago. In 2016, Amgens sales
patent squabbles and expirations of the anti-inflammatory Enbrel and blood
cell stimulants Epogen and Neupogen were
ANN M. THAYER, C&EN HOUSTON all depressed by biosimilars.
Amgens sales growth last year was just

t was a rocky year for the pharma- in 2016. Among those biologics is 2016s 6%, and that number may slip in the near
ceutical industry in 2016, made even biggest seller, AbbVies Humira. Sales of the future. We will likely face headwinds in
more uneasy by infighting among anti-inflammatory rose 16% to $16 billion 2017 as declines in our mature brands will
companies. and accounted for more than 60% of the begin to offset volume growth from our
Dynamics stemming from the U.S. companys sales. By broadening the more recently launched products, Amgen
presidential election, mergers, pric- market for Humira, AbbVie has Chief Executive Officer Robert Bradway
ing, and global markets pushed and prevented the drug from showing said on a conference call with analysts last
pulled drug company fortunes in its age. month.
many directions. Leading drugs ex- AbbVie has also been trying to A similar trend is happening at Roche for
perienced competitive and legal stave off impending competitors. its three leading productsthe anticancer
threats in what seemed a particu- 2016 In September, the Food & Drug Ad- antibodies Rituxan, Avastin, and Her-
larly litigious year filled with dis-
putes among most major firms.
financial ministration approved Amgens bi-
osimilar version, Amjevita, but not
ceptinwhich enjoy more than $20 billion
in combined annual sales. Competition from
Even so, the 18 companies review before AbbVie sued Amgen for pat- biosimilars and newer immuno-oncology
that C&EN tracks fared well overall, with ent infringement. Litigation is now under therapies kept sales of the three products
combined sales up about 5% and earnings way, as is a separate dispute between Am- flat or only slightly up. Roche is betting on
increasing by nearly 6% from 2015. For gen and Roche about another biosimilar. new drugs, including its recently launched
traditional big pharma companies, it was a Amgen contends that Amjevita and other immuno-oncology antibody Tecentriq, to
welcome change after four years of decline. biosimilars it is developing will eventually help it regain ground.
Factoring into this years averages,
however, were individual company results The year in pharmaceuticals
that ranged from significant double-digit A few standouts helped 2016 sales and earnings growth.
gains to a like-sized drop. For Shire, a 78% SALES EARNINGSa CHANGE FROM 2015 PROFIT MARGINb
jump in sales was a one-time event due to
its acquisition of Baxalta in June. In most
other cases, changes up or down centered AbbVie $25,638 $7,904 12.2% 12.0% 30.8% 30.9%
on specific products. Amgen 22,991 8,785 6.1 10.4 38.2 36.7
Complicating the situation, the pharma- AstraZeneca 23,002 5,455 -6.9 1.2 23.7 21.8
ceutical industry found itself on a patent Biogen 11,449 4,423 6.4 12.5 38.6 36.5
cliff, a precipitous event occurring every Bristol-Myers Squibb 19,427 4,750 17.3 40.6 24.5 20.4
three to four years when patent expirations Celgene 11,229 4,770 21.3 22.9 42.5 41.9
add up. The roughly $50 billion per year in Eli Lilly & Co. 21,222 3,736 6.3 2.2 17.6 18.3
sales of products at risk in 2015 and 2016 Gilead Sciences 30,390 15,713 -6.9 -18.1 51.7 58.7
were on the same order as that of the previ- GlaxoSmithKline 37,929 6,770 16.6 36.1 17.8 15.3
ous cliff, in 2012, according to data from the
Johnson & Johnson 71,890 18,764 2.6 7.6 26.1 24.9
market research firm Evaluate.
Merck & Co. 39,807 10,538 0.8 3.4 26.5 25.8
The difference this time is the type
of drugs losing patent protection and Novartis 48,518 11,314 -1.8 -6.0 23.3 24.4
the potential blow to sales. In 2012, Pzer 52,824 14,761 8.1 7.3 27.9 28.2
small-molecule drugs such as Lipitor fell Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 4,860 1,319 18.4 39.7 27.1 23.0
off the cliff, and generic drug competitors Roche 49,726 12,475 5.0 7.2 25.1 24.6
cannibalized as much as 90% of sales. Now, Sano 37,440 8,090 -0.7 -0.9 21.6 21.6
several blockbuster biologics are losing Shire 11,397 3,391 77.6 46.9 29.8 36.0
protection to biosimilar versions, which Vertex Pharmaceuticals 1,702 211 64.9 nm 12.4 def
are expected to cause less erosion than TOTALc $521,441 $143,169 5.3% 5.6% 27.5% 27.4%
small-molecule generics.
Nevertheless, biosimilar competition Note: European company results are converted at average annual 2016 exchange rates, except for AstraZeneca and
Novartis, which report in U.S. dollars. a After-tax earnings from continuing operations, excluding significant extraordi-
is significant because the threatened nary and nonrecurring items. b After-tax earnings as a percentage of sales. c Percentages were calculated from com-
biologics were seven of the top 10 drugs bined sales and earnings. def = deficit. nm = not meaningful.

28 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Pharma top 10
Gilead trails J&J in earnings but is still tops in protability.
2016 $ MILLIONS 2015 $ MILLIONS 2015 % OF SALES 2015
1 Johnson & Johnson $71,890 1 Johnson & Johnson $18,764 2 Gilead Sciences 51.7% 1
2 Pzer 52,824 3 Gilead Sciences 15,713 1 Celgene 42.5 2
3 Roche 49,726 4 Pzer 14,761 3 Biogen 38.6 4
4 Novartis 48,518 2 Roche 12,475 5 Amgen 38.2 3
5 Merck & Co. 39,807 6 Novartis 11,314 4 AbbVie 30.8 6
6 GlaxoSmithKline 37,929 7 Merck & Co. 10,538 6 Shire 29.8 5
7 Sano 37,440 5 Amgen 8,785 8 Pzer 27.9 7
8 Gilead Sciences 30,390 8 Sano 8,090 7 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 27.1 12
9 AbbVie 25,638 10 AbbVie 7,904 9 Merck & Co. 26.5 8
10 AstraZeneca 23,002 9 GlaxoSmithKline 6,770 10 Johnson & Johnson 26.1 9

Note: Based on the companies listed on page 28.

Likewise, Merck & Co. is seeing biosimi- $625 million and royalties on sales of its been ordered to pay Merck $2.5 billion in
lars start to erode the European market for drug Keytruda through 2026. damages, equal to 10% of the drugs sales
the anti-inflammatory biologic Remicade. Despite the legal setback, Merck is gen- through August 2016. Gilead says it intends
In the U.S., where Johnson & Johnson erally seen as having taken the lead in the to appeal.
markets Remicade, FDA approved Pfizers immuno-oncology drug area, especially In 2016, Gilead saw sales of Sovaldi and
biosimilar version, Inflectra, in April. J&Js after Bristol-Myerss drug Opdivo failed Harvoni drop 35% and 24%, respectively,
subsequent legal attempt to stop the launch to perform as expected in some Phase III as successful treatment led to a decline in
failed. trials. Although Bristol-Myerss projections the relevant patient population. During the
Mercks sales were also hit by patent for 2017 are dampened, sales of Opdivo second half of the year, Gilead tried to fill
expirations on small-molecule drugs, in- grew to $3.8 billion in 2016 from less than the gap with a new product called Epclusa
cluding the antibiotic Cubicin, allergy drug $1.0 billion the previous year. that can be used against all hepatitis C virus
Nasonex, and cholesterol-lowering therapy Merck, meanwhile, won a lawsuit genotypes. Although lower in price than its
Zetia. AstraZeneca felt similar pressure against Gilead Sciences about intellectual predecessors, Epclusa still costs $75,000
from lost sales of the lipid-lowering drug property rights to sofosbuvir. The com- per course of treatment. Sales of the drug
Crestor. The firm reported a nearly 7% drop pound is the active ingredient in Gileads reached $1.8 billion in 2016.
in sales. And at Novartis, sales dropped 2% multi-billion-dollar blockbuster hepatitis To keep a hold on its lead product, the
as growth in new products only partially C drugs Sovaldi and Harvoni. Gilead has multiple sclerosis drug Tecfidera, Biogen
offset lost sales of its cancer drug Gleevec opted to pay the Danish biotech firm For-
due to generic competition. ward Pharma a $1.3 billion licensing fee
Along with cancer and inflammation,
diabetes was another area where compe-
tition heated up. Sanofis biggest product,
The industry while the companies patent interference
dispute is under way. Sales of the drug
reached almost $4.0 billion in 2016. Pos-
the insulin analog Lantus, struggled against
biosimilars and with patients switching to a
newer product. As a result, sales of the drug
found itself on sible future royalty payments depend on
whether Forward Pharma prevails in the
dispute over rights to the drugs active in-
fell more than 9% to about $6 billion. In Au-
gust, FDA accepted Mercks application for
a patent cliff, gredient, dimethyl fumarate.
The news in 2016 wasnt entirely bad,
approval of a biosimilar version of Lantus,
prompting Sanofi to sue Merck for infring-
ing 10 patents.
a precipitous though, and a few companies boasted
double-digit sales and earnings increases.
Celgene continued to see strong growth
Sanofi and its partner Regeneron
Pharmaceuticals were also on one end of
a major patent battle, although not over
event occurring for its cancer drug Revilmid, while Regen-
erons gains were driven by sales of its eye
drug Eylea. And Vertex Pharmaceuticals
biosimilars. Amgen sued the companies to
prevent the sale of Praluent, a monoclonal
every three sales of the cystic fibrosis drugs Orkambi
and Kalydeco helped it turn the corner to
antibody that competes with Amgens cho-
lesterol-lowering drug Repatha. The PCSK9
inhibitors have also attracted attention
to four years profitability.
Drugmakers should also be heartened by
Evaluates prediction that 2017 will experi-
because of their high prices relative to com-
peting drugs.
Similarly, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Ono
when patent ence a slight drop in patent expirations that
will last until about 2019. But the brakes
are on sales of most of the current top 10,
Pharmaceuticals sued Merck over new
PD-1 inhibitors for treating cancer. The
expirations and to sustain growth, more new drugs will
need to emerge. However, after two plen-
companies settled earlier this year with a
deal in which Merck will pay Bristol-Myers add up. tiful years, 2016 brought just 22 new drug
approvals, a six-year low.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 29

The venom of
Australian funnel-
web spiders is a rich
source of insect-
killing peptides.


Spider venom: An insecticide

whose time has come?
and vegetable crops is challenging. Early
Bioinsecticide maker Vestaron says entrants were pricey and gave inconsistent
fruit and vegetable farmers are results. To succeed, Vestaron will have
to build a track record of efficacy,
ready for its spider venom peptide compete on price, and get visi-
bility for its product in a market-
MELODY M. BOMGARDNER, C&EN WEST COAST place crowded with bigger players.
Its actually easier to develop a

hen it comes to solving difficult product than establish it on the market,

insect problems, it helps warns Duane Ewing, an agricultural
products consultant who was one of the
to consult an expert. For example, you could ask cofounders of AgraQuest. This is not for
Hadronyche versuta, the Blue Mountains funnel-web the fainthearted.
spider. It has a few tried-and-true tools for killing: a funnel-shaped In 2016, the North American biopesti-
cide market was worth $1.2 billion, only
web to hide in, really large fangs, and a venom laced with the powerful about 8% of total pesticide sales, according
insecticide versutoxin. to Arun Ramesh, an analyst at the market
It has a well-earned, fearsome reputa- is effective against thrips, whiteflies, and research firm Frost & Sullivan. Bioinsecti-
tion, says John Sorenson, chief executive spider mites in greenhouse settings. Those cides claimed 30% of that slice. Although
officer of the biobased pesticide firm three are the trifectathe FBI most want- biopesticide sales in general are growing
Vestaron. Like seemingly all things super edof greenhouse pests, Sorenson says. by 11.5% annually, he says, bioinsecticides
venomous, the spider comes from Austra- Getting to launch has not been easy are stuck at 2% growth because of lingering
liaspecifically, the coastal range of New or quick. Vestaron was founded in 2001 farmer skepticism about their efficacy.
South Wales. with the more ominous-sounding name Even among biopesticides, Spear T is un-
A farmer or gardener could travel to east- Venomix. That was before the time when usual. Most are used to kill fungal diseases,
ern Australia, gather up some Hadronyche, pesticides based on biological, rather than not insects. Thats not surprising, because
and milk them to obtain their insect-killing synthetic, compounds were considered sexy. until now biopesticides have all come from
venom. But thats not very practical. So for Since then, major agrochemical com- soil bacteria, and bacterial chemical de-
years scientists have been working out how panies have invested in biopesticides and fenses are designed mainly to combat other
to make a pesticide based on, or inspired by, acquired biobased chemical firms with the microbes. Even the most famous biological
the spiders powerful weapon. hope of providing more options to farmers. insect killer, Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt, is a
After successful registration with the The marquee deal was Bayers 2012 acquisi- protein made by a microbe.
Environmental Protection Agency in 2014, tion of AgraQuest for $425 million. And spider venom presented a web of
Vestaron is about to introduce its first But even after a few decades of trying, challenges, Sorenson says. When scientists
product, which is based on a peptide in convincing growers to adopt new pest first attempted to identify and character-
versutoxin. The insecticide, called Spear T, control methods for their high-value fruit ize venom peptides, they didnt have the

30 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

necessary molecular biology tools. When
that problem was solved, no one knew how Vestaron at a glance later this year and in 2018. The new versions
will be combined with Bt to control cater-
to manufacture the peptides. And the pep- Founded: 2001 pillars and the Colorado potato beetle.
tideslarge molecules the size of insulin Headquarters: Kalamazoo, Mich. Sorenson says the first Vestaron prod-
did not look like they would be bioavailable, Chief executive officer: John Sorenson ucts will be price-competitive with top-tier
except via spider bite. Product: Biobased insecticides synthetic chemicals. But they can also
Vestarons active ingredient came out Employees: 19 play a different role than most synthetics
of research by Glenn King, a professor of Funds raised: $49 million because of their low toxicity to nonpest
chemistry and structural biology at the Uni- Investors: Anterra Capital, Cultivan species, he says. After application, farm or
versity of Queensland. King found a variety Sandbox Ventures, Pangaea Ventures, Open greenhouse workers need wait only four
of disulfide-rich peptides in venom. Some Prairie Ventures, Southwest Michigan First hours rather than days to resume working.
are used for defense against other spiders Ventures And Spear products can be applied right up
or mammals, and others are tuned to kill in- until harvest.
sect prey. All of them work by disrupting ion potassium channel. Both modes of action Ewing, the consultant, sees more growth
channels of the victims nervous system. differ from the way Bt toxin and many other ahead for biological insect control. Even
The genius of Glenns work is that he pesticides work. That means growers can agchem companies wedded to synthetics
looked at the minor components that had use the peptide with other products to pre- are introducing products that mimic bio-
broad insecticidal activity but not mamma- vent the emergence of resistant insects. Its logical compounds to decrease damage to
lian activity, Sorenson says. The peptide a magnificent partner for rotation with oth- mammals and beneficial insects. Theyre
at the heart of Spear T is called GS-omega/ er agricultural chemicals, Sorenson claims. not like parathion where you spray and kill
kappa-Hxtx-Hv1a. Vestaron scientists inserted the gene everything for 30 days, he says.
As an active ingredient, the peptide did responsible for producing the peptide into Vestaron, meanwhile, is screening syn-
not look very promising at first; its struc- yeast so it can be manufactured in large thetic mimics that share the insecticidal
ture violated most of the rules said to define quantities via sugar fermentation. Last and toxicity characteristics of spider venom
a good insecticide. It has a large molecular August, the company contracted Capua peptides. And it hopes to grow its market by
weight, is hydrophilic, and has many hydro- Bioservices to make its products in Italy. inserting venom peptide genes into corn,
gen donors. But surprisingly, tests showed Also in August, Vestarons venture inves- cotton, and soybeans.
that it kills some insects on contact. tors put an additional $18 million into the But for now, Sorenson is pleased to in-
The peptide blocks two ion channels in company. With the help of the funding, it is troduce a product he calls extraordinary.
the insect nervous systema voltage-gated gearing up for distribution of Spear T and fi- Its the first peptide product of this kind
calcium channel and a calcium-activated nalizing two follow-on products for release ever to be commercialized, he says.

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MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 31


Your guide to the

ACS national meeting
in San Francisco
C&ENs curated list of things to do, people
to see, and science to learn
Must-see presenters
* = Kavli speaker; ** = Plenary speaker

Ann-Christine Jeffrey Linhardt** Peter Green**

Albertsson** Forget fingersticks. Cleaning up our energy
Making sustainable Verily Life Sciences act, National Renewable
Bradley Olsen* Jennifer Doudna* polymeric materials, researcher will present Energy Laboratory
Materials maestro, Genome manipulator, KTH Royal Institute of contact lenses that
MIT UC Berkeley Technology measure glucose in tears

Charles Sykes
His rotor molecules
Keith Watson** Natalie Franklin Darren Lipomi Irene Groot perform computations,
Making industry- Screening molecules When bonded to gloves, Imaging catalysts as they Tufts
academia partnerships without revealing his thin-film sensors react, Leiden Institute of
work for both sides, structures protects can detect a hand Chemistry
Dow Chemical collaborators IP, forming American Sign
Eli Lilly & Co. Language letters,
UC San Diego

Michael Johnson
Probing the
Christina Smolke neurochemistry of chemo
Kathleen Page Programming yeast brain, U of Kansas
Yet another reason to Sechin Chang to produce medicinal
cut down on fructose. USDA researcher Theresa Reineke opioids, Stanford
It affects the brain describes milk protein Polymer tailor,
differently than glucose caseins flame-retardant U of Minnesota
does, U of Southern properties

Wendy Young
Genentech VP will
Martin Thuo describe a potential
Iowa State chemist lupus and rheumatoid
Carol Robinson recovers rare-earth metals arthritis treatment
Martin Burke Mass spec maven, from electronic waste, no
Eranthie Weerapana Replacing missing ion- Oxford dumpster diving involved.
Her proteomic methods transport proteins with We think.
hunt down reactive molecular prosthetics,
cysteines, Boston UIUC

32 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Checking out the neighborhood
Some attractions nearby and farther afield that you might want
to see while youre in town.

1. Moscone Center: Your 7. San Francisco Marriott 9 10
journey starts here. Marquis (hotel)

ery St.
2. Yerba Buena Gardens: This 8. InterContinental San

Kearny S
Powell S
oasis in the city is also home Francisco (hotel)
Bush St.

to the Childrens Creativity

Museum. Find your inner child. 9. Fishermans Wharf: This


waterfront neighborhood is

3. San Francisco Museum home to Ghirardelli Square, a 4

Geary St

of Modern Art: In case the decommissioned World War 2n
museums 30,000 works of art II-era submarine, and a sea lion 11 St. dS
arent enough, you can roam Klee colony. OFarrell 3 t.
and Calder exhibitions too. 5 7 2
10. Exploratorium: If you stay
4. Union Square: In the heart of till Thursday evening, you can 5t
h rdS 1 3r
the citys shopping district, the check out this interactive science St wa

central plaza is a great place to museum without competition .

8 4

people watch. from kids. t
. hS

St t.

5. Cable car turntable: Watch 11. Golden Gate Park: With the om
the famed cable cars change California Academy of Sciences Fo
direction and then catch a ride to and its aquarium, the de Young
Chinatown. art museum, and multiple 6t
gardens, theres something here t.
6. W San Francisco (hotel) for everyone.

More online
To find more details about the dates and times
The pick of the program for these presenters and symposiaand even add
Too bad theres no DVR for symposia. Here are some you should try to catch. them to your itineraryvisit

Chemistry of Korean Cant make it out for lunch? Get a vicarious kimchi Sunday
Food & Beverages fix instead. all day

Chemical Pull up a chair, amateur detectives. A session on chemical Monday &

Forensics weapons kicks off the symposium. Tuesday all day

Startup Road: Can you see them circling? This showcase of start-ups kicks off Sunday PM &
BayBio and Beyond Sunday afternoon with the biotech version of Shark Tank. Monday all day

Sunlight-Driven Processes: This weeklong symposium runs the photochemistry Starts

Exposing the Mechanisms gamut from photosynthesis to vision to excited-state Sunday
Underlying Productive Photoactivities dynamics.

Drug Discovery for ALS: Putting Come learn about recent advances in ALS research. Tuesday PM
the Ice Bucket to Work We promise you wont get an ice bath.

What Have We Learned & Where Hear about the progress thats been made in developing a Wednesday
Are We Going: Post-Settlement in safety culture on the UC campuses. all day
the University of California

Hollyweird Chemistry Producers and consultants for TV and film talk about Sunday PM &
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MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 33


C&EN talks
with Fraser
Stoddart, 2016
chemistry laureate
Northwestern professor discusses his
legacy and hopes for scientists in China

ianjin, China, is as good a place as to organize his Reporters interview Stoddart ally notice anymore. I also have
any to get a sense of how winning inbox because its in Tianjin, China. a personalized parking space.
a Nobel Prize changes a persons been a bit over- Meanwhile, in Washington,
life. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Ben L. whelming at times, said Alison, who is the D.C., the American Chemical Society head-
Feringa, and J. Fraser Stoddart co-earned chief editor of Nature Reviews Materials. A quarters building at one point set up a large
the chemistry Nobel last November for lot of doors have opened for him since he banner with my name and face on it on their
their work on molecular machines, artifi- received the Nobel, and I help him focus facade.
cial molecules that can carry out tasks with on what he really should respond to. Aside from that, this new life has some
a little jolt of energy. Stoddart led a team C&EN managed to ask Stoddart a few negative and positive aspects that I try to
that created mechanically interlocked mol- questions. The following, presented in a manage. Ive been trying to adjust to my new
ecules, such as switchable rotaxanes, which Q&A format, is partly the result of those life as a minor celebrity. I have had the great
can be used in molecular switches. C&EN interactions and partly from a presenta- privilege of pursuing my hobbychemis-
recently caught up with Stoddart in China, tion and discussion he had with local high tryin great facilities with good people for
where hes a visiting scholar at the School school students in Tianjin about his per- several decades, and now I have the oppor-
of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology at sonal and scientific life. Both the questions tunity to meet with presidents and prime
Tianjin University. and answers have been edited for length ministers. [Stoddart met with then-president
At an event held in Stoddarts honor, lo- and clarity. Barack Obama at the White House in the U.S.
cal reporters, students, and academics vied in December, and he met with Chinas Prime
for his attention, either seeking his opinion, How has life changed since winning the Minister Li Keqiang in January.]
requesting an autograph, or wanting a selfie Nobel?
with the newly minted laureate. Northwestern University has put posters What was it like to meet with Prime
On hand to celebrate Stoddarts success of me all over campus. When I enter the Minister Li?
was his daughter Alison Stoddart and her chemistry building, I have to push a door Before the Nobel, the prime minister of
three young children. Ive been trying with a photo of me on it, which I dont actu- Scotland, where Im originally from, never
asked to meet with me. But I talked with
Premier Li last month as if he had all the
Vitals time in the world.
We met in the Great Hall of the People
Hometown: Edinburgh, Scotland [a government building used for state dinners
Positions: professor of chemistry at Northwestern University; visiting professor of and ceremonies]. Premier Li first asked me
nanoscience and supramolecular chemistry in the School of Pharmaceutical Science & questions for about 12 minutes in front of
Technology at Tianjin University everyone who was there. But he was not
Education: B.Sc., University of Edinburgh, 1964; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 1966 done with me. He sat next to me at the

Hobbies: doing fundamental research, spending time with family (five meal and didnt eat anything but instead
grandchildren), keeping in touch with hundreds of former graduate students and grilled me with questions. He wanted to
postdocs worldwide, traveling, art collecting know what factors in my life led to my suc-
Celebrity sighting: In 2007, Queen Elizabeth II put a blade on my shoulder and cess and also what China could and should
made me a Sir. Lord Chamberlain muttered: I present to you Fraser Stoddart for do to foster great people. China is looking
services to chemistry and molecular nanotology. The Queen commented: He got that for best practices. The country is now
wrong, didnt he? She then correctly asked me about nanotechnology and whether supportive of whats called blue sky re-
its about small things. I explained that nanoparticles are about 100,000 times smaller search [curiosity-driven science], and I really
than a human hair. She replied that, indeed, that is exceedingly small. That was the like this. Scotland, with a much smaller
extent of our meeting. population than China, has generated
three chemistry Nobelists out of about 170

34 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

big as it used to be. Restrictions on free- tion. It will be mind-boggling. In much the
dom could be an impediment to creative same way as airplanes today exist comfort-
research, but personally, I have never felt ably alongside the birds and the bees and
in China any restrictions on what I am al- the bats, artificial molecular machines will
lowed to say. exist seamlessly alongside natures pumps
Its hard to write history as its happen- and motors. Switchable rotaxanes have
ing, but its possible that China [which is already been mounted on the surfaces of
seeing thousands of scientists return home after mesoporous silica nanoparticles to act as
training for years in the West] is a country drug-release nanovalves in an attempt to
where creators are now moving to, a bit like develop controllable drug delivery systems
Paris in prior centuries. for use in the fight against cancer.

What can China do to foster great What do you think your legacy in
scientists? chemistry will be?
I enjoyed going into a lab of my own and My legacy will not necessarily be my
doing my own research. Its important to chemistry, which has been described in
encourage creativity. You have to leave more than 1,000 publicationstoo many!
school wanting to be creative; you need a It will be the more than 400 graduate stu-
thirst for discovery. dents and postdoctoral fellows whom I
Scientists should also be free of restric- have trained and mentored. Almost 100
ever awarded. So China has a lot of poten- tive metrics on their performance. This of them have gone on to be professors in
tial to foster great scientists. is a problem in China, where theres a big their own right in universities all around
emphasis on publishing many papers in the world, while many more have gone into
You speak your mind on many topics. But, science journals. industry, government, finance, and pub-
compared with Western countries, China lishing. It will be the young people I have
restricts freedom of speech and opinion. Will molecular machines built in the lab trained who will be my legacy, particularly
Do you think China can really attract and ever compete with those made by nature if they listen to my plea to tackle a big prob-
develop great scientists? (such as kinesins that transport cargo in lem in science and not to continue doing
Well, you can see that scientists in the cells)? Stoddart chemistry under any circum-
U.S. are starting to be restricted in what Yes. It will happen in a few decades, and stances. Some heed my advice, and some
they can say, so the difference is not as it will bring about a new Industrial Revolu- ignore it.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 35

Cover story

Building pharmaceutical
outsourcing partnerships
Three tales of
creating new

hroughout the U.S. presidential election season
and into the Trump presidency, the high cost of
drugs has made for heated discussion. A popular
topic for pundits is the amount drug companies
spend on marketing compared to the generally smaller sum
they spend on research.
Little attention, though, is paid to essential to getting this job done.
what it costs them to manufacture In the pages that follow, C&EN
their products. Thats in part because presents stories of three small com-
manufacturing is less glamorous than panies working on new drugs with In brief
marketing and in part because its a outsourcing service partners. One Case study #1: Clovis takes
hard question to answer. Reports on of those drugs, Clovis Oncologys Lonza up on a dedicated plant
the topic put manufacturing at any- Rubraca, was approved by the Food for its cancer drug. P.37
where from 15 to 50% of the overall & Drug Administration in Decem-
Case study #2: Immuno-
cost of getting a drug to market. ber and is now selling for close to
What is clear is that molecules $14,000 per month. medics and Johnson Matthey
have to be built before they can be People can argue over the price connect for antibody-drug
tested, approved, and sold. For small of the drug, but there is no disputing conjugates. P.42
and start-up firms that dont have that Clovis owes some of its success Case study #3: AMRI
molecule-building assets of their to a pharmaceutical outsourcing can do Nemuss cannabinoid
own, contract service partners are partner. chemistry. P.44

36 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Case study #1
Clovis takes Lonza up on a dedicated plant
for its cancer drug
The Swiss fine chemicals firm applies a biologics According to Christian Dowdeswell,
strategy to small-molecule manufacturing Lonzas head of commercial develop-
ment for chemical and microbial man-
RICK MULLIN, C&EN NEW YORK CITY ufacturing, the request for a proposal
came at a good time because Lonza was
The Swiss fine chemicals firm Lonza a dependable supplier ever since his reviewing its approach to serving key
is given credit for pioneering contract company acquired rucaparib from Pfiz- customers. We wanted to develop a
manufacturing of active pharmaceu- er in 2011. But Clovis anticipates that better understanding of what our cus-
tical ingredients (APIs). Leading the increased demand for the product will tomers need and really start to tailor
way among its European cohort, Lonza tax the current approach of using multi- solutions to those needs, he says.
pushed an industry in which APIs were purpose manufacturing assets at Visp. In Cloviss case, the needs were access
made by drug companies in factories One issue is that part of the process to assets, security of supply, and pro-
dedicated to a single product toward one requires being in a containment facility, duction flexibility for variable but likely
in which they are produced under con- Mahaffy says. There is always a lot of increasing demand. We took a look and
tract by chemical companies operating competition to get in there. Above all, came up with this solution, Dowdeswell
in versatile plants that can quickly switch he says, Clovis needs Lonza to be able to says. The concept is a highly automated
capacity from one project to another. respond to changes in demand that hav- plant available to Clovis all year round
Lonzas sprawling, Alps-nestled man- ent had to be managed until recently. with guaranteed access.
ufacturing site in Visp, Switzerland, has We went to Lonza and said, Lets The plan calls for consolidating pro-
risen as a paragon of the multipurpose see a proposal that addresses lead time cesses that are currently dispersed at the
approach to manufacturing that now de- and gets the cost of goods down, he huge Visp site. We have a wide breadth
fines pharmaceutical outsourcing. recalls, and they came back with a ded- of high-potency and high-containment
But it seems the company is now icated approach, which they have never assets, and I think Clovis has touched
pointing in a new direction, roughly in done for a small molecule. most of those throughout the period of
reverse, as it begins building capacity development, Dowdeswell says.
dedicated to one product manufactured Engineering an integrated plant will
for one customer.
In October, Lonza announced plans
to build a plant for a current client, Clo-
Rucaparib lead to obvious efficiency improve-
ments, he says, and the opportunity to
introduce a higher level of automation
vis Oncology, at which it will make the H will also allow real-time releaseau-
API for rucaparib, a drug approved last N F tomated quality testing in the manu-
year to treat late-stage ovarian cancer. facturing line during productionof
The new plant, which will go on-line in H3C N material that is currently released after
2019, will consolidate disparate man- finished batches are tested.
ufacturing processes and will include H Converting from batch testing to re-
advanced automation, allowing for al-time release can in some cases reduce
more-rapid release of materials than the Discovery: A poly(ADP ribose) production time from several months to
batch-release process under which the polymerase inhibitor first synthe- a matter of weeks, Dowdeswell says.
product is currently made at Visp. sized by scientists at Northern Mahaffy agrees that automated
The partners will not discuss finan- Institute for Cancer Research and testing will deliver key time and cost
cial details or provide information on the Medical School of Newcastle savings. The use of real-time release will
the volume of material being produced. University, in partnership with eliminate or greatly reduce the analytical
But the drug, which won U.S. approval the Pfizer subsidiary Agouron testing necessary for each batch of drug
in December under the name Rubraca, Pharmaceuticals substance and the associated quality re-
is awaiting approval in Europe for the Development: Clovis licensed view of that testing after the conclusion
same indication. Its also in trials for the compound for development of processing, he says. These costs

broader application in ovarian cancer and commercialization worldwide are not a large component of the cost of
and in development for prostate cancer. in 2011 goods, but they do contribute over time
Every indication is that volume will be Approval: Granted accelerated and large numbers of batches.
higher by 2019. approval for use in cases of pre- The more important benefit, he says,
Lonza already operates dedicated treated advanced ovarian cancer is inventory management. Being able
plants for biologic APIs in Singapore in December 2016 to move material quickly through the
and Portsmouth, N.H. The Clovis proj- Status: In clinical trials for manufacturing facility without the need
ect will be its first such plant for a small broader treatment of ovarian to hold material pending testing and
molecule. cancer and development for treat- release will allow more plant time to
Patrick Mahaffy, chief executive ment of prostate cancer be dedicated to production. This could
officer of Clovis, says Lonza has been translate into more batches per year and

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 37

correspondingly lower cost of goods.
Once production is completed,
Mahaffy says, Clovis will be able to
move the API to finished-dose man-
ufacturing operations more quickly
than from a batch-released operation,
and ultimately to a product ready for
sale. This reduces the duration of
time that we hold inventory in work-
in-progress status, he says.
Dowdeswell concedes that build-
ing the plant for Clovis contradicts There are no guarantees Lonza will build a There is little ques-
the standard model of multipurpose in any pharmaceutical chem- dedicated plant tion, however, that
contract manufacturing that Lonza ical manufacturing venture, for a cancer drug engineering a plant to
helped establish. However, the multi- and some question whether at its expansive produce a single prod-
purpose concept doesnt address some designing a plant for one cus- manufacturing site uct will result in more
of our customers fundamental needs tomers small-molecule drug in Visp, Switzerland. efficient manufacturing,
in todays environment, he points out. makes sense. and Lonza and Clovis are
We took time to gain an understanding James Bruno, head of the consulting optimistic that rucaparib will keep the
of what Clovis needed and to develop a firm Chemical & Pharmaceutical Solu- new plant busy. It may also have a fu-
concept for how to best address those tions, points out that the volumes of API ture beyond rucaparib.
needs and add value to our customer in found in new drugs are generally trend- The plant is dedicated to this drug
ways that traditional business models ing downward, meaning large amounts for now, but if the need emerges, it
cannot. of capacity are typically not needed. And could be applied or modified for addi-
Lonza debuted the dedicated plant although FDA requirements for biologic tional molecules as well, Mahaffy says.
model for biologic drugs, most recently drugs support a dedicated manufactur- For the time being, however, Clovis is

deploying it in a planned mammalian ing model, the versatile multipurpose enthusiastic about the new approach
cell culture manufacturing facility for chemical plant may still be best for a to making rucaparib. It was a great
Sanofi in Visp. Lonza is now promoting large contract manufacturer such as proposal from Lonza, Mahaffy says, a
it as an option for small molecules. Lonza, Bruno says. really creative response.

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38 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Active ingredients
Dynamic people
What do you need from your API partner?
Custom development and manufacturing or generic expertise?
Safety, quality and reliability?

Excellent. Youll enjoy working with Cambrex.
Case study #2
Immunomedics and Johnson Matthey
connect for ADCs
Special handling delivers drug and linker combo for Lonza will produce it at large scale in
creating tumor-targeting antibody-drug conjugate Singapore, Sullivan says. Italys BSP Phar-
maceuticals conjugates the pieces and
ANN M. THAYER, C&EN HOUSTON completes the final formulation.
Though using multiple suppliers is
After 35 years of toil with few rewards, manufacturer did the final formulation. logistically complicated, it is common in
good things are finally coming to Immu- Because TROP-2 is present on a variety ADC development. We havent had any
nomedics: It has a drug development of solid tumors, Immunomedics moved real issues in terms of supply, Sullivan
deal worth up to $2 billion and a solid to a basket approach for clinical trials, says. As scale-up progresses, comparability
contract-manufacturing relationship. But testing the drug for different indications testing of the original components made
the New Jersey-based firm also has an im- simultaneously. We are looking at about by Immunomedics and those from its con-
patient shareholder that thinks it knows 13 different types of cancer, Sullivan tractors has been under way. Eventually
whats best for the company. says. The need for drug material has risen all three suppliers must undergo their own
Although it got started in diagnostic as a result of this approach, preparations preapproval inspections for Immunomed-
imaging, Immunomedics has long tried to for late-stage trials, and the fast-track ics to be able to market its product.
evolve into a drug company focused on tar- approval status. Working with a supplier in the same
geted cancer therapies. It has built a pipe- In 2013, Immunomedics started work- time zone makes direct communication
line of humanized monoclonal antibodies ing with the contract manufacturer John- more streamlined and has helped us build
to be used alone as therapies or conjugated son Matthey Fine Chemicals to scale up a closer working relationship, but it was
with radioactive isotopes, chemothera- production. Johnson Mattheys custom not a critical factor, Sullivan says about
peutics, cytokines, or cytotoxins. pharma solutions unit in Devens, Mass., is partnering with Johnson Matthey. It was
The companys most advanced an- tasked with making the linker and attach- more important to identify a high-quality
tibody-drug conjugate is sacituzumab ing it to SN-38. For now, Immunomedics manufacturing organization with the
govitecan, or IMMU-132. In the ADC, a still provides the antibody, but eventually right set of technology and expertise.
long-chain chemical linker called CL2A
connects SN-38, the active drug form of
the chemotherapy agent irinotecan, to
an antibody that targets the cell surface
receptor TROP-2.
Sacituzumab govitecan
SN-38 is about 1,000 times as potent
as irinotecan, but it cant be administered
systemically because of its toxicity and
poor solubility. The ADC is designed to Active ingredient: SN-38, the active metabolite of irinotecan
deliver the chemotherapeutic payload di- Method of action: Antibody-drug
rectly to cancer cells while sparing healthy conjugate in which the chemotherapeutic
ones. So far, it seems to be working. agent SN-38 is linked multiple times and HO Drug
Immunomedics has reported good site-specifically to hRS7, a monoclonal N
patient responses to IMMU-132 in Phase antibody targeting the TROP-2 receptor on N
II clinical trials for several solid-tumor tumor cells
cancers. FDA has designated IMMU-132 as O
a breakthrough therapy for patients with Short PEG segment O
for solubility O O
triple-negative breast cancer who did not
respond to other therapies and given it O N Lys N O
fast-track approval status for that indica- O O
tion as well as two forms of lung cancer. All O O Cleavable linkage
(pH sensitive)
this helped secure a licensing agreement
worth up to $2 billion with ADC-specialist
Seattle Genetics to finish development N O Disease indications: Multiple
and commercialize IMMU-132. O solid tumors including breast, colon,
Immunomedics got IMMU-132 to this N and lung cancers
H mAb
point largely by itself. For early-stage N Status: In Phase II and III clini-
work, we manufactured the antibody, Lys = lysine O cal trials; FDA has granted it break-
the linker plus the drug, and did the mAb = monoclonal antibody through therapy and fast-track des-
conjugation, says Cynthia Sullivan, PEG = polyethylene glycol ignations in different cancer types
Immunomedicss CEO. An outside

42 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Garrett Dilley, a senior director at ing tens of grams of material, Johnson ing the formation of dimers and aggre-
Johnson Matthey, says the company Matthey is making hundreds of grams and gates. The pH-sensitive, cleavable linkage
already had the know-how and most of will reach kilograms. To prepare for full- is moderately stable, with the potential to
the equipment needed to support Immu- scale manufacturing, Matthey is working release SN-38 in the acidic tumor micro-
nomedics. Top on the list are production to boost productivity. It is also using engi- environment and increase the drugs bio-
suites that can handle highly potent com- neering techniques to increase efficiency availability. Together, these features allow
pounds such as SN-38. The firm was also in handling the molecule, given its poten- for reduced toxicity, higher antibody doses,
familiar with developing and scaling up cy, Dilley says. repeated therapy cycles, and a better thera-
processes for linking small-molecule pay- This capability may be useful again peutic window, Immunomedics says.
loads to long-chain linkers and polymers because other ADCs in Immunomedicss Despite IMMU-132s success so far, not
for drug delivery applications. pipelinesuch as labetuzumab govitecan everyone is waiting patiently. Immuno-
Assembling the drug-linker combo (IMMU-130), which is in Phase II trials medicss largest shareholder, the venture
presents some challenges, largely around for metastatic colorectal cancerare capital firm venBio, has been in a long and
protecting and derivatizing hydroxyl based on the same drug-linker duo but contentious battle with the company for
groups on the SN-38 molecule, says Seren- conjugated to other antibodies. control. It even opposes the recent deal
gulam V. Govindan, senior director for The companys approach differs from with Seattle Genetics.
conjugation chemistry at Immunomedics. the current paradigm for making ADCs VenBio is concerned about the ability of
Most important, the CL2A linker is at- in the sense that the drug and the linker Immunomedicss board and management
tached to SN-38s lactone ring to prevent characteristics are quite different, Gov- to realize the significant potential of
the ring from opening and the molecule indan says. Many ADCs in development IMMU-132. If the drug is approved, sales
converting to an inactive carboxylate form. use ultrastable linkers to avoid premature for four cancer indications could reach
A short polyethylene glycol segment in release of extremely toxic drugs before $7.5 billion per year by 2025, according to
CL2A helps solubilize the insoluble SN-38. getting to a target. We use a moderately Jefferies stock analyst Matthew Andrews.
Given the complex nature of the drug- potent drug and instead conjugate more Immunomedics and venBio have tried
linker combo, a relatively large molecular of it to the antibody, he says. to negotiate but are also suing each other.
weight small molecule, according to Dil- Immunomedicss chemistry, which in- The decision over control came down to
ley, the project needs sophisticated analyti- volves a maleimide group on one end of the a shareholder vote held on March 3 that
cal methods to understand parameters im- linker, allows for attaching up to eight drug went in favor of venBio. As a result, it
pacting quality, especially during scale-up. molecules per antibody site-specifically at looks like a new plan may be in place for
Whereas Immunomedics was produc- reduced interchain disulfides while avoid- IMMU-132.

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MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 43

Case study #3
AMRI can do Nemuss cannabinoid
Service firms government-approved assets are right for uble and doesnt easily cross the cornea
developing a drug based on psychoactive found in pot and get absorbed into the eye.
UM scientists discovered that attach-
solubility. And once THC-VHS traverses
Investors are hot on cannabinoids. Shares poses. One of Nemuss scientific advisers the cornea, Murphy explains, esterases in
in GW Pharmaceuticals, marketer of the is Mahmoud A. ElSohly, director of UMs the body cleave the amide-ester bond that
worlds first plant-derived cannabinoid marijuana project. He literally wrote the links the molecules two halves, freeing
prescription drug, have more than tripled book on cannabinoid chemistry, Murphy up THC.
in the past year. The stock of Zynerba says. UM followed up with rabbit tests
Pharmaceuticals, which is developing In 2014, UM licensed Nemus the rights showing that the effect of THC-VHS eye
transdermal synthetic cannabinoids, has to tetrahydrocannabinol-valine-hemisuc- drops on intraocular pressure is better
more than doubled. cinate (THC-VHS), a prodrug of THC, than that of THC alone or of existing
In contrast, shares in Nemus Biosci- which is the main psychoactive compo- treatments such as pilocarpine. However,
ence, the newest publicly traded canna- nent of the cannabis plant. Nemus re- researchers found no THC in the animals
binoid company, have not caught on yet. named the compound NB1111 and is now circulatory system, indicating that a psy-
And unlike its high-visibility competitors, developing it as a treatment for glaucoma. chotropic effect was unlikely.
which trade on the NASDAQ stock ex- The company has several other cannabi- The next step for Nemus was finding a
change, Costa Mesa, Calif.-based Nemus noids in its pipeline as well. contract services firm that could further
trades quietly on the less-prestigious Researchers have known since the develop and produce THC-VHS to the
over-the-counter market. 1970s that smoking marijuana reduces standards that FDA demands before agree-
But Brian Murphy, Nemuss CEO, is intraocular pressure in patients with ing to human clinical trials. And because
biding his time. Murphy sees his firm as glaucoma. Its the first time in 20 years THC is considered a controlled substance,
an up-and-coming player in second-gen- of drug discovery that Im working with a Nemus needed a partner with the right
eration cannabinoids. Nemus has been drug I already know works before human Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) license.
raising modest amounts of money from trials have started, Murphy says. Right away that filtered a lot of com-
investors in preferred stock offerings. But the smoking effect is short-lived, panies out of the mix, Murphy says. With
And importantly, it has signed up a re- he notes, meaning patients have to stay the help of consultants who work with
spected contract research and manufac- almost constantly high for lasting glauco- Nemus, he settled on AMRI.
turing organization, Albany Molecular ma relief. THC eye drops would seem to AMRI, Murphy soon learned, isnt just
Research Inc. (AMRI), to develop and be an option, but the molecule is lipid sol- licensed by the DEA to produce controlled
produce the active ingredient in its substances. It has become some-
lead product. thing of an expert at cannabinoid
Nemus got its start in 2012 after chemistry. Pete Michels, a senior
one of its founders, Cosmas Lykos,
was approached by investors look-
NB1111 director and biocatalysis expert at
AMRI, says the company has worked
ing to capitalize on growing interest O with close to a dozen partners on
in cannabinoids. It went public two N OH cannabinoid-based therapeutics.
years later via a reverse stock merg- O H As part of that push, Michels
er with a trucking company called O O notes, the company is becoming
Load Guard Logistics. a provider of unique cannabinoid
As is apropos for the area of O molecules to the research com-
cannabinoids, we are a little uncon- munity. Last year, for example, it
ventional in how we were founded, Tetrahydrocannabinol-valine-hemisuccinate licensed biosynthesis technolo-
Murphy acknowledges. Murphy gy from Teewinot Life Sciences
himself has a pretty conventional Active ingredient: allowing it to produce the first
background as chief medical officer Tetrahydrocannabinol-valine-hemisuccinate commercial analytical standard for
for pharmaceutical firms including Discovery: University of Mississippi cannabichromenic acid, a nonpsy-
Valeant International, InterMune, Development: Nemus Bioscience chotropic cannabinoid being inves-
and Roche. Disease indications: Glaucoma; a related tigated as antiviral, antifungal, and
Nemuss ace in the hole is a product, NB2111, is intended for managing anti-inflammatory.
partnership with the University of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting Teewinots technology uses bio-
Mississippi (UM), which since 1968 Status: Preparing for Pre-Investigational catalysis to create cannabichrome-
has held the sole federal contract to New Drug Application meeting with FDA nic acid and other cannabinoids. Al-
cultivate cannabis for research pur- ternatively, cannabinoids including

44 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

THC can be recovered through extraction have advantages for specific mole-
from the cannabis plant. cules. By drawing on all three, he adds,
But for Nemuss THC-VHS, AMRI is AMRI is able to help customers inves-
using a purely synthetic process that it tigate common cannabinoids such as
developed in Rensselaer, N.Y., and scaled THC and cannabichromenic acid, as
up for manufacturing at its Grafton, Wis., well as lesser-known molecules.
site. As with many natural products, AMRI Through acquisitions and internal
and Nemus had some complex stereo- growth, AMRI has become one of the
chemistry to solve, Michels says. AMRI largest U.S.-based providers of chem-
also streamlined the synthesis with several istry services to pharmaceutical com-
process improvements, such as more-se- panies. Its customers include some of
lective chemistry and the elimination of a the biggest names in the global drug
chromatographic separation step. industry. Nemus, on the other hand, is
Michels says AMRI and Nemus chose the smallest of start-ups.
synthesis because it is reproducible, scal- But Christopher Conway, AMRIs
able, and unencumbered by the related senior vice president of discovery
cannabinoids that can come along with and development services, sees no
an extraction. You want to ensure that disconnect. Serving small and virtual
no potentially psychoactive components biotechs, he says, is core to what the
are generated, he says. This can be a company does. Many of our largest
significant advantage of synthesis versus In addition to controlled substances, commercial products started with a
botanical generation, which starts from a AMRIs Rensselaer, N.Y., site handles small biotech, he points out. Part of
mix of compounds. scale-up of highly potent compounds. our strategy is to create these sticky
Others have noted that FDA and DEA customers.
are more comfortable with synthetic plant, has yet to win approval in the U.S. And it doesnt hurt when that bio-
cannabinoids than with plant-derived Yet AMRI also uses extraction and tech firm is pursuing a high-profile area of
ones. Tellingly, GW Pharmaceuticals fermentation in its broader pursuit of chemistry like cannabinoids. The market

product Sativex, a multiple sclerosis cannabinoid chemistry. There are about is very hot, Conway observes. Theres
treatment based on a mix of canna- 100 cannabinoids out there, Michels says. so much untapped potential that demand
binoids extracted from the cannabis Clearly, each of the three approaches can will continue to grow.

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MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 45

Join ACS in
San Francisco!
Lifes Elements
Meet the ACS Member Insurance Program Team
When you attend the 253rd American Chemical Society (ACS)
National Meeting & Exposition and visit the ACS Member
Insurance Program station, you can meet our knowledgeable
team to learn about insurance plans available exclusively to ACS
members. The exposition is being held April 2 4, 2017 at the
San Francisco Moscone Center.
Attention All Educators
This year, were providing complimentary Chemical Educators
Legal Liability Consultations. These sessions will contain
important information on how our legal liability policy provides
unique coverage, tailored specifcally toward protecting
educators. Visit today to schedule
your free 15-minute appointment.

For More Information

Visit to learn more about our
plans, including information on eligibility, features, limitations,
Sponsored by the Board of Trustees
costs, renewability, and exclusions, or to apply online. To speak Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members
directly with an insurance specialist, call 844.282.2438. Your Colleagues Working For You!

Introducing fast and easy
options to update bylaws

or the past several years, the ing is consistent with the ACS governing amendments; b) the results of the vote,
American Chemical Society Com- documents. including a statement that the vote passed
mittee on Constitution & Bylaws If you wish, we will still do in-depth in accordance with your current bylaws
(C&B) has worked diligently to bylaw reviews for those units that want to (for example, by two-thirds of the members
demystify the process of amending bylaws. fully customize their bylaws by using their voting); and c) a statement that all require-
If you have not updated your bylaws recent- existing bylaws as the basis for changes; ments for voting on the proposed bylaws
ly, we urge you to do so because your bylaws required text from the model bylaws must have been followed in accordance with the
are the rules and regulations about your of- be included. While this approach may re- current bylaws.
ficers and executive com- quire more work for the Depending on the number of bylaws in
mittee and how your unit
conducts its business,
including elections.
Its now easier than ever to update
I have been a member
of C&B since 2007 and
your bylaws. The turnaround
have been honored to
be its chair since 2014.
time from when we received
I am happy to report
that in late 2016, C&B
proposed bylaws used to be
modified the options to
update bylaws for divi-
three to four months; it now
sions, local sections, and
international chemical
takes two to three weeks.
sciences chapters, all units and will likely take the queue for reviewing or certifying, we try
known as units. These much longer for C&B to to certify bylaws within two to three weeks
options are fast and easy, unless you prefer review, we do not want to prevent any unit from the date that your chair or secretary
to customize your unit bylaws with special from tailoring its bylaws as it sees fit. Our sends the vote results and other required
provisions. goal is to make sure the unit bylaws are information and documents.
In the past six years, C&B certified internally consistent and consistent with Ten divisions have not updated their by-
between 16 and 29 unit bylaws each year. the ACS governing documents and that laws since 2010, and 89 local sections have
Previously, the average number of bylaws the text is consistent with how the units not updated their bylaws since 2010; of
certified per year was 13. The turnaround wish to conduct their business. these, 27 sections have bylaws certified in
time from when we received proposed by- If you use either of the two easy options the 1970s. If your elections were conducted
laws used to be three to four months; it now mentioned above and dont have any sub- using electronic balloting and if this is not
takes two to three weeks. stantive changes other than optional text permitted by your bylaws, your elections
Options to update bylaws are available that is available, see Next steps below. If might be invalid. Its now easier than ever
at; under Unit youd like to discuss your proposed bylaws to update your bylaws.
BYLAWS, click on OPTIONS to AMEND or any of the documents and/or options, C&B is a standing committee of the ACS
your bylaws. Choose whether you want C&B is available and happy to assist you. Council , for which only councilors may
to respond to the questions document, Next steps: Send your proposed bylaws serve. If you are a councilor and interest-
which gives default answers, or use the or the completed questions document to ed in learning about and helping shape
model bylaws, which are populated with C&B. The committee will let you know the governance of the society and giving
the default answers from the questions when your bylaws are ready for a vote. input to bylaws, you should consider join-
document. Your members must vote on the proposed ing C&B, which meets on Sunday during
Officers of many of the units feel more amendments in accordance with the units ACS national meetings. Others are most

comfortable starting with the model by- current bylaws, for which the certified ver- welcome to attend the committees open
laws, wherein you have flexibility because sion is available online as a PDF; contact meetings, normally held Sunday afternoon
you can modify the optional text, but the C&B if you would like a Word document of during ACS national meetings.
most common options are suggested. We your current bylaws. For more information about C&B or
recommend that you refer to the ques- After your members vote, the units chair help on your bylaws contact us at bylaws@
tions document for available options. or secretary will need to e-mail C&B the or, or call
Also, if there are any provisions in the following required information so C&B can (202) 872-4071.
units current bylaws that you would like prepare its final report and certify the units
to include in the proposed bylaws, let us bylaws: a) the date the announcement Views expressed are those of the author and
know and we will check to see if the word- was sent to members to vote on the bylaw not necessarily those of C&EN or ACS.

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 47

253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition
April 2-6, 2017 San Francisco, CA


Photo: Peter Cutts Photography

8:30 AM - NOON 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Science for a Sustainable Energy Future: Science for a Sustainable Energy Future:
Energy Storage Chemical & Biological Approaches to
(Cosponsored by BIOL, BIOT, BMGT, CARB, CATL, CEI, CELL, COLL, Energy Conversion
Chemical Sciences Roundtable [CSR], and the Society for Science COLL, ENFL, ENVR, GEOC, I&EC, MEDI, ORGN PROF & SCHB, the
at User Research Facilities [SSURF]) Chemical Sciences Roundtable [CSR], and the Society for Science
Moscone Center, Room 133 (Moscone North, Hall E) at User Research Facilities [SSURF])
Moscone Center, Room 133 (Moscone North, Hall E)
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
LGBT Graduate and Postdoctoral Student
Allison A. Campbell, Ph.D. Chemistry Research Symposium
ACS President (Sponsored PROF and Cosponsored PRES, ANYL, BIOL, CHED,

SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 2017 Hotel Nikko San Francisco, Nikko Ballroom III
(3rd Floor)
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Presidential Outreach Event
Exploratorium (Pier 15, The Embarcadero &
Green St., San Francisco, CA) Best Practices in Selecting & Presenting GSSPC: Water Sustainability: Chemists in
Safety Training Content Pursuit of Clean Water
(Sponsored by CHAS and Cosponsored by PRES & CCS) (Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES & CEI)
Celebrating 90 years of the WCC: PHYS Division Awards Symposium:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Refections of Past Chairs Symposium in Honor of Barbara
LGBT Graduate and Postdoctoral (Sponsored by WCC and Cosponsored by PRES & PROF) Finlayson-Pitts, Recipient of the
Student Chemistry Research Francis P. Garvan - John M. Olin Medal
Symposium Chemical Forensics (Sponsored by PHYS and Cosponsored by PRES)
(Sponsored by PROF and Cosponsored by PRES, ANYL, BIOL, (Sponsored ANYL and Cosponsored by PRES & CHAL)
Producing Knowledgeable, Well-Rounded,
ORGN, PHYS, PMSE, POLY & WCC) Chemists Leading the Charge:
Hotel Nikko San Francisco, Nikko Ballroom III T-Shaped Chemists for the 21st Century:
Chemists Using Business Acumen and
(3rd Floor) Current Perspectives from High School,
Transformative Research to Address
Undergraduate & Graduate Educators
Societal Needs (Sponsored by PROF and Cosponsored by PRES, BMGT &
1:20 PM - 4:00 PM (Sponsored by INOR and Cosponsored by PRES, BMGT, MPPG CHED)
Holy Grails in Chemistry: Celebrating & PROF)
the 50th Anniversary of Accounts of
Communicating Science in the Twenty- Rising Star Award Symposium
Chemical Research Journal (Sponsored by WCC and Cosponsored by PRES & BIOL)
(Cosponsored by BIOL, BMGT, CARB, CATL, CELL, COLL, ENVR, First Century to Diversifed Audiences
HIST, I&EC, MEDI, ORGN & PROF) (Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES & CWD)
San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Golden Gate A Teaching, Researching and Community
(B2 Level) Current Best Practices for Chemistry REU Building in the Global Chemical
Programs Enterprise
(Sponsored by CHED and Cosponsored by PRES) (Sponsored by IAC and Cosponsored by PRES, BMGT, ENVR,

Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research What Have We Learned & Where Are
(Sponsored POLY and Cosponsored by PRES, PROF, SOCED & YCC)
We Going: Post-Settlement in the
Frontiers in Heavy Element Electronic University of California
(Sponsored by CHAS and Cosponsored by PRES & CCS)
Structure: A Tribute to Bruce Bursten
(Sponsored by NUCL and Cosponsored by PRES & INOR)

Future will focus on scientific advances in

energy storage and chemical and biological
approaches to energy conversion. Details on
these and other presidential events can be
found at
Many education-focused programs for
high school teachers, undergraduate and
graduate students, postdocs, and chemical
professionals will be offered. A range of
professional development courses will be
available; ACS Professional Education Short
Courses have a separate registration and fee.
For job seekers and employers, the career
fair will feature on-site interviews, one-on-
one career assistance, and workshops.
The exposition will feature more than
250 companies showcasing services, instru-
ments, books, and lab equipment in more
than 400 booths.
The San Francisco area offers a mix of
culture and natural beauty. Tour the infa-
mous Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, snack
on dim sum in historic Chinatown, stroll
through the popular Castro District, or ex-
plore natural history at the California Acad-
emy of Sciences. ALEXANDRA TAYLOR

ACS afliate $535
San Francisco
Postdoctoral member 535
Emeritus or retired member 270
50-year member No fee
ACS NATIONAL MEETING Unemployed member (Dues waiver No fee

253rd ACS Precollege teacher

Graduate student
Undergraduate student

National Meeting One-day registrant


Chemical scientist $935

San Francisco, April 26 Postdoctoral scientist 935
Visitor: Nonchemical scientist 535
or chemical technician
Advanced Materials, Technologies, Sys- sessions. More than 14,500 papers and near- Precollege teacher 110
tems & Processes will be the theme in San ly 5,700 posters will be presented. Graduate student 445
Francisco this April. Many notable symposia Campbell will sponsor several presiden- Undergraduate student 225
are scheduled, including Communicating tial events. On Sunday and Monday, April One-day registrant 535
Science in the 21st Century to Diversified 23, the two-day symposium LGBT Gradu- Guest of registranta 45
Audiences and Teaching, Researching & ate Student & Postdoctoral Scholar Chemis-
Community Building in the Global Chemical try Research will include scientific talks by EXPOSITION-ONLY
Enterprise. LGBT graduate students and postdoctoral VISITORS
ACS President Allison A. Campbell will researchers and a panel discussion on issues Adult $60
host 29 technical divisions and six commit- that affect LGBT students and postdocs. Student 30
tees in original programming, including Sunday afternoon, Holy Grails in Chem-

a Registration is restricted to a spouse or family

1,100 half-day oral sessions and 144 poster istry: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of member of a registered attendee having no affiliation
Accounts of Chemical Research Journal with the field of chemical science and who is not
eligible to become an ACS member. Only one guest
will assess the progress made in critical areas registration is allowed per registering attendee, and the
MEETING INFO ON THE WEB of chemistry since they were highlighted guest registration must be completed and paid by the in a 1995 issue of the journal. On Monday, registering attendee at the time of original registration.
April 3, Science for a Sustainable Energy

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 49

Presidential Session Holy Grails in Chemistry

ACS Spring National

Meeting & Exposition
Join us as our distinguished presenters discuss what they identify as the most important
challenges facing the chemistry research of today and for the future. This special session is part
of the Accounts of Chemical Research Holy Grails of Chemistry Events and Special Issue, which
celebrate the most inuential challenges in the eld.


Paul Alivisatos Carolyn Bertozzi Yi Cui

University of Stanford Stanford
California, University University

Hans-Joachim Freund Melanie Sanford ORGANIZED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH

Fritz-Haber-Institut University of
der Max-Planck- Michigan

General meeting information

Registration transactions will not be permitted at the
satellite registration areas. Only credit
Rapid Transit (BART) system, Caltrain
commuter rail, and SamTrans public bus
All attendees, including speakers and cards or checks can be used to make pur- service. For more information, please visit
poster presenters, must register for the chases at the satellite registration areas.
meeting to participate in the technical ses- Printed programs can be picked up or pur-
sions. Sponsored speakers should contact chased at the following locations: Taxi services. Taxis depart from the des-
their symposium organizer or division Moscone Center, North Lobby ignated taxi zones located at the roadway
program chair to clarify the terms of their Hilton SF Union Square, Ballroom Level, center islands, on the arrivals and baggage
invitation and to determine who will com- West Lounge claim level. Fares range from $46.16$66.16.
plete the speakers registration. Attendees Grand Hyatt San Francisco, Theater Level A $2.00 exit surcharge is included in all San
must display their badge at all times for Francisco taxicab meter fares for rides orig-
admission to all official ACS sessions and Learn about ACS national meeting inating from San Francisco International
events. sustainability efforts at Airport.
Early registration. Attendees in the U.S. greenermeetings. Questions? Contact
who registered before Feb. 20 will receive TRAVELING TO MEETING VENUES.
their badge credentials by mail before the The Moscone Center is located at 747
meeting. International registrants must Howard St.
pick up their badge credentials at ACS at- Travel ACS shuttle. Complimentary shuttle ser-
tendee registration (this includes Canada vice will be provided between the Moscone
and Mexico). TRANSPORTATION DISCOUNTS. ACS Center and official ACS hotels, with the ex-
Standard & on-site registration. At- has negotiated special travel discounts with ception of hotels within walking distance.
tendees who register after Feb. 20 must the following partners. To get the best rates Parking. There is no parking provided at
pick up their badge credentials on-site at and avoid service fees, it is recommended the Moscone Center for attendees or exhib-
attendee registration areas. On-site reg- to make reservations online (except for itors. Nearby parking garages are listed on
istration will be available at the Moscone Amtrak). the Moscone Center website.
Center, North Lobby; the Hilton SF Union
Square, Ballroom Level, West Lounge; AIRLINES:
and the Grand Hyatt San Francisco, The- Delta Events & activities
ater Level. Cash transactions will not be; (800) 328-1111
available at the satellite registration areas. Discount code: NMPBR A variety of organizers will host special
Only checks and credit cards can be used to events during the meeting. Event participa-
make purchases at the satellite registration United Airlines tion is open to all interested registrants. All
areas. ACS attendee registration will open; (800) 426-1122
at the Moscone Center, North Lobby, on Discount code: ZXMC508834
Saturday, 3 to 6 PM; Sunday, 7:30 AM to
7:30 PM; Monday, 7:30 AM to 9 PM; Tues- TRAIN:
ACS badge
day, 7:30 AM to 5 PM; Wednesday, 7:30 AM
to 4 PM; and Thursday, 7:30 AM to 1 PM.
(800) 872-7245
reprint policy
The satellite registration areas will follow Discount code: X90C-958 (phone reserva- First badge reprint: No charge; upon
the same schedule but are subject to change tions only) proper identification and confirmation
depending on the activity at the location. of registration payment, a duplicate
Satellite registration & on-site pro- CAR RENTAL: badge is issued.
gram pickup. Printed copies of the on-site Avis Second badge reprint: Attendee
program book will no longer be available; (800) 331-1600 completes a duplicate badge request,
for free. In support of ACSs sustainabil- Discount code: B923099 shows identification, and pays a charge
ity efforts, we encourage the use of the of $25 (cash/credit card), and a dupli-
ACS San Francisco mobile app and digital Hertz cate badge is issued.
program for quick access to the meetings; (800) 654-2240 Third badge reprint: Attendee
full technical program, maps, and search Discount code: 02UZ0016 completes a duplicate badge request,
features. shows identification, and pays a charge
Prefer a printed on-site program? The AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION. of $50 (cash/credit card), and a dupli-
on-site program book will now be avail- San Francisco International Airport is cate badge is issued.
able for a $20 fee. The author index will be located 13 miles south of downtown San Beyond third badge reprint: Attend-
included in the printed program booklet. Francisco. ee completes a duplicate badge re-
Purchase your copy during the registra- quest, shows identification, and pays
tion process or visit the locations listed Public transportation. San Francisco a charge of $100 (cash/credit card),
below. Limited quantities will be available. has a comprehensive public transporta- and a duplicate badge is issued.
Replacement copies also cost $20. Cash tion system that includes the Bay Area

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 51

nonticketed events require a visible Sunday, April 2 BIOT Lunch Seminars
registration badge for entry. 12:30 to 2 PM, InterContinental San Fran-
Tickets are sold on a first-come, first- Undergraduate Hospitality Center cisco, InterContinental B
served basis. Ticket sales will close at 6 PM 8 AM to 5 PM, SF Marriott Marquis,
the evening before the event. Some event Salon 7 CTA Awards Luncheon/SE-02/$45
organizers may offer a limited number of 1 to 3 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Conti-
tickets for sale at the door of the event. Career Pathways Workshops nental Parlor 3
The deadline for cancellation and refund 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco, Great
requests was March 6. Room 2 Networking Social with Graduate School
Locations and times are subject Recruiters
to change. To learn more about these Career Pathways I 1 to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Hall A
events and to buy tickets or register, visit 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco, Workroom 1 Networking 101
1:30 to 3 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, Golden
Career Pathways II Gate Ballroom A
Friday, March 31 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
Workroom 2 Graduate & Postdoc Focus Group
CHAS Laboratory Waste Management 2 to 4 PM, Moscone Center, 2nd Floor, Area 2
8 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Room 120 Career Pathways III
8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco, Two-Year to Four-Year College Transfer
CHAS Laboratory Safety Workshop Workroom 3 Survival
8 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Room 121 2:30 to 3:30 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, Gold-
Making the Most of Your First National en Gate Ballroom B
Saturday, April 1 8:30 to 9:15 AM, SF Marriott Advanced Materials, Technologies, Sys-
Marquis, Salon 7 tems & Processes Plenary Session
CHAS Cannabis Extraction & Analysis 3 to 6 PM, Moscone Center, Gateway Ball-
Workshop Graduate School Reality Check, Part 1: room 103 & 104
8 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Room 120 Getting In
10 to 11:30 AM, SF Marriott Marquis, SciBabe: Chemistry Blogging
CHAS How To Be a More Effective Chem- Golden Gate Ballroom B 4 to 5:30 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, Golden
ical Hygiene Officer Gate Ballroom A
8 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Room 121 Graduate & Postdoc Focus Group
10 AM to noon, Moscone Center, 2nd floor,
CHAS Using ACS Lab Safety Resources Area 2
in the Classroom
8 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Room 124 Chem Demo Exchange: Household On-site program
CHAS Reactive Chemical Management 11 AM to 12:30 PM, Moscone Center, book no longer free
for Laboratories & Pilot Plants Hall A
8 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Room 125 Copies of the on-site program book
Graduate School Reality Check, Part II: will be available for $20. In response
COAChing Strong Women in the Art of Youre InNow What? to numerous requests, the author
Strategic Persuasion 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, index will be included in the printed
8 AM to 5 PM, SF Marriott Union Square, Golden Gate Ballroom B program booklet. Satellite registration
Sutter 1 and on-site program purchase/pickup
ACS Board Luncheon & Meeting will be located at the Moscone Center,
COACh Upping the Game: Refresher Noon to 1 PM, Moscone Center, Gateway Hilton Union Square, and Grand Hyatt
Workshop for Past COACh Alums Ballroom 103/104 San Francisco. Credit cards, debit
8 AM to 5 PM, SF Marriott Union Square, cards, and checks will be accepted at
Sutter 2 CHED High School/College Interface these locations.
Luncheon/SE-01/$45 In support of ACSs sustainability
COACh Reception Noon to 1 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, efforts, we encourage our meeting
5 to 7 PM, SF Marriott Union Square, Salon 7 attendees to download the ACS San
Russian Hill Francisco mobile application or access
POLY Board Meeting the ACS San Francisco digital meet-
Noon to 1 PM, Moscone Center, Room 132 ing program with author index in early
April. These digital options will provide
FOR UP-TO-DATE EVENT Developing Communication Strategies quick access to the full technical pro-
LISTINGS, VISIT Noon to 5:30 PM, Park Central San Francis- gram, along with special features so co, Commonwealth you can easily build your schedule.

52 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Joint Research Corporation Petroleum BIOL Poster Session
MEETING INFO ON THE WEB Research Fund Reception in Honor of the 7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall
Registration, housing, technical Awardee for Research at an Undergradu-
programming, special events, ate Institution FLUO Poster Session
participating exhibitors, and other 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, 8 to 10 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
meeting details are available at Golden Gate 4 & 5 Undergraduate Social
International Welcome Reception/ 8:30 to 11 PM, Hilton SF Union Square,
SE-04/no charge Continental 16
IAC Networking Globally: Helping Chem- 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square,
istry Students Find Success in Careers Grand Ballroom A
and Study Abroad/SE-03/no charge Monday, April 3
4 to 5:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, District II Councilor Caucus
Yosemite C 6 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Union Women in the Chemical Enterprise
Square 3 & 4 Breakfast/SE-05/$40 (regular)/
Faculty and Postdoc Afternoon Coffee SE-06/$20 (undergraduate)
Break District III Councilor Caucus 7:30 to 9 AM, Hilton SF Union Square, Im-
4 to 6 PM, Hotel Nikko San Francisco, 6 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Union perial B
Monterey I Square 5 & 6
YCC Fun Run/SE-07/$30 (regular)/
Diversity Reception District IV Councilor Caucus SE-08/$15 (undergraduate)
5 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Yosem- 6 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Union 8 to 10 AM, Moscone Center, outside West
ite A & B Square 15 & 16 Lobby

AGFD Poster Session Reception District V Councilor Caucus Engaging Colleagues in Dialogue
5 to 7 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall 6 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Union 8 AM to noon, Park Central San Francisco,
Square 17 & 18 Commonwealth
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Alumni
& Friends Social Hour District VI Councilor Caucus Undergraduate Hospitality Center
5 to 7 PM, Park Central San Francisco, 6 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Union 8 AM to 5 PM, SF Marriott Marquis,
Concordia Park Square 19 & 20 Salon 7

University of California, San Diego, SCHB Entrepreneurs Poster Session Career Pathways I
Alumni & Friends Social Hour 6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Halls B/C 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
5 to 7 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, Salon 1 Workroom 1
University of Washington Alumni &
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Friends Reception/SE-27/$5.00 Career Pathways II
Alumni & Friends Reception 6 to 8 PM, W San Francisco, Great Room 1 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
5 to 8 PM, InterContinental San Francisco, Workroom 2
Sutter Attendee Welcome Reception
6 to 8:30 PM, Moscone Center, Halls B/C Career Pathways III
District I Councilor Caucus 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
5:30 to 7 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, CINF Welcoming Reception and Poster Workroom 3
Union Square 1 & 2 Session
6:30 to 8:30 PM, Park Central San Francis- Improving Scientific Communications
CHED Social Reception co, Franciscan I & II 9 to 10:15 AM, SF Marriott Marquis,
5:30 to 7 PM, Moscone Center, Room 130 Golden Gate Ballroom B
PROF General Posters
COLL Social Hour/Poster Session 6:30 to 8:30 PM, Moscone Center, Halls B/C ACS Exposition
5:30 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Halls B/C 9 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Halls B/C
Student Chapter Awards Ceremony
INOR Poster Session 7 to 8:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Women Chemists of Color Networking/
5:30 to 7:30 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D Grand Ballroom B SE-09/no charge
10:30 AM to noon, Hilton SF Union Square,
ORGN Poster Session ANYL Poster Session Yosemite C
5:30 to 7:30 PM, Moscone Center, West 7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall
Hall CRC Handbook Discussion Forum
MEDI General Posters 11:30 AM to 3 PM, Moscone Center,
7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall Room 134
PROGRAM AVAILABLE AT CHED Poster Session Committee on Minority Affairs 7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D Luncheon/SE-10/$50 (regular)/SE-11/
$25 (undergraduate)

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 53

11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, Hilton SF Union The Fred Kavli Innovations in Chemistry 7 to 8:30 PM, InterContinental San
Square, Grand Ballroom A Lecture Francisco, Grand Ballroom C
5:15 to 6:30 PM, Moscone Center, Gateway
CHAL Drug & Power Luncheon/ Ballroom 103/104 Sci-Mix Interdivisional Poster Session/
SE-12/$40 (drink ticket with registration)
Noon to 1:30 PM, Mourad, 140 New CHAL Reception 8 to 10 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
Montgomery St. 6 to 8 PM, Jillians, 175 Fourth St.
Tuesday, April 4
Undergraduate Research Poster Session CACS Dinner Banquet/SE-13/$37
Noon to 2 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D 6:30 to 9 PM, Far East Caf, 631 Grant Ave. University of Minnesota Alumni & Friends
BIOT Lunch Seminars ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars 7:30 to 9:30 AM, Moscone Center, Room
12:30 to 2 PM, InterContinental San Fran- Reception/SE-14/no charge 2000
cisco, InterContinental B 7 to 8:30 PM, Moscone Center, Room 134
Senior Chemists Breakfast/SE-15/$20
Leading Change UC Berkeley Dept of Chemistry Alumni & 7:30 to 9:30 AM, Hilton SF Union Square,
1 to 5 PM, Park Central San Francisco, Friends Reception Grand Ballroom A
Coaching & Feedback
Women Chemists Committee Open Event participation is open to all 8 AM to noon, Park Central San Francisco,
Meeting and Just Cocktails Reception interested registrants. Some events Commonwealth
4 to 5 PM, Hotel Nikko San Francisco, Nik- require a ticket or registration to par-
ko Ballroom II ticipate. Payment and SE-## ticket Career Pathways I
requirements, when applicable, are 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
The Kavli Foundation Emerging Leader in indicated in the event list. All nontick- Workroom 1
Chemistry Lecture eted events require a visible registra-
4 to 5:10 PM, Moscone Center, Gateway tion badge for entry. View an updated Career Pathways II
Ballroom 103/104 listing of events and activities at 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco, Workroom 2

54 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

Career Pathways III CATL Poster Session
8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco, Lombard Street 6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
Workroom 3
ENFL Awards Dinner/SE-24/$60
NSF Graduate School Fellowships 6:30 to 9 PM, Le Colonial, 20 Cosmo Pl.
9 to 9:45 AM, SF Marriott Marquis, Golden
Gate Ballroom A CELL Awards Banquet/SE-25/$65
6:30 to 10 PM, The Chart House, Pier 39
ACS Exposition
9 AM to 5 PM, Moscone Center, Halls B/C ACS National Awards Banquet Ceremony
& General Meeting/SE-26/$130
Women Chemists Committee/Eli Lilly 6:30 to 10 PM, SF Marriott Marquis,
Travel Award Poster Session Salons 8/9
11 AM to noon, Hilton SF Union Square,
Grand Ballroom A BIOL Poster Session
7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall
Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Luncheon
11:45 AM to 1:30 PM, Johns Grill, 63 Ellis St. Wednesday, April 5
CINF Division Luncheon/SE-20/$30 Career Pathways I
Noon to 1:30 PM, Park Central San Francis- 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
co, Franciscan I Workroom 1

COLL Luncheon/SE-19/$45 Career Pathways II

Noon to 1:30 PM, W San Francisco, Great 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
Room 1 Workroom 2

WCC Luncheon/SE-17/$50 (regular)/ Career Pathways III

SE-18/$25 (undergraduate) Sacramento Region Meet & Greet 8 AM to 5:30 PM, W San Francisco,
Noon to 1:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, Reception Workroom 3
Grand Ballroom A 5 to 7 PM, W San Francisco, Great Room 1
Chemical Forensics International
Chemistry & the Environment Film Series INOR Poster Session Technical Working Group
Noon to 2 PM, SF Marriott Marquis, Gold- 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D 8:30 AM to 5 PM, Hotel Union Square, Con-
en Gate Ballroom B tinental Ballroom 4
ORGN Poster Session
BIOT Lunch Seminars 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D BIOT Lunch Seminars
12:30 to 2 PM, InterContinental San Fran- 12:30 to 2 PM, InterContinental San
cisco, InterContinental B Moissi Kick-Off Reception Francisco, InterContinental B
5:30 to 7:30 PM, Hotel Nikko San Francisco,
Leading without Authority Bay View POLY/PMSE Lecture & Awards
1 to 5 PM, Park Central San Francisco, Reception
Commonwealth Division Officers & Councilors Caucus 5:30 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Room 134
Local Section Officers, Outreach Coordi- 5:30 to 6:30 PM, Moscone Center, Room 133 ENVR Poster Session
nator & Speakers Reception 6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
3:30 to 5:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, POLY/PMSE Joint Poster Session
Continental Ballroom 4 6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Hall A GEOC Poster Session
6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
Division Officers & Councilors Caucus BIOT Poster Session
4 to 5:30 PM, Moscone Center, Room 132 6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall I&EC Poster Session
6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
ANYL Dinner/SE-21/$25 (regular)/SE- COMP Poster Session
22/$15 (undergraduate) 6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall PHYS Poster Session
5 to 7:30 PM, Hilton SF Union Square, 7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
Golden Gate 2 ENVR Division Reception/SE-23/$20
6 to 8 PM, ThirstyBear Brewing Co., 661 NUCL Poster Session

Henry Hill & Lou Sacco Award Reception Howard St. 7 to 9 PM, Moscone Center, Hall D
5 to 7 PM, Hotel Nikko San Francisco, Nik-
ko Ballroom III NUCL Social Hour MEDI & ORGN General Poster Social
6 to 8 PM, Moscone Center, Room 130 7 to 11 PM, Moscone Center, West Hall
UCLA Research Showcase
5 to 7 PM, Moscone Center, Room 135

MARCH 13, 2017 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN 55

Spotlight on Advanced Materials Technologies, Systems, and Processes

ACS Spring National

Meeting & Exposition
APRIL 2, 2017 I 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM I ESPLANADE BALLROOM 301
Join us for this symposium that highlights advances by JACS contributors in research areas
that align with the theme of Advanced Materials Technologies, Systems and Processes,
from energy to health and beyond.


Tanja Weil Shelley Minteer Marta Cerruti

Max Plank Institute University of Utah McGill University,
for Polymer Canada
Research, Germany

Peidong Yang Nanfeng Zheng

UC Berkeley Xiamen University,

Exposition middle of the exposition floor, where Take an afternoon break on Tuesday
ACS staff members will present the from 3 to 5 PM and visit the exhibitors
SEE WHATS NEW INSIDE THE many benefits, services, products, and before the exposition closes. Access the
EXPOSITION. Visit the ACS National merchandise offered by ACS. mobile app, play a game with participat-
Exposition at the Moscone Center, ing exhibitors, and win special prizes!
Halls B/C, from Sunday, April 2, through Online exposition. The online exposi-
Tuesday, April 4. The show hours will be tion is a component within the exhibitor Internet & technology. Get free inter-
Sunday, 6 to 8:30 PM, and Monday and directory that enables attendees to view net access and leave messages for one
Tuesday, 9 AM to 5 PM. videos, press releases, brochures, and another at the meeting mail terminals
Companies will showcase services, flyers of participating exhibitors. Access located throughout the meeting. Enjoy
instruments, books, computer hard- the online exposition at free Wi-Fi service at designated areas in
ware, scientific software, and an array of sanfran2017 to learn more about exhib- the Moscone Center.
chromatographic, lab, and safety equip- iting companies and download product
ment. Technical personnel will give information that meets your needs. Admission requirements & expo-only
demonstrations, answer questions, and registration. Exposition admission is
discuss your needs and interests. Free exhibitor workshops. Free work- complimentary for all national meeting
Visit the revamped ACS Career Fair shops will be hosted by exhibitors on the registrants; however, you are required to
where youll meet recruiters from top exposition floor and in private rooms wear your badge. Individuals who want to
companies such as KAUST, Merck, Gil- inside the Moscone Center. These work- visit the exhibits without registering for
ead, Georgia Pacific, and many more. shops will introduce new products and the technical component of the national
Create an online profile and upload services, build skills with specific tools meeting can obtain an expo-only badge
your rsum to our database, where and techniques, and highlight innovative for $60. Students with school identifica-
recruiters can schedule in-person in- applications that may improve your tion can obtain an expo-only badge for
terviews with you. While at the Career productivity. Register at $30. Registration can be handled online
Fair, network with potential employers sanfran2017 to reserve your seat. or in person at ACS attendee registration
and drop off your rsum, attend Career at the Moscone Center, North Lobby, and
Pathways workshops, and meet with Presentations & special events. at our satellite registration areas at the
ACS Career Consultants. Join us on Sunday from 6 to 8:30 PM Hilton San Francisco Union Square and
Also, join us at the ACS booth in the for the attendee welcome reception. Grand Hyatt San Francisco.

Exhibitor workshops safety course and other valuable safety

resources into your curriculum, and
product quality. An industry expert
will guide you through the latest trends
learn how these resources can be used and techniques to solve your toughest
Sunday, April 2 to build a positive safety culture in your challenges.
department and school.
McGraw-Hill Education Learning How To Make LC Method Develop-
Technologies Workshop. Sponsor: Solutions for Innovation. Sponsor: ment and Peptide Mapping Simpler;
McGraw-Hill Education, 3:30 to 6 PM, JEOL USA, Inc., 9:30 AM to noon, Tackle Interferences with Advanced
Moscone Center, Room 250. Join Mc- Moscone Center, Hall B, Exhibitor Triple Quadrupole Technology. Spon-
Graw-Hill Education to learn about Workshop Room 2. Ambient ionization sor: ThermoFisher Scientific, 12:30 to
the technology available to provide a mass spectrometry, scanning electron 3 PM, Moscone Center, Hall B, Exhibitor
unique learning experience for every microscopy, and NMR structure: Learn Workshop Room 1.
student. Learn about ALEKS, Connect, how the latest innovations from JEOL Part I: How to Make LC Method De-
SmartBook, and more! integrate to enhance your science. velopment and Peptide Mapping Sim-
pler. Why should method development
Monday, April 3 Advancing Material Science Research and peptide mapping be a challenge?
through Spectroscopy. Sponsor: Come and see how the latest develop-
Teaching Laboratory Safety in the ThermoFisher Scientific, 9:30 AM to ments in UHPLC afford method trans-
Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. noon, Moscone Center, Hall B, Exhib- fer from any LC with higher levels of re-
Sponsor: Flinn Scientific Inc., 9:30 AM to itor Workshop Room 1. New materials producibility as well as resolution, and
noon, Moscone Center, Room 250. Many present new analytical challenges. Like how when it comes to peptide mapping,
faculty and lab managers at undergrad- many labs today, you need to stay ahead we havent just revolutionized one part
uate institutions often find it difficult to of the curve. This workshop will show of your workflow, we have revolution-
incorporate laboratory safety through- you how FTIR and Raman spectrosco- ized them all!
out their courses. Join us as we discuss py can be applied in your lab, from the Part II: Tackle Interferences
how to integrate Flinn Scientifics new, discovery of new materials to solving with Advanced Triple Quadrupole
engaging online student laboratory production problems and ensuring Technology.


Getting Real with Organic Chemistry. Seamless Integration of 2-D to 3-D SAR Moscone Center, Hall B, Exhibitor Work-
Sponsor: CAS, 12:30 to 3 PM, Moscone to Guide Multi-Parameter Optimization. shop Room 3. With millennials demand-
Center, Hall B, Exhibitor Workshop Sponsor: Optibrium Ltd., 3:30 to 6 PM, ing a more engaging learning experience,
Room 3. Students are often left wonder- Moscone Center, Hall B, Exhibitor Work- higher education instructors have had to
ing, Why should I care? How does this shop Room 1. This hands-on workshop in evolve their teaching methods. Through
apply to me and my future career? Pro- collaboration with BioSolveIT will explore this lively panel discussion moderated by
fessors are tasked with trying to connect how the combination of 2-D structure ac- Dr. Neil Garg, hear about tips and tricks
the real world with the concepts taught tivity relationships (SAR) with 3-D struc- that experts in the field are using to foster
in textbooks. Come hear how Chemistry ture-based design can be used to guide the active learning both inside and outside
Class Advantage, a new digital learning optimisation of novel, high-quality com- the classroom.
solution from CAS, will help you teach pounds. Practical examples will be illus-
the relevance of organic chemistry, as trated using both Optibriums StarDrop Raman inVia Qontor and LiveTrack-
well as bridge the gap between memori- and BioSolveITs SeeSAR software. ing. Sponsor: Renishaw, 12:30 to 3 PM,
zation and conceptual understanding. Moscone Center, Exhibit Hall B, Exhib-
McGraw-Hill Education Learing Technol- itor Workshop Room 3. inVia Qontor:
What Can NMR Do for the Chemist? ogies Workshop. Sponsor: McGraw-Hill Accurate Raman imaging of rough sam-
Introduction to Experiments Beyond Education, 3:30 to 6 PM, Moscone Center, ples and/or those with complex surface
1D Proton and Carbon Spectra. Sponsor: Room 250. Join McGraw-Hill Education topographies is now even faster with the
Bruker, 12:30 to 3 PM, Moscone Cen- to learn about the technology available to new Renishaw ultra-fast Centrus detec-
ter, Room 250. With the modern NMR provide a unique learning experience for tor. RA802 is a dedicated pharmaceutical
hardware and software available today, every student. Learn about ALEKS, Con- analyser for imaging tablets to determine
many of the experiments that used to be nect, SmartBook, and more! API size and distribution metrics from
considered complicated and unnecessary coatings and particles.
are now quite routine and extremely ben- Tuesday, April 4
eficial to the chemist. This workshop will Advancing HPLC and GC Separations.
present an introduction to the alphabet Mass Spec Inlet Versatility to Max- Sponsor: Agilent Technologies, 12:30
soup of NMR experiments and explain imize Productivity. Sponsor: Advion, to 3 PM, Moscone Center, Hall B, Exhibitor
what they are, what information can be 9:30 AM to noon, Moscone Center, Hall Workshop Room 2. QbD solutions for
obtained from them, and when to use one B, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1. With the analytical method development in HPLC:
over another. daily need to analyze liquids, solids, va- Real-world data will be presented demon-
Topics will include the following: por-phase compounds, and even air-sen- strating unique ways to overcome analyt-
2-D experiments commonly used for sitive samples, the ability to change sam- ical challenges. Plus, Agilent will provide
structure verification and elucidation ple inlets is indispensable. Learn how a an introduction to modern 2-D HPLC
such as COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, and single instrument can be adapted to each for multiple sample types. See the latest
HMBC. of these sample requirements and rapidly developments on this exciting workflow
Examination of NMR active nuclei that changed to accommodate back-to-back that you can implement today. Also wit-
might be of interest to the inorganic assays. Listen to users in the field speak ness a new era in gas chromatography, the
chemist and important things to con- about the innovative sample inlets that Intuvo 9000 GC. Resolve your search for
sider when running these experiments. have cut down on prep and streamlined more ions by discovering the advantages
Brief introduction to magic angle spin- their everyday workflow. of Agilents GCMS solutions.
ning (HR-MAS and MAS) methods.
A quick look into the possibilities Innovative HPLC Solutions to Increase Vibrational Spectroscopy for Pharma-
of triple resonance biomolecular NMR. Efficiency and Productivity in the ceutical Applications. Sponsor: Bruker,
Lab. Sponsor: Agilent Technologies, 12:30 to 3 PM, Moscone Center, Hall B,
Wiley Workshop: Technology in the 9:30 AM to noon, Moscone Center, Exhibitor Workshop Room 1. The latest
Modern General Chemistry Classroom. Hall B, Exhibitor Workshop Room 2. advances in the FTIR and Raman in-
Sponsor: Wiley, 12:30 to 3 PM, Moscone This workshop will focus on two topics: strumentation and applications will be
Center, Hall B, Exhibitor Workshop increasing productivity of biotherapeutic reviewed in this seminar, with a thorough
Room 2. Please join Wiley as we explore characterization in drug development discussion of the following topics:
the trends and challenges of teaching and developing rapid HPLC methods Contaminations in pharmaceutical
general chemistry utilizing technol- with sufficient resolution and speed. products.
ogy. Collaborate with your peers on Details of using novel HPLC instrumen- Reverse engineering.
whats working well and whats needed tation, software, and column chemistries Structural changes in proteins.
to improve student engagement and will be discussed with time for Q&A with Maximization of protein stability.
performance in this course. Share your Agilent application scientists. Chemical imaging of biological tissues.
feedback on a forthcoming, digital gen- Examples of applications will include
eral chemistry project from Jason Kautz Engaging Millennials in the Class- analysis of protein secondary structure,
of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. room: A Panel Discussion with Dr. Neil protein melting point determination, bac-
Lunch will be served. Garg. Sponsor: Top Hat, 11 AM to noon, teria recognition, and analysis of tablets.


The seminar will include a American Chemical Society

live demonstration of the new

Bruker FTIR microscope and a
hands-on session. Attendees are
encouraged to bring samples of
interest for analysis during the
hands-on session.

Wednesday, April 5
Electrochemistry 101: DOES YOUR
Experiments for Use in Un-
dergraduate Labs. Sponsor:
Gamry Instruments, 9:30 AM
to noon, Moscone Center, Room
250. Gamry Instruments has de-

veloped a complete laboratory
course in electrochemistry for
undergraduate facilities. The
course includes experiments
designed to engage students
and provide them the oppor-

Use the ACS Salary Calculator

tunity to explore various disci-
plines in chemistry, such as an-
alyte characterization, aqueous
sample testing, digital simula- to see how your salary compares
tions, electrosynthesis, sensors,
batteries, and corrosion. The to your peers.
complete educational bundle
includes the instrument, teach-
ing and student manuals with
eleven separate experiments, as
well as all cells and electrodes
to get started.
needed to complete a semester
course for 20 students. This
workshop will be an introduc-
tion to all aspects of the course
material via the performance of
select experiments.

Structure-Based Drug Design

and Ligand Modification.
Sponsor: Chemical Computing
Group, 3:30 to 6 PM, Moscone
Center, Room 250. The course
covers MOE applications for
interactive, structure-based
design. Examples include
active site visualization,
protein-ligand contact analysis,
and ligand modification/opti-
mization in the receptor pocket.
Conformational searching and
analysis of the ligand to assess
ligand flexibility will be dis-
cussed. A protocol for aligning
and superposing protein com- Brought to you by the ACS Career Navigator
2015 American Chemical Society. CN1531
plexes in the context of protein
selectivity will be studied.


EXHIBITORS ACS Committee on Chemical Health & Safety,

P.O. Box 152329, San Diego, CA, United States
92195, 619-990-4908, Internet:
fax: 202-872-6005, e-mail:,
Internet: ACS Publications is the
leading publisher in chemistry and related sci-
safety The ACS Committee on Chemical Safety ences. Stop by our booth to receive free gifts and
The following list of exhibitors, as of and the Division of Chemical Health and Safety information on our newest journal, ACS Earth and
provide this opportunity for you to learn more Space Chemistry, and be sure to participate in
Feb. 11, is the property of the about chemical safety within the ACS and to our interactive author mosaic by using the
American Chemical Society. Any have chemical safety experts answer your hashtag #ACSmosaic. Visit ACS theater to
questions. 1125 meet Priestley Medalist Tobin Marks and learn
unauthorized use of this list, or any about C&ENs Molecule of the Moment. 725
part thereof, either directly or indi- ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses
(SCHB), 4344 Moorpark Ave., Ste # 1, San Jose, ACS Store, 1155 16th Street, NWWashington,
rectly, is strictly prohibited. CA, United States 95129, 408-834-8597, fax: DC 20036, United States, Phone: 800-ACS-5558
408-351-7900, e-mail: expo-booth@acs-schb. Fax: 202-872-6067, Internet: http://www.acs.
org, Internet: The ACS Divi- org/store 725
Visit the Online ACS National Expo- sion of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB) has
sition at to objectives To aid in the formation, develop- ACS Web Strategy & Operations, 1155 16th
ment, and growth of small chemical businesses. Street, NW, Washington, DC, United States
download the updated exhibitor list SCHB helps chemists working in small enter- 20036, 202-872-4548, e-mail:,
and access product information. prises, including self-employed, with the legal, Internet: is getting a make-
social, educational, legislative, regulatory, and over! Our goal is to simplify the navigation and tell
economic aspects of their unique professional the ACS story in a more captivating way so you can
101, 375 South End Avenue, Apt. 9G, New York, status. 1329 nd what you need faster and discover new things
NY, United States 10280, 917-587-7883, Inter- easier. Stop by the ACS Web kiosk to provide
net: 101 builds subject-specic ACS Education, 1155 16th Street, NW, Wash- input and learn more. 725
classroom engagement tools that promote ac- ington, DC, United States 20036, 202-872-6269,
tive learning in college STEM courses. Our rst fax: 202-833-7732, e-mail:, AdValue Technology, 3158 S. Chrysler Ave.,
product for chemistry courses, Chem101, was Internet: The ACS Edu- Tucson, AZ, United States 85713, 520-514-1100,
piloted with 2000 students across 8 schools in cation Division serves learners and educators by fax: 520-747-4024, Internet: www.advaluetech.
Fall 2016 including Carnegie Mellon, Columbia building communities and providing effective com AdValue Technology specializes in areas of
University, and the University of Cincinnati. 1530 chemistry education resources, grants, communi- Alumina, Fused Quartz, Sapphire and Zirconia.
ties, professional development opportunities, Products range from Alumina and Silicon Diox-
abcr GmbH, lm Schlehert 10, Karlsruhe, Ger- standards and guidelines. Stop by our booth to ide Powders, Crucibles, Tubes & Rods, Plates &
many 76187, 49 721 950 61101, fax: 49 721 nd information that can support your efforts to Discs, Sample Pans, UV Cuvettes, Quartz Wool,
950 6133, Internet: With abcr, you provide innovative, relevant, and effective chemis- Ceramic Membranes, and Cerium Polishing
have access to over 260,000 products from the try education from kindergarten through profes- Powders. We strive to be your valuable partner
organic, organometallic and inorganic specialty sional education. 725 in Material Science! 1224
chemicals area.
R&D services: custom synthesis, research projects ACS Green Chemistry Institute, 1155 16th Advanced ChemBlocks Inc., 849 Mitten Rd.,
Production: research, syntheses, scale-up, pilot Street, NW, Washington, DC, United States Suite 101, Burlingame, CA, United States 94010,
and commercial plant in our production facilities 20036, 202-872-6102, fax: 202-776-8009, e-mail: (650) 692 2368, fax: (650) 560 6477, e-mail:
Semi bulk / bulk business, Internet: The ACS, Internet: www.achem
Catalogue business: procurement and sales of Green Chemistry Institute believes that inno- Advanced ChemBlocks Inc is a re-
specialty chemicals 1718 vation in sustainable and green chemistry and search-based manufacturer and world-wide
engineering (GC&E) is vital to solving environ- supplier of various novel advanced building
Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd., 9883 Pacic Heights mental and human health challenges. Our mis- blocks and research chemicals for drug discov-
Blvd., Suite H, San Diego, CA, United States sion is to catalyze and enable the implementa- ery. We focus on various advanced building blocks
92121, 858-699-3322, fax: 858-769-6322 or 858- tion of GC&E throughout the global chemical having biological and pharmacological bias.
876-1948, e-mail:, Inter- enterprise and empower you to re-imagine a Please check our website
net: Accela ChemBio fo- sustainable future. 724 for more information. 1015
cus on design, synthesis, manufacture R&D
chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates for ACS Meetings & Expositions, 1155 Sixteenth Advanced Polymer Materials Inc., 2264 Che-
worldwide scientic research institutions and in- Street NW, Washington, DC, United States min St. Francois, Dorval, QC, Canada H9P 1K2,
dustrial development corporations. Since found- 20036, 800-227-5558, fax: 202-872-6128, e-mail: 514-683-8488, fax: 514-683-2070, e-mail:
ing in 2007, Accela are providing high-quality,, Internet:, Internet: www.
innovative products to over 3,000 valuable meetings The ACS Meetings booth displays infor- We are a Canada based man-
customers in 38 countries. We run ISO9001- mation on current and future regional meetings ufacturing company with R&D capability. We
Quality-System daily, and certied by Tuv since and the spring and fall National Meetings. Register produce polymers and block copolymers for
2010. 418 for a regional meeting or get information on sub- your R&D and production, such as controlled
mitting an abstract to a meeting in your region. release formulation, tissue engineering, nano-
Ace Glass, Inc., 1430 N. West Blvd., The programming is diverse and exciting! Meet structure formation, etc. We make functional
PO Box 688, Vineland, NJ, United the volunteers who are planning these meetings at block copolymers. We do contract research,
States 08360, 800-223-4524, fax: 800-543-6752, the booth. Visit the regional meetings website at custom synthesis and scaling-up according to
e-mail:, Internet: www. for a tour of this your specication. 1728 Ace Glass Incorporated has been years conferences. Information on future national
a leader and innovator of scientic glassware, meetings will be on display. 725 Advion, 10 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY, United States
lab equipment and glass apparatus for over 80 14850, 607-379-4565, fax: 607-257-5761, Inter-
years. Ace Glass provides a wide variety of ACS Member Insurance Program, 1155 16th net: Advion is a leader in MS &
quality U.S. manufactured standard and custom Street, N.W., Washington, DC, United States synthesis solutions. The expression CMS is a
scientic glassware, including reactors engi- 20036, 800-227-5558, ext. 6037, fax: 202-872- high performance, compact, affordable single
neered to any customer specications from 4435, e-mail:, Internet: www. quad mass spectrometer. Its compact size allows
100mL-200L. 518 The ACS Member Insurance it to t in space-limited labs for direct access and
Program is committed to offering quality com- immediate results for chemists requiring mass
ACS Career Fair Recruiters prehensive insurance plans to members and conrmation, reaction monitoring, QC and pu-
ACS Career Consultants 2028 their families. Stop by the ACS station to learn rity analysis. 1107
Aramco Services Company 1825 more about the plans available such as Life and
Brewer Science, Inc. 1927 Health Insurance, Auto & Homeowners, Long AGI USA Inc., PO Box 21388, Lehigh Valley, PA,
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 1931 Term Care, Professional Liability, Chemical Edu- United States 18002-1388, (610) 691-2385, In-
Getson & Schatz, P.C. 2026 cators Legal Liability and more. 725 ternet: AG! is a world
Gilead 1735 wide state- of-the-art scientic glassware manu-
Institute for Basic Science (IBS) 1934 ACS Membership, 1155 16th St., NW, Suite facturer. Our proprietary Ring Bafe Reactor
KAUST 1725 OTH420, Washington, DC, United States 20036, technology is the most efcient system in the
Merck & Co. 1925 2028726062, Internet: world. Products include Rotary Evaporators, Thin
Nurix-Inc 1929 Handbook Visit Membership in the ACS Booth Film and Short Path Evaporators, Pressure Reac-
ORAU 1935 to pick up a copy of the 2017 Member Hand- tors, Filter Reactors, Nutsche Filter Reactors,
Sasol 2034 book and a booth rafe card. Visit at least 5 ACS Molecular Distillation, Liquid-to-Liquid Extrac-
Kiosks and return your completed card to be tion Columns and Mini Plants. 1525
ACS Career Navigator, 1155 16th Street, NW, entered to win one of 10 prizes! 725
Washington, DC, United States 20036, 202-872- AgileBio LLC - LabCollector, 5473 Keary Ville
6031, e-mail:, Internet: https:// ACS Publications, 1155 Road, Suite 255, San Diego, CA, United States 16th Street, N.W., Wash- 92123, 347-368-1315, Internet: www.lab
navigator.html 725 ington, DC, United States 20036, 202-872-6862, AgileBio develops LabCollector

(, which is a modular soft- nanoscale spatial resolution in a diverse range of Bentham Sciences Publishers Ltd., 117 S. Euclid
ware for laboratory management (LIMS). It in- elds, including polymers, 2D materials, materi- Avenue, Oak Park, IL, United States 60302, 708-
cludes exible inventory management for any als science, life science and micro-electronics 308-4203, fax: 312-275-7530, e-mail: morrissy@
type of samples or chemicals and many add-ons industry. 1127, Internet: www.bentham
like an Electronic Lab Notebook, metrology Bentham Science Publishers is a
tracking, service management. . . Chemistry pl- Anton Paar USA, 10215 Timber major STM journal and e-book publisher of 120
ugin for structure search is available. LabCollec- Ridge Drive, Ashland, VA, United plus journal titles and over 600 e-books, helping
tor can be used free. 1431 States 23005, 800-722-7556, fax: 804-550-1057, to answer the information needs of the pharma-
e-mail:, Internet: www. ceutical and biomedical research community.
Agilent Technologies, 2850 Centerville Rd., Anton Paar produces high-qual- The leading journals in the eld include Current
Wilmington, DE, United States 19808, 302-636- ity measuring and analysis instruments for labo- Neuropharmacology (Impact Factor 3.753), Cur-
1604, fax: 302-633-8944, e-mail: alonzo_brown@ ratory, research and industrial applications. In rent Cancer Drug Targets (Impact Factor 3.707),, Internet: the elds of density and concentration measure- Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery
Agilent Technologies is a leading provider of GC, ment we are the established world leader. Our (Impact Factor 3.533), Current Medicinal Chem-
LC, MS and Spectroscopy instruments, technolo- product portfolio also includes viscometers, rhe- istry (Impact Factor 3.455) and Current Alzhei-
gies, related consumables, support, services, and ometers, polarimeters, refractometers, micro- mer Research (Impact Factor 3.145). 1818
workow solutions that enable labs to analyze, wave synthesis, microwave decomposition, and
conrm and quantify substances of interest with instruments for X-ray structure analysis. 818 Biolin Scientic, 215 College Road, Suite 300,
condence while maintaining the most stringent Paramus, NJ, United States 07652, 877-773-
laboratory practices, from sample preparation to Ark Pharm, Inc., 3860 North Ventura Drive, 6730, fax: 866-415-8164, Internet: www.biolin
nal report. 1401 Arlington Heights, IL, United States 60004, 847- Biolin Scientic provides proprietary
367-3680, fax: 847-367-3681, e-mail: sales@ark nanotechnology and advanced measurement sys-
AIP Publishing The Journal of Chemical Phys- tems. From contact angle meters and tensiom-, Internet:
ics, 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 300, Mel- eters to instrumentation for lm fabrication and
ville, NY, United States 11747, 516-576-2279, Ark Pharm, Inc. is a leading supplier of building
blocks, scaffolds and other advanced intermedi- characterization as well as systems that enable
fax: 516-349-9704, e-mail:, In- analysis of molecular interactions and surface
ternet: The Journal of Chemical Phys- ates. We have over 20,000 compounds in stock.
We do contract research, custom synthesis and properties, we are your partner for performing
ics (JCP) publishes concise and denitive reports research at the frontiers of science and tech-
bulk intermediates. Please visit our website at
of signicant research in the methods and appli- nology. 402 for more information. 717
cations of chemical physics. JCP is the most
highly cited journal in Atomic, Molecular, and BioRAFT, 1 Canal Park, Suite 1A, Cambridge,
Chemical Physics. 629 Asahi Spectra Co., Ltd., Gardenia Bldg. 4F, MA 02141 United States Phone: 617-475-9281
2-13-1, Kamijujo, Kita-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 114- Internet: 1817
AK Scientic, Inc., 30023 Ahern Avenue, Union 0034, 81-33-909-1151, fax: 81-33-909-1152, In-
City, CA, United States 94587, (510) 429-8835, ternet: Monochromatic BioSolveIT, An der Ziegelei 79, St. Augustin,
Internet: AK Scientic is a illumination system Germany 53757, 49-2241-2525-0, fax: 49-2241-
trusted chemical supplier contributing to a vari- Higher light intensity than the grating mono- 2525-525, e-mail:, Inter-
ety of R&D applications for over 10 years. In the chromator. net: BioSolveIT is a globally
San Francisco Bay Area, we stock over 17,000 Monochromatic illumination (bandpass lter) operating leading company providing easy-to-
products ready to ship same-day. A commitment IR heat blocking use yet sophisticated software solutions for hit
to excellent service and guaranteed quality Fiber output nding, lead optimization and prioritization.
makes our products essential for researchers Applications Photocatalyst, water-splitting, Its core customer base are Medicinal and
worldwide. 1320 hydrogen production, articial photosynthesis Computational Chemists alike and everyone
and so on. / Optical lter (UV-IR) / Solar simula- with a passion for innovative and efcient drug
Aldlab Chemicals, LLC, 3H Gill St., Suite 300, tor (Not exhibited) 1427 discovery. 1418
Woburn, MA, United States 01801, 203-589-4934,
fax: 781-305-3851, e-mail:, In- Astatech, Inc., Keystone Business Park, 2525 Biotage, 10430 Harris Oaks Blvd, Suite C, Char-
ternet: ALDLAB is a leading sup- Pearl Buck Road, Bristol, PA, United States lotte, NC, United States 28269, 704 654 4900,
plier for chemical reagents. More than 20000 19007, 215-785-3197, fax: 215-785-2656, e-mail: fax: 704 654 4917, Internet:
chemicals are in stock. Many special building, Internet: www.astate Biotage is a leading provider of Instruments and
blocks in R&D are only available in Aldlab. Aldlab AstaTech is the leading contract re- Consumables for use in Medicinal Chemistry,
is on the right track for fast growth with ISO9001: search organization (CRO) in the U.S. As a global Organic Chemistry, Peptide Synthesis and Ana-
2008 and cGMP facilities. 1528 pharmaceutical solution company, AstaTech offers lytical Testing. Check out the Extrahera, Simple
advanced intermediates and building blocks. We automation, the Isolera Dalton, Mass Detection
American Society for Engineering Education also provide high-quality services to global phar- for Flash Systems, and the Isolera Spektra with
(ASEE), 1818 N. Street, NW Suite 600, Washing- maceutical and other chemical industries. 1228 ACI and Assist which puries 250 mg in 5
ton, DC 20036 United States, Phone: 202-350- minutes. 526
576, Internet: 113 Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Com-
pany, 6310 Hollister Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA, BioTools, Inc., 17546 Bee Line Jupiter, FL 33458
Analytik Jena US, Inc., 100 Cummings Center, United States 93117, 805-696-6466, fax: 805-696- United States, 561-625-0133, 866-btools1, fax:
Suite 234-N, Beverly, MA, United States 01915- 6444, e-mail:, Internet: 561-625-0717 e-mail: Internet:
6115, 781-460-0697, fax: 781-376-9897, Inter- Asylum Re- 1532
net: Analytik Jena is a leading search introduces the new Cypher VRS Video-Rate
provider of high end analytical instrumentation AFM, the rst and only full-featured video-rate BrandTech Scientic, 11 Bokum Road, Essex,
for spectroscopy, optical and elemental analysis. atomic force microscope. Visualize biochemical CT, United States 06426, 860-767-2562, fax:
Our portfolio includes traditional analytical tech- reactions, self-assembly, and more while imaging 860-767-2563, Internet:
nology for the measurement of elements and at 625 lines/second (up to 10 fps) together with the BrandTech Scientic offers a complete line of
molecules. Our instruments include ICP-MS, same ease of use, modes, and accessories as the laboratory equipment for Life Sciences and
High Resolution ICP-OES, Single Source and rest of the Cypher family. 1305 Chemistry including: BRAND liquid handling
traditional Atomic Absorption, UV/Vis, and Ele- products; VACUUBRAND vacuum pumps; VIT-
mental Analyzers. 316 LAB volumetric plastics; BLAUBRAND Class A,
Asynt, Ltd., Unit 29 Hall Barn Rd. Industrial USP-certied volumetric glassware; and BO-
Anasazi Instruments Inc., 4101 Cashard Ave., Estate, Isleham, United Kingdom CB7 5RJ, Inter- CHEM stainless steel support jacks. Products
Suite 103, Indianapolis, IN, United States 46203, net: 1428 include pipettes; repeating pipettes; pipette
317-783-4126, fax: 317-783-7083, e-mail: sales@ controllers; bottletop dispensers; microplates,, Internet: Manufac- Authentic Development, 18700 Yorba Linda and PCR products. 1625
turers of the highest resolution, highest sensitivity, Blvd., #45, Yorba Linda, CA, United States
and largest application base of any permanent 92886, 847-873-9559, Internet: www.authentic Brookhaven Instruments Corp., 750 Blue Point
magnet based NMR instrument. 60 and 90 MHz Bad bosses suck productivity, Road, Holtsville, NY, United States 11742-1832,
Eft are general purpose NMR instruments avail- reduce engagement, and limit results. Authentic 631-758-3200, fax: 631-758-3255, e-mail: info@
able as 1H, 1H/13C, and multinuclear. These in- Development provides best in class leadership Brookhaven Instru-
struments are low maintenance and do not require training (Situational Leadership II) and leader- ments pioneered modern techniques in charac-
cryogens. 1016 ship coaching that creates bosses who transform terizing nanoparticles, proteins and polymers
into engagement and results producing leaders. using light scattering for particle sizing, zeta
Anasys Instruments Corp., 325 Chapala St., Founded by a chemist, we speak your language. potential and absolute molecular weight.
Santa Barbara, CA, United States 93101, 805- Come have a real conversation with an authen- Whether solving routine Research & Develop-
730-3310, Internet: www.anasysinstruments. ticity geek! 220 ment, Quality Control or Process Control prob-
com Anasys Instruments is the world leader in lems, Brookhaven has the instrumentation, the
nanoscale IR spectroscopy dedicated to deliver- BASF Corporation, 100 Park Avenue, Florham experience and the expertise to help you get the
ing innovative AFM based nano-spectroscopy Park, NJ, United States 07932, 973-245-5930, fax: results you need to be productive. New soft-
products and solutions that measure spatially 973-245-5833, e-mail: jason.nolan@partner.basf. ware, Particle Solutions, is a unique database
varying physical and chemical properties with com, Internet: 1724 approach with outstanding search features


that combines all the techniques under one leading provider of innovative, advanced micro- Chemshuttle, 3916 Trust Way, Hayward, CA,
umbrella to ensure maximum productivity. wave laboratory systems for chemical synthesis, United States 94545, 510-999-8909, fax: 510-
1318 sample preparation, and bioscience applica- 999-8902, e-mail:, In-
tions. Discover teaching and explore research at ternet: Founded in 2010
Bruker, 19 Fortune Drive, Billerica, MA, United the speed of light. Our award-winning systems by medicinal chemists for chemists, Chem-
States 01821, 888-4BRUKER, e-mail: info@ provide fast, reproducible results in rugged, Shuttle is a premier chemistry CRO for FTE /, Internet: Wel- exible platforms and are available with a variety Custom Synthesis from mg to kg, and a research
come to the worlds most comprehensive range of vessels and accessories. 618 chemical supplier for building blocks / bioactive
of scientic instrumentation available under one compounds. ChemShuttle has business center at
brand - Bruker. A brand synonymous with excel- Cengage Learning, Inc., 500 Terry Francois San Francisco Bay Area, and research facility at
lence, innovation and quality. Bruker offers a Blvd., Second Floor, San Francisco, CA, United Wuxi City, Jiangsu, China. 1801
wide range of applications for molecular charac- States 94158, 415-839-2329, Internet: www.
terization in chemistry and life sciences as well as Cengage is an education and tech- CiVentiChem, 1001 Sheldon Drive, #101, Cary,
solutions for materials research and nanotech- nology company built for learners. We create NC, United States 27513, 919-678-0704, fax:
nology. Visit us! 1101,1100 learning experiences that build condence and 919-678-0706, Internet:
momentum toward the future students want. Our CiVentiChem, a global CDMO, provides cGMP
Brush with Science, 3515 B Edison Way, Menlo innovative products and solutions for chemistry API manufacturing, process development, and
Park, CA 94070, (650) 440-0084, Internet: www. include OWLv2, MindTap, LabSkills PreLabs, and contract R&D services from our FDA inspected Chemistry and math games best-selling textbook franchises. 503 headquarters in Cary, NC. In addition, CiVen-
made out of paper and wood, scientically in- tiChem provides contract R&D and manufactur-
spired artwork and music, all created and com- Chem21Labs LLC, 2503 Oakland Drive, Cleve- ing of Key Starting Materials and specialty chem-
posed by the owner / artist of Brush with Science; land, TN, United States 37312, Internet: www. icals up to multi-metric ton scale from our facility
Julie Newdoll. Great for an Atoms First approach Couple YOUR undergraduate in Hyderabad, India. 1014
in the classroom, or just for fun. 1435 labs with Chem21Labs - online submission that
replaces single-submission, hand-graded, paper Collaborative Drug Discovery, 1633 Bayshore
BUCHI Corporation, 19 Lukens Drive, Suite 400, lab reports with 21st Century innovation. Add Highway, Suite 342, Burlingame, CA, United
New Castle, DE, United States 19720, 302-652- computerized grading (immediate feedback with States 94010, 901-297-3980, Internet: www.
3000, fax: 302-652-8777, e-mail: us-sales@buchi. improved accuracy) to enrich the laboratory expe- Collaborative Drug Dis-
com, Internet: For 75 years rience - grade smarter, not harder. 1900 covery (Booth 1620) provides a drug discovery
BUCHI is a leading solution provider in labora- platform your whole project team will embrace.
tory technology for R&D, quality control and ChemBridge Corp., 11199 Sorrento Valley Rd., CDD Vault enables users to organize chemical &
production worldwide. Our solutions for labora- Suite 206, San Diego, CA, United States 92121, biological data & collaborate through an intui-
tory, industrial and parallel evaporation, spray 858-451-7400, fax: 858-451-7401, e-mail: sales@ tive web interface. The Visualization and Inven-
drying, melting point, preparative chromatogra-, Internet: www.chembridge. tory modules expand the platform by providing
phy, extraction, distillation & digestion, Dumas com ChemBridge Corporation is a global pro- dynamic data visualization and compound/re-
and NIR are designed to meet the needs of our vider of enabling chemistry products and agent tracking. 1620
customers globally. 1613 contract research services for small molecule
drug discovery. ChemBridges extensive portfo- CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc., P.O. Box 220,
Cambridge Crystallographic Data lio includes over 1,000,000 diverse and target- Princeton, NJ, United States 08542-0220, 609-
Ctr., 174 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscat- focused screening compounds, 14,000 chemical 587-6500, fax: 609-587-6570, e-mail: info@
away, NJ, United States 08854, 848-445-4869, building blocks, our on-line, Internet: http://www.combi
e-mail:, Internet: www. chemical store, and high-end, research-intensive CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc. discovers, The Cambridge Crystallographic custom library and chemistry services. 1129 develops, manufactures, and markets historically
Data Centre is dedicated to the advancement of unstable chemical intermediates (gram to kg scale)
chemistry and crystallography for the public Chemglass Life Sciences, 3800
North Mill Road, Vineland, NJ, including derivatives of pyridine-2-boronic acids,
benet. The CCDC supports structural chemistry pyridine-4-boronic acids, thiazole-4-boronic acids,
research worldwide through the Cambridge United States 08360, 800-843-
1794, fax: 800-922-4361, Internet: www.cglife thiazole-5-boronic acids, pyrazole-3-boronic
Structural Database (CSD), the worlds compre- acids, pyrazole-4-boronic acids, imidazole-4-
hensive, up to date, and fully curated knowledge 700
boronic acids, pyrimidine-5-boronic acids, pyr-
base of small molecule crystal structures, pow- azine-2-boronic acids, thiophene-2-boronic acids,
erful software solutions and powerful software Chemical Computing Group, 1010 Sherbrooke
Street West, Suite 910, Montreal, QC, Canada furan-2-boronic acids, pyridazine-4-boronic acids,
solutions. 1429 and triazole-4-boronic acids, via novel catalytic
H3A 2R7, 514-393-1055, fax: 514-874-9538, e-
Carbosynth LLC, 7887 Dunbrook Rd., Suite F, mail:, Internet: www. transformations. 1011
San Diego, CA, United States 92126, Internet: CCG (Chemical Computing Carbosynth offers over Group) is a leading supplier of software solutions CONFLEX Corp., 3-23-17 Takanawa, Minato-ku,
6000 carbohydrates and nucleosides. This range for life sciences. With a proven track record in Shinagawa Center Bldg. 6F, Tokyo, Japan 108-
includes monosaccharides, enzyme substrates, scientic innovation, CCG continues to provide 0074, 81-3-6380-8290, fax: 81-3-6380-8299, e-
D- and L- sugars, oligosaccharides, detergents state-of-the-art applications in drug discovery to mail:, Internet: www.conex.
and nucleosides. Our catalogue offers quantities pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic net CONFLEX permits fast, accurate, automated
for R&D, but many are produced in bulk. We also researchers. CCGs software platform is the Mo- conformation searching and analysis critical to
offer a custom synthesis service out of our UK lecular Operating Environment (MOE) which is drug discovery and chemical engineering.
based laboratories. 1720 used by computational chemists, medicinal CONFLEX can completely search the conforma-
chemists and biologists in the major pharmaceu- tional space of a exible molecule to nd every
CAS, 2540 Olentangy River tical and biotechnology companies throughout optimal structure of chemically signicant con-
Road, Columbus, OH, United the world. CCG has a very strong reputation for formers. CONFLEX also includes crystal struc-
States 43210, 614-447-3600, fax: 614-447-3713, collaborative scientic support, maintaining sup- ture search and optimization, CD/UV/Vis spectra
e-mail:, Internet: port ofces in both Europe and North America. and solvent effect. 1112
CAS, a division of the American Chemical Soci- Founded in 1994, CCG is headquartered in
ety, is dedicated to the ACS vision of improving Montreal, Canada. For more information visit: CP Lab Safety, 14 Commercial Blvd., Suite 113,
peoples lives through the transforming power 1624 Novato, CA, United States 94949, 415-883-2600,
of chemistry. At CAS, we organize, analyze and fax: 415-532-1662, e-mail:,
share information that drives scientic discover- Chemily, LLC, 58 Edgewood Ave., N.E. #123, Internet: Manufacturer of
ies.We facilitate your research to fuel tomorrows Atlanta, GA 30303, United States, 404-514- ECO Funnels, Chromatography Funnels, Second-
innovation.Together, we will do great things. 2601, Internet: Chemily ary Containers and Solid Waste Containers. ECO
725 Glycoscience is a manufacturer of specialty gly- Funnels reduce harmful emissions and help pre-
cans, glycosyltransferases, oligosaccharides and vent re while solving the open waste container
Cellatrix, LLC, 4320 Forest Park Avenue, Suite other biochemicals. We also offer on-demand syn- problem. Made of HDPE with a gasket in the lid,
303, St. Louis, MO, United States 63108, 314- thesis of custom glycans, glycopeptides, glycopro- sturdy hinge and latch. Unique design will prevent
660-0005, Internet: Cellatrix teins, and glycoconjugates. For more information, container over-lling. 1208
developed a 3D Tissue Engineered Bone Mar- visit: 1630
row (3DTEBM) cell culture model derived from CrystalMaker Software Ltd., Centre for Innova-
cancer patients material, that allows prolifera- Chemrus Inc., 84 October Hill Road, Holliston, tion & Enterprise, Oxford University Begbroke
tion of cancer cell lines and primary patient MA, United States 01746, Internet: www.chemrus. Science Park, Begbroke, Oxfordshire, United
samples ex vivo. Cellatrix provides drug efcacy com Chemrus Inc developed the worlds rst Kingdom OX5 1PF, 44-1865-854804, fax: 44-
testing service using the 3DTEBM, and sells its polymer-structured disposable lter funnel for 1865-854805, e-mail:,
3D-Cell-Pro matrix and BoneChipablet solid-liquid separation. Recently, we developed Internet: Award-win-
components for in-house testing. 1635 the worlds rst reaction asks, which can be ning software for crystal and molecular modelling
kept upright on the bench without the use of and diffraction simulation. Build, display, manipu-
CEM Corp., 3100 Smith Farm Road, Matthews, cork rings, perform multi-ask reactions without late chemical structures - fast. Elegant user inter-
NC, United States 28104, 704-821-7015, fax: the use of clamps, and perform solvent concen- face with multi-structure browsing, synchronization
704-821-7894, Internet: CEM is a tration under reduced pressure. 1628 and animation - and one-click movie generation.

Optional software for single-crystal or powder dif- tomers receive the most comprehensive GERSTEL Inc., 701 Digital Drive, Suite J, Linthi-
fraction, with real-time simulation control and dis- application, technical and onsite support in the cum, MD, United States 21090, 410-247-5885,
play of observed data. 1331 industry. 1020 fax: 410-247-5887, Internet: www.GERSTELus.
com GERSTEL analytical instrumentation have
De Gruyter, Genthiner Str. 13, Berlin, Germany Federal Bureau of Investigation, 935 Pennsyl- enabled analysts to achieve ultra-low detection
D-10785, 0049 (0)30 26005 0, fax: 0049 (0)30 vania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United levels in complex matrices, while dramatically
26005 251, e-mail:, Inter- States 20535, The FBI promotes the importance increasing sample throughput; handle difcult
net: De Gruyter is an inter- of chemical security within the academic com- sample preparation challenges; and analyze a
national publisher which has published rst-class munity through the Academic Chemical Security wide range of sample types. GERSTEL is the
scholarship since 1749. Publishing over 1,300 (ACS) Initiative. The ACS Initiative addresses worlds largest Partner of Agilent Technolo-
new book titles per year and more than 750 vulnerabilities inherent in academic chemical gies for customer oriented GCMS and LCMS
journals in the humanities, social sciences, med- laboratories and focuses on strategic outreach solutions. 1202
icine, natural sciences and law, the company also opportunities by participating in conferences
offers a wide range of digital media. 1306 and establishing a close working relationship Harrick Scientic, 141 Tompkins Ave., 2nd
with relevant professionals. 730 Floor, P.O. Box 277, Pleasantville, NY, United
Delong America, 4020 S. Ambroise, Suite 473, States 10570, 800-248-3847, fax: 914-747-7209,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4C-2C7, 514-904- e-mail: Harrick Scientic de-
Flinn Scientic Inc., P.O. Box 219, Batavia, IL, signs and manufactures an extensive array of
1202, Internet: Leader in Low United States 60510, 800-452-1261, fax: 866-
Voltage and Benchtop Transmission Electron sampling accessories for FTIR, UV-Vis, and Ra-
452-1436, e-mail:, Internet: man molecular spectroscopy techniques, with
Microscopes. Now with two systems available, Flinn Scientic is the leader in
the LVEM5 (TEM/SEM/STEM) and the LVEM25 congurations available for virtually all spec-
science and lab chemical safety. Flinn develops trometer models. Harrick accessories cover the
(TEM/STEM). The LVEM systems provide rapid and offers a full line of chemistry and safety
and convenient imaging in easy to use compact full range of spectroscopic sampling modes,
products for middle schools, high schools and including ATR, diffuse reection, specular reec-
formats. LVEM technology allows for enhanced higher Ed. SciMatCo manufactures high quality
contrast compared to traditional TEMs (even tion, and transmission. We now introduce the
Hazardous Materials Safety Storage Cabinets versatile and economical DiaMaxATR high-per-
without heavy metal stains). 419 that exceed NFPA and OSHA standards. 1819 formance diamond ATR, and the ConcentratIR2
multiple-reection ATR for sensitive measure-
Edinburgh Instruments, 2 Bain Square, Kirkton Formulaction USA, 6660 N High Street, Suite ments of microliter samples such as aqueous
Campus, Livingston, United Kingdom EH54 2A, Worthington, OH, United States 43085, 614- protein solutions. Temperature-controlled ac-
7DQ, 44 (0) 1506 425 300, fax: 44 (0) 1506 888-0023, fax: 614-987-0045, Internet: www. cessories include heated and cooled cells for
425 320, e-mail:, Internet: Formulaction manufactures two in-situ catalysis, photochemistry, and kinetics Edinburgh Instruments is the lines of instruments to include a Micro Rheology studies. We work in partnership with scientists to
global leader in the development and manufac- system & the Turbiscan Stability Analyzer. The develop novel and effective solutions for chal-
turing of: uorescence spectrometers (steady- Rheolaser utilizes Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy to lenging research studies. Harrick Scienticfor
state and TCSPC), transient absorption spec- measure the viscoelastic properties of sample at over 40 years the leading innovator in molecular
trometers, picosecond laser sources and gas rest. Turbiscan Stability Analyzer enables you pre- spectroscopy sampling technologies. 303
lasers (CO2, THz). With unparalleled customer dict stability measuring Creaming, sedimentation,
support and instruments with the highest sensi- occulation and particle size in High Concentration Heidolph North America, 1241 Jarvis Ave., Elk
tivity, Edinburgh Instruments are the experts in solutions without dilution. 1312 Grove Village, IL, United States 60007,
uorescence. 1501 2242659600, Internet:
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing, 57 Grant Drive, Heidolph North America focuses on providing
Elemental Machines, 186 Alewife Brook Park- Suite G, Pittsboro, NC, United States 27312, unparalleled sales and support of premium lab-
way Cambridge, MA 02138, United States, 412-559-8840, Internet: oratory equipment. Heidolph specializes in ro-
781-354-6440, Internet: http://www.elemental FRITSCH is an internationally respected German tary evaporation, overhead stirrers, and mag- 1807 manufacturer of application-oriented laboratory netic stirring hotplates. 1325
instruments. Our instruments are used world-
Elsevier, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, wide for particle size reduction, sample prepa- Hellma USA, Inc., 80 Skyline Drive, Plainview,
Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom OX5 ration, materials science, product development, NY, United States 11803, 516-939-0888, fax:
1GB, Internet: Elsevier is a and particle analysis for fast paced industrial 516-939-0555, e-mail:, In-
world-leading provider of information solutions process monitoring and critical applications in ternet: 1719
that support the entire research process. Our QA, QC, and R&D. Particle sizes from nano
products are developed and delivered in a way range on up. 1721 HEMCO Corporation, 711 North Powell, Inde-
that puts the chemistry researcher rst, empow- pendence, MO, United States 64056, 816-796-
ering them to make better decisions and en- Frontiers, EPFL Innovation Park, Building I, 2900, fax: 816-796-3333, UniFlow laboratory
hancing their performance. 909 Lausanne, Switzerland 1015, 41 21 510 17 00, fax: fume hoods ranging in size from 24 to 144
41 21 510 17 01, e-mail: editorial.ofce@front wide and large oor mount models in greater
Enamine LLC, 7 Deer Park Drive, Suite M-3,, Internet: Frontiers depths and up to 24 long are available. Lab
Monmouth Junction, NJ, United States 08852, publishes some of the largest and most-cited furniture layout systems and lab automation en-
732-274-9150, fax: 732-274-9151, Internet: journals in their elds. Established in 2007, Fron- closures built to your size and design require- Established in Kiev in 1991, tiers drives innovations in peer review, post-publi- ments including HEPA ltered clean worksta-
Enamine combines a CRO prole with a produc- cation review and an ecosystem of open-science tions and vented styles. 1631
tion of innovative screening compound libraries, tools. Frontiers has published over 50,000 articles
across 57 journals and 430 disciplines, which re- Hiden Analytical Inc., 37699 Schoolcraft Road,
building blocks, fragments, and comprehensive Livonia, MI, United States 48150, 734-542-6666,
chemistry support in drug discovery projects. ceive 8 million monthly views. 314
fax: 734-542-6030, e-mail:,
The catalog includes a collection of 2,150,000 Internet: Hiden Ana-
screening compounds and 180,000 building Gamry Instruments, 734 Louis Drive, Warminis- lytical manufacture high performance quadru-
blocks. 216 ter, PA, United States 18974, 877-367-4267, fax: pole mass spectrometers for precision gas anal-
215-682-9331, e-mail:, Inter- ysis, materials characterization and surface
Exergy, 320 Endo Blvd Ext., Garden City, NY, net: Gamry Instruments is the science applications. Showcasing systems for
United States 11530, (516) 832-9300, fax: (516) recognized leader in instrumentation for electro- catalysis studies, reaction kinetics, residual and
832-9304, Internet: chemical impedance spectroscopy. Our lineup process gas analysis. For quantitative atmo-
Exergy offers an extensive product line of highly includes single and multichannel potentiostats spheric pressure gas analysis the new, compact
efcient Shell & Tube and Tube-in-Tube heat with currents up to 30A and EIS up to 5MHz. QGA system includes automated gas calibration
exchangers and Point-of-Use WFI Systems con- Stop by the booth to see our new educational for spectral deconvolution, sub-ppm detection
structed of 316L SS, Hastelloy, Inconel, Titanium bundle which includes all equipment and acces- and fast inlet technology for pulsed gas studies.
and other alloys. 1810 sories necessary for a semester course. 1221 Also featuring CatLab, a unique, integrated mi-
croreactor and mass spectrometer system for
Extrel CMS, 575 Epsilon Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, Gaussian, 340 Quinnipiac Street, Building 40, characterization and evaluation of catalysts or
United States 15238, Internet: Wallingford, CT, United States 06492, 203-284- thermal studies of evolved species. For atmo-
Extrel is the worlds leading manufacturer of 2501, fax: 203-284-2521, e-mail: info@gaussian. spheric gas studies the SPACI-MS quanties
Research and Process Mass Spectrometers, Re- com, Internet: Gaussian, Inc. intra-catalyst channel species transients and dis-
sidual Gas Analyzers (RGAs), Quadrupole Mass is the world leader in electronic structure com- tributions with high temporal resolution. 626
Spectrometry Systems and Components. We putational chemistry programs. The Gaussian
have been providing quadrupole mass spec- series of programs is available on every major HORIBA Scientic, 3880 Park Avenue, Edison,
trometry solutions to our Research and Industrial computing environment, from PCs to supercom- NJ, United States 08820-3012, 732-494-8660,
customers for over 50 years. Our instruments are puters, and it is currently used in a wide variety fax: 732-549-5125, e-mail:,
known for their high performance, reliability and of industrial, governmental and academic re- Internet: HORIBA
exibility. We offer equipment for Basic Re- search settings worldwide. Gaussian, Inc. will be Scientic provides Fluorescence and Raman so-
search, QA/QC Laboratories, Process Develop- demonstrating the latest versions of Gaussian lutions for every application. Featured technolo-
ment and Process Control. Extrels global cus- and GaussView. 919 gies include particle size and shape analysis,


zeta potential, surface area; the most sensitive Integrated Surface Technologies, 1455 Adams Kimble produces the most comprehen-
steady state and lifetime spectrouorometers, Drive, Suite 1125, Menlo Park, CA, United States sive range of laboratory and scientic glassware
(including the PTI brand), and Raman micro- 94025, 408-718-6254, Internet: www.insurftech. specializing in a broad range of reusable, dispos-
scopes, AFM-Raman, transmission Raman, mod- com Integrated Surface Technologies (IST) de- able and specialty glassware. Our vast portfolio of
ular Raman systems analyzers and dedicated signs and manufacturers Surface Modication products support sample collection, storage,
in-situ process Raman spectrometers. 1605 Systems for the MEMS and Biotech industries. preparation, analysis, disposition and lab safety for
Organic and Inorganic molecular lms can be a wide variety of markets. Discover a world of
HUBER-USA, 100 Centerwest Ct., Suite A, Cary, deposited in your lab and factory by using ISTs expertise in your hands. 1524
NC, United States 27513, 919-674-4266, e-mail: sub-atmospheric, low temperature vapor and, Internet: www. plasma enabled deposition equipment. 1526 Knewton, 100 5th Ave., 8th Floor, New York, NY 519 10011, United States, 973-271-8970, Internet:
ionBench, 3 Route de chamvres, JOIGNY, 529
Hummel Croton Inc., 10 Harmich Road, South France F-89300, 00 33 6 28 23 68 79, e-mail:
Plaineld, NJ, United States 07080, 908-, Internet: www.ionbench. KNF Neuberger, 2 Black Forest
7541800, Internet: com Manufacturer of lab furniture for mass spec- Road, Trenton, NJ, United States
Manufacturing and distribution of ne and in- trometry (LC/GC/MS). MS IonBench is easily 08691-1810, 609-890-8600, fax: 608-890-8323,
dustrial chemicals. Custom blending, milling, moveable & integrates MS peripherals a vacuum e-mail:, Internet: www.knfusa.
screening and packaging. 1531 pump noise reduction enclosure & protect com See the latest KNF laboratory products,
pumps by reducing vibration by 99%. LC Elevat- including Rotary Evaporators, Vacuum Control
ICE Publishing, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1 ing IonBench on wheels can be easily lifted up or Units, speed-controlled Vacuum Pumps and Sys-
Great George Street, Westminster, London, down for a convenient & safe access to the top tems. Ask an expert about selecting the right
United Kingdom SW1P 3AA, Internet: www. of HPLC. 1800 LABOPORT oil-free vacuum pump for your lab- ICE Science is the innova- oratory application. Or, discover KNF LIQUI-
tive multi-disciplinary materials science series J-KEM Scientic, 6970 Olive Blvd., St. Louis, PORT and SIMDOS liquid pumps, ideal for pre-
from ICE Publishing, who have been uniting MO, United States 63130, 800-827-4849, fax: cise transfer and dosing/metering needs. 1225
research and practice since 1836. The ICE 314-863-6070, Internet: Digital
Science collection comprises 5 titles: Bioin- temperature controllers regulate any volume Komplx Engineering, LLC, 31 Tappen Street,
spired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials; (0.1ml to 100L) or piece of equipment to 0.1 Avenel, NJ, United States 07001, 570-856-5558,
Emerging Materials Research; Green Materi- degree. Advanced safety features with over & Internet: We design and
als; Nanomaterials and Energy; and Surface under temperature alarms. Free control, data manufacture a unique and patented in situ sam-
Innovations. For further information, please logging, and ramping software. Programmable pler for Pharmaceutical and Organics chemistry
visit 212 syringe pumps deliver multiple reagents to mul- laboratory. 1629
tiple reactors in parallel with no volume restric-
IDBS, 1301 Marina Village ParkwaySuite 320, tions, automatically rell. Digital vacuum regula- KP Technology Ltd., 12 Burn Street, Wick,
Alameda, CA 94501, United States. 633 tor controls to 0.1 torr. Innity Controller Caithness, United Kingdom KW1 5EH, 44
automates any lab or bioreactor process, con- (0)1955 602777, fax: 44 (0)1955 602555, Inter-
IKA Works, Inc., 2635 North Chase Pkwy, SE, trols temperature, stirring, pressure, pH, oxygen, net: KP Technology manu-
Wilmington, NC, United States 28405, and reagent addition. Robotic workstations for factures state-of-the-art instrumentation for aca-
9104527059, fax: 9104527693, e-mail: sales@ika. weighing, synthesis, reformatting and custom demic/industrial institutes worldwide. Research
net, Internet: IKA Works, Inc. applications for $30,000. Articulating arm and areas include electrochemistry, material synthesis/
celebrates over 100 years as a global market SCARA robots. Accessories include lter characterization, energy, nanocomposites, cataly-
leader in laboratory, analytical and process stations, capping stations, robotic shakers, sis, quantum dots, perovskites, metal-organic
equipment. IKA technology offers stirrers, dis- centrifuge. 1619 frameworks and thin lms. In 2016, our equipment
persers, shakers, mills, rotary evaporators, dry featured in over 80 peer-reviewed publications.
block heaters, calorimeters, laboratory reactors Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd., 208 Our patented Ambient Pressure Photoemission
and incubation shakers. The US subsidiary is Musashi, Mizuho, Nishitama, Tokyo, JAPAN Spectroscopy system (APS04) measures absolute
located in Wilmington, NC and its headquarters 190-12, 81425572331, fax: 81425571892, Inter- and relative work function. 1534
is in Staufen, Germany. 1419 net: Do
you have difcult samples to separate? JAI offers Kruss America, LLC, 1020 Crews Road, Suite K,
unique purication / separation system called Matthews, NC, United States 28105, 704-847-
Inert, One Industrial Way, Amesbury, MA, 8933, fax: 704-847-9416, e-mail: mlh@krussusa.
United States 01913, 978-462-4415, fax: 978- Recycling preparative HPLC that can make your
purication as easy as possible while saving com, Internet: Advancing your
462-3338, e-mail:, Surface Science. As international experts in surface
Internet: INERT is a solvent. JAI offers also offers world rst portable
pyrolyzer for Py-GC. 1333 and interfacial chemistry, Kruss develops and man-
global leader in the design and manufacturing of ufactures highly precise solutions for contact angle
glove box, gas management, and solvent puri- JASCO, 28600 Marys Court, Easton, MD, measurement, tensiometry, and foam analysis. We
cation systems. Our systems can be leveraged in United States 21601, 800-333-5272, fax: 410- also pride ourselves on providing unparalleled
a multitude of industries, and integrated with 822-7526, e-mail:, Internet: expertise through consultation, training and edu-
virtually any third-party tools or equipment. 1217,1216 cation in research, development and industrial
1ppm O2/H2O environments and anhydrous quality control laboratories worldwide. 1210
solvents make lab work safe and easy @inert_ JEOL USA, Inc., 11 Dearborn Road, Peabody,
tech. 1918 MA, United States 01960, 978-535-5900, fax: LABCONCO, Corp., 8811 Prospect Avenue, Kan-
978-536-2205, e-mail:, Inter- sas City, MO, United States 64132, 816-333-8811,
InfoChem GmbH, Aschauer Str. 30, Munich, net: JEOL is a world leader in fax: 816-363-0130, e-mail: labconco@labconco.
Germany 81549, 49-89-2030430403, e-mail: analytical instrumentation -NMR, GC/MS, DART/ com, Internet: Since 1925, Internet: MS, SEM, TEM, and more. ECZ NMR series com- Labconco Corporation has been manufacturing
InfoChem is a software company for cheminfor- pact design and improved performance; AccuTOF high quality laboratory equipment including:
matics focusing on the development of software DART and GCX MS high-res sensitivity, and per- Fume Hoods, Filtered Fume Hoods, Glassware
tools to handle, store and retrieve chemical formance driven ionization techniques; New high Washers, Biosafety Cabinets, Lyophilizers (Freeze
structures and reactions. The companys main throughput research grade SEM with expanded Dryers), Vacuum Concentrators, Carts, Glove
activities involve the production of synthesis EDS & touchscreen. Booth demos. 600 Boxes, Kjeldahl Apparatus, Evaporation Systems,
planning and reaction prediction solutions and Vacuum Pumps and Clean Benches. 404
the automatic extraction of scientic information Johnson Matthey, 2001 Nolte Drive, West
from text and images. 1017 Deptford, NJ, United States 08066, 856-384- Leggett Technical Consulting, LLC, 8235 Sun-
7151, fax: 856-384-7282, Internet: www.jmne nysea Drive, Playa del Ray, CA 90293, United
Innovative Photonic Solutions, 4250 U.S. Highway Johnson Matthey Fine Chemicals States, 201-822-9121, Internet: http://8235 Sun-
1, Suite 1, Monmouth Junction, NJ, United States supplies efcient and sustainable products and nysea Drive, labHIRA is a software application that
08852, 732-355-9300, ext. 20, fax: 732-355-9302, services for companies developing pharmaceu- identies, in less two minutes, reactivity, health
e-mail: 305 ticals, agrochemicals and other ne and spe- and ammability issues, for 9,050 chemicals, that
cialty chemicals. We provide our customers with may result from the use of their use. The hazard
Intl Centre for Diffraction Data, 12 Campus access to a substantial toolkit for diverse, com- ratings provided by labHIRA helps academic and
Blvd., Newtown Square, PA, United States plex chemistries and we can offer a full spectrum or industrial researchers understand of the nature
19073, 610-325-9814, fax: 610-325-9823, e-mail: of drug development services. 1703 the hazard of a chemical. 1732, Internet: ICDDs
material identication databases are designed JSPS San Francisco Ofce, 2001 Addison Street LOBA CHEMIE PVT. LTD., Jehangir Villa, 107
for rapid materials identication and interfaced #260, Berkeley, CA, United States 94706, Wodehouse Road, Colaba, Mumbai, India
with diffractometers and data analysis systems of 510.665.1890, fax: 510.665.1891, Internet: www. 400005, 91 22 666366663, fax: 91 22 6663
the worlds leading software developers and 1617 6699, e-mail:, Internet:
manufacturers of X-ray equipment. The Powder 1820
Diffraction File is available in PDF-2 2016; Kimble Chase LLC, 234 Cardiff Valley Road,
PDF-4 2016; PDF-4/Minerals 2016; and PDF- Rockwood, TN, United States 37854, e-mail: M. BRAUN, Inc., 14 Marin Way, Stratham, NH,
4/Organics 2017. 1702, Internet: www.kimble- United States 03885, 603-773-9333, fax: 603-

773-0008, e-mail:, Inter- 4020, 41 61 683 77 34, fax: 41 61 302 89 18, The life science business of
net: MBRAUN is celebrating e-mail:, Internet: www. Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, operates as
40 years experience providing inert glove box MDPI, the Multidisciplinary Digital Pub- MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada. For the
solutions for University and Industrial laboratories lishing Institute, is an academic open access pub- life science research market, we focus on every-
world-wide. Our products range from gloveboxes, lisher, established in 1996. We publish over 170 day and inventive chemistry. Visit our booth to
vacuum deposition, gas puriers, solvent puriers, peer-reviewed open access journals across ten see how we can assist you with specialty solu-
ovens and custom system solutions. New fea- different elds and offer publishing-related initia- tions, from cutting-edge materials to exotic
tures include our all new myMBRAUN App with tives to scholars. 91% of papers published in 2016 building blocks. 718
remote monitoring functionality and power are available in Web of Science. 1618
saving ECOmode. 1007 Minus K Technology, Inc., 460 Hindry Ave., Unit
Mestrelab Research SL, Feliciano Bar- C, Inglewood, CA 90301, United States, 310-
Macherey-Nagel Inc., 2850 Emrick Blvd., Beth- rera, 9B-Baixo, Santiago de Compos- 348-9656 Minus Ks vibration isolators are low
lehem, PA, United States 18020, 484-821-0984, tela, Spain 15706, 34-881-976-775, fax: 34-981- cost, passive, vacuum and clean room adaptable
Internet: 1708 941-079,, Internet: that require no air or electricity while offering the Mestrelab Research spe- best isolation in the industry. Products: table-top
Macmillan Learning, One New York Plaza, New cializes in the development of software for the platforms, workstations, oor platforms and cus-
York, NY 10004, 800-446-8923, e-mail: customer processing and analysis of Analytical Chemistry tom systems. Isolation typically 10 to 100 times, Internet: www. data and Chemical information. Our main prod- better than air tables and or active systems. 420 Macmillan Learning brings uct Mnova is a multiplatform (Windows, Mac,
together some of the most respected imprints in Linux) and multivendor software suite designed Molymod Models - Spiring Ltd, Spiring Enter-
Chemistry Education to enhance the classroom for combined NMR and LC/GC/MS techniques. prises Ltd., Unite 8E, Gillmans Industrial Estate,
and lab. Learn how we partner with thought 627 West Sussex, United Kingdom RH14 9EZ, 44-
leaders in chemistry education to produce the 1403-782-387, fax: 44-1403-785-215, e-mail:
best in scientic publishing from W.H. Freeman, Metamolecular, LLC, 8070 LaJolla Shores Drive,, Internet: www.molymod.
Roberts & Company, Hayden-McNeil, Sapling #464, LaJolla, CA, United States 92037, 858- com Spiring Enterprises Ltd the inventor &
Learning, and Late Nite Labs. 1400 754-9396, Internet: exclusive manufacturer of molymod molecular &
Metamolecular creates software for chemists atomic models & the miniDNA abstract system
Magritek Inc., 6440 Lusk Blvd., and the teams working with them. With customers for modelling DNA & RNA. Molymod range
Suite 108, San Diego, CA, United including companies and individuals engaged in comprises sets kits & spare parts suitable for
States 92121, 855-667-6835, Internet: www. research, development, and education, Metamo- organic, biochem and general chemistry courses Magritek is a world leading com- lecular is a leader in adapting information technol- at college or university. 1214
pany developing and manufacturing portable ogies to solve chemical problems. 1533
NMR solutions for education, research and in- Moubio LLC, 10F-2, 90 Jokon Street, Taipei,
dustrial applications. SpinsolveTM is the rst Metrohm USA, Inc., 6555 Pelican Creek Circle, Taiwan 11649, 886-937838121, fax: 886-2-
benchtop NMR instrument capable of multinu- Riverview, FL, United States 33578, 866-Metrohm, 29369440, e-mail:, Inter-
clear (1H, 19F, 31P, 13C) and multidimensional fax: 813-316-4900, e-mail:, net: Mini bio-
NMR that does not require cryogenics and is Internet: Metrohm offers a reactor vessels with add-on evolving functions to
maintenance free. Magritek is exhibiting Spin- complete line of analytical laboratory and process t todays microbiology, molecular, system and
solve, a revolutionary benchtop NMR spectrom- systems for titration, ion chromatography, electro- synthetic biology needs: from everyday plug-n-
eter that provides exceptional performance in a chemistry and spectroscopy. From routine mois- play fermentor vessels to precision high through-
low-cost, convenient and compact package. This ture analysis to sophisticated anion and cation put vessel bundles, all with mass produced preci-
high-performance instrument includes 13C, 1H, quantication, we are ready to help you develop sion and economy; modular designs work with
19F and 31P capabilities and it is ideal for chem- your method and congure the optimum system. brand name scientic glassware and robust multi-
istry education, synthetic chemists, reaction moni- Stop by and meet Metrohm. 1324 channel oxygen uptake monitoring. 218
toring and industrial QA/QC. 1110
Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc., 7075 Samuel MPD Chemicals, 4667 Somerton Road, Trevose,
Malvern Instruments, Inc., 117 Flan- Morse Drive, Columbia, MD, United States PA, United States 19053, 215-364-1155 ext 202,
ders Road, Westborough, MA, United 21046, 410-910-8493, fax: 410-910-8101, Inter- fax: 888-569-6644, Internet: www.mpdchemicals.
States 01581, 508-768-6400, fax: 508-768-6403, net: METTLER TOLEDO com MPD Chemicals, through its Monomer-
e-mail:, Internet: www. provides process analytical technology (PAT), Polymer & Dajac Labs, Silar and Isosciences Malverns materials and biophysical automated synthesis reactors, and in situ sam- subsidiaries, is a US-based specialty chemicals
characterization technology and expertise en- pling. In situ FTIR spectroscopy and automated manufacturer, with competencies in complex
ables scientists and engineers to investigate, sampling provides continuous analysis of reac- organic synthesis, unique monomers and poly-
understand, and control the properties of dis- tions. Inline particle size analysis enables crystal- mers development, organosilicon chemistries
persed systems. Used in research, development, lization development with particle size and and stable isotope labeling. The company pro-
and manufacturing, Malverns instruments pro- shape measurements. Reaction calorimetry pro- vides lab to full scale chemical synthesis, with
vide critical information that helps accelerate vides process knowledge to eliminate scale-up output from grams to tons. 1600
research and product development, enhance and safety incidents. 405
and maintain product quality, and optimize pro- My Green Lab, 101 Oak Rim Way, #16, Los
cess efciency. 1106 MicroLAB, Inc., PO Box 7358, Bozeman, MT, Gatos, CA 95032, Internet: My
United States 59771, 406-586-3274, fax: 406- Green Lab is dedicated to building a culture of
Maruzen Co., Ltd., 110B Meadowlands Park- 586-3582, Internet: Mi- sustainability through science. We help labs re-
way, Suite 205, Secaucus, NJ, United States croLabs new FS-528 Laboratory Data System duce their environmental impact while remaining
07094, 201-865-4400, fax: 201-865-4845, Inter- combines our patented FASTspec 360-880 nm true to the mission of scientic research. 1535
net: Maruzen Interna- scanning spectrophotometer and integrated
tional Co., Ltd (MIC) is the leading distributor of sensors to create a high quality, general purpose Nanalysis Corp., Bay 4, 4500, 5 Street NE,
globally renowned HGS Molecular Model. The chemistry lab instrument serving freshmen to Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 7C3, 403-769-9499,
company is located in Secaucus, NJ, with the undergraduate research. High resolution mea- fax: 403-775-6683, Internet: Nanaly-
parent company Maruzen Co., Ltd. in Tokyo. surements support small safe green samples. sis Corp. has developed the marketing-leading
Manufactured in Japan, HGS molecular model User-friendly software encourages visualization NMReady-60 family of benchtop NMR spectrom-
has attracted researchers, educators, and students and effective use of laboratory time. 525 eters. The only all-in-one high-resolution NMR
all over the world for over 40 years. This subtle and Spectrometer, these high-performance, innovative
professionally manufactured model has very wide Micromeritics Instrument Corp., 4356 Commu- spectrometers operate at a fraction of the size,
variety of options, which will suit any type of nications Drive, Norcross, GA 30093, United cost and maintenance of traditional NMR instru-
research/ educational activities in the broad elds States, 770-662-3636, fax: 770-662-3696, mentation. Compatible with a variety of nuclei
of chemistry, pharamacology etc. 1012 e-mail:, Internet: (e.g., 1H, 7Li, 11B, 13C, 19F, 31P) and a number of 215 1D and 2D NMR experiments. Please inquire for
McGraw-Hill Education, Two Penn Plaza, New more about these easy-to-use NMR tools that can
York, NY, United States 10121-2298, 646-766- Microtrac Inc., 148 Keystone Drive, Montgom- improve your workow. 501
2892, fax: 646-766-2208, Internet: www. eryville, PA, United States 18936, 727-507-9770, McGraw-Hill Education is a fax: 727-507-9774, Internet: nanoComposix, Inc., 4878 Ronson Ct., Suite K,
learning science company that delivers person- Microtrac, a global pioneer of particle character- San Diego, CA, United States 92111, 858-565-
alized learning experiences to help students, ization technologies, provides the world with 4227, Internet: nano-
parents, educators and professionals drive re- innovative, reliable, and repeatable instruments. Composix specializes in the fabrication, charac-
sults. McGraw-Hill Education has ofces across Microtracs instruments can provide particle siz- terization, and integration of nanomaterials into
North America, India, China, Europe, the Middle ing, zeta potential, 3-D dynamic image analysis, products and systems. Our mission is to enable
East and South America, and makes its learning molecular weight, surface analysis, and particle our customers to maximize the potential bene-
solutions available in nearly 60 languages. www. counting measurements. Microtrac also offers ts of nanotechnology through the use of pre- 1302 contract laboratory services. 634 cisely engineered, highly characterized nanoma-
terials. Our multi-disciplinary technical teams
MDPI AG, St. Alban-Anlage MilliporeSigma, 290 Concord Road, Billerica, provide method and protocol development,
66, Basel, Switzerland CH- MA, United States 01821, Internet: www. rapid prototyping, integration solutions, and


testing services for researchers in aerospace, and materials research communities. The Oak- 408-986-1199, e-mail:, Inter-
defense, material science, and biotechnology wood product listing contains over 208,000 net: Park Systems is a
industries. 1627 items, including many unique building blocks world leading manufacturer of atomic force mi-
and reactive intermediates. Please visit us at croscopy (AFM) systems with complete range of
NanoManyetik Bilimsel Cihazlar San. ve Tic. Ltd. 601 products for researchers and engineers in bio-
Sti., Hacettepe-Ivedik OSB Teknokent, Melih logical science, materials research, semiconduc-
Gokcek Bulvari No:61\33 Kat:5 IvedikYenimahalle Ocean Optics, Inc., 830 Douglas Avenue, Dun- tor and storage industries. Parks AFM provides
Ankara 06370 Turkey, (312) 299 21 71 fax: (312) 299 edin, FL, United States 34698, 727-733-2447, the highest data accuracy, superior productivity,
21 73 Internet: 217 fax: 727-733-3962, e-mail:, and lowest operating cost. Please visit parkafm-
Internet: Ocean Optics is .com for more information. 1229
NanoImages, 4900 Hopyard Road, Suite 100, the worlds leading supplier of miniature ber
Pleasanton, CA, United States 94588, 866-601- optic spectrometers and accessories for research, Parr Instrument Co., 211 53rd Street, Moline,
6266, fax: 925-231-1709, Internet: www. industrial and educational applications. Our inno- IL, United States 61265, 309-762-7716, fax: 309- Compact and Affordable Ta- vative products and extensive applications knowl- 762-9453, e-mail:, Internet:
bletop Scanning Electron Microscopes having edge encourage discovery in disciplines ranging 1201
applications for SEM in Life Science (Biology, from biotechnology and life sciences to agriculture
Forensics, Pharmaceuticals, Medical) and Mate- and food chemistry. 1319 Particle Sizing Systems, 8203 Kristel Circle, Port
rial Science (Semiconductors, Geology, Metal- Richey, FL, United States 34668, 727-846-0866,
lurgy, Nanotechnology). 1335 OLIS, Inc., 130 Conway Drive, Suites ABC, Bogart, fax: 727-846-0865, e-mail:,
GA, United States 30622-1724, 706-353-6547 or Internet: PSS provides solutions
Nanomedical Diagnostics, 6185 Cornerstone 800-852-3504, fax: 706-353-1972, e-mail: sales@ with the Nicomp Nano and the AccuSizer SPOS
Court, East #110, San Diego, CA, United States, Internet: 1700 particle analyzers. Weve grown with the AccuSizer
92121-4740, 844-892-7729, Internet: www. FX and FX Nano, high concentration analyzers that Get more with less Optibrium Ltd., 7221 Cambridge Research size/count particles over a wide dynamic range
less sample, less process, less time, with the Park, Beach Drive, Cambridge, United Kingdom starting at 0.15 microns and at concentrations
label-free AGILE R100 assay. Leveraging cut- CB25 9TL, 44 1223 815900, fax: 44 1223 exceeding 10 million particles/mL. 502
ting-edge Field Effect Biosensing (FEB) technol- 815907, e-mail:, Internet:
ogy, easy-to-use AGILE R100 performs dose- Optibrium creates elegant PASCO scientic, 10101 Foothills Boulevard,
response and kinetic binding measurements in software solutions for small molecule design, Roseville, CA 95747 United States, 916-786-
crude samples with minimal volume. Real-time optimisation and data analysis, including: Star- 3800 fax: 916-786-8905, e-mail:,
automated analysis enables on-the-y assay DropTM, a comprehensive environment that Internet: PASCO technolo-
modication, vastly reducing assay develop- guides the design and selection of high quality gies transform science education with award-win-
ment time. 1434 compounds; SentiraTM, a powerful and easy-to- ning, wireless probeware, software, and curriculum
use desktop tool for chemistry data visualisation; for physics, chemistry, biology, earth and environ-
NanoTemper Technologies Inc., 400 and Asteris, an iPadTM app for creative com- mental sciences, and programing and robotics.
Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 336, San Fran- pound exploration and design. 1420 Integrating the latest standards-based content
cisco, CA, United States 94080, Internet: www. with easy-to-use data collection and analysis soft- Please come by OriginLab Corp., One Roundhouse Plaza, Suite ware, PASCO solutions are cost effective and work
our booth (#319) to learn about our cutting edge 303, Northampton, MA, United States 01060, on all your devices. 435
analytical solutions, nanoDSF and MST, to support 800-969-7720, fax: 413-585-0126, e-mail: sales@
your drug discovery efforts. 319, Internet: 1426 Pearson, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River,
NJ, United States 07458, 415-402-2583, Inter-
Natl Academies Of Sciences Engineering and Oxchem Corporation, 777 Dillon Drive, Wood net: Pearson, the
Medicine, Fellowship Programs, 500 5th St., Dale, IL, United States 60191, 626-566-0337, worlds leading learning company, partners with
NW, Washington, DC, United States 20001, fax: 626-228-3544, Internet: K-20 institutions and educators to provide educa-
202-334-2760, fax: 202-334-2759, e-mail: Oxchem Corporation is a research-based chem- tional solutions and services that help to improve, Internet: www.national- ical supplier established. The company focuses learning outcomes. Pearson serves learners of all The NRC Research Associ- on quality manufacturing and collecting a variety ages around the globe, employing 41,000 people
ateship Programs offers a wide variety of re- of chemicals and shipping them to worldwide in more than 70 countries. For more information,
search opportunities conducted in federal customers. Our main product line includes Het- visit 1803
laboratories and afliated institutions, covering erocyclic compound; Halogen compounds; Cat-
in all STEM elds for highly qualied postdoc- alyst & Ligand compounds; Aldehyde ketone PerkinElmer Informatics, Inc., 940
toral and visiting scientists. Application submis- compounds; Amino Acids and Derivative; Boric Winter Street, Waltham, MA, United
sion dates are Feb 1, May 1, Aug 1, and Nov 1. acid, boric acid ester, etc. 1219 States 02451, 1-800-762-4000, fax:
Booth 1018. 1018 203-944-4950 619
Oxford Instruments, 300 Baker Avenue, Suite
Neaspec GmbH, Bunsenstrasse 5, 82152 Martin- 150, Concord, MA, United States 01742, 978-369- Pharmablock USA,
sried, Germany, 49 89 4524 206 34, fax: 49 89 4524 9933, fax: 978-369-8287, e-mail: industrial@oxinst. Inc., 725 San Aleso
206 99, e-mail:, In- com, Internet: Avenue, Suite 1, Sunnyvale, CA, United States
ternet: 1328 Pulsar is a high-resolution, 60MHz benchtop 94085, 408-921-9969, Internet: www.pharma
NMR spectrometer, providing 1- and 2-D NMR PharmaBlock Sciences (Nanjing), Inc.
NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 2300, Gaithers- spectra of 1H, 19F, 13C and 31P. Cryogen free is a leading innovative chemistry products and
burg, MD, United States 20899-2300, 301-975- Pulsar is suitable for any laboratory focused on services provider throughout the pharmaceutical
3774, fax: 301-926-0416, e-mail: diane.decker@ teaching, organic synthesis analysis, or materials R&D process. Its core businesses include: a, Internet: NIST Standard identication. Pulsars performance gives you catalog of specially designed scaffolds and
Reference Materials supports accurate/compatible the power of NMR spectrometry in your lab. www. building blocks; custom synthesis; process de-
measurements by certifying and providing over oxford-instruments 1303 velopment; manufacturing of key intermediates
1200 SRMs with well-characterized composition and APIs; and FTE services. 1226
or properties, or both. Standard Reference Data Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue,
provides well-documented numeric data for use New York, NY, United States 10016, (800) 451- PharmAgra Labs, Inc., 158 McLean Road, Bre-
in technical problem-solving, research, and 7556, fax: (919) 677-1305, e-mail: vard, NC, United States 28712, 828-884-8656, fax:
development. 1213, Internet: Oxford 828-884-9469, e-mail:,
University Press is a publisher of some of most Internet: PharmAgra Labs,
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments, respected and prestigious books and journals in Inc. is a chemistry CRO that for eighteen years
7910 South Kyrene Rd, Suite 108, the world. Visit our stand to browse/purchase has been conducting contract Research and De-
Tempe, AZ, United States 85284, Internet: www. books and to pick up sample copies of our velopment in organic chemistry. We specialize in NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments journals, or visit online at for all areas of discovery, scale-up, process devel-
has a unique and unrivalled portfolio of scanning more information. 1008 opment and analytical chemistry. We also offer
probe microscopes. Our application-focused in- cGMP preparation of drug substances in our
struments provide you with a full range of capabil- Paraza Pharma Inc., 2525 Marie-Curie Avenue, FDA inspected kilo suite. 1529
ities in AFM-Raman/AFM based nanomechanics. Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4S 2E1, 617-216-
As an innovator in SPM for over 20 years, NT-MDT 9459, Internet: Pre- Piercan USA Inc., 180 Bosstick Blvd., San Mar-
Spectrum Instruments has a specialized high-per- mium drug discovery service provider with cos, CA, United States 92069, 760-599-4543,
formance solution for your research needs. 1316 proven expertise in lead identication and opti- fax: 760-599-0231, Internet: www.piercanusa.
mization leading to drug candidates. Fully inte- com 1705
Oakwood Products Inc., 730 Colum- grated capabilities include medicinal chemistry,
bia Hwy North, Estill, SC, United States bioassays, DMPK (in vitro/in vivo-non human PIKE Technologies, 6125 Cottonwood Drive,
29918, 803-739-8800, fax: 803-739-6957, e-mail: species) and scale-up (1-500 g). Based in Mon- Madison, WI, United States 53719, 608-274-, Internet: www. treal with a highly experienced staff. 1521 2721, fax: 608-274-0103, Internet: www. Oakwood Products, a PIKE Technologies specializes in
manufacturer and distributor, supplies research Park Systems, Inc., 3040 Olcott St., Santa Clara, the development and manufacture of FTIR, NIR
chemicals to the pharmaceutical, agrochemical CA, United States 95054, 408-986-1110, fax: and UV-Vis accessories and optical systems that

enhance the performance of commercial spec- Quantum Analytics, 3400 East Third Avenue, scientists; a not-for-prot organisation with 175
trometers and spectrophotometers. Products in- Foster City, CA, United States 94404, 650-312- years of history and an international vision for
clude attenuated total reectance (ATR), diffuse 0360, fax: 650-312-0313, Internet: www.LQA. the future. We promote, support and celebrate
reectance, specular reectance, integrating com Quantum Analytics works with you to sim- chemistry. Working to shape the future of the
spheres, polarization, automation, temperature plify instrumentation acquisition. We specialize chemical sciences for the benet of science
control, remote sensing, and transmission sam- in understanding your unique analytical needs, and humanity. 901
pling accessories and more. 1301 and nding the right equipment and nancing
solution for you. We offer a rich portfolio of RT Instruments, Inc., 1240 Churchill Downs Ave,
Pine Research Instrumentation, 2741 Campus multi-vendor instrumentation, value-added ser- Woodland, CA, United States 95776, Internet:
Walk Avenue, Building 100, Durham, NC, United vices, and exible nancing options. 1712 318
States 27705, (919) 782-8320, fax: 919-782-
8323, e-mail:, Internet: Rapp Polymere GMBH, Ernst Simon Strasse 9, Sartorius Corporation, 5 Orville Drive, Bohe- Pine Research Instru- Tuebingen, Germany D-72072, 49-7071763157, mia, NY, United States 11716, 615-254-4249,
mentation Manufactures a line of affordable/ fax: 49-7071763158, e-mail: rapp-polymere@t- Internet: 321
durable/reliable electrochemical research prod-, Internet:
ucts for many applications including: education, Rapp Polymere is a world leader for high quality Schrodinger, Inc., 101 SW Main Street, Suite
electrochemical analysis, corrosion and neuro- polymer supports. Resins based on TentaGel or 1300, Portland, OR, United States 97204, Inter-
electrochemistry. polystyrene are used in solid phase and liquid net: Come see our full
Benchtop bipotentiostat/galvanostat and Por- phase chemistry. Reagents for PEGylation in- suite of drug discovery solutions, including the
table USB potentiostat systems, controlled by clude hundreds of derivatives from Methoxy- industry leading Glide for exible ligand dock-
our powerful AfterMath software. PEGs, homofunctional PEGs to hetero-bifunc- ing, as well as our ligand-based tools. We will
World leader in rotating disk/ring-disk/cylinder tional PEGs. We also offer custom synthesized also exhibit our Materials Suite, featuring a di-
electrode instrumentation. PEG derivatives. 1715 verse set of tools for computing the structure,
Compact voltammetry cells, featuring screen- reactivity, and properties of chemical systems.
printed patterned electrodes. www.pinere Regis Technologies, 8210 Austin Avenue, Mor- Hands-on demos are available. 1001 1424 ton Grove, IL, United States 60053, 847-967-
6000, fax: 847-967-1214, Internet: SCIENCE/AAAS, 1200 New York Avenue, NW,
PolyK Technologies, LLC, 2124 Old Gatesburg Regis Technologies provides chromatography Washington, DC, United States 20005, 202-326-
Road, State College, PA, United States 16803, products, specialty reagents, and purication ser- 6417, fax: (202) 842-1065, e-mail: membership@
518-605-6897, e-mail:, vices. They offer free chiral screenings with opti-, Internet: The
Internet: Specialized in high mized methods and a GMP or non-GMP separa- American Association for the Advancement of
voltage dielectric, piezoelectric, and ferroelec- tion service using SFC. Ask about their unique Science (AAAS) is the worlds largest multidisci-
tric polymers:1. Supply PVDF and PVDF-TrFE products, such as the Whelk-O 1 and IAM col- plinary scientic society and a leading publisher
based electroactive polymers. 2. Low-cost test umns. Visit booth 403 to learn more. 403 of cutting edge research through its Science
instruments: polarization loop measurement, di- family of journals. A trusted voice for science
electric breakdown test, measuring dielectric Richman Chemical Inc., 768 North Bethlehem since 1848, our membership includes more than
constant and dissipation factor as a function of Pike, Lower Gwynedd, PA, United States 19002, 100,000 members. 1527
temperature and frequency, TSDC. 3. Polymer 216-628-2946, fax: 215-628-4262, e-mail:
lm processing machines, extruder, stretching,, Internet: www. Sciex, 500 Old Connecticut Path, Framingham,
blending, etc. 1730 Richman Chemical special- MA, United States 01701, 650.631.2625, Inter-
izes in custom chemical synthesis, consulting and net: SCIEX is dedicated to en-
PolyScience, 6600 W. Touhy Avenue Niles, IL manufacturing. Our capabilities include full cGMP suring the safety of foods, beverages, water and
60714, United States, 847-647-0611, fax: 847- manufacturing, method development, regulatory the environment. Our solutions deliver fast, ac-
647-1155, Internet: http://www.polyscience. assistance, and raw material sourcing. We tailor curate results to exceed regulatory requirements
com 1816 our production solutions to each clients unique that ensure safety. SCIEX customers depend
needs, saving them both time and money. 1808 on our instrumentation and software solutions
to detect wide ranges of contaminants and
PROTO Manufacturing, 12350 Universal Drive, Rigaku Americas Corp., 9009 New Trails Drive, toxins impacting global food and environmen-
Taylor, MI, United States 48180, 734-946-0974, The Woodlands, TX, United States 77381, 281- tal resources. 1505
Internet: For over 30 years 362-2300, fax: 281-364-3628, Internet: www.
PROTO has provided X-ray diffraction based Rigaku provides the worlds most Scilligence Corporation, 186 Alewife Brook
solutions for the characterization of materials in complete line of X-ray diffraction and X-ray uo- Pkwy, Suite 304, Cambridge, MA, United States
the laboratory and Industry. Customer driven rescence instruments and components. Systems 02138, 781-330-0089, Internet: www.scilligence.
innovation has resulted in a complete product include the MiniFlex XRD and Supermini WDXRF com 1716
line of powder, Laue and stress diffractometers benchtop systems, the SmartLab multi-purpose
as well as X-ray tubes and custom XRD systems, diffractometer with SAXS and in-plane capabili- Scion Instruments, 3019 Alvin Devane Blvd.,
and a full service laboratory. 1711 ties, DMAX Rapid II micro-diffraction system, Suite 120, Austin, TX, United States 78741,
SMAX3000 small angle scattering systems and 703-608-2807, Internet:
Proton OnSite, 10 Technology Drive, Walling- the ZSX Primus WDXRF. 1308 1701
ford, CT, United States 06492, 203-678-2182,
Internet: Proton OnSite Robertson Microlit Laboratories, Inc, 1705 U.S. Semichem, 12456 W. 62nd Terrace, Suite D,
is the global leader in on-site gas generation for Highway 46, Suite 1D, Ledgewood, NJ, United Shawnee, KS, United States 66216, 913-268-
laboratories. We offer safe, affordable and high- States 07852, (973) 966-6668, fax: (973) 966-0136, 3271, fax: 913-268-3445, e-mail: jana@semichem.
performance solutions for hydrogen/nitrogen/ Internet: Robertson com, Internet: Semichem
zero air generators and air compressors. Pro- Microlit Laboratories is a micro-analytical testing features AMPAC and CODESSA. AMPAC
tons units are manufactured in a wide range of laboratory with over 30 years of experience, is a semiempirical quantum mechanical pro-
space-saving stackable systems. We offer a com- serving the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, chem- gram, including an industry leading graphical
plete line of advanced equipment for LCMS and ical, research, and governmental industries. Our user interface (GUI) that builds molecules and
GC markets. 401 services include: CHN; metals by AA/AE, ICP- offers full visualization of results. CODESSA is
OES, ICP-MS; IC; GC-MS; GC-FID; KF; UV/VIS; an advanced quantitative structure/activity rela-
Qorpak, Corporate One West, 1195 Washing- FTIR; Optical Rotation; DSC/TGA; USP testing; tionship (QSAR) program that ties information
ton Pike, Bridgeville, PA, United States 15017, and method development and validation from AMPAC and other QM programs with
412-257-3100, fax: 312-258-6787, Internet: services. 1603 experimental data. 917 Qorpak is a leading provider
of lab containers and packaging products.We Roki S&S America Inc., 21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Sheldon Manufacturing Inc.,
are best known for our huge selection of glass Suite 601, Torrance, CA, United States 90503, 300 N. 26th Avenue, Cornelius,
and plastic packaging, however we also carry 310-540-2800, Internet: ROKI OR, United States 97113, 5036403000, fax:
caps and closures, jugs, bags, metal containers, S&S America is an industrial cartridge lter man- 5036401366, Sheldon Manufacturing, Inc. is an
and more. 521 ufacturer for the most demanding critical uid ISO 9001:2008 certied manufacturer of high
management needs. ROKI ensures the highest quality and innovative constant temperature
Quantachrome Corp., 1900 Corporate Drive, quality and service from lab scale proto-type equipment. Major product lines: anaerobic cham-
Boynton Beach, FL, United States 33426, testing to mass-production ltration and separa- bers, incubators, humidity test chambers, ovens,
5617314999125,fax:5617329888,Internet:www. tion process. We work closely with our custom- water and bead baths, pharmaceutical, biomedi- Quantachrome designs and ers to achieve high quality, efciency, and cost cal, environmental and industrial markets. Sheldon
manufactures revolutionary analytical laboratory savings. 214 markets under the Shel Lab, Lab Armor and Bac-
instruments for material characterization. Our tron brands. 1707
instrumentation is used in leading industrial and Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham
research laboratories to measure the properties House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, Shimadzu Scientic Instruments Inc., 7102 Riv-
of powders and porous materials. Whether you United Kingdom CB4 OWF, 44-1223-432-378, erwood Drive, Columbia, MD, United States
are developing new materials or controlling your fax: 44-1223-426-017, e-mail:, In- 21046, 800-477-1227, fax: 410-381-1222, Inter-
manufacturing process, our instruments and ex- ternet: The Royal Society of Chem- net: Shimadzu is a leading
pertise provide the assistance you need. 312 istry is the UKs professional body for chemical manufacturer of scientic instrumentation, includ-


ing chromatography, spectroscopy, FTIR, environ- StellarNet Inc., 14390 Carlson Circle, Tampa, products include batch and ow chemistry sys-
mental monitoring, and physical measurement. FL, United States 33626, 813-855-8687, fax: tems for lab, pilot plant and scale-up applica-
Markets/industries served include pharmaceuti- 813-855-0394, e-mail:, In- tions. Visit us to see Orb Pilot, our new large
cals, metals, forensics, educational, government, ternet: StellarNet provides scale batch reactor, and our revolutionary Asia
agriculture and petrochemical. 810 low cost miniature spectrometer systems and Flow Chemistry system. 1602
software for product analysis, research, educa-
Software for Chemistry & Materials, SCM/TC/ tion, and OEM. StellarNet instrumentation is TA Instruments, 159 Lukens Drive, New Castle,
FEW, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boele- rugged for any environment - lab, process, or DE, United States 19720, 302-427-4000, fax:
laan 1083, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1081 HV, eld. Applications include absorbance & trans- 302-427-4001, e-mail:,
31-20-5987626, fax: 31-20-5987629, e-mail: mission (190-2300nm), uorimetry, microscopy, Internet: Visit TA Instru-, Internet: Scien- optical metrology, colorimetry, LED/Laser/Solar, ments for innovative technology in thermal analy-
tists at SCM are passionate about making com- LIBS, OES, NIR, & Raman (532, 785, 1064). sis, rheology, microcalorimetry, and mechanical
putational chemistry work for you. Whether you Come See the SpectraWizard! 1425 characterization. We provide the highest accuracy
research spectroscopy, heavy elements, organic and sensitivity for polymers, organic and inorganic
electronics, chemical reactions or materials, we Strem Chemicals, 7 Mulliken Way, Dexter Indus- materials, and biological characterization. Learn
have the right tools (DFT, DFTB, ReaxFF, trial Park, Newburyport, MA, United States about our all new Discovery DSC, TGA, and SDT
COSMO-RS) in the ADF Modeling Suite 2017. 01950-3104, 978-499-1600, fax: 978-465-3104, family of instruments and the latest measurement
Come by to see the user-friendly graphical inter- Internet: Strem Chemicals, Inc., accessories for the DHR. 504
face in action! 721 an ISO 9001 certied company established in
1964, manufactures & markets over 5,000 met- Taylor & Francis Group, 530 Walnut Street,
Sorbent Technologies, 5955 Peachtree Corners als, inorganics & organometallics for research & Suite 580, Philadelphia, PA, United States
East, Suite A, Norcross, GA, United States development. Our product line includes metal 19106, 215-650-8900, fax: 215-606-0050,
30071, 866-767-2832, ext. 0281, e-mail: dschurer@ catalysts, ligands & biocatalysts for organic e-mail:, Inter-, Internet: Your synthesis, MOCVD/ALD precursors, bubblers net: Taylor & Francis is
dedicated Separation Source for 16 years. Chro- & nanomaterials for use in pharmaceutical, committed to the publication of scholarly research
matography & Purication products from lab to microelectronic, chemical & petrochemical in- and publishes a variety of journals & books con-
production scale for all compounds. Highest qual- dustries. Custom synthesis services are also cerning the eld of chemistry. Visit us at www.tandf
ity and selection of Silica Gel, Bonded Silicas, provided. 701 or the Taylor & Francis Booth #705 to
Aluminas, Polymeric Resins, Gel Filtration, SEC, learn about our products and services, and to
TLC Plates, Flash Cartridges & Systems Syringe Supercritical Fluid Technologies, One Innova- request FREE sample copies. 705
Filters, SPE Cartridges, HPLC, GC & FPLC Col- tion Way, Suite 303, Newark, DE, United States
umns, and more. 1206 19711, 302-738-3420, fax: 302-738-4320, e-mail: TCI America, 9211 N. Harborgate Street, Port-, Internet: www. land, OR, United States 97203, 800-423-8616, fax:
Specac, Ltd., 414 Commerce Dr., New: Low cost, portable, 888-520-1075, e-mail:,
Suite 175, Fort Washington, PA, fully featured HPLC instruments; ideal for canna- Internet: TCI is a leading
United States 19034, 44 (0)1689 873134, fax: 44 bis analysis, teaching labs and on-site environ- global manufacturer and supplier of research
(0)1689 878527, Internet: Sp- mental testing. Additionally we offer laboratory chemicals to the pharmaceutical, electronic, cos-
ecac is a high quality manufacturer of FTIR and pilot scale supercritical uid extractors, high metic, chemical, environmental, and biotech in-
accessories and sample preparation products, pressure reactors, custom bioreactors, and su- dustries. Our current catalog lists over 26,000
bringing new and innovative solutions to the percritical water systems. See us for CO2 organic and biochemical products for use in re-
market place on a regular basis. Specacs spec- pumps, high pressure liquid pumps, and con- search and production with 8,000 unique to TCI.
troscopic accessory products cover a range of tract R&D services. 1314 Visit today! 1111
techniques, including ATR, Diffuse Reectance,
Specular Reectance and Transmission. 1809 Surface Measurement Systems, 2125 28th Teledyne Isco - Chro-
Street, Suite 1, Allentown, PA, United States matography, 4700
Spectro Analytical Instruments, Inc., 91 Mckee 18103, Internet: www.surfacemeasurement Superior St, Lincoln, NE, United States
Drive, Mahwah, NJ, United States 07430, 508- Surface Measurement Systems de- 68504, 402-464-0231, fax: 402-465-3064, e-mail:
269-6847. 1704 velops and engineers innovative experimental, Internet:
techniques and instrumentation for physicochem- The Teledyne Isco Chromatography product line
Spectrum Chemical Mfg Corp., 769 Jersey Ave, ical characterization of solid state materials. We are includes instruments and accessories for purication
New Brunswick, NJ, United States 08901, (732) the world leaders in Dynamic Vapor Sorption of organic compounds in normal-phase and reversed
801-5651, e-mail:, technology and Inverse Gas Chromatography phase separations, and for bio-purication of pro-
Internet: Spectrum instrumentation and solutions, providing pro- teins, peptides, and other biopolymers. 1019
manufactures and distributes over 45,000 ne fessional world-class scientic and technical
chemicals and laboratory reagents in research support for our international customers. 221 ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc., 7. Zahony u,
and production quantities, including Controlled Budapest, Hungary H-1031, 00 36 1 8808 500,
Substances (CI-CV) and the largest selection of SurForce LLC, 354 S. Fairview Avenue, fax: 00 36 1 8808 501, Internet: www.thalesnano.
USP/NF/FCC chemicals. Spectrum also distrib- Suite B, Goleta, CA, United States 93117, com ThalesNano is dedicated to making danger-
utes over 100,000 supply and equipment items 805-722-9316, e-mail:, Inter- ous and difcult chemistry safe and easy to per-
from 250 manufacturers such as PerkinElmer, net: SurForce LLC is the form while assisting advances in the scientic eld
Corning, Thermo Fisher Scientic, Wheaton and leading manufacturer of the Surface Forces Appa- of chemistry. The company is widely recognized
KimbleChase. 425 ratus (SFA). The SFA is the only means for directly for its expertise in transforming chemical pro-
measuring molecular interaction forces (static & cesses to microscale continuous-ow operations
SpiroChem AG, c/o ETH-Zurich, Vladi- dynamic) between extended surfaces in con- and developing manual or robotic continuous mi-
mir-Prelog-Weg 1, Zurich, Switzerland trollable vapors or liquids. Inducing either croreactors for the chemical industry. 524
HCI-D151.1, 41 44 633 7363, fax: 41 44 633 normal or lateral shearing motions while simul-
1089, Internet: SpiroChem taneously monitoring any accompanying sur- Thermo Fisher Scientic, 168 Third Avenue,
AG is a Swiss CRO specialized in the design and face deformation. 1432 Waltham, MA, United States 02451, 781-622-
commercialization of novel building blocks for 1000, fax: 800-678-5599, Internet: www.
drug discovery. Unique repertoire of molecular Synquest Laboratories, Inc., P.O. Box 309, Ala- Visit Thermo Fisher Scientic
fragments along with cutting-edge know-how in chua, FL, United States 32616-0309, 386-462- for integrated laboratory workow solutions in-
drug design & process chemistry. Ideal collabo- 0788 or 877-4-FLUORO (toll free), fax: 386-462- cluding specialty chemicals, metals and materi-
ration partner for life science companies (Cus- 7097, e-mail:, Internet: als, sample preparation, chromatography, mass
tom synthesis & FTE services). 421 SynQuest Laboratories spectrometry, trace elemental analysis and mo-
is a manufacturer and international supplier of lecular spectroscopy. Come see the very latest
SpringerNature, One New York Plaza, Suite organic and inorganic chemicals, providing a technologies to help streamline processes, de-
4500, New York, NY, United States 10004, 212- creative and innovative range of 85,000 items liver condent results, yield higher throughput
726-9200, fax: 212-696-9006, Internet: www. including building blocks, reactive intermedi- and reduce sample preparation. 1114,1115 Springer Nature is a leading ates, reagents, solvents, and compressed and
global research, educational and professional liqueed gases. We offer chemical services de- Thieme Chemistry, Ruedigerstr. 14, Stuttgart,
publisher, home to an array of respected and signed to support your research from concep- Germany 70469, 49-711-8931-771, fax: 49-711-
trusted brands providing quality content tion to pilot quantities. 1609 8931-777, e-mail: marketing@thieme-chemistry.
through a range of innovative products and com, Internet: Thi-
services. Springer Nature is the worlds largest Synthonix, 2713 Connector Drive, Wake Forest, eme Chemistry publishes highly evaluated
academic book publisher, publisher of the NC, United States 27587, 919-875-9277, fax: 919- information about synthetic and general chem-
worlds most inuential journals and a pioneer in 875-9601, Internet: 624 istry for professional chemists and advanced
the eld of open research. Springer Nature was students since 1909. Our portfolio includes the
formed in 2015 through the merger of Nature Syrris Ltd., 156 Norwell Ave, Norwell, MA, journals SYNFACTS, SYNLETT, SYNTHESIS and
Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan United States 02061, 617-532-1033, fax: 617- SynOpen, the synthetic methodology tool Sci-
Education and Springer ScienceBusiness 848-2997, Internet: Syrris is ence of Synthesis, the reference guide Pharma-
Media. Visit and fol- world leader in high quality, innovative products ceutical Substances, the chemical encyclopedia
low @SpringerNature. 708 for R&D chemists and chemical engineers. Our ROEMPP and a selection of monographs. 732

Top Hat, 2 Carlton Street, Suite 600, Toronto, for critical evaporative applications. The line also W.W. Norton, 500 Fifth Ave., New York, NY,
ON, Canada M5B 1J3, 1-888-663-5491, Inter- includes the unique HYBRID pumps, which re- United States 10110, 212-790-4357, fax: 212-
net: 1902 duce oil-changes by 90%, even in corrosive 790-4261, Internet: 713
applications. VACUUBRAND will also show cor-
Tosoh Bioscience LLC, 3604 Horizon Drive, rosion-resistant digital vacuum gauges and con- Waters Corp., 34 Maple Street, Mil-
Suite 100, King of Prussia, PA, United States trollers. New products include high ow-rate, ford, MA, United States 01757, 508-482-
19406, 484-805-1219, fax: 610-272-3028, Inter- chemical-resistant dry vacuum pumps for kilo- 2000, fax: 508-482-2674, e-mail:,
net: We are a global lab and pilot-scale applications. 1519 Internet: Waters Corporation,
leader in high quality, innovative pre-packed the premium brand in the analytical instruments
HPLC columns and bulk resins with the TSKgel Vacuum Atmospheres Co., 4652 West Rose- industry, creates business advantages for labora-
and TOYOPEARL brand names, as well as our crans Avenue, Hawthorne, CA, United States tory-dependent organizations by delivering prac-
EcoSEC GPC Systems. Stop by booth #625 to 90251, 310-644-0255, fax: 310-970-0980, e-mail: tical and sustainable scientic innovation to enable
learn about our newest innovations in all of our, Internet: signicant advancements in chemical analysis,
product lines. 625 VAC has set the standards for gloveboxes and healthcare delivery, environmental management,
inert gas purication for over 50 years. Once food safety, and water quality worldwide. 609
TWD Kemtech America, 10555 86th Avenue, again, our ongoing research and development
Lakeview Corporate Park, Pleasant Prairie, WI, has produced a proven revolutionary design. Wavefunction, Inc., 18401 Von Karman, Suite
United States 53158, 973-476-8600, fax: 262- NO REGENERATION required by the user. 370, Irvine, CA, United States 92612, 949-955-
605-3262, Internet: Please visit us in booth 1207. 1207 2120, fax: 949-955-2118, e-mail: sales@wavefun.
KEMTECH AMERICA markets exclusively com, Internet: Wavefunction,
SYNTHWARE branded specialty glassware to Inc.: Molecular Modeling Software provider for
North American synthetic research laboratories. Vacuum Process Engineering, Inc., 110 Com- chemistry research and education. 709
It also provides consumable pathology products merce Circle, Sacramento, CA 95815, United
to clinical and research markets. KEMTECH is States, 916-925-6110, Internet: http://www.vpei. Welch by Gardner Denver, 1601 Feehanville
recognized for its high quality standard at attrac- com 1906 Drive, Suite 550, Mount Prospect, IL, United
tive prices. We strive to add personal touch to States 60056, 847-676-8800, fax: 847-677-8606,
our customer experiences. 400 Vacuum Technology Inc., 15 Great Republic Internet: 1200
Drive, Unit #4, Gloucester, MA, United States
Uniqsis, 29 Station Road, Shepreth, 01930, 978-879 4302, fax: 978-879 4387, e-mail: Westcoast Separation, LLC, 3201 Corte Mal-
United Kingdom SG8 6GB, Internet:, Internet: www.vti- paso, #310, Camarillo, CA, United States 93012, Uniqsis FlowLab and FlowSyn Based in Gloucester, Massachu- 805-504-7767, Internet: www.westcoast
are exible, easy to use continuous ow reactors setts, Vacuum Technology Inc. builds and Westcoast Separations special-
for reaction optimization, library synthesis, re- services the glove box needs of educational and izes in chromatographic technologies for
agent screening, synthesis and scale up. Reac- industrial clients worldwide by integrating best method development, analysis and purication
tions from mg to multiple kg of material can be in-class components sourced from Europe, Asia, of small molecules. We offer screening of col-
produced at temperatures ranging from -80 C to UK and the USA. Along with standard offerings, umns, method development and purication for
300 C and up to 2800 psi. 1430 we proudly highlight our engineering talent and chiral and achiral molecules. We combine the
customer-centric customization shop. 1814 benets of analytical and preparative HPLC and
Unisense A/S, Tueager 1, Aarhus N, Denmark Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) to
DK-8200, 45 89449500, fax: 45 89449549, Vapourtec Ltd., Unit 16, Park Farm Business achieve separation goals and results. 1632
e-mail:, Internet: www. Centre, Fornham St Genevieve, Suffolk IP28 6TS, Measure O2, H2, pH, H2S, N2O, United Kingdom, 44 1284 728659, fax: 44 1284 Wiley, 111 River St. 4-02,
NO and more! Unisense is a world leading 728352, e-mail:, Hoboken, NJ, United States
manufacturer of sensors for a wide range of Internet: Vapourtec man- 07030, 201-748-6000, Internet:
chemical applications. Our technology offers ufacture two series of ow chemistry systems: Wileys product diversity is unique, spanning
sensor response times within seconds, from low E-Series; an easy to use entry level system, books, journals, databases, web-portals and
to high range concentrations in liquid and gas capable of pumping organometallics, strong acids workow tools. Visit Booth #800 to learn whats
phase, and with many customizations and adap- and slurries. new at Wiley and browse our books on display -
tations available. 320 R-Series; a highly specied modular system with ACS attendees receive 30% off orders and FREE
different pump options, capable of integration worldwide shipping! 800
University Science Books, 20 Edgehill Rd., Mill with other equipment to provide versatile auto-
Valley, CA, United States 94941, 415-332-5390, mated ow chemistry. 1717 Wilmad-LabGlass, 1172 N.W. Boulevard,
fax: 415-383-3167, e-mail:, Vineland, NJ, United States 08360, 856-691-3200,
Internet: University Science Vernier Software & Technology, 13979 SW Mil- fax: 856-691-6206, e-mail:,
Books will be exhibiting its broad array of excel- likan Way, Beaverton, OR, United States 97005, Internet: Scientists
lent and affordable books and textbooks, as well 888-837-6437, fax: 503-277-2440, e-mail: info@ rely on the expertise and artistic skills of Wilmad-
as unveiling new titles for 2017, including IN-, Internet: Vernier LabGlass engineers and glass specialists to
TRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL PHYSI- Software & Technology is the leading worldwide manufacture NMR and EPR consumables and lab-
CAL CHEMISTRY by Joshua Schrier, FOUNDA- innovator of real-time data-collection, graphing, oratory glassware of the highest quality. Used daily
TIONS OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY by Gary and analysis tools for science education. Vernier in academia, healthcare and chemical, petroleum
Wulfsberg, and THE BOLTZMANN FACTOR by chemistry offerings range from a benchtop gas and other industrial applications, Wilmad offers
E. Brian Smith. 1013 chromatograph and spectrophotometers to pH 7000 items as part of their standard catalog as
and temperature probes, all controlled using our well as custom fabrication for individual glassware,
US EPA Green Chemistry Program, 1200 Penn- award-winning software Logger Pro or our glass repair services and OEM glass parts. 613
sylvania Avenue, Mail Code 7406M, Washing- stand-alone LabQuest 2 lab interface. 1218
ton, DC, United States 20460, Internet: www. Workrite Uniform Company, 1701 North Lombard The U.S. EPA Green St., Oxnard, CA, United States 93030, 800-521-1888,
Chemistry Program is a voluntary, partnership Vigor Tech USA, LLC, 5100 Westheimer Road, fax: 805-483-0678, e-mail:, Inter-
program whose mission is to promote innovative Suite 200, Houston, TX, United States 77056, net: 1813
chemical technologies that reduce or eliminate 716 200 1200, e-mail:,
the use or generation of hazardous substances in Internet: Vigor Tech WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., 288 Fute
the design, manufacture, and use of chemical USA is a leading international producer of glove- Zhong Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shang-
products and processes. The Program accom- boxes, purication systems and other inert at- hai, China 200131, e-mail:, In-
plishes these goals through multiple activities mosphere equipment. Vigor provides its cus- ternet: LabNetwork, a WuXi
including: The Presidential Green Chemistry tomers with the most reliable, affordable and AppTec company, is a global eCommerce plat-
Challenge Awards; designing tools, databases, innovative inert workstations on the market, with form connecting suppliers and buyers of re-
and educational materials; and supporting re- a special focus on custom glovebox projects and search products. Backed by WuXi AppTecs ex-
search through grants and fellowships. 728 instrument integrations. 1300 pertise in R&D, sourcing, quality control,
warehousing and logistics, LabNetwork brings
V&P Scientic, Inc., 9823 Pacic Heights Blvd., ViridisChem, Inc., 4344 Moorpark Ave., Suite 1, high-quality compounds from WuXis network of
Suite T, San Diego, CA, United States 92121, San Jose, CA, United States 95129, (408) 250- qualied providers to the global chemistry/R&D
858-455-0643, fax: 858-455-0703, e-mail: sales@vp- 6905, fax: (408) 351-7900, Internet: www. community. 1601, Internet: 213 Green Pocketbook by Viridis-
Chem is a powerful web-based software that Wyatt Technology Corp., 6300 Hollister
Vacuubrand, 11 Bokum Road, Essex, CT, United provides comprehensive chemical and toxico- Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA, United States
States 06426, 860-767-2562 ext. 125, fax: 860- logical information of more than 90 MILLION 93117, 805-681-9009, fax: 805-681-0123, e-mail:
767-2563, Internet: chemicals and visually shows chemicals toxicity, Internet:
VACUUBRAND offers exceptionally quiet, corro- implications (environmental, health and safety Wyatt Technology is the recognized leader in
sion-resistant, oil-free vacuum pumps with ultra- scores) to help non-toxicologists (chemists and instrumentation for determining the absolute
long service intervals for labs, scale-up and OEM engineers) make environmentally-friendly deci- molar mass, size, charge and interactions of
use. Products include both simple dry pumps sions. See for more macromolecules and nanoparticles in solution.
and self-regulating, automated vacuum systems information. 1804 These tools include: in-line multi-angle static


Brush with Science HEMCO Corporation

2017 NEW PRODUCT Booth # 1435 Booth # 1631
LISTINGS First Electronimoes UniFlow Fume Hoods
Pascals Papers Binomial Triangle Wood Game UniMax Floor Mount Hoods
abcr GmbH Journey to Neon Symphony of the rst ten EnviroMax Lab Automation Enclosures
Booth # 1718 elements ModuLab Rooms & Enclosures
Chirals Atom Puzzles, size relative UniLine Lab Furniture
Fluorinated Intermediates Pascals Papers Binomial Triangle Chipboard
InfoChem GmbH
Building Blocks Booth # 1017
Carbosynth LLC
Booth # 1720 ICSynth
Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. IPTG ICFRP
Booth # 418 EDAC ICAnnotator
SY022231 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrophthalazine Octyl glucoside ICFSE Markush
Dihydrochlo SPRESI data
SY021760 5-Chloro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridine Cellatrix, LLC
SY021954 (S)-3-Aminochroman Hydrochloride Integrated Surface Technologies
Booth # 1635 Booth # 1526
SY020529 (S)-2-Aminobutanamide 3DTEBM
Hydrochloride Repellix
3D Cell Pro Blue Lantern Plasma
SY020391 (R)-()-1-Benzyl-3-(Boc- Bone Chiplets
amino)pyrrolidine J-KEM Scientic
Chemshuttle Booth # 1619
Ace Glass, Inc. Booth # 1801 Precision Temperature Controllers
Booth # 518 pyridine Custom Laboratory Robotics
Bench Top Reactor Swing Latch Clamp pyrimidine Precision Vacuum Regulators
50L Low Prole Reactor with Heat Seal indole Precision Syringe Pumps
Dual Bench Top Reactor Stand indazole Reaction Automation and Logging Controllers
Ace Glass Temperature Controller Lineup boronic acid/ester
Unjacketed Bench Top Reactors Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd.
Collaborative Drug Discovery Booth # 1333
ACS Member Insurance Program Booth # 1620 LaboACE
Booth # 725 CDD Vault Pyrolyzer
Chemical Educators Legal Liability Insurance BioAssay Express Outgas Collector
Recycling Preprative HPLC
Advanced Polymer Materials Inc. CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc.
Booth # 1728 Booth # 1011 M. BRAUN, Inc.
block copolymers Catalysts Booth # 1007
functional polymers Boronic acids MB UniVap
biodegradable polymers Deuterated reagents MB OptiVap
poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymers Deuterium-containing compounds MB MiniVap
Cross-coupling catalysts Vacuum Sublimation Systems
Remote Monitoring via myMBRAUN App
AgileBio LLC - LabCollector
Booth # 1431 CP Lab Safety Mestrelab Research SL
LabCollector Booth # 1208 Booth # 627
LabCollector structure search PERSONAL PROTECTION Mnova NMR
Booth # 316 CONTAINERS & DRUMS Mnova DB
Plasma Quant MS (ICP-MS) SPILL CONTROL Mbook
Plasma Quant 9000 (ICP-OES)
multi N/C 3100 TOC CrystalMaker Software Ltd. Metamolecular, LLC
contrAA 800 F Booth # 1331 Booth # 1533
Specord CrystalMaker Kemga
SingleCrystal MilliporeSigma
Anasys Instruments Corp. Booth # 718
Booth # 1127 CrystalViewer
CrystalMaker Pro KitAlysis
nanoIR2-s Minus K Technology, Inc.
Tapping AFM-IR Delong America Booth # 420
FASTspectra Booth # 419 LC-4
Anton Paar USA
Booth # 818 Exergy
Microwave Digestion System: Multiwave GO Moubio LLC
Booth # 1810 Booth # 218
Density Sensors DPRn 4X7, DPRn 427S Sanitary Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
Raman Spectrometers RamSpec 1L stirred mini jar fermentor & fermentor bundle
Sanitary Tube-in-Tube Heat Exchangers 0.4L stirred mini jar fermentor, magnetic drive
Abbemat 200 Economy Line Refractometer Point-of-Use WFI/PW System
Density Meters: DMA Generation M Air-I/O hybrid ask-fermentor, 0.25/0.5/1L
Custom Heat Exchangers Air-I/O hybrid 0.4L mini jar & mini jar bundle
Real time O2 uptake tracking, 6ch, 0-100%O2
Ark Pharm, Inc. Formulaction USA
Booth # 717 Booth # 1312 Nanalysis Corp.
2,6-Dichloro-5-nitroquinoline, [1209246-34-3] Fluidicam Booth # 501
5-Nitro-1H-indazol-6-ol, [1082041-56-2] NMReady 60e
2-Bromo-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine, Frontiers NMReaduy 60Pro
[875781-43-4] Booth # 314 NMReady Flow
8-Bromo-6-nitroquinoline, [120287-30-1] Frontiers in Chemistry
5,6-Dichloronicotinonitrile, [65189-15-3] Frontiers for Young Minds NanoImages
Frontiers Research Topics Booth # 1335
Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Loop SNE-4500M Tabletop Scanning Electron
Company Microscope
Booth # 1305 Gaussian MCM-100/200 Specimen Sputter Coaters
Cypher VRS Video-Rate AFM Booth # 919 Nanomedical Diagnostics
Cypher Electrochemistry Cell Gaussview Booth # 1434
G09 AGILE R100
Authentic Development G16
Booth # 220 NanoTemper Technologies Inc.
Executive Coaching for Science Professionals Harrick Scientic Booth # 319
Situational Leadership Training Booth # 303 MicroScale Thermophoresis
First Time Managers Training DiaMaxATR nanoDSF
Leadership Coaching Concentratir2 Monolith NT.Auto
Science Coaching Raman HVC Prometheus

NIST Software for Chemistry & Materials Vapourtec Ltd.
Booth # 1213 Booth # 721 Booth # 1717
Industrial Materials Quantum ESPRESSO with integrated user SF-10 Reagent Pump
Physical Properties interface
Food & Agriculture Faster visualization of large systems ViridisChem, Inc.
Clinical non-linear optical properties: SEHRS, TPA, THG Booth # 1804
Environmental X2C relativistic Hamiltonian Green Pocketbook
Green Analyzer
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments StellarNet Inc.
Booth # 1316 Booth # 1425 Waters Corp.
Titanium Handheld Radiometer Booth # 609
NTEGRA Spectra II NIR Material Composition Analyzer Xevo TQ-XS
HybriD II Raman Material ID Analyzer Unispray
NTEGRA IR Strem Chemicals
SOLVER Nano Booth # 701 Wavefunction, Inc.
Ocean Optics, Inc. 15-0935: Tris(1-adamantyl)phosphine Booth # 709
Booth # 1319 [897665-73-5] Spartan16 Parallel Suite
Ocean FX 46-0935: Mor-Dalphos Palladacycle Gen. 3 Spartan Student Edition version 7
77-6580: Iridium Photocatalyst [500295-52-3] Odyssey Instructor Edition version 5
OriginLab Corp. 78-3035:Platinum nanoparticles,30% on carbon Odyssey Student Edition version 5
Booth # 1426 black iSpartan and Odyssey Apps
Origin 96-4050: Biocatalyst Kit - Immobilized Enzymes
OriginPro Wyatt Technology Corp.
TA Instruments Booth # 605
Parr Instrument Co. Booth # 504 ViscoStar III
Booth # 1201 Discovery DSC
Parr 4878 Automated Liquid Sampler Discovery TGA X-Ability Co., Ltd.
Discovery SDT Booth # 1634
PolyK Technologies, LLC Discovery Hybrid Rheometer
Booth # 1730 Winmostar
Afntiy ITC Transparent Resin 3D Printing
electroactive polymers
dielectric constant test vs temperature and ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. Fragment ER
frequency Booth # 524 XA-CUDA-QM
Polarization Loop Measurement H-Genie
TSDC and Leakage Current Test H-Cube Mini Plus Xenemetrix Ltd.
Polymer Film Extrusion and Orientation H-Cube Pro Booth # 1706
Phoenix Flow Reactor P-Metrix
Proton OnSite IceCube Genius IF
Booth # 401 X-Calibur
G200, G400, G600, G600-HP Thieme Chemistry X-Cite
N341M Booth # 732 Nova
D251M Science of Synthesis 4.6
T421M Metal-Catalyzed Cyclization Reactions Yamato Scientic America, Inc.
A2,A5,A10,A20,A30 SynOpen Booth # 1714
SYNFORM ADL311SA Compact and Economical Spray
Rapp Polymere GMBH Pharmaceutical Substances 4.1 Dryer
Booth # 1715 TWD Kemtech America RE301 Rotary Evaporator
squaric acid PEG Booth # 400 SM Series Standard Sterilizers with Dryer
Chemistry Glassware DKN Series Forced Convection Ovens
Regis Technologies IN Series Refrigerant Incubators
Booth # 403 Unisense A/S
Whelk-O 1 Booth # 320 Yamazen Science, Inc.
IAM HPLC Columns Hydrogen Sensor Booth # 500
IAM Calibration Mix Oxygen Senssor AKROS
3.0 N HCl in n-Butanol Hydrogen Sulde Sensor Flash MS
D-Luciferin Nitrous Oxide Sensor TLC Reader
Semichem pH Sensor WPrep-2XY
Booth # 917 V&P Scientic, Inc. Flash-ELSD
AMPAC Booth # 213
Codessa VP 710N NanoStirrus Zurich Instruments AG
Booth # 301
Sheldon Manufacturing Inc. Vacuum Atmospheres Co. MFIA Impedance Analyzer
Booth # 1707 Booth # 1207 MFLI Lock-in Amplier
Bactron NexGen HF2LI Lock-in Amplier
SMO Genesis UHFLI Lock-in Amplier


Brush with Science HEMCO Corporation

2017 NEW PRODUCT Booth # 1435 Booth # 1631
LISTINGS First Electronimoes UniFlow Fume Hoods
Pascals Papers Binomial Triangle Wood Game UniMax Floor Mount Hoods
abcr GmbH Journey to Neon Symphony of the rst ten EnviroMax Lab Automation Enclosures
Booth # 1718 elements ModuLab Rooms & Enclosures
Chirals Atom Puzzles, size relative UniLine Lab Furniture
Fluorinated Intermediates Pascals Papers Binomial Triangle Chipboard
InfoChem GmbH
Building Blocks Booth # 1017
Carbosynth LLC
Booth # 1720 ICSynth
Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. IPTG ICFRP
Booth # 418 EDAC ICAnnotator
SY022231 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrophthalazine Octyl glucoside ICFSE Markush
Dihydrochlo SPRESI data
SY021760 5-Chloro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyridine Cellatrix, LLC
SY021954 (S)-3-Aminochroman Hydrochloride Integrated Surface Technologies
Booth # 1635 Booth # 1526
SY020529 (S)-2-Aminobutanamide 3DTEBM
Hydrochloride Repellix
3D Cell Pro Blue Lantern Plasma
SY020391 (R)-()-1-Benzyl-3-(Boc- Bone Chiplets
amino)pyrrolidine J-KEM Scientic
Chemshuttle Booth # 1619
Ace Glass, Inc. Booth # 1801 Precision Temperature Controllers
Booth # 518 pyridine Custom Laboratory Robotics
Bench Top Reactor Swing Latch Clamp pyrimidine Precision Vacuum Regulators
50L Low Prole Reactor with Heat Seal indole Precision Syringe Pumps
Dual Bench Top Reactor Stand indazole Reaction Automation and Logging Controllers
Ace Glass Temperature Controller Lineup boronic acid/ester
Unjacketed Bench Top Reactors Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd.
Collaborative Drug Discovery Booth # 1333
ACS Member Insurance Program Booth # 1620 LaboACE
Booth # 725 CDD Vault Pyrolyzer
Chemical Educators Legal Liability Insurance BioAssay Express Outgas Collector
Recycling Preprative HPLC
Advanced Polymer Materials Inc. CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc.
Booth # 1728 Booth # 1011 M. BRAUN, Inc.
block copolymers Catalysts Booth # 1007
functional polymers Boronic acids MB UniVap
biodegradable polymers Deuterated reagents MB OptiVap
poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymers Deuterium-containing compounds MB MiniVap
Cross-coupling catalysts Vacuum Sublimation Systems
Remote Monitoring via myMBRAUN App
AgileBio LLC - LabCollector
Booth # 1431 CP Lab Safety Mestrelab Research SL
LabCollector Booth # 1208 Booth # 627
LabCollector structure search PERSONAL PROTECTION Mnova NMR
Booth # 316 CONTAINERS & DRUMS Mnova DB
Plasma Quant MS (ICP-MS) SPILL CONTROL Mbook
Plasma Quant 9000 (ICP-OES)
multi N/C 3100 TOC CrystalMaker Software Ltd. Metamolecular, LLC
contrAA 800 F Booth # 1331 Booth # 1533
Specord CrystalMaker Kemga
SingleCrystal MilliporeSigma
Anasys Instruments Corp. Booth # 718
Booth # 1127 CrystalViewer
CrystalMaker Pro KitAlysis
nanoIR2-s Minus K Technology, Inc.
Tapping AFM-IR Delong America Booth # 420
FASTspectra Booth # 419 LC-4
Anton Paar USA
Booth # 818 Exergy
Microwave Digestion System: Multiwave GO Moubio LLC
Booth # 1810 Booth # 218
Density Sensors DPRn 4X7, DPRn 427S Sanitary Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers
Raman Spectrometers RamSpec 1L stirred mini jar fermentor & fermentor bundle
Sanitary Tube-in-Tube Heat Exchangers 0.4L stirred mini jar fermentor, magnetic drive
Abbemat 200 Economy Line Refractometer Point-of-Use WFI/PW System
Density Meters: DMA Generation M Air-I/O hybrid ask-fermentor, 0.25/0.5/1L
Custom Heat Exchangers Air-I/O hybrid 0.4L mini jar & mini jar bundle
Real time O2 uptake tracking, 6ch, 0-100%O2
Ark Pharm, Inc. Formulaction USA
Booth # 717 Booth # 1312 Nanalysis Corp.
2,6-Dichloro-5-nitroquinoline, [1209246-34-3] Fluidicam Booth # 501
5-Nitro-1H-indazol-6-ol, [1082041-56-2] NMReady 60e
2-Bromo-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine, Frontiers NMReaduy 60Pro
[875781-43-4] Booth # 314 NMReady Flow
8-Bromo-6-nitroquinoline, [120287-30-1] Frontiers in Chemistry
5,6-Dichloronicotinonitrile, [65189-15-3] Frontiers for Young Minds NanoImages
Frontiers Research Topics Booth # 1335
Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Loop SNE-4500M Tabletop Scanning Electron
Company Microscope
Booth # 1305 Gaussian MCM-100/200 Specimen Sputter Coaters
Cypher VRS Video-Rate AFM Booth # 919 Nanomedical Diagnostics
Cypher Electrochemistry Cell Gaussview Booth # 1434
G09 AGILE R100
Authentic Development G16
Booth # 220 NanoTemper Technologies Inc.
Executive Coaching for Science Professionals Harrick Scientic Booth # 319
Situational Leadership Training Booth # 303 MicroScale Thermophoresis
First Time Managers Training DiaMaxATR nanoDSF
Leadership Coaching Concentratir2 Monolith NT.Auto
Science Coaching Raman HVC Prometheus

CP Lab Safety 1208
COMPANIES LISTED BY KP Technology Ltd. 1534 Career Development
McGraw-Hill Education 1302
MilliporeSigma 718
A more detailed product listing can be found Pine Research Instrumentation 1424 Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. 418
by visiting the National Exposition at Qorpak 521 ACS Career Navigator 725
sanfran2017. In addition to Meeting Mail stations Rigaku Americas Corp. 1308 ACS Division of Small Chemical
in the convention center, product categories, Thieme Chemistry 732 Businesses (SCHB) 1329
along with companies supplying the products, can ViridisChem, Inc. 1804 ACS Green Chemistry Institute 724
be searched using this free service. W.W. Norton 713 ACS Meetings & Expositions 725
Wiley 800 Authentic Development 220
McGraw-Hill Education 1302
Academic & Educational SCIENCE/AAAS
Services Analytical Research
101 1530 Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. 418 Chemical Health & Safety
ACS Career Navigator 725 Agilent Technologies 1401
ACS Division of Small Chemical Analytik Jena US, Inc. 316
Businesses (SCHB) 1329 Anasazi Instruments Inc. 1016 ACS Committee on Chemical
ACS Education 725 Anton Paar USA 818 Health & Safety 1125
ACS Green Chemistry Institute 724 Asylum Research, an Oxford ACS Division of Small Chemical
ACS Meetings & Expositions 725 Instruments Company 1305 Businesses (SCHB) 1329
AgileBio LLC - LabCollector 1431 ACS Green Chemistry Institute 724
Bruker 1101,1100 ACS Meetings & Expositions 725
Anasazi Instruments Inc. 1016
Asahi Spectra Co., Ltd. 1427 Cellatrix, LLC 1635 ACS Member Insurance Program 725
Authentic Development 220 Chemily, LLC 1630 AgileBio LLC - LabCollector 1431
BioSolveIT 1418 Chemshuttle 1801 CP Lab Safety 1208
Brush with Science 1435 CiVentiChem 1014 Federal Bureau of Investigation 730
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Ctr. 1429 CONFLEX Corp. 1112 Flinn Scientic Inc. 1819
Cellatrix, LLC 1635 Extrel CMS 1020 Inert 1918
CEM Corp. 618 FRITSCH Milling and Sizing 1721 Leggett Technical Consulting, LLC 1732
Cengage Learning, Inc. 503 Gamry Instruments 1221 McGraw-Hill Education 1302
Chem21Labs LLC 1900 Harrick Scientic 303 Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 405
CONFLEX Corp. 1112 Hiden Analytical Inc. 626 My Green Lab 1535
De Gruyter 1306 Kimble Chase LLC 1524 NIST 1213
Elsevier 909 KP Technology Ltd. 1534 Quantachrome Corp. 312
Extrel CMS 1020 Macherey-Nagel Inc. 1708 Rigaku Americas Corp. 1308
Federal Bureau of Investigation 730 Magritek Inc. 1110 Roki S&S America Inc. 214
Flinn Scientic Inc. 1819 Malvern Instruments, Inc. 1106 Sciex 1505
Frontiers 314 McGraw-Hill Education 1302 ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 524
Gamry Instruments 1221 Mestrelab Research SL 627 ViridisChem, Inc. 1804
Gaussian 919 Metrohm USA, Inc. 1324
InfoChem GmbH 1017 Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 405
Intl Centre for Diffraction Data 1702 MilliporeSigma 718
Kimble Chase LLC 1524 Nanalysis Corp. 501
Leggett Technical Consulting, LLC 1732 Nanomedical Diagnostics 1434 Materials
Magritek Inc. 1110 NanoTemper Technologies Inc. 319
Maruzen Co., Ltd. 1012 Natl Academies Of Sciences
McGraw-Hill Education 1302 Engineering and Medicine 1018 abcr GmbH 1718
MDPI AG 1618 NIST 1213 Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. 418
Mestrelab Research SL 627 ACS Division of Small Chemical
Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 405 NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments 1316
OriginLab Corp. 1426 Businesses (SCHB) 1329
MicroLAB, Inc. 525 AdValue Technology 1224
My Green Lab 1535 Parr Instrument Co. 1201
Particle Sizing Systems 502 Advanced ChemBlocks Inc. 1015
Nanalysis Corp. 501 Advanced Polymer Materials Inc. 1728
Natl Academies Of Sciences Pine Research Instrumentation 1424
PROTO Manufacturing 1711 AK Scientic, Inc. 1320
Engineering and Medicine 1018 Ark Pharm, Inc. 717
NIST 1213 Quantachrome Corp. 312 Astatech, Inc. 1228
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments 1316 Regis Technologies 403 Carbosynth LLC 1720
Ocean Optics, Inc. 1319 Sciex 1505 Cellatrix, LLC 1635
Oxford University Press 1008 Semichem 917 ChemBridge Corp. 1129
PASCO scientic 435 Specac, Ltd. 1809 Chemily, LLC 1630
Quantachrome Corp. 312 StellarNet Inc. 1425 Chemshuttle 1801
Royal Society of Chemistry 901 Supercritical Fluid Technologies 1314 CiVentiChem 1014
SCIENCE/AAAS 1527 Teledyne Isco - Chromatography 1019 CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc. 1011
Semichem 917 Thermo Fisher Scientic 1114,1115 Enamine LLC 216
Software for Chemistry & Materials 721 Unisense A/S 320 Flinn Scientic Inc. 1819
Specac, Ltd. 1809 ViridisChem, Inc. 1804 Hummel Croton Inc. 1531
Syrris Ltd. 1602 Westcoast Separation, LLC 1632 Johnson Matthey 1703
Thieme Chemistry 732 Wiley 800 Metrohm USA, Inc. 1324
University Science Books 1013 WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 1601 Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 405
Vernier Software & Technology 1218 X-Ability Co., Ltd. 1634 MilliporeSigma 718
ViridisChem, Inc. 1804 Xenemetrix Ltd. 1706 MPD Chemicals 1600
W.W. Norton 713 nanoComposix, Inc. 1627
Wavefunction, Inc. 709 Oakwood Products Inc. 601
Westcoast Separation, LLC 1632 Oxchem Corporation 1219
Wiley 800 Business Management Pharmablock USA, Inc. 1226
Wilmad-LabGlass 613 & Services Qorpak 521
X-Ability Co., Ltd. 1634 Quantachrome Corp. 312
Yamazen Science, Inc. 500 Rapp Polymere GMBH 1715
Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. 418 Regis Technologies 403
ACS Career Navigator 725 Richman Chemical Inc. 1808
Accessible Products ACS Division of Small Chemical Rigaku Americas Corp. 1308
Businesses (SCHB) 1329 Roki S&S America Inc. 214
AgileBio LLC - LabCollector 1431 Sorbent Technologies 1206
Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. 418 Authentic Development 220 Spectrum Chemical Mfg Corp. 425
AdValue Technology 1224 Quantum Analytics 1712 SpiroChem AG 421
Chemily, LLC 1630 Richman Chemical Inc. 1808 Strem Chemicals 701


Synquest Laboratories, Inc. 1609 Quantum Analytics 1712 Cellatrix, LLC 1635
TCI America 1111 Rigaku Americas Corp. 1308 Chemshuttle 1801
Thermo Fisher Scientic 1114,1115 Robertson Microlit Laboratories, Inc 1603 CiVentiChem 1014
WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 1601 Roki S&S America Inc. 214 CONFLEX Corp. 1112
Xenemetrix Ltd. 1706 Sciex 1505 Flinn Scientic Inc. 1819
Sheldon Manufacturing Inc. 1707 Gaussian 919
Shimadzu Scientic Instruments Inc. 810 Inert 1918
Sorbent Technologies 1206
Laboratory Equipment Specac, Ltd. 1809
Integrated Surface Technologies 1526
& Services Johnson Matthey 1703
StellarNet Inc. 1425
KP Technology Ltd. 1534
Supercritical Fluid Technologies 1314
Surface Measurement Systems 221 Leggett Technical Consulting, LLC 1732
Accela ChemBio Co. Ltd. 418 SurForce LLC 1432 M. BRAUN, Inc. 1007
Ace Glass, Inc. 518 Teledyne Isco - Chromatography 1019 Mestrelab Research SL 627
ACS Division of Small Chemical ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 524 Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 405
Businesses (SCHB) 1329 Thermo Fisher Scientic 1114,1115 Minus K Technology, Inc. 420
Advion 1107 Tosoh Bioscience LLC 625 Moubio LLC 218
AGI USA Inc. 1525 TWD Kemtech America 400 MPD Chemicals 1600
AgileBio LLC - LabCollector 1431 Unisense A/S 320 Nanalysis Corp. 501
Agilent Technologies 1401 V&P Scientic, Inc. 213 nanoComposix, Inc. 1627
Analytik Jena US, Inc. 316 Vacuubrand 1519 NanoTemper Technologies Inc. 319
Anasazi Instruments Inc. 1016 Vacuum Atmospheres Co. 1207 NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments 1316
Anasys Instruments Corp. 1127 Vacuum Technology Inc. 1814 Optibrium Ltd. 1420
Anton Paar USA 818 Vapourtec Ltd. 1717 Particle Sizing Systems 502
Asahi Spectra Co., Ltd. 1427 Vernier Software & Technology 1218
Biolin Scientic 402 Pharmablock USA, Inc. 1226
Vigor Tech USA, LLC 1300 PharmAgra Labs, Inc. 1529
Biotage 526 Waters Corp. 609
BrandTech Scientic 1625 PIKE Technologies 1301
Westcoast Separation, LLC 1632 PolyK Technologies, LLC 1730
Brookhaven Instruments Corp. 1318 Wilmad-LabGlass 613
Bruker 1101,1100 Wyatt Technology Corp. 605 PROTO Manufacturing 1711
BUCHI Corporation 1613 Xenemetrix Ltd. 1706 Regis Technologies 403
CEM Corp. 618 Xenocs SA 1227 Richman Chemical Inc. 1808
Chemglass Life Sciences 700 Yamato Scientic America, Inc. 1714 Robertson Microlit Laboratories, Inc 1603
Chemrus Inc. 1628 Yamazen Science, Inc. 500 Roki S&S America Inc. 214
CONFLEX Corp. 1112 Semichem 917
CP Lab Safety 1208 Software for Chemistry & Materials 721
Delong America 419 Sorbent Technologies 1206
Edinburgh Instruments 1501 Other Specac, Ltd. 1809
Flinn Scientic Inc. 1819 SpiroChem AG 421
Formulaction USA 1312 Supercritical Fluid Technologies 1314
FRITSCH Milling and Sizing 1721 ACS Meetings & Expositions 725
ACS Member Insurance Program 725 SurForce LLC 1432
Gamry Instruments 1221
GERSTEL Inc. 1202 ACS Membership 725 Synquest Laboratories, Inc. 1609
Heidolph North America 1325 ACS Publications 725 Syrris Ltd. 1602
HEMCO Corporation 1631 ACS Web Strategy & Operations 725 ThalesNano Nanotechnology Inc. 524
Hiden Analytical Inc. 626 AIP Publishing The Journal of TWD Kemtech America 400
HORIBA Scientic 1605 Chemical Physics 629 Uniqsis 1430
IKA Works, Inc. 1419 Bentham Sciences Publishers Ltd. 1818 Vigor Tech USA, LLC 1300
Inert 1918 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - CF 1931 Wilmad-LabGlass 613
Intl Centre for Diffraction Data 1702 CiVentiChem 1014 WuXi AppTec (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 1601
Integrated Surface Technologies 1526 CONFLEX Corp. 1112 Yamato Scientic America, Inc. 1714
ionBench 1800 Exergy 1810
J-KEM Scientic 1619 Formulaction USA 1312
Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd. 1333 ICE Publishing 212
JASCO 1217,1216 Inert 1918 Scientic Computer & Data
Kimble Chase LLC 1524 Institute for Basic Science (IBS) 1934 Management
KNF Neuberger 1225 Intl Centre for Diffraction Data 1702
Komplx Engineering, LLC 1629 MilliporeSigma 718
KP Technology Ltd. 1534 Minus K Technology, Inc. 420 Ace Glass, Inc. 518
LABCONCO, Corp. 404 Molymod Models - Spiring Ltd 1214 ACS Division of Small Chemical
Leggett Technical Consulting, LLC 1732 NanoTemper Technologies Inc. 319 Businesses (SCHB) 1329
M. BRAUN, Inc. 1007 Ocean Optics, Inc. 1319 AgileBio LLC - LabCollector 1431
Magritek Inc. 1110 Paraza Pharma Inc. 1521 Agilent Technologies 1401
Malvern Instruments, Inc. 1106 Piercan USA Inc. 1705 BioSolveIT 1418
Maruzen Co., Ltd. 1012 Robertson Microlit Laboratories, Inc 1603 Chemical Computing Group 1624
Metrohm USA, Inc. 1324 SpringerNature 708
Mettler-Toledo AutoChem, Inc. 405 Taylor & Francis Group 705 Collaborative Drug Discovery 1620
MicroLAB, Inc. 525 Uniqsis 1430 CONFLEX Corp. 1112
Microtrac Inc. 634 US EPA Green Chemistry Program 728 CrystalMaker Software Ltd. 1331
Minus K Technology, Inc. 420 Vacuum Atmospheres Co. 1207 Elsevier 909
Molymod Models - Spiring Ltd 1214 Flinn Scientic Inc. 1819
Moubio LLC 218 Gaussian 919
Nanalysis Corp. 501 InfoChem GmbH 1017
NanoImages 1335 R&D and Manufacturing McGraw-Hill Education 1302
Nanomedical Diagnostics 1434 Services Mestrelab Research SL 627
NanoTemper Technologies Inc. 319 Metamolecular, LLC 1533
Neaspec GmbH 1328 MicroLAB, Inc. 525
NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments 1316 abcr GmbH 1718 NIST 1213
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APRIL 2-4, 2017
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5.8' x 10' SCREEN



3 2 COLL, SUN., 6PM - 8PM


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224 425 524 525 624 625 724 725 1125 1224 1225 1324 1325 1424 1425 1524 1525 1624 1625 1724 1725 1824 1825 1924 1925


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PROF, SUN., 6:30PM - 8:30PM

609 708 709 808 909 1008 1009 1108 1109 1208 1209 1308 1609 1708 1709 1808 1809 1908 1909

309 1309
707 806 1007 1106 1107 1206 1207 1306 1607 1706 1707 1806 1807 1906 1907

305 404 405 504 505 604 605 704 905 1004 1005 1104 1105 1204 1205 1304 1305 1404 1405 1504 1505 1604 1605 1704 1705 1804 1805 1904 1905

303 402 403 502 503 602 603 702 703 802 903 1002 1003 1102 1103 1202 1203 1302 1303 1402 1403 1502 1503 1602 1603 1702 1703 1802 1803 1902 1903 ROOM 3

200 301 400 401 500 501 600 601 700 701 800 901 1000 1001 1100 1101 1200 1201 1300 1301 1400 1401 1500 1501 1600 1601 1700 1701 1800 1801 1900 1901


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* * 2301
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Noon-1:00 p.m.
Moscone Center
Gateway Ballroom 103/104 (Moscone South, Exhibit Level)

Joseph M. DeSimone, CEO/Co-founder of Carbon, Inc.; Chancellors Eminent Professor of
Chemistry, UNC-Chapel Hill; and William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Chemical
Engineering at NC State University and of Chemistry at UNC

Future Fabricated with Light: The Launching of Carbon

Joseph M. DeSimone has published over 300 scientic articles and has over 150 issued patents
in his name with over 80 patents pending. In June 2016, DeSimone was recognized by President
Barack Obama with the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. DeSimone is one of less than
twenty individuals who have been elected to all three branches of the U.S. National Academies:
National Academy of Medicine (2014), National Academy of Sciences (2012) and the National
Academy of Engineering (2005).

DeSimone is the co-founder of several companies including Micell Technologies, Bioabsorbable Vascular Solutions,
Liquidia Technologies and Carbon. DeSimone received his B.S. in Chemistry from Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA
and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Virginia Tech. He currently resides in Monte Sereno, California.

Anne Milasincic Andrews, Professor of Psychiatry and Chemistry & Biochemistry; Semel
Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, Hatos Center for Neuropharmacology, and
California NanoSystems Institute; University of California, Los Angeles

The Brain is More Than a Computer

Anne Milasincic Andrews leads efforts in basic and translational research on anxiety and
depression, and at the nexus of nanoscience and neuroscience. Andrews interdisciplinary
research team focuses on understanding how the serotonin system and particularly, the serotonin
transporter, modulate neurotransmission to inuence complex behaviors including anxiety, mood,
stress responsiveness, and learning and memory.

Andrews has been the recipient of an NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence, an Eli Lily Outstanding Young Analytical
Chemist Award, an American Parkinsons Disease Association Research Award, and a Brain and Behavior Research
Foundation Independent Investigator Award. She is a member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology,
International Society for Serotonin Research vice president, an advisory board member for the International Society
for Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience, and serves as Associate Editor for ACS Chemical Neuroscience.

Andrews earned her B.S. in chemistry from the Pennsylvania State University and received her Ph.D. in chemistry
as a U.S. Department of Education Fellow working at the National Institute of Mental Health. There, she was also a
postdoctoral fellow and senior staff fellow.

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Newscripts The ketchup Its called Zealandia, and its 4.9 mil-
lion-km2 area contains New Zealand and
some French and Australian islands. But
problem you wont be able to see it just looking at a
map or globe.
The key reason why Zealandia has not

eve all waged battle with been recognized traditionally is 94% of it is
a glass ketchup bottle at underwater, says Vaughan M. Stagpoole of
some pointfighting to get GNS Science.
that stubborn tomato slur- Despite mostly being submerged, Zea-
ry to pour without splattering. landia has all the characteristics of the
The process can be frustrating because continents we know and love. Stagpoole
ketchup is a yield-stress fluid, says Anthony and several colleagues lay out the case for
Stickland, a chemical engineer at the Uni- Zealandias continental membership in a
versity of Melbourne. recent paper (GSA Today 2017, DOI: 10.1130/
Like other yield-stress fluids, ketchup gsatg321a.1).
is a suspension of solid particles in liquid.
The solids are concentrated enough that
the particles form an interconnected net-
work that can withstand a load or a force,
Stickland tells Newscripts. So under small
amounts of stress, the fluids behave like
solids. But once that force exceeds a thresh-
oldthe yield stressthe materials start
to flow like a liquid.
Thats why ketchup bottles sometimes
need a firm whack to get the sauce moving.
Stickland recently outlined a three-step
process to coax out the condiment. First,
shake the bottle with the lid on to evenly mix
the ketchup. This gets rid of any dried-out
sauce or settled solids that increase the yield
stress. Next, with the lid still on, invert the
bottle to get the ketchup into the neck. Final-
ly, remove the lid and slowly tilt the bottle so
the weight of the condiment pushes it out. Number 8: Most of Zealandia is a
Tilting too fast can lead to splattering submerged continental shelf.
because the viscosity of some yield-stress
fluids decreases when forces are applied Basically, the land masses and sub-
quickly, a phenomenon called sheer thin- merged continental shelf of Zealandia are
ning. If you push really hard, it becomes geologically distinct from the oceanic crust
almost like water, Stickland says. surrounding them. In general, continental
So why does Stickland know so much crust is thicker and is less dense than oce-
about getting ketchup out of a bottle? His anic crust.
research focuses on industrial versions of One interesting feature of Zealandia is
the problem, such as pumping wastewater that a tectonic plate boundary runs through
sludge or mineral tailings. it. The northwestern portion of the con-
tinent is on the Australian plate, and the

Meet Zealandia southeastern bit is on the Pacific plate.

The tectonic activity at the plate boundary
is pushing New Zealand up, Stagpoole tells

t your next cookout, once Newscripts. If it werent for the frequent
youve effortlessly extracted earthquakes here, most of New Zealand

your ketchup, you can further would be underwater.

impress your guests with some
geological trivia: There is an eighth conti- Michael Torrice wrote this weeks column.
nent to the east of Australia, some geolo- Please send comments and suggestions to
gists say.

80 C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | MARCH 13, 2017

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