Human Behavior in Organization

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Jan Ralph P.

BSA 2-3

Human Behavior in Organization

A. Attitudes and Values

Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become

your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, Your values

become your destiny.

Mahatma Gandhi

Values have been defined as ideals or beliefs that a person holds desirable or undesirable.

They contain a judgmental element in that they carry individuals ideas as to what is right, good

and desirable. Values are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should

and shouldn't, good and bad. They also tell us which are more or less important, which is useful

when we have to trade off meeting one value over another. Values is not absolute, we can learn

them through nurturing. As a kid we learn values through years by teachers, parents and

significant others. They taught us what is desirable and/ or not. For Instance, we were taught

that Honesty is the best policy and that as we grow old we value the idea of Honesty and

reinforce it through time.

Values can be categorized into two broad categories: First individual values these are values

which are related with the development of human personality or individual norms of recognition

and protection of the human personality such as honesty, loyalty veracity and honor. Second

Collective Values values connected with the solidarity of the community or collective norms of

equality, justice, solidarity, and social are known as collective values. Value Incongruence has

been defined as the difference between individual values hierarchy and perceived values

hierarchy of a reference group or organization.

Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

We can also classify values as terminal and instrumental. Instrumental values refer to preferable

modes of behavior, or means of achieving the terminal values on the other hand terminal values

are desirable end-state. These are lifetime goals that a person wants to achieve. Example a

country that is under colonialism wants freedom then they hold terminal values. Social

Recognition, peace and equality are other examples of terminal values.

Attitudes on the latter part reflect how we feel about something. It is an evaluative statement

either favorable or unfavorable about people, objects and events. To know more about

attitudes let us know about the component of attitudes namely cognitive, affective and

behavioral attitudes. In a class for instance you got your final grade and you think that you dont

deserve your final grade because you performed well in the class. That is a cognitive

component the evaluation of a certain action. Because of your grade you formed hatred toward

your teacher and that is Affective component or how you feel about that certain action. To

continue you talked to your teacher about your final grade and that is Behavioral or the action.

Negative affectivities, it is relating to arising from, or influencing feeling or emotions that has a

negative impact on your attitudes, behaviors or mood. According to Watson & Clark, negative

affectivity (NA) is a broad personality trait that refers to the stable tendency to experience

negative emotions. Individuals who are high in NA are more likely to report negative affective

mood states across time and regardless of the situation. They also report more somatic

symptoms and have an attention bias toward adverse stimuli or potentially threatening situations

(Watson & Pennebaker, 1989). People who are experiencing NA are more likely to affect

someone with negative behavior and attitudes, they are most likely pessimist people.

Attitudes arose from the way we perceived and judge our environment after evaluating it.

Attitudes are essential especially in workplace because employees somewhat evaluated based

on their attitudes. In Organizational Behavior (OB) there are three major attitudes: job
Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment. In a nutshell these are all

evaluative attitudes in a workplace.

What will happen if employees dislike their jobs? There are several outcomes and we will

categorize it to destructive and constructive. Employees were dissatisfied with may leave the

organization, finding new positions or resigning (exit). Outcome may also absenteeism or

lateness (neglect). Both two are destructive response when employees were dissatisfied with

their jobs. Discussing improvements and problems to the superior (voice) and trusting the

organization to the right thing (Loyalty) are Constructive responses.

What caused Job satisfaction? Job satisfaction may caused by favorable working conditions,

good pay job and/or understanding and responsible management. But Job satisfaction is not all

about Job conditions we can also relate it to Personality. Research has shown that people who

have positive core self- evaluation are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative

core self evaluation.

B. Measurement of Job Attitudes

In workplace there are standards and policies that employees must obey. Employees attitudes

and behavior were measured in organization. Most of the research in Organizational behavior

has looked at three determining attitudes: Job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational


First the Job satisfaction by definition is a positive feeling about the job because of evaluation of

his/her characteristics. Higher job satisfaction results in positive feeling on work while low job

satisfaction has negative effect on the job. So to understand employees attitude in organization

managers must evaluate their job satisfaction. In measuring job satisfaction there are two

popular approaches. First as all things considered, and ask the satisfactory an employee in his
Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

job and second is seeking for the variables such as work, supervision, present pay, promotion

opportunities and relationships with co workers.

Second the Job involvement which measures the degree to which people identify

psychologically with their job and considered their perceived performance level import to self

worth. Job involvement in easy saying you are important to the job, good job involvement will

increase the capabilities and trust of employees to themselves. For instance designating

employees to their proper areas based on their skill and performances and direct involvement

on decision making.

Third and last is Organizational commitment simply the employees commitment and wishes to

their Job. It is measured based on the goal of employees to stay in the job. Researches found

out that emotional attachment to an organization and belief in its values are the gold standard

for employee commitment.

In a review of 27 studies in Organizational Behavior the relationship between commitment and

performance is strongest in new employees and considered weaker for experienced employees.

Employees high in Jon commitment will less likely to withdraw or even dissatisfied with their

jobs since they have the concept of loyalty. It does appear that even if people were not happy

with their current jobs as long as there are committed to they will likely to sacrifice for the


All in all measurement of employees attitude is a key to determine workers perception and

behavior in organization and make an evaluation or solution for indicated problems of

Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

C Conflicts and Negotiation

C. 1 Conflict

Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negative

affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. There are

two views in conflict: the traditional view of conflict (1) and the interactionist view of conflict. In

Traditional it says that all conflict must avoid since they are harmful while in interactionist conflict

is unavoidable and effective way to perform in organization.

Conflict also is any situation in which there are incompatible goals, cognitions, or emotions

within or between individuals or groups that leads to opposition or antagonistic interaction.

Conflict was harmful in some ways but not all conflicts were harmful but unavoidable. Some

conflict is needed to promulgate a new solution for a certain problems. For instance if you have

task conflict conflict over content and goals of the work you may find solution by surpassing

the conflict. Constructively eliminating the conflict is the best way to remove harmful effect of it.

Interactionist view of conflicts recognized minimal level of conflicts that can help keep a group

viable, self critical, and creative. The dysfunctional conflict hinders the group performances.

Thus indicated that there is relationship, task and process conflict in a organization. The

functional conflict is a constructive form of conflict which supports the goal of the group and

improves its performances.

Emotional conflict commonly known as clash of personality is part of interpersonal conflict which

caused dysfunction in the organization because of strong feelings that create disturbances in

the workplace. It involves interpersonal difficulties that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust,

dislike, fear, resentment, and the like

Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

On the other hand structural conflict constitutes a broad category of conflicts sources. Category

such as size of the group, degree of specialization in the task assigned to group members,

jurisdictional clarity member goal compatibility, leadership styles, reward system, and the

degree of dependence between groups. In structural conflict most of the time it is formal and

nothing personal it is based only on societal structure that is why there is conflict.

Speaking of personal conflict, people just tend to get in the conflict a lot. In particular people

high in personality traits of disagreeableness, neuroticism, or self monitoring are prone to tangle

with other people more often, and to react poorly when conflict happens. Chronic absentee

regarded as a conflict causing personality because of it is habitual and recurring without good

intentions therefore it created conflict especially in organization since employee must perform

well in organization.

Variables in conflict compressed in different stages and process. The conflict process has five

stages. Stage I: Potential opposition or incompatibility, Stage II: Cognition and personalization,

Stage III: Intentions, Stage IV: Behavior, and Stage V: Outcomes.

In Stage II which is cognition and personalization the potential for opposition becomes actual.

There must be two things we considered here, perceived conflict and felt conflict. In perceived

conflict we are aware of the conditions that create opportunities for conflict to arise while felt

conflict is the actuality which means direct involvement with conflict you may feel anxious,

tensions, frustration or hostility.

Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

C.2 Negotiations

We can define negotiation as a process that occurs when two or more parties decide how to

allocate scarce resources or/ of making joint decisions when the parties involved have different

preferences. In negotiation there key things that we must consider for it to be effective or useful.

Negotiation most of the time is the solution to the conflict whereas two individuals exchange

something and attempt to agree on the exchange rate for them. The negotiating parties should

avoid being side tracked by self-interests, thereby being tempted to pursue unethical actions.

In negotiation we must consider Bargaining strategies, negotiation process, the role of moods

and personality traits on bargaining, gender difference in negotiations and third party


D. Conflict in Schools and Family

Problems is always present in life, it is unavoidable but have a solution. In family we always

encounter conflicts especially when we are talking about relationship since my family was not

that close to each other. My mother and father are working and we are all studying in that case

we dont have much time for each other. Most of the time when we eat silence filled the air and

sometimes I consider talking with my family formal since we dont talked much but of course I

know we still cared for each other. There are those time that day past and we just dont talk

because most likely they are busy doing important matters, and I find it quit normal as time past

by. I know that time that it is a conflict that needs a solution so I did suggest to my mother that if

we dont have time we must saunter somewhere.

Jan Ralph P. Bulanon
BSA 2-3

I find sauntering an effective tool for my family to be closed since we have time together. I never

knew that my sister likes KPOP anyway at least we are much closer than before. Even if the

problem is minimal we must focused on it since it is still a problem.

In school we have a lot of problems especially if you are not interested with the certain topic.

My conflict in school is just a typical problem of an ordinary student. I find it hard to pass

subjects that I dont like even though I try to make efforts but still it didnt work. Back to old days

subjects that I hate were not a conflict to me since they are just minor in a way that it is easy to

handle. But today as collage student you must put efforts and invest time to review those

subjects since they are needed for passing the semester. So I did, most of time I read lessons

and reviewers for lectures that I dont care before like Mathematics and Biology.

It is hard to cope up when youre at the first stage of surpassing the conflict but by process you

will know that your effort will be paid if you see the outcomes of it. All conflicts have solutions

but sometimes the solution to the conflict is just leaving it like that since not all conflicts are

worth solving for.

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