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is 704, Above Big Apple, Near Batra Cinema, Mukherjee Nagar - Delhi - 09 Web : Email : @p: 011-27607854, 88608-22222, 88603-33333, 88608-33333 nn ‘The prehistoric period in the history of mankind can roughly be dated from 2,00,0000 BC to about 3600-2500 BC, when the first civilizations began to take shape. ‘The first modern human beings or the Homo Sapiens set foot on the Indian subcontinent somewhere between 50000 BC and 40,000 BC and they soon spread through a large part of the subcontinent, including peninsular India. ‘They continuously flooded the Indian subcontinent inwaves of migration from what is present-day iran, ‘These primitive people moved in groups of few ‘families and lived mainly on hunting and gathering. Stone Age v ‘The age when the prehistoric man began to use stones for utilitarian purpose is called as the Stone Age. Stone Age is divided into three broad divisions — Paleolithic Age or Old Stone Age (from unknow: till 8000 BC), Mesolithic Age or Middle Stoy (8000 BC - 4000 BC) and Neolithic Ager ‘Stone Age (4000 BC - 2500 BC) on the of the specialization of stone tools, which wel le during that time. % Paleolithic Age Y The human beings living in ¢] ithic Age were essentially food gathe: ypendedon nature of food. ~ The art of hunting anc ing wild animals individually and later, ed to these people making stone weay Y These kindof animals and fc the hunted Q® The Prehistoric Period 'Y These tools are characteristic of the Paleolithic Age and were very rough. Mesolithic Age Y Inthe Mesolithic Age, the stone, tobe made more pointed and sharp. Y Toensure a life that had abupejgntd of food and clothing, the stone tools ae jo appear in increasingly epecialized 0. Apart from hand agée, th produced crude, stone-tipped woodag speags, borers, and burins VY This period also saw theComestication of animal and cultivationa wild varieties of crops. ¥ Because of Be settlements began to take sha Archi 1 excavations have unearthed in Chotta Nagpur area of central ‘the areas in the south of the River arted to be produced jithic Age Neolithic Age (4000 BC - 2500 BC) or New Stone ‘Age was the last phase of Stone Age and is ‘characterized by very finely flaked small stone tools, also known as blades and burins. Y Neolithic Age also saw the domestication of cattle, horees, and other farm animals. ¥ Animportant invention of this time was the wheel. Y Fire was started to be produced Chalcolithic Phase Towards the end of Neolithic period, metals like bronze and copper began to be used. Y This was the Chalcolithic phase (1800 BC to 1000 BO). Y Some of the sites of this era are Brahmgiri (near Mysore) and Navada Toli (on River Narmada). Discovered by Dayaram Sahni Mohenjodaro R.D. Banerjee Kalibangan —_ B.B. Lal Ropar Y.D. Sharma Lothal S.R. Rao Banwalt .S. Bisht v From the beginning of 4% millennium BC, the individuality of early village cultures began to be replaced by more homogenous style of existence. ¥ By the middle of 3"' millennium, a uniform culture had developed at settlements spread across nearly 500, 000 square miles, including parts of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Baluchistan, Sindh and the Makran const. It was a highly developed civilization and derived its name from the main river of that region-River Indus. The cities were far more advanced than their counterparts in prehistoric Egypt, Mesopotamia or anywhere else in Western Asia Geographical Extent f ¥ Covered parts of Punjab, Sindh, Baluthistan’ Gujarat, Rajasthan and some parts of wester@UP. Y Major sites in Pakistan are Harapp&@(n Ravi in W.Punjab), Mohenjodaro (on Indus)@haniiu-Daro ~ (Sindh), etc. In India, major sit&g are Lothal, Rangpur and Surkotda (Gujaéat),) (Rajasthan), Banwali (Hissat), (western UP). ibangam ¥ aid Alamgirpur “ Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC - 1500 BC) toleftin one line and then from left to right in the next hine, Not yet deciphered. ; ‘The script is not alphabetical but pictogrsphie about 600 undeciphered pictographs). Religion ne, ee v The chief male deity was Pasbupati Mahadeva (proto-Siva), representes ‘seals as sitting ina yogic posture on a Sw thita¢, and having three faces and two horas. He “fe ‘surrounded by four animals (elephant, tiger,fhino and buffalo), each facing a differenp direction, and two deers appear at his feet. . ‘The chief female\deity was Mother Goddess, who has been depicted irr various forms. ‘There i sufficient evidence for the prevalence of Pholfit(lisggum) and yoni worship also. ‘The warship of fire is proved by the discovery of fire gltars at Lothal, Kalibangan and Harappa. Anffus people also worshipped Gods in the form of ffees (pipal, etc.) and animals (unicorn etc) v v v v 4 Further they believed in ghosts and evil forces and used amulets as protection against them. Art and Craft ‘The Harappan culture belongs to the Bronze Age Bronze was made by mixing tin and copper. Tools were mostly made of copper and bronze. Cotton fabrics quite common, Woollen in winter. Very fond of ornaments (of gold, silver, ivory, copper, tc) and dressing up. ‘Omaments were worn by both men and women Largest and the latest siteip India is Dholavira in z Potter's wheel was in use- Gujarat. Dr. J.P. Joshi and Dr. R.S. Bisht were ; involved in it Joel + Harappan Pottery is bright or dark red and — Planninges. ~~? is uniformly sturdy and well baked. ~ * Itischiefly wheel made, and consists of both ¥ Elaborate tgwniplanning. It follows the grid and painted ware, the plain variety being a system. LU cut, dividing the town into large na 2 rect; ks. ’ They played dice games. YU ricks of good quality as the building Sources of Materials arn eee ¢ Material Source ir dFainage system shows developed sense o Seale ees eu) ‘Afghanistan, Persia Karnataka “The towns were divided into 2 parts: Upper Part cares of Citadel and Lower Part. ie Copper Baluchistan and Khetri (Rajsthan) In Mohanjodaro, a big public bath (Great Bath) . Ti CET TE) has been found. Agriculture ¥ Used wooden ploughs. Y Produced sufficient to feed themselves. Food grains were stored in granaries. Script and Language Y The script was boustrophedon, written from right 2 Heat be AU LHe ty Houten Viebley Oe pat hee Haneiate 12 Aye aunebitunecnabeat mate tiny hon tov ay hia FAs Hrd toy veiled We tedinienc trae Ut enn 1 Nope ne ‘ nl practive wanentoiled Intuune Anas end a esd vb bat chsh Ue burly lying on itm bork with the bend ye fu tha print goat tothe north E AAG olor foc Lai Ui atin y, hips wi Economic life tHe ei on tvnadid an Gauih Meeks Y Well-krit external ard internal trade vehicle atngpont mba aint Y Barter system was there Jodare 7 Vee Hint beh Danieenne Hee meee Megha rn HN tevstinge Mie nv diocveredd at Last val Inter regional tra Saurashtra, Mal ried ony eat Magento Toe Line ee Hh Tivdiis, parte . Se ee ee tw Cdn Batt nn nt ys ph reign trade was conducted minty ity gg jucnsatafil bail iel He hay be onaate af buena ¥ Trade was carrie oo oer vend eae Hage ba vine ite Seals 1c the greatest artishcereations of the Lidge 1, dren me tage nto A stone) went alright anuglen : only made of S + Majority of the seals have ananimatengraved on viene Hadi abi them with a short inseription, of woven ehath Decline y ¥ ‘The Harappan Culture lasted formround 1000 enna years. », ¥- After 2000 BC, the InduyetiuF® slowly « and gradually faded awa¥in, ) Y Some ascribe this tothe Wgereasing fertility of they soil on account ofiinc#pasing salinity caused by ‘ottagen ined yA bronze dancing girl, nu Pashupats have hewn fi xeavatio than neve expansion of themeiglbouring desert Kalibanw Y Others attribute it'lo some kind of depression in ¥ Han pro Harappa land, which caused floods. phases, Y Si ne int out that the Aryans destroyed it. % rae Seas anne nome esare nline an ta Pecan tt thle have cOntributed partly to the decline. Petes Seta sataTal ¥ Even though there are various theories for the ” (within the ¢ downfall of this civilization, the most accepted practice of cull version is that of ecological imbalance v Pheenietence of wheel cot Major Sites cartwheel having a 91 Harappa Banwali Kot Dijt and Harappa, Y Sofar891 seals have been recovered from Harappa, ¥ Like Kalibangan, Amr 3 pre- Banwali also shows two cultural ph and mustard. Dholavira “tis the latest and one of the two largest Harappan settlements in India, the other being Rakhigarhi in Haryana. “The other Harappan towns were divided into two parte-Citadel and the Lower Town, but Dholavira was divided into three principal divisions, two of which were strongly protected by rectangular fortifications, There are two inner enclosures-the first one hemmed in the citadel (which probably housed the highest authority) and the second one protected the middle town (meant for the close relatives of the rulers and other officials). The existence of this middle town, apart from the lower town, is the exclusive feature of this city. Lothal Only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard, It must have served as the main seaport of the Indus people. It was surrounded by a oe brick wall, probably for flood protection. Y Lothal has evidence of the earligs rice (1800 BC). The only other rice husk has been found Ahmedabad. 4 v Fire altars, indicating tne Boy ile existence of a fire cult, have beenfound. & / Vedic (1500 BC - Tess generally agreed that Aryansoriginally Lived somewhere in Steppes. region stretching from southern Russia to central Russia. The consensus is that originally, they lived somewhere in the east of Alps * On their way toIndia, Aryans first appearedin Iran ‘anda little after 1500 BC, they appeared in India. y cultivators, using ox to draw their ploughs. ‘The Indian sub-continent got its name Bharat Varsha after the Bharata tribe, which was the strongest one. During the later Vedic phase, the Aryans moved ‘away from their early settlements to the Ganga- ‘Yamuna Doab. Ramayana has partly unfolded the tale of Ary advent into the south. C Rig Vedic Polity v However, he did not possess unlimity¢ powers as ¥ > Sabha, Samiti, Vidhata and Gangiwety the tribal assemblies. Of these, Vidhata jidest. These ee and Samiti. Samiti tral in nature and less er There were a fe Yonarchical states (ganas), whose head wi fapati or. Jyestha. Rig Vedic @gcréty v People feir primary loyalty to their tribe, v "hag mily was essentially patriarchal. and birth ofa: Awas desired. The family wasa large unit indicated by acommon word for son, grandson, nephew and one word for ~~ Rashtra (kingdom) had not come into existence. Social Divisions v When the Aryans first came to India, there was ‘The word Varna’ is used professions hereditary. Age 1000 BC) Tn the Rig Veda with reference To only The or Dasa having, respectively, tuir or dark complexion, but evar with retaapas‘ts the Brahmana or Rajanya (Kshatriya) ms hora Quadruple division of society m ‘appearance only at one place in OygTeA Mandala of Rig Veda (Purushasuktaghy tah: The term Shudra is mentioned for thofatme here in the 7 RigVedahasmany thingsincommonwihAveet RemtrMandaaof fig oldest text in Iranian language. fenth Mandala of Rig Ve Rig Vein is the carliest specimen of any Indo.“ The Aehrame nystgti haf developed fally Wl Eugopean language the Later Vedic Pefiod V Barly Aryans were semi-nomadic and keptlarge Rig Vedic Gods herds of cattle. ¥ The early Vpdjc religion was naturaliat V Asthey settled down in villages, they alsobecame Evidently, th ither temples nor idols. The mode ofp tation of mantras. Sacrifice was eSferAjf¥Prija (children), Pasu (cattle) and oars fh) and not fur spiritual upliftment or egy iors Wind God Father of Heaven ‘Mother of Surya Storm spirits Gandharvas Divine musicians Ashavins Healers of diseases and experts in surgical art Ribhus Gnomes ‘Apsaras Mistresses of Gods. Rudra ‘An archer God, whose anger brought disease Female Deities Usha Goddess of Dawn Aditi Mother of Goods Prithvi Earth Goddese Aryani Forest Goddess ‘Saraswati The River deity Position of Women Y Women attended Sabha and Vidhata in Rig Vedie times. ‘Women held respectable positions in society. They ‘could attend tribal assemblies. They took part in sacrifices alongwith their husbands. There are not ‘examples of child marriage and the marriageable age for girls was 16 to 17 year We also get evidence of widow remarriage and practice of Niyoga (levirate) in which a childless Widow would co-habit with her brother-in-law until the birth of a son. Monogamy was the established practice. However, polygamy and polyandry were also known. v 5 ~ During the Later Vedic Age, the Aryans thoroughly subdued the fertile plains watered by Rivers Yamuna, Ganges and Sadanira. They crossed the Vindhyas and settled in Deccan, to the north of Godavari. Political Organisation ~ During the Later Vedic Age, popular assemblies lost much of their importance and royal power increased at their cost. In other words, chiefdom gave way to kingdom. Formation of large kingdoms made the king more powerful. For all practical Purposes, kingship became hereditary. ‘The Vidhata completely disappeared. Sabha and Samiti continued to hold ground, but their character changed and they were not more representative of the will of the majority. Women were no longer permitted to attend the assemblies, which came to be dominated by nobles and Brahamans. The term rashtra indicating ‘territory’ first appeared in this period. Social Organisation ” Society in the Later Vedic Age became increasing] complex and came to be divided into four Vy Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudfa: Brahamanas: The growing cult of enormously added to the power of Bre lanas, performed various rituals and sacrii for their clients. In the beginning, they we: the sixteen classes of priests, ca on they overshadowed others. v Kshatriyas: They constitu ‘warrior class, Majority of the rulers bel this class. Vaisyas: They were iculturists, cattle- and metal workers, pulation. In some texts, sented as living on the the Vaisyas. the lowest in social hierarchy ‘toserve the upper three Varnas. Varnas were known as the Dvijas ie. the upper three Varnas were ‘to ‘upanayana’ or investiture with the read. Education began with upanayana ceremony. Sometimes the girls were also initiated. The age of upanayana was 8 years for Brahamana, 11 for Kshatriya, and 12 for Vaisyas, Certain sections of artisans such as Rathakara or chariot-maker enjoyed high status and were entitled to the sacred thread ceremony. rearers, traders, aj 7 v Later Vedic Religion Later Vedic Age (1000 BC - 600 BC) Tn Later Vedic Age, polygamy was prevalentay there were instances of child-marriage. ‘The term Nagara appears for the firat typing, Later Vedic Age, showing faint begin life. Ay Y Towards the endof the Vedic. not began to resent priest], nation. tifercul€ of rituale anj Upanishads criticize, sacrifices and laid styéss of Right Belief and Righ, Knowledge’. ? ‘They emphasised iiekpdertodge of self (Atman) should be acquixed and relation of Atman with Brahma (God)ghauld be properly understood. Deeds of o1 led the next. This gave the ‘eda is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘aning, to known or knowledge par ae fic texts are divided between Sruti (based on velation), which is distinct from Smriti (based ‘on memory). Four Vedas and their Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas and the Upanishads form a class of literature known as Sruti. The Vedas v v v v ye Pety one of (a) Rig Veda Oldest religious text in the world. A collecting of hymns. Were recited at the time of sacrificial rites and other rituals with utmost devotion. Contains 1028 hymns (1017+11 valakhilyas) and is divided into 10 mandalas. ‘The X mandal contains the famous Purushsukta which explains that the 4 varnas (Brahmans, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra) were born from the mouth, arms, thighs and feet of the creator, Brahma. ‘The third mandala (addressed to sun). Sama Veda Derived from the root ‘Sama: is a collection of melodies, It has 1603 verses but except 99 all the rest have been borrowed from Rig Ved. Contains Dhrupada Raga’, Yajur Veda Deals with the sacrifices. contains the Gayatri Mantra " Le., ‘melody’. It Procedure for the performance of @ Atharva Veda ¥ Divided into 20 kandas (books) ai hymns-mostly dealing personal problems of pe: The Brahmanas Y The explain the hymns of the Vedas in an orthodox Each veda has several Brahmanas attac + Rigved: Kaushetki and Aitreya + Yajurveda: Taitriya and Shatpatha + Samaveda: Panchvish and Jemineya * Atharvaveda: Gopath The Aranyakas ¥ Called ‘forest books’, od toit written mainly by the hermits living in the jangion for their papa, ¥ Deals with meaning of Rituals. Opposed to sacrifice and emphasize ‘Meditation’ The Upanishads ¥ The word means ‘to sit down near someo! denotes a student and sitting near his guru to learn. ¥ They are the main source of Indian philosophy. ¥ There are 108 Upanishads. Y They also condemn the ceremonies and the sacrifices. Smritis ¥ Explains rules and regulations in the Vedic life. ¥ Main are Manusmriti, Naradsmriti, Yagyavalhy® asmriti and Parasharsmriti. a Vedangas ( , Y Six Vedangas are Shiksha, Kalpa, Vyalarapa, “ Nirukta, Chhanda and Jyotish, nN Mgninata deals with pronunciation yy + Vyakarana with grammar. Kn + Nirukta with etymology. = Chhanda with meter. ay ‘© + Jyotisha with astrol Darshans + There are 6 school; jan philosophy known as Shad- Darna Y- There are giverg®iy.6 Puilosophers of Ancient India: + Nyaya( ee Darshane: Gautama. + Vaishes shana: Kanada Rishi (referred fan). ‘Darshana : Kapila Ye Jarshana: Patanjali. Purva Mimansa: Jaimini Uttara Mimansa: Badaryana or Vyasa (wrote Mahabharata, classified Vedas, composed the puranas, gave vedantic philosophy). Upavedas ¥ There are four upavedas: + Dhanurveda (deals with art of warfare) (Upaveda of Yajur Veda). la). + Ayurveda (deals with m i yur ith medicine) (Upaveda of Rig ies ‘Though the two epics-the Mahabharata.and the Ramayana-wer i a-were compiled later, the #efleet the state of affairs of the Later Vedic Period” Epi Y The Mahabharata, attributed’ towWyasa, is considered older than the Ramayanaignd describes the period from the tenth centary'BC to the fourth, century AD. It is also called)Jaisamhita and _,_ Satasahasri Sambitarand Kg dne lakh verses ‘The Ramayana, attfibuted to'Valmiki, has 24,000 verses. Its composition stpfted in the fifth century BC and passes throug five stages; the fifth stage ‘ended in the twelfth century AD. jhramas a ‘The ashragtagy tery is found mentioned for the first timo the Aitareya Brahmana. Meant tainly for regulating the life of the male snemibers of the higher castes, they consisted for foue stages: (a) Brahmacharin or student life; (b) Grihastha or life of the householder; (c) ‘Vapiprastha or partial retirement and Sanyasin Ywr complete retirement (ascetic life). Full recognition of the fourth stage was done only in the Post-Vedic period. uranas ‘The strikingly varied nature of the contents of, Puranas seems to be the result of diverse materials: tales, anecdotes, songs and ballads, traditional lore ete These include mythology, consmogeny, various legends, genealogical accounts, folk beliefs, law codes and miscellaneous topics. ‘The Puranic literature is thus a unique outcome of the ever-continuing synthesis of various socio — economic formations operative between the 5° century BC and the 12 century AD. Every addition in the Puranic literature brought in its train numerous new deities with images and ‘temples, pilgrimages and vows, sects ete. ‘The change in the mode of worship (from sacrifice to worship of idols) visual appeal of the deities as against the worship of ideas, the fact of idol worship being more satisfying than yajna or sacrifice, revulsion to the violence and bloodshed involved in animal sacrifices-all these explain the socio-religious- economic transformations taking place in the Aryan society. ‘The Puranas may of the outcome of conting ‘eadjustment and mobilization, readin api ofthe Indian 1324, Some to terms with its evolving ethos. be regarded as a unique record f continual clash and friction, conservatism and the keen to iy v v The Mahajanapadas About 6 century BC, iron implements began to 4 be used widely. Asiron implements helped clear the dense forests ¥ of the Gangetic plains, civilization expanded eastwards. v The new agricultural tools and implements improved the knowledge of cultivation. This helped in the production of surplus food gains, ¥ which could be collected by the Kings to meet their military and administrative needs v Establishment of an agrarian economy enabled the People to lead a settled life, to stick to their land, and also to expand at the cost of the neighbouring y virgin areas Around this time, sixteen Mahajanapadas or kingdoms rose to pre-imminence in India. According to Anguttara Nikaya, they were-Kashi, Kosala, Anga, Magadha, Vajji, Malla, Chedi, Vatsa, ‘Kuru, Panchala, Matsya, Surasena, Assaka, o. Avanti, Gandhara and Kamboja. pom ‘These Mahajanapadas were either monarghfital 5 republican in character. { ‘The Mahajanapadas of Anga, Kashi, Kosala) bedi, v Vatea, Matsya, Shursen, Ashmaky Awanti, Gandhara and Magadha were eS ings or | < monarchs. The kings in these states wad bee supreme authority. A The Mahajanapadas of Vij} Kuru, Panchal y and Kamboj were republicay states and so were other smaller st: ihe Lichhavi, Shakya, Koliya,Bhagga a: iva. These repub! es hadaGanaparishad or /, r and responsible citizens. an Assembl, This Ga: A had the supreme authority in ‘% “Or ° Magadha The rise of the Magadha Kingdom (600 to 300 BC) Of the sixtoon Mahajanapadas, Magadhy, Konal Vatan and A daa pre. ‘They fought nonce for about hundred yeatm, oly, Magadha, undenthe Wndership of (642 ~ 494 BC) and Ajatshatru (493 ~ 4G1 BC) emerged victgrioyiy ‘The victory of MagadhaWaé a victory for the monarchical ayatam, which was now firmly established in the Ganges plain. Magadhan asgefylancy began with Bimbisara of the Haryanka dynaaty. He married the prneesses of Kosala, Vaishali and Madra, whieh helped him in his expansionist policy. His one ad only conquest was that of Anga. He also.gdimed a part of Kashi as the dowry in his Marriage with the sister of King Prasenajit of Kosala. Bimbisara was murdered by his own son, ‘Ajatasatru (492-460 BC). He defeated Prasenajit, married his daughter, and annexed Kashi. Ajatasatru was succeeded by Udayin (460-444 BC), who founded the new capital at Pataliputra. The Haryanaka dynasty was succeed by the Sisunaga dynasty, which destroyed the power of Avanti and incorporated it in the Magadhan empire. Thus, the 10-year-old rivalry between Avanti and Magadha came to an end. ‘The Sisunagas were succeeded by the Nandas, who annexed Kalinga to the empire. Mahapadma Nanda was the most important king of his dynasty, ‘The Nandas are said to have checked Alexander's army from advancing towards Magadha. Their rule was supplanted by that of the Mauryas. Mine period between 7 and 6% century BC was a tasming point in the intellectual and spiritual iRualopment of the whole world, for it witnessed the emergence of early philosophers of Greece, the great Hebrew poets, Confucius in China and Zoroaster in Persia Tt was at this time that Jainism and Buddhism arose in India, each based on a distinctive set of doctrines and each laying down distinctive rules of conduct for attaining salvation. Causes of New Movements Religious Movements physical as well as mental. (g) Gradually, from ‘Sarvastivada or Vaibhasika branched off another school called Sautantrika, which was mi ical in outlook. ‘eel Mahayana: (a) Its followers % the heavenliness of Buddha and sought tiWealvation through the grace and he! ddha and Bodhisatvas. (b) Believes Believes that Nirvangis re So eee ie Stal 18. (d) Mahayana ld two chief phjilosophical schools: the Mcthvumike and the-Xedachara. (e) The former took a line midway between the uncompromising / Vedic philosophy had lost its original purity. / Vedic religion had become very complex and realism of Hinayapism and the idealism of eer crated into superstitions, dogmas, and Yogacharea(), Acachare school, founded by rituals, Maitrgyandthaycowpletely rejected the realism of / Supremacy of the Brahmans created unrest in the Hinayaga diytmaintained absolute idealism. a erand Kehatriva reacted against the BuddWttyt Pouncils Brahmanical domination. ‘The firseCouncil was held in 483 BCat Sattapanni / Introduction of a new agricultural economy in ve hear Rajagriha to compile the Sutta Pitaka eastern India. (Ppghel Vinaya Pitaka. V The desire of Vaishyas to improve their soci “second council was held at Vaisali in 383 BC. panition withthe inerease in their economic poitidy. "} ‘The monks of Vaisalt ‘wanted some change in the due to the growth of trade. % ites. Schism into Sthaviraadins and Psa tha, Th Pare held at Patali durit ae peeerral ¢ third council was held at Pataliputra during Se ae era Agana, he reign of Aso, 28630073 ote the dea of jakyamunsen ae ‘Buddha. It was held under the Presidentship of ¥ Born in 563 BC (widely accepted) vaisakha “Moggliputta Tissa to revise the scriptures. Eas ate Lumbini, newt stu, capital 70 fourth council was held during the reign of Se ‘Kaniska in Kashmir under the Presidentship of ¥ Left home at the age of ag ay Stained Nivrana —-Vasumitra and resulted in the division of at the age of 85 at Bo: Buddhists into Mahayanists and Hinayanists. ¥ Delivered his Srst gagowet Sarnath. Five Great Events of Buddha’s Life and v Hinay: He attained Ma] ‘vana at Kusinara in 483 BC. Type of Buaght followers believed in the original teggpedgh Buddha, (b) They sought individual salon through self-discipline and meditation, (©) THF did not believe in idol-worship, (4) Hinayana, like Jainiem, is a religion without Karma taking the place of God. (e) Nirvana is regarded as the extinction of all. (#) The oldest school of Hinayana Buddhism is the Sthaviravad (Theravada in Pali) or the ‘Doctrine of the Elder: (® Its Sanskrit counterpart, which is more philosophical is known as Sarvastivada or the doctrine which maintains the existence of all things, their Symbols Birth: Lotus and Bull © Great Renunciation: Horse Nirvana: Bodhi tree «First Sermon: Dharmachakra or wheel © Parinirana or death: Stupa Four Noble Truths © Theworldis full of sorrows. # Desire is root cause of sorrow. 2 ipDesireis conquered, all sorrows can be removed. f_Desirecan be removed by following the eight fold path. Eight Fold Path 9 Right understanding Right speech Right livelihood Right mindfulness Right thought Rightaction Right effort Right concentration Three Ratnas Buddha Dhamma Sangha Contribution of Buddhism a, India at the age of 42. V Died at the age of 72 in 468 BC at Pavapuri neg, Rajagriha. ¥- He was called Jina or Jitendriya, Nirgrantha ang_ Mahavira. The Principle of Jainism as Preacheg by Mahavira Y Rejected the authority of Vedas rituals, Y Did not believe in existence of ’ Believed in Karma and the v Laid great emphasisan Jaina Councils { rg hrn tion of soul. Y The doctrine of Ahimsa-so strongly stressed, ; ida Rataliputra by Sthul Seveutly preached and sincerely practised by the First Council was held’ Beau ae Buddhists, was incorporated in Hinduism of later ee inthe lation of 12 Angas to replace Pama . the lost 14 Purvag! The practice of worshipping personal Gods, making Second Goutieil Wis held at Valabhi in the 5" century Beceme ebart ote eee aoe inthe honour Ses) Cee the lend eae U a . ‘Kehamaspamana and resulted in final compilation 7 Buddhism proved tobe oneofthe greatest civilizing ty Angas and 12 Upangas. forces, which India gave to the neighbouring | " Sauna Way to’ Nirvana (Three Ratnas) ¥ Buddhism broke the isolation of India and helped © “flight faith (Samyak vishwas) in establishment of intimate contacts betweetite © Right knowledge (Samyak jnan) ~ L ue and other countries. L Sad Right conduct (Samyak karma) Buddha extended the teaching of tWo elder p. a, A contemporaries, Alara Kalama, and Udlalta.’ Five Main Teachings ei & * @Non-injury (ahimsa) (ii) Non-lying(saryai) (iii) Sey Sy Non-stealing (asateya) (iv) Non-possession Y Born in 540 BC at Kundagrama sali. (aprigraha). (v) Observe continence ¥ Siddhartha was his father; is mother, _ (Brahmacharya). (The first four principles are of Y "Attained Kaivalya at Ji Yasoda his wife and Anojja ‘daughter, Parsavanath and the fifth Bramacharya was ineluded by Mahavira), Chandragu ta Maurya In 805 RE Chandragupta defeated Seleucus Nikator, who surrend red a vast territory Mogasthonose was a Chander ragupta beca ‘ravanbolgola with Bhadrabahu, where he died by slow starvation (Salekhan) Under Chandragupta Maurya, for the first time, the whole of northern India was united. Trade Mourished, agriculture was regulated, woights and measures were standardized and money came into w Taxation, sanit 1» and famine relief became the concerns of the dusara Bindusara extended the kingdom further and conquered the south, as far as Mysore. Bindusar asked Antiochus | of Syria to send some sent w philosophers are not for sale e and dried figs, and a Sophist. Antiocus, but politely replied that, Grd Pe Decline L The Mauryan Empire (825-183 BC) ETS ape tates aon Facts about Mauryas ¥ During Mauryan rule, though théme . totem in India ot wstny Tite ofinterest money. In lese Voyages ete) ther sonra Y During Ma (mostly of tranagetiony W J Tamraltptth the Gangetic delta was the most prosperoulport on the East Coast of India. ¥ MefaetliGnes in his indica had mentioned 7 castes jn Mauryan society. They were philosophers, farfiers, soldiers, herdsmen, artisans, magistrates Wand councilors. banking 9 Spatomary and the fapnium on borrowing. ysactions (like wrest could be as high fcure ty of dmperiod, the punch marked coins fere the common units of ‘Mauryan Empire lasted a litle over a century and ¥ Bindusar patronized Ajivikas. J” droke up fity years after the death of Asoka., Asoka ¥ In 185 BC, Mauryan king was overthrown by ee meaning tothe Buddhist tuition AgoRatiaurped — Puanvarmseraearee SP ambitious Commander. eo ae alling his 99 brosgedemd epared {2-Rie# obama om ee Bindusar helped him in frawagidastrugele. ¥ Mauryan Empire ushered in a dream that was to J Under Asoka, the Mauigiigfmipire reached its survive and echo af in and again in centuries to Climax, For the first Gime! the whole of the come 4 Ashoka foughyAglfiga war in 261 BC in the O* 1, Brabmanical reaction years of his mee phe king was moved LY 9° Financial crisis Teaoocre he, ee aes policy ofplaysiP6l occupation in favour of policy of re eo me een Inciher words Bhorighoshawas 4. Neglect of norshoret fonts eplaced by Dhammaghosha 5. Weak policy of Asoka. vata es not an extreme pacifist: He did n0t 6, Pacificpoiey of Asks pursue the policy of peace for sake of peace UndeF 7 Noyes knowledge in outlying areas dissemination Pore ne i ere retained Kalinga afte te ee tea of Manufacturing Iron conquest and incorporated it into his empire " Pre Gupta Period "THE INDO-GREEKS > The most famous Indo-Greek ruler was Menander (166-145 BC), also known as Milinda | + He was converted into Buddhism by Nagasena (described Pay text, Milinda panho or The Questions of Milinda). + Greeks were the first to issue coins which cag bakdeWaitel, attributed to the kings, and also the first to issue gol in India, THE SHAKASOR ‘+ The Greeks were followed by the Shakas, who da larger part of SCYTHIANS India than the Greek did. Seu ‘+ A king of Ujjain, who called himself Vikyfma defeated Shaka An era called the Vikram Samvat is redkoned from the event of his victory over the Shakas in 57 BC. THEPARTHIANS + The most famous Parthian King wga{Gondophernes (AD 10-46), in whose reign St. Thomas is said come to India for the propagation of Christianity. Sy ‘THE KUSHANS + Kanishka was their most fi ing. (45 AD) . A He patronized the following Boone : ich = Ashwaghosha (wrote ’iuddpacharita’, which is the biography of Buddha). ay = Nagarjuna (wrote ‘Maghyamik Sutra’) = Vasumitra (Chafrffign of fourth Buddhist Council) = Charak (a ln, wrote ‘Charak Samhita’) + Kanishk in history for two reasons: = He stafted anera in AD 78, which is now known as Saka era and is use Govt. of India. = Hggxtended his whole-hearted patronage to Buddhism (Held the fo juddhist Council in Kashmir). ‘ tra founded this dynasty. e basically Brahmins. This period saw the revival of ‘atism. ‘THE KANVA DYNASTY Or founder of this short-lived dynasty was Vasudeva, who killed the last Sunga king, Devabhuti. * They were swept away by Satavahanas of the Deccan. * They were the successors of the Mauryans in the Deccan and the Central ‘THE SATAV: THE AND) & India. * Simuka is regared as the founder of this dynasty. The most | & important king was Gautamiputra Satakarni (AD 106-130) who! raised the power and prestige of Satavahanas to greater heights. 12 THE PANDYAS, are THE CHOLAS . . ve of wealth, navy, THE CHERAS + ‘Thoir enpit © 1 owed its imports NOTE AIL the gathered information on Pandyas,Cholaw and Cheras is based onfSangariterature. Sangam w SStgum ad oranind pea oneal ape Go ag ah“ was a college or assembly of Ta The Early Kingdoms The Pandyas (Emblem-Fish) ¥ The Pandyas were first mentioned by Megasthanese, were said that their kingdom was famous for pearls Vv The Pandyan territory included modern districts of Tirunelvelli, Ramnad and Madur in Tamil Nadu. It had its capital at Myétal situated on the banks of Vaigai river ¥ The Pandyas kingdom profitted from trie wi Roman Empire and sent emissarige,to Réifian emperors, Augustus and Trojan. ¥ The earliest known Pandy, s was Mudukudumi, who ruled fy jurai. He accused Kovalan of theft. A fe, the city of Madurai was laid under, fe by Kannagi F 1» TAB Bical nae Unayur,eplece famous fr cotta trade. One of the main sources of wealth for Chola¥vas trade in cotton cloth. Puhar, identical with Kaverippattinam was the main port of Cholas and served as alternative capital of Cholas. Sangam Age ‘Thoir capital wan Mu Tho Pandya kingw profited from trade with the Ku /Puhar, Hae vA ill HUH dined pre-Gupta period. pre-Gupta pertod 2) The Sxl(Oayjotown Chola king wi reg Benge Sn Phelgreatest king was Karikala (man with tt i pared ceraced CN ane noo tie Raves Rover ‘he Ularnere apedoury the otackot Paves Pocnont ‘The Cheras (Emblem - Bow) Pte Chere country cceupied the portion of th Te detea Ton Rag VY thecapatGhran was Van 7 Tematgport were Muses and Ton 7 Th naman et up tro sopimonts at Mua ra toe et ameansointcherncoty. Tey Te re ageanat eas ¢ Onmerinceerint an bate en Chrarsera Oe a a ha be fed bh oe wns Une tena on ooarned te te ange J The arontest of Chera king bo Foe ete Chere eon Senet favon cued ihe Gane 2 aan nth fonder of nan atin ct a dowel chan Kanase Elara who in nd ruled over The Gupta Dynasty Chandragupta I 320-335 AD Samudragupta 395-375 AD Ramagupta 375-380 AD Chandragupta Vikramaditya 380-413 AD Kumargupta Mahendraditya 415-455 AD ‘Skandagupta 455-467 AD Later Guptas . ¥ Purugupta, Narasimhagupta, Baladitya, Kumaragupta I, Buddhagupta*, Bhanugupta, Harshagupta, Damodargupta, Mahasenagupta ¥ Some 500 years after the collapse of Mauryan Empire, a new dynasty called Guptas arose in Magadha and established its control over the greater part of India (though their empire was not, as large as that of Mauryas). v ‘This period is also referred as the ‘Classical Age’ or‘Golden Age’ of ancient India. Chandragupta I Y He was the first Gupta ruler to assume emg) Maharajadhiraja, He strengthened his kingdom by matgimonjhl alliance with the powerful family of LichchWavis who were the rulers of Mithila, HiBitparriage to Lichchhavi princess Kumaradeys, fought an enormous power, resources andigestlge, he took advantage of the situation and&ccupfed the whole of fertile Gangetic valley. He started the Gupta Eghy 20 AD. Samudra Gupta ¥ Samudragupta wee Gupta dynasty, Y His nam ar in Javanese text TantrikamijgddW€a, and Chinese writer, Wang- ’s that an ambassador was sent to ing Meghvarma of Sri Lanka, who ke his permission to build a Buddhist "ry at Bodh Gaya for the monks travelling v v ips the greatest king of The Age of the Guptas (320-550AD) 7 The most detailed and authentic record of his reign is preserved in the Allahadad pillar inscription, composed by his court poet Harisena, ¥ Samudragupta believed in polic ir and conquent and has been termed ag tfe Napoleon of India by Vincent A. Smith. ¥ ¥ When he died his mighty ¢; rdered with Kushan of Western provij lern Afganistan and Pakistan) and Yaka Deccan (modern southern Maharasfitra). Allahabad pillar i fons mentions the title Dharma Prachay Bantihu for his — that is he was the upholder gf rahmanical religion. triumphs, he performed the After all hi Ashyar diye! fis evident on some of his coins. Ashwamel gave him the coveted title of Mabarajadhiraj, the supreme king of kings. His e¥eatew achievement can be described as the litteal unification of most of the India-or »ins — Archer types, tiger type and Battle type. On some of his gold coins he is represented playing the Veena. Position of Women ~The position of women deteriorated further. ¥ Polygamy was common, ~The first example of sati appears in Gupta time in 510 AD in Eran in Madhya Pradesh. ‘The women of higher orders did not have access to independent source of livelihood, Women lacked property rights. However stridhana was considered her property. Trade and Coinage v v ¥ InGold content, Gupta coins are not as pure as Kushans. " ‘The Guptas also issued good number of silver coins for local exchange. v The Gupta copper coins are very few as compared to Kushanas, which show that use of money did not touch common people. 4 The Post-Gupta Period Harshavardhana (606-647 AD) Chola empire (9-12 Century) Harsha belonged to Pushyabhuti dynasty, which The founder of Chola Dynasty was Vijaya} i who ruled from Thanesvar. Pushyabhutis were the was at first a feudatory of the Pallav feudatories of the Guptas, but had assumed Tanjore in 850 AD. independence after Huna invasions v ‘The greatest Chola rulers were His reign is comparatively well-documented, thanks to his court poet Bana Bhatta, who was: y i le the author of works such as Harshacharita (as DERE ; Tec Rs account of Harsh: ower) 7 : Parvetipaningy nn Power Kadambariand y tye Chola Bmpire fae did into Mandslainsce i 1d thie in yarn were divided into Pallavas (560-903 AD) provinces anc Velanadu and Ni ¥ There is controversy regarding the origin of Pallavas, Possibly the Pallavas were a local tribe who established their authority in the Tondainadu or the land of creepers. ¥ They were orthodox Brahmanical Hindus and their capital was at Kanchi, ¥ Both Chalukyas and Pallavas tried to establish their supremacy over land between Krishna and ‘Tungabhadra. ¥ Pallava king Narasimhvarman (63 occupied Chalukyan cepital at Vatapi in at Ets) AD and assumed the title Vatapikonda. e pilgrim Hiuen Tsang visited his ruler Narsimhavarman I invaded the ‘halukya kingdom, killed Pulakesin II and captured Badami. 15 DYNASTIES AND RULERS IN ANCIENT INDIA HARYANKA DYNASTY Contemporary of Buddha. | ; Bimbisara * His capital was Rajgir (Girivraja). He strengthened his position by (544 BC-492 BC) matrimonial alliance with the ruling families of Kosala, Vaishali, ang Madra (3 wives). AJATSHATRU- '* Son of Bimbisara, killed his father and seized the throne. Annexed¥aishai; (492 BC-460BC) and Kosala. UDAYIN (460 BC-444 BC) © He founded the new capital at Pataliputra, situated at the Ganga and Son. SHISHUNAGADYNASTY — + Founded by a minister Shishunaga. Dynasty lasted for| erations only, + Greatest achievement was the destruction of pow, anti NANDA DYNASTY * Considered by many as the first non-Kshatpé fagty. Founder was (Ist of Non-Kshatriya Mahapadma Nanda. Dynasties) «Alexander attached India in their reign. DiignaNanda was there at that time. NOTE Z # Alexander's Invasion: Alexander invaded India in 326 B Hydaspas (on banks of Jhelum) the king of Punjab, ae 2 ° ‘THE MAURYAN DYNASTY + With the help of Chanakya, hoxverthrew the Nandas. ChandraguptaMaurya —+_ Defeated Seleucus, the general of'Alexander. Seleucus sent Megasthenes Rie fought the famous Battle of (322-297 BC) (the author of ‘Indica’) to hig cOurt. Bindusara + Called Amitraghata by‘Greek writers. (297-273 BO) + He is said to have conduefed ‘the land between the 2 seas’, i.e., the Arabian Sea and Bay pf Bengal. Ashoka + Regarded as.ons (oP e greatest kings of all times. (269-232 BC) + Chinese pilgrim, Hieun Tsang (Prin avel Ig Wied during his reign. 5 He established a large monastery at anda abhatta, who fambi sha ind Nagananda. adorned his court wrote Harshachari ys-Priyadarshika, RAtnav: himself wrote 3 pli Foundder-Pulakesi * Pulakesin-IT was their most famous of Harsha + Founder -Dantidurga. * Their king, Krishna-I is reme: (f85 construct rock-cut Kailasha temple at E) + Their king, Krishna-IIl sf pf lar of victory and a temple at Rameshwaram. + Rashtrakutas are crétlivéd with the build Elephanta. SY : Their king, Narsimhadéva¥tonstructed the Sun Temple at Konark, * Their king’Anantw Ganga built the famous jagannath temple at Puri. i gid wan 0 countemprary ng the famous of cave shrine of * Kesaris, who used, taPule Orissa before Gangas built the Lingar temple at, jeshwar. «© Founder, at nu. They set up their capital at Kanchi (south sof Chen: } © Narsimhi in was their greatest king. He founded the town of = puram (Mahabalipuram) which he ad ned with beautiful rock. jaths or Seven Pagoras. Hieun Tsang visited Kanchi during yalaya. Capital was Tanjore. eatest Chola rulers were Rajar: ja-1 (985-1014) and hi: Hendra (1014-1044), vere aed T constructed Rajrajeshwari temple (also called been borrowed from it). + Its founder was Gopala (750 AD). * Their King, Dharampala founded Vikramsila University & revived Nalanda University. imultaneously as MAIPUTST P’eeeure to maintain their armies as well aa the rise of feudatories. * They were divided into 4 clans- : Pratihara or Pariharas of S. Rajasthan, * Chauhans of E. Rajasthan. Chalukyas or Solankis of Kathiarwar. * Parmaras or Pawars of Malwa. 18 The Delhi Qutb-ud-din Aibak v Qutb-ud-din Aibak was the founder of first independent Turkish kingdom in northern India. For his generosity, he was given the title of Lakh Baksh (giver of Lakhs). He constructed two mosques Quwat-ul-Islam at Delhi and Adhai din ka Jhopra at Ajmer. He also began the construction of Qutub Minar, in the honour of famous Sufi saint Khawaja Qutub-ud- din Bakhtiyar Kaki, Aibak was a great patron of learning and patronized writers like Hasan-un-Nizami, author of Taj-ul-Massir and Fakhr-ud-Din, author of Tarikh-i Mubarak Shahi. Iltutmish . ¥ v Titutmish was the real founder of Delhi Sultanate. He made Delhi the capital, in place of Lahore. He saved Delhi Sultanate from the wrath of Chengiz Khan-the Mongol leader by refusing shelter to Khwarizm Shah, whom Chengiz. was chasing. He completed the construction of Qutub He issued the silver tanka and copper itl for the first time. He organized the Igta systemaefid introduced reforms in civil adminigjgation and army, which was now centrally pait -uited. He set up an official nobility of, nown as Chahalgani (group of forty). Ra: Sultan v ‘Though Itutmish had Razia Sultana as the Rukn-ud-din Firoz, got rid of Rukn-u Razia was pop} not acceptal ted his daughter , the nobles placed h@throne. However Razia ir®¥ind ascended the throne. abong the people but she was nobles and theologians. She nobles by her liking for an je-Yakut. sr accession, the governors of Multan, ‘Hansi and Lahore openly revolted against yre was a serious rebellion in Bhatinda. Altunia, governor of Bhatinda refused to accept suzerainity of Razia. Razia accompanied by Yakut marched against Altunia. However, Altunia got Yakut murdered and imprisoned Razia. Subsequently, Razia married Altunia and both of them marched towards Delhi. In 1240 AD, Razia became the victim of a conspiracy and was inated near Kaithal. (1206-1526 AD) Sultanate Ghiyas-ud-din Balban ¥ Balban ascended the throne in 1265 AD, Y He broke the power of chahalgani an .d the prestige of the crown. That wasthis Breatest constribution towards the stabili sultanate. VY Tokeep himself well-informe appointed spies. VY Hecreated a strong gig frmy to deal with internal disturba: eck Mongols who were posing a serids danger to Delhi Sultanate. Y- Heestablished the milifary department — Diwan- ‘Are. a. The Persian, coust model influenced Balban' v conception(of kingship. He took up the title of Zil- i-llahf (@hadew of God). VY He jmtrdduced Sijda (prostration before the 6b} and Paibos (kissing the feet of monarch) As thifiormal forms of salutation. ‘Hedestroyed Mewati Rajput brigandage in the ab, here forests were cut and forts built. & ed Porus in the Battle of Hydaspog y 7 261: Ashoka capturéd Ki fter a body battle near Bhubaneawar. AD. 712: Invasion of Sind under the command of mohammed -bin Qasim 1191 : First Battelof Tarain in which Prithviraj Cbauhan defeated Muhammad Ghori. 1192 : Seetmd Battle of Tarain in which Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Muhammad Ghori. 1526 First Battle of Panipat. Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur 1539"; -Battle of Chausa. Humayun was defeated by Sher Shah Suri. 1540 : Battle of Kanauj or Bilgram. Humayun was defeated by Sher Shah Suri , who now became the ruler of Delhi. 156 : Second Battle of Panipat. Hemu was defeated by Akbar. 1876 : Battle of Haldighati. Rana Pratap was defeated by Akbar. IMPORTANT FOREGIGN TRAVELLERS/ ENVOYS Megasthenes (302-298 B.C.) Y An ambassador of Seleucus Nicator, who visited the court of Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote an interesting book Indica in which he gave a vivid account of Chandragupta Maurya's reign. FaHsien (405-411 A.D.) He came to India during the reign of Chandragupta IInd. The object of his visit was to see the holy places of Buddhism and to collect Buddhist books and relics. He was the first Chinese pilgrim to visit India. Hiuen-Tsang (also spelt yuan chwang) (630- 645A.D.) He visited India during the reign of Harsha. Marco Polo (1292-1294 A.D.) ‘A Venetian traveller he visited South India in 1294 ‘A.D. His work The Book of Sir Marco Polo givers an invaluable account of the economic history of India. 25 of i * Mahmud came to the throne of Ghazni in 997 AD. Manmadet Geez + He started his raid in India in 1001 by attacking and killing Jaipala, 4, king of Punjab in the Ist Battle of Waihind. * In the 2nd Battle of Wahind (1008) he defeated Anandpala (Hindushak ruler of Punjab). - + Heled 17 expeditions between 1001 and 1027. He plundered Thigh way, Mathura, Kannauj and Somnath, + The plunder of Somnath temple (dedicated to Shiva) in fe ato the sea coast of Kathiarwar, was famous, * His objective was to plunder the riches of temple A Nnen and he was not interested in expanding his empire og Mohammad Ghori * He was also a ruler of a small kingdom fn Afghiifistan. But he was interested in conquering northern India anid addjbg it to his kingdom. * Prithviraj Chauhan, who was the king.of Delhi at that time, received Siutingents from other Rajput kings, defeated him in the Ist Battle of Tarain (1191), me) * But Mohammad Ghori defeated Pyithivirdjafi the 2nd Battle of Tarain in 1192, i, + Died in 1206, leaving QutghAid-Diti Aibak the charge. THEILBARIDYNASTY — + Lahore and later Delhi werehis capitals. OR SLAVE DYNASTY * Famous for his generosity and earned the sobriquet of lakh-baksh (giver Qutab-Ud-Din Aibak of Lakhs). Oy (1206-1210) * Laid the foundationigf@utab Minar after the name of Famous Sufi saint, Khwaja Québnddin Bakhtiyar Kaki, + Died of forse fall at Lahore, while playing Chaugan (polo). + Builtthe firstmosque in India-Quwat-ul-Islam (Delhi) and Adhai din Ka Thonbafa (at Ajmer). Mtutmish * He formed Turkan-i-Chahalgani or Chalisa a group of 40 powerful Turkish (1210-1236) ees to suppress nobles) Bases his empire into IQTAS, an assignment of land in lieu of salary, oO“: he distributed to his officers. Raziya * She disregarded purdah, (1236-1240) on elephat.* back. f & * She promoted Jalaluddin Yakut, an Aby: to the important office of superintendent of the stables. It provoked the Turkish offi + She had to marry Altunia, the Governor of Bhatinda. * She was killed, along with her husband, by: Bahram Shah, ason of Ntutmish. (1266-1286) their head to greet the Sultan. 26 { ‘THE KHALJI DUNASTY Jalaluddin Firuz Khalji + He was the first ruler to put forward the view that since a large majority (1290-1296) of people in India are Hindus, the statein India could not bea total Islam state Alauddin Khalji ‘+ Added an entrance door to Qutab Minar, Alai Darwaza and built his capital (1296-1316) at Siri, * Also built Hauz Khas, Mahal Hazaar Satoon and Jamait KhangMosque. * First Sultan to have permanent army-paid soldiers in egdh. ed horse, detailed description of each soldier (Chehra) and’ (Dagh) was kept first time), His Land Revenue System is very fous. + First Turkish Sultan of Delhi who separated religitin fp politics. He Proclaimed."Kingship knows no kinship’. * ‘Though Aluddin was illiterate, he was a p Aeapine and art. There were many great poets in his court. Both au and Mir Hasan Dehlvi enjoyed his patronage. THE TUGHLAQ DYNASTY * Took keen interest in the constructionigfeanals and formulated a famine Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq policy. fa) (1320-1325) ‘+ Built the fortified city of Tughlabatiand made it his capital. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq + Regarded as the most controversial figure in India history, because of his (1325-1351) five ambitious projects: = Increase in the land revenue in the Doab: The measure proved to. beill-timed, as Deab Was passing through famine which was followed by plague, (Sy = Transf tal to Deogir (Daulatabad) in 1827: But Daclabed found to be unsuitable because it was not possible to contra. Indja from there. So he decided to retransfer the capital to Delhi alang#ith the people. Many died while going to and returning frge Daulatabad. # Igifeguction of token currency: Token currency meant introd- \ctign of bronze tankas in place of silver tankas with equal value. But is experiment failed, due to counterfeit coins. So he withdraw the Apso and all token coins were exchanged for silver coins, Planning of expedition for the conquest of Khurasan and Iraq: 9S But the scheme was abandoned as conditions in Iraq improved (paid f the extra army for one full year). ky = The plan for the conquest of Qarachil (Kumaon hills): It also ay a disastrous end. 7 oO” * During his last days, the whole of S. India became independent and three major independent states- The empire of Vijaynagar, The Bahmani “y kingdom and Sultanate of Madura were founded. > ‘+ The famous traveller, Ibn Batuta came to Delhi during 1334, Firod! ghlaq + Built new towns-Hissar, Firozpur, Fatchabad, Firoz Shah Kotla & Jaunpur. 1351-13: + RepairedeQutab Minar when it was struck by lightening. * Built his capital Firozabad & to beautify it, brought 2 Ashoka Pillars, one from Topara in Ambala & the other from Meerut. ‘* Wrote a book ‘ Fatuhat Firozshahi’ * Timur was great Mongol leader of Central Asia who reached Delhi in Dec. 1398. * AT that time, Nasiruddin Mehmud (a later Tughluq king) was the ruler. * Timur ordered general massacre in Delhi and robbed people mercilessly. 27 THE SAYYID DYNASTY THE LODHI DYNASTY Bahlul Lodhi (1451-1489) Sikandar Lodhi (1489-1517) Ibrahim Lodhi (1817-1526) THE MUGHAL EMPIRE Babur (1526-1530) Humayun, (1830-1556) ay é hier K is short-lived dynasty and claimed to have d + Khier i prophet of Islam. Ios Khana 3 sucrensors Mubarak Shab (1421-99), Muhammad shay * (igi-t3)& Alauddin Alam Shah (1448.-51) were incapable leaders Th ‘Afghans by race (considered the first Afghan dynasty of India) xy were Afghans ‘+ Revived Sultanate to quite an extent. + Noblest of the three Lodhi rulers. 7 & / + Introduced the Gaz-Sikandari (Sikandar’s yard) of 32 di a cultivated fields, a + In 1604, he founded the city of Agra and made it hisg@Biggh ‘+ Was defeated and killed by Babur in the 1st Batt] pat in 1526, * Defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the First battle © ‘in 1526 and introduced ab, gunpowder in India, f + Dfeated Sangram Singh (Rana Sangaf ar in the Battle of Khanua in 1527. « An ‘ ; + Defeated another Rajput ruler sMfedini Rai (or Chanderi) in the Battle of Chanderi in 1528. . + Defeated the Afghan chiefs uhder Mahmud Lodi (brother of Ibrahim Lodi) in the Battle of Ghagra jn 1529. * Died in 1530. Buried at Aram Bagh in Agra; later his body was taken to Aram Bagh, Kabul * His memoir, th¢ Tguk-i-Baburi in ‘Tuki language is a classic of world literature/"~ “7 * Hedid a blunder By dividing his empire among his three brothers-Kamran, Hindal and A&Kari, + Built Dinpanah at Delhi as his second capital. + Shér Shah Suri gradually gained power during his time. : ‘ Was attacked by Sher Shah at Chausa (Battle of Chaasa) in 1539, but the Battle of Kannayj (oir Bilgrama) in 1540, he was defeated by oS Sher Shah and had to flee. me y * Passed nearly 15 years (1540-1555) in exile, © ad the chance to return in 1855, Bairam Khan, his most faithful officer, helped him in this. * pice in 1556. Due to a fall from his library building stairs (Sher Mandal, Delhi) seven months after he captured Delhi, * Gulbadan Begum, his half-sister, wrote Humayun-nama, + He was coronated when he was just 14 years old, * Bairam Khan represented him in the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556 / against Hemu Vikramaditya. Hemu was defeated, {Between 1556-1560, Akbar ruled under Bairam Khan's regency. * Married Raja BharmaY's daughter, Johdha Bi in 1562 which paved the Wav for friendship between Rajputs and Mughal (except Mewar), * Won Gujarat in 1527. It was in order to commemorate his victory of Guiarat that Akbar got the Buland Darwaza constructed at, Fatehpur Sikri. * Fought Battle of Haldighati with Maharane Pratap in which Maharana was defeated. 28 Built Ibadatkhana (Hall of prayers) at Fatehpur Sikri Formulated an order called Din-i-Ilahi or Tauhind-illahi in 1582. Birbal, Abul Fazal and Faizi joined the order. + His Land Revenue System was known as Todar mal Bandobast or Zabti System. * Also introduced the Mansabdary System to organize the nobility as well as the army. Jahangir * He executed, the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjun Dev, who had helped the (1605- 1627) revolting prince Khusrau. 2 oe His greatest failure was the loss of Kandahar to Persia,in G22. The most important event in Jahangir’s life was his matriagé to Meh: un-Nisa, the widow of Sher Afghani in 1611, The ttlgag NW Jahan w conferred on her. Had a chain of justice outside his palace in Agra i janzir-i-Adil). t Captain Hawkins (1608-11) and Sir Thomas Rpé(1616¢1919) visited his court, ‘Tobacco growing started during his reign. It fras broyght by the Portuguese. Painting reached ite zenith during his Feit, His reign is considered the ‘Golden Age’of the Mughal Empire. 2 Frenchmen, Bernier and Tavernier, aiid an Italian adventurer Manucci, visited during his reign. “ ; Built Tajmahal, Moti masjid at Agral jama Masjid and Red Fort at Delhi, ete. ‘There was a brutal war of Suécession among his four sons (Dara, Shuja, Aurangzeb and Murad) during the last days of his reign. Shahjahan liked Dara, but Aurangzeb came out victorious. Thus, he had to spend last 8 years of his life in prison. Aurangzeb Alamgir * Inhis rule, various rebellions took place-jat peasantry at Mathura, (1658-1708) Satnami peasantry in Pujab and Bundelas in Bundelkhand. + He caused serious rift jn the Mughal-Rajput alliance by his policy of annexation of Marwar in 1639 after the death of Raja Jaswant Singh. + In 1675, hé orderedthe arrest and execution of ninth Sikh guru, Guru ‘Tegu Bahadur. + The Mughal con{uests reached the territorial climax during his reign, as Bijapar( 1686) and Golcunda (1687) were annexed to the Mughal empire. ‘The Mughal empire stretched from Kashmir in the north to Jinji in the soufftifrom the Hindukush in the west to Chittagong in the e: + He was called a ‘Darvesh’ or a ‘Zinda Pir’. He also forbade Sati. +4, The empire lost power after Aurangzeb’s rule. His successors were weak api incapable rulers. NOTE «" # Ambitious nobles becamedirect contenders of power after Aurangzeb. The Sayyid brothers (also known as King migkers) put three princes on the throne. # One of the generals of Nadir Shah (a Persian king). Ahmed Shah Abdali, invaded India repeatedly between: 1748-1767. He defeated the Marathas in the Third Battle of Panipat in 1761. In this battle, Marathas were led by Sadashiv Rao Bhau, while the Peshwa at that time was Balaji'Bajirao. © Alater Mughol emperor, Shah Alam-II joined hands with Mir Qasim of Bengal and Shuja-ud- Dayle, df A} h in the Battle of Buxar against the British in 1764. They were defeated. Shabjahan (1628-1658) THE SURI DYNASTY + This short-lived dynasty, founded by Sher Shah Suri, ruled in Delhi (North ty India) from 1540-1556. Sher Shaki Suri + Real name was Farid. Given the title Sher Khan by Babar Khan Lohani (1540-1545) (Governor of Bihar) who appointed him Vakil (deputy). Became the master of Delhi after the exit of Humayun. Died in 1545 while campaigning against Kalinjar Fort. Introduced the silver ‘Rupaya’ and the copper ‘Dam’ and abolished all old and mixed metal currency. Built his tomb at Sasaram. Built a new city on the bank of Yamuna river (present day Purana Qila). + Malik Mohammad Jaisi composed Padmavat (in Hindi) during his reign. 29 PORTUGESE « Y The Portuguese voyager Vasco da Gama reached Calicut on May 17, 1498. At that time Calicut was ruled by a king named Zamorin. Vasco da Gama’s voyage was successful in establishing a sea route from Europe to India that would permit trade with e the Far East, without the use of the costly and unsafe Silk Road caravan routes, of the Middle East Aurangzeb gave the Company the farman ayy to trade in Bengal. In 1690, a factory was sey eo v Sutanuti village. In Sutanati and nary of Kalikata and Gobindpur, grew, Rae Calcutta (now Kolkata). In 1696, pan fortified the Calcutta factory sh ‘niet In 1717, John Surman obt: MAN from Farrukhsiyar which gave laf@agoRcessions to the and Central Asia. In 1502, he established a factory Company. This farmap is “Magna Canty: at Cochin. of the Company. ¥ The first Governor of Portuguese in India was DANISH Francisco Almeida ¥ The Danish East Ipdia Company was formed in 161g, He was followed by Alfonso a’ Albuquerque in 1503. ¥ ‘They establil ments at Serampur Benga, He gave them new heights. He captured Goa in and 'Tranqusgt il Nadu) 1510 from the Bijapur ruler. He also abolished Sati. Nino-da-Cunha transferred the Portuguese capital in India from Cochin to Goa in 1530 and. acquired Diu (in1535) and Daman (in1559) Y Portuguese lost Hugly in 1631 during the reign of “ Shahjahan, In 1661, the Portuguese king gave Bombay to Charles II of England as dowry, for marrying sister Gradually, their Indian territories we away from them by various sources. Th played an important role to oust ot ¥ take DUTCH ¥ Dutch East India Company w: Y They set-up their first factor 1605. Their other fact: Chinsura, Patna, Bal Cochin, Surat, Karl ENGLISH Y The English E; Company was formed in v 1599, and w; aie ‘the royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth to trade in the east. v ~ Captain Willitin Hawkins stayed in Jahangir's y 1611. But he failed to get the king's fssion to erect a factory at Surat. Captain Middlgton succeeded in this effort in 1611 “An imperial farman allowed the Company to set up a permanent factory at Surat in 1613. Sir Thomas Roe played an important role in this. ~The Company got the lease of Madras in 1639 and built Fort St. George in Madras, which acted as its headquarter on the Coromandal coast. Bombay was made the Company's main settlement on the west coast in 1668. v in 1602. sulipatnam in jere at Pulicat, , Nagapattanam, imba: v 30 settlements to the English nch East India Company was set in 1664, e Ge instance of a minister, Colbert, in the reign nuis XIV. ‘he French Company was created, financed and controlled by the State and it differed from the English Company which was a private commercial venture. ‘They established their first factory at Surat in 1668 and at Masulipatnam in 1669. The foundation of Pondicherry was laid in 1673 which, afterwards, became its capital. They also developed a factory in Chandernagar. THE BRITISH CONQUEST OF BENGAL The Mughal governor of Bengal, Murshid Quli Khan, made Bengal virtually independent of the Mughal Empire during his reign (1717-1727). His son Shuja-ud-daulah succeeded him and ruled for 12 years. After his death, Alivardi Khan ruled till 1756, ‘These three rulers gave Bengal a long reign of peace and orderly administration. They suppressed the East India Company, but never crushed it. On the other hand, the Company constantly increased its power taking advantage of the corrupt officers. The result was the defeat of Siraj-ud-daulah (grandson and successor of Alivardi Khan) in the Battle of Plassey in 1757. In this battle major part of the Nawab’ s army (led by Mir Jafar and Rai Durlabh) did not take part in the battle. The Nawab was defeated and killed. ‘The Battle of Plassey had great political significance rit laid the foundation of the British Empire in India. It is regarded as the starting point of British Rule in India ¥Agreat transformation came about in the position orthe English Company in Bengal. Before Plassey, the Bnglish Company was just one of the European ‘companies trading in Bengal and suffering various Extractions atthe hands of Nawab'sofficials. After Plassey the English Company virtually monopolized the trade and commerce of Bengal. ‘The alleged Black Hole Tragedy happened during the reign of Siraj-ud-daulah in 1757 Mir Jafar was made the next Nawab of Bengal. ‘The Company was granted undisputed right to free trade in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. It received the Zamindari of 24 Parganas. Next came Mir Qasim. He revolted against the British as he was angry that the British were misusing the dastaks (free duty passes). Y ‘The Battle of Buxar was fought in 1764 between the British forces (led by Major Munro) onone side, fand the triple alliance of Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula of Awadh and Mughal emperor Shah Alam, on the other side. But the triple-alliance was defeated. The importance of this battle lay in the fact that n only the Nawab of Bengal but the Emperor was also defeated V Ifthe Battle of plassey had made the ayn powerful factor in the polities of Benggl the viel ofBuxar made them a treat Power eth oi nd contenders for the supremagPaf tke whole country, The English now faced th Afghans and the Marathas as serious riv I struggle for the Empire of Hindustai The Treaty of Allahabad which the English ep collect revenue) of master of the whalol and Orissa). 7 ed (August 1765) in Diwani. (or right to ‘and thus became the ngal (i.e. Bengal, Bihar ‘Government of Bengal system foll ferein the Company acquired the real poger?while the responsibility of admi ‘sted on the Nawab of Bengal. jughg! emperor was virtually Company's pribger at Allahabad. GOVERNOR GENERALS WARREN HASTINGS (1772-1785) ~ Brought the Dual Govt. of Bengal to anend by the Regulating Act, 1773. ~The First Anglo-Maratha War (1776-82), which ended with the Treaty of Salbai (1782), and the ‘Second Anglo-Mysore War (1780-84), which ended v with the Treaty of Mangalore (1784), were for during Hasting’ period, » “ent ‘As a great patron of oriental learning, he founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal with William Jones in 1784. Introduction to the firet English translation of The Gita written by Charles Wilkins. LORD CORNWALLIS (1786-179: ¥ Did the Permanent Settlement of called Zamindary System). ‘The civil service was brought in ‘SIR JOHN SHORE (1793-198, LORD WELLESLEY (1799-1895) Y Adopted the policy of Subsidiaty Alliance-a system tokeep the Indian qilers upder control and tomake the British the parmoynt power. He defeated 1 in the Fourth GEORG! (also nee. {ysore force under Tipu Sultan {ysore War in 1799. FW (1805-1807) LORby 1 (1807-1813) ¥ Conelydedthe treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Rati Singh (1809). Pharr Actof 1813 was passed. : ORD HASTINGS (1813-1823) Ate Anglo-Nepal War (1814-16) was fought during his reign which ended with thé Treaty of Sagauli (1816) LORD WILLIAM BENTICK (1828-1835) Y Carried out the social reforms like Prohibition of Sati (1829) and elimination of thugs (1830). Made English the medium of higher education in the country (After the recommendations of Macaulay). ‘Suppressed female infanticide and child sacrifice. ¥ Charter Act of 1833 was passed; made him the firet Governor General of India, Before him, the designation was Governor General of Bengal. SIR CHARLES METCALFE (1835-1836) Abolished all restrictions on vernacular press (called Liberator of the Press). LORD AUCKLAND (1836-1842) The most important event of his reign was the First ‘Afghan War, which proved to be adisaster for the English. LORD ELLENBOROUGH (1842-1844) LORD HARDINGE I (1844-1848) LORD DALHOUSIE (1848-1856) Opened the first Indian Railway is 1853 (from Bombay to Thane). v 31 THE CAUSES OF 18: Laid out the telegraph lines in 1853(First was from Calcutta to Agra). Introduced the Doctrine of Lapse and captured Satara (1848), Jaipur and Sambhalpur (1849), Udaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853) and Nagpur (1854) through it. Established the postal system on the modern lines through the length and breadth of the country, which made communication easier. Started the Public Works Department. Many bridges were constructed and the work 6 Grand ‘Trunk Road was started. The harbours of Karachi, Bombay and Calcutta were also developed. Made Shimla the summer capital. Started Engineering college at Roorkee. Encouraged science, forestry, commerce, mineralogy and industry. In 1854, ‘Wood's Dispatch’ was passed, srhigh Provided for the properly articulated education from the primary school to the Due to Ishwar Chandra Vidyasay remarriage of widows was leg: Remarriage Act, 1856 Ks, efforts, y Widow ‘OLT The Beginning Y The earliest inci Native Infant ¥ 2p mee v ig the revolt in the 19% hampur. First spark of revolt at Bengal where Mangal Pandey eich: A itish adjutant and was later hanged for ‘on senior officers, 10® May 1857- inety bepoys of 3" Native Regiment at Meerut revolted on the isoue of the ‘sreased cartridges. After their trial and execution, entire garrison in Meerut revolted and raised the ery of‘ Delhi Chalo’. 32 mY odHeavy _ J discriminatory tariff policy against Indian products €= 3 Causes of the Revolt Political ¥ Nana Sahib was refused pension, as he was th, adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao Il. Lucknow was annexed in 1856, on charges 9 maladministration and Jhansi was any owing to Doctrine of Lapse. aa AX Military Discrimination 9 ¥ Indian soldiers were paid low/s aries; they cou, not rise above the rank os vand were racially insulted, The soldygrs werbunfso distressed by thy fact that their che wadh atate had been annexed by the British. Religious Di ination Brit (widow remarriage, abolition of Satighdil for girls, Christian missionaries) v Heeb toe Enfield rifles used greased (by pork or besf) cartridges. Eeonomic Grievances } taxation, summary evictions, & destruction of traditional handicrafts that hit peasants, artisans and small zamindars. Centres of Revolt and Their Leaders| Dethi Bahadur Shah II, General Bakht: Kanpur Nana Sahib, Tantiya Tope, Azimullah Khan Lucknow ‘Begum Hazrat Mahal (Awadh), Maulvi Ahmadullahof Faizabad Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai Bareilly © Khan Bahadur Khan Arrah (Bihar)Kunwar Singh of Jagdishpur OUTBREAK ¥ OnMarch 29, 1857, a soldier named Mangal Pandey attacked and fired at his senior at Barrackpurin Bengal (in 19% and 84% Native infantry). ¥ On May 10, there was a mutiny of sepoys at Meerut (3 native cavalry), Mutiny spread throughout UP along with some other parts of the country, ‘March to Delhi became the battle cry of the rebels, At Delhi, the Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah II ‘was proclaimed the Emperor of India Where the rulers were loyal to the British, the soldiers revolted as in Gwalior and Indore. In some places, the people revolted before the sepoys did, In the beginning, the rebels were successful. Europeans were killed, law courts and police stations were attacked and revenue records were destroyed. But reverses soon began to occur. Important persons Bakht Khan (captured Delhi, was from the Barreily unit of the army). Nana Sahib alias Dhondhu Pant (from Kanpur, along with Tantia Tope and Azimullah) Begum Hazrat Mahal of Awadh (declared her son as the Nawab of Awadh). Rani Lakshmibai, the widowed que were defeated by Sir Hugh Rose. fon june 17, 1858, while Tantia --- wr and executed). Kunwar Singh and Ameo fh Bihar). ‘st Awadh and then ¥ Kadam ree Meerut. Su 8 Delhi By John Nicholson and Hudson. f a Kanpur By Campbell, Havelock. Lucknow : By Havelock, Outram, James Neill and Campbell. dhansi_ Hugh Rose Banaras: James Neill. aS nen Lata sane suf and they defeated the Scindia er both | ¥ The revolt wi omplotely appressed by the end of 1858, FATE OF THE LEADERS ¥ Bahadur Shab II : Deported to Rangoon, where he died in 1862. His sons were shot Nana Sahib and Begum rat Mahal: pe , field Escaped to Nepal, ¥ Rani Laxmi Bai: Y Tantia Tope: a fa and executed in 1859. CAUSES OF none Y Scindia off Holkar of Indore, the Nizam of Hy. ‘the Raja of Jodhpur, the Nawab of febitic rulers of Patiala, Sindh and Kashmir 1d fhe Rana of Nepal provided active support to Re Bevoh ‘The military equipment of the rebels was inferior. Y Comparative lack of efficient leadership. ‘The modern intelligent Indians also didn't support the cause. IMPACT OF THE REVOLT Y The revolt was mainly feudal in character carrying with it some nationalist elements, ‘The control of Indian administration was passed on the British crown by the Govt. of India Act, 1858. The army was carefully reorganized to prevent the recurrence of such an event. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL UPRISINGS BRAHMO SAMAJ Y Founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in 1828. Y He earlier started Atmiya Sabha in 1814. 33 ARYA SAMAJ anded by Swami Dayanand (oF, ‘Moolshankar) vy Fou in 1875, rey ju motto was ‘Go back to the Vedas india for “ oa indian He disregarded Puranas, idol worship, casteism and untouchability. He advocated widow remarriage. RAMAKRISHNA MISSION x f d (earlier, Narendranath Vv Founded by Vivekanand (e Ee Dutta) (1863-1902) in 1897, of his guru Ram Krishna Paramhans / Vivekanand attended the Parliament of Region at Chicago in 1893. YOUNG BENGAL MOVEMENT he late 1820 and early 1830, there emerged ectual trend among the youth in me to be known as the ‘Young ¥ During# a radical intel Bengal, which can Bengal Movement’ VY Founded by Henry Louis Vivian Derozio (1809-31). He wasa teacher in Hindu College in Calcutta DHARMA SABHA Initiated by Radhakant Deb in 1830 LOKAHITAWADI ¥ Started by western education and a rational outls0k. advocated female education for the waligarens 9 women, VY Ashe advocated national self-relianctpRe attended Delhi durbar in 1876, wearing h; khadi cloth. * oe INDIAN (NATIONAL ) SOCIAL CONFERENCE ¥ Founded by M.G. Ra: held its first session SERVANTS OF J SOCIETY ~ Formed by G na Gokhale in 1915. SEVA sang ¥ Hridayy inzru, a member of the Servants of , organized the Smiti at Allahabad 14, Wimprove the status of the suffering clasMyy reform criminals and to rescue those suffertng in society. RADHASWAMI MOVEMENT ¥ Founded in 1861 by a banker of Agra, Tulsi Ram, popularly known as Shiv Dayal Saheb or Swami Maharaj. DEVA SAMAJ ~ Founded by Shiv Narain Agnihotri in 1887. It Raghunath Rao. It moral and social conduct like, for reached high 1 prea vselfaway from gambling and instance, keeping intoxicants. ‘THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Westerners who drew inspiration from pt and culture laid the foundation of the Madam H P Blavatsky lard the foun Madam atin US in 1875. Later, Col: MI O}eott of the US Army joined her \ Founded by Indian thoug was electedats President in 1907, Te Coparal Hinds College in 1898, vas Hind University in 1916, dHindu beliefs like re. “4 draws inspiration from ‘oga and Vedanta schools. ¥ Annie Besant She founded t which became Bangr! Vv The society acce incarnation, Karma ai Upanishads, Sanighy THE ALIGARH TOVEMENT V Starféd bi'Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan. He encouraged MushmSto aécept the virtues of western education Andiirgedthem to apply the principle of enquiry Wo religion THE AHMEDIA MOVEMENT (Started by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed in 1889. Gopal Hars Deshmukh. Advocatg@HE DEOBAND MOVEMENT ‘ia In 1866, the Deoband School of Islamic Theology swas set up at Deoband by Rashid Ahmed Gangobi and Muhammad Qasim Nanautavi to promote studies in classical Islam and moral and religious regeneration of the Muslims. The school did not support western education and culture. SATYA SHODHAK SAMAJ v Founded by Jyotiba Phule in 1873 to fight brahamanic domination and to liberate low castes by educating them and teaching them their rights. He advocated against the cause of untouchables. THE JUSTICE PARTY MOVEMENT Dr. TM. Nair, Sir Pitti Theagaraja Chettiar and the Raja of Panagal formed the South Indian Liberal Federation (SILF) in 1916 to protest against the domination of Brahmins in government service, education and in the political field. RADICAL MOVEMENT ” The radical movement was launched by Pe: riyar or E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker in Tamil Nadu in 1926, to awaken non-brahmins for overthrowing brahmanic superiority. SELF-RESPECT MOVEMENT Re Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar's movement worked the upliftment of the untouchables by fighting 34 Ste tga rand cand duties imposed on them. raditional caste tnt dt pee cna Bahi: wit Hitkarini Sabha) in Sry ind the Samaj Samata Sangha in oe tee ‘The Scheduled Caste Federation, : ormed by him in 1942. . z a political party, VICEROYS OF INDIA (1858- AUG. 14, 1947 LORD CANNING (1856-1862) “um v The last Governor General and the first Vicero Mutiny took place in his time. i On Nov. 1858, the rule passed on to the ci Withdrew Doctrine of Lapse. a The Universities of Calcutta, Bom were established in 1857. bay and Madras Indian councils Act was passed in 1861 LORD MAYO (1869-1872) “ v v LORD NORTHBROOK (1872-187 LORD LYTTON (1876-1880) v v v v LORD RIPON (14 v v v v Started the process of financial decent Stary tralizationin Established the Rajkot college at Kathiarwar and Mayo college at Ajmer for the Indian princes. For the first time in Indian history, a censya™ held in 1871 arg a Known as the Viceroy of reverse cl riers. Organized the Grand Delhi D: 1876 to decorate Queen Victoria with tt of ‘Kaiser-i- Hind’. Arms Act (1878) made it sry for Indians to acquire license for at Passed the infamot ular Press Act (1878). (884) Liberal persapf Jmpathized with Indians. Vernaculaytlges@Act was repealed in 1882, nt Act (1882). recomendations). ‘The First Factory Act, 1881, aimed at Pr child labour was passed. Passed the Ibert Bill (1883) which engbled Indi district magistrates to try Buropea” this was withdrawn later. obibiting LORD CURZON (1899-1 905) (4904) in which 35 1s Act sy official control over the Universities was increased. Y Partit (Octo! tioned Bengal ned Bengal (October 16,1908) into two 1. Bengal (proper) 2, Bast Bengal & Assam. Poa MINTO (1905-1910) There vrasereat palitical unrest in tng@2 acts were passed to curb the a activities, Brtremistaike Lala ond Ait Singh (in May, 1907) and thar Tilak Ba Gin July, 1808) were sont tt ty Saas ) it ~ dalay jail in The fadian Coun att 194 the Maley Minto forms was passe LORD HARDINGB'@910-1916) Held a durbardp Dec, 1911 to celebrate the coronation of King Gorge V. Partition of Bingalwas cancelled (1911); capital shifted frowCaleutta to Delhi (1911). ‘Asbomb was thrown at him, butThe escaped unhurt, ‘Dee, 282812) LORD, CHELMSFORD (1916-1921) ‘Cpaslgust Declaration of 1917, whereby control over (Fhe Indian government ‘would be gradually ') “transferred to the Indian people. ‘The government of India Act in 1919 (Montague- Chelmsford reforms) was passed Rowlatt Act of 1919; Jallianwala Bagh Massacre April 13, 1919) Non-Cooperation Movement. ‘An Indian Sir S.P. Sinha was appointed the Governor of Bengal. ‘A Women's university was founded at Poona in. 1916. ‘Saddler Commission was appointed in 1917 to ‘envisage new educational policy. LORD READING (1921-1926) ¥ Rowlatt Act was: repealed along with the | of 1910. ‘Suppressed non-cooperation movement. Prince of Wales visited India in Nov, 1921. ‘Moplah rebellion (1921) took place in. Kerala. ‘Ahmedabad session of 1921 Formation of Swaraj Party. Vishwabharati University started ¥ v v v Press Act functioning in KKK founded in 1921 by MIN Roy. yunist party Was: Comm: 1925. Kakory Train Robbery on AUE 9: aN Multan, Amrita ¥ com peta ste - a urdered in Ioader of the majists, was communal ore LORD IRWIN (1926-1931) simon Commission visited India im 1928. vd the Indian Resolution in 1929 Congress pas ji March (Mar 12, 1930). Movement (1930). held in England in ¥ Dand Civil Disobedience V First Round Table Conference 130. Gandhi — Irwin Pact (M Civil Disobedience Movement Y Martyrdom of Jatin Das after 64 days «g29) LORD WILLINGDON (1931-1936) London in 1931. ‘Table Conference in sandhyi was again arrested and Civil Movement was resumed in Jan, 1932. Y Communal Awards (Aug 16, 1932) assigned seats fouifferent religious communities. Gandhiji went on aepic fast in protest against this division. Y. Third Round Table Conference in 1932 ar 5, 1931) was signed and as withdrawn. hunger strike Y¥ Second Roun ¥ Onhisreturn isobedience ¥ Poona Pact was signed. f~* Y Government of India Act (1935) was pasded. % LORD LINLITHGOW (1936-1 44) ¥ Govt. of India Act enforced in ths Congress ministries formed in 8 0 They remained in power for al The Muslim League ‘Deliverance Day’ ¥ Churchill became He declared tha jointly by the rights tot them) doe fish PM in May, 1940. tlantic Charter (issued IS, stating to give sovereign ve been forcibly deprived of spply to India. ¥ Oy rid War Il in 1939. a /MidSion in 1942. ~ Quit Rptia Movement (August 8, 1942). LORD WAVELL (1944-1947) ~ Arranged the Shimla Conference on June 2 t 4 5, 1945 ee tional Congress and Muslim ~ Cabinet Mission Plan (May 16, 1946). ” Elections to the constituent a: sem! e tndan Toten Govt was oppoined under Nehru t meeting of the constituent assembly was held vy First on Dec. 9, 1946- ¥ Important N PARTITION Vv By Lord Curzon Proclamation, re’ jn size by creating East rest of Bengal. V- The government sai growth in eastern region. Se, Y Actually, the objective was t0 #94 communal gulfbetween Hindus and Musi r rge swept the cpantry against the v Amighty upsurés peeaieae tl tition, National ssovement found. t¢ Pathe movement against phe partition of Bengal in 1905 - / Rebindranath Tagore composed the national song [Amar sonar Bangla’ for the occasion which wa dang by pegpil everywhere. This song Woe adopted as nationakanthem by Bangladesh in 1971 after liberation from Pakistan. MUSLIM LEAGUE (1906) ¥ Setupiin 1906 under the leadership of Aga Khan, Nawab Salimullah of Dhaka and Nawab Mobsin- oul Mulk. Voit was a loyalist, communal and conservative 5 political organization which supported the partition tf Bengal, opposed the Swadeshi movement, demanded special safeguards of its community and a separate electorate for Muslims. SWARAJ Y InDec. 1906 at Calcutta, the INC under Dadabhai Naoroji adopted ‘Swaraj' (Self-govt) as the goal of Indian people. GHADAR PARTY (1913) Formed by Lal Hardayal, Taraknath Das and Sohan Singh Bhakna. ¥ Thename was taken from a weekly paper, Ghadar, which had been started on Nov. 1, 1913 to commemorate the 1857 revolt. ¥ HQwasat San Francisco. Y The outbreak of the First World Ws i : far provided the Ghadarites with an opportunity to free India from __ iGoverment which waa inditerent to theircaure. ‘They began to return to India in thousands for a corordinated revlt in collaboration with the Bengal ionaries. Their plan w: revolutionaries, Their plan was foiled at the last one RULE MOVEMENT (1916) After Tilak’s return, having served sentence of six years in Mandalay (in Burma), he tried securing e readmission of himself and other extremists nal Activities. OF BENGAL ‘16, 1905 through a royal ‘old province of Bengal out of on Oc > od id that it was dope to stimulate 36 / into the INC. With the need being premure to attain concessions, aieaionmreer with Minto-Morley reforms and war-time miseries, Tilak and Annie Besant readied to assume leadership. Started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak (April, 1916) « Poona and Annie Besant and S. Subramania Der at Adyar, near Madras (Sept, 1916). Tilak’s league was to work in Maharashtra Kaguataka, Central Province and Berar and Annie Besant's in the rest in India. Objective: Self-government for India in the British Empire. ‘Tilak linked up the question of Swaraj with the demand for the formation of linguistic states and education in vernacular language. He gave the slogan: Swaraj in my birth right and I will have it. : ‘The Mahratta and Kesari of Tilak and Annie Besant’s New India, Commonweal and Young India became the organs of the Home Rule movement. ‘Muslim league also supported it. LUCKNOW PACT (1916) / Happened following a war between Britain and Turkey leading to anti-British feelings among Muslims. Both INC and ML concluded this (Cor of ay Khan and Hasrat Mohani. accepted the separate electorates and bot}fjoin' demanded for a representative government and dominion status for the country. : AUGUST DECLARATION at ley was ‘After the Lucknow Pact, a Bs announced which aimed at “i of Indians in every branch for progressive realiza, government in India a! British empire”. This Declaration. India. There were hartals, proc Gemenstrationssverywhere. JALLIANWALA BAGH MAS! (APRIL 18, 1919) SACRE ¥ ions and People were agitated over the arrest of Dr. Kil sat of Dr. Kitchlu and Dr. Satyapal on April 10,1919. “ Y General O' Dyer fired at people who wepusia the Jallianwala Bagh, Amrite As aresult hundreds of men, children were killed and thousands inj\ Rabindranath Tagore ret protest. Sir Shanka: Viceroy's Executive, ee Hunter commissiog was appointed to enquire into it. OnMarch 13, }940, Sardar Udham Singh killed O'Dyer when or was addressing a meeting in Caxton n. KHILAF, MENT (1920) v Mu ‘agitated by the treatment done with ¢Vipy’the British in the treaty that followed fhe Pypst World War. others, Mohd. Ali and Shaukat Ali started F guts movement, along with Maulana Azad, Hakim Tt was jointly led by the Khilafat leaders and the Congress. Gandhiji viewed the Khilafat agitation as a golden opportunity for bringing the Hindus and Muslims together. On August 31, 1920, the Khilafat Committee Taunched a non-cooperation movement. Gandhiji now pressed the Congress to adopt a similar plan of action. Although it was initially opposed by C.R. Das, but was later passed ‘unopposed. x v NON-COOPERATION MOVEMENT Y Because of Hin Jim unity exhibited in (1920) Lucknow Pact, Y- Tt was the first mass-based political movement ~ The Montay Wrstora reforms or the Act of ‘under Gandhiji. 1919 wagyaag on this declaration. Y Congress passed the resolution in its Caleutta RO} 'T (MARCH 18, 1919) session in September, i u we the govt.toarrest ¥ ‘The movement envisaged: Adgavwnbridled powers 2 Ne Froriwoyear® () Surender of tiles andere ae, maximum. This law enabled the Government to (Resignation from ‘nominated offices and poste in sand the right of Habeas Corpus, which had ¢heJocal bodies. serene piadation ofeiilibertienin BSP. petuygl to attend govt darbare and beyeott of Y Caused a wave of anger in all sections. It was the British Courts by the lawyers. Hane a a vcdeapitationty Gandhiiand merited p6..41 of general pubic to offer themeelves for frat country-wide oi oer Cooperation Movement. I i ee a ther govt. jobs and erHetel During March and April 1919, the country’ hes amaek arable political awakening in goods 37 —— ats of Central and mental rights. It suggestey complete with I 1 epjeets and fandan up their lees Ee ve Danand Motilal Nehru gave up thelr cor te a fe county OR a a abhash Chandra Bose resi eee ene comprised Te) Bahadur Sapry, ci ce. ¥ The commie al Singh, Sohaib Qure, The Civil Serv this period ne ang’ “ ae oineof Wales vised India during this Pere Imam Me yt abhash Chandra Bose. hi, ane treets ani empty st + The ‘was greeted with 92 2 1929) aan when be came (ow ENT (1922) LAHORE SESSION pee Rus RA INCIDE! 7 On Dec. 19, 1929, under the Pr i Ea oI |-CHAU! ~ enero orien pat Allahabadin Dec. 1921. 7 QOS EC ING, at ats Lahore ee aes ‘Disobedience Movement, HEWN Sara} (Complete In ) 8 ity cial deaded to launch a Gv Disobe ; Sondh was appointed its Ieader. Pooras Swe ; " J OmDec. 31,1929, the new) gdawyed tr-colour ed, Bur before it cou be launched, a mob gdagyed tricoe jorakhpur) ¢ vas unfurled and Jan 24 ¢ astl Saeatal easel “Sel wastobe clebeaet mob of people at lashed with Estey Sig lace Sere To comin Crt 4 oer acy Ov SWABS ae lied Pro ¥ Also calledthdaaitonerena. Pea Nehea CR Das ar. Khar ale Pro 7 ASDC seated hia tae arltathenatinatstodend “one SG Aairam an March 12, 1980 by ony ee cechangers like Rajendra the smoti village Dandi to break the salt law, Prasad an fle feached the sea shore on Apr. 6, 1930. Prasad and Rajgopalachan adhered to the Gandhian of boycott of legislatures. The Pro / ae pigked a handful of salt and inaugurated the ‘iru Retard 153,” lo stdin Movement stint by one mene Onsen nr enatia nae Both Congress and Muslim Muslin Lengo ppd it ‘The eloctionsof the Constituont in July 1946. The Congress got seats, nely fhe iy were hell he total 273, INTERIM GOVERN! government consisting of fongrens nominees wa ae formed on Sept. 2, Y4G/4.L. Nehru was itn Vi president and the Governor-General remained a its President. pia tangve dl not nin inaly but finally’ ded in having Bve members ‘government on Oct, 26, 1946, of tha Le JINNA! S DIRECT ACTION RESQLYPION (infigh was alarmed at the results of the elections jase the Muslim League was in danger of being Qype eclipsed in the constituent assembly. jerefore, Muslim League withdrew its acceptance ofthe Cabinet Mission Plan on July 29, 1946. It passed a ‘Direct action’ resolution, which condemned both the British Government and the Congress (Aug. 16, 1946) It resulted in heavy communal riots. Jinnah celebrated Pakistan Day on Mar. 27, 1947. FORMATION OF CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY ‘The constituent assembly meton Dec. 9, 1946 and Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as its president. MOUNTBATTEN PLAN (On June 3, 1947, Lord Mountbatten put forward his plan which outlined the steps for the solution of India’s political problem. The outlines of the plan were: India to be divided into India and Pakistan. Bengal and Punjab will be partitioned and referendum in NEFP and Sylhet district of Assam would be held. ‘There would be a separate constitutional assembly for Pakistan to frame its Constitution. ‘The Princely states would enjoy the liberty to join qiher India or Pakistan or ever remain independent. ‘aut, 16, 1947 was the date fixed for handing over

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