Classification of Motives

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Classification of Motives

Primary Motives: Biological needs

- Many human motives stem from need for thing to keep an organism alive
and are necessary for survival. We consider these primary, also known as
psychological motives. Primary motives are those directly related to the normal
body functions such as need for air, food, water, exertion of waste and so on.
Sexual motive is also considered to be primary is sexual motive is not satisfied.

Most of the primary drives are based on the bodys need to maintain a certain
level of essential life elements like adequate sugar in the blood to nourish the
cells sufficient water in the body. These critical levels are regulated by the
homeostatic mechanism for instance; when the water level in the body cells fall
to be absorbs additional water from the urine. Similar homeostatic mechanism is
involved in hunger and in the maintenance of the body temperature.

- Our body needs oxygen continuously we get it through continuous respiration
oxygen is necessary for the purification of blood.

- Hunger the regulation of food intake. Hunger is believed to be caused by
rhythmic constructions of the empty stomach. The strength of human drive can
be measured by discovering how much resistance a human or animal will endure
to overcome it.

Contrary to most belief it is the hypothalamus. Which is the biological control

center for hunger not the rumbling stomach hunger regulated by two symptoms?
One is the feeding system that initiates eating when the food is needed. The
second is the satiety system that stops eating when enough food has been

Destruction in any part of the hypothalamus eliminates the homeostatic signal to

stop eating which may result to over eating.
- The regulation of water intake. In our daily life regularly we take fluids in form of water
and other beverages. These fluids are essential for our body tissues for normal
functioning. When the water level in the body decreases we develop motive to drink

Excretion of waste
- Drive for elimination of waste. Our body cannot lean anything excess or anything
waste. Excess water is sent out in the form of urine or sweat. So also digested food
particles after absorption of nutritional substances are sent out in the form of stools.
We experiences discomfort until these waste are eliminated.

Rest and Sleep

- Need for sleep. Sleep is an essential process by for normal functioning of body and
mind. When our body and mind are tired they need rest for rejuvenation of energy. It is
observed that there is excess accommodation of a toxin called lactic acid when tired .

Protection from Heat and Cold

- Maintenance for normal body temperature (98f or 37.0c) is necessary. Rise or fall in
the body causes many problems. These are some automatic mechanism to regulate
body temperature rises above normal or shivering when it falls below normal.

Need for avoidance of Pain

- No organism can continue to bear pain. Whenever we experiences pain we try to avoid
it. We are motivated to escape from painful stimulus. F or example when we are
undergoing sun we go to shade. When something is pinching we avoid it.

Sex Motive
- This is a biological motive, arises in the organism as a result of secretion of sex
hormones-like androgens and estrogens. Sex need is not essential for the survival of the
individual, but it is essential for the survival of the species. However, fulfillment of the
sex need is not like satisfying hunger or thirst.

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