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Supply Chain Management

Faculty: Janat Shah

Extn. 3079, D I
Credit: 3 E mail:

Course Objectives: Course would help student in

understanding strategic role of supply chain
understand drivers of supply chain performance
developing capabilities for analytical analysis of supply chains

Course would also would attempt to develop & hone skills among the participants to:
Analyse the supply chain performance using transaction database.
Develop capability to identify core issues of importance from unstructured & messy
real life supply chain environments/ situations.
Design and develop computer-based models to understand the impact of various
decisions made along the supply chain.
Develop an understanding of organisation & technology related issues involved in
implementing ideas, which would lead to supply chain improvement.

Session-wise Schedule

Session Module/Topic
No. -Date
1 Topic: - Supply Chain Management-Frame Work
Read: Chapter 1- The Role of Supply Chain Management in the Economy
and Organisations.

2 Topic: Framework for Supply Chain Analysis

Topic: - Supply Chain Mapping
- Cost, Time & Point of Differentiation
- Supply Chain Opportunity Analysis
Case : - Kurlon Limited
Chapter 2- Supply Chain Strategy & Performance Measures
3 Topic: Forecasting
Read : Chapter 7 Forecasting

4 Topic: Inventory management

Read : Chapter 4 Inventory Management

5 Topic: Where to stock inventory in supply Chain

Reading: Chapter 11 : agile supply Chain

6* Topic : Supply chain Analysis - Industry level benchmarking,

Read : Benchmarking Internal Supply Chain Performance: Development
of a framework

7* Topic: Analysing Supply Chain Performance
Case : Kurlon Limited
8 Topic : Supply chain operations
Case : Supply Chain Initiative at APR Limited

9 Topic : Transportation Management

Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
Case : Vehicle Routing at Baroda Union
Read: Chapter 6: Transportation
10 Topic : Supply Chain Network Design
- Global supply Chain
- Designing responsive chain
Read : : Chapter 5@ - Location
Exercise: PC International Limited
11* Topic : Supply Chain Structure & Supply Chain Strategy
Case : Supply Chain Management at Dalmia Cement Limited.

12 Topic : Supply Chain Co-ordination

: Sourcing
Read: - Chapter 4 Make Versus buy: The Strategic Approach
Chapter 9- Supply chain Integration

13 Topic Supply Chain Reconfiguration

Designing & Operating Responsive supply Chain
- Product and Process Redesign
Read: - Chapter 10- Supply Chain Reconfiguration

14 Topic : Supply Chain Management for Make to Order Company

Case : Power Equipments (India) Ltd
15* Topic: Responsive Supply Chain
Analysis of Garment Supply Chain
Case: Garment Supply Chain Exercise ( To be Circulated)
Read: - Chapter 11@agile supply chains
16 Topic : Presentation by Practitioner : ( Speaker to be finalized . )

17 Topic: Retail Supply Chain

Case: Subhiksha: Managing Store Operations
18 Topic : Presentation by Practitioner : ( Speaker to be finalized )

19* Topic : Supply Chain Diagnostics

Case : Global Green Company
20 Topic: -Executing Supply Chain Improvement Projects
- Course Review
Case: Marico Industries:mySAP Supply Chain Management

Date to be End term examination

Text book - Supply Chain Management : Text & Cases by Janat Shah
* group presentation would be scheduled for presentation

Course Evaluation:

The course evaluation will be based on the following components:

Group Assignments 66%

- Group Assignments Evaluation by faculty 36%
- Peer Evaluation 30%
Presentations 10%
Case/Assignment Presentation & Viva-voce
End-Term Examination 24%

Group Assignment Details

1. Kurlon Supply chain Analysis:

- Performance of regional stock-point 15%
- Performance of production/dispatch
2. Supply Chain Analysis 15%
Each group would identify one firm for supply chain analysis. Using primary and secondary
data students are expected to analyse the firm from supply chain point of view. Assignment
would have two parts
Part I : Industry level benchmarking study
Part II : Company level Analysis
3. Dalmia Supply Chain Analysis 12%
4. Garment Supply Chain 12%
5 Supply Chain Diagnostics - Global Green 12%

Group formation exercise should be complete by 24/12 5.00 pm.

All assignments/submissions ( hard copy/soft copy ) should reach me before the 11.30 am. Each
group would make one presentation and viva-voce for the group would be scheduled on the same
day on which their presentation is scheduled.

Course Pedagogy:

The Course would revolve by and large around cases from Indian Organisations. Students would
be asked to work in groups of four and develop their understanding of a supply chain situation
based on a very loose brief provided by instructor Assignments would involve analysis of data
and building appropriate models so as to improve supply chain performance. Most of the session
would start with the presentation by a group, which in turn would lead to discussion on some
relevant issues. Students would be expected to build models using excel. Students are also
expected to analyse one supply chain operations of one firm using primary and secondary data.

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