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Pre-foundation Career Care Programmes (PCCP) Division
SUBJECT : ENGLISH Topic : Error Spotting DPP : 01

Direction : Tick the erroneous option in the following.

1. He is going everyday /for a morning walk /with his friends and neighbours. /No error.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. It is unfortunate that /many youngsters get /addicted to gamble. /No error.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. The child /have picked up a burned paper /from the street. /No error.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

4. The Sharmas /are living in this colony /for the last eight years. /No error.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

5. If I will have the time /I shall try and make it /to the zoo this afternoon. /No error.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. An Indian ship /laden with merchandise /has got drowned in the Pacific yesterday. /No error.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

7. If I am you /I would have seen to it /that I won the prize. / No error.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

8. He asked me /why did I call /him a rogue. /No error.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

9. I have got /my M.Sc. Degree /in 1988. /No error.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

10. He is working in /a bank in New Delhi /for the past several months. /No error.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

11. The master did not know (A)/ who of the servants (B)/ broke the glass (C)/ No error. (D)

12. The ruling party stood (A)/ for implementation of the bill (B)/ and was ready to stake their political
existence (C)/ No error. (D)

13. Wherever we go (A)/ they easily adapt to (B)/ local circumstances (C)/ No error. (D)

14. He is not one of those (A)/ who will help everybody (B)/ whom he meets (C)/ No error. (D)

15. It is not easy for anyone to command (A)/ respect from both one's friends as well as critics (B)/ as
Dr. Neil did for his integrity and honesty (C)/ No error. (D)

16. Mahatma Gandhi taught us (A)/ that one should respect (B)/ the religions of others as much as his
own (C)/ No error. (D)

17. He, You and I (A)/ shall manage (B)/ this problem together (C)/ No error. (D)

18. Was it him (A)/ who got injured (B)/ in an accident this morning (C)/ No error. (D)
19. As soon as he (A)/ saw his mother (B)/ he ran to them and embraced her.(C)/ No error.(D)
20. Due to me being a newcomer (A)/ I was unable to get a house (B)/ suitable for my wife and me (C)/
No error. (D)

21. For they who have to / work for a living she and her husband / have the deepest compassion.
(A) (B) (C)

22. It isnt the question of me / going to Africa, said the new manager, / only of who I should go with
(A) (B) (C)

23. At who did / the child smile, / Sawn, Ryan or me ?

(A) (B) (C)

24. Just between you and I / whats the chance of the Indian / cricket teams winning next week ?
(A) (B) (C)

25. I hurt myself / as much as I / did himself.

(A) (B) (C)

26. Of who are / you talking, / Anita or me ?

(A) (B) (C)

27. I wandered / through the forest / with my dog beside I .

(A) (B) (C)

28. The new professor is / a woman whom were quite sure will be / able to control the girls.
(A) (B) (C)

29. We three / Mack, Chris and me are / elected to Students Council.

(A) (B) (C)

30. For who / are you / looking ?

(A) (B) (C)
31. I agree that (A) / knowledge of Latin is helpful to build (B) / a good English vocabulary, but (C) / I
do not think I have the capacity to (D) / study the subject at the moment. No error (E).

32. In such (A) / areas as sports, ranking of individual performance is (B) / relatively well accepted
since (C) / the parameters on which the rating are (D) / based are generally objective. No error (E).

33. Determination of (A) / the long-term effects of (B) / aerosols on the upper atmosphere is (C) /
currently one of the more challenging (D) / problems in climate research. No error (E).

34. The most (A) / important skill I had learned (B) / in my two years of (C) / senior high school was
to(D) / direct the course of my own studies. No error(E).

35. Scientific advances over the last fifty years have led(A) / to revolutionary changes in health,
agriculture and communication, and (B) / generally enhancing (C) / socio-economic development and
the quality of our lives(D) / . No error(E).

36. This detailed yet (A) / readable biography is well researched and (B) / provides valuable insight
to(C) / the facts that(D) / motivated the famous philosopher. No error(E).
37. I have (A) / written almost all the new tests for(B) / inclusion in the revised edition of my book, and
hope to finish (C) / the work within(D) / a week. No error(E).
38. The series of letters that Margaret wrote to her father contains(A) / a valuable commentary on (B) /
the prevailing social conditions and attitudes that lead to her (C) / leaving home at such(D) / a young
age. No error (E).
39. The unfortunate accident that caused (A) / the explosion was (B) / extensively (C) / reported in all
the local newspapers and national (D) / television. No error(E).

40. Neither of the answers provided in the memorandum(A) / address (B) / my concerns about (C) / the
validity of (D) / the procedure. No error (E).

41. Katz claimed that reading classic novels is (A) / more illuminating (B) / than to read(C) /
autobiographies. No error (D).

42. The students have been(A) / practicing for the concert since(B) / three weeks, and (C) / in that time
have (D) / improved considerably. No error (E) .

43. The racing champion had (A) / made no mention (B) / in his(C) / speech of the mechanics on
whom (D) / his success had depended. No error(E).

44. If you were willing (A) / to ask for directions, instead of doggedly (B) / driving on, we might get to
our (C) / destination sooner (D) /. No error (E).

45. Waiting (A) / for the results of (B) / the final examination, the students nerves were(C) / on edge;
she could not sleep properly or (D) / eat normally. No error(E).

46. We have no choice but (A) / to appoint Mary: (B) / she is the best (C) / of the two candidates, and
there is (D) / no prospect of finding more applicants. No error (E).

47. The reason I will (A) / not be going(B) / to Mexico this year is because(C)/. I will use up all my travel
money in attending (D) / an important meeting in Singapore. No error (E).

48. The manager tried hard to effect (A) / a change in company policy, but (B) the owner, who stead-
fastly refused to compromise (C), overruled (D) him on every point. No error(E) .
49. The new library is undoubtedly (A) / well stocked and functional, but (B) / no one can say that its (C)
/ atmosphere is anything like the old one (D) / . No error (E) .
50. My uncle, who (A) / was (B) / on vacation, along with my two cousins and I (C) / , went (D) / fishing
down by the river. No error(E) .
51. The watchman was kind enough (A)/ to inform us on the conspiracy (B)/ but declined to name the
person behind it (C)/ No error. (D)
52. The captain and his wife (A)/ were invited for the cultural function (B)/ at my home (C)/ No error. (D)
53. The engineer came out to a novel solution (A)/ which may even reduce (B)/ daily energy
consumption (C)/ No error.(D)
54. On a holiday Madhu prefers (A)/ reading than going (B)/ out visiting friends (C)/ No error. (D)
55. People who are (A)/ averse with (B)/ hard work generally do not succeed in life (C)/ No error. (D)
56. Vishal is one year junior (A)/ than (B)/ Madan in our office (C)/ No error. (D)
57. They walked (A)/ besides(B)/ each other in silence (C)/ No error. (D)
58. Our Mathematics teacher often emphasises (A)/ on the need (B)/ for a lot of practice (C)/ No error. (D)
59. Please put away (A)/ the candle before (B)/ you leave (C)/ No error. (D)
60. All the doctors were puzzled (A)/ on the strange symptoms (B)/ reported by the patient (C)/ No
error. (D)
SUBJECT : ENGLISH Topic : Fillers DPP : 02

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct option from those given below:

1. No other boy in the class is __________ Ram.

(A) as tall as (B) taller for (C) tallest than (D) tall than
2. The Taj Mahal is one of the __________ monuments in the world.
(A) more beautiful (B) beautiful (C) most beautiful (D) much beautiful
3. William Shakespeare is _________ than any other dramatist in the world.
(A) great (B) greatest (C) greater (D) most great
4. No other continent is ___________ Australia in the world.
(A) larger to (B) as large as (C) largest than (D) large than
5. His last movie was good but I think this one will be _________ that.
(A) good than (B) better than (C) best than (D) worst than
6. I am feeling very thirsty but there is very _________ water in the jug.
(A) fewer (B) little (C) few (D) much
7. Very few buildings are _________ this one in the city.
(A) as tall as (B) tallest than (C) tall than (D) taller as

8. The __________ story of this book is very interesting.

(A) last (B) later (C) latter (D) latest

9. Cricket is __________ than most other games in India.

(A) popular (B) most popular (C) more popular (D) as popular as

10. No other animal is ___________ tiger.

(A) as ferocious as (B) ferocious (C) most ferocious than (D) more ferocious

11. He idled away ______ time that he had.

(A) little (B) a little (C) the little (D) the few

12. He has ______ of those books right now.

(A) few (B) a few (C) the few (D) a little

13. ______ Janshatabdi is late.

(A) A (B) An (C) The (D) None

14. _______Mount Abu is a famous peak.

(A) A (B) An (C) The (D) None

15. They have no money. Do you have _______?

(A) some (B) any (C) both A & B (D) none

16. He always messes things up. He works with _______ discretion.

(A) little (B) a little (C) the little (D) the few

17. We were driving through ________ Alps.

(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) none

18. There is _______ Esha waiting for you outside.

(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) none
19. ________ Thames evokes my childhood memories.
(A) A (B) An (C) The (D) None
20. I will finish the work in ______ year.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) none

21. _________ books he had were stolen.

(A) Few (B) A few (C) The few (D) A little

22. He works with _______ diligence as there are so many errors in his work.
(A) little (B) a little (C) the little (D) the few

23. We are moving________ house tomorrow.

(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) none

24. _______ fair weather friends are not friends at all.

(A) A (B) An (C) The (D) None

25. No one wants to meet ________ person sitting over there.

(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) none

26. The new textile policy lays great emphasis on stabilizing cotton prices to___________the interest
of cotton growers.
(A) improve (B) raise (C) protect (D) channelize

27. The village in the wake of tsunami , was a terrifying_________ of devastation.

(A) scenery (B) scene (C) landscape (D) moment

28. We spared no efforts to win, but the opposite side did better. The result was obviously__________us.
(A) in favour of (B) rejoicing (C) against (D) grudging

29. The musician had a sore throat.Despite that, performance at the concert was_____________ .
(A) outstanding (B) sub-standard (C) undesirable (D) excellence

30. He has a__________knowledge about ancient Indian scriptures.

(A) delectable (B) profound (C) enriching (D) vociferous

31. Countless books__________the benefits of clear and accurate communication.

(A) extol (B) subscribe (C) contribute (D) extend

32. His exposure to the wider intellectual world came almost____________and not by design.
(A) equally (B) providentially (C) simultaneously (D)purposefully

33. A fair-minded person is required to ____________ the dispute between the two brothers.
(A) mediate (B) interrupt (C) intercept (D) moderate

34. Life is a struggle. At every step,obstacles have to be removed and__________have to be overcome.

(A) tempers (B) emotions (C) feelings (D) hindrances
(E) temperaments

35. It is sad to find that the reading habit among our young men and women is on the__________.
(A) wane (B) rise (C) pedestal (D) vanishing

36. All the respondents should express their______________views in this questionnaire.

(A) convenient (B) confident (C) candid (D) favourable
37. I caught a _________ of him in the crowd for a fleeting moment before he disappeared.
(A) glare (B) glance (C) glimpse (D) look
38. The management of so many projects and of different nature___________no common capacity and
(A) demands (B) require (C) permits (D) urges
39. Nobody can___________me to do anything which I do not want to do.
(A) encourage (B) compel (C) oppose (D) delegate
40. He_________me for neglecting my duty.
(A) enraged (B) damaged (C) harshed (D) reprimanded
41. It rained so heavily that in a short time the entire village was__________with water.
(A) enlarged (B) absorbed (C) inundated (D) galvanised
42. We were all___________by the interesting war stories told by him .
(A) occupied (B) subsumed (C) involved (D) enthralled
43. The poor hygienic conditions in our village can have_____________effects on residents in a long run.
(A) addictive (B) deleterious (C)possible (D) cultivates
44. After the shipwreck, they were ______________ on the island for three days.[NTSE_Stage-2_2013]
(A) sleeping (B) marooned (C) guided (D) found

45. The best friend a man has in this world may___________against him and become his enemy.
(A) fight (B) appear (C) change (D) stand

46. There is no doubt that one has to keep___________with the changing times.
(A) himself (B) tuning (C) pace (D) oneself

47. The passengers and crew members of the aeroplane had a___________escape when it was taking
off from the runway.
(A) little (B) narrow (C) brief (D) large

48. Eight scientists have_____________the national awards for outstanding contribution in and
dedication to the profession.
(A) picked (B) conferred (C) bagged (D) discovered

49. She had her ______________ fixed on the horizon. [NTSE_Stage-2_2013]

(A) glance (B) sight (C) gaze (D) look
50. Among human beings, language is the principal__________of communication.
(A) methodology (B) instrument (C) accomplishment (D) theory
51. The main purpose of having a_____________of ration depots throughout the country is to arrange a
regular supply of essential items to the common man at a fixed reasonable rates.
(A) choice (B) network (C) necessity (D) variety
52. Shivalal______________classical music. He always prefers Bhimsen Joshi to Asha Bhonsale, and
Pandit Jasraj to Kumar Sanu.
(A) adores (B)apprehends (C) encompasses (D) cultivates
53. As a general rule, politicians do not____________centre stage.
(A) forward (B) forbid (C) forgive (D) forsake
54. We still have not given our___________to conduct the survey of natural resources in our state.
(A) projection (B) consent (C) compliance (D) provision
55. We upset ourselves by responding in an_____________manner to someone else's actions.
(A) unabashed (B) irrational (C) arduous (D) arguable
SUBJECT : ENGLISH Topic : Sentence Completion DPP : 03

Choose the right option :

1. I think we
(A) will have relaxed enough and we should start the work.
(B) have been relaxing enough and should start the work.
(C) have relaxed enough and should start the work.
(D) are relaxing enough and should start the work.

2. By the year 2017, Rohan

(A) will have attained his Masters degree. (B) has attained his Masters degree.
(C) attains his Masters degree. (D) has been attaining his Masters degree.
3. Today
(A) had been the most fulfilling day for me so far.
(B) will have been the most fulfilling day for me so far.
(C) will be the most fulfilling day for me so far.
(D) has been the most fulfilling day for me so far.
4. By the end of this month
(A) they have completed 5 years. (B) they will have completed 5 years.
(C) they were completed 5 years. (D) they had been completed 5 years.
5. The parents of the bride
(A) reached tomorrow. (B) have been reaching tomorrow.
(C) will be reaching tomorrow. (D) were reaching tomorrow.
6. Until her parents arrived, Priya
(A) had been sitting alone in the dark. (B) was sitting alone in the dark.
(C) is sitting alone in the dark. (D) has been sitting alone in the dark.

7. Radhika has
(A) write a letter. (B) wrote a letter.
(C) written a letter. (D) writes a letter.

8. Saplings
(A) is planted in the vicinity. (B) will have planted in the vicinity.
(C) were being planted in the vicinity. (D) is being planted in the vicinity.

9. We
(A) are on our way when it started raining. (B) will on our way when it started raining.
(C) were on our way when it started raining. (D) was on our way when it started raining.

10. Before going for my

(A) tutorials, I have been studying for two hours already.
(B) tutorials, I was studying for two hours already.
(C) tutorials, I will be studying for two hours already.
(D) tutorials, I had studied for two hours already.

11. Baba Ramdev mulls forming political party

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev on Thursday said that _____________ a political party if the Centre fails to
take necessary steps to put an end to corruption in the country.
(A) he will be launched (B) he will launch
(C) he would launch (D) he would be launched

12. Gwalior air station gets three more Sukhoi-30s

The Maharajpura Air Station in Gwalior ____________ with the addition of three Sukhoi-30 planes,
official sources said on Thursday.
(A) has being upgraded (B) have been upgraded
(C) has been upgraded (D) have being upgraded
13. 797 policemen died on duty in one year
Around 800 police and para-military personnel ____________ in the past one year during operations
on the naxalites.
(A) sacrificed their lives (B) sacrifice their lives
(C) has sacrificed their lives (D) has been sacrificed their lives

14. Asia most vulnerable to climate change

A new study states that the plains of Asia ____________ from the climatic change.
(A) has being at highest risk (B) is been at highest risk
(C) is at highest risk (D) are at highest risk

15. Dew made the difference: Clarke

Australian captain Michael Clarke said the wicket was slow initially as ______________ and they
suffered a five-wicket loss to trail 0-1 in the ODI series against India.
(A) dew played its role (B) dew play its role
(C) dew has play its role (D) dew playing its role

16. French workers vow to step up pension protests

French workers ___________ their protest against pension reforms next week, says a top Trade
Union leader.
(A) will be step up (B) will being step up
(C) will step up (D) would be step up

17. Mamata flags off three new Duronto Express trains

Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee _________ three new, non-stop Duronto Express trains for
Bhubaneswar, Howrah and Jammu Tawi.
(A) flagged off (B) flag off
(C) have flagged off (D) will flagged off
18. Penthouse magazine founder Bob Guccione dies at 79
The founder of Penthouse magazine, Bob Guccione, who ___________ for several years, died in
Texas at the age of 79.
(A) suffer from lung cancer (B) suffered from lung cancer
(C) have suffer from lung cancer (D) has suffer from lung cancer

19. Rohan is obliged to his neighbours for their hospitality. He ________________

(A) will give them a token of thanks. (B) used to give them a token of thanks.
(C) should give them a token of thanks. (D) shall give them a token of thanks.

20. I dont think Roopal will drown as she ________________

(A) ought to swim. (B) must swim.
(C) might swim. (D) can swim.

21. This year, it ________________

(A) cannot rain that much. (B) ought not rain that much.
(C) may not rain that much. (D) must not rain that much.

22. When the traffic eased, we ________________

(A) could return home. (B) might return home.
(C) may return home. (D) were able to return home.

23. Mother said she ________________

(A) would visit Delhi in April. (B) will visit Delhi in April.
(C) can visit Delhi in April. (D) may have visited Delhi in April.
24. When Neha came to pick you up, you ________________
(A) would have gone with her. (B) could have gone with her.
(C) will have gone with her. (D) shall have gone with her.
25. Tomorrow, it ________________
(A) can be Saturday. (B) may be Saturday.
(C) will be Saturday. (D) might be Saturday.
26. The culprits have not been nabbed yet. Where ________________
(A) can they have hidden? (B) shall they have hidden?
(C) ought to they have hidden? (D) will they have hidden?
27. I want to go to ________________
(A) Bhopal. May I take a week-long off? (B) Bhopal. Will I take a week-long off?
(C) Bhopal. Shall I take a week-long off? (D) Bhopal. Ought I to take a week-long off?
28. In order to become a good writer, you ________________
(A) must improve your vocabulary. (B) can improve your vocabulary.
(C) may improve your vocabulary. (D) might improve your vocabulary.
29. All the tickets have been sold out. You ________________
(A) can have come early. (B) may have come early.
(C) should have come early. (D) will have come early.
30. Reena does not know that I am here. If she ________________
(A) should come here, she will be surprised.
(B) may come here, she will be surprised.
(C) can come here, she will be surprised.
(D) comes here, she will be surprised.

31. She is very reserved. She ________________

(A) should only keep to herself. (B) must only keep to herself.
(C) ought to only keep to herself. (D) will only keep to herself.

32. That salesman is very annoying. He ________________

(A) would not enter my house again. (B) will not enter my house again.
(C) might not enter my house again. (D) must not enter my house again.

33. On November 24, I________________

(A) may turn 25. (B) can turn 25.
(C) could turn 25. (D) will turn 25.

34. Father came late yesterday. He ________________

(A) shall have spent more time in the office yesterday.
(B) will have spent more time in the office yesterday.
(C) might have spent more time in the office yesterday.
(D) can have spent more time in the office yesterday.

35. Why did you take an auto? You ________________

(A) could have gone in the bus. (B) might have gone in the bus.
(C) will have gone in the bus. (D) shall have gone in the bus.

36. You look so shabby. You ________________

(A) would pay a little more attention to your appearance.
(B) could pay a little more attention to your appearance.
(C) might pay a little more attention to your appearance.
(D) should pay a little more attention to your appearance.
37. Rizwi said that he ________________
(A) can come to Delhi after two years. (B) may come to Delhi after two years.
(C) could come to Delhi after two years. (D) shall come to Delhi after two years.

38. I thought that bus fares _____________

(A) will come down. (B) shall come down.
(C) would come down. (D) may come down.

39. He was grappling ________________

(A) with the tough question on Calculus. (B) for the tough question on Calculus.
(C) on the tough question on Calculus. (D) in the tough question on Calculus.
40. Irfan Pathan was excluded ________________
(A) in the team. (B) off the team. (C) from the team. (D) of the team.

41. He finally succumbed ________________

(A) too the pressure. (B) to the pressure. (C) off the pressure. (D) from the pressure.

42. He was acquitted ________________

(A) off all the charges. (B) of all the charges. (C) from all the charges. (D) out of all the charges.

43. Mahesh lost his wallet ________________

(A) by negligence. (B) through negligence. (C) of negligence. (D) from negligence.

44. On seeing the bully, the little boy shivered ________________

(A) with fear. (B) from fear. (C) of fear. (D) off fear.

45. I accept him ________________

(A) with all his drawbacks. (B) for all his drawbacks.
(C) through all his drawbacks. (D) of all his drawbacks.

46. He resides ________________

(A) on 1541 Outram Lines. (B) in 1541 Outram Lines.
(C) at 1541 Outram Lines. (D) about 1541 Outram Lines.

47. He hit a six ________________

(A) by just one hand. (B) of just one hand. (C) off just one hand. (D) with just one hand.

48. I have access ________________

(A) in all the books in the library. (B) too all the books in the library.
(C) to all the books in the library. (D) of all the books in the library.

49. Butter milk offers respite ________________

(A) from the searing heat. (B) to the searing heat.
(C) off the searing heat. (D) of the searing heat.

50. Raunak is proficient ________________

(A) about driving. (B) of driving. (C) in driving. (D) on driving.

51. The film is replete ________________

(A) in songs. (B) with songs. (C) of songs. (D) at songs.

52. The passengers alighted ________________

(A) of the train. (B) off the train. (C) on the train. (D) from the train.

53. They decided to embark ________________

(A) to a new journey. (B) for a new journey. (C) on a new journey. (D) onto a new journey.

54. The party lasted ________________

(A) through the night. (B) on the night. (C) at the night. (D) with the night.

55. Princess Diana was a woman ________________

(A) off substance. (B) in substance. (C) of substance. (D) with substance.

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