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14 : Unauthorized Absence: In case a Management employee upon expiry of approved annual

leave or in any other circumstances fails to report on duty for more than three consecutive days
without information , the concerned Department Head shall furnish an Unauthorized absentee
Report in prescribed format to HR department. The said Management employee upon his return
must report to the HR Department to explain his position before resumption of duty. Management
employees not reporting for duty for more than ten consecutive days shall deem to have abandoned
his position and be liable for disciplinary action.

Section- 12: Disciplinary Measures & Grievance Procedures:

12.1 ( Management Employees Conduct)

Management emplyees shall conduct themselves in a professional manner and practicing values
approved by Board of Directors. Company expects all management employees to fully and strictly
adhere to terms of employment under this staff manual in order to ensure discipline, industrial
peace, sustainable productivity and operational efficiency. The following acts and/ or omissions of a
management employee will be considered as misconduct.

1. Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with companys business or property;

2. Taking bribes or any illegal gratification in connection with official works
3. Deliberate and habitual behaviour and any important untruly act;
4. Riotous or disorderly behaviour and any improper unruly act;
5. Willful and habitual negligence or neglect of company duties/ works;
6. Any conduct unconnected with official duties tending to bring the company in public
7. Any improper use or attempt to make use of his official position for personal advantage
8. Willful insubordination or disobedience and violation of any reasonable and lawful order of
the authority;
9. Willful satisfying, tampering with, causing damage to company records;
10. Unauthorized absence for more than 10 days
11. Habitual late attendance
12. Writing, dissemination or assisting in the spreading of anonymous allegations;
13. Any other deliberate action or negligence of a management employee, which cause financial
or other losses to the company and / or serve breach of rules and procedures of the
company and / or misrepresentation of facts about the company and misappropriation of
and damage to companys assets and property , which are discovered in audit findings or

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