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Laminated Glass - 6mm thick FT external lite + 1.14 PVB interlayer + 6mm thick FT internal lite
Resistance condition - all sides simply supported
q' = 3.50 kPa ; uniform lateral load
t1 = 8.00 mm ; minimum thickness of outer lite as per ASTM E1300-2
t2 = 8.00 mm ; minimum thickness of inner lite as per ASTM E1300-2
i = 1.14 mm ; thickness of interlayer
tg = 17.14 mm ; total thickness of laminated glass
a = 3330 mm ; glass long dimension between restraints
b = 2300 mm ; glass short dimension between restraints
NFL = 5.10 kPa ; non factored load
GTF = 4.00 ; glass type factor from table 1 of ASTM E1300
LR = 20.40 kPa ; internal lite load resistance (NFL*GTF)

since: LR1 > q' ; therefore glass is adequate strengthwise!

Approximate Center of Glass Deflection

Actual Deflection
E = 71700 MPa ; glass modulus of elasticity
r0 = 0.553 - 3.83*(a/b) + 1.11*(a/b)2 - 0.0969*(a/b)3
= -2.96
r1 = -2.29 + 5.83*(a/b) - 2.17*(a/b)2 + 0.2067*(a/b)3
= 2.23
r2 = 1.485 - 1.908*(a/b) + 0.815*(a/b)2 - 0.0822*(a/b)3
= 0.18

x = ln ln q1*(a*b)2
= 1.25
w2 = t2*e(ro+r1*x+r2*x^2)
= 19.32 mm ; center of glass deflection

Allowable deflection
dp = b / 90
= 25.56 mm ; allowable deflection

since: dp > w ; therefore glass is safe for deflection

Insulating Glass Unit - 6mm thick HS external lite + 12mm airspace + 6mm thick FT internal lite
Resistance condition - all sides simply supported
q' = 3.50 kPa ; uniform lateral load
t1 = 8.00 mm ; minimum thickness of outer lite as per ASTM E1300-2
t2 = 12.00 mm ; minimum thickness of inner lite as per ASTM E1300-2
a = 3330 mm ; glass long dimension between restraints
b = 1600 mm ; glass short dimension between restraints
NFL1 = 2.80 kPa ; non factored load for 6mm thick monolithic glass
NFL2 = 2.80 kPa ; non factored load for 6mm thick monolithic glass
GTF1 = 1.90 ; (HS) external lite from table 2 of ASTM E1300
GTF2 = 3.80 ; (FT) internal lite from table 2 of ASTM E1300
LS1 = 4.38 ; load share factor for external lite
LS2 = 1.30 ; load share factor for internal lite
LR1 = 23.28 kPa ; external lite load resistance (NFL1*GTF1*LS1)
LR2 = 13.79 kPa ; internal lite load resistance (NFL2*GTF2*LS2)

since: LR1 > q' ; therefore glass is adequate strengthwise!

Approximate Center of Glass Deflection

For Outer Lite

q1 = q / LS1
= 0.80 kPa ; load carried by outer lite
E = 71700 MPa ; glass modulus of elasticity
r0 = 0.553 - 3.83*(a/b) + 1.11*(a/b)2 - 0.0969*(a/b)3
= -3.48
r1 = -2.29 + 5.83*(a/b) - 2.17*(a/b)2 + 0.2067*(a/b)3
= 2.31
r2 = 1.485 - 1.908*(a/b) + 0.815*(a/b)2 - 0.0822*(a/b)3
= 0.30

x = ln ln q1*(a*b)2
= 1.47
w1 = t1*e(ro+r1*x+r2*x^2)
= 14.04 mm ; center of glass deflection

For Inner Lite

q1 = q / LS
= 2.70 kPa ; load carried by outer lite
E = 71700 MPa ; glass modulus of elasticity
r0 = 0.553 - 3.83*(a/b) + 1.11*(a/b)2 - 0.0969*(a/b)3
= -3.48
r1 = -2.29 + 5.83*(a/b) - 2.17*(a/b)2 + 0.2067*(a/b)3
= 2.31
r2 = 1.485 - 1.908*(a/b) + 0.815*(a/b)2 - 0.0822*(a/b)3
= 0.30

x = ln ln q1*(a*b)2
= 1.37
w2 = t2*e(ro+r1*x+r2*x^2)
= 15.45 mm ; center of glass deflection

Allowable deflection
dp = b / 90
= 17.78 mm ; allowable deflection

since: dp > w ; therefore glass is safe for deflection

6063-T6 Aluminium Alloy (Reference to B.S. - 8118 : Part 1: 1991 - Structural use of Aluminum)
Ea = 70000 MPa ; modulus of elasticity
po = 160 MPa ; limiting stress for bending and overall yielding
pa = 175 MPa ; limiting stress for local capacity of the section
pv = 95 MPa ; limiting stress for shear
gm = 1.2 ; material factor

Wind Load
q = 1.95 kPa ; design wind load
Lb = 3640 mm ; unbraced length of mullion
tw = 1140 mm ; tributary width of mullion
WWL = q*tw
= 2.223 kN/m ; nominal wind load of mullion

Section Properties
At = 1324 mm2 ; cross sectional area (gross)
Ixt = 3375368 mm4 : moment of inertia about x-axis
Iyt = 659850 mm4 ; moment of inertia about y-axis
cyt = 77.2 mm ; distance from y-axis to remotest element
Znxt = 43722 mm3 ; elastic section modulus about x-axis


Check for Bending Moment Resistance

Maximum Design Moment
Mn = ( WWL*Lb )/8

= 3.68 kN-m ; nominal moment

MWL = 1.4*Mn
= 5.15 kN-m ; factored moment carried by aluminium due to wind load

Bending Moment Capacity

MRSx = po*Znxt / gm
= 5.83 kN-m ; moment resistance of mullion along x-axis

since: MRSx > MWL , profile is adequate for bending!

Check for Deflection

Note : This is not the exact formula,for a lesser conseravtive result assume partial fixity of mullion.
Actual Deflection
dWL = 3/384*(WWL*Lb / Ea*Ixt)

= 12.90 mm ; approximate deflection (continuos mullion)

Allowable Deflection
dP = Lb / 175
= 20.8 mm or 20 mm ; whichever is lesser

since : dp > d WL , profile is adequate for deflection!

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