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Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Finance Seguriies and Exchange Commission "S20 utara, £05, Guerin Meera (Compeny Registration and Monitoring Department INTHE MATTER OF: ‘SEC CRID Case No.__ PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF THE "ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Pettioner, (name of corporation), represented by ts (positon, name of authorized fice) and unto this Honorable Commission, most respectfully marests that: 1. Petioner is a duly registered corporation under Philppina laws, with SEC Fegistation No, __"_and wth principal ofce address located at = 2. The Articles of Incorporation of Petitioner was approved by the Csinmission on 3. However, 6u0 te inadvertonce, typographical errr was committed on te following: 2. Aticle __. page __. Deserve or spect the eror or mistake '. Mthare are her ero, cte the same. ‘4. Paitioner nas 1 intention to volts the law and any SEC rues and reguations; ‘5. The_fing ofthe Petiion is authorize by the majrty the Diretore/Trustoes and by the majory ofthe outstanaing capital stock’mambors as evidencod by the attached Secretar’ Centicate; and 6. In support of the Peston, petiioner submits its Conected Articles of Incorporation correcting Aricels — thereat WHEREFORE, itis most respoctuly prayed that the Comission grants this Petiton for Corea of is Articles of Incorporation. ‘Other rele just and equntabe ae kewise prayed fr. Mandaluyong Cy. (date) spectuly submited. VERIFICATION REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) )ss. \ ‘of opal age, Filipino and with addross at (on oath, sate that 1. | am the (aostion of (name of-comoratin), duly auiwrzed to execute tis Vertteation pursuat to ty ihotty as evencod by tho attached Secretay’s CCenitcato dated 2. have caused he preparation ofthe foregoing Peton and read al the allegations in ‘he Paton | attest tat the facial allegations theo ae tue and corect basod on ‘my own knowledge and on authentic documents SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN tobslore mein the Cy of _, th ‘ent ening te Nsher Tax orion Number (TN ay of _ 2014, NOTARY PUBLIC ‘Name of Corporation Address SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: |, ——___, of lagal age, Flipin, and with addres ‘ater boing swom in accordance wit aw, hereby ceri tat *- | am the duly appointed and incumbent Corporate Secretary of __, {feteinafor the “Comporation, a corporation duly orgarized and exsting under and ‘By Wiue ofthe laws of the Repubtc ofthe Phiipires, wlth principal office address a (Gata at tne principal offes f the corporation, tho follwing resolution was passed {Rd approved by the majonty ofthe dirctors and by ths majority ot outstanding capital soe (WHEREAS, an errovfemore wasiwore made in the preparation of the Articles of corporation, particulary on (ate the Ailes afocted or era), WHEREAS, thore is a naed to correct the company's Artcles of Incorporation; NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Corporation be, as itis hereby authorized, through ts gfe to file’ @ Patiton for the Correction of ts Arid of Incorporation ‘wit the Secures and Exchange Commission" 2014 all WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto axed my signature this day of 14 at Corporate Secretary SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to bsloreme inthe Cy of __ is dy of _, 2014, stant exhbiing to me hse Tax ont Numbee ot) NOTARY PUBLIC

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