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Finite Element Analysis of Fully Buried Underground Water Tank by SAP2000

Raihanul Alam Chowdhury1, Mohammad Ishtiaque Iqbal2, Debojit Sarker3, and Dr. A.M.M.
Taufiqul Anwar4

Raihanul Alam Chowdhury, Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Mohammad Ishtiaque Iqbal, Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Debojit Sarker, Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology,
Dr. A.M.M. Taufiqul Anwar, Professor, Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology, +8801711703308,

Underground water tank is defined as any one or a combination of tanks that have 10% or more of
their volume below the surface of the ground in which they are installed. There are usually many
environmental regulations applied to the design and operation of storage tanks, often depending on
the nature of the fluid contained within. From PCA regulation it is known that underground water
tank has different support conditions, as like hinged top and hinged base or free top and hinged base
or free top and fixed base or hinged top and fixed base. Storage tank has two types of loading
conditions, triangular and rectangular. The study is an analysis for free top and fixed base support
condition and triangular loading from soil outside the tank and water inside the tank. This study also
investigates the influence of design parameters on response of underground water tank. Structural
parameters are taken as length-height ratio, width-height ratio, wall thickness of water tank and soil
density. The response characteristics are maximum horizontal and vertical moments for long wall
and short wall. Underground water tank response has been evaluated by Finite Element Method
(FEM) using powerful package software SAP2000 analysis. Series of underground water tank with
different parameters varying over a range were selected for analysis. Analyses of the model were
conducted by varying only one parameter at a time within specific range as well as keeping other
parameters at their reference values. The response characteristics are evaluated to understand the
structural behavior of the system. The results are plotted against the varying structural parameters
and presented in graphical form.

Keywords: Underground Water Tank; Parametric Study; FEM; SAP2000; Length to Height Ratio; Width
to Height Ratio; Wall Thickness; Saturated Soil Density.

1. Introduction

The purpose of the present research is a parametric study of underground water tank. Few
researches are done on this topic. So, this topic deserves proper attention. In treatment plants
concrete made underground reservoirs are in extensive practice, as it provides large capacity.
Different models are analyzed for values shifting over a specified region of required variables.
Structural engineers who use spread sheet to do their own calculations or design manually need a
complete design aid for scrupulous estimation. Computer program aided design can be checked
using design charts and graphs to eliminate error thus ensuring safety of structure. Structural
engineers interested in this type of topic can make further analysis for their models and develop
graphs for a wide range of variables. The problems created by latest and modern design have to
be faced by us. The topic undertaken for research here in relatively new in this area is of practical
significance and deserves due attention.

2. Objective

The primary objective is to develop graphs for underground water tank in accordance with the

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variation of different parameters. The detailed objective of the study is to develop models of
underground water tank (fully buried) for analysis using SAP2000, and to conduct an extensive
parametric study.

3. Methodology

The influence of various parameters on underground water tank is investigated in this study.
Analyses of different models with respect to different structural parameters are done. The
analysis is carried out by Finite Element Method using SAP2000v14.2.0. When the effect of a
structural parameter is to be studied, different models are made with different values of that
parameter. All other parameters are kept at their reference values to analyze the model. In the
same way, study on the effect of other parameters is also conducted. Moments and shear
calculated at different location of the model for different values of parameters. Effects of Moment
and shear for different parameter on the models are presented graphically.



A simple model of underground water tank is selected for analysis. Support condition of this
model is selected fixed base and free top according to case-7 of Rectangular Concrete Tanks,
Revised fifth edition by Javeed A. Munshi, PCA publication. This model will be analyzed for
different parameters in SAP2000v14.2.0. For all the models that will be analyzed for varying
parameters, maximum moment along X-axis and Z-axis for long wall, maximum moment along
X-axis and Z-axis for short wall will be calculated and finally the effect of the parameters on the
mentioned responses of the underground water tank will be set out.

Since completely general and variable structure cannot be used for analysis, a reference structure
is used. For each structural parameter to be analyzed, different models are made with different
values of that parameter varying within a selected range while all other parameters of the
structure are kept fixed at their reference values. The reference values of different parameters for
the reference underground water tank to be analyzed are in Table 01.

Table 01: Reference values of selected parameters for Underground Water Tank.

Parameters Reference Value

Tank height (a), ft 10
Tank length (b), ft 30
Tank width (c), ft 20
b/a ratio 3
c/a ratio 2
Wall thickness, inch 18
Concrete Grade, ksi 4
Reinforcement Grade, ksi 60
Saturated Soil density, psf 100
Uniform Live Load, psf 100
Water density, psf 70

The loading and support conditions are given below (ACI Committee 350, 1995):
Dead load: Self weight of the walls and top and bottom slab.
Live load: Uniformly distributed load on top slab.
Leakage test prior to backfilling (D1).
Backfill prior to adding tank cover (D2).
Tank full with cover in place. Resistance provided by the soil is ignored.

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Buoyancy forces.
Fixed base, free top.
Triangular lateral load.

Material Properties are given in Table 02. The 3D models have been analyzed for variable
parameters. For each parameter, variation within a range is done, while keeping other parameters
fixed at their reference values. The ranges of variations of different parameters are shown in
Table 03.

Table 02: Material properties (ACI Committee 318, 1995)

Modulus of elasticity 5.191 * 1008 psf

Poisons ratio 0.2
Unit weight of concrete 150 psf
Coefficient of thermal expansion 5.5 * 10-06
Shear modulus 2.163 * 1008 psf

Table 03: Ranges of parameters for Underground Water Tank.

Parameters Variable value Reference value

Tank height (a), ft 10 10
Tank length (b), ft 30, 40, 50, 60 30
Tank width (c), ft 5, 10, 15, 20 20
b/a ratio 3, 4, 5, 6 3
c/a ratio 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 2
Wall thickness, inch 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 18
Concrete Grade, ksi 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 4
Reinforcement Grade, ksi 60 60
Saturated Soil density, pcf 100, 115, 128, 134, 140 100
Uniform Live Load, psf 100 100
Water density, psf 70 70

Table 04: Saturated soil density of different soil (Bowles, 1988)

Type of soil Ysat (KN/m3) Ysat(lb/ft3)

Gravel 21 134
Sand 18 115
Silt 20 128
Clay 22 140

For the purpose of the study selected response characteristics are shown below:
Maximum vertical and horizontal moment of long wall
Maximum vertical and horizontal moment of short wall
Maximum shear along X-axis and Z-axis of long wall
Maximum shear along X-axis and Z-axis of short wall



A series of curves are plotted using the results of the analysis. Variation of slab behavior is
plotted along Y-axis and variation of structure parameters is plotted along X-axis.
The effects of the following parameters are included in the study:

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Effect of wall thickness
Effect of Saturated Soil Density
Effect of c/a ratio
Effect of b/a ratio

The notations used in the graphical representations are:

M11 = Maximum Horizontal Bending Moment of wall of model (lb-ft/ft)
M22 = Maximum Vertical Bending Moment of wall of model (lb-ft/ft)
V13 = Maximum Shear along Y-axis of model (lb-/ft)
V23 = Maximum Shear along Z-axis of model (lb-/ft).

Figure 1. Effect of thickness variation on bending moment at Figure 2. Effect of thickness variation on bending moment at

long wall for D1 and D2 short wall for D1 and D2

Figure 3. Effect of thickness variation on shear at long Figure 4. Effect of thickness variation on shear at

wall for D1 and D2 short wall for D1 and D2

Figure 5. Effect of saturated soil density variation on Figure 6. Effect of saturated soil density variation on shear at

bending moment at long and short wall for D2 long and short wall for D2

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Figure 7. Effect of c/a ratio variation on bending Figure 8. Effect of c/a ratio variation on bending moment at

moment at long wall for D1 and D2 short wall for D1 and D2

Figure 9. Effect of c/a ratio variation on shear at Figure 10. Effect of c/a ratio variation on shear at short wall

long wall for D1 and D2 for D1 and D2

Figure 11. Effect of b/a ratio variation on bending Figure 12. Effect of b/a ratio variation on bending moment at

moment at long wall for D1 and D2 short wall for D1 and D2

Figure 13. Effect of b/a ratio variation on shear at long Figure 14. Effect of b/a ratio variation on shear at short wall

wall for D1 and D2 for D1 and D2

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6. Result and Discussion:

Maximum moments and shear increase with thickness of wall except maximum horizontal
bending moment at short wall. For larger surface area, long walls are subjected to bigger
load than short wall and the load is transferred to short wall through fixed connection
between them. Thus short wall experiences tension from both side and bending moment
for lateral pressure. As a result, short wall behaves differently.
Maximum moment and shear of all axes increase at the same ratio as soil density increases.
As the density increases from sand to clay, it may be required more reinforcement in
critical sections to resist the moment produced.
Maximum vertical moment and shear at short wall decreases as c/a ratio decreases.
Maximum moment and shear decreases as b/a ratio decreases to a certain point except
maximum horizontal bending moment at short wall continues to decrease.

7. Conclusion

Only one support condition (fixed base, free top) was considered. Further studies may
cover other seven possible support condition containing various combination of fixed and
hinged base with free and hinged top. Applying spring characteristics to the supports can
explore different simulation of practical situation.
Soil height was selected conservatively same as tank height. Effect of soil height variation
with the height of tank must be considered which has the potential for providing more
economical design guideline.
Material properties were kept constant. Different type of newly developed concrete such
as- high density concrete could be selected as material for technical advancement.
Graphical representation was done only for the selected range. Soil parameters, loads and
different grades for reinforcement should be considered for more accuracy for the
preparation of the design aid.

8. References

[1] PCA Publication, Rectangular Concrete Tank, Revised Fifth Edition by Javeed A. Munshi
[2] ACI Committee 350, Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures (ACI 350R -89),
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1995.
[3] ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-95),
American Concrete Institute, Farmiigton Hills, MI, 1995.
[4] Bowles, J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., NY, 1988.
[5] Gupta, A.K., and Sen, S., Design of Flexural Reinforcement in Concrete Slabs, Journal
of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 103, ST4, 1977, pp. 793-804.
[6] Hengst, R., Concrete Watertight Structures and Hazardous Liquid Containment, ASCE
Press, American Society of Civil Engineers, NY, 1994.
[7] Iqbal, M. I., Chowdhury, R. A., A Parametric Study on Underground Water Tank, UG
Thesis, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, 2014.
[8] Moody, W.T., Moments and Reactions for Rectangular Plates, United States Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver; 1960, 74 pages.
[9] Szilard, R., Theory and Analysis of Plates-Classical and Numerical Methods, Civil
Engg., and Engg. Mechanics Series, Prentice Hall, Inc., NJ, 1974.
[10] SAP90 - A Series of Computer Programs for the Finite Element Analysis of Structures,
Computers and Structures, Inc., Berkeley, CA, I 992.

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