TE-01-Muhamad Zahid-Structural Design PDF

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Structural Design

Project Name: Mohammed Zahid Apartment.

Project No: TE-01

Date: 17-Jan-2016 to 11-Mar-2016

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Design Data

Beam Dimension (mm): 400X500

Column Dimension (mm): 400X300
Slab thickness (mm): 180


Compressive strength of Concrete-Cylinder (Fc) = 25 Mpa

Yield strength (Fy) = 400 Mpa


Beam = 40 mm
Column = 40 mm
Slab = 25 mm


Live Load for (G.F, 1st, 2nd) = 250 Kg/m^2

Live Load for roof (3rd) = 150 Kg/m^2
Live Load for balconies= 300 kg/m^2
Water tank and water load = 30 kg/m^2
Ceramic tile + Mortar = 200 kg/m^2
Concrete Block = 30 kg/m^2
Gypsum + Cement Plaster 40 kg/m^2

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Analysis of First, Second and third floor, Longitudinal Frame By Moment
Distribution Method

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Dead Load Slab = 0.18 * 2400 = 432 kg/m^2
Dead Load Tile = 200 kg/m^2
Dead Load Block = 30 kg/m^2
Dead Load Gypsum = 40 Kg/m^2
Total Dead Load = 702 kg/m^2

Beam AB:

Load Area Factor

D.L = 702 * (6+5.68) = 8199.36 Kg Divided by length of Beam (8199.36/5.5) = 1490.79 kg/ML
L.L = 250 (6+5.68) = 2920 kg Divided by length of Beam (2920/5.5) = 530.9 kg/ML

Beam BC:

Lad Area Factor

D.L = 702 * (5.85+6.19) = 8452.02 Kg Divided by length of Beam (8452.08/5.6) = 1509.3 Kg/ML
L.L = 250 * (5.85+ 6.19) = 3010 Kg Divided by length of Beam (3010/5.6) = 537.5 Kg/ML
Beam CD- Cantilever
D.L = 702 *1 = 702 kg Divided by length of Beam (702/1.5) = 468 kg/ML
L.L = 300 * 1 = 300 Kg Divided by length of Beam (300/1.5) = 200 kg/ML
Self-weight of beam = 0.4 * 0.5 * 2400 = 480 Kg/ML

Beam AB:

Self-weight of Beam = 480 kg/ML

Dead Load = 1490.79 Kg/ML
Dead Load Block wall = 0.2 * 3 * 1 * 1400 = 840 Kg/ML
Total = 2810.70 Kg/ML
Factored Dead Load = 1.4 * 2810.79 = 3935.106 Kg/ML
Factored Live Load = 1.7 * 530.9 = 902.53 Kg/ML
Total Ultimate load = 4837.636 Kg/ML

Beam BC:

Dead Load Slab = 1509.3 Kg/ML

Dead Load Block Wall = 840 Kg/ML
Self-Weight Beam = 480 Kg/ML
Total = 2829.3 kg/ML
Factored Dead Load = 1.4 * 2829.3 = 3961.02 Kg/ML
Factored Live Load = 1.7 * 537.5 = 913.75 Kg/ML
Total Ultimate Load = 4874.77 Kg/ML

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Beam CD (Cantilever):

Dead Load = 468 kg/ML

Dead Load Block Wall = 840 kg/ML
Dead Load Self weight = 480 Kg/ML
Total = 1788 kg/ML
Factored Dead Load = 1.4 * 1788 = 2503.2 kg/ML
Factored Live Load = 1.7 * 200 = 340 kg/ML
Total Ultimate Load = 2843.2 Kg/ML


Moment of Inertia (I) = bh^3/12

Moment inertia of Beam (I) = (0.4 * 0.5^3) / (12) = 4.167 * 10^-3 m^4
Moment inertia of Column (I) = (0.3 * 0.4^3) / (12) = 1.6 * 10^-3 m^4
Stiffness (K) = 4EI/L = I/L
Stiffness (K) Column = I/L = (1.6 * 10^-3) / (3) = 5.33 * 10^-4 = 1
Stiffness (K) Beam AB = I/L = (4.167 * 10^-3) / (5.5) = 7.576 * 10^-4 = 1.42
Stiffness (K) Beam BC = I/L = (4.167 * 10^-3) / (5.6) = 7.441 * 10^-4 = 1.39
Stiffness (K) Beam CD (Cantilever) = I/L = (4.167 * 10^-3) / (1.5) = 2.778 * 10^-3 = 5.212

Joint Stiffness Factor:

Joint AB = (1.42) / (1.42+1+1) = 0.415

Joint BA = (1.42) / (1.42+1+1+1.39) = 0.295
Joint BC = (1.39) / (1.39+1+1+1.42) = 0.288
Joint CB = (1.39) / (1+1+1.39) = 0.41

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Fixed End Moments:

Beam AB:

Dead Load:
F.E.M (+AB),(-BA) = (3935 * 5.5^2) / (12) = 9919.74 kg.m
Live Load:
F.E.M (+AB),(-BA) = (902.53 * 5.5^2) / (12) = 2275.12 kg.m
Beam BC:

Dead Load:
F.E.M (+BC),(-CB) = (3961 * 5.6^2) / (12) = 10351.413 kg.m
Live Load:
F.E.M (+BC),(-CB) = (913.75 * 5.6^2) / (12) = 2387.93 kg.m
Beam CD (Cantilever):

Moment Dead Load = 2503.2 * 1.5 * (1.5) / (2) = 2816.1 kg.m

Moment Live Load = 340 * 1.5 * (1.5) / (2) = 382.5 kg.m

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From Moment Distribution:-

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Finding Negative, Positive Moment and Reaction for Beam AB:

M1 (Left Moment) = 122.79 + 28 = 150.79 Kn.m

M2 (Right Moment) = 57 + 15.75 = 72.75 Kn.m
Maximum Positive Moment = {(WL^2) / (8)} {(M2+M1) / (2)}
Left Reaction = WL/2 (M2-M1) / (L)
Right Reaction = WL/2 + (M2-M1) / (L)
Note: In any beam, maximum negative moment and maximum reaction will be in same support.

Max +Moment = {(48.37 * 5.5^2) / (8)} {(150.79+72.5) / (2)} = 74.25 kn.m

Left Reaction = (48.37 * 5.5) / (2) (72.75-150.79) / (5.5) = 133.017 (-14.189) = 147.206 Kn
Right Reaction = 133.017 + (-14.189) = 118.828 Kn

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Design Data For Beam AB:

Beam Dimension: 400 X 500

D = H-Cover-Dia.Bar/2
D = 500 40 10 = 450 mm
Fy = 400 Mpa , Fc = 25 Mpa
M = As Fy (D a/2)
A = As Fy / 0.85 Fc b
- M = 150.79 kn.m
As = 949.66 mm^2
+ M = 74.25 Kn.m
As = 443.936 mm^2
Actual = As / bd = 949.66 / 400 * 450 = 0.00527
Min = 1.4/Fy = 1.4 / 400 = 0.0035
Max = 0.75 * Balance
= 0.75 * 0.85 * 0.85 * Fc/Fy * (600 / Fy+600) = 0.0203
Min < Actual < Max
0.0035 < 0.00527 < 0.0203
Actual = As / bd = 443.936 / 400 * 450 = 0.00246 < Min, So Use As min.
0.00246 < 0.0035 < 0.0203
Not O.K Use As min.
As min = Min * b * d
As min = 0.0035 * 400 * 450 = 630 mm^2
Use 20 mm Top and Bottom:
No. Of Bar (Top) = 949.66 / 314 = 3.02 = 4 Bar Top
No. Of Bar (Bottom) = 630 / 314 = 2 Bar Bottom

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Design of Shear Beam AB:

Vu = 147.206 Kn
147.206 / 2.75 = Vd / 2.30
Vd = 123.11 Kn
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * fc * B * D
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * 25 * 400 * 450
Vc = 130.05 Kn
Vc > Vd
130.05 > 123.11
So, No web Reinforcement is needed, Put Minimum.
Maximum Spacing = Least of one of the following:
(1) D/2 = 450 / 2 = 22.5 cm
(2) 24 Inch = 60.4 cm
(3) 3 Av Fy / b = 3 * 2 * As * Fy / b = 3 * 2 * 78.5 * 400 / 400 = 47.1 cm
Put 10 mm @ 20 cm C/C

Details of Beam AB:

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Design and Analysis of Beam BC:

From Moment Distribution:

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Design Data of Beam BC:

M1 (Left Moment) = 50.49 + 15.1 = 65.59 Kn.m

M2 (Right Moment) = 127.5 + 28.9 = 156.4 Kn.m
Reaction Left = {WL / 2} {(M2-M1) / L}
Reaction Right = {WL / 2} + {(M2-M1) / L}
Reaction Left = 136.47 16.21 = 120.26 Kn
Reaction Right = 136.47 + 16.21 = 152.68 Kn
Maximum Positive Moment = WL^2 / 8 (M2+M1) / 2
Max +M = 191 (148.92 + 65.39) / 2
Max +M = 191 107.25
Max +M = 83.75 Kn.m
Design of Beam BC:
-M = 156.4 kn.m
As = 985.75 mm^2
Use 20 mm
No. of Bar = 985.75 / 314 = 3.139 = 4 Bar
+M = 83.75 kn.m
As = 522.689 mm^2
Use 20 mm
No. of Bar = 522.689 / 314 = 1.664 = 2 Bar
Min = 1.4/Fy = 1.4 / 400 = 0.0035
Max = 0.75 * Balance
= 0.75 * 0.85 * 0.85 * Fc/Fy * (600 / Fy+600) = 0.0203
Actual = As / bd = 949.66 / 400 * 450 = 0.00527
Min < Actual < Max
0.0035 < 0.00527 < 0.0203
Actual = As / bd = 522.689 / 400 * 450 = 0.0029 < Min So Use As min.
Min < Actual < Max
0.0029 < 0.0035 < 0.0203
Not O.K Use As min.
As min = Min * b * d
As min = 0.0035 * 400 * 450 = 630 mm^2
No. of Bar = 630 / 314 = 2 Bar

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Design of Shear Beam BC:

Vu = 152.68 Kn
152.68 / 2.80 = Vd / 2.35
Vd = 128.142 Kn
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * fc * B * D
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * 25 * 400 * 450
Vc = 130.05 Kn
Vc > Vd
130.05 > 128.142
So, No web Reinforcement is needed, Put Minimum.
Maximum Spacing = Least of one of the following:
(1) D/2 = 450 / 2 = 22.5 cm
(2) 24 Inch = 60.4 cm
(3) 3 Av Fy / b = 3 * 2 * As * Fy / b = 3 * 2 * 78.5 * 400 / 400 = 47.1 cm
Put 10 mm @ 20 cm C/C
Detail of Beam BC:

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Design of Beam CD (Cantilever):

Maximum + Moment = 32 kn.m

As = 219.47 mm^2 < As Min So Put As min.
As min = 630 mm^2
Use 20 mm
No. of Bar = 630 / 314 = 2.0063 = 3 Bar Top and Bottom.
Shear Design:
Reaction (Vu) = WL = 28.43 * 1.5 = 42.645 kn
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * fc * B * D
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * 25 * 400 * 450
Vc = 130.05 Kn
Vc > Vu >> Vd
130.05 > 42.645
So, No web Reinforcement is needed, Put Minimum.
Maximum Spacing = Least of one of the following:
(1) D/2 = 450 / 2 = 22.5 cm
(2) 24 Inch = 60.4 cm
(3) 3 Av Fy / b = 3 * 2 * As * Fy / b = 3 * 2 * 78.5 * 400 / 400 = 47.1 cm
Put 10 mm @ 20 cm C/C

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Analysis of First and Second Floor, Short Frame by moment distribution method

Dead Load Slab = 0.18 * 2400 = 432 kg/m^2

Dead Load Tile = 200 kg/m^2
Dead Load Block = 30 kg/m^2
Dead Load Gypsum = 40 Kg/m^2
Total Dead Load = 702 kg/m^2

Beam AB:

Dead Load = 702 * (2.72+2.72) = 3818.88 kg Divided by beam length = 3818.88 / 3.7 = 1032.12 kg/m
Live Load = 250 * (2.72+2.72) = 1360 kg Divided by beam length = 1368 / 3.7 = 357.56 kg/m
Block wall Load = 0.2 * 1 *3 *1400 = 840 kg/m
Beam self-weight = 0.4 * 0.5 * 2400 = 480 kg/m
Total Factored Dead Load = 1.4 * (10.32 + 8.4 + 4.8) = 32.928 kn/m
Total Factored Live Load = 1.7 * (3.67) = 6.239 kn/m
Total Ultimate Load = 39.167 kn/m

Beam BC:

Dead Load = 702 * (3.42+3.42) = 4801.68 kg Divided by beam length = 4801.68/4.1 = 1171.14 kg/m
Live Load = 250 * (3.42+3.42) = 1710 kg Divided by beam length = 1710/4.1 = 417 kg/m
Beam self-weight = 480 kg/m
Block wall load = 840 kg/m
Total Factored Dead Load = 1.4 (11.71+4.8+8.4) = 34.874 kn/m
Total Factored Live Load = 1.7 (4.17) = 7.089 kn/m
Total Ultimate Load = 41.963 kn/m


Moment of inertia of beam (I) = 4.167 * 10^-3 m^4

Moment of inertia of column (I) = 1.6 * 10^-3 m^4
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Stiffness (K) = I/L

(K) Column = 5.33 * 10^-4 = 1
(K) Beam AB = 1.126 * 10^-3 = 2.112
(K) Beam BC = 1.016 * 10^-3 = 1.906

Joint Stiffness Factor:

Joint AB = (2.112) / (2.112+1+1) = 0.513

Joint BA-BC = (2.112) / (2.112+1+1+1.906) = 0.35
Joint CB = (1.906) / (1+1+1.906) = 0.487

Fixed End Moments:

Beam AB:

Dead Load (AB-BA) = WL^2 / 12 = (32.92 * 3.70^2) / (12) = 37.55 kn.m

Live Load (AB-BA) = WL^2 / 12 = (6.23 * 3.70^2) / (12) = 7.107 kn.m

Beam BC:

Dead Load (BC-CB) = (34.87 * 4.1^2) / (12) = 48.84 kn.m

Live Load (BC-CB) = (7.089 * 4.10^2) / (12) = 9.93 kn.m

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From Moment Distribution:

Design Data for Beam AB:

M1 (Left Moment) = 17 + 4.29 = 21.29 Kn.m

M2 (Right Moment) = 51.7 + 10 = 61.7 Kn.m
Reaction Left = {WL / 2} {(M2-M1) / L}
Reaction Right = {WL / 2} + {(M2-M1) / L}
Reaction Left = 72.45 10.92 = 61.53 Kn
Reaction Right = 72.45 + 10.92 = 83.37 Kn
Maximum Positive Moment = WL^2 / 8 (M2+M1) / 2
Max +M = 67 (61.7 + 21.29) / 2
Max +M = 67 41.49
Max +M = 25.51 Kn.m

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Design of Beam AB:

-M = 61.7 kn.m
As = 383.9 mm^2 < As min = 630 mm^2, So Put As min.
+M = 25.51 kn.m
As = 157.99 mm^2 < As min = 630 mm^2, So Put As min.
Use 20 mm
No. of Bar = 630 / 314 = 2.006 = 3 Bar 20 mm. Top and Bottom.

Design of Shear Beam AB:

Vu = 83.37 Kn
83.37 / 1.85 = Vd / 1.4
Vd = 63 Kn
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * fc * B * D
Vc = 0.85 * 0.17 * 25 * 400 * 450
Vc = 130.05 Kn
Vc > Vd
130.05 > 128.142
So, No web Reinforcement is needed, Put Minimum.
Maximum Spacing = Least of one of the following:
(1) D/2 = 450 / 2 = 22.5 cm
(2) 24 Inch = 60.4 cm
(3) 3 Av Fy / b = 3 * 2 * As * Fy / b = 3 * 2 * 78.5 * 400 / 400 = 47.1 cm
Put 10 mm @ 20 cm C/C

Detail of Beam AB:

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Design of Beam BC:

Moment Left (M1) = 56.17 + 11.19 = 67.36 kn.m

Moment Right (M2) = 26.38 + 6.3 = 32.68 kn.m
Maximum Positive Moment = 38.14 kn.m
Left Reaction = 94 Kn
Right Reaction = 77 Kn

-M = 67.36 kn.m
As = 462 mm^2 < As min, So put As min = 630 mm^2
+M = 40 kn.m
As = 274.34 mm^2 < As min, So put As min = 630 mm^2
Vu = 94 kn
Vc = 130 kn , So no web reinforcement is needed.
Maximum Spacing = Least of one of the following:
(1) D/2 = 450 / 2 = 22.5 cm
(2) 24 Inch = 60.4 cm
(3) 3 Av Fy / b = 3 * 2 * As * Fy / b = 3 * 2 * 78.5 * 400 / 400 = 47.1 cm
Put 10 mm @ 20 cm C/C

Detail of Beam BC:

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Design of Slab (1) (First & Second) Floor

Thickness of slab = Perimeter / 180 = (5.2+5.2+3.7+3.7) / 180 = 0.0989 m = 9.89 cm

Assume slab thickness = 18 cm
M = La / Lb = 3.7 / 5.2 = 0.711
Dead Load Slab = 0.18 * 2400 = 432 kg/m^2
Dead Load Ceramic = 0.1 * 2000 = 200 kg/m^2
Dead Load Concrete Block = 30 kg/m^2
Gypsum and Mortar = 40 kg/m^2
Total = 702 kg/m^2
Factor Dead Load = 1.4 * 702 = 982.8 kg/m^2
Factor Live Load = 1.7 * 250 = 425 kg/m^2
Ultimate Load = 1407.8 kg/m^2

Finding Moment Coefficient form Tables:

Positive Moment:

+Ca L.L = 0.057

+Cb L.L = 0.014
+Ca D.L = 0.046
+Cb D.L = 0.011

Negative Moment:

-Ca = 0.081
-Cb = 0.019

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- Ma = Ca Wu La^2
- Mb = Cb Wu Lb^2
+ Ma = Ca W.D.L * La^2 + Ca W.L.L * La^2
+ Mb = Cb W.D.L * Lb^2 + Cb W.L.L * Lb^2
- Ma = 0.081 * 14.078 * 3.7^2 = 15.61 Kn.m
- Mb = 0.019 * 14.078 * 5.2^2 = 7.232 kn.m
+ Ma = 0.046 * 9.82 * 3.70^2 + 0.057 * 4.25 * 3.7^2 = 9.5 Kn.m
+Mb = 0.011 * 9.82 * 5.2^2 + 0.014 * 4.25 * 5.2^2 = 4.529 kn.m
Finding As for Maximum (Negative and Positive) moments:

M = As Fy (d a/2)
D = H Cover - Bar/2
D= 180 25 6 = 149 mm
- Ma = 15.61 kn.m
As = 296.56 mm^2
+ Ma = 9.5 kn.m
As = 179.13 mm^2
As min = 0.002 * H * b
As min = 0.002 * 180 * 1000 = 360 mm^2
The As from moments less than As min, So put As min.
Use 12 mm
No. of Bar = 360 / 113 = 3.18 = 4 Bar/ML
Use 12 mm @ 25 cm C/C Top and Bottom Straight.
Check the thickness of slab, by Moment
Note: To find minimum Depth required from moment view, we must put maximum As, it mean = Max, then we get
minimum (D) Required for slab.

M = b d^2 Fy (1 0.59 ( Fy) / (Fc))

15.61 * 10^6 = 0.9 * 0.0203 * 1000 * d^2 * 400 (1 0.59 (0.0203 * 400) / (25))
D = 5.14 cm required to moment < than D provided so it is O.K

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Design of Slab (2):

M = la / lb = 3.3 / 5.2 = 0.63

H = 180 mm
D = 149 mm
F.D.L = 9.82 kn/m^2
F.L.L = 4.25 kn/m^2
Ultimate Load = 14.078 kn/m^2
Moment Coefficient Form Tables:
Negative moment:

-Ca = 0.0764
-Cb = 0.0216
Positive Moment:

+Ca D.L = 0.0456

+Ca L.L = 0.0614
+Cb D.L = 0.0082
+Cb L.L = 0.0102


- Ma = Ca Wu La^2
- Mb = Cb Wu Lb^2
+ Ma = Ca W.D.L * La^2 + Ca W.L.L * La^2
+ Mb = Cb W.D.L * Lb^2 + Cb W.L.L * Lb^2
- Ma = 0.0764 * 14.078 * 3.3^2 = 11.71 Kn.m
- Mb = 0.0216 * 14.078 * 5.2^2 = 8.22 kn.m
+ Ma = 0.0456 * 9.82 * 3.30^2 + 0.0614 * 4.25 * 3.3^2 = 7.71 Kn.m
+Mb = 0.0082 * 9.82 * 5.2^2 + 0.0102 * 4.25 * 5.2^2 = 3.349 kn.m

Finding As for Maximum (Negative and Positive) moments:

M = As Fy (d a/2)
D = H Cover - Bar/2
D= 180 25 6 = 149 mm
- Ma = 11.71 kn.m
As = 221.4 mm^2
+ Ma = 7.71 kn.m
As = 145 mm^2
As min = 0.002 * H * b
As min = 0.002 * 180 * 1000 = 360 mm^2
The As from moments less than As min, So put As min.
Use 12 mm
No. of Bar = 360 / 113 = 3.18 = 4 Bar/ML
Use 12 mm @ 25 cm C/C Top and Bottom Straight.

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Design of Cantilever Slab:

Factor Load Due to wall = 3 * 0.2 * 1 * 1400 = 840 kg * 1.4 = 1176 kg

Factor Dead Load = 702 kg/m^2 * 1.3 = 912.6 kg * 1.4 = 1277.64 kg
Factor Live Load = 300 * 1.3 = 390 kg * 1.7 = 663 kg
Moment Due to (Dead + Live) load = (1277.64 + 663) * 1.3/2 = 12.61 kn.m
Moment Due to wall = 1176 * 1.3 = 15.288 kn.m
Total Moment = 27.89 kn.m
As = 538.24 mm^2
As min = 360 mm^2
Use 12 mm
No. of Bar = 538.24/113 = 4.76 Bar = 5 Bar /ML
Use 12 mm @ 20 cm C/C
Check for (d) provided by moment:
M = b d^2 Fy (1 0.59 ( Fy) / (Fc))
27.89 * 10^6 = 0.9 * 0.0203 * 1000 * d^2 * 400 (1 0.59 (0.0203 * 400) / (25))
D = 6.87 cm required to moment < than D provided (18 cm) so it is O.K

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Design of Column (Ground Floor)
Column (1): Axially Loaded

Column Dimension 400 X 300 mm

Pu = 1715 Kn
Finding As From this equation
Pu = 0.65 * 0.8 * {0.85 * fc (Ag-As) + As fy}
Pu = 0.52 {0.85 * 30 * (120000-As) + As 400}
1715 * 10^3 = 1591200 + 194.74 As
123800 = 194.74 As
As = 635.719 mm^2 < As min
As min = 0.01 * 300 * 400 = 1200 mm^2
As from loads is less than As min, So put As min.
Use 16 mm
No. of Bar = 1200 / 200.96 = 6 Bar 16 mm.

Design for Tie:

Least one of the following, Use 10 mm.

(1) 16 Bar = 16 * 16 = 256
(2) 48 Tie = 48 * 10 = 480
(3) Less Dimension of Column = 300
Use 10 mm @ 25 cm C/C
Check for additional tie
Note: minimum distance between to longitudinal bar should be less or equal to 150 mm.
Clear Distance between to Longitudinal bar (X) = H 2 Cover - 2 Tie No. Bar / 2
X = 400 40 40 10 10 16 16 -16 = 252 /2 = 126 < 150
So, No need additional tie.
X = 300 40 40 10 10 16 -16 = 168 mm > 150 mm
So, need additional tie. In short direction.

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Design of Column (2):
Pu = 1232.68 Kn
My = 72.75 kn.m
Eccentricity Ey (e) = M/P = 72.75 * 10^6 / 1232.68 * 10^3 = 59 mm
Ey = 59 mm > 0.1 * 400 = 40 mm
So, Our Column is uniaxial.
D = Cover + Tie + Bar/2 = 58 mm
= H- 2 D / H
= 400 (2 * 58) / 400 = 0.71
E / h = 59 / 400 = 0.1475
= Pu / fc b h = (1232.68 * 1000) / 30 * 400 * 300 = 0.34241
From Interaction Diagram
tm less than < 0.1
So we put tm = 0.1
tm = t * m
M = Fy / 0.85 * fc
0.1 = t * (400) / 0.85 * 30
t = 0.00637
As = t * Cross-section
As = 0.00637 * 400 * 300 = 764.4 mm^2 < As min.
As min = 0.01 * 400 * 300 = 1200 mm^2
No. of bar = 1200 / 200.96 = 5.97 = 6 bar 16 mm.

Design for Tie:

Least one of the following, Use 10 mm.
(1) 16 Bar = 16 * 16 = 256
(2) 48 Tie = 48 * 10 = 480
(3) Less Dimension of Column = 300
Use 10 mm @ 25 cm C/C
Check for additional tie
Note: minimum distance between to longitudinal bar should be less or equal to 150 mm.
Clear Distance between to Longitudinal bar (X) = H 2 Cover - 2 Tie No. Bar / 2
X = 400 40 40 10 10 16 16 -16 = 252 /2 = 126 < 150
So, No need additional tie.
X = 300 40 40 10 10 16 -16 = 168 mm > 150 mm
So, need additional tie. In short direction.

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Design of column (3):

Pu = 1584.72 kn
My = 32.68 kn.m
Ey = M / P = 32.68 * 10^6 / 1584.72 * 10^3 = 20.621 mm
Ey = 20.621 < 300 * 0.1 = 30 mm < 400 * 0.1 = 40 mm
So, the column is axially loaded.
Pu = 0.65 * 0.8 { 0.85 fc (Ag-As) + As fy }
As = -33.275 mm^2
As from load < As min
So Put As min = 1200 mm^2
No. of bar = 1200 / 200.96 = 5.97 = 6 bar 16 mm.
Design for Tie:

Least one of the following, Use 10 mm.

(1) 16 Bar = 16 * 16 = 256
(2) 48 Tie = 48 * 10 = 480
(3) Less Dimension of Column = 300
Use 10 mm @ 25 cm C/C
Check for additional tie
Note: minimum distance between to longitudinal bar should be less or equal to 150 mm.
Clear Distance between to Longitudinal bar (X) = H 2 Cover - 2 Tie No. Bar / 2
X = 400 40 40 10 10 16 16 -16 = 252 /2 = 126 < 150
So, No need additional tie.
X = 300 40 40 10 10 16 -16 = 168 mm > 150 mm
So, need additional tie. in short direction.

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Design of Column (4):

Biaxial Column
Pu = 837.04 kn
Mx = 32.68 kn.m
My = 65.59 kn.m
Ex = Mx / P = 32.68 * 10^6 / 837.04 * 10^3 = 39.04 mm
Ey = My / P = 65.59 * 10^6 / 837.04 * 10^3 = 78.359 mm
Ex = 39.04 > 300 * 0.1 = 30 mm
Ey = 78.359 > 400 * 0.1 = 40 mm
So, the column is biaxial column.
= (h-2d) / (h)
D = cover + tie + Bar / 2
D = 40 + 10 + 8 =58 mm
= (400 2*58) / (400) = 0.71
Ex / h = 39.04 / 400 = 0.0976
Pn.y = fc * b * h *
= Pu / fc b h = (837.04 * 10^3) / (30 * 300 * 400) = 0.2325
Assume = 0.015
tm = t * m
tm = 0.015 * (Fy) / (0.85 * fc)
tm = 0.015 * (400) / (0.85 * 30)
tm = 0.23529
As = * h * b
As = 0.015 * 400 * 300 = 1800 mm^2
No. of Bar = 1800 / 200.96 = 8.95 = 10 Bar 16 mm.

Check for additional tie

Note: minimum distance between to longitudinal bar should be less or equal to 150 mm.
Clear Distance between to Longitudinal bar (X) = H 2 Cover - 2 Tie No. Bar / 2
X = 400 40 40 10 10 16 16 -16 = 252 /2 = 126 < 150
So, No need additional tie.
X = 300 40 40 10 10 16 -16 - 16 = 76 mm < 150 mm
So, No need additional tie.

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