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3 GRAMMAR gerunds and infinitives

a C o m p lete T h e right j o b f o r y o u q u estio n n aire by

p u ttin g th e verbs in th e c o rre c t fo rm , th e gerund
(e.g., w orking) o r in fin itiv e (e.g., to w ork).

b R ead th e q u estio n n aire and ch e ck (/) on ly the

sen ten ces th a t you strongly agree w ith . D iscu ss
you r answ ers w ith an o th er student.

c N ow see in w hich group(s) you have the m ost check

m arks, and go to > - Communication T he right jo b
fo r y ou p.107. D o you agree w ith the results?

d L o o k at th e sen ten ces in th e q u estio n n aire.

C o m p lete th e ru les w ith th e gerund o r th e
The right job for you -
1 A fter som e verbs,
e.g., enjoy, don t mind u se ... ____________ 1 I'd like to work as part of a team. w ork
2 A fter som e verbs, 2 I e n jo y ______ people w ith their problems, help
e.g., would like u se ... ____________
3 I don't m in d ______ a ve ry large salary. not earn
3 A fter adjectives u se ... ____________
4 I'm go o d a t ______ to people. listen
4 A fter prepositions u se ... ____________
5 As the subject o f a phrase or
sentence u se ... ____________ 5 I'm good a t _____ quick decisions.
6 _risks doesn't w orry me.
e > p.147 Grammar Bank 8B. L earn m ore ab ou t
gerunds and in fin itiv e s, and p ractice them . 7 I'm happy_____ by myself. work
8 I'm not afraid o f _____ large amounts
f C h o o s e fi v e o f th e c ircle s below of money.
and w rite so m eth in g in them .
something you
enjoy doing on 9 I'm good a t _____ myself. express
somebody Sunday mornings
you find very 10 I always t r y _____ my instincts. follow
easy to talk to something you
are planning to 11 It's important for m e _____ creative. be
do in the summer 12 I e n jo y_____ . improvise

a country
a job you youd like to 13 ___ com plex calculations is not do
hate doing in
visit in the future difficult form e.
the house
14 I e n jo y ______ logical problems. solve
a sport, activity,
or hobby you 15 I find it e a s y ______ theoretical un derstand
love playing or doing, principles.
but never have time for 16 I am a b le ______ space and distance. calculate
something somebody you
youre afraid wouldnt like to go
of doing on vacation with

a job
youd love
to do

g W ork in grou ps. T ell th e oth ers about w hat you

put in yo u r circle s, and answ er th e ir qu estion s.

I'm going to tell you about som eone I find really

easy to talk to. It's m y uncle...

Online Practice 8B 79

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