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ex machine, \
ments, said, :1
fucton." it ~
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j . What is male homosexuity?
Male homosexualty. is a condition in which men have a drvig
J emotional and sexu interest in other men.. Because of the an-
l3 comical and physiologica litations involved, there are some
fomudable obstcles to overcome. Most homosexuls look upon
th as a chalenge and approach it with ingenuty and boundles
energy. In the process they often trform themselves into par-
tie women. They don women's :lathes, wear makeup, adopt
femie maeris, and occasionay evéIi tr to reage their
bodies along femie lies.
Do all homosexuals act this way?
Not all of them. There is a wide range of variation in homosexal
behavior; however, most homosexu at one time or another in
their lives act out some aspect of the female role.
terone given t: women causes a suge of sexqal desire. The ladies
eople just natirally that way?
alo sprout whikers, become bartones, and undergo other changes
t way is one of the many exlanations homo- i
which interfere with the enjoyment of their new interest in sex.
in an attempt to undersd their problem. The sae effect appears in men. Predictbly with th hormone
enth centu some homosexual described them- \ homosexuals develop more interes in sex, but only their kid
" An urg was supposed to be a man who had .\ of sex.
ide hi presbly trg to get out. Ap-
n the self-stled ums were happy with ths I
Is that all they discovered?
whole idea siply faded away.
No. Medical researchers are a thorough group and rarely let go
osexulity ju be a horman problem? of a problem unti they squeeze the lat scrap of information .
from it. They turned the pictre around and injected high doses
nce is another explanation homosexals reach of feme sex hormone, esogen, iIto men; fi, heterosexual
it does't hold water.
men, then, homosexu,
a st from the fact that men and women have
of both sexes circulaUlg in their' bloodsteam
cordig to the hormone theory, if the feme What happened to the heterosexul men sexully?
apar. .
s in the male, effemÌte chaacteriscs and i
Nothg. Actaly les than nothg. Al of themprompdy be-
merge. When tested experimentaly the idea I
came incapable of any sexual activity whatever. No erection,
no ejacultion, no orgasm no desie. Not one of these men was
't exlai masculie homosexuals. A cert ever known to solicit in bars trng to pick up mae parers.
ho appea muscul, athetic, and manly in every
The only obseråble effect of the femae hormones was seen in
y enthusasc homosex. Some of those over- 1,
a few members of the tes group. They developed gynecoma-
n whose pictues adorn the physica cultue
enlgement oJ the breastd they lost thei body ha. They
y interestd in the endowments of other young were upset.
ey have enough male sex hormones.
tion of masve amounts of male sex hormones
homosexual impules. It does't. As a matter J What about the homosexual men?
opposite. Active homosexual who are given
Exacty the s.ame. They lost all interes in sex too, Their sexual
le sex hormones become even more . actve
organs refused to fucton. They. even stopped lookig for male
partners, A few or them developed enlged brea and loss of
body ha-they were delighted. .
hat happen?
demonstrted that the male sex hormone, tes
onsble for sexual drive in both sexes. T estos-
"Whenever I feel lie sex, I drive down tn the bowlig aley.
sexuls just be born that 'Way?
I wal into the men's room, fid an empty cubicle, go in, tae l
would like to thnk so. They prefer to con~ . down my pants, and sit on the toilet. Then I wait. It never taes
em the equivalent of a club foot or birk; very long.
stggle though lie with. "Prett soon another guy sits down in the next cubicle.
on is a litte tragic. It implies' that all homo- I watch hi feet. If he's a gay guy, he'll slide hi foot over and
nedwithout appea to a lie some of them say kind of nudge mine. That means he's 'crug.; If I'm interesed,
for those who want to change there . . I nudgé back. Then we get sted.
. "I always use a piece of toilet paper to write some kid of
note-usully I juS say "Do you suck?' Someties if I have plenty
of tie I add somethg else like, 'How big are yon?' I thrw the
paper on the floor, he picks it up, comes over intO my ciibicle,
who wants to renounce homosexuality finds a aid sucks my pen. Thats how it ends.:ometies I suck hi
nows how to cue homosexualty, he has every peni but usy I jus go home." No feeling, no sentient, no
g a happy, well-adjused, heterosexua. noth.
osexuls :really do with each other? Are all -homosexul contacts as imperson as that?
vable varet of ingenious thgs. Since th~
No. Most are muc.?- more impersona.., The majority Of gay guys,
bit lited, .they need a lot more imgition ~
"wnen they cre, dispense with the'-;'ourhip. They don't even
e heterosexual couple.
have tie for footse or love notes on toilet paper. Homosexalty
osexul experence is mutual mabation.
seems to have a compellg urgency about it. A homoseXual wal .
es a mium amount of equipment.
into the men's washroom and spots another homosexual. One
undres, get into bed, and manpulte each
o the point of orgam. Three to five miutes drops to hi knees, the other unps hi pants, and a few moments
h for the entie operatio'Ii.
late, its al over. No naes, no faces, no emotions. A mas-
bati0ii machie might do it better.
xus do others things too?
. Surely there mus be more to homosermlityl
xt most common varet of homosexual be-
rcourse. Th is alo known as fellatio, which There are dozens of vartions but they al have ths in common:
except in another language. In th vartion, the priar interes is the peni, not the person. A homosexu
he penis of the other. Someties they then re- may have as many as five seXual experences in one evening-al
ties not. wi dierent parers. He raely knows their naes-he is un~
he cicumnces are far from romantic. Ac- liely to see any of them aga Besdes, few' homosexual use
omosexul, it goes somethig lie th: their real names. They generay go by aliases, choosing. fi
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J f; for a place to insert hi organ. Ever orice and ski-fold is a
ng to make a woman out of you for good!' "
is only oif
yly and went on. "I like a good tie as
uy, but how can 1 have a good tie if he
J potential candidate. For many homosexu~, there
mes away? Then the phone rang. He anered .i
What's that?
nd by the tie he hung up, he wasn't so ex- I
. ¡r~,
sbated a few ties, sucked me once, and The anus. Of al the stctues of the body that is the one wlùch
. 1 don't go to tht bar any more." most. resembles the vagi. Of course, there are certn dier-
ce was tyica. Terror, intidation, grati- ences. The anus was designed as the term end of the gaso-
ct's pl~adig, usully satify the "S and M." c,: ;~
intes tract-it is not really prepared to receive the erect peni.
outcome is unpredictble. Occasonay the ¡.~ Thi in itself provides cert forndable mechanica obstcles
away, the evenig escalates and eiids in
f which mus be overcome hefore th brand of homosexuty be-
n, and death. Sadly, tht's all par of the' . comes possible. In contr to the vagi which is tremendously
elasc (as it mus be to accommodate the inant's head at bir),
the anus hadly stetches at al. However, determed asault by
omoseruls do?' the homosexu peni, general amounts of lubncation, and intense
pai on the par of the "recipient' ultiately reslt in "success."
ble interacton of the sexul orga has been
As the homosexu progresses from paer to parer, the orifce .
e by homosex digently trg to get along
loses most of its muscle-tone; fie for "fu" but it does't do
They masbate by plaçig their penies be:'
legs. One lies on top of the other and they mllch for bowel fucton.
er. The peni is slid rapidly back and forth
In an intercourse doem't the one on the bottom always play
en or thghs of another homosexul unti
The only litation is the imagintion of the the par of the woma?
Thitbrigs up an interestg point. Superficiy, the majority of
p we fid those with special taes; homosexal homosexal are indis~able from their heterosexal brothers.
Someties it taes the form of oral-anal stu- The rest have' divided themselves, by choice, into "male" and
homosexu put it, oral-anal. simultion.) One "femae." In the sadonically poetic languge of the gay world, .
us of another. Rarely is thi enough to brig on the effemté male homosexual is known as a qut:en. Some of
a prelude to mastubation. them do justce to their nae. . .
Long qlonde hair (usaly a wig), a fu complement of
unusul? makeup, removal of al body hai, and lots of perfue ar .the
ow you look at it. From a homosexal's poin l fi steps". Then come the clothes. Most queens reign in drg,
that is, women's clothes. (Those who are dident about appear-
ng the bes he can. Mother Natue didn't see
with a vagia so he gets hi fu where he ing in public in femae atte are catty referred to as closet
i queens.) Few .real women have such aluring clothes as. the
e pen can't fit inde another he mus search
is known. Butches lean heavily toward masculie trappings such
mosexuals, expense is no object and there is
as leather motorcycle. jackets, tight pants. of coarse material,
n the background complaig about the cost
super-mascue shi, heaVy boots, and other exaggerations of
self-respectig queen would ever be caught
's outft. .
men's wear. In most lage cities there are shops caterig to tho
saorial requiements of butches. For rural homosexual, several
r underneath is alo very importt to the
ma. order operations' supply their needs.
ey favor the same underwear as female pros-
parent black nylon with black lace trim.
ly, they prefer padded bras. The peek-a- V'01't a lot of heterosexual men dress the scme way today?
he bosom wi never catch on in homosexal
tiy group of the most darg queens. (More
Yes and no. Since butch costues are simply iiormal dres
caed to extemes, there are bound to be some simarities. But it
. is the exaggeration that gives them away. Two men may wea
w beww? what superfciy appears to be the sae shit; the homosexual's
is just a little tighter, a litte brighter, jus a litte more,
methg going there. Carefuy molded female
Recently, the gay guys have been leang toward costumes.
bber are very popular with those who stve
A good exaple is engieers' pants. Whte denim trousers with
They are complete in every det. If fuction
vertca blue stipes have long been worn by locomotive engieers
vagi is available.
and fiemen and hardly anyone else. Homosexal decided that
na? th !ie of work was very butch and approprited the unorm-
tight stped pants with a bright red bandann around the neck. .
item. It runs twenty dollars postaid and
This trend ha been picked up by homosexl designers and others
) in a plai brown wrapper. The catalog de- and now has' a place in men's fashions,
V,arous looks lie the Nehr look, the Cossack look, and the
ial vagi. Flesh colored, soft pliable plastc.
Leather look, al had their st among the gay crowd. Many
ce the female sex organs in every detai. Feels
al thig. Can be infated to depict the labia heterosexual men, to their dimay, fid litte else offered at their.
miora as enged by sexual dese. Santary, haberdashers these days. .
Unlorttely for .butches, clothes do not make the ma.
ial vagia is buit mto a pai of flesh-colored
s-one sie fits everyone. Til Isespeciay true of underclothes. Peel off the top layer of a
market for th deceiver is rather lited-most butch and there is a queen undereath, Their underwear is try
other ways. amag. Soi'e tae pleae in men's short so tight they can
barely meet the needs. of natue. Oters choose briefs so brief they
uline. homosexuals? barely- ~xist.. Most butch underthigs ite litte better ~ slåpy
tendency to overdo th sort of thg. Ther'
athetic supporters. The ultiate is an athetic supporter-two
staps and a sack attched to the ta of a slper-tight shi. It
re manly than a butch, as the queen's alter-ego
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g ei s' ~ ¡:. !' ~ ":~ &' ¡a 0" g __. ~ g' ~ tt . I?~
tr ~. go"
ËL~g.:: rt 0 "t
II ~ I\ ~.:; i- S rt ~ g. ~, ~ ~ g. g ~. ~ ~ S! ~ '"
'" ~E8:' tt~
~~n:ip ~ ~ ~
g7 l' ~ r. a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ s ~~ ~ ~
ights in the emergency room, but th was of another man), Peni or vagina, tht's it right there. No other
ctor explaied to me what the problem was, options. are available. .
n't be such a surrise the next tie, but now f Then the gae gets rough. The homosexual must constly
a late Saturday night accident in, I wonder
uls afraid of being arrested?
d be, but they aren't. Lack of fear of the con-

~ .
nQg, T'pre is

. -
¡search for the one man, the one penis, the one experience, that
\wil satify hi. Tragicay there is no possibilty of satisfaction
'because the formula is wronp". One perús nlus one peni eawil~
no substtute ro:r heterosex-peni~ 'On" viiUI1Q.
Disap'pomted, stbborn dicour~ge_d.- denant:..the homosexual
r keeps trng. Hi is the sexual Diogenes, always lookig tor the
of the puzg character~cs of homosexal
l~ penis that pleases.
y no homosexul need ever be arested for his
That is the reason he mus chaLge parers endlesly, He
a point of view, men who wish to masbate tries each phall~ in succession, then turn away remorsefuly.
o discretely, secretly, and leisely. (It is far
"No, that's not the one!" He i!: in vllficult po.son-conrlPTnp.r'
hotel room for a homosexu act th for a etei;aly to search. after notexi,,ttr what. never
They could entertain themselves at lengt with
s of sexulitY might appeal to them. No one
What about all the homosexuls who live together happily
em, no one would arrest them, no one would
for years?
xuls do it another way. They have a compul- Wht about them! They are mighty rare birds among the homo-
sex in public. A public washroom is frequently sexual flock. Moreover, the "happy" par remans t? be seen. The .
tions, parks, bowlig alleys, are haunted by F
bitteres arguent between husband and wie is a passonate
m and reckless selecton of parers is the trade- love sonnet by comparison with a. dialogue between a butch and
hat the stranger is liely to be a police~an, an hi queen. Live together? Yes, Happily? Hardly.
yhitic never seems to occur to them. This is The other par of tiese "marriages" tht doesn't fit in with
sexuty. happines is that the principal never stop crg. They may set
up housekeeping together, but the parade of penies usually
xuals aren't like that, are they? contiue llnabated. Only thi tie, jealousy, theats, tantrs,
y are just lie that. One of the mai featues and mutual betrayal are thown in for good measure. Mercilly
s promiscuity. It stnds to reaon. Homosexuls for both of them, the lie expeci:ncy of their relationship to-
ossible: solvig the problem with only hal the
gether is brief, .
they want sexal gratication and love but they
rom the sta the most obvious source of love How do male homosexuls get. along with female homoseXuls?
woman. The only other possble form of About the only thing they have in common is thei contempt for
s center around their own peni (or the pens staight arrows, the term they. use for heterosexual. Any rela-
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i The exact reason is complex but clearly food overshadows
r much of homosexul behavior. Aside from using their mouths
ch who is liely to cause trouble H. as a principal sexu organ, food plays another role in their
erosexal f' sexual lives.
er for a tranent homosexu encounter t
¡, Since. Natue apparently did not anticipate homosexlity,
e purely homosexual:
the i:ale has not been equipped with glands to secrete a sexual
lubricant. Thus the fist problem that two gay guys have to
te homosexual solve before makg love is lubrication. Many homosexuals favor
er word for. the same ¡ . cookig grease. Salad oil and margarine are commonly used.
he same
Ahong gourmets, butter and olive oil are preferred. But it doesn't
i homosexal t- stop there. .
man who is attacted to male homosexal f
Most homosexuls :fd their man-to-man sex unuIIig so
(sice homosexuals usaly refer to themselves as
they m~bate a lot. Much of their mastubation centers around
y need a specifc expresion to desgnte a real
the anus. The queson, of course, is what to :use for a peni. The
-masochist or slave-maser answer is often found in the pantr. Carrots and cucumbers are
atte worn by homosexual and tranestites presed into servce. Forced into the anus, lubricated with vege-
homosexu who comes on in drg table oil,. they give some homosexuls what they seek.
erormance by female impersonators Egg white is also considered a good lçibricat. Someties
a homosexal who denes or suppreses his homo- the whole egg in the shell fids itself where it g,oesn't belong.
ligs, usaly intended as an int; alo can refer Sausagès, especialy the mider varieties, are populr. .
sexal who is not curently active The homosexul who prefers to use his peni mus fid an
xal lookig f?r "acton" anus. Many look in the refrigerator. The most common ma-
: gig hi some "acton"
batory object for .th purose is a melon, Canteloupes ar usuaL,
acule, usaly super-mascule, homosex
but where it is avaible, papaya is popular.
cious or dangerous homosexual
sy and obnoxiouSly homosexual
gay bar frequented by aging homoseir Is that 'unusual? .
ampie-the list goes on and on. Actually "kìtchen masbation" is. harmes compared to some
other fo~ of rect recreation. When homosexual dnn, thgs
any homosexul expressions refer to food? realy begi to happen. Nearly every intern in the emergency
room of a lage city hospita has seen th:
ve a mysterious fascition for homosexuals.' It is tWo 'a.m. Sunday. A young man stnds forlornly at the
s greatest chefs have been homosexu. Some emergency room door. He is about twentY-si ye¡us old, short,
bes resurants are ru by homosexuls. Some I thin, with long bleached-blonde ha. He is drnk but sobering
ple are homosexuals. \
up fast. Sweat dings to il"powder blue si shi. He wants to
ently. The intern motions lum over to the homosexu manages to. pass one of these into the rectum. No
he patient walk with a stange, bent-over, clamp can get a grip on them. Major surgery is urgently indicated
e walks he ta, fast ''Ya see, doc, it was an I

and there is real danger. If the bulb bursts, the resut may be
intes perforation, peritonitis, and death.
bet and I . . ."
Some of the more routie items that fid thei way into the
n the table please," Obviously the intern had exit are pens
problem before. . t1 gasointestnal systems of homesexual vi the
oes as he is told. Pants off, on his bads and
penci. lipstcks, tombs, pop bottes, ladies' eleetc shaver
table, anus in the ai. He is sti talg, "... to
and enough other items to stock a small department store.
erve to put tls . . ,"
ts him off-he .knows it didn't happen tht way I , Do all homosexuls do these things?
esn't care. He is more worried about what he
He iner the anuscope, Bicks on the light, and
No. Someties they work the other way. The peni-in-a-bottle
key glas. He breathes a sigh of relief. Whikey trck is an example. Occaonaly a homosexual masbates by
latively speaki. He snaps on a specil rubber- I. . lubncatig the mouth of a sutable botte. He forces hi .peni in
ui in some lubncant, the gay. guy gives i (they al lie a tight fit) filly ejacultes and tries to take hi
s out. _, ~ penis out. Not so ea. As the peni is stulted by fnction
ow down a litte and the doctor doesn't ound aga the bottle, the erecton gets harder. Thi squeezes the
orr when I see these guys come In. They base of the .organtightly, cuttg off the cicultion. Afer
walk and I know they didn't sit on a tack. ejacution the peni stays had, the botte stys on, the penitent
hot glas-they're a cin~h. It usy happens patient shows up at the hospital with a phaus under gla. The
s are havig a big tie on Satuday night, you doctor do~s what the vict was afraid to do-brea the botte.
whooping it up. The queen roll over and i He usy thows in a stern lecte and sends the ùnortte
fnend to give hi the works; only he slides on hi way. SOmeties it is't tht tas. Recently a ouddle-aged
e ha in hi hand inead, usally the wluskey homosexu appeared at the emergency room at oudnglit in
h so loaded by then they don't know what agony. Thi is how he told it:.
''Doctor-well you understad thése thgs. I caa' .tell you,
those tlugs-they go in .small end fist and can't I?" Af~er a deep sigh, he went on. "Well, I'm not 1ie your
m, they come out smal end fist. It's the off- oth~ men"You know I lie my own kid of people. Anyhow,
s me. Lie the tie th old fai hobbled in
I got marned tonight. Not to a real gil of course, I would never
slipped in the scope; staed to snap on the
do .anyt lie that. But to the most beauti person you can
t flpped-hi whole da rectu was as bright
imagie. WJy he's jus. .." Then he remembered why he was
had slipped the poor moron a flashlght-he was I
n faggot in town. I had a hell of a tie gettng i. there, "Anyhow we were Starg to celebrate our weddig night
when you know what he did? He was so siy; he took th beauti-
n't the worst-light bulbs are. Occasionally a
, ful gold weddig band I gave hi, he took it nght off hi figer
!\ i ,
on my heh-heh-you know what I mean don't you Simultaneously, plac sugery is being performed on the
breast. The usual method is injection of sicone foam, a proces
confed the poor fellow's story. Around the alsò used on underendowed females. Goodbye peni and testcles,
ensely swollen purle peni was a gold wedding hello vagia. and breasts and a man becomes a woman. Alost
ured in the pufed-up tie. but not quite. Actualy he is siply a man who ha lost hi ex-
w was lucky. His weddig night only cost hi a ternal genitaa. He has gaied a pound of chemical foam plaered
f excruciatig pai whie the ring was imobilzed onto his ches and an open wound where most of hi reproductive
followed by a week on the sexu sidelies. Some system used to be. He st has plenty of problems.
of si experiences wait too long, gangrene First he mus diate hi new vagia day. Oterwie it closes
y end up more woiiiùy than they intended. ..i ùp. Nature resents meddlg and tres to correct man's mitaes.
For' the fist couple of months, the Dew "woman" does the.
æny other parts of the. body that appeal to I diating himelf. Afer that he looks for someone else to dø it.
se:.l? I There is also the matter of hormones. The adrenal gland
stubboiny continues to produce tesosterone. It han't gotten the
nd probably the most intrgug of all-the male
I news. To couIteract thi, the "lady" must tae female sex hor-
sess this orga, the esence of feminity,' is the con-
mones to keep down her beard and keep up appearances. She.also
me homosexuals. To overcome the obstcles of
must rub hormone cream into her breast to keep them looking
omy, physiology, to fialy become a woman is
Precious few succeed~
Are these the men who are chænged into women?
mæn have a vagina? Is it possible?
These are the men who cl to have been chageg into women.
cles of modem medica science, vialy anythg
They are actually casated and muclted female 'impersonators.
Skill albeit bize surgery, audacious hormone
above all a wignes au the part of the patient to Isn't this busess expensive?
g makes.the imposible a reality.
omethi lie th. First the patient ha to find a More expensve tha most p.eople imgine. The homosexuals pay
do the job, Certin Europea sugeons are known exorbitat ~ounts of money, pay with tremendous pai and
surisingly at least one of them is a wel-known diabilty, and some ultitely pay with. their lives.
self. The operation is faily simple: ,.
neral aneshetic, the peni' is amputated at the base. Pay with their lives?
e also removed, completely. Then it gets interes- Recently, in England, two homosex who had undergone
plastc sugery an arcial vagia is constrcted . these operations five year previously died of cancer. Ironicaly
ot of the peni. Th par of the op'eration is well they succumbed to cancer of the breast-the ii new female breast.
rtcial vagi are routinely constrcted in young Ironically these men who wanted to be women died of a woman's
th absent or abnormal vagil canls. diease. That's as close as they came.

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