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| American Institute of Electrical Engineers | WINTER CONVENTION to be held ar the Engineering Societies Building 33 West 39th Street New York January 26-30, 1931 a | i i | | i { | THE 1931 WINTER CONVENTION Engineering Papers, Trips, and Entertainment of striking interest comprise excellent program Fa] ANY EXCELLENT DEVELOPMENTS in various fields of electrical engineering willbe brought i ‘out in the technical sessions at the A.LE.E. | al Winter Convention. ‘This meeting, which promises to equal in interest any of the past Winter Conventions, will be held with headquarters in the Engineering Societies Building, New York, January 26-30. In addition to the excellent technical program there will be a number of interesting trips and good entertain: ment with a specially arranged program for the ladies. Technical Sessions During one of the technical sessions President William S. Lee will deliver an address, “The Engineer's. Duty to Himself and to the Public.” One of the sessions that should prove of outstanding interest is the Symposium on Coordination between Power and Communication Circuits. The papers which ‘are to be presented represent the work of the Joint Gen- eral Committee of the National Electric Light Associa’ mn and the Bell Telephone System. Each paper was intly prepared by a representative in the power field ‘and a representative in the communication field. The achievements obtained are a noteworthy example of co- operation between different fields of the electrical pro- fession. ‘At the opening of the session Mr. R. F. Pack, Vice- President and General Manager of the Northern States Power Company, will make an introductory statement. Following the presentation of the papers, closing remarks will be made by Mr. Bancroft Gherardi, Vice-President and Chief Engineet of the American ‘Telephone and Telegraph Company. The session should have a broad general appeal and the papers which are to be presented are not highly technical or mathematical. Many recent developments involving design, theory, operation and testing will be brought out in the papers which will be presented in nine other sessions in the fields of telegraphy, transportation, protective devices, power transmission, industrial power applications, electricweld- ing, electrical machinery, and research, A list of the individual papers to be presented is given elsewhere in this announcement. Edison Medal Presentation ‘The Edison Medal will be presented to Dr. Frank Con rad for his contributions to radio broadcasting and short wave radio transmission. Presentation will take place in the Engineering Auditorium on the evening of Wedny day, January 2 0 Following the Medal presentation ceremonies a lecture will be given by Dr. Katl Taylor Compton, President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Smoker A buffet dinner and smoker will be held on Tuesday evening, January 27 in the Engineering Societies Build ing. The Smoker affords splendid opportunity for mem- ‘Hudson River Bridge—Erection of steel work 10:00 am 2:00 pan 8:15 pum 10:00 a.m 2:00 p.m 6:00 p.m 10:00 am, 2:00 pm. 8:30pm. 10:00am, é" 7:30 pm. 10:00 as, 2100 pm, bers and t are being tainment Sherry. Ti The Dir held in th evening of annual oc pleasure t forward to members tions may people. Reduced certificate | sing remarks fice-President ephone and have a broad be presented sign, theory, in the papers sin the fields evices, power electrieweld- ented is given nm r. Frank Con- ing and short take place in gof Wed mnies a lecture , President of don Tuesday xcieties Build- sity for mem: The 1931 Winter Convention of the A. 1. E. E. PROGRAM Monday, January 26 10:00 am, Registration 2:00 p.m, Opening of Convention ‘A—Symposivm on Telegraphy 8:15 pam, BJoine Session of Commitize on Transportation and the Transportation Group of the New York Section Tuesday, January 27 10:00..m, C—Symposium on Coordination of Powerand Tele phone Plant 2:00 pm, D-"Session on Protective Devices 6:00 pan, Bulfet Dinner and Smoker Wednesday, January 28 10:00 am, E—Session on Power Transmission 2:00 pum. Inspection Trips Board of Directors Meeting 8:30 pum, Edison Medal Presentation and Lecture Thursday, January 29 10;00 a.m, F—Industrial Power Applications gr" enn G—Transportation H—Blectric Welding 7:30 p.m, Dinner Dance Friday, January 30 10:00 am, I—Session on Revearch 2:00 pan, J—Session on Electrical Machinery bers and their guests to renew old acquaintances. Plans are being made which will provide very attractive enter- tainment following the dinner to be served by Louis Sherry. Tickets will be $3.000 per person, Dinner Dance ‘The Dinner Dance of the Winter Convention will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Astor on the evening of Thursday, January 29. For many years this annual social event of the Institute has afforded much pleasure to all who were in attendance and is looked forward to from year to year by a large proportion of the membership. Tickets will be $6.00 per person, Reserva: tions may be made in advance for tables seating eight people. Reduced Railroad Rates Reduced railroad rates will be available under the certificate plan to members and guests who attend the Convention, Under this plan only half fare need be paid on the return trip over the same route, provided 150 certificates are deposited by members at the registration desk. The rates apply to all who attend the convention, and to dependent members of their families. Each mem: ber or guest should obtain a certificate when purchasing his one-way ticket to New York. He should explain t0 the ticket agent that he wishes the certificate authorized by the passenger associations for the Winter Convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. On arriving at the convention the certificate should be deposited at the Registration Desk. Here it will be held for validation by-a railroad representative and, if 150 certificates are validated, the validated certificates will later be returned to the owners, By presenting the wali- dated certificate when purchasing a return ticket, only half fare will be charged. Local ticket agents should be consulted regarding conditions affecting this plan, as it applies only within certain dates depending upon the territory. Everyone whose one-way fare is over 66 cents should get a certificate whether or not he intends to use it, By neglecting to do so, he may deprive others of con- siderable saving. Ladies Entertainment The Ladies Entertainment Committee has been ac- tively engaged preparing plans for a special program which will prove very attractive for the ladies in atten- dance: Register in Advance Each member should register in advance by using the enclosed post card, thus permitting the committee in charge to prepare badges in advance of your arrival at the convention. This will result in the saving of consider- able time and congestion at the Registration Desk, Committees The 1931 Winter Convention Committee is as fol- lows: H. P. Charlesworth, Chairman; J.B. Bassett, C. R. Jones, H. A. Kidder, G, L, Knight, A. E. Knowlton, E. B. Meyer, C. E, Stephens and R, H, Tapscott. The chairmen of the subcommittees are, respectively; J. B. Bassett, Convention Executive Committee; W. R. Smith, Inspection Trips; E. J. Johnson, Dinner Dance; G.W.E, Draper, Smoker; and Mrs. E. B. Meyer, Ladies Entertainment. Poge Three oo ‘The 1931 Winter Convention of the A. I. E.E. Trips The Inspection Trips Committee has tentatively scheduled a number of interesting trips on Wednesday afternoon, January 28. Other attractive trips have been tentatively scheduled daily. However, those in atten: dance at the convention, who have anything of special interest in mind that they would like to see should make their desires known to the committee which will in turn. endeavor to make all necessary arrangements. ‘The number of tickets will be limited and all who wish to take trips should register and get tickets as early as pos: sible, Tickets must be secured not later than 4:00 p.m. on the afternoon preceding the day on which the trips are to be taken. They may be obtained at the convention or ‘reservations may be made by mail. Trips which have been tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, January 28, are as follows: ‘Hudson River Bridge “Ths project ith stration wrk on ote afl a un Pee Te iy gpa 08 fet he world and iy supported bet Bhi ei tahine the vers sa Selatan vine » specie minimum sree of 2A Sa ieling SSit0 tome apport the doable Roseland Switching Station of the Public Service Ete Gas Company This station is the raint of interesateeton Be freely ith ofthe Renae fener unin, these cing sons te nec inglesphare transformers ever hulle the 20,000, Keon, aynchconive ERUSee and he ground supported high-voltage buses, ‘The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Electrifica Tas pee Ab we: 8 fi mn, Send to rere aie Te rex canteen of te ct Ford Motor Plant Empire State Building with Vertical Distribution Fokker Airplane Factory Sperry Gyroscope Company The following daily inspection trips are tentatively scheduled: ‘Westinghouse Lighting Institute Chrysler Building and Vertical Distribution Network switch exhibit Lithographing plant of National Process Company Electrical Testing Laboratories East River Generating Station of New York Edison Company "Arrangements can be made to see the new’ 160,000: avon cans senety Kwa, Tandem Compound Unit in the East River Gen erating Station, as well as many of the other power sta: — tions or substations of the neighboring utilities. Page Four TEKS tna of approximately aac hundeed and may ‘Trips to the following points of interest are now under consideration and probably will be scheduled at a later date. New Eighth Avenue Subway Substation 160,000-Kva. Tandem Compound Unit of the Brooklyn Edison ‘Company. Modern press installation and lighting of the new Daily News Building. Modern use of light as the sole decorative agent ina Harge ball- room—Se. George Hotel, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hotel Reservations Reservations for hotel accommodations should be made by writing directly to the hotel of your preference. Hotel Rates Wako wit pnt rie ack HOTEL Sic Deuble Sine Dove aes eS PRs Ketan sco ah Core U PAS Sm th @ Broadway Bi Hon where s Sim i Se. @ Madi Ave sinaa 515 iene sh i Beads fe Se el 3B 139 w. gi Se Sito 3800 Octet 33 ia Ta se Be. Enmore Sta sivina "ERT Leann Ave theo sere Chto Hoo 46 ae. = Be Ee Sai i ta ue ME Car Bohn BS io Ta gmane fa i fie Be an ey Be Ee ‘ty fl on ag ai ave 8 Se sd ee Goi an ne hn ES a ae fae i 26 sini on SOBs to ae : BPsietainun = ft a yas he eta oat ve " Me oak Ae fg io is ie ase hes ha Ke Fag Beton i. January 26— Opening of HI Gut We Sta ao F Mi The Newfov Submarine ¢ Telegraph 7 A Printing’ Quien pow under ‘at a later klyn Edison Dally News a large ball- should be preference. Wit fiat ath ge Dea Roos m $8.00 m $600 om slow a 2) Hs $9 s50 $800 e Wasser Gon Tl TECHNICAL SESSIONS January 26—2:00 pam, ‘Opening of Convention HP. Cuakuesworrn, Vice President Winer Comicon © ‘Welcome by President Watuiant 5. Let ement by A. E, KNowLton, A—Symposium on Telegraphy Presiding Officer: H. 8, Osp0RNt ‘The Newfoundland Azores High Speed Duplex Cable 1. MINOR, CRAMER, WD, CANNON Weis Submarine Cable Tel se of Interference mn Testing Machines mn Tal A Printing Telegraph Cone Modern Practise ¢ Wire Telegraph Service sone and Telegraph € Rectifier—3000 volts, 3000 dw., vninal Rating-—one of four units ‘at Roseville Ave, Station Janvary 26—8:15 pam. B—Joint Session of Committee on Transporta- tion and the Transportation Group of the New York Section January 2710.00 asm. C—Symposium on Coordination of Power and Telephone Plant Presiding Officer: A. E. KNOWLTON ‘Chsinman, Meetings and Papery Commiece Introductory Statement by R. F. Pack VicePreident ant General Manager of the Nether Suaes Power Company ‘Trends in Telephone and Power Practise as Affecting Coordination W. H. HARRISON ‘Anuricin Telephone 28 Telegraph Co, ALE SILVER. a ifand Sire Co ‘Status of Joint Development and Research on Noise Frequency Induction 0.1. NLACKWELL, Rein ae ie wits Sewn Power ‘Status of Joint Development and Research on Low- Frequency Induction Be SONY 8. WARRE Heros aod Tekan Status of Coop ative Work on Joint Use of Poles and Teleragh Ca, TG. MARTIN Sinden Uitte 2 HL, HUBER atria Tron ad Tear Closing Statement by Bancrort GHERARDI Viseeidet bf Cel Bagne, Amerian Telepine an Teeth Co Janwary 27—2:00 pam. D—Session on Protective Devices Presiding Officer: Raymon Baie Chatrmar of Comite on Proteaive Dees ‘An Experimental Lightning Protector for Insulators dito ee @ Mle. Co Field Tests on Thyrite Lightning Arresters Using Artificial Lightning of 1,500,000 Volts IM HAGTIRON gx FJ. WADE | Herc i uo TECHNICAL SESSIONS—Continued Series Resistance Method of Increasing Transient Lightning Investigation on a Wood Pole Transmission Motive Pow Stability Limit Line 1,J- FOROK R. G.BERGVALL isan Bese @ Mt: Co Nictiaghowe Hectic Mle Co ‘edna Powe od Lig Co, Transverse] Trend in Development of Modem Circuit Interrupt maw ani Mapcten ceo the ONES Hee ‘Wertinghouse Electric @ Mig. C mission Lines of the American Gas and Electric Philo 1930 Oil Circuit Breaker Tests; Aims, Setup and COMPANY PMILIESFORS Results from a System and Operating Point of View seeaat i cc 7 FLIP SPORN aypt, CLAIR Eee nth’ neceins Belbctiona ok Traveling y Design of C ners crane mentee ae Goin ears Go Terminal Inclined Cat The Oil Blast Circuit Breaker D.C, PRINCE ayo W. F, SKEATS Graerat Blete Co, January 29—10:00 a.m. ¥ January 29— Field Tests on Standard and Oil Blast Explosion F—Session on Industrial Power Applications H Chamber Oil Circuit Breakers ; BM. SEURCK io HE STRANG Presiding Officer: C. W. Drake Pr Sanat Bee hats of Cokie Gal Power Apo Electron Tubes in Industry Some Experi January 28—10:00 a.m. Wo KING E—Session on Power Transmission _daocasnesTeepetabocsata Tate An Improve Presiding Officer: P.H. Citas, [i asiuauon a Electrical Distribution Systems for Industrial Plants ‘The Neutral Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems Wo Mecta Transients LY. pewuey Tent PSE contig Baier ee The Synchronous Motor with Phase-Connected AsSynente Impulse Tests on Substations Damper Winding Asa Drive for High-Torque ‘AS. BROOKES ovo RN, SOUTHGATE Loads MA HYDE, Ie oe omen ote Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co, Resistance ¥ Worthehoue Beane @ ie ‘The Design and Application of Synchronous Motors to Meet Special Requirements a D.W, McLENEGAN ax A. G. FERRIS Electric Res: Gated Hae © Weather Making—A Publi RED ee take January 30— fervice and a New User + January 29—2:00 p.m. G—Session on Transportation Presiding Office Sipvey WITHINGTON ‘Some Electr: nite on Taneportation Lackawanna Suburban Electrification EL MORELAND, Jackin and Mound, Engi Conduc DL. @W. R. R. Electrification—Catenary Gonstruction Page Six TECHNICAL SESSIONS—Continued snission Motive Power for Suburban Electrification Fundamental Properties of Impregnated Paper CHARLES NERA, Ts J.B WHITENEAD ane W. 8. KOUWENHOVEN SNR we, co, EAD Transverse Fissure Detector Car ‘Trafic Control by Light Beams Wc DRAKE RG aurenionce rns ee ae FeSO eau cn . | Inclined Gatenary Calculations Commutation and Current Colleetion in Hydrogen aM FICKENS M. BAKER i FE acta: Ce BN ROSE ic ty Ce e pte Design of Catenary System for Cleveland Union ‘The Helical Groove Terminal —N. CLEMENT x» EE. RICHARDS G. M. LITTLE Gleveand Unien Termiuls Go H_—Session on Electric Welding Presiding Officer: P. P. ALEXANDER " ‘Ghat of Commie on ate Woking Some Experiments with Arcs between Metal Electrodes (GM SHRUM asp. G, WIEST, Jn Senet Heute Coy ‘An Improved Arc Welding Generator e @ CMANEENHUILER Weningboune Bese # Mes, Co, ‘The Neutralized Welder, a Means of Controlling | January 29—2:00 p.m. Transients FCRREDY ed A System for Direct Current Are Welding 2 SR. BERGMAN Sens Beare Go, Resistance Welding of Motor Frames MALCOLM THOMSON Sener este Co Blectric Resistance Brazing ‘SAMUEL MARTIN, Jn (howl Blea Co Motors ew User t January 30—10: I—Session on Research Presiding Officer: L. W. Cruse ‘Chai of Comma ag Resear Some Electrical Characteristics of Cable Oils HOH RACE etal Bete Co, ON ‘The Conductivity of Insulating Oils—I 1. WHITEHEAD Fe Mapas University Wemngioue Bctic &# Mis. Co, Studies in Non-Linear Circuits .G. surTs Corral Blears Co January 30—2: J—Session on Electrical Machinery Presiding Officer: P. L. ALGER (Chairman of Commitee on Electrical Macinery pam. ‘Mercury-Are Rectifier Research ‘A.W. MULL au th D-BROWN Sora Heri Co Effect of Transient Voltages on Power Transformer Design—IIL KX, Pater Stationary Blow of Heat in Large Turbine Generators G RICHARD SODERBERG Wartnghome Beste @ Mle. Co Induction-Motor Slot Combinations GADRIEL KRON, Unued Research Corp: ‘The Pulling into Step of a Salient-Pole Synchronous Motor HE. EDGERTON aso PAUL FOURMARIER, ‘Mamachontes Tse of Techcloy Cornell Engineers ‘The Cornell Society of Engineers will sponsor an in- formal Cornell dinner, which will be held on Friday, January 30, 1931. Members of the faculty and prominent alumni will be present, Please notify Mr. B.C. M. Stahl, Secretary and Treasurer, 380 Pearl Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., of your intention to be present ie, Page Seven Roseland Sigching Station f Public Service Ble @ Gat Co. (Photo by Fairchild Aerial Surveys Ine.) 5 AMERICAN INSTITUTE of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 35 Went ih Sucet, New York. “

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