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Weapons Damage: 3D to 4D damage depending on the

method of construction.
Guard Shoto Lightsaber Game Notes: On a roll of 1 on the wild die, the
beam flickers and fades. Repairing the weapon
Model: Lightsaber
takes two hours and a Moderate lightsaber repair
Type: Melee weapon
Source: Lord of the Expanse Sector Guide (page
Scale: Character
47), Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 50)
Skill: Lightsaber
Cost: 7,000
Availability: 4, X
Archaic Lightsaber
Difficulty: Moderate Model: Primitive Lightsaber
Damage: 4D Type: Melee weapon
Game Notes: A Scale: Character
character with the Cost: 1,600
appropriate skill Availability: 4, X
specialization gains a Difficulty: Difficult
+5 bonus to all parry Damage: 5D
rolls made when wielding the shoto by its Game Notes: Archaic
secondary handle. However, his attacks also suffer lightsabers are attached
a -3 penalty unless the shoto is wielded by the to a belt-worn power pack
primary handle. If an attackin character misses the by a cable, and weight about
difficulty number by more than 10 points (the base 3 kilograms. They are unwieldy and cumbersome
difficulty; not their opponents parry total), the compared to modern lightsabers, and the difficulty
character has injured himself with the lightsaber. of all Lightsaber skill rolls made to parry with them
Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide are increased by +5. If an attacking character
(page 96), Jedi Academy Training Manual (page misses the difficulty number by more than 10
50) points (the base difficulty; not their opponents
parry total), the character has injured himself with
Archaic Lightfoil the lightsaber.
Source: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (page 62),
Type: Lightfoil
Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 51)
Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsaber
Cost: 4,500
Dual-Phase Lightsaber
Availability: 4, R Model: Dual-Phase Lightsaber
Damage: 5D Type: Melee weapon
Game Notes: Lightfoils are more common in the Scale: Character
Knights of the Old Republic era than in other eras, Cost: 6,000
and are more reliable, and are likely to do as much Availability: 4, X
damage as a lightsaber. However, gamemasters Difficulty: Difficult
should be aware that these advantages are not Damage: 5D
available for characters desiring the weapon Game Notes: A dual-phase lightsaber has an
anytime outside the Knights of the Old Republic adjustable blade length. They can be set for either
era, given that the art of making quality lightfoils is standard length (130 cm) or more than double the
soon lost. normal length (300 cm). This doesn't increase
Source: Knights of the Old Republic Campaign damage, but it does increase the reach of the
Guide (pages 64-65), Jedi Academy Training wielder to 4 meters. If an attacking character
Manual (page 50) misses the difficulty number by more than 10
points (the base difficulty; not their opponents
Lightfoil parry total), the character has injured himself with
the lightsaber. Creating a dual-phase lightsaber
Type: Lightfoil
adds +5 to the difficulty of the lightsaber repair roll
Scale: Character
made to construct it.
Skill: Lightsaber
Source: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (page 55),
Cost: 10,000
Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 51)
Availability: 4, X
Dueling Lig
ghtsaber heir opponents parry ttotal), the character
th c haas
njured himseelf with the lightsaber. Apply
A norm
daamage to the
e character w
wielding the lightsaber.
Soource: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (pages 52-

G Lightssaber

Type: Melee weapon

Scale: Character
Skill: Lightsa aber
Cost: 3,000 Model:
M Great Lightsaber
Availability: 4, X Tyype: Melee weapon
Difficulty: Diifficult cale: Charac
Sc cter
Damage: 5D Coost: 5,200
Game Note es: The du ueling lightsaber hilt is Avvailability: 4,
4 X
designed to be
b wielded one-handed,
o , granting a +1
+ Difficulty: Diffficult
attack bonuss. If an attaccking character misses the Damage: 5D+ +2
difficulty nummber by morre than 10 pooints (the ba
ase Game Notes:: Great lighttsabers have e blades that
difficulty; no
ot their oppponents parrry total), the re
each up to 300 3 centime eters long and
a are muc ch
character haas injured himself with the lightsabeer. th
hicker than normal, gra anting greate er reach an nd
Apply norma al damage to t the charaacter wielding po
ower. Howe ever, only ovversized spe ecies are able
he lightsaberr. to
o wield it prooperly, norm mal-sized cha aracters suffe
Source: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (page 52)) a -1D penaltyy when wie elding it. If an attackinng
haracter missses the diffficulty num mber by morre
d Lightsabe
er th
han 10 points (the ba ase difficulty; not the eir
pponents pa arry total), tthe characte er has injure
hiimself with the
t lightsabe er.
ource: Powe
So er of the Jed di Sourcebook (pages 54-
5), Jedi Acad demy Trainin ng Manual (p page 52)

ong-Handle Lightsab
Tyype: Melee weapon
Sccale: Charac cter
Skkill: Lightsab
ong-handle lightsaber
Coost: 4,500
Avvailability: 4,
4 X
Type: Melee weapon
Difficulty: Diffficult
Scale: Character
Damage: 5D+ +2
Skill: Lightsaaber
Game Notes: A long-ha andle
Cost: 4,000
ghtsaber has an
Availability: 4, X
exxceptionally large handle,
Difficulty: Diifficult
annd allows thet characteer to
Damage: 5D
usse a fightingg style that ttakes
Game Notess: The extra a short blade helps blo ock
addvantage of leverage and
liightsaber attacks,
a gra
anting a +2 + bonus to
boody movem ment to incrrease
liightsaber in n such ca ases. Howevver, its allso
he amount of o damage d done
unwieldy against ranged d attacks, incurring
i a -2
w the wea apon, as lon ng as
penalty to succh lightsaberr blocks andd deflections. If
hee has the appropriate skill
a attacking character misses
an m the diff
fficulty numb
n. If an attaccking
b more tha
by an 10 pointss (the base difficulty; notn
character misses the difficulty number by more San-Ni Staff
than 10 points (the base difficulty; not their
opponents parry total), the character has injured
himself with the lightsaber. Apply normal damage
to the character wielding the lightsaber.
Source: Legacy Era Campaign Guide (page 62),
Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 53)
Model: San-Ni Staff
Lightsaber Pike Type: Powered
Model: Shadow Guard Lightsaber Pike melee weapon
Type: Melee weapon Scale: Character
Scale: Character Skill: Melee combat:
Cost: 4,000 San-Ni staff
Availability: 4, X Cost: 4,500 credits
Difficulty: Difficult Availability: 4, R
Damage: 5D Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: STR+1D (Max: 5D, rods) or STR+2D stun
(Max: 7D, power couplers)
Game Notes: By making the Moderate difficulty roll
for both attacks, a character wielding this weapon
Game Notes: Lightsaber pikes increase the reach may make 2 attacks without suffering the multiple
of the wielder by 2 meters but incur a -2 penalty on action penalty. He must declare whether or not he
lightsaber parries and blocks. If an attacking intends to deal physical or stun damage for each
character misses the difficulty number by more attack before they are made. Rolling more than 10
than 10 points (the base difficulty; not their below the Moderate difficulty results in the
opponents parry total), the character has injured character being stunned for 1 round. This weapon
himself with the lightsaber. may be used to deflect blaster bolts and parry
Source: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide lightsabers, as described in the lightsaber combat
(page 199), Jedi Academy Training Manual (page ability, with all difficulties increased one level.
53) Source: Gamer Magazine Issue 10 (page 10), Jedi
Academy Training Manual (page 53)
Model: Lightwhip Wan-Shen
Type: Custom Model: Matukai Wan-Shen
melee weapon Type: Bladed polearm
Scale: Character Scale: Character
Skill: Lightwhip Skill: Melee combat
Cost: 5,000 Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 4, X Availability: 4
Difficulty: Moderate Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: STR+3D+2 Damage: STR+2D to
(maximum: 7D) STR+2D+2 (varies by
Game Notes: quality)
Lightwhip is armed with lacerating tentacles Game Notes: Most Wan-
formed from a Kaiburr crystal shard and Shens are designed to
Mandalorian iron. In addition to its use as a break down into smaller
weapon, the whip grants its user a +1D bonus to parts to allow for easy
rolls when attempting to trip or disarm opponents. carrying.
Source: Gamer Magazine, Threats of the Galaxy Source: Heros Guide
(page 84), Jedi Academy Training Manual (page (pages 123-124), Jedi
53) Academy Training Manual (page 54)
Discblade Equipment

Dark Combat Jumpsuit

Model: Dark Combat Jumpsuit
Type: Dark armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 16,500 & 1 Force Point
Availability: 4, X
Game Notes: A heavily-padded jumpsuit that
incorporates Cortosis weave, a material that
deactivates any lightsaber that damages the
wearer. Grants +1D+2 to Strength rolls made to
Model: Zeison Sha Discblade
resist physical and energy damage. This armor also
Type: Thrown blade weapon
grants its wearer +1D to Perception or Control rolls
Scale: Character
made to resist the use of Projective and Receptive
Skill: Thrown weapons: discblade
Telepathy, and increases the difficulty of Life
Cost: 500 (only Zeison Sha warriors may acquire
Detection and Life Sense used against the wearer
this weapon legally, black market versions cost
by +3.
Source: The Dark Side Sourcebook (page 61), Jedi
Availability: 4, X
Academy Training Manual (page 61)
Range: 3-20/50/200
Damage: STR+1D+1
Dark Padded Battle Armor
Source: Heros Guide (page 122), Jedi Academy
Model: Dark Padded
Training Manual (page 61)
Battle Armor
Type: Dark armor
Flash Canister
Scale: Character
Model: R-9 Flash Canister
Cost: 12,000 & 1 Force Point
Type: Flash grenade
Availability: 4, X
Cost: 100
Game Notes: This armor
Availability: 2, R
provides the wearer with +2D to
Range: 2-5/10/30
Strength rolls made to resist
Damage: Flash-blinding
physical and energy damage.
Game Notes: Anyone inside a 4-meter radius of the
The armor is also imbued with
detonation must make a Moderate Perception roll
Dark Side energy, granting the
not to be blinded for one round (they closed their
wearer a +1D bonus on rolls
eyes or looked away in time).
made to resist light side Force
Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 61)
powers, or any Force power
augmented by a light side Force
Source: The Dark Side Sourcebook (page 61), Jedi
Academy Training Manual (page 61)

Dark Heavy Battle Armor

Model: Dark Heavy Battle Armor
Type: Dark armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 37,000 & 2 Force Points
Availability: 4, X
Game Notes: This heavily-plated armor conveys
+3D to Strength rolls made to resist physical and
energy damage. It is imbued with Dark Side stealth
to keep the wearer hidden (+1D bonus to
Perception or Control rolls made to resist the use of
Projective and Receptive Telepathy, and increases
the difficulty of Life Orbalisk Armor
Detection and Life Type: Parasite armor
Sense against the Scale: Character
wearer by +3) and Cost: Not for sale
increases Strength (+2 Availability: 4
pips to the wearer's
Strength when making Game Notes: Orbalisk
skill or attribute rolls, or infestation will cover a
when rolling melee small host in 13 days, a
damage). medium host in 17 days,
Source: The Dark Side and a large host in 21
Sourcebook (page 61), days. The biochemical
Jedi Academy Training reaction created by the
Manual (page 61) mixture of Dark Side
energy and orbalisk
venom can be reflected in
a Strength increase of +1 pips for every 20% of
coverage. Additionally, characters who are host to
orbalisks can make natural healing rolls twice as
often for every 20% of coverage (see below).
Orbalisk Coverage/Healing Rates
Wound Level None 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Wounded Once/Twice 3 days 2 days 1 day 12 hrs 5 hrs 3 hrs
Incapacitated 14 days 7 days 4 days 2 days 1 day 6 hrs
Mortally Wounded 35 days 18 days 9 days 5 days 3 days 2 days
The armor bonus granted by orbalisks depends on the degree of coverage they have on the host.
% of Coverage Bonus vs. Lightsaber Dexterity Penalty Move Penalty
10% +1 pip +2 pips -1 pip -0
20% +2 pips +1D+1 -2 pips -0
30% +1D +2D -2 pips -0
40% +1D+1 +2D+2 -1D+1 -2
50% +1D+2 +3D+1 -1D+1 -2
60% +2D +4D -1D+1 -2
70% +2D+1 +4D+2 -2D -4
80% +2D+2 +5D+1 -2D -4
90% +3D +6D -2D -4
100% +3D +6D -2D+2 -8
Source: The Dark Side Sourcebook (pages 67-68),
Threats of the Galaxy (page 85), Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 62)

Jedi Light Battle Armor

Model: Jedi Light Battle Armor
Type: Personal armor
Scale: Character
Cost: 4,000
Availability: 4, X
Game Notes: Adds +1D to Strength rolls to resist
all forms of damage.
Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 61)
Jedi Battle Armor
A Fo
orce Detecctor
Model: Jedii Medium
M Model:
M Goverrnment Issue e Force Deteector Unit
Battle Armor Tyype: Imperia al Force dete
Type: Personnal armor Skkill: Sensors
Scale: Character Coost: 2,000
Cost: 6,000 Avvailability: 4,
4 X
Availability: 4, X Game Notes:: Use
Game Notees: Adds off the Force
+2D to Strenggth rolls to deetector will tell a
esist all forms of
re tra
ained opeerator
damage, butt subtracts whether
w a suubject
1D from the e wearer's is Force-sensitive,
Dexterity. annd whether he or
Source: Pow
wer of the sh
he has any Dark
Jedi So
ourcebook Siide Points (but
(pages 55-5 56), Jedi noot how many).m
Academy Training Operating
O a Force detectoor requires 5 rounds and a
Manual (pagee 61) Difficult sensoors check.
Soource: The Jedi Acad demy Sourc cebook (pag ge
Blinding He
elmet 1440), Gundark ks Fantastic
c Technolog gy (page 102
Poower of the e Jedi Sourrcebook (pa age 56), Jedi
Accademy Traiining Manual (page 63)

Siith Battle Harness


Model: WJ-880 Blinding Helmet

Type: Jedi tra
aining helme et
Scale: Character
Cost: 200
Availability: 4
Game Notess: Head: +1 1 to Strengthth against any
kind of dammage. User cannot
c see anything
a whhile
wearing the helmet
h in tra
aining positio
Source: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (page 63))

Medical Bun
Model: 8-2A Medical Bun
M ndle Tyype: Typical Sith beast b battle harnesss
Type: Jedi medpac
m Skkill: Beast rid
Skill: First aid
d Coost: 5,000
Cost: 200 Avvailability: 4,
4 X
Availability: 2 Game Notes: A battle ha arness provid des the beaast
Game Notes: Small enou ugh to fit in a utility belt, it with
w armor, which
w grantss +1D to its Strength rollls
unctions like e a normal medpac,
m but it can only be to
o resist dam mage. In a addition, the e harness is
used on som meone curre ently using the
t Accelera ate eqquipped with h a cockpit that provide es 3/4 cover to
Healing Forcee power. he rider, special reins th
th hat add a 1D bonus to th he
Source: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (page 63)) rid
ders beast riiding skill rollls, and a mo
ounted blasteer
caannon (use statistics fo or an E-Web b blaster, se
SWWD6, pages 231, 233, and d 263).
Soource: Jedi Academy
A Traaining Manu ual (page 64)
Subelectronic Converter Jedi Holocron
Type: Biological-droid signal converter Type: Jedi holocron
Skill: Medicine: cyborging (to install) Cost: Not available for sale
Cost: 23,000 Availability: 4
Availability: 4, R Game Notes: Using
Cyber Points: 1 the information
Difficulty: To install: Difficult provided by a Jedi
Game Notes: Surgically installed into a subjects holocron will grant
head, the device translates the brain signals into a +2 pip bonus to
binary commands understood by droids, and vice- repair and scholar
versa. This allows Force users to use mind- skill rolls that have
affecting powers such as Affect Mind, Projective to do with Jedi-
Telepathy and Receptive Telepathy on droids. As a oriented equipment
side effect of the implant, however, the recipient (lightsabers, jedi armor, vehicles, starships, etc.). If
suffers a permanent -1D penalty to willpower. a character attempts to convince a "gatekeeper"
Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 64) (ie, the Jedi Master whose personality is imprinted
into the holocron) to reveal information, he must
Universal Energy Cage roll a Very Difficult scholar: Jedi lore skill check.
The character receives a +1 pip bonus for every
Force point he has, and a -1 pip penalty for every
Dark Side point he has. The gatekeeper is nothing
more than a construct, and cannot be manipulated
by the Force.
Source: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (pages 62-
63), Jedi Academy Training Manual (pages 64-68)

Sith Holocron
Type: Sith holocron
Cost: Not available for sale
Availability: 4, X
Game Notes: These
Model: Imperial Universal Energy Cage devices act as
Type: Enclosed prisoner transfer system interactive stores of
Scale: Character information, most
Cost: 100,000 often used to retain
Availability: X (restricted to legal governments) the secrets of Force
Move: 15; 45 kmh powers for future
Game Notes: Energy cage encloses prisoner In a generations. The
force field with a Strength of up to 15D (unit only creator of the
applies as much energy as necessary to restrain Holocron essentially
prisoner, so the energy level is often much tower transfers a portion of
when not being resisted). Somehow, the cage his personality into
emanates a special type of energy that blocks the object, and this
Force energies and similar mental energies with an sentient presence is then referred to as the
effectiveness of up to 15D. The unit has a special gatekeeper of that Holcoron. Using special organic
repulsor unit keeping the prisoner suspended in crystalline components, the device can reproduce
the center of the cage. This bottom mounted unit light and sound wave information. Each Holocron
also supplies oxygen to the prisoner (there are no focus on different aspects of Sith lore and powers.
provisions for food and water; it is presumed that a Source: Tales of the Jedi Companion (pages 79-
Jedi will go into hibernation if he or she spends a 80), Jedi Academy Training Manual (pages 64-68)
long time in the cage).
Source: Dark Empire Sourcebook (page 129),
Gundarks Fantastic Technology (page 74), Jedi
Academy Training Manual (page 64)
Sith Amulett noormal willpo ower or Co ontrol roll when
w resistin
efffects of the poison, and d use the bettter of the tw
olls to determ mine his levvel of success. Obviouslly,
his can take some time. Sith poison
th n is rare, an nd
an only be crreated with tthe Alchemyy Force powe er
Alter difficultty: Heroic). F
For every 5 points
p that th
Allter difficultyy number is exceeded, an addition nal
doose is created. No mattter how ma any doses arre
m the perrson making g the poison must spend a
orce Point an nd gains a Dark Side Point.
Soource: The DarkD Side Soourcebook (p page 65), Jedi
Accademy Traiining Manual (page 59)

Siith Scroll
Type: Sith ga
T auntlet amule et
Cost: Not avaailable for sa
Availability: 4
Game Notes: When wea aring this am
mulet, dama age
done by objects hurled by the use er through the
Force increa ases by +1D D. The user can
c also rerroll
a telekinessis-related use of the altter Force sk
any kill,
keeping the better
b result and gaining one Dark Side
Point. an unleash a razor-thin bolt
Finallyy, the user ca
o telekinetic
of c energy at a target, dealing 5D slashing
and Force da f the ranged
amage. Thiss uses alter for
attack roll, has
h a rangee of 2-5/10/220 meters an nd
ncurs one Da ark Side Poinnt.
Source: Jedi Academy Training
T Mannual (pages 68-
6 Tyype: Sith scrroll
69 Coost: Not avaiilable for sale
Avvailability: 4
Sith Poison Game Notes: To read a Sith scroll req quires that th
Type: Sith po
T oison re
eader be fam miliar with the Sith lan nguage, eithe er
Scale: Character th
hrough pre-e established c character kno owledge, or a
Cost: Not avaailable for saale Veery Difficult languages rroll. A Sith lib
brary typicallly
Availability: 4 coontains 16D scrolls. The e chance tha at a characte er
Damage: 2D fin
nds the infformation h he is search hing for is a
Game Notes:: Sith poison n can be eith her ingested, or cuumulative 1% % per scroll rresearched.
ntroduced through
t an injury (wou und, injectio on, Soource: Gam mer Magazine e Issue 5 (ppage 66), Jedi
dart, etc). Any charac cter so po oisoned mu ust Accademy Traiining Manual (page 69)
succeed at a Very Difficu ult Strength ro oll or suffer 2D
o damage. Additionallyy, the poison feeds the
character's a
anger until it has been driven
d from his
system. Whe enever the affflicted chara acter attemp pts
o spend a Force pointt, he must make a Ve ery
Difficult power or con
willp ntrol roll. Fa
ailure indicattes
hat the chara acter is overrpowered byy his anger an nd
calls upon th he Dark Side e instead thus gaining g a
Dark Side Point.
P To overcome
o the poison, a
character m
must make a total of fiive successful
willpower an
nd/or control rolls to resisst the effects of
he poison when spen nding Force e Points. The
character cann use the De etoxify Poison n Force pow wer
(Control diffficulty: Difficult) in ad ddition to his h
Creature s


orce-Sensitivve: Storm be
Fo easts are Fo
nd drenched d in the Dark
k Side.
M 10
Type: Avian predator
T p Siize: 2 meterss tall
Planet of Oriigin: Korriba an ource: Jedi Academy
So A Tra
aining Manu
ual (page 144 4)
Search 6D
Special Abiliities:
Bite: Does ST TR+1 damag ge.
Overwhelm: A shyrack gains a +2 + bonus on o
brawling attaack rolls for each
e allied shyrack
s joining
itt in attacking g a target.
Blind: Shyrac ck are blind, relying on a combinatio on
o scent an
of nd echoloc cation to navigate
n the
environment and track prey.
p As succh, they igno ore
physical conc cealment wh hen searchinng for a targeet.
Move: 11 (flyying)
Size: Up to 2--meter wingspan
Source: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (page 140 0)
Tyype: Dark Side monster
Storm Beast Pllanet of Orig gin: Korribann
Type: Reptilia
T an predator DEXTERITY 2D 2
Planet of Oriigin: Malachhor V PEERCEPTION N 2D
2D+2 Se
earch 4D
Brawling parr
rry 3D+2, sonnic blast 4D TRENGTH 7D+2
pecial Abilitties:
6D Cllaws: Do STR R+3D dama age.
Stamina 8D eeth: Do STR
Te R+5D damag ge.
Special Abiliities: Arrmor: +3D against
a physic
cal and enerrgy attacks.
Claws: Do ST TR+2 damag ge. ast Healing: Terentatek a
Fa automaticallly recover on ne
Sonic T storm beast can em
Blast: The mit a 45-degrree Wound
W level every
e 7 roun
nds, until it is Killed.
cone of de estructive so
onic energyy that targe ets Fo
orce Resista ance: Any atttempts to use u the Forc ce
everyone in the coness blast to a range of 10 diirectly againsst a terentate
ek suffer a -22D penalty.
meters. Thoose caught in the blasst take 3D+ +2 Move:
M 14
damage. Siize: 6 meterss tall
ource: Jedi Academy
So A Tra
aining Manu ual (page 146
Force Pow
wers Illlusion Bond
Se ense Difficuulty: Difficult, modified byy proximity
Re equired Po owers: Magn nify Senses, Affect mind d,
Grenade De
efense diim anothers senses, liife detection n, life sense,
Alter Difficculty: Easy plus attac
A cking misssile prrojective teleepathy, rece eptive telepa athy, illusionn,
weapons or grenade
g roll. seense Force.
Required Poowers: Dangern sense, life detectioon, Th his power may
m be kept u up.
combat sense e, telekinesiss Efffect: A Jedi may choose to activate this powe er
Effect: This power
p allowws the Force user to strettch affter she ha as already successfully created an a
out through the force to telekine etically defen nd illlusion (as pe
er the illusion
n Force pow wer). Once th his
himself againnst an incom ming grenad de. When an po ower is activvated in add dition to illussion, the Jedi
opponent ma akes an atta ack with a missile
m weapon may
m hear annd see objects as thou ugh she werre
o grenade, the Force user
or u reachess out with his
h oc ccupying thee same space e as the illussion.
power and attempts
a to knock
k the exxplosive off of So ource: Jedi Academy
A Traaining Manu ual (page 14)
itts intended course. In I game te erms, grenade
defense allowws a Force user to use e his alter roll
r Liink
against an atttackers gren nades or miissile weapo ons Coontrol Difficculty: Easy, mmodified by proximity
rooll as a reac ction skill. This differs frrom telekinessis Allter Difficultty: Moderatee, modified by b proximity
a telekinesiss cannot be
as e used as a reaction sk kill. Reequired Pow wers: Enhan nce attribute,, control painn,
Once an attaacking chara acter makess a grenade or co
ontrol anoth hers pain, transfer Forrce, receptivve
missile weap pons skill ro oll, the gammemaster ad dds te
elepathy, projjective telepa athy, life sen
thhat number to an Easy difficulty to determine the Thhis power may
m be kept u up
difficulty nummber for the e alter roll. If the Forrce Efffect: This power
p allowss a Jedi to fo ocus his minnd
users roll isi successfu ul, then the grenade is onn another Fo orce user to ccreate a bon nd through thhe
deflected offf course. TheT gamema aster may use
u Foorce. It allow
ws the two tto use the ForceF togetheer
thhe grenade scatter diagram to dete ermine its ne ew in
n a cooperatiive effort to achieve a grreater chanc ce
path. If the character be eats the diffiiculty by 10 or off success. Any
A number of Jedi mayy join the link,
more, then th he grenade or o missile is directed ba ack in
nsofar as all members o of the group are willing to t
a the attacke
at er. ac
ccept their help.
h In game terms, link k allows Forcce
Source: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (page 14)) se
ensitive charracters to usse combined d action rollls,
hough with an a added bo onus. Instea ad of requirin
Illlusion th
hree people e to provide e a +1D bonus b to th
Control Diifficulty: Moderate,
C M modified by co
ombined effo ort, the Jedi can receive a +1D bonu us
proximity. fo
or every two Jedi cooperrating. An additional
a od
Sense Difficuulty: Modera ate, modifiedd by proximitty. nuumbered pe erson joinin ng will onlyy add a +1 +
Alter Difficultty: Targets co
ontrol or Perception.
c boonus. For example, ssix Jedi coo operating will
Required Powers: Affe ect mind, dimd anothe
ers prrovide a +3D D to their avverage, thoug gh seven Jedi
senses, life detection, life sensse, projectiive co
ooperating will
w add 3D+1.
teelepathy, recceptive telepa athy, sense Force.
F Soource: Jedi Academy
A Tra
aining Manu ual (page 15)
This power may
m be kept up. u
Effect: Chara acters with the power of o Illusion can Masquerade
M e
manifest ima ages that seems comp pletely real to
thhose who perceive them m. These illlusions cannnot
cause physiccal harm, though theyy might cau use
others to mak ke mistakes if they do not realize the eir
trrue nature. Maximum m range for an illusion is
10,000 mete ers from the e user. Maintaining
M an
illlusion takess complete concentration n.
Source: Darkk Side Sourc cebook (pages 15-16), Je edi
Academy Tra
aining Manua al (page 15)

Coontrol Difficculty: Easy o

or opposing Perception or
ontrol roll
ense Difficu ulty: Moderatte
Allter Difficultty: Moderate
Required Powers: Affect mind, dim anothers decreased by -1D (minimum 1D). For every +10
senses, life detection, life sense, projective the Jedi beats the alter difficulty, the body strength
telepathy, receptive telepathy, sense Force, illusion decreases an additional -1D.
This power may be kept up. If the Jedi selects a living being as the object, the
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to enfold herself being is not immediately frozen, as would an
with an illusion that he or she has created. This inanimate object which does not produce its own
illusion changes the appearance of the Jedi heat. Rather, the living being takes 4D+2 damage,
allowing her to effectively disguise herself. This and the Jedi receives an immediate Dark Side
power takes the place of the disguise skill for all Point. Should the target become frozen to the
practical purposes. However, no disguise is point of death, then the body will become
perfect, and an opponent can see through the completely frozen and more brittle.
illusion with an opposed Perception or control roll. Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 25)
If the opponents skill beats the Jedis control roll,
then the opponent realizes that the appearance is Fold Space
an illusion. If the opponents skill roll exceeds the Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult, modified by
Jedis roll by 10 or more, then the opponent can proximity
devise the Jedis true appearance. Sense Difficulty: Difficult, Modified by proximity
Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 15) Required Powers: Magnify senses, life sense, life
detection, instinctive astrogation, instinctive
Perfect Telepathy astrogation control.
Control Difficulty: Moderate. Increase difficulty by Time to use: Five minutes
+5 if the Jedi cannot verbalize the thoughts he is Effect: This power allows a Jedi to bend space and
transmitting (he is gagged, doesnt want to make a send objects through the fold, transporting them
sound). Modified by proximity. without aid of transports. If the object being
Sense Difficulty: Easy if the target is friendly and moved through the fold in space is a container or
doesnt resist. If the target resists, the difficulty is starship, any object or being within the container,
the targets Perception or control. Modified by vehicle, or ship is also moved. The difficulty is
relationship. variable based on a number of factors. First, the
Required Powers: Receptive telepathy, life sense, alter and sense difficulties are dependent on the
projective telepathy proximity to the final destination of the object or
This power may be kept up. person. Second, the size of the fold in space also
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to communicate may create an additional burden on the Jedi.
with his comrades over distances through the Increase the difficulty +5 for objects weighing one
Force. It allows him to communicate beyond to ten kilograms, +10 for objects 11 to 100
emotions and short phrases to communicate kilograms, +15 for objects 101 kilograms to one
sentences or complicated ideas. This power may metric ton, +20 for objects 1,001 kilograms to ten
be kept up to continue sending thoughts and metric tons, +25 for objects 10,001 to 100 metric
ideas through the Force for several rounds in order tons.
to maintain conversation. If the Jedi fails the roll by 15 or more, then the
A target will immediately understand that the object is lost in the fold in space and may be
mental messages are not her own thoughts, and anywhere in the galaxy, or may vanish entirely.
that they belong to the user of the power. If the Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 25)
Jedi does not identify himself, the target may not
know who is projecting the thoughts to her. This Memory Walk
power can only be used to communicate with Control Difficulty: Easy or opposed control or
other minds, and cannot exercise any level of willpower roll.
control over them. Alter Difficulty: Moderate, modified by proximity.
Source: Jedi Academy Training Manual (page 18) Required Powers: Control pain, hibernation
trance, life detection, life sense, magnify senses,
Cryokinesis receptive telepathy, projective telepathy, affect
Alter difficulty: Difficult mind, dim anothers senses.
Time to use: Two rounds This power may be kept up.
This power may be kept up. Warning: A character who uses this power gains
Effect: Using this power, a Jedi reaches out an immediate Dark Side Point.
through the Force, slowing down the molecules Effect: This power allows a Force user to force a
around an object, drawing heat away from it, and person to relive their worst memories. This mental
causing its temperature to drop rapidly. Generally, attack is capable of reducing a person to a petrified
this has the benefit of making an object more state as they are filled with horror and despair. The
brittle and prone to damage. power forces a person to experience the full
In game terms, a Jedi may select one object within sensation of terrible memories and brings back the
20 meters and within line of sight. If the alter roll full vivid detail of horrendous nightmares. This
succeeds, then the body strength of the object is power was often used by Sith in combat to reduce
he fighting effectiveness
e s and fighting
g spirit of theeir diifficulty +5 for every 2 meters the range is
enemies. Other Force usersu have employed
e th
his in
ncreased. If there are mu ultiple Sith performing
p th
power in inte
errogation settings to mentally
m tortu
ure th
hought bomb b ritual, it w
will also increease the alte er
heir victims. daamage, folllowing stan ndard comb bined actio on
n game terrms, when this powerr is activated
In ru
ules. Howevver, all dam mage done by the though ht
successfully, the target cannot
c conceentrate on the boomb is calcu ulated as me ental damage e.
asks at han
ta nd, given the t emotionnal pain an nd Mental
M dama age is not calculated like physic cal
distress the ta
arget is expe eriencing. Thus,
T the targget daamage. Itt reduces the charac cters menttal
experiences a -2D to all skills, and has his or her h atttributes (K Knowledge, Perception, Mechanica al,
movement r
reduced by half. If th he control rollr annd Technica al). Gamem masters shoulld consult th he
succeeds byy 10 or more, m then the target is noormal Dama age Resistan nce Charts fo or calculatinng
completely p
petrified witth fear and can take no n th
he damage, though the e characters do not tak ke
actions or moove. phhysical wou unds. Any character who w become es
Alternatively, this power can be used d on a captiive sttunned, rem moves one pip from m all menttal
or interrogaation. In th his case, th he power will w atttributes. Wounded
W chaaracters rem move 1D from m
eplace t
the specialization intimidatioon: alll mental attributes.
a Incapacitateed characters
nterrogation for all skill rolls.
in r re
emove 2D from menttal attribute es. Mortallly
Source: Jedi Academy Trraining Manu ual (page 27)) wounded
w cha aracters rem move 3D fro om all menttal
atttributes. Characters
C rreaching Kiilled have all a
Thought Bo
omb mental
m attrib
butes reduc ced by 4D. Killed +5
educes all mental
m attribuutes by 5D. If all menttal
atttributes are reduced to 1D, then the e gamemaste er
m choose one o of the effects listed below, or ro oll
a die to rando omly determ mine the charracters statu us.
Thhey may becomeb a 11. Drooling imbecile, 2.
Pssychotic killler, 3. Ravin ng lunatic, 4. Frightene ed
unner, 5. Paranoid madman, 6. Harmlesss
ammnesiac. If the t thought b bomb is pow werful enoug gh
o reduce alll mental atttributes to 0D, then th he
chharacter imm mediately die es.
Suurviving cha aracters who o suffer me ental damag ge
w recover by b rolling the eir Perception (or contro ol)
aggainst a natu ural healingg chart, and will mentallly
ecover 1D each e time, iff the natura al healing ro oll
If a characterr fails the co ontrol difficu
ulty, then thhe
hought bomb b is beyond h his own con ntrol and mu ust
oll his Percep ption to resisst damage ag gainst his ow
allter roll to avvoid being c consumed by b the though ht
Control Diffiiculty: Very Difficult
C D boomb.
Alter Difficullty: Opposed d Perception roll Soource: Jedi Academy
A Traaining Manu ual (page 28).
Required Powers: Affe ect mind, dim d anotheers
senses, life sense,
s recep ptive telepatthy, projectiive
orce Repair
Coontrol Difficulty: Easy for wounde ed characterrs,
Warning: A character who w uses this power gaiins
M for incapacitateed characterrs, Difficult fo
a immediate
an e Dark Side Point.
m woun nded charac cters.
Effect: This is
i one of the e rarest and most dreaded
Allter Difficultty: Moderatee
S power. The
Sith T power can c concentrrate the pow wer
Reequired pow wers: Telekininesis, concenntration
o the Dark Side
of S into a horrible
h vorttex capable of
Tiime to Use: Special
drawing in the life esssence of ne earby sentieent
Efffect: This iss a very rare
e power onlly available to t
beings. Thhese destru uctive telep pathic wavves
n extremelyy small gro oup of Fo orce sensitivve
thhreaten to crush any mind m in its wake. If the
ndividuals of the Shard sp pecies. The Shards, bein ng
thhought bom mb achieve es sufficientt force, it is
a silicone ba ased-life formm in a cryystalline form m,
capable of not
n only drraining a pe erson of the eir
haave a unique e and curiouus connection n to the Forcce
thhoughts, butt also decima ating ones body,
b reducing
o match th heir unique and curiou us existence.
itt to no more e than dust. In game terms thoug ght
Beecause Sha ards live mo ost of theirr lives within
bomb affectss all sentient beings witthin a 4 metter
drroid-like bod dies, they hhave an inssight to thesse
raadius and innflicts damag ge that is noot resisted byy a
boodies not available to o any engiineer in th he
characters S
Strength attriibute, but thheir Perceptioon
unniverse. Through their connection to the Force,
attribute (unllike most Fo orce powers, Jedi may not n
hey are even n able to reaach out and d make subttle
u control to resist the thought bom
use mb). The Sith
hanges to th he state of ttheir droid housing,
h eve
m increase
may e the range by increasing the contrrol
alllowing the damaged
d dro
oid body to heal.
h In gam
terms, when damaged, the Shard may spend time
in dedicated concentration to make natural healing
rolls for damage done to the droid body. This
power allows them to follow the natural healing
rules as described on pages 98-99 of The Star Wars
Roleplaying Game, Second Edition Revised and
Once the power is successfully activated, the
gamemaster should consult the charts and
guidelines on the natural healing chart. However,
instead of the resting prescribed by page 98, the
Shard must spend its time in dedicated meditation,
slowly using the Force to mend the broken
connections within its body. Further, instead of
rolling the droid bodys Strength attribute, the
Shard must use its control roll to see if it
successfully heals.

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