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1. What are the identifier rules in TCL language?

2. Write a program to generate a bill total of 4 items.
3. Write a program to add 3 numbers.
4. What are ternary operators?
5. What is the meaning of === operator?
6. Write a program to find if the given number is a prime number or not.
7. Write a program to find if the given number is an integer or a floating value.
8. Write a program to find if the given number is even or odd.
9. Write a program to find if the given number is multiple of 9 or not.
10. Write a program to find the greatest number of 3 inputs.
11. Write a program to arrange the given 3 inputs in (i) Ascending order (ii) Descending
12. Write a program to list out all the prime numbers up to 100 using for loop.
13. Write a program to list out all the odd numbers from 0 to 100 using while loop.
14. Write an example program to explain do-while loop.

1. Write an example program to explain command line arguments.
2. Write all the assignment-1 questions using command line arguments.
3. Write all the assignment-1 questions using procedure format.
4. Write a program to find if the entered number or string is a palindrome or not.
5. Write a program to print mathematical tables from 1 to 10.
6. Write a program to print i x j th element from a text file when i and j are given as

1. Upgrade all the questions such that the outputs are written into a file.
2. Write a program to write answers of all the previous questions into a single file by
appending it.
3. Source file:


Sita Maths 100

Ram Maths 99
Laxman Maths 80
Sita Science 98
Ram Science 99
Laxman Science 88

i. Print the 2nd column of the source file.

ii. Write a script to print MARKS column.
iii. Write a script to print Maths subject marks of all the students.
iv. Write a script to print Sitas marks in all subjects.
v. Write a script to print Ramas marks in Maths.
vi. Write a script to count the number of students and subjects.
vii. Write a script to print the name of the person who have got maximum marks in
each subject and also print the marks .
viii. Write a script to print the total marks of each student.
ix. Write a script to arrange the names of students in the ascending order of their
subject wise marks.
x. Write a script to replace Science word with social.
xi. Write a program to print 5th row 1st column element.

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