¿What Does It Mean Best of Bree? Talking About The Software?

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1. What is the goal of this article?

Explain that it is an erp and what are the functions and applications in a company,
as well as its benefits and advantages of implementing it in an organization. Explains
the scope and limitations of the same and as in some cases the implementation is
not beneficial to the company since the management of these software are tedious
and complicated, so it is important to clarify that an erp does not replace people if it
does not improve Their performance on the job and if favorable benefits are desired
the staff should be trained

2. What are the objectives of this article?

Describe the general structure of an erp, its functionality and areas in which it can
be implemented, scope and advantages of its use. As well as describing in which
stage it began to make a forced tendency to have an erp

3. What is the pourpose to install the ERP system in the Company?

Nowadays the needs of a company require the obligatory use of an ERP platform or
software. Given that it is necessary to have an information control that is always
available to users, these systems are flexible and allow the installation of different
areas of a company, and strengthen the entire value chain of the company as well
as its production processes. The benefits are countless if these systems are well fed
with the right information

4. In wich areas of the company ERP system can help us?

Production, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, store, shopping

5. What does it mean best of bree? Talking about the software?

The alternative is to opt for "best of breed" software (choose an account package, a supply
chain system, etc.) as individual systems and then write interfaces and links between them.
The possibility of reaching the same integration levels as with an ERP system is very low,
but this may be worth accepting as a means to save the cost and pain associated with ERP

6. Why some organization does not have success using ERP systems?

Because sometimes the migration to an erp is difficult and this the companies see it as
difficult to be able to adapt, in addition to that the personnel should be trained so that it can
use it. Often the management of these programs becomes difficult and tedious to
understand. If an erp is not 100% exploited or fed with wrong information the results will be
7. If you decide to make an implementation an ERP system, what is the best way to
do that?

Organize the project

Define performance measures
Train the team
Review the integrity of the database
Install new hardware
Install the new Software

8. What is CRM?, explain the concept with an example?

Is an information industry term that applies to methodologies, software and, in

general, Internet capabilities that help a company to manage relationships with its
customers in an organized way. For example, a company could create a customer
database that describes relationships in sufficient detail so that management, sales
agents, service workers and, perhaps, customers can directly access that
information, respond To the needs of customers with product plans and offers,
remind customers of different service needs, know what
other products has purchased a customer, and so on.

9. Do you consider that all ERP systems should be

integrated whit CRM module?

Without doubt a crm improves the relationship with customers but I consider that to
make the decision to implement it depends on the turn of the company since in all
would be viable that the customer access that information.

10. What are the results that the company will be expected to install an ERP

Increased Productivity
Improve staff working conditions
Agility of information processing
Improved response time
Quality or customer relationship
Standardize the organization
Employee Productivity
Greater profitability
11. In you own works describe the advantage to use the ERP system?

Having all the operations of the company contained in the same system, we can
obtain important improvements in efficiency by automating administrative tasks. The
operational processes of any company are always associated with the generation of
documents such as orders, invoices, etc.

A good ERP should be able to automate some of those processes (eg, automatic
generation of work orders or purchase orders once a customer order has been
accepted) and help improve their security. In addition, they avoid the insertion of
duplicate data and associated errors, saving a great amount of working hours.

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