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K L University

B.Tech III SEMESTER- 2010-2011

Course Handout
Date: 31.03.10

Course No. :

Course Title : OOPS Through JAVA

Course Coordinator : Dr. K. Raghava Rao

Team of Instructors :
Theory : 45 classes

Course Description:

In the earlier courses students have learnt programming using structured

programming techniques using C Language. With knowledge of C language,
students learns the Object Oriented programming through java to develop the
programs around objects using Object Oriented Programming principles such as
inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism and Implementation of Object Oriented
Programming principles and Its applications are done with java language.

Objectives of the Course:

After completion of the course the student is expected to have good knowledge in

1. Students are expected to be completely aquatinted with object oriented

terminology and JAVA programming concepts
2. Student be able to develop programs in JAVA for solving various problems.
3. Student be able to program using JAVA using NET beans as the development
4. Students be able to understand with the concepts of development of user
interface using SWING API
5. Familiar with Data base connectivity from Java program to access data from
6. Understand java concept of multithreading and Network programming.


Introduction: OOP Principles: Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.JVM:

The Byte code, Scope of variable & Data types, Arrays, Operators, Control
statements, Type Conversion and Casting, Compiling and running of simple Java
program, how different from C, C,++. Concept of API in Java, API Categories and
application of API in JAVA Programming

Classes and Objects: Concepts of classes and objects, Declaring objects, Assigning
Object Reference Variables, Methods, Constructors, Access Control, Garbage
Collection ,Usage of static with data and methods, usage of final with data,
Overloading methods and constructors, parameter passing - call by value, recursion,
Nested and Inner classes, Exploring the String class.


Inheritance: Inheritance Basics, member access rules, Usage of super key word,
forms of inheritance, Method Overriding, Abstract classes, Dynamic method dispatch,
Using final with inheritance, The Object class.

Packages and Interfaces: Packages, CLASSPATH, Importing packages, differences

between classes and interfaces, Implementing & Applying interface

Strings & I/O Streams: Steam Classes, Byte streams, Character streams, Object


Exception Handling: Exception Handling Fundamentals, Types of Exceptions, Usage

of try and catch, throw, throws and finally keywords, Java’s Built-in exceptions,
Creating Own Exception Subclasses.

Multithreading: Concepts of Multithreading, differences between process and

thread, thread life cycle, Creating Multiple Threads using Thread class, Runnable
interface, Thread priorities, Synchronization, Inter thread Communication,
Deadlocks, thread groups.


Applets: The Applet class, Applet Architecture, Skeleton, Display Methods,

Parameter Passing to Applets

Event Handling: Two Event Handling Mechanisms, The Delegation Event Model,
Event Classes, Sources of Events, Event Listener Interfaces, Suing the Delegation
Event Model.

Swing: Controls, Layout Managers and menus, JApplet, Icons and Labels, Text
Fields, Buttons, Combo Boxes, Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes, Trees, Tables, Exploring


JDBC, Networking and Java Library: Basics of Networking, InetAddress, TCP/IP

sockets, Datagram’s, URL, URL connection, String handling, java.util, and packages.


Text books:
1. Herbert Schildt, ‘The Complete Reference Java2’,5th Edition TMH (for
Units-I and II) ,2002 (T1)
2. Jim Keogh “The complete reference J2EE” ,TMH (unit V)

Reference Books:
1. Deitel & Deitel ‘JAVA – How to program’ 6th Edition – PHI,2007

Course Plan:
Learning Objective Topic
Lecture reference
1. OOP Principles, Encapsulation, Understanding OOP T1: P17-39
Inheritance and Polymorphism Principles
2. The Byte code, Data types, Variables, Knows byte code importance T1: P41-71
Dynamic initialization and usage of variables
3. scope and life time of variables, Arrays, How to declare and use of T1: P73-96
Operators array object and know to
define scope of variables
4. Control statements, Type Conversion Knows different type T1: P99-126
and Casting, Compiling and running of conversion methods and
simple Java program. procedure running java
5. Concepts of classes and objects, Learns to create objects and T1: P129-139
Declaring objects, Object Reference access control among
Variables, Methods, Constructors, objects and methods
Access Control
6. Garbage Collection Usage of static with Knows and understand T1: P139-147
data and methods, usage of final with usage and application of
data static and final in applications
7. Overloading methods and constructors, Know the feature of T1: P149-151
parameter passing - call by value, overloading to apply
8. recursion, Nested and Inner classes, Understanding inner classes T1: P189-196
Exploring the String class. concept

9. Inheritance Basics, member access Applying inheritance in real T1: P197-208
rules Usage of super key word, forms world applications
of inheritance, Method Overriding,
10. Abstract classes, Dynamic method Know the concept abstract T1: P216-214
dispatch class
11. final with inheritance, The Object class Know where to final in T1: P219-220
12. Packages, CLASSPATH Understand package concept T1:P223-225
13. Importing packages, Using of JAVA API packages T1: P225-232
14. Differences between classes and Programming with interfaces T1:P232-236
15. Implementing & Applying interface Use of interface in T1: P236-246
16. Steam Classes, Byte streams, Learns concept stream and T1:P197-196
Character streams programming with different
17. Object serialization Learns applying serialization T1:P197-207

18. Exception Handling Fundamentals Understand concept T1: P249-250
19. Types of Exceptions Knows Exception types T1:P251
20. Usage of try and catch, throw, throws Know how and where to use T1: P253-254
and finally keywords throw and finally
21. Java’s Built-in exceptions, Creating Knows java’s exception T1: P265-267
Own Exception Subclasses. classes

22. Multithreading, Learns concept T1: P273

Multithreading (concurrent
23. differences between process and Understands thread and its T1:P275
thread, thread life cycle life cycle in execution
24. Creating Multiple Threads using Thread Understand using java’s built T1: P280-284
class, Runnable interface Runnable interface to do
25. Thread priorities, Synchronization Understanding thread T1: P289-292
26. Interthread Communication, Learns to develop thread T1:P297-302
Deadlocks,Thread Groups groups and communication
among threads
27. The Applet class, and Applet API Learns the concept of Applet T1: P627

28. Applet Architecture Knows Applet Life cycle T1: P632

29. Skeleton, Display Methods Understand applet methods T1:P634

30. Parameter Passing to Applets Programming with applets T1: P643

31. Two Event Handling Mechanisms, Understand concept of Event T1: P654
Mechanism in java
32. TheDelegation Event Model, Event Using event mechanism in T1: P654-655
Classes, Sources of Events programming using event
33. Event Listener Interfaces, the Learns to use Event listener T1: P655-656
Delegation Event Model to delegate events

34. Swing API and Controls, Knows Java Swing API T1:P921
35. LayoutManagers and menus, JApplet Understands use of Swing T1: P923
API and programming with
Swings components
36. Icons and Labels ,Text Fields, Buttons, Learn to programming swing T1:924-925
Combo Boxes, Tabbed Panes, Scroll components
Panes, Trees, Tables, Exploring swing

37. JDBC-1 Familiarizing JDBI API and T2: P123
its classes
38. JDBC-2 Progrmming using JDBC T2: P125
39. Basics of Networking, Learns How to do Network T1: P587-590
40. InetAddress, netAPI Usage of How Inetaddress T1: P592
and Net API classes

41. TCP/IP sockets, Know how to use TCP/IP T1: P594-596

Java Socket classes
42. Datagrams, Learns to do datagram T1: P623-624
43. URL Learns the concept URL T1: P597
44. URL connection, String handling Programming with URL and T1:P599
its manipulation
45. java.util Learn the classes and usage T1: P439
of java.util package

Self Study Topics


1 Control Structures

2 Classpath

Evaluation Scheme:

1 QUIZ – I 50 20
2 TEST – I 50 40

3 TEST - II 50 40
4 QUIZ - II 50 20
180 240

TOTAL -- 400

Chamber consulting hour: Informed in the class by the

respective instructor.
Notices: All notices/circulars regarding course matters
will be displayed in the notice board and also will be
placed in the web.

Dr. K. Raghava Rao

Signature of course

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