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The Star

Moment of Truth
Sometimes it can be hard to tell where the show stops and where you beginbut not today. Not
now. Because right now, there is no show. Right now, you are the thing you pretend to bebold
and bright and beautiful and amazing and powerful and confident. Right now, you draw strength
from your audience, comfort from their belief in you, and you can do anything they think you
can. Of course, after such an impassioned performance, your audience is just going to have even
more demands... Being a hero isnt just about doing right. Its
Team Moves about being seen doing right. Let them think
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, say whether it's part of the show or not.
If it is, then you can shift your Labels as you choose. If it is not, then they shift your Labels, and youre shallow for loving the spotlight and the
you can clear a condition or mark potential. cameras, for making speeches, for smiling so
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if they will tell anyone the much.
truth about you. If they agree to keep it a secret, clear a condition or mark potential. If they don't
agree, then they shift your Labels according to how they see you now.
Youre going to be a hero in all the ways that

Every time you roll a miss on a a move, mark potential. Hero Name:

Advancement Real name:

When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below. When you've taken
five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below the line. Look:
ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
__ Take another move from your playbook Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
__ Take another move from your playbook Charming smile, coy smile, broad smile, warm smile, teasing smile
__ Take a move from another playbook
__ Take a move from another playbook
Designer clothing, formal wear, beautiful outfits, preppy clothing, casual clothing
__ Someone permanently loses influence over you, add +1 to a Label Branded costume, flashy costume, focus-tested costume, stylish costume,
__ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label ridiculous costume
__ Unlock your Moment of Truth
__ Become part of a larger superhero tradition and take a legacy (from the Legacy playbook)
__ Unlock your Moment of Truth after it's been used once Abilities:
__ Change playbooks Choose one:
__ Take an adult move
__ Take an adult move sonic control lightning control light control
__ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice
__ Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city strange wings pheromone control flame control
LABELS (at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose) Star Moves: (choose two)
Flow with their whims: When you accept Cold and cruel: When you shut someone
FREAK -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 what your audience tells you about yourself, clear down, roll+Superior. On a 10+, choose one:
Inflict a condition on them
a condition. When you reject what our audience

tells you about yourself, on a hit mark potential Make them lose Influence over you
and expect retribution. Take Influence over them
DANGER -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Time for the show: When you put on a On a 7-9, choose one:
flamboyant display of your powers, You each inflict a condition on the other
Savior -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 roll+Superior. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold You both lose Influence over each other.
1. Spend your hold 1-for-1 to name an NPC
present and choose one: On a miss, they gain Influence over you.
This person must meet me
SUPERIOR -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

This person loves me Stage-fighting: When you directly

This person volunteers help or information engage a threat with an audience watching,
This person admires my team mark a condition to roll+Superior instead of
MUNDANE -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

This person must have my help Danger.

On a miss, your display catches someone Voice of the masses: When you rally your
CONDITIONS: watching in exactly the wrong way; brace audience to a cause, roll+Superior. On a
Afraid (-2 to directly engage) yourself. 10+, they follow your lead as long as your
Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask) performance doesn't falter. On a 7-9, they
Take it from me: When you comfort or take it too far or make stressful demands on
Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation) you, GM's choice. On a miss, they take
support someone who openly admires your
Insecure (-2 to defend or reject what others say) celebrity persona, roll+Superior instead of exactly the wrong message from your words.
Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers) Mundane.
When did you first appear onscreen? Audience
What do you tell people about how you got your powers?
Who, outside of the team, supports your burgeoning star in every way possible? You are a celebrity in the cityalthough being a celebrity doesnt always mean youre liked. By
default, your audience is a limited group of interested fans, and you speak to them through after-
Who, outside of the team, loathes what you represent?
action interviews and infrequent press conferences.
Why do you care about the team?
Why does your audience love you? Mark all that apply.
Once you've finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and Youre just like them Youre a dangerous person, a bad boy
then determine what happened when your team first came together, the relationships Youre noble warrior for justice You're stunning, unique, and beautiful
between you and your teammates, and who has influence over you. You're charming, well-spoken, and smart You're a firebrand, a rabblerouser

When our team first came together Choose two advantages:

We, as a team, attracted media attention within the city, thanks to our efforts. Who are You have a dedicated internet following You have a reality TV show following you
they? Why do they support us? You have a PR agent watching out for you You have a solid sideline doing commercials
You have an endorsement from another hero You're well-established
Choose two demands your audience makes on you:
__________________ might wind up being more of a star than me some day. They require constant stimulation. They require perfectionno mistakes.
They require drama. They require major acts of heroism.
__________________ would be a great sidekick. They require novelty and brand new action. They require chemistry with your allies.

Influence When you seek help from your audience, roll+Superior. On a hit, someone in your audience can
Choose how you see the team: as a means to an end, or as something worthwhile on its hook you up. On a 10+, they'll only make a small demand. On a 7-9, their demands are a lot
own. higher. On a miss, you've made a mistake, and your audience won't help you until you've
redeemed yourself in their eyes.
If you see the team as a means to an end, give no one Influence.
If you see the team as something worthwhile, give three teammates Influence.

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