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The Time Savers

Guide to
Critical Reading
How to Conquer Those Critical Reading Questions

Glance at the questions Mark locations in the passage Read Passage Answer Questions
Look only for where the Underline the lines/paragraph, in Slow down when you After each marked area
question is based margin include the question number reach a marked area immediately answer questions

Once you have answered all the questions you can this way, finish reading the passage and answer
the remaining questions that arent related to a specific location. Lets try it with the following
questions and passage :

Question 1. Answer 1.
If you replace the words in on line 15 with
The expression sweeping survey of the region the various optional answers, it is clear that the
on line 15 implies: author is implying D. a hasty analysis of the
A. a comprehensive review region was originally performed at the site
B. a large area of study resulting in incorrectly identifying it as a
C. a cleaning expedition medieval cemetery.
D. a hasty analysis
E. a tourist visit

Question 2. Answer 2.
Based on the evidence shared in paragraph 3, Reading through the list of physical evidence
which of the following is not true? found at the site in paragraph 3, the only
statement that is not supported is A. animal
A. animal remains indicate food consumption
remains indicate food consumption. No signs of
B. stone tools point to time of construction
cooking hearths were found on the site,
C. stone pillars were placed in circles
therefore the answer is not consistent.
D. absence of waste supports temple theory
E. carbon dating confirms age of the site

Question 3. Answer 3.
The word gulf (line 52) most nearly means The best possible answer is E. a large expanse
A. a coastal body of water of time. Answers C or D would be correct if they
B. a large separation in distance described a lack of historical knowledge or a
C. a known historical knowledge misunderstood cultural divide. Since the history
D. an understood cultural divide and culture of the time is unknown, the
E. a large expanse of time answers are incorrect.

Question 4. Answer 4.
The pillar carvings described on lines 74-77 The only answer that fits here is B. the purpose
help to conclude of the site was separate from those of
surrounding settlements. While the pillar
A. hunters used this place to gather
carvings help add to a pile of evidence it does
B. the purpose of the site was separate from
not on its own provide conclusive proof that
those of surrounding settlements
hunters gathered here or a temple is its true
C. lions were a dominate food source
D. conclusive evidence of a temple
E. snakes were considered sacred
45 previously carbon-dated to about 9000 B.C.,
Passage I Schmidt and co-workers estimate that Gobekli
Q2 Tepe's stone structures are the same age. Limited
The passage below is an excerpt of an carbon dating undertaken by Schmidt at the site
article from the Smithsonian Magazine in confirms this assessment.
November 2008 titled, Gobekli Tepe: The
Worlds First Temple? by author Andrew 50 What was so important to these early people
Curry. that they gathered to build (and bury) the stone
Q3 rings? The gulf that separates us from Gobekli Tepe's
builders is almost unimaginable. Indeed, though I
stood among the looming megaliths eager to take in
55 their meaning, they didn't speak to me. They were
Six miles from Urfa, an ancient city in utterly foreign, placed there by people who saw the
southeastern Turkey, Klaus Schmidt has made one of world in a way I will never comprehend. There are no
the most startling archaeological discoveries of our sources to explain what the symbols might mean.
time: massive carved stones about 11,000 years old, Schmidt agrees. "We're 6,000 years before the
5 crafted and arranged by prehistoric people who had 60 invention of writing here," he says.
not yet developed metal tools or even pottery. The
megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. "There's more time between Gobekli Tepe
The place is called Gobekli Tepe, and Schmidt, a and the Sumerian clay tablets [etched in 3300 B.C.]
German archaeologist who has been working here than from Sumer to today," says Gary Rollefson, an
10 more than a decade, is convinced it's the site of the archaeologist at Whitman College in Walla Walla,
world's oldest temple. 65 Washington, who is familiar with Schmidt's work.
"Trying to pick out symbolism from prehistoric
Gobekli Tepe was first examinedand context is an exercise in futility."
dismissedby University of Chicago and Istanbul
Q1 University anthropologists in the 1960s. As part of a Still, archaeologists have their theories
15 sweeping survey of the region, they visited the hill, evidence, perhaps, of the irresistible human urge to
saw some broken slabs of limestone and assumed the 70 explain the unexplainable. The surprising lack of
mound was nothing more than an abandoned evidence that people lived right there, researchers
medieval cemetery. In 1994, Schmidt was working on say, argues against its use as a settlement or even a
his own survey of prehistoric sites in the region. After place where, for instance, clan leaders gathered.
20 reading a brief mention of the stone-littered hilltop Hodder is fascinated that Gobekli Tepe's pillar
in the University of Chicago researchers' report, he 75 carvings are dominated not by edible prey like deer
decided to go there himself. From the moment he
first saw it, he knew the place was extraordinary.
Q4 and cattle but by menacing creatures such as lions,
spiders, snakes and scorpions. "It's a scary, fantastic
Unlike the stark plateaus nearby, Gobekli Tepe (the world of nasty-looking beasts," he muses. While later
25 name means "belly hill" in Turkish) has a gently cultures were more concerned with farming and
rounded top that rises 50 feet above the surrounding 80 fertility, he suggests, perhaps these hunters were
landscape. To Schmidt's eye, the shape stood out. trying to master their fears by building this complex,
"Only man could have created something like this," which is a good distance from where they lived.
he says. "It was clear right away this was a gigantic
30 Stone Age site." The broken pieces of limestone that For his part, Schmidt is certain the secret is
earlier surveyors had mistaken for gravestones right beneath his feet. Over the years, his team has
suddenly took on a different meaning. 85 found fragments of human bone in the layers of dirt
Q2 that filled the complex. Deep test pits have shown
that the floors of the rings are made of hardened
Schmidt returned a year later with five
colleagues and they uncovered the first megaliths, a limestone. Schmidt is betting that beneath the floors
35 few buried so close to the surface they were scarred he'll find the structures' true purpose: a final resting
by plows. As the archaeologists dug deeper, they 90 place for a society of hunters.
unearthed pillars arranged in circles. Schmidt's team,
however, found none of the telltale signs of a
settlement: no cooking hearths, houses or trash pits,
40 and none of the clay fertility figurines that litter
nearby sites of about the same age. The
archaeologists did find evidence of tool use, including
stone hammers and blades. And because those
artifacts closely resemble others from nearby sites

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