UNIPACK II BA Set Donning Instruction

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Donning instructions for UNIPACK II BA

1. Before donning: Check that the shoulder straps are pulled back and that the waist strap buckles are adjusted outwards.

2. Don the apparatus with the 3. Close and adjust the waist belt. 4. Push in the red button on the
cylinder valve facing downwards. breathing valve to insure that
Grip the free ends of the the positive pressure is off.
shoulder straps and pull down
until the back plate fits

5. Open the cylinder valve 6. Put on the face mask by first 7. Inhale by taking a short fast breath
completely, an audible warning will pulling the chin into the chin to automatically switch on the
sound until the pressure reaches a support and then pull the head positive pressure. Check the
level over the predetermined harness over the forehead and positive pressure by holding your
setting of the whistle. backwards. Tighten the head breath and inserting two fingers
harness by first tightening the between the sealing edge and the
Removing apparatus: lower buckles. Tighten the face. A strong flow should be
forehead buckle last. heard. Remove the fingers. If no air
Loosen head straps flow can be heard, the mask is
Push and release the red button on the breathing valve and remove face mask tight. The apparatus is now ready
Open harness buckles and remove apparatus for use.
Close cylinder valve
NOTE: The handwheel must first pulled out before the valve can be closed

Safety by

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