A Surgical Solution To The Deep Nasolabial Fold - Lassus, Claude 2nd Part

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Cosmetic Follow-Up

A Surgical Solution to the Deep

Nasolabial Fold
Claude Lassus, M.D.
Nice, France

I first described the use of Gore-Tex strips to below the skin surface, and a stitch is used to
improve deep nasolabial folds in 1987.1 In June close each opening (Fig. 2, right). Figure 3 shows
of 1996, I reported my experience in Plastic and the results achieved with Softform tubes. In my
Reconstructive Surgery.2 Thirteen years after my first opinion, this method (using Gore-Tex strips or
publication, what have I learned about the treat- Softform tubes) is still valuable in the treatment
ment of deep nasolabial folds with this method? of deep nasolabial folds.
I have learned that this method provides
satisfactory, long-lasting results (Fig. 1) when DISCUSSION
liposuction of the excess fat deposit located Two categories of people generally seek im-
above the fold is performed at the same time. I provement of deep nasolabial folds. The first
have also learned that improvement was some- category is made up of relatively young people
times insufficient, most likely because of the who want to obtain this improvement without
thickness of the Gore-Tex sheets available at surgery. These patients have two choices: (1)
that time (only 2 mm). injection of absorbable filler, which some pa-
This led me to try Softform tubes in 1998. tients accept even if injections have to be re-
Softform is, like Gore-Tex, expanded polytet- peated; or (2) injection of nonabsorbable
rafluoroethylene with only a few physical mod- filler, which is associated with complications,
ifications.3 Because very few complications oc- some of which can be difficult to control. Until
curred with Gore-Tex implants in my an ideal filler material (i.e., one that is perma-
experience, I expected the same with Softform. nent, soft, nonpalpable, invisible, nonaller-
Softform comes in tubes, which is interesting genic, and poses no harm to the patient) be-
because (1) the tube allows fibrous tissue to comes available on the market, Softform tubes
grow into the lumen, fill it, and fix it in place; are, in my opinion, helpful in the treatment of
(2) the convex nature of the tube seems to deep nasolabial folds.
impart greater surface augmentation to soft Softform tubes result in permanent improve-
tissue; and (3) the three different diameters of ment. In addition, if any complication occurs
the Softform tubes (2, 4; 3, 2; and 4) allow the (e.g., malposition, infection, palpability, visibility,
surgeon to find the right implant for each or dissatisfaction of the patient), the implant can
category of nasolabial fold. be removed and will leave no damage, which to
The technique used is exactly the same as me is the main advantage of this procedure.
the one described for Gore-Tex strips.2 A tun- The second category of patients who seek
nel is created in front of the fold, and the Soft- improvement of deep nasolabial folds is made
form device is introduced into this tunnel (Fig. 2, up of older patients who require a concurrent
left). Then the canula is removed, and the Soft- face lift and eyelidplasty. Recent anatomic stud-
form tube appears (Fig. 2, second from left). The ies have confirmed that the visibility of the
trocar is removed, leaving the Softform tube in nasolabial folds is caused by the descent of the
place (Fig. 2, second from right). Finally, the two malar fat pad and the overlying skin. These two
extremities of the tube are cut and buried well tissues are stopped in their descent by the ad-

Received for publication March 26, 2001; revised May 29, 2001.
Follow-up to Lassus, C. A surgical solution to the deep nasolabial fold. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 97: 1473, 1996.
Vol. 109, No. 1 / THE DEEP NASOLABIAL FOLD 359

FIG. 1. (Left) Original appearance of a deep nasolabial fold. (Right) Appearance of nasolabial
fold 9 years after implantation of Gore-Tex strips.

hesion of the skin to the muscle plane all along bloc all the soft tissues of the midface and
the nasolabial crease, and Youssif et al.4 have improves the superior part of the nasolabial
demonstrated that to improve deep nasolabial folds while simultaneously correcting excess fat
folds, one must pull skin and fat. New surgical and skin at the lower eyelid, visibility of the
techniques have been developed since 1987 to arcus marginalis, and malar bags, producing a
reposition the malar fat pad, and these tech- smooth transition between the inferior eyelid
niques should be considered for improvement and the central face (Fig. 4).
of deep nasolabial folds in older patients.
In 1998 I developed a procedure consisting CONCLUSIONS
of pulling the orbicularis muscle in an upward Gore-Tex strips and Softform tubes are still
and a little bit oblique direction during a lower valuable in the treatment of deep nasolabial
blepharoplasty.5 This maneuver elevates en folds in relatively young patients. They pro-

FIG. 2. Procedure. (Left) The Softform device is placed in the tunnel created in front of the fold. (Second from left) After the
cannula is removed, the Softform tube appears over the trocar. (Second from right) After the trocar is removed, the Softform tube
is in place. (Right) After the two extremities of the Softform tube have been cut and buried under the skin surface, one stitch
is used to close each opening.
moved easily with no damage to the patient if
complications occur.
In older patients, the current face lift tech-
niques reposition the malar fat pad, producing
an improvement of the deep nasolabial folds. I
prefer to use the orbicularis muscle pull ac-
complished during a lower blepharoplasty
(Fig. 4), and sometimes I add at the same time
the use of Softform tubes.
Claude Lassus, M.D.
Residence Negresco
1 Rue de Rivoli
Nice, 06000

1. Lassus, C. Utilisation dun matriau de renforcement
pour le traitement des ridules et des rides du visage.
Presented at the 14th Congres National de Medecine
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tember 2527, 1987.
2. Lassus, C. A surgical solution to the deep nasolabial
fold. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 97: 1473, 1996.
3. Maas, C. S., Gnepp, D. R., and Bumpous, J. Expanded
polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex soft-tissue patch)
in facial augmentation. Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck
FIG. 3. (Above) Original appearance of deep nasolabial fold Surg. 119: 1008, 1993.
in a 45-year-old patient. (Below) Appearance of the nasolabial 4. Yousif, N. J., Gosain, A., Matloub, H. S., Sanger, J. R., Mad-
fold 9 months after implantation of a 3.2-mm Softform tube. iedo, G., and Larson, D. L. The nasolabial fold: An
anatomic and histologic reappraisal. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
93: 60, 1994.
duce permanent improvement, and unlike in- 5. Lassus, C. Benefits from lifting of the lower eyelid. Aes-
jectable permanent fillers, they can be re- thetic Plast. Surg. 24: 424, 2000.

FIG. 4. (Left) Original appearance of a deep nasolabial fold in a 45-year-old patient. (Right)
Appearance 15 years after a first subcutaneous face lift, 6 years after a second subcutaneous face
lift, and 3 years after a lower blepharoplasty with muscle suspension. Notice the improvement
of the nasolabial folds as well as a smoothing effect in the entire midface.

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