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Pokmon Treasure Map

Your name: Taylor Clingaman

Grade level for the activity: 5th

Content area (math, ELA, science, etc): Math Geometry

Integration model (TPACK or SAMR): TPACK

Technologies integrated:
Smart/Star Board

Class demographics (describe your students):

This class is a large one and it is hard to reach everyone. There are multiple
students who have a hard time paying attention and often fall behind while there
are also several students who finish early and are bored. There are also a couple
of students with reading and math learning differences. A lot of the students in
the class also enjoy Pokmon, so this could be a way to reach more students.

Activity overview (describe the activity):

This activity uses technology (GeoGebra) to reach all students on a graphing
lesson. I will teach and demonstrate graphing using GeoGebra on the smart
board and then have the students use their chrome books to follow along. The
students will ultimately use GeoGebra to graph a treasure map for Pokmon
players to use to find the Pokmon.
Activity goal (describe what the activity will accomplish):
This activity will allow the students to follow along with me and my
demonstrations and be able to play and explore with graphing.

Standards covered (pick from State, CCSS, NGSS, etc):

Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical

Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate
system, with the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to coincide with
the 0 on each line and a given point in the plane located by using an ordered
pair of numbers, called its coordinates. Understand that the first number
indicates how far to travel from the origin in the direction of one axis, and the
second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of the second axis,
with the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates
correspond (e.g., x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate).

Procedure (describe the steps students will follow):

I will start off by introducing students to the concept of graphing by going over the
parts of a graph (x-axis and coordinate and y-axis and coordinate) I will do a
simple plot and explain how to write coordinates for a point and plot a point from
The students will then practice by plotting 5 random points and writing down their
coordinates, then switching coordinates with a partner to plot them.
The students will then pick 10 new random points, each point representing where
a Pokmon can be found. The order of these points will depict what path they
want their graphers to take. They will list the points in the order they want them
to be plotted.
The students will then give their coordinates to their partner who will then plot
them. Once the points are plotted, the students can print off their graphs and
draw their Pokmon maps in the background.
Assessment (describe how you will assess student understanding):
The students will staple together their original 10 plotted points, the list of
coordinates, and their partners plotting of their points and turn them in.
I will look at the students original plotted points and compare them to the list of
coordinates to make sure they are the same. I will then compare the coordinates
to the map the second person created by plotting the coordinates to make sure
they are the same.
By comparing all three steps I can see exactly where the students need help with
their graphing if needed.

Personal reflection (discuss how the activity you designed covers TPACK/SAMR
This lesson plan uses TPACK because it uses my technological knowledge of
GeoGebra along with my content and pedagogical knowledge to teach and
demonstrate graphing. By having the students use GeoGebra for their work, it
allows them to have more freedom to explore the concept of graphing and when
the work is turned in, it will make it easier for me to read.

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