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Our Ref : CMD-III/16:4985 13 08 2009

Subject : Grouping of Sizes of UPVC Pipes for Potable Water Supplies as per
IS 4985 for Grant of Licence/Inclusion of Additional Varieties

All ROs/BOs/CL may please find enclosed draft Grouping Guidelines for
Grouping of sizes of UPVC pipes for potable water supplies as per IS 4985 for grant of
licence/inclusion of additional varieties, as received from KBO, vide their Note
No.KBO/16:4985 dated 07 08 2009 (Annex 1) and send their comments and the present
practices being followed on the enclosed grouping guidelines, if any, to CMD-III, before
31 08 2009. This may be treated as MOST URGENT.

Sd/-13 08 2009
(R Bhanu Prakash)
Sc-E & Director (CMD-III)
Enc.: As stated

Sc-F & Head (CMD-III)

Circulated to all ROs/BOs/CL

Copy to:



ITSD For posting on BIS Intranet.





Our Ref: KBO/16:4985 07 08 2009

Subject : Grouping of Sizes of UPVC Pipes for Potable Water Supplies as per
IS 4985 for Grant of Licence/Inclusion of Additional Varieties

Class of Pipe Working Group-I Group-II Group-III

Pressure (PN)
1. 0.25 90-110 125-315 355-630
2. 0.4 63-110 125-315 355-630
3. 0.6 10-110 125-315 355-630
4. 0.8 25-110 125-315 355-630
5. 1.0 20-110 125-315 355-630
6. 1.25 20-110 125-315 355-630

For the purpose of grant of new licence as well as inclusion of additional varieties in the
existing licence only one sample from each group and class of pipe shall be tested for the
requirement of the specification. It will, however, be ensured that the licensee/applicant
has got the complete manufacturing as well as testing facilities for the sizes varieties
intended to be covered in the group.

In case of pipe ends, if sample has been tested for socketed ended, the plain ended pipe
for the same class and size can be covered in the licence, if sample tested meets all the

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