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Submitted to, Submitted by,

Mrs.Philomena Fernandez, Ms.Niby Hormis,
Asst.professor, 1 st year Msc,


Technology results in new designs and devices as also new ideas and process. Educational technology is
the application of the scientific knowledge in a systematic way to improve the efficiency of the process of
learning and instruction. It is considered as the technology of education more than technology in
education. Computers have been a part of everyday life for many people, including nurses. Computers are
used for educating nursing students, and client assessing and documenting client's health condition,
managing medical records, communication among health care providers and continuing nursing research.
Computer assisted leaning refers to any of a wide range of educational techniques that relay on a computer
to promote learning. CAL is subdivided into two related but distinct functions, CA1 & CMI.

Meaning - Computer Assisted Learning:

Computer-assisted learning is to convey a vast amount of information in a very short period of time. It is a
powerful method of reinforcing concepts and topics first introduced to you through your textbook, and
discussion in the classroom. Computer-assessed learning enables you in a powerful way to comprehend
complex concepts.
- Professor Hossein Arsham
The term Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) covers a range of computer-based packages, which aim
to provide interactive instruction usually in a specific subject area, and many predate the Internet. These
can range from sophisticated and expensive commercial packages to applications developed by projects in
other educational institutions or national initiatives to simple solutions developed by individuals with no
funding or support to tackle a very local problem.

Internet Technologies
Using the Internet for teaching brings new challenges and necessitates the development of additional
teaching skills.
We can group the Web technologies available for education roughly into 3 areas, outlined below:
1. Digital Learning Resources
2. Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
3. Computer Aided Assessment (CAA)
1. Digital Resources
This could range from simply placing Word documents on the Web for your students to download
and print or making your Power Point presentations available after a lecture to creating Web pages that
make better use of the media to streamed digital video and simple interactive CAL-like programs.
2. Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
CMC can include any means by which individuals and groups use the Internet to 'talk' to each other.
CMC can either be synchronous (exchanges take place in 'real time') or asynchronous (messages are posted
up at any time, and read and responded to by other users also at times which suit them; in other words,
users do not have to be online at the' same time, as they do with synchronous exchanges.
The main technologies include:
Email - The most popular Internet tool, used to exchange messages between individuals
Mailing lists - Which use email to enable communication among groups of people. Individuals send
emails to the list email address and receive a copy of all emails sent to that address
Computer conferencing - (sometimes also known as 'discussion boards' or more accurately 'threaded
discussion lists') which enables groups of people to hold discussions by reading and posting text messages
on a computer system. The advantages over mailing lists are that the messages are archived and the
structure of the discussion is also recorded. Computer conferencing is widely used to support learning,
and within the educational context is generally what people mean when they talk about 'CMC
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - An Internet system which allows users to chat 'live' (in real time) using
text or audio Internet telephony, a way of using the Internet as an alternative to the main telephone
network; currently in its teething phase, though exciting in that it has the potential to reduce the cost of
calling long-distance to that of a local call.
Videoconferencing - A means by which small groups of geographically distant people can hold
discussions in real time, during which they are able to hear and see each other and share various other
types of data.
Hybrid systems - Systems such as Web Board combine threaded discussion lists, IRC and email lists
allowing users to switch easily between the two depending on the nature of the discussion.

3.Computer Aided Assessment (CAA)

The next step is to provide a way for students to assess their own progress and understanding of the
material. Without human feedback or very sophisticated artificial intelligence, this usually means some
form of objective test delivered as an online quiz. Because it is objective and the possible responses are
known, the feedback can also be automated. Students can therefore receive immediate feedback. This use
of CAA for self-diagnosis / formative assessment can" be quick to set up and if used wisely can provide
valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the course to the course tutor.

Classroom eLearning Technologies

The changes have not all been happening on the Internet or with students sitting in computer labs
using CAL packages. Out in the classrooms and lecture theatres, data projectors have being introduced and
packages like PowerPoint are being used to present directly through a computer rather than to create and
print overhead projector transparencies. The setups have often been unreliable and under supported and
there has been a lack of technical confidence among lecturers and it is only within the last few years that
this has started to change. Other presentation technologies such as electronic whiteboards, audience
feedback systems and videoconferencing facilities are beginning to appear in teaching spaces and these will
all require careful thought in integrating them into teaching practice.


Drill and practice mode

Tutorial mode
Simulation and problem solving mode
Discovery mode
Gaming mode
Examination mode

Drill and practice mode: This is the simplest mode in CAI.In this format, students have
already learned certain information, either through computer programs or other teaching methods and are
now presented with repetition and application of the information. The idea is to develop proficiency and
through doing. All the incorrect responses are diagnosed and corrected. The computer continues the drill
until mastery is achieved by the learner. Drill and practice can also be used in learning drug names and
actions, in learning medical terminology or in any situation requiring memorization of facts and concepts,
drug dosage calculations, i.v drip calculation.

Tutorial mode: In this the educational computer software may be written in the tutorial mode.
The program tutors or teaches the student a body of knowledge by presenting information and asking
questions,giving hints if the student gets stuck.Tutorials are most useful teaching material at the rule and
concept level.Students may find tutorials on basic information are more interesting and fun than an
instructors lectures.Any information taught by means of lecture could potentially be written as a computer

Simulation and problem solving mode: This is one of the most exciting forms of computer
software.Simulations of real world experiences provide students with all the details about a particular patient
situation and then ask them to assess the patient,arrive at the diagnosis,plan interventions and evaluate
care.The learner is presented with scaled-down simulated situations bearing correspondence with the real
situations.Simulations are made to avoid risk,save money and conserve time.Simulation of an aeroplane in
flight,an experiment on titration,a nuclear reaction,collision of two bodies etc are good examples of
simulation mode.Simulation can demand decisions in emergency situations and can show the results of good
or poor decisions.

Discovery mode:In discovery mode inductive approach to teaching and learning is followed.The learner
is encouraged to proceed through trial and error approach ie by solving a given problem,realizing,where and
how he\she went wrong,trying again and finally solving the complex problem.

Gaming mode:The learner is engaged in playing opposite the computer or opposite another learnerThe
extent of learning depends up on the type of game.Games on spellings,names of places and general
knowledge are examples of gaming modes.

Examination mode: Questions with or with out situation may be written in multiple choice,true\false or
fill in the blank format.Rationales can be given following the answers if desired.

Each student receives instruction at his own pace.
Each student responds continuously as he receives instruction.
Each student receives rapid feed back for his response.
Reinforcement of learning is achieved by personal message ie yes,Anil,that is right.
Learning sessions are kept manageable by designing the duration between half an hour to one hour.
Lessons from theories of learning are are taken in to account at the stage of instructional design.
Students can access the computer at any place,eg in hostel,in tutorial room.
Students can study in their own ways ie through examples,through case studies.
Students can test their own learning at any time of progress.End of unit learning may also be timed at
ones convenience.
Teacher time is saved from the routine information-giving activity and employed in innovative
inst ruction-design and student guidance.
Students can answer the questions posed by the program in total privacy,without the embrassment of
having their own lack of knowledge exposed in front of a group of peers.
CAL can help foster the intuitive kind of thinking that is important for discovery learning,by presenting
problem based information about which the student has to make hypothesis and subsequently checking
his or her answers against the computer.
CAL can accomplish a number of teaching functions in nurse education,such as presentation of
information on new topics,follow-up activities,revision , diagnostic and remedial teaching,activities
associated with classroom teaching.
CAL can offer high-quality instruction that eliminates such variables as poor preparation and
presentation by the teacher,problems of timimg,fatigue,bordem and loss of attention.With CAL student
can switch off and go for a walk to restore concentration.
The non judgemental nature and endless patience of computer are important.

Cost factors.
Content control.
Altered professional roles.
Technology learning process.
Deficit in the theory of lesson.
Lack of formal communication among users.


B.T. BASAVANTHAPA: - When the computer is used as an aid to teaching, method of instruction is called
the computer assisted instruction.
TOKNYAY AND THOMPSON: - any instructional activity' that uses a computer as the primary vehicle for
teaching content or processes in a one to one interaction with a student.

MECHANISM OF CAI: For CAI, the intended subject matter is broken into small segments and fed
into the memory of the computer. The student interacts with computer for learning, testing, immediate
feedback and reinforcement. The instructional spectrum with CAI can range from simple drills to problem
solving. In order to interact with a computer, the student sits at an electronic keyboard hooked to the
computer. He introduces himself to the computer by a code number by punching the keys of the keyboard.
After this, the computer displays information which is followed by a question. The student typed out the
answer or responds by punching key to get the feedback from the computer.
CAI refers to instruction or remediation presented on a computer. Many educational computer programme
are available online and from computer stores and textbook companies. They enhance teacher instruction in
several ways.

There are three main types of CAI, they are:-
1) Logo: It is a simple programming language, which can be taught to children. The programme provides
instruction, which can be used to produce pictures on an oscilloscope or make a little mechanical robot.
The children who learn logo make up their own programmes to draw flowers or faces or generate designs
on the screen.
2) Simulation: By this method, the computer in programmes which enable the student to mount an
experiment in symbolic form.
3) Controlled learning: It indicates both drill and practice programme is supplementary to the regular
curriculum taught by the classroom teacher. The classroom may also introduce the basic concepts. The
students, later on, review and practice fundamentals skills on an individualized basis at instructional
terminals. The computer provides immediate feedback to individual learners simultaneously as they work
through a set of exercises. The record of individual students performance is furnished to the teacher for


CAI is not to exclude the teacher from the classroom. Machines mean, relief from the more
mechanical aspects of the teacher's work. Teacher need not longer be talking books' or paper correcting
automations. They can hereafter work in areas like evaluation, planning, curriculum revision, guidance and
human relations. Although we cannot forecast the areas wherein computers may be helpful in future, the
possibilities of their effective use in the educational seens are enormous

1. Nursing education:-
Only now, after 25 years, are we beginning to integrate CAI into the repertoire of teaching/learning
strategies used in nursing education. Innovation such as videotext, videodisk, fiber optics, programmer less
systems and robotic are all available to supplement computer assisted learning. These technologic advances
have been in nursing education in only peripheral fashion, primarily for purposes of demonstrating the

Need in nursing education:

The proliferation of information system into all means of health care demands that nurses acquire
essential computer knowledge and experience. Nursing professional are finding the need to become
computer literate and proficient with computers on a daily basis One way to assure computer literacy
among musing profession is to integrate computer technology into the learning process at all levels of
nursing education. In order to successfully accomplish this challenge, nurse educator need to apply
fundamental having principle to computerization in the classroom to effectively enhance learning and
instruction. The need to individualize instruction is becoming increasingly apparent to educators as an
essential principle of learning. Further more, (he learning process is influenced by a variety of factors.
Nurse educators arc using the computer in a number of ways to manage the educational environment :-
to instruct
to evaluate
to identify individual students learning problems
to gather data on how learning takes place
to manipulate data for research purposes
to direct continuing education
2. Clinical practice :
Assessment: Computerization helps in gathering and storing data about each patient. Eg. Assessment data
can be physiological measures automatically charted through a patient monitoring system.
Patient monitoring: Computers are widely in acute care areas, such as emergency, intensive care,
coronary care and neonatal intensive care are now widely used for hemodynamic and vital sign
monitoring, calculation of physiological indices such as peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac output,
and environmental regulation of isolets. Sophisticated computerized ICU monitoring system for
management of patient data are now used around the world.
Assessment data from other departments:
- Diagnosis eg, laboratory, X-ray
- Support eg, pharmacy, dietary
- Special treatment eg, radiation therapy, dialysis
- MRI, PET, CAT scan etc
Automated care planning: One alternate approach to the automation of nursing care plan is to design
basic care plans for meeting patient needs, store them in the computer memory banks, and then adapt
them to individual patients. The resulting printout is unique for each patient's assessed needs for daily
Decision support systems: A true decision support system allows nurses to enter their assessments at the
bedside using source data capture technology and then use the computer to analyze those assessment and
recommend nursing diagnoses. The nurse then rejects or accepts the recommendations.
Having accepted a particular diagnosis, the range of interventions accepted in that agency or institution
can be retrieved and presented by computer. The nurse then chooses those nursing intervention that are
appropriate for the patient. Such a system provides a tailor-made personalized care plan

3. Research
Searching the literature: the advent of computerized data bases of literature allows researchers, with the
help of librarians, to search rapidly and to retrieved abstracts of literature immediately.
Preparation of research documents: The speed and case of computers can assist in the preparation,
revision, and formatting of research documents, reducing the time spent on the paper work associated
with research.
Data gathering: Computer-assisted interviewing methods allow the researcher to capture the data
immediately in the computer in a useable format Using computer assisted interviewing methods
eliminates the step of data entry. This has the potential to improve data quality, as errors are commonly
found in the transcription code sheet to computer.
Data analysis: Most experienced nurse researchers, are somewhat familiar with the use of computer in
statistical analysis, at last count, there were more than 180 software packages use for carrying out
statistical analysis on mainframe computers.
Graphics: Computer have the capacity to rapidly and inexpensively produce a wide variety of graphs,
scatterd diagrams, histograms and charts simultaneously with the numerical data analysis.
The CAI can be used for handling a large body of students using computer terminals and as many as 4000
students can be instructed simultaneously with this instructional procedure and by the time sharing
The CAI provides a highly flexible branching in instruction for looking after the pace, entry cognition and
level of knowledge suitable for a particular student. Thus the CAI can individualize classroom instruction.
In CAI, the simultaneous testing of each individual can be done by the computer thus relieving the
teacher from the dull chores of correction and record keeping. Also a student cannot cheat during testing
by a computer.
CAI provides the multi-dimensional learning through words, graphic and problem solving students.
A computer can also work as an aid in the independent study schemes based upon reference work. The
information about the location of study materials relevant to a specific topic can be stored in the computer
memory and retrieved by the student for ready reference.
The high storage capacity of a computer allows many programs or many complete courses at a time for

CAI lacks the human and emotional factors which are available in the normal classroom lessons in
which teacher is present to interact with lies students for their nonscholastic needs.
Computers are very costly pieces of equipment and beyond the reach of most schools in our country
where even blackboards are not available in many schools.
With excessive use of CAI, articles competence of students takes a backseat.
Some studies have prove that CAI produces more mental and physical fatigue as compared to other
methods of instructions.
CAI does not help in developing the language proficiency which depends move on direct experiences
with the reality.
As the student cannot interact with a computer in the human language, the mechanical responses by
punching keys can become dull and frustrating.
At its simplest, the testing by computer is done by multiple-choice questions, the problems concerning
value judgments cannot be tested by the computer.

Computer influence every sphere of human activity and bring many change in education, health care,
scientific research, social sciences, law music and painting. Usage of computers in health care system will
save the time. Economizes energy and help the nurses to provide quality nursing care. Computers can teach
at any level of learning, from knowledge and comprehension up through application, analysis and
synthesis. They can be programmed to teach problem solving and decision making.

1. Sankaranarayanan B, Sindhu B. Learning and teaching nursing, Mangalore: Brainfill;2003.
2. Neeraja K P. Text book of nursing education. New Delhi: Jaypee brothers;
3. Kumar K L. Educational technology.3rd ed. New Delhi:New age international.
4. Basavanthappa B T. Nursing Education .1st ed. New Delhi:Jaypee;2003.
5. Quinn M Francis. The principles and practice of nurse education. 3rded.London: Chapman and Hall.

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