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Design a floor system supporting loads given as follows:

Occupancy load: warehouse =4.8 kPa

Concrete floor topping = 0.075m

Weight of concrete= 23kn/m3

Weight of wood= 6.29kn/m3


Spacing of floor joist= 0.40m

Unsupported length of joist= 3.60

Apitong wood @ 80% stress grade:

Fb= 17.67 mPa

Fv= 2.00 mPa

weights= 8.01 GPa


Width of wood= 0.20m

Height of wood=3 cm

Design for T&G

1. Load Computation

Dead load:

Concrete topping= 23kN/m3 (0.075)(0.2)= 0.345 kN/m

Weight of wood= 6.29kN/m3 (0.03)(0.2)= 0.0377 kN/m

Wwood+ Wconcrete = Deadload

0.0377 + 0.345= 0.013 kN/m

Live load:

4.8 kPa(0.2)= 0.96 kN/m

0.013+ 0.96 = 0.973 kN/m

2. Moment Computation:

WL 2
M (continuous beam)= =

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