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Systems Modeling (SYM710S) Group Projects Guides

Due Dates

Fri 7th Apr Submission of Draft Project Proposal ()

Fri 7th Apr Oral Presentation ()

Fri 2nd June Submission of Final Project Report ()

Fri 2nd June Oral Presentation ()

Submission of Draft Project Proposal ()

Project Proposal Portion

The proposal portion has the following contents

Literature review
Work plan
List of components

The minimum requirements for any report is that it has been spell - and grammar checked and that
it is submitted with a Viper, Turnitin report or similar. Use the IEEE or Harvard system of
referencing and include a bibliography that lists all resources referenced.

The format specifications for all reports are:

Font type and size : Times New Roman (12)

Line spacing : 1
Page size : A4
Cover colour : Blue, Red or Green
Binding type : Spiral
Words (min) : 2500 (excluding appendix)

The proposal portion of the report plus the oral presentation counts 35% towards the calculation of
the final mark.
Systems Modeling (SYM710S) Group Projects Guides

Submission of Project Report ()

The project report has the following contents:

Title page
Acknowledgement page
Literature review and/or underlying theory
Modeling, Design and analysis
Test/Simulation results if applicable
Conclusions and recommendations
Appendixes (e.g design documents, plates, software source codes, drawings etc)

The minimum requirements for any report is that it has been spell - and grammar checked and that
it is submitted with a Viper, Turnitin report or similar. Use the IEEE or Harvard system of
referencing and include a bibliography that lists all resources referenced.

The format specifications for all reports are:

Font type and size : Times New Roman (12)

Line spacing : 1
Page size : A4
Cover colour : Blue, Red or Green
Binding type : Spiral
Words (min) : 5000 (excluding appendix)

The proposal portion of the report plus the oral presentation counts 65% towards the calculation of
the final mark.

Oral Presentation ()
The oral examination shall take the form of an MS PowerPoint presentation or any other
professional format and shall be presented by the student to a qualified panel of examiners.

During the (), students must show case their project simulation with all
mathematical modelling equations.

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