Mysteries of The Word of God by Erondu Georgian Chima

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Genesis 1:3, And God said, let there be

light and there was light KJV

What is Light? Light is a natural agent that

stimulates sight and makes things visible. It can
also be seen as understanding a problem or
mystery; enlightenment.

From the Scripture verse above it is clear to us

that before light came forth to the earth
something was done and what is that? God
spoke His word saying Let there be Light. We
can now be convince that the Word He spoke
gave light to the earth and that word was not a
mere word, it was not an ordinary word, that
word was His word. So, His word is light to the

Before any creation could begin the light was

created first, in this view without light the world
we live in today could not have been created
likewise without the spoken word that brought
light, the world also could have not been in
existence as it is through the word of God that
light came forth for other creation to be made

Lets take a pretty look at Genesis 1:14 And

God said, Let there be light in the
firmament of the heaven to divide the day
from the night;
and let them be signs, and for seasons,
and for days and years.
At the declaration of Gods word there was light,
this is to show that there is a great connection
between the word and the light as both came
forth from God. It is the light that separates the
darkness from the light; so, it is only the light
that can separate you from your darkness. It is
only the light that can bring laughter out from
sorrow. God speaking in that same vs 14b Said
And let them be signs and for seasons,
and for days And for years KJV
The light is a sign to mark you seasons of
greatness, without the light in you (Word of
God) your season cannot be dictated.
There shall be seedtime and harvest time, the
word of God is the evidence of them all, without
the word of God bringing light to your seed,
your seedtime will forever remain your
seedtime Take note.
in verse 16 of Genesis 1, God made two lights,
the greater light and the lesser light, the
greater light to govern the day and the lesser to
govern the night, it is clear to us that there is
light to govern both day and night; take this, if
the light of God is inside you, your shining is not
restricted to day alone but you shall shine even
in the thickest of darkness, you shall shine
God also made the stars, it was revealed to me
that every man has a shining star in heaven, no
scientist today or astrologer can tell the exert
number of stars in the sky; these stars are the
stars of every soul on earth, they were created
before men were created, that is why God said
before i Formed thee, i knew thee He knew us
to be that shining stars, here is the mystery,
those stars are tied to the light of God, so any
man who wants to shine as his own star must
connect to the word of God for the light of God
to be released on your star for it to shine on
your destiny, then no devil can stop your
shining on earth Hallelujah!
The word of God in Isaiah 60:1 says Arise,
Shine, for your light has come when the
light of God comes, man shines. The light of
God can shine even where there is darkness
and thick darkness. It is only when we connect
to the word of God that the light of God can
shine in our life. In the life of every man, there
is a hidden light, that light is the star of man,
that light is the future of man, that light is why
man was created and until he connects to the
word, darkness shall cover his light. Only the
light of God can conquer that darkness, which is
why we need the word of God as the body
needs food.
The Israelites were afraid to look the face of
Moses, when he came down from the mountain,
and they believed whatever he said because
Moses obeyed Gods word to come up to the
mountain, your face is still not shining in the
glory of His Majesty because we have failed to
listen and come up to the mountain. When
Moses finally came down his face was shining
and was filled with the glory of God most High
confirmed in Isaiah 60:1.
When the light of God shines on men, people
must see, the light of God cannot be hidden.
The light of God is the new Earth that darkness
comes not around which the book of Revelation
speaks of. Continues dwelling in the word of
God gives light to your life and that life can
never see darkness.

How can darkness come to a mans life?

Darkness comes to a life that is empty of the
word. A life that is empty of the word is a life
that is full of darkness; a life that is empty of
the word is a life that is empty of the benefits of
the world. If you are worded, then you are
loaded; if you are wordless, then you are
Lets travel to the book of Psalm 119:105 Thy
word is a lamp unto my feet; and a light
unto my path KJV
A man filled with the word of God his path is
never dark. A lamp to my feet, we need lamp to
see when the room is dark, we need lamp to
help us walk when the road is dark that we may
not fall into a pit. As without lamp we cannot
see, likewise without the word we cannot see.
When the word of God is with you, you will
always walk in the light of God that shines over
all darkness.
From our definition above says, light stimulates
sight, the primary essence of light is for sight to
be made manifest. If i am blind, they will say,
he has lost his sight good. You can agree with
me that the oldest agent of light or the oldest
means of light was the lamp. If the Bible was
written in the 20th century, it would have been
described as thus Thy word is a touch light or a
fluorescent light unto my path but in all
whether lamp, bulb, or florescent whatever
carrier of light you mean or whatever way you
want you path to shine, the WORD OF GOD is
there to make is possible. You dont need a
Prophet to tell you he will pray for your light to
shine, all you need is the word of God to be
inculcated into your mind and spirit, then you
will begin to witness a shining path all through.
If the word dwells in us, the verse says it will
be a lamp unto thy feet what those it implies?
That our feet will always walk according to the
direction of and will of God for our life. Lets
take a look at Isaiah 60:2 For, behold, the
darkness shall cover the earth, and gross
darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise
upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon
thee. KJV. The glory of God comes with the
light of God; until you see light, will not see the
glory of God in you. Listen to this darkness or
gross darkness or dense darkness or as black as
night as KJV, Amplified and NIV versions will
hold it, the light of God will still shine in us.
See what Goodnews Bible holds for us in Isaiah
60:2 Other nations will be covered by
darkness, But on you the light of the Lord
will shine
On other nations hardship will come, on other
people Hardship will come, but on us who
dwells in the word of God, the light of the Lord
will shine. This is the best version that clarifies
this mystery to us. So, brethren in the Lord, you
have gotten the word all you need to do is to
arise, for the light has come through the word
of God, Arise and shine in victory. Amen
Our second definition of light: it says, light can
be seen as understanding a problem or
mystery; enlighten.
Yes! Psalm 119:130 The entrance of thy word
giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the
simple KJV
The explanation of your teaching Gives light
and brings wisdom to the ignorant Goodnews
The simple, the ignorant, the foolish anyhow
you want to state it, as long as the word enters
light comes into them, the light that enlightens.
The light that gives understanding to the
mysteries unsolved, the light that gives
understanding to the secrets unknown, the light
that gives understanding to the things unseen,
the light that brings revelation for
transformation, the light that gives revelation
for distinction, the light that gives revelation to
the hidden riches of life, the light that gives
revelation to survive in hard times; it is the
word of God that only gives that light.
You can never have the word of God and be
ignorant; you can never have the word of God
and remain foolish it is impossible. Because if
the word of God enters, automatically light
enters, the light to enlighten you for a
successful journey of life. Hallelujah!!

John 1:1
What is foundation? Foundation is the first
stage of a building. The quality of your house is
based on its foundation. If a foundation is not
built with strong materials, the house no matter
how beautiful it may be, will suffer collapse.
Every man desires a great world for himself. But
if wishes were horses all the beggars will
ride If i am building a house and i want my
foundation to be concrete then i must be ready
to spend enough cash.
In the beginning God created the heaven and
the earth. How did it come to pass? Through the
word. It was revealed in the book of John 1:1a
In the beginning was the word vs 2 He
was with God in the beginning
The main secret it unveiled in vs. 3 Though
Him all things were made, without him
nothing was made that has been made
This is a key note that must be noted nothing
was made with the word of God, and in Genesis
we were told that all things were made perfect.
So it is through the word that perfect things are
The word of God is the beginning of a perfect
creation, it is in the word of God that perfect
world are created for man. The beginning of
every perfect world must start with the word of
The word of God is concrete to build a lasting
foundation for a world for man; it is a
foundation for a strong world. If any man must
begin well, he must begin with the word. In the
world are living entities living by the word of
God, when this living entities live in the word of
God it makes a perfect world.
JOHN 6:63, GENESIS 1:2, JOHN 1:1
Words are spirit and they are life. John 6:63b
The words that i speak unto you, they are
spirit, and they are life KJV
John 1:1 and the word was God KJV . God
is a spirit, and the word was God.
Spirit is a non-physical part of a person which is
the seat of emotions and character. The
character of a man is a product of the words
that enters his mind. Jesus speaking to His
disciples said to them The words i speak to you
are spirits no man can live without his spirit, so
a spirit is a superhuman being that gives life to
a human being. The spirit of a man is the life
given to him by God.
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man
of the
Dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the
breadth of life, and man
became a living being
God poured out His spirit into man after He
created man, and man became a living being.
Man was created with a soul in a body but he
lacked life which is the spirit, only the spirit can
make him be a living being and that spirit must
come from his creator God.
Before the fall man was living with the word
inside of him, since all things were created by
the word so man was also created by the word.
He was living based on instructions i.e. the
word, everything he does he follows instruction;
he never did anything without the instructions
from God i.e. the word of God. That is why the
devil couldnt approach man directly. The devil
was afraid of the spirit that was living inside of
man i.e. the word. Before the fall man was
living in the image and likeness of the word.
Man was subject to the law of life because the
word of life lives inside of man. Man was always
in fellowship with God because the word of
fellowship lives inside of him. Man was highly
spiritual because the word of the spirit is living
inside of him. Man was the master of the earth
because the word that created the earth was
living inside of him. John 1:2. Man was living in
peace because the word of peace was inside
him. Man had access to the wisdom of God; he
single handedly gave names to all the animals
in the world because the word of wisdom was
living directly inside of him.
After the fall, man lost the word that created
the world because he disobeyed the word and
obeyed the devil. You cannot lose the word in
you and continue to operate as the master of
the world which the word created. So man lost
his dominion in the world. Automatically the
spirit of the devil i.e. the word of the devil
entered into man and controlled his mind. Man
lost his life completely and receives hatred and
revenge because the word of life was no longer
living inside of him.
John 12:37-40 But though he had done so
Miracles before them, yet he
believed not on him; that the
saying of Esaias the prophet
might be fulfilled, which he
spake, Lord, who hath
believed our report? And to
whom hath the arm of the
Lord been revealed?
For this reason they could not
believe because, as Isaiah
says elsewhere he has
blinded their eyes and
hardened their hearts, so
they can neither see with
their eyes nor understand
with their heart, and be
converted and i should heal
Man couldnt see because the spirit of the devil
liveth inside of him, the spirit that has hardened
his heart not to receive the goodnews of the
gospel that he shall be saved. That godnews is
the word, that word that formed the foundation
of the earth, the word that gave man his
dominion on earth, the word personified into
the spirit which liveth inside of man from the
beginning. This was why Jesus says The word i
speak unto you, are spirit and they are life if
the devil succeeded in blinding your eyes from
the word then he has definitely succeed in
hindering you from receiving eternal life. The
beginning of blindness to the word is the
beginning of death. Jesus was trying to remind
them to take heed and receive the word, so
they can gain back what they lost to the devil,
because only the word imbibe into their hearts
can restore mans dominion to him. Man could
not understand what Jesus was trying to explain
because the nature of the devil liveth in him. 2
Thessalonians 2:3 Dont let any man
deceive you by any means;
That day shall not come until except
there come a falling away first, and
that man of sin be revealed, the son of
That day of dominion will not come until the
word begins to take dominion in our hearts, and
the man of sin will be revealed and send to
doom the devil.
One thing with believers of today is that they
fail to understand that life is spiritual. All things
of life were created first in the spirit, by spirits
and for man who operates in the spirit. God is a
spirit and those that must worship Him must do
that in truth and in spirit. What is the truth? The
word of God. Only the word can transform a
mortal man to a spirit. Without the word it is
impossible to please God how? Without faith it
is impossible to please God and Faith cometh
by hearing and hearing only the word of God
so without the word of God it is clearly noted
that no one can please God.
I come again without the word no one can see
God How? Without holiness you cant see the
Lord. And what is this holiness? Doing or living
according to the Word.
Everything about life is centered on the word of
God. Everything life produces it does it with the
fuel of the word of God. All the promises of God
to man cometh through the word of God. Only
the word of God can open our eyes to see Gods
plans and will on our lives that we may get the
revelation on what to do to triumph on earth.
Leave the word and life leaves you; live the
word and life lives in you. Do the word and get
life; dont do the word and get death. The devil
is not afraid of who quotes the word; he is
afraid of who does the word he quotes. The
devil is always afraid of the doers of the word to
tempt them, because he who does not the word
cannot attack he who does the word take
note. When you obey the word, you will receive
power to exhibit and control all issues of life.
Proverb 4:23 Keep thy heart with all
diligence; for
For out of it are the issues of

Deuteronomy 6:6 These commandments

that i
Give you today are to be
Your hearts
How do i keep my heart? Brethren with the
word of God, because if the word of God is in
our hearts then it will spring forth the issues of
life and how to tackle it. Until a heart is filled
with the word issues and solutions of life will
not spring forth, and without this, you will be
written off by the destructions of life. Until you
know what is written, you will be written
off. Dr. Paul Enenche
Until you obey the word, life will not obey you.
Ephesians 3:20. Hebrews 4:12
Power as we know is the ability to coerce,
influence or control an entity or entities,
organizations or even nation. Without power
one cannot exercise control over that which is
under you. By the grace of the Living God, this
chapter will help us understand how the word of
God can give us power to control that which we
wished to be control in our life. So many people
are being controlled by so many things, which is
contrary to the will of God for our life. As a child
of God and joint heirs of the kingdom with
Christ, we are supposed to be in control of all
the activities of this world as the world was
given to us from the beginning. Genesis 1:26
And God said let us make man in our own
image, after our likeness: and let them
have dominion (Power) over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
the cattle, and over all the earth and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon
the earth.
The word of God is more powerful than all the
powers on earth. The word of God is more
anointed than any man or woman on earth. The
word of God carries the Spirit of God and the
Spirit of God is the Power of God.
When the word of God moves in your life, you
move quickly because no man can hinder the
power in the word of God. It should be noted
here that the Bible has no power in it, but the
word in the Bible is what makes the Bible
powerful than all books in the world. There is no
boundary to the word of God it can penetrate
into anywhere it wishes Hebrews 4:12
Ephesians 3:20 Now unto Him who is
able to do exceedingly abundantly and
above all that we ask or think, according
to the power that worketh in us. I
underlined the power that worketh in us
because it will be our area of concentration.
God is able to do all things; but He will do it on
one condition the power that worketh inside of
you. And what is that power? Your faith in the
word of God. Before God can do anything for
you, He must first check the power you have
inside of you, which is your faith in the word of
God; if that faith can be measured with what
you are asking for. Let me make it more
practical here; if i am asking for 1,000,000 naira
from God, He will have to weigh my faith, to
check if it worth the value of 1,000,000. First,
for me to be able to acquire one million naira
from God, i must believe that He is able to give
me more than one million naira, the faith in me
must be a faith equivalent to one million naira, i
must possess a power that can control one
million naira; how? Through my attitude,
through my imagination. There is a power that
must work inside of you for whatever you desire
to be made manifest. Without power no miracle.
The word of God is the power that is required to
access whatever in the presence of God. There
is a word attached to every desire from a mans
heart. When you locate the suitable word and
attached it to that desire, then you will
experience the power of God working and
bringing that desire to you in due time.
Everybody attracts to himself the measure of
his power.
Whatever that was made on earth today was
made through the Power of God (The Word of
God) and whatever that must be controlled
must be controlled through that same power of
God (The Word of God) Jeremiah 27:5 I have
made the earth, the man and the beast
that are upon the ground, by my great
power and by my outstretched arm, and
have given it unto whom it seemed meet
unto me. From the above scripture we can
ascertain that whatever a man has is as a result
of the power at work in him. God has the power
to give a man all he desires only if he seems
meet unto God.
The power of God is a supernatural force. And
the power in the word of God is a mystery that
can be revealed to through believers. Hosea
4:6a My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge: until you have the true knowledge
of the power in the word of God you cant feel
it. Many people who call themselves Christians
go places to seek power because the lack the
knowledge the extract the power they seek
from the word of God. The word of God is and
agent of the supernatural power of God to us on
earth. So we must be acquainted with the word
because it is the faith that comes on us through
the reading of the word that transmit power.
How to get the Power of God
1. You must be born again John 1:12 But
as many as received him, to them gave
he power to become the sons of God
even to them that believes on his
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man
be in Christ, he is a new creature: old
things are passed away, behold, all
things are become new. You must be
initiated into the kingdom of God by being
born again as power is the of a new life in
Christ. Salvation is the seal of dominion here
on earth. As a born again you have the seal
for the transference of power. Matthew
28:18b All power has been given unto me
in heaven and in earth and as born again in
Christ all power has been given to us by

2. You must believe John 1:12. Mark 16:17

And these signs will accompany those
who believe: in my name they will
drive out demons, they will speak in
new tongues. NIV
Believing in the word of God is the licence to
power. As we can ascertain from the above
scriptures that these signs which i will
translate to a better understanding as
Power: lets say these kind of Power shall
follow them that believe. We can also
ascertain that to cast out demons you need
more power than them. Where is that power
coming from? Mathew 28: 18b All Power is
given to me in heaven and in earth that is
where that power is coming from. All power
has been given to our Master Jesus, not in
earth alone but also in heaven that is to say
we have the power to command any good
thing from heaven to come to us here on
earth as long as we have the access i.e
Believing. So our problems is not in the
demon or demons troubling us but it is in
the unbelief in our spirit and mind. Many
Christians today believe that there is a
special power possessed by the demons NO.
We have a more special power to theirs but
our hindrance is the inability to believe.
That is why Jesus speaking in the book of
Mark that as many that will believe they will
be save but those that believeth not they
will be condemned. Your condemnation is
not in the total amount of sins committed by
you, it is in the inability to believe that Jesus
died for us sins and through him all your
sins will be forgiven. Romans 8:1 There is
therefore no condemnation for those
who are called in Christ Jesus No! No!!
No!!! dame condemnation because i believe
in Christ Jesus from the day i hounoured His
call Amen!!!
3. The Holy Ghost or The Holy Spirit. Acts
1:8a But ye shall receive power, after
that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:
KJV And ye shall receive power when
the Holy Spirit has come upon you:
There is one personality i fear and respect
so much in my life and always wish never to
leave my body. Anything a sin, i think of this
Personality, He is the person of the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the chief mover of
the power of God. The Holy Spirit is the
power behind all the Miracles Jesus performs
on earth and even the ones the Apostles
did. Now Jesus speaking to the disciples
made them to understand that until the
Holy Spirit come upon them, there is no way
they can experience the power of God. The
can be born again, they can believe but to
enable them enjoy the benefit of their
believing in Christ is the evidence of the
Holy spirit so that they can exercise the
power promised to them that believe.
4. Maintain a solid relationship with the
Holy Spirit after you have received it, to
make the power stay through praying and
fasting and constant studying of the Word of
5. Desist from all forms of sin never to
grieve the Holy Spirit.
Peter 1:23
What is a seed? A seed is a fertilized grain,
initially encased in a fruit which may grow into
a matured plant. From this definition i can
generate my own definition as a seed is
anything that is given away to produce much of
its kind. A seed is the beginning of every fruit.
The quality of a seed determines the quality of
its fruit when it germinates. That is why the
above definition says which may grow into
matured plant. If a seed sowed is not good
enough it may die in the pre-matured state.
The essence of this chapter is to help us
understand that the word of God is not just a
spoken word but also a seed responsible for any
kind of profitable seed we desire in life. Jesus
speaking in parable in the book of Luke 8:5-8
A sower went out to sow his seed: and as
he sowed, some fell by the way side; and
it was trodden down, and the fowls of the
air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock,
and as soon as it was sprung up, it
withered away because it lacked moisture.
And some fell among thorns; and the
thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.
And other fell on good ground, and sprang
up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And
when he had said these things, he cried,
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Vs 11. Now the parable is this: The seed
is the word of God
Everybody desire to see good fruit but they fail
to understand that every good fruit springs
forth from the word of God. God speaking in the
book of Genesis, saying as long as the earth
liveth; seedtime and harvest time shall never
seize. Which means as long as the earth lives,
there will never seize to be a time where the
word of God will not be sowed into the life of
man, and if that word in sowed on a good soil
(heart) it will spring forth a hundred fold. The
bible revealing in the book of Genesis 26 God
commanded Isaac in the time of famine not to
go down to Egypt Isaac obeyed the word of
God. Vs 12 then Isaac sowed in the land
and, received in the same year a
hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him
what did Isaac sow in the time of famine? The
word of God Luke 8 And other fell on good
ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an
hundredfold. We can observe an hundredfold
appearing on the two verses. Which proofs that
the word of God is sure.
There is always a seed to sow for every fruit
desired as there is always a word from the
scripture attached as a solution to every
problem a man will face in life. There is no
problem in this life that doesnt have a solution
from the word of God, all you need is to locate
the seed and sow it to the problem and you will
see the fruit. There was famine in the land, and
Isaac needed prosperity in that land, he seek
the secret to abundance which was the word
stay here, dont go down to Egypt. Many people
think their success is in America or Europe, no!
Your success is in the word of God, just locate
the seed (word) to your problem and apply it.
As there are seed for Mango, orange, banana,
grape; so there are seed for prosperity, healing,
divine health, protection salvation and all you
can desire. Genesis 1:11-12.

Isaiah 55:10-11 For as the rain cometh

down, and the snow from heaven, and
returneth not thither, but watereth the
earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud,
that it may give seed to the sower, and
bread to the eater: So shall my word be
that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall
not return unto me void, but it shall
prosper in the thing whereto i sent it.
The spoken word of God is a seed that gives
fruit to the sower. Here God is saying that any
word from his mouth will not come back void is
that not enough reason for we to hold firm to
the word of God. What other solution do we
need to our problem since there is a word
attached to every problem of man?

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