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Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships




17.1 The hypothesis

1) The ship hull is modelled using the linear-elastic Timoshenko girder with the inclusion of
the inertial rotation (jy(x)0) and the shearing deformations (GAfz).
2) The ship is divided in Ne elements, using the finite element method (FEM), used also at
the free ship vibrations analysis in the vertical plane.
3) The fluid action, according to the hydro-elasticity theory, it is considered applied on the
dry ship girder thought hydrodynamic excitation forces that are function of the elastic
ship dynamic response induced by external waves.
4) Based on the modal analysis technique, it is considered the ship dynamic response
decomposed on r=0,1 eigen rigid modes (oscillations) and r=2,n the first n-2 eigen
vibration modes of the elastic ship girder (dry hull).
5) According to the vertical ship sides hypothesis (at linear analysis), the additional masses
and the hydrodynamic damping coefficients will be constant in time, calculated at the
encounter ship-wave circular frequency e and the draught for still water position d(x).
6) The ship lines are approximated using the Lewis conformal transformation.
7) It is considered external excitation linear wave of Airy model.
8) The calculation of the hydrodynamic forces is made using the strip theory.

17.2 The motion differential equations in vertical plane

According to the 3-rd hypothesis (chapter 17.1) we consider the hydrodynamic forces
Fh(x,t) external to the ship system that are the only source for the forced oscillation/vibration
of the ship girder.

Fig.17.1. The dynamic equilibrium in vertical plane on a segment with dx length

From the dynamic equilibrium over the "dx" segment (fig.17.1) and according the 1-st
hypothesis (chapter 17.1) model Timoshenko, it results:

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

m( x ) w&& (x, t) = T(x, t) + Fh (x, t)

(17.1) jy (x)&&(x, t) = T(x, t) M (x, t)
w = w M + w T ; w = + ; = w M ; = w T
The relations between deformations and the bending moments & shearing forces are:

M(x, t) = EI y (x) (x, t) + (x)& (x, t) ]
T(x, t) = GAfz (x)[ (x, t) + (x) & (x, t)]
where (x),(x) are the structural damping coefficients.
From relations (17.1), (17.2) it is obtained the motion differential equations system,
with the following form:
m(x)w && (x, t) [GA fz (x)( (x, t) + ( x ) & (x, t) )] = Fh (x, t)

[ (
(17.3) jy (x)&&(x, t) EI y (x) (x, t) + (x)& (x, t) GA fz (x)[ (x, t) + (x) & (x, t)] = 0
w (x, t) = (x, t) + (x, t)

17.3 Orthogonal relations of the eigen vibration modes

For non-damped free vibrations, in equations (17.3) we impose: Fh(x,t)=0, (x)=(x)=0

and it results:
m(x)w && (x, t) [G Afz (x) (x, t)] = 0
(17.4) jy (x)&&(x, t) EI y (x)(x, t) [G Afz (x) (x, t)] = 0
w (x, t) = (x, t) + (x, t)
For eigen modes r and s we have the following relations:
a) w r (x, t) = w r (x) sin r t ; r (x, t) = r (x) sin r t ; r (x, t) = r (x) sin r t
b) w s (x, t) = w s (x) sin s t ; s (x, t) = s (x) sin s t ; s (x, t) = s (x) sin s t
and replaced in relations (17.4) we obtain the following equations systems:

2r m(x) w r (x) [GA fz (x) r (x)] = 0 | w s (x)
a) 2r jy (x) r (x) EI y (x) r (x) [GA fz (x) r (x)] = 0 | s (x)
w r (x) = r (x) + r (x)

s2 m(x) w s (x) [GA fz (x) s (x)] = 0 | w r (x)
b) s2 jy (x) s (x) EI y (x) s (x) [GA fz (x) s (x)] = 0 | r (x)
w s (x) = s (x) + s (x)
From relations (17.6), after there have been multiplied with the corresponding modal
functions form, we integrate over the ship length x[0,L] and it results:

r m(x) w r (x) w s (x)dx + [GA fz (x) r (x)] w s (x)dx = 0

0 0
(17.7.a) L L L

j (x) (x) (x)dx + [EI (x) (x)] (x)dx + GA

r y r s y r s fz (x) r (x) s (x)dx = 0
0 0 0

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships


m(x) w s (x) w r (x)dx + [GA fz (x) s (x)] w r (x)dx = 0
0 0
(17.7.b) L L L

jy (x) s (x) r (x)dx + EI y (x) s (x) r (x)dx + GA fz (x) s (x) r (x)dx = 0
s ]
0 0 0
Through subtract of the first equation (17.7.b) from the first equation (17.7.a) and the
second (17.7.b) from the first (17.7.a), and adding the relations from (17.7.a) it results:
( 2
r 2
s ) m(x ) w (x) w (x)dx + GA
r s fz ( x )[w r (x) s (x) - w s (x) r (x)]dx = 0
0 0
(17.8.a) L L
(2r s2) jy ( x ) r (x) s (x)dx + GA fz ( x )[ r (x) s (x) - s (x) r (x)]dx = 0
0 0
(17.8.b) m(x)wr (x)ws (x)dx+ jy (x)r (x)s (x)dx= EIy (x)r (x)s (x) + GAfz (x) r (x)s (x)dx
0 0 0 0

From relations (17.8.a) and (17.8.b) we obtain the two orthogonally relations of the
eigen ship vibration modes:
a) m(x) w r (x) ws (x)dx + jy (x) r (x) s (x)dx = a rs rs
0 0
(17.9) b) EI
y (x) r (x) s (x)dx + GA fz (x) r (x) s (x)dx = 2r a rs rs = crs rs

1 r=s
rs =
Kronecker operator
0 rs
Relations (17.9) will be utilised for the check of the eigen vectors orthogonally,
obtained with the free vibration procedure, and also at the calculation of the ars , crs generalized
inertial and rigidity terms (chapter 17.4).

17.4 The motion equations in vertical plane with principal modal coordinates

According the 4-th hypothesis (chapter 17.1), we use the modal analysis technique, so
that the ship girder dynamic response is decomposed on the first n oscillations/vibration
modes (r=0,n). We consider that for r>n from the energetically point of view the higher eigen
modes can be neglected.
n n n
(17.10) w(x, t) = w r (x) pr (t) ; (x, t) = r (x) pr (t) ; (x, t) = r (x) pr (t)
r =0 r =0 r =0

where pr(t),r=0,n are the principal modal coordinates.

From relations (17.3),(17.10) the motion equations system becomes:
n n

r =0
( x ) w r (x) p
&&r (t) [GAfz (x)(r (x) pr (t) + r (x) r (x ) p& r (t))] = Fh (x, t) | w s (x)
r =0

j (x) (x) &p& (t) [EI ]

n n

(17.11) y r r y ( x )(r (x) pr (t) + r ( x ) r (x) p& r (t) )
r =0 r =0
[GA fz ( x )( r (x) pr (t) + r ( x ) r (x) p& r (t) )] = 0 | s (x)
r =0
We multiply in relations (17.11) the first equation with ws(x), the second with s(x)
and there are integrated over the ship length.

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

Obs. Because the ship girder is free at both extremities, aft-pick and fore-pick, having
the bending moments and shearing forces zero (M(0)=M(L)=0 ; T(0)=T(L)=0), it results:

[GA fz ( r p r + r r p& r )] w s dx = GA fz ( r p r + r r p& r )w s dx
(17.12) 0

[EI ( p ]
y r r + r r p& r ) s dx = EI y (r p r + r r p& r )s dx
0 0

Adding the two equations from (17.11) and taking into account the expressions
(17.12), after grouping the terms, we obtain:
n L L

s = 0, n ; &p&r (t) m(x) w r (x) w s (x)dx + jy (x) r (x) s (x)dx +
r =0 0 0
(17.13) + r (t) r (x)EI y (x) r (x) s (x)dx + r (x)GA fz (x) r (x) s (x)dx +
r =0 0 0
n L L L
+ pr ( t ) EI y (x) r (x) s (x)dx + GA fz (x) r (x) s (x)dx = Fh (x, t) w s (x)dx
r =0 0 0 0
Using the orthogonally relations (17.9), we obtain:
(17.14) &p&s (t)a ss + p& r (t)b rs + ps (t)c ss = Fhs (t) , s = 0, n
r =0

[ ]

a ss = m(x) w s (x) + jy (x) s (x) dx ; brs = bsr = rs + rs

2 2

(17.15) rs = r (x)GA fz (x) r (x) s (x)dx ; rs = r (x)EI y (x) r (x) s (x)dx
0 0

[ ]
c ss = EI y (x)(s (x) ) + GA fz (x) s2 (x) dx ; Fhs (t) = Fh (x, t)w s (x)dx

0 0
and as matrix form:
(17.16) [a ]{&p&(t)} + [b]{p& (t)} + [c]{p(t)} = {Fh (t)}
where the terms from relations (17.14), (17.16) have the following notations:
the generalized structural inertial matrix (diagonal): [a]=diag{ass},s=0,n
the generalized structural damping matrix: [b]={brs},r,s=0,n
the generalized structural rigidity matrix (diagonal): [c]=diag{css},s=0,n
the principal modal coordinates vector: {p(t)}={po(t),p1(t),...,pn(t)}T
the generalized hydrodynamic excitation forces vector: {Fh(t)}={Fho(t),Fh1(t),...,Fhn(t)}T

17.5 The calculation of the motion equations system coefficients using

the finite element method (FEM)

According the 2-nd hypothesis (chapter 17.1) the ship girder is divided in Ne
elements, same as to the free vibration study, with the form functions used by the finite
element method (FEM) (chapter 6.1) for the elastic eigen modes.
For the eigen rigid modes (oscillations) we consider:
r=0 the translation mode : o0 , wo(x)=1 , o(x)=o(x)=0 and for element i=1,Ne the form
functions are:

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

1 (0) 1 (0)
w i () = q2i-1 + q2i +1 ; [0,1]

2 2
(17.17) i(0) () = i () = i(0) () = 0 ; i = 1, Ne
(0) (0)
q 2i-1 = 1 ; q2i = 0 ; i = 1, Ne + 1
r=1 the rotation-translation mode: 10 , w1(x)=1-x/xG , 1(x)=1(x)=0 and for the element
i=1,Ne the form functions are:
w i () = q 2i-1 (1 - ) + q 2i +1 ; [0,1]
(1) (1) (1)

i () = i () = i () = 0 ; i = 1, Ne
(1) (1)
i -1
l ;
(1) (1)
q1 = 1 ; q2i-1 = 1 j q(1)
2i = 0 ; i = 1, Ne + 1
x G j=1
where xG= the weight centre abscise; l j , j=1,Ne the length of the beam finite elements.
For the elastic eigen modes (vibrations) we use the FEM interpolation functions:
r=2,n the mode r 0 and for the element i=1,Ne we have:
{ }
w i () = [N w ()] q(i) ; i () = [N ()] q(i)
(r) (r) (r)
{ }
() = [N ()]{q } ; () = [N ()]{q }
(r) (r) (r) (r)
(17.19) i (i) i (i)

{q }= {q , q , q , q }
2i -1
2i +1
(r) T
2i + 2
; [0,1] ; i = 1, Ne
Using the division from the finite element method, in the following we will obtain the
expressions of the motion equations system coefficients (17.16).
The generalized structural inertial matrix [a]
From relations (17.15) it results:
Ne 1 Ne 1
(17.20) a ss = m i li (w i(s) () ) d + jy i li (i(s) () ) d ; s = 0, n
2 2

i =1 0 i =1 0

- the rigid modes s=0,1 , from relations (17.17),(17.18),(17.20) it results:

(17.21) a 00 = m i li
i =1
a 11 = m i li q(1)
i =1 3 2i -1
+ q(1) (1)
[( ) (1) 2
2i-1 q 2i +1 + q 2i +1 ( )]
- the elastic modes s=2,n , from relations (17.19),(17.20) it results:
(s) T (s)
{ } { }
Ne 1

a ss = q(i) m i li [N w ()] [N w ()]d q(i) +


i =1 0
T (s)
{ } { } { } { } { } { }
Ne 1 Ne Ne
+ q(s) j [
(i) y i li N
( ) ]T
[N ( ) ]d
q (i) = q
(s) T
w ] q
(i) + q
(s) T
[M(i) ] q(s)(i)
i =1 0 i =1 i =1

{ } { } [M ] = [M ]+ [M ]
(17.23) s = 2, n ; a ss = q(s)
[M(i)] q(s)(i) ; T
(i) (i)

i =1
Taking into account the transformation from local coordinates to system coordinates we obtain:
(17.24) q(s) { } [ ]{ }
(i) =
(i )

and from relations (17.23),(17.24) it results:

{ } { }
Ngl Ngl
s = 2, n ; a ss = Q(s) [M ] Q(s) = mij Qi(s) Q(s)
i =1 j=1
[M] = {(i ) }T [M(i)]{(i ) }
; N gl = 2(Ne + 1)
i =1
where: [M] is the mass matrix of the dry ship hull system;

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

Ngl = the degree of freedom for the ship system.

The generalized structural rigidity matrix [c]
From relations (17.15) it results:
1 1

( )
Ne Ne
(17.26) css = EIyi li (i(s) () ) d + GAfz i li i(s) () d ; s = 0, n
2 2

i =1 0 i =1 0

- the rigid modes s=0,1, from relations (17.17),(17.18),(17.26) it results:

(17.27) c 00 = c11 = 0
- the elastic modes s=2,n , from relations (17.19),(17.26) it results:
{ } { }
Ne 1
c ss = q(s) T
[ ()]d q(s)(i) +
(i) EI yi li [N () ] N
i =1 0
T (s)
{ } { } { } { } { } { }
Ne 1 Ne Ne
+ q(s) [
(i) GAfz i li N
( ) ]T
[N ( ) ]d
q (i) = q
(s) T
] q
(i) + q
(s) T
[K(i) ] q(s)(i)
i =1 0 i =1 i =1

{ } { } [K ] = [K ]+ [K ]
s = 2, n ; c ss = q(s)
[K(i)] q(s)(i) ; T
(i) (i)


i =1

{ } { }
Ngl Ngl
s = 2, n ; c ss = Q(s) [K ] Q(s) = kij Qi(s) Q(s)
i =1 j=1
[K ] = { (i ) }T [K(i)]{(i ) }
; N gl = 2(Ne + 1)
i =1
where [K] is the rigidity matrix of the dry ship hull system.
The generalized structural damping matrix [b]
Ne 1 Ne 1
(17.30) brs = EIyi li d + GAfz i li i(r) i(s) d ; r, s = 0, n
i =1 0 i =1 0

Obs. Because on the rigid modes the deformations are zero it results:
(17.31) brs = bsr = 0 ; r = 0,1 ; s = 0, n ; 0 (x) = 1 (x) = 0 ; 0 (x) = 1 (x) = 0
For the elastic modes r,s=2,n from relations (17.19),(17.30) it results:
(r) T ( r ) (s)
{ } { }
Ne 1

brs = q(i) i EIyi li [N ()] [N ()]d q(i) +


i =1 0
T (r) (s)
{ } { }
Ne 1
+ q(r) fz i i [N ()] [N ()]d q(i) =
(i) i GA l

i =1 0

{ } [K ]{q }+ {q } [K ]{q }
Ne Ne
= i(r) q(r)
T (i) (s) (r) (r) T (i) (s)
(i) (i) i (i) (i)
i =1 i =1

Obs. The structural damping coefficients (x), (x), according the Johnson & Tamita
can be taken as following:
(17.33) r (x) = (x) r ; r (x) = (x) r
where r , r=0,n is the vibration order influence factor. For a wide range of welded ships type
can be taken the following values:
(x) (x) 0.001 ; 0 = 1 = 0 ; 2 = 1 ; 3 = 0.95 ; 4 = 0.90

{ }[ ]{ } [ ]
(17.34) r, s = 2, n ; brs = r q(r) K * q(i) ; K * = i [K ] + i [K ]
(i) (s) (i) (i) T (i)
i =1

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

12 1i 6l i 1i 12 1i 6l i 1i
6l l 2i 2i 6l i 1i l 2i 3i
[K ]* (i) =
EIyi i 1i
(17.35) (1 + i )2 l3i 12 1i 6l i 1i 12 1i 6l i 1i

6l i 1i l 2i 3i 6l i 1i l 2i 2i
( 2
) ( 2
1i = i + i i ; 2i = i 4 + 2 i + i + 3 i i ; 3i = i 2 - 2 i - i + 3 i i)
From coordinates transformation relations (17.24) it results:

{ } [ ]{ }
Ngl Ngl
r, s = 2, n ; brs = r Q(r) K * Q(s) = k *ij r Qi(r) Q(s)
i =1 j=1
[K ] = {( ) } [K ]{( ) }
N gl = 2(Ne + 1)
* i * (i) i
i =1
Obs. Through numerical calculation it results that the coupling terms can be neglected
brs0, rs.
Obs. For practical calculation the modal serial can be limited to n=4, because the
higher orders have a reduced participation to the total ship girder dynamic response in the
vertical plane.

17.6 The equivalent linear wave (Airy model)

According the Froude-Krilov hypothesis the ship presence has no influence on the
pressure wave field.
The speed potential of a linear wave (Airy model) which is moving in the positive
direction of the OX axis (OXYZ coordinates system connected to wave), has the expression:
(17.37) (X, Z, t) = h w ekZ sin (kX t ) ; k = ; h w = a w
2 g 2
where: hw, is the height and the circular frequency of the wave.
In the mobile coordinated system connected to the ship oxyz, the relation (17.37)
(17.38) (x, y, z, t) = a w ekz sin (kx cos + ky sin e t ) ; e = us cos
where: e is the encounter circular frequency of the ship-wave, us the ship speed and the
angle between the ship and wave direction.
The wave elevation and the supplementary pressure from linear wave have the relations:
1 D
v (x, y, t) = |z =0 = a w cos[k (x cos + y sin ) - e t ]
g Dt
pw (x, y, z, t) = = g ekz v (x, y, t) ; = us
Dt Dt t x
where D/Dt is the substantial time derivate.
It is observed that in wave the hydrostatic law it is not valid. We replace the real wave
with the equivalent wave, so that both waves induce in x section with b0(x) breadth and d(x)
draught the same force on the ship unite length. In the following there are presented two
variants, one approximated and other exact, the main difference being in the approach
concerning the influence of the angle between ship-wave.

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

17.6.1 The approximate variant

It has been proposed by Bishop, first for =180o, us=0 and then generalized for some
, us . If =180o and us=0 then the wave elevation is:
(17.40) v (x, t) = a w cos(kx t )
The equivalent wave, corrected with Smith factor, has the following form:
(17.41) *v (x, t) = a w e-kT cos(kx t )
where: e kT =fs is the Smith factor.
The supplementary vertical wave load, in the Froude-Krilov hypothesis, is:
(17.42) q v (x, t) = pv ds = pw dy

real wave : q v (x, t) = g a w ekz dy cos(kx t )
equivalent wave: q v (x, t) = g b0 (x) v (x, t) = g a w b0 (x) e cos(kx t )
* * - kT

From the equality qv(x,t)=qv*(x,t) results for Smith factor the relation:
1 k
e dy = 1
(17.43) e = kz
b(x, z) ekz dz = f s (x)
b0 (x) C b0 (x) -d(x)
Generalized, Bishop propose for the equivalent wave the following expression:
(17.44) *v (x, y, t) = a w e-kT cos(kx cos + ky sin e t ) ; q*v (x, y, t) = g b0 (x) *v (x, y, t)
For practical calculation, Bishop takes into account also an averaged wave over the
ship breadth:
1 b0
(17.45) v (x, t) = *v (x, y, t)dy

b0 (x) -b0(x)/2
v* (x, t) = a w e-kT (x) cos(kx cos e t )
(17.46) * kb 0 (x) sin sin
q v(x, t) = g b0 (x) v* (x, t) ; = ; (x) =
As complex expression the relation (17.46) of the equivalent wave becomes:
(17.47) v* (x, t) = a w e-kT (x) ei(kx cos -e t)
Obs. Only for =180o or =0o the results from relation (17.44) are accurate.

17.6.2 The exact Variant

We consider from the beginning that there are used certain angles.
In the complex form of the linear wave relation (17.39) becomes:
(17.48) v (x, y, t) = a w ei(kx cos +ky sin -e t) q v (x, t) = g ekz v (x, y, t)dy

We consider the form of the equivalent wave (averaged on z) and averaged on the ship
breadth, which generates the same load on the ship unit length as the real wave, in following:
(17.49) v* (x, t) = a w e-k( T1+iT 2 ) ei(kx cos -e t) q*v(x, t) = g b0 (x) v* (x, t)
Using the equivalence condition it is obtained:
(17.50) q v (x, t) = q*v (x, t) b0 (x) v* (x, t) = ekz v (x, y, t)dy

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

ekz cos(kysin )dy
1 (x) = e kT1 cos(k T2) =
b0 C
ekz sin (kysin )dy
b 0 ( x ) C
2 (x) = e-kT1 sin (kT2 ) =

-k T1 1 2 2 s
e = c + s ; tg(k T2) =
(17.52) b0 (x) c
c = ekz cos(kysin )dy ; s = ekz sin (kysin )dy
Obs. An equivalent expression can be written:

e kz
cos(kysin )dy
-k T1 -kT * * C
(17.53) e = e (x) ; (x) =

e kz
dy cos(kT2 )

From relations (17.49),(17.53) the equivalent wave in the second variant is:
(17.54) v* (x, t) = a w e-kT * (x) ei(kx cos -e t -k T 2 )
Obs. For =180o the two relations (17.47), (17.54) are the same, but for the rest
*(x)(x), having different amplitude and also a supplementary phase angle -kT2(x). The
integrals over the ship transversal sections curves can be solved numerically, after the contour
has been approximated with Lewis forms, according the 6-th hypothesis (chapter 17.1) .

17.7 The hydrodynamic forces

We consider the ship in linear equivalent waves with elevation v* (x, t) .

The relative displacement ship-wave free surface with the inclusion of ship girder
deformations (positive in up) is given by the expression:
(17.55) z r (x, t) = w(x, t) v* (x, t)
For the expression of the hydrodynamic forces we present two strip theory, base on 5

17.7.1 The strip theory A (Gerritsma and Beukelman)

The expression of the hydrodynamic force is half-empiric / analytic, as following:

(17.56) Fh (x, t) = m33 (x) Dzr + N33 (x) zr + g b0 (x) zr
Dt Dt Dt
Fih Fah Frh
where: Fih , Fah , Frh are the inertial, damping and restore hydrodynamic forces.
Replacing the relation (17.55) in (17.56) it results:
(17.57) Fh (x, t) = H(x, t) + Fw (x, t)
w(x, t) Dw(x, t)
H(x, t) = m33 (x) D 2
+ [N33 (x) us m33 (x)] + g b0 (x)w(x, t)
Dt Dt
D v (x, t) D v* (x, t)
2 *
Fw (x, t) = m33 (x) 2
+ [N33 (x) - u s m33 (x)] + g b0 (x) v* (x, t)
Dt Dt
where: H(x,t)= is the supplementary load at oscillations / vibrations in still water;
Fw(x,t)= is the supplementary load from external wave.

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships The supplementary load at oscillations / vibrations in still water

The generalized force, according the relations (17.15), is {H(t)}:
(17.58) H s (t) = H(x, t)w s (x)dx

At the modal decomposition the relation ( (17.10) (n=4) results:

Dw(x, t) 4
w(x, t) = w r (x) pr (t) ; = [w r (x) p& r (t) us w r (x) pr (t)]
r =0 Dt r =0
D w(x, t) = [ (x) && (t) 2
us w r (x) p& r (t) + us w r " (x) pr (t)]

2 r =0
w r pr

From relations (17.57),(17.58),(17.59) results:

(17.60) Hs (t) = {Asr &p&r (t) + Bsr p& r (t) + Csr pr (t)}
r =0

Asr = m 33 (x) w r (x) w s (x)dx


= [N

(x)]w (x) w (x)dx 2 u m


Bsr 33 (x) u s m33 s r s

(x) w s (x) w r (x)dx
0 0
(17.61) L L

Csr = g b0 (x) w s (x) w r (x)dx u s [N33 (x) us m33 (x)]w s (x) w r (x) +
0 0
+ u s2 m 33 (x) w s (x) w r (x)dx ; r, s = 0,4
Relation (17.60) has the matrix form:
(17.62) {H(t)} = [Ah ]{&p&(t)} + [Bh ]{p& (t)} + [Ch ]{p(t)}
where: [Ah],[Bh],[Ch] are the inertial, damping and restore hydrodynamic generalized matrix.
Obs. Because m33(x),N33(x) are function of the encounter ship-wave circular-
frequency (e), the coefficients in relation (17.62) {H(t)} have the same dependence.
From relations (17.15),(17.16),(17.62) the motion equations system in principal modal
coordinates has the matrix form:
[A(e)]{&p&(t)} + [B(e)]{p& (t)} + [C(e)]{p(t)} = {Fw (t)}
[A(e)] = [a ] + [Ah (e)] ; [B(e)] = [b] + [Bh (e)] ; [C(e)] = [c] + [Ch (e)]
where: [A],[B],[C] are the inertial, damping, restoring total generalized matrix and {Fw(t)} the
linear wave generalized excitation force.
Obs. Function of the {Fw(t)} force form, the strip theory A has more sub-variants. The supplementary load from external wave

The generalized force, according the relations (17.15), is :
(17.64) Fws (t) = Fw (x, t)w s (x)dx

a) The Bishop variant

It is considered the equivalent wave (17.47) with the form:
(17.65) v* (x, t) = a w f s (x)(x) ei(kx cos -e t)
From relation (17.57) the wave force expression becomes:
(17.66) Fw (x, t) = [b1 i b2] v* (x, t)

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

(17.67) b1 = 2 m33 (x) + g b0 (x) ; b2 = [N33 (x) us m33 (x)]

From relations (17.65),(17.66) results:
(17.68) Fw (x, t) = a w (c1 ic 2 )ei(kx cos -e t) = a w [f1 (x) + if 2 (x)]e-ie t
where: c1 = b1 (x) f s (x) ; c 2 = b2 (x) f s (x)
f (x) = c1 cos(kxcos) + c 2 sin (kxcos)
(17.69) 1
f 2 (x) = c1 sin (kxcos) c 2 cos(kxcos)
From relations (17.68),(17.69) results:
{Fw (t)} = [{F1} + i{F2}]a w e-iet
(17.70) L L
F1 = f1 (x)w s (x)dx ; F2 = f 2 (x)w s (x)dx ; s = 0,4
0 0
From relations (17.63),(17.70) results the motion equations system in principal modal
coordinates with the following form:
(17.71) [A(e)]{&p&(t)} + [B(e)]{p& (t)} + [C(e)]{p(t)} = [{F1 } + i{F2 }] a w e-ie t
Obs. In the following sub-variants there are changes only in terms from relation
(17.67) b1 , b2 and relation (17.69) c1 , c2 .

b) The Bishop variant with correction

It is considered the equivalent wave form (17.49) and from (17.51) we obtain:
(17.72) v* (x, t) = a w [1 (x) - i 2 (x)]ei(kxcos-e t)
From relations (17.67),(17.69),(17.72) results:
b1 = m33 (x) + g b0 (x) ; b2 = [N33 (x) us m33 (x)]
c1 = b1 1 b2 2 ; c 2 = b1 2 + b2 1

c) The Gerritsma and Beukelman variant

From relations (17.57) it results:
(17.74) Fw (x, t) = {2 m33 (x) + i[N33 (x) - us m33 (x)] } v* (x, t) + g b0 (x) v* (x, t)
c1 = 2 m 33 (x)(x) f s (x) + g b0 (x) 1 (x)
c 2 = [N33 (x) us m33 (x)](x) f s (x) + g b0 (x) 2 (x)

d) The Kaplan and Weinblum variant

The wave excitation force has the following form:
(17.76) Fw (x, t) =
[ *
m33 (x) vv0(x, t) + N33 (x) vv m (x, t) + g b0 (x) v (x, t)
* *

- the Froude-Krilov term (the hydrostatic wave action)

(17.77) q1w (x, t) = g b0 (x) v* (x, t) =g b0 (x)[1 (x) i 2 (x)]a w ei(kx cos -e t)
- the term from wave particles inertia (Kaplan)

(17.78) q 2w (x, t) =
[ *
m33 (x) v v0(x, t) = m33 (x)
D v*v 0(x, t)
u s m33 (x) v*v0(x, t)
According Kaplan the vertical speed of the wave particles orbital motion is:

vv0 (x, y, t) = |z =0 = a w sin[kx cos + ky sin e t ]
(17.79) z
vv0(x, y, t) = ia w e
i[kx cos + ky sin -e t]

and the average value over the ship breadth:

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

vv0(x, y, t)dy = (i) a w (x) e
* i(kx cos -e t)
vv0(x, t) =
b0 C
D v*v0(x, t)
= 2 a w (x) ei(kx cos -e t)
From relations (17.78),(17.80) it results:
(17.81) q 2w (x, t) = { 2 m33 (x) + i us m33 (x)}a w (x) ei(kx cos -e t)
- the term from damping the motion of the wave particles (Kaplan and Weinblum)
(17.82) q3 w (x,t)=N 33 (x) v*v m(x,t)
The speed of particles at medium draught Tm and averaged over the ship breadth is:

(17.83) vv m = |z =-T m = At v*vm (x, t) = (i) a w e-k T m (x) ei(kxcos-e t)
z b0

From relations (17.46),(17.47) it results:

(17.84) q3w (x, t) = [ iN 33 (x)]a w e-kT m (x) ei(kx cos -e t)
From relations (17.76),(17.77),(17.81),(17.84) it results: (17.85)
Fw (x, t) = {[ m33 (x) + iu s m33 (x)](x) iN33 (x)e (x) + g b0 (x)[1 (x) i 2 (x)]}a w e
2 -kTm i(kxcos-e t)

From relation (17.85) it results for c1 ,c2 the following expressions:

c1 = 2 m33 (x)(x) + g b0 (x) 1 (x)
c 2 = (x)[N33 (x) e-kT m us m33 (x)] + g b0 (x) 2 (x)

e) The combined variant

Based on relations (17.86) it can be considered a half-empiric variant:
c = 2 m33 (x)(x) + g b0 (x) 1 (x)
(17.87) 1
c 2 = (x)[N33 (x) f s (x) us m33 (x)] + g b0 (x) 2 (x)
where in comparison to the Kaplan and Weinblum variant the medium draught Tm it is
considered the value T = 1 k Ln(f s (x )) from Smith factor (fs).

17.7.2 The strip theory B (Maeda, Bishop, Sding)

The hydrodynamic force expression is analytically obtained, applying the potential

flow theory (2D) for a harmonic motion (e).
D i D
(17.88) Fh (x, t) = m33 (x) + N33 (x) zr + g b0 (x) zr
Dt e
Comparing the relation (17.88) with (17.56) it is observed that the difference is in the
mode of the calculation of the hydrodynamic damping term.
Replacing relation (17.55) in (17.88) it results (notes same as in relations (17.57)):
Fh (x, t) = H(x, t) + Fw (x, t)
(17.89) D Dw i D Dw
H(x, t) = m33 (x) + N33 (x) + g b0 (x)w(x, t)
Dt Dt Dt e Dt
D D i D
D v*
+ g b0 (x) v (x, t)
v *
Fw (x, t) = m33 (x) + N33 (x)
Dt Dt e Dt Dt

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships The supplementary load at ship oscillations / vibrations in the still water
Same as in the strip theory A case it results the relations (17.60) where the coefficients
have the following expressions:

Asr = m33 (x) w r (x) ws (x)dx


[ ]
L 2
Bsr = N33 (x) us m 33 (x) ws (x) w r (x)dx + 2u s m 33 (x) 2 N33 (x) ws (x) w r (x)dx +

0 0
(17.90) + us2 N33 (x) ws (x) w r (x)dx
0 e

[ ]

Csr = g b0 (x) us N33 (x) ws (x) w r (x)dx u s [2N 33 (x) us m33 (x)]ws (x) w r (x) +
0 0
+ us2 m33 (x) ws (x) w r (x)dx
Obs. The supplementary terms are underlined, and the notations are the same from
relation (17.61). The calculation is same as in A variant, resulting a new equation system (17.63). The supplementary load from external wave

Analogue (chapter there are 5 sub-variants and the problem is reduced to the
calculation of the c1 ,c2 coefficients from relation (17.68).
a) The Bishop variant
Using relation (17.65) for linear equivalent wave, it results:

b1 = g b0 (x) 2 m33 (x) us N33 (x) ; b 2 = N33 (x) us m33 (x)
(17.91) e e
c1 = b1 (x) f s (x) ; c 2 = b2 (x) f s (x)
b) The Bishop variant with corrections
It is considered the linear equivalent wave (17.72) and it results:
(17.92) c1 = b1 1 b2 2 ; c 2 = b1 2 + b2 1
c) The Gerritsma and Beukelman variant

(17.93) Fw (x,t) = 2 m33 (x) us N33 (x) i N33 (x) us m33 (x) v* (x,t) + g b0 (x) v* (x,t)
e e

c1 = 2 m33 (x) + us N33 (x) (x) f s (x) + g b0 (x) 1 (x)

c 2 = N33 (x) us m33 (x) (x) f s (x) + g b0 (x) 2 (x)
d) The Kaplan and Weinblum variant (generalized) [142]
Using relations (17.79),(17.83) it results:

c1 = 2 m33 (x) + u s N 33 (x) e-kT m (x) + g b0 (x) 1 (x)

c 2 = N33 (x) e-kT m us m33 (x) (x) + g b0 (x) 2 (x)

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

e) The combined variant

It is obtained half-empiric / analytic from relation (17.95) through (e-kTm fs).

c1 = 2 m33 (x) + us N33 (x) f s (x) (x) + g b0 (x) 1 (x)

c 2 = N33 (x) f s (x) us m33 (x) (x) + g b0 (x) 2 (x)
Obs. Same as in chapter it is obtained the equations system in modal principal
coordinates (17.63).

17.8 The solution of the equations system in principal modal coordinates

From relation (17.63) the motion equation system has the following complex form:
(17.97) [A ]{&p&(t)} + [B]{p& (t)} + [C]{p(t)} = [{F1 } + i{F2 }]a w e-ie t
with the terms defined in the above sub-chapters.
The relation (17.97) is modelling a system under forced harmonic oscillations/
vibration where the steady state response has the same form of the excitation term.
(17.98) {p(t)} = [{p1 } + i{p 2 }]e-ie t
From relations (17.97),(17.98) it results a linear algebraic system in following form:
{} {}
[D(e)] p* = {F*} ; p* = {{p1}, {p2}}T ; {F*} = {{F1}, {F2 }}T
(17.99) [C( )] 2 [a( )] e [B(e)]
[D(e)] = e e e
e [B(e)] [C(e)] e [A(e)]

Because the modal serial includes only the first 5 modes r=0,4 (n=4), the (17.99)
system will be a linear algebraic system with the dimension 10x10, that can be solved using a
standard Gauss library procedure.
Obs. For a given ship , us , and a wave with aw=1, the problem (17.97)-(17.99) it is
solved for the wave circular frequency domain =05 rad/s , in order to obtain the principal
modal coordinates function of the encounter circular frequency {p1(e)} and {p2(e)}. The
solution is used for the calculation of the ship dynamic response transfer functions (bending
moments, shear forces, displacements and deformations).

17.9 The transfer functions at ship oscillations / vibrations

coupled in the vertical plane

Base on the modal analysis relations (17.10) and the link between the bending
moments, shearing forces and the deformations (17.2) it can be defined the following transfer
functions for a given ship and us , .
a) the vertical displacement (plus deformations)
w (x, t ) = Re w r ( x )(p1r + ip 2 r )e ie t =
r =0

= w r ( x )p1r cos e t + w r ( x )p 2 r sin e t = w1 (x, e )cos e t + w 2 (x, e )sin e t
r =0 r =0
From relation (17.100) the transfer function of the vertical displacement amplitude has
the expression:
(17.101) H w (x, e ) = [w (x, )/ a ] + [w (x, )/ a ]
e w
2 2
e w

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

b) shear forces
T(x, t) = Re GAfz (x)[(p1r + i p2r ) r (x) + (x) r e (p2r i p1r ) r ( x )]e-ie t =
(17.102) = GA fz (x) r (x){[p1r + (x) r e p2r ]cos e t + [p2r (x) r e p1r ]sin e t} =

= T1 (x, e ) cos e t + T 2 (x, e ) sin e t

From relation (17.102) the transfer function of the shearing force amplitude has the
(17.103) HT (x, e ) = [T (x, )/ a ] + [T (x, )/ a ]
e w
2 2
e w

c) bending moments
M(x, t) = Re EI y (x)[(p1r + i p2r )r (x) + (x) r e (p2r i p1r )r ( x )]e-ie t =
(17.104) = EI y (x) r (x){[p1r + (x) r e p2r ]cos e t + [p2r (x) r e p1r ]sin e t} =

= M1 (x, e ) cos e t + M 2 (x, e ) sin e t

From relation (17.104) the transfer function of the bending moment amplitude has the
(17.105) HM (x, e ) = [M (x, )/ a ] + [M
e w
2 2
(x, e ) / a w ]

17.10 Elements of the statistical short time prediction of ship dynamic response

17.10.1. The input-output characteristic

In the linear analysis hypothesis and excitation with linear wave (Airy), the motion
equation system has the following general matrix form:
(17.106) [A(e )]{X && (t )}+ [B( )]{X
& (t )}+ [C( )]{X(t )} = {F}e ie t

where: [A ], [B], [C] are the inertial, damping and rigidity generalized matrix;
{F} is the generalized wave excitation force amplitude vector;
e is the encounter circular frequency ship-wave; {X(t )} is the dynamic response vector.
The differential equation system with constant coefficients is linear and has the
solution of the free term as following:
(17.107) {X(t )} = {X}e ie t
( )
e2 [A(e )] ie [B(e )] + [C(e )] {X(t )} = {F(t )} [D(e )]{X(t )} = {F(t )}
{X(t )} = [D(e )] {F(t )} {X(t )} = [H(e )]{F(t )} {X(e )} = [H(e )]{F(e )} ;[H(e )] = [D(e )]1

where [H(e )] is the transfer matrix of the linear system, that makes the connections between
the input value (the wave) and the output value (the dynamic response).
We note Y(e ) the amplitude of the dynamic response Y(t ) obtained from the linear
analysis at a linear excitation wave (Airy model) with amplitude a w . Practically, the transfer
function corresponding to the dynamic response Y(t ) is determined with the relation:

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

Y(e )
(17.108) H y (e ) = = Y(e ) a w =1
Def. The excitation wave (t ) energy on the circular frequency component is
characterized by the spectral density function of the square average () , which is named
also as the power spectral density (spectrum).
Obs. The linear wave elevation taking into account the reference to the ship motion is
function to the encounter circular frequency e . The coordinates transformation relation
e of the spectrum is obtained based on the energetically equivalence:

(17.109) vv ()d = vv (e )de
0 0

and taking into account the physic interpretation of the ()d surface, it results:
vv () 2
(17.110) vv ()d = vv (e )de vv (e ) = ; e = u s cos
de g
vv ()
vv (e ) = where is the angle ship-wave, v is the ship motion speed.

1 2u s cos
Same to the wave excitation, in order to characterize from the energetically point of
view the dynamic response Y(t ) it is defined the power spectral density function yy (e ) .
For a ship with speed us, there is demonstrated that between the wave input spectrum
and the ship dynamic response output spectrum, it is the input-output characteristic (in power)
with the following expression:
(17.111) yy (e ) = H y (e ) vv (e )

17.10.2. The moments of spectral density function.

Short time statistic characteristics

The moments of the spectral density functions have the following relations:

m 0 = vv ()d = (t )2
v m 2 = 2 vv ()d = & 2v (t )
0 0
m 4 = 4 vv ()d = && 2v (t ) m n = n vv ()d
0 0

where is the time average operator.

Obs. It is demonstrated that the dispersion for the random wave is 2 = 2 (t ) = m 0
and the time average value is zero = (t ) = 0 .
According the oceanographic studies it can be considered that the wave short time
recordings (20 minutes) have narrow frequency bands and the random process of the wave
height H(t ) = 2(t ) can be described using the Rayleigh probability density function:
h 8 m0
(17.113) f H (h ) = e ; h>0 ; m 0 = 2v
4m 0

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

and the Rayleigh probability function has the expression:

h h2

(17.114) FH (h ) = P[H h ] = f H (h )dh = 1 e 8m0

The main short time statistical parameters are:

1) the wave average height

h f (h )dh

(17.115) h 1 = 0

h 1 = 2.5 m 0
f (h )dh

2) the wave significant height

It represents the average of the first third part from the highest waves and it is
calculated as the abscise of the surface AII = 1 3 centre.

h f (h )dh
H h*
h1 3 = h*

; f (h )dh = 3
f (h )dh

h1 3 = 4 m 0

Same can be defined the average heights:

h 1 10 = 5.09 m 0
h 1 100 = 6.67 m 0

3) the most probable wave height

It is the wave height corresponding to the maximum value of the probability density
df H (h )
(17.117) = 0 h mp = 2 m 0
4) the average wave period
(17.118) Tmed = T1 = 2
5) the average wave length
(17.119) = 2g

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

17.10.3. Standard wave spectra

In order to know the short time statistical parameters it is necessary to know the wave
spectral density function () . This function must be characteristic to the sea area where
the ship will navigate, but that is not possible in all the times, so in this case there are used
standard wave spectra, accepted in the ocean engineering:
a) the ITTC wave spectra
A 4 3,11
(17.120.a) vv () = 5 e ; A = 0.7795 ; B = 2
h1 3
b) the ISSC wave spectra
A 4 h 12 3 691
(17.120.b) vv () = 5 e ; A = 173 4 ; B = 4
T1 T1

17.10.4. The short time ship dynamic response

In order to know the sea state in one area it is necessary a long time study (1 year). A
good description of the sea state can be made dividing the long time information, so that it can
be identified significant sea states. A significant state describes a stronger or a weaker storm,
characterized by the wave short time parameters (h 1 3 , T1 ) . The short time ship dynamic
response (at linear analysis) can be obtained if there are known the transfer function H(e )
(the input-output characteristic) and the wave spectra (e ) at (h 1 3 , T1 ) .
Based on the input-output ship characteristic it results:
(17.121) yy (e ) = H yv (e ) vv (e )

and the n order spectral moment of the ship dynamic response is:

(17.122) m (ny ) = en yy (e )de

The output short time ship dynamic response statistical values are:
(17.123) y mp = m (0y ) ; y1 = 1.25 m (0y ) ; y1 3 = 2 m (0y )

y1 10 = 2.25 m (0y ) ; y1 100 = 3.34 m (0y ) ; T1 = 2 m (0y ) m (2y )

17.11 The logical scheme

Base upon the theory presented in this chapter concerning the ship linear analysis of
the oscillations and vibrations coupled in the vertical plane, we have developed program HEL
with Pascal code ( version 1.0.10 compiler) and the logical scheme
presented in fig.17.3.

Obs. For the sea state definition h1/3 (STP) there it is used in practice the Beaufort
scale from fig.17.4.

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships


Ship data and eigen modes input

Navigation data input : ,aw,us,min,max,d

The structural matrixes calculation [a ], [b], [c]

= min

( )
e = 2 g u s cos

The hydrodynamic coefficients calculation m 33 , N 33

The calculation of the hydrodynamic matrixes

[A h ], [B h ], [C h ]
and the wave excitation force {Fw }

The motion equation system solution

and the transfer functions calculation
H w (e ), H T (e ), H M (e )

= + d

> max

The short time ship dynamic response


Fig.17.3 Program HEL logical scheme the linear analysis of the ship
oscillations and vibrations coupled in the vertical plane

Chapter 17 Structural Analysis and Hydroelasticity of Ships

h1/3 Beaufort Scale












0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11



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