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Theraplay Lesson Plan for Year 5

Leader: Barbara Porter

Co-leaders: Lucy Waweru and Monica Ndungu

Sunshine Circle: Stand in a circle as a group with all students and leaders
Introduce adults who are leading, include teacher in activities

Sing a simple song: You are my Sunshine

Explain Rules: No Hurts, Stick Together, and Have Fun

Check-ups: As preparation for Slippery Hands game, check hands for hurts
Divide into 3 groups with 1 leader or co-leader in each group
Aim: to model caring, nurturing touch in appropriate ways
Materials needed: Lotion, clean cotton balls

Activity 1: Slippery Hands Game Remain in 3 groups with same leaders

Leader and co-leaders put lots of lotion on their hands and
challenge students to hold onto their hands while they try to pull away
Aim: to give nurturing touch in an age appropriate, fun way
Materials needed: lotion

Activity 2: Parachute Game: Bouncing small rubber balls in a sheet as a group

Students and leaders form 1 large circle and toss balls in a sheet
Aim: Cooperative play that gives an experience in competency
Materials: large bedsheet and 6 small rubber balls

Activity 3: Tootie Ta Game: a rhythmic action game in a large circle as a class

Up regulating activity which excites and involves all
Aim: To create an experience of joy that causes bonding thru laughter
Materials: none

Activity 4: Pass a Feather Game: Divide into 3 small groups again

Take a feather in both hands and blow it into the hands of the next person
Aim: Down regulation to calm the group and help teach self-regulation
Materials needed: 3 feathers

Snack: Feeding activity in 3 small groups with leaders feeding students

All use hand gel to clean hands, then leaders give bite size snacks 1 by 1
Aim: to model nurturing behaviour around food & use eye contact
Materials needed: enough small savoury snacks for 22 students

Final Song: Again form a large circle and sing a very short final song together to say
Goodbye: God is So Good followed by a short prayer.

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