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This form needs to be printed and faxed to 7-5180 or

Journal Entry Form emailed to

1a Name
1b Department

2. Select Journal Entry Type Below: For Controller's Office Use Only JE Type
Cost Transfer Journal Entry Number: JE16

IDR or JE for Services Rendered Transaction Date: JE16

3. Enter the Revenue/Expense Transfer Journal Entry Below: DEBITS MUST EQUAL CREDITS
Fund Org Account Program Description Debit Credit
(6 digits) (4 digits) (4 digits) (4 digits) (35 Character Limit) Take Money Away Give Money To
(Provide original document code) Increase Expense Decrease Expense
Hash Total 0.00 Journal Entry Totals 0.00 0.00

4. Provide an Explanation for the Journal Entry in the Space Provided Below:

5. Signature Approval

Approver must have budget authority for Organization

Code being Debited

Approval Signature Date Phone Number

Please send to the Controller's Office

IIT - Jrn Ent - Sept 2011

INSTRUCTIONS: On-Screen Preparation of Journal Entry Form

This Excel template is a multi-purpose Journal Entry that can be used to generate Revenue/Expense Transfers, Interdepartmental
Transfers and Budget Transfers. All the information needed to complete a specific Journal Entry is entered into the yellow shaded
Selectof the
the form.
type It in important
of Journal Entry totobe
preparedeach Journalon
by clicking Entry
theproper order, starting
three option buttons with
with Section 1 andJournal
your mouse. ending Entries
with Section
intoBefore beginning aRevenue/Expense
three categories: new Journal Entry,Transfers,
click on the REFRESH button.
Interdepartmental Transfers and Budget Transfers. These are described more
fully below. The physical appearance of the Journal Entry form will automatically change based on the option selected. Therefore it
Section 1 is extremely important that this Section be completed before moving on to Section 2.

REVENUE/EXPENSE TRANSFER - This type of Journal Entry should be used to correct or adjust a general ledger transaction that
has already been recorded. It can be used to move a specific revenue or expense transaction from one Fund/Org/Account/Program
(FOAP) Code to another, or to add an Activity Code to a previously recorded transaction.

INTERDEPARTMENTAL TRANSFER - This type of Journal Entry should be used to record internal "Sales" from one IIT department
to another IIT department. Transactions should be prepared by the "Selling" department using this Journal Entry Transfer form. This
form should also be used by a "Selling" department to allocate charges to "Buying" departments who participate in informal cost
sharing arrangements, such as those that occur when multiple departments share a single copier or fax machine, or pool their funds
for a special purpose, such as bringing a speaker onto campus. Note: Interdepartmental Transfers should generally be aggregated
and submitted for processing to the Accounts Payable Department on a monthly basis.
NOTE: Journal Entries generated for the sole purpose of transferring monies from one FOAP to another to cover underspending or
overspending are not permissible.

Section 2 Move the cursor to the yellow shaded area in Line 1 of the Section 2. The Journal Entry form will accept up to 26 separate
transaction lines.
DESCRIPTION - Each Journal Entry line must contain a description. The description can be up to 30 characters long and should
include the original Banner Document Code for any transaction that is being corrected. The Description provided will be entered
into Banner when the Journal Entry is posted.
DEBITS/CREDITS - Only one transaction, either a Debit or a Credit, can be entered on each line of the Journal Entry form. A valid
journal entry must have at least two lines of information (a Debit and a Credit). All Debit and Credit values must be entered as
positive numbers. The sum of all Debits must equal the sum of all Credits. Debits and Credits are not applicable to Budget

Section 3 Move the cursor to the yellow shaded area in Line 3. This area should be used to provide a more detailed explanation for the
Journal Entry. It is not an optional field. The explanation will not be input into Banner.

Section 4
The Journal Entry is now ready for sending. Before sending is initiated, look in the space reserved for the Approval Signature to
make sure no error messages appear. If an error message does exist, find the cause of the error by reading the error messages
listed immediately below the Journal Entry. Once all errors have been cleared, send the Journal Entry by clicking on the SEND
button. Also make sure to print a copy and get appropriate signiatures for back up.

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