International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences: Corresponding Author

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International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences


Management Of Allergic Rhinitis

Corresponding Author

Dr. Sangeeta Bhanwra

Co Author

Asstt. Professor , Deptt. Of Pharmacology, Govt. Medical College & Hospital , Chandigarh.


Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an IgE mediated hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane of

the nasal airways characterized by nasal symptoms, such as nasal congestion,
rhinorrhoea , sneezing and itchy nose.The management of AR consists of allergen
avoidance, when possible and the oral and intranasal H1antihistamines,intra-nasal
corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, mast cell stabilizers and decongestants .

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allergic rhinitis ,corticosteroids, anti-histamines, leukotriene antagonists

INTRODUCTION Inflammatory responses are restimulated

leading to further leakage of fluid and
Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an IgE mediated congestion.1
hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane of the
nasal airways characterized by nasal symptoms, Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis
such as nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea, sneezing
and itchy nose 1,2. It affects a large percentage of Clinical history is essential for an
pediatric patients and causes significant number accurate diagnosis of AR, assessment of
of school days missed per year. Impairment of severity and response to the treatment.
work in adults also occurs affecting the finances Examination of the nose, done with a nasal
of patients indirectly through lost workdays and speculum, reveals that the nasal mucosa
directly through healthcare cost spent for the appears pale and swollen, with a bluish-grey
disease3. appearance in severe mucosal edema.
Mucosa is red in acute infections and with over
AR is divided into seasonal AR use of topical medications.
(SAR) and perennial AR(PAR). SAR symptoms
Accentuated folds below the margin lines of the
occur during a specific season in which
inferior eye lid, i.e. Dennie-Morgan lines might
aeroallergens such as tree and grass pollen in
be present . Infraorbital dark skin discoloration
the spring and summer and weed pollens in the
can be present with nasal obstruction Ear
autumn are present in out door air. It presents
should be examined for evidence of associated
with more rhinorrhoea , pruritus and sneezing.
otitis media4.
PAR symptoms are present throughout the year
and are triggered by dust mite, animal dander,
Several studies suggest an
indoor molds and cockroaches. Sneezing, itching
association between AR and asthma2 and
and nasal discharge are prominent but
other morbidities like sinusitis, sleep
rhinorrhoea may be more viscous or purulent1.
impairment, fatigue and learning speech
impairment. So patient should be evaluated to
rule out the above problems5.
AR develops due to the activation
Diagnosis confirmation of AR after
of mast cells upon exposure to an irritant .Mast
taking history and doing physical examination
cells degranulate, releasing various enzymes
can be done by skin testing or radio-
and inflammatory mediators, including histamine,
allergosorbent testing (RAST). Skin test is the
prostaglandin D and leukotrienes (LTc4, LTD4,
fastest, cheapest and most accurate way of
LTE4). Inflammatory mediators increase the
testing. It involves introduction of allergen
permeability of membrane and there is leakage
extract into the skin by prick or intra- dermally.
of fluids which stimulates nerves and causes
The wheal and flare response to a specific
itching and sneezing. There is infiltration of
allergen is then compared with the control. In-
inflammatory leukocytes, regulated by cytokines,
vitro measurement of allergen specific IgE can
chemokines and adhesion molecules.
be done using RAST test 4.
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Management of allergic rhinitis to bleeding, drying and crusting of the nasal
mucosa. Children should get the lowest
The management of AR consists of possible dose of intranasal corticosteroid
allergen avoidance, when possible and the oral and they should have routine height
and intranasal H1 antihistamines, intranasal monitoring to look for suppression of linear
corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, mast cell growth1.
stabilizers and decongestants. In selected The systemic side effects of the
patients allergen specific immunotherapy is used corticosteroids are not much of a problem
that is disease modifying6,7. as the delivery is only local. However, some
studies have suggested a link among
1. Allergen Avoidance posterior subcapsular cataracts, glaucoma
It is very difficult and seems impractical. and intranasal corticosteroids1,2.
However, regular medication use can be
avoided by controlling exposure to indoor (b) Sodium Cromoglycate
allergens by adopting some of the measures, It inhibits the degranulation of the mast cells
that includes using of a bleaching agent on and prevents the release of histamine and
tiles, sinks, shower walls and avoiding other mediators of the allergic response. It
humidifiers. Low pile type of carpets should has to be given 4 times daily and is used for
be preferred. Pillows and mattresses should prophylaxis6.
be put in airtight plastic encasing. Furry pets
should not be kept. Keep the windows closed (c) Ketotifen
to avoid outdoor pollens and use air It has both mast cell stabilizing and
conditioning with external vents closed. Wear antihistaminic activity. It can also be used
masks while cleaning the room or mowing orally in a dose of 1-2 mg twice daily for
grass.6 prevention of allergic rhinitis. It can lead to
sedation and Weight gain.6
2. Anti-allergic drugs
Those for prophylaxis e.g. steroids, (d) Anti-histamines
sodium cromoglycate, ketotifen. They are the most effective drugs for the
relief of acute symptoms. They act by
those controlling acute symptoms e.g. blocking H, receptors. The older first
antihistamines, decongestants, Leukotriene generation H, antihistamines such as
receptor antagonists. diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine and
promethazine are sedating antihistamines
(a) Intranasal Corticosteroids as they cross the blood-brain barriers,
Intranasal corticosteroids are the first time of leading to impaired performance at home,
therapy for moderate-severe AR. The work and school. Apart from their
available once daily intranasal steroids are antihistaminic activity, they also cause
triamcinolone acetonide, budesonide, anticholinergic and antiserotonergic activity.
fluticasone and mometasone. They affect the The newer second generation oral H,
inflammatory mechanisms of the early and antihistamines like cetrizine , fexofenadine,
late phase allergic processes and are loratidine and topical azelastine are largely
effective in controlling symptoms of AR. free from anticholinergic sedative effects of
Adverse effects may be delivery system the classical antihistamines and have a
related as freon delivered aerosols may lead longer duration of action. Both oral and
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topical newer antihistamines are The objective efficacy of hypersensitizing
recommended as the first line therapy for the preparations have only been established in
treatment of mild to moderate AR8. perennial rhinitis and asthma due to house
dust mite, seasonal allergic rhinitis and
anaphylaxis due to bee or wasp stings.11
Drawbacks to SCIT include the frequent
(e) Decongestants injection schedule and the requirement for
Decongestants reduce nasal congestion by the injection to be done in the hospital with
activating -adrenergic receptors on the a two hours observation period. The most
nasal vessels leading to vasoconstriction. A common adverse effects associated with
combination of pseudoephedrine and an SCIT are local injection site swelling and
antihistamine has been found to be erythema. Systemic reaction including
significantly more effective in reducing total anaphylaxis may occur. Immunotherapy
nasal symptoms than either agent alone. should be given under close medical
supervision with full facilities for cardio-
(f) Leukotriene reactor antagonists pulmonary resuscitation. An antihistaminic
Leukotrienes are important mediators of may be given 30 minutes prior to each
nasal allergic reactions involved in both early injection. Adrenaline should always be
and the late-phase allergic response. Studies readily available12.
have shown that montelukast is as effective
as effective as antihistaminic and using both (h) Other modalities
fexofenadine and montelukast showed These mainly include sublingual
significantly better control of nasal immunotherapy and endonasal
congestion, showing that leukotriene receptor phototherapy.
antagonist- antihistamine combination is
more effective than antihistamine alone in the Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)
control of allergic rhinitis symptoms9,10. A study showed that SLIT imporved the
symptoms in Korean patient with AR from
(g) Immunotherapy hence dust mites. Laboratory parameters
Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) is including eosinophil counts and specific IgE
indicated for the treatment of AR, in patients were modified after 1 year SLIT.13
who continue to have moderate-severe Another study provides
symptoms despite antiallergic therapy or are evidence that quality of life can be improved
not able to tolerate pharmacotherapy or have in polysensitized patients treated with SLIT.
co-existing asthma. It is the only therapy that The use of one or two allergen extracts
can alter the natural course of the disease.1 seems to be sufficient and effective in terms
of improving the quality of life.14

SCIT consists of serial injections of allergen Endonasal Phototherapy

extracts, till the maintenance dose has been
achieved or the maximal tolerated dose is The literature documents the fact that UV
reached, to provide protection from natural irradiation of cutaneous langerhans cells in
exposure to antigens which induce the vivo prevents the development of contact
symptoms of AR. allergy and produces long lasting
immunosuppression. Endonasal phototherapy
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combination of UVB (5%), UVA (25%) and total nasal symptom score and nasal
visible light (70%) utilizes the congestion score etc.15,16
immunosuppressive effects of UV irradiation. All
patients exposed to above therapy showed a
significant clinical benefit post- treatment as
assessed by standardized instruments including
AR affects the quality of life of the patient antagonists seem to be fulfilling the need to
significantly and it poses a challenge before the some extent. Still preference of one over the
physician to manage it with drugs that are other and safer use in children
efficacious as well as safe. Second generation needs to be established fully.
antihistamines and leukotriene receptor

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