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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemore

Monday, July 17, 2017 713-526-3399

Patrick Poll: Support for Privacy Legislation Remains Strong

Texas Majority Does Not Back Down Despite Media Assault Against Privacy

AUSTIN TX The voice of the Texas GOP majority is loud and clear when it comes to
privacy legislation. They want to maintain separate restrooms, locker rooms, and
shower facilities for men and women and boys and girls and they dont care if the
media thinks it is politically incorrect. Privacy legislation passed the Senate in the
regular session and would have passed in the Texas House had the leadership
allowed a vote. (Privacy legislation died in committee even though the bill had 80

A poll conducted by Texans for Dan Patrick in the run-up to the Special Session
shows overwhelming support among Republican voters for privacy legislation that
would assure women and girls have privacy and can feel safe in public restrooms,
locker rooms, and shower facilities. Previous polling also shows majority support
for privacy legislation among Democrats.

The latest poll shows no statistically significant change from previous polling on
privacy legislation in November. Sixty-four percent of GOP voters support making it
illegal for men to enter a womens restroom, locker room, or shower in order to
assure that women can have privacy and feel safe.

Importantly, 72 percent of those GOP voters said support for privacy legislation
is one of the issues they will look at in determining who to vote for in the GOP
primary in March.

These findings echo a public poll taken by the University of Texas/Texas Tribune
last month which found a dramatic increase in the number of Republican voters
who believe privacy is an important issue up 13 percent among all GOP voters and
31 percent among core Republican voters. It is notable that the number of voters
who believe privacy is unimportant did not increase during the legislative session,
despite an avalanche of negative news reports from the media which has mobilized
against this issue and made no attempt to provide balanced reporting. For the facts
on privacy legislation,

pd pol ad | Texans for Dan Patrick |

(Two previous UT/Texas Tribune polls also showed majority support for privacy
legislation. UT Pollsters didnt ask voters if they supported privacy in the June poll,
presumably because they already knew it had majority support.)

The Texans for Dan Patrick poll was conducted by Baselice and Associates from June
27-29. It included 601 respondents and had a margin of error of +/- 4.0 percent.

More information about Texans for Dan Patrick is available at


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