Depression: Simple Techniques

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Depression is a common emotional disorder




Mental stress

Drug addiction

Deficiency of vitamin B complex


Overwhelming sadness

Feeling of dejection

Deep sense of loss

Physical loss of energy

Disinterest in everything

Mental unrest

Disturbed sleep

Loss of appetite

Health deteriorates leading to

o Giddiness

o Irritability

o Impotence or frigidity

o Lack of concentration
1. Natural home remedy using cardamom seeds

1. Crush 3-4 cardamom seeds to powder

2. Take tsp of this cardamom powder

3. Add to 1 glass of water

4. Mix well

5. Sieve the mixture

6. Drink 1 glass every day

2. Natural home remedy using Indian gooseberry and nutmeg

1. Cut, de-seed and crush 4-5 Indian gooseberries to


2. Press this paste on a sieve and extract the juice

3. Take 2 tsp of this Indian gooseberry juice

4. Add tsp nutmeg powder

5. Mix well

6. Drink 2 times a day

3. Natural home remedy using cashew nuts and milk

1. Crush some cashew nuts to powder

2. Take 1 tsp of cashew nut powder

3. Add 1 cup of warm milk

4. Mix well

5. Drink every day

4. Natural home remedy using brahmi/ashwagandha

1. Brahmi and ashwagandha are commonly available

ayurvedic herbs
2. Take 2 tbsp of brahmi or ashwagandha powder

3. Mix it in 1 glass of water

4. Drink 2 times a day


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