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I never looked for cheating only when it was necessary to pass or very easy to do uncaught.

To confess, I
have also cheated a number of times in school excluding physics and math; my pride in solving problems
at the time wouldn't allow me to cheat. I used to even try to derive laws of physics given in class from
scratch during class times from how interested I was in the subject at the time. There was absolutely no
cheating I could recall of in physics (only possibility was the third year, absolutely no way any other year)
and in math when some homework seemed tedious or I didnt feel like studying the topics of the
homework I copied from my classmates. I did once help a friend to cheat in elementary by letting him
look at my exam paper and I may have let some copy my homework.

I will try to be as honest as I could be for fair decision. In college, only Precalculus and Computer
Systems (first semester, Spring 2016). In Precalculus, I used the web a lot to get my answers for my
homework and tests that we were allowed to solve at home. For Computer systems, the professor
allowed the use of computers to look for answers for someone during a quiz this one time so I took it as
every time and during finals or mid-terms or both he asked not to use the computers, but I still did. Also
another incident in the Computer Systems course would be how I didnt contribute to the group essay
and presentation assignment at all and let my team do all the work. I didnt even show up to present any
part they left for me because I overslept so I asked the professor after finals if I could present the part I
did and he let me and well, I failed to present it very well (since I didnt do it). Both were cheating so
I'm asking if you could please not consider them in the overall and individually. Thank you.

Aside from those I recall in Fall 2016, for Physics I, I looked up some homework problems I couldnt solve
for some time and found problems the same as mine except with different values with solutions and
steps so used those to solve my problems. I stopped that very shortly after considering whether it was
cheating or not. Last thing, letting my lab partners copy my paper when they didnt attend or complete
theirs themselves for Physics I and Chemistry I.

I confess all this to be fair. I dont want to graduate from the university Im currently enrolled at when I
got accepted with unfair passes and grades they were unaware of, and because I cheated in the
university itself (I gave that up after first semester, completely uninvolved after second semester) (even
if there were engineering in my current university, I would apply for transfer because of this). I must
transfer and must let the university I transfer to aware of this before giving acceptance. I dont pretend
and honestly could not stress out how regretful I am, I repented over my mistakes and never intend on
even thinking of doing such acts again. Students and people in general dont work hard so that others
could just get away with cheating. Morals always come first, otherwise why not steal instead of work?

This would normally go under the below, on the Common App.

Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution you have
attended from the 9th grade (or the international equivalent) forward, whether related to academic
misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in a disciplinary action? These actions could include,
but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution.


Please give the approximate date(s) of each incident, explain the circumstances and reflect on what you
learned from the experience. Please accept this as part of my application and not take MAT 130 and CIS
210 into mind when reviewing my application. Thank you.

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