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Alchemical Evocation: A Supplemental Practice.

The commentary of Alchemy

Unveiled informs us that the true and actual Subject of the Alchemists is
the inner Salt, the blue-green Sal Tartari, also named the smaragdine
Salt, our Vitriol, Aphar min ha-Adamah, the fixed-green Sulphur, the
Rootmoisture, crystalline Central-Water, Mercurius coagulatus, inner
Saltbody, Lightsalt, and Lightbody. This Light preferably makes use of the
Air as a carrier, through which it maintains the Life of all Creatures. While
the Air condenses itself into a rain or dew, the living Fire steps secretly
with the Water into the Earth, where it takes on a Salt-Body, which is
a physical Water or a fixed Fire that has with the living volatile Fire the
greatest inclination, because it requires the same as nourishment.
Elsewhere we are told that, in order to absorb the spiritual Water, a
breach must first be opened and the matter has to be stimulated. This
happens by means of the letter I, by which the element of Fire is
stimulated. In order to animate the I correctly, one places the body in an
erect position so that the whole body is the form of the I. One stretches
ones arm straight up to the sky and makes a fist. Then the index finger is
extended upward. By thinking the vowel I the finger is animated. Then
taking the thumb, put the magnet (the A-sign, when the hand forms an
angle) into action, which attracts the elements and conducts to you the
Water for which you thirst. It will soon be found that the finger will start
to become warm, and then by an act of will, this current can be conducted
throughout the whole body. Let us unpack this condensed instruction a
little more precisely: In a proportion of one (or I) to six, I + V (or VI)
alternatively expressed here as the vowels I + A (inverted V) the living
Fire can be made to step secretly with the Water into the Earth. These
comprise the special bird-calls with which, Welling tells us in Opus, to
catch your bird, whether it is in the form of a spirit, smoke, damp, or else
as the stone Jaspis, Rev. 21:11 biblically understood to be a green or
clear stone. The chapter-verse designation 21:11 also numerologically
equals 5 (quintessence); the result of a mantric evocation for opening the
spout that conducts the secret Water and Fire into your crown; again, in
the proportion of six As to one I (the proportion of Water to Fire) while
the mantram itself comprises the Alchemical Perfection of seven syllables:
Aphar min ha-Adamah. Mindful intonation of this sacred formula,
especially of the vowels, and a correct alignment of the angled thumb as
spout, effectually provide a transformer for stepping down the evoked
Current, and skillfully conducting it throughout your entire body.

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