Geography Stratford Coursework 2.0

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Hamzah Mosheraf

GCSE Geography
Case study
Stratford is an area within the east of London, in the borough of Newham. Stratford is a perfect
place for our case study due to the accessibility of the area. It has increased in popularity due to
the 2012 Olympic Games, in which previously it was derelict and home to many brownfield sites.
Regeneration started in 2007 and the renovation took 5 years. The renovation leads to it being
East Londons major area in terms of retail and leisure. It is also home to many businesses making
it the second most significant business location in the east of the capital.

Annotated Diagrams
Diagram showing
the regeneration of
Stratford, and the
changes before and
after. An example of
this is the
destruction of
carpenters estate

Overview of Stratford, showing the key places in This map shows the terrain in Stratford for example
Stratford such as the Olympic Park and Westfield it shows how heavily built up and industrialised the
shopping centre. area has become.
Methods of data collection
Primary data is data collected by the investigator himself/ herself for a specific purpose.
However secondary data is data collected by someone else for some other purpose (but
being utilized by the investigator for another purpose).Examples of Primary data is the
residents perception survey and secondary data, is data from a Government census.
Although primary and secondary data are both useful in understanding quality of life in
Stratford, I believe primary data is better than secondary data. This is because primary data is
more reliable as you have experienced it first-hand. However primary data can be very biased
at times for example the bipolar scale used in the urban environment quality assessment
and the crime risk assessment, as it is dependent on personal preference. Although
secondary data can give more in depth information compiled from various sources, it is not
that reliable as it can be false or faked. To overcome this we can use factual evidence from
certified websites, in comparison to websites like Wikipedia. Quantitative data is data that
can be expressed in a numerical form such as The high street survey where we classified
data into groups through a tally. However Qualitative data is data that cannot be quantified,
examples of this is the residents perception survey where we asked what the best and
worst part of the area was.

Data Presentation

Shops and 4 Busy: Day
services 3
1 East Village
Open, well lit
streets Carpenters

Visible Policing

general quality
of area
2 Carpenters
quality of traffic
0 building quality
infastructure East Village

quality of

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