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Shamans are commonly portrayed

as benevolent healers, community

Soul Suckers
leaders, and the centre of social
life. This is certainly not the case in
northern Kamchatka among
Koryak and Chukchi people.
Shamans and their practices are
dangerous. The spirits also are not
to be trifled with, and working with
them often has unpleasant
Dangerous shamans among the consequences. A useful metaphor
for understanding the Koryak
Koryak people of Kamchatka approach to shamanism is high
voltage electricity - useful but
deadly at the same time.
Dr. Alexander D. King This article describes discourse
and actions concerning vampiric
shamans in northern Kamchatka,
Russia, among Chukchi and Koryak
peoples, in an area where traditional
indigenous culture is dominated by
reindeer-herding Koryak spiritual
beliefs. I discuss Koryak spirituality
and shamanic practices from the
native point of view, based upon
over 35 months of anthropological
field work research since the
summer of 1995.
Understanding Koryak religion
requires the assumption that
spirits inhabit the earth and
humans are not the only sentient
beings. These beliefs and rituals
may have sociological or
psychological functions to the
scholar, but they are very real to
Koryaks and should not be reduced
to some other purpose.
In the northern part of the
Kamchatka Krai (province), the
landscape is dominated by tundra,
with trees along salmon streams.
Some low-lying areas stretch into
Koryak family
vast bogs, particularly to the west,
guardian ongon
whereas, the northeast part of the
(spirit fetish),
krai is mostly rugged terrain.
carved from a
These days, European values
naturally shaped
dominate political and economic
affairs, but indigenous values are
branch. Families
prominent in spiritual beliefs and
would keep ongons
social relations in demographically
like this to help them,
native villages.
and feed them marrow
and blood from sacrificed
reindeer on a regular basis
Late C19th
Height 35cm
The two villages I discuss here techniques for a person to engage Spirits are like reindeer - useful
are dominated by reindeer herding, the spirits. Spirits are not relegated
and the cultural symbols and ritual
traditions are similar to descriptions
to another world in Kamchatka,
where every person in this world
but never fully domesticated or
by Waldemar Jochelson and
Waldemar Bogoras published at
has spiritual as well as corporeal
components. Humans are one kind under control - but much more
the beginning of the last century. of person, along with animals,
Shamans among the Koryak are landscape features, and other dangerous, and always liable to
not professionals, as can be found beings, like kalaw, who are rarely
among other Siberian peoples. perceptible as corporeal beings. kill or seriously harm anyone nearby
Sometimes referred to as familial
shamanism, and described as
such by many Koryak people
themselves, shamanic practices in
northern Kamchatka are available
to some degree to nearly everyone.
A shaman (angangel) among
the Koryak is a person with more
spiritual power and knowledge than
the average person. While all
people have relations with spiritual
powers through small offerings and
larger rituals, shamans are in closer
contact. They can more easily see
and communicate with spirits.
This is not limited to trances or
altered states. For example, I was
told of one powerful man who had
died in the mid-1980s. He could An analogy is colour blindness. Spirits are like reindeer - useful Above:
see evil spirits, called kalaw (plural) Colour-blind people cannot see the but never fully domesticated or Koryak reindeer
in Koryak, walking around town. numbers among a field of coloured under control - but much more herders on the
One day he saw a kala (singular) dots in the standard tests, while dangerous, and always liable to kill summer tundra
wearing a womans head around its non-colour-blind people can easily or seriously harm anyone nearby.
neck. The woman soon became ill see the numbers. A shaman can
and later died, as a result of the see kala while the rest of us are A shamanic vampire preys upon
kala carrying off the womans soul. kala-blind. other people, draining their spiritual
This man and other people with Another analogy comes from energy or life force in order to gain
shamanic abilities can perceive reindeer herding; an experienced extra power or maintain unusual
such things that go unnoticed by reindeer herder can immediately youth and prolong their life.
other, less sensitive people. identify a particular deer out of This soul sucking may sound
From a Koryak perspective, several hundred, name the deers like witchcraft to some, but without
such an event is continuous with owner and its dam and grandams getting into typological arguments,
what we think of as ordinary several generations back. To less I would like to point out that Koryak
reality. The shaman is not privy to experienced people, many of these vampires are known as wicked
an extraordinary reality, but simply deer are indistinguishable from one kinds of shamans. However they
more perceptive about the world another, and even if we could tell also interact with spirits to cure or
around us. Much writing on them apart, we would have a difficult sicken, divine and find lost things,
shamanism relegates spirits and time remembering each deers and travel in trance or dream. Main photo:
human interaction with them to a genealogy and personal history, Vampiric shamans are not the wild tundra
different plane of existence, which come easily to the herder. interested in killing or destroying landscape of
whether it is non-ordinary reality, Thus shamans, with talent and much their victims; indeed, many of their Kamchatak in
or an emphasis on practice and experience can identify victims are already dead. the Koryak
trance spiritual signs another would miss. homelands
deceased I first learned about Koryak
dressed for vampires from a friend called
cremation, Marina who was teaching me the
surrounded by language. She began the
healthy people conversation with, Did you know
during pyre that Koryaks have vampires?
construction to She told me of an old woman in
protect him from her hometown who sat next to
kala attack recently deceased people during
funeral preparations: She sits
touching or puts one hand on the
deceased person and draws
residual energy out of the
deceased into herself.
She did this to prolong her life,
and she looked much younger than
she is. This grandmother looks
like she might be sixty, but she
must be over eighty years old, my
friend explained.
My friend is not a shaman, but
she is not necessarily kala-blind.
She arrived home too late for her
fathers funeral because of a snow
storm in which she nearly perished.
Wandering lost from the
snowmobile on which she had been
riding, my friend
begged her fathers
spirit for forgiveness
for missing the funeral,
and then she
demanded help in
reaching the village.
Then she heard her
father singing and a
light led her back to the
snowmobile, where she
heard the driver calling
her name through the This brazen insult was exist in the other world. Thus, a
driving snow. dangerous, but she did not suffer Koryak person has a unique
It was lucky that my from any retaliation, and later, in combination of soul elements, only
family sent my keke private, witnesses told Marina that part of which is recycled from a
(womans reindeer fur she had done the right thing. previous generation.
winter suit) with the Cremation opens the door to the
snowmobile for me. I PROTECTION AFTER DEATH other world and releases bonds
would have frozen Death is associated with the between the deceased persons
for sure departure of breath (wuyevi), which soul and this world. As people
without it, animates the physical body. The explained to me during the funerals
she told soul (uyichit) does not immediately I attended, the time between death
me. leave this world upon death, but and cremation is dangerous for the
lingers near the body until deceased, he or she is vulnerable
cremation. People were never clear to attacks from kalaw, who try to
on the specifics, but this primary capture the soul and eat it before
soul is not the same as the soul the body can be cremated.
While visiting with stolen by a kala from a living That is why people continually
relatives in her village, she saw person. However, it also can be sit closely around the deceased
the vampire sitting in the room with intercepted and eaten by a kala during the two days of preparation.
an infuriatingly satisfied look on her before reaching the afterworld. That is also a time for the
Above: face. My friend knew what she had Yet another part of a persons deceased to take leave of their
decoratively done, and in anger she walked up soul is reincarnated into a family and friends as they lay under
beaded Koyak to the woman, touched her on the descendant, and the child is given a shroud upon a deerskin on the
boots shoulder, and said, I take back my the name of the returned relative. floor. Tea, tobacco and sugar are
fathers energy that you stole. She At the same time, the deceaseds shared with the deceased. An open
then left the house and went home. shade (wuyelwuyel) continues to pack of cigarettes or pouch of

HOOP ISSUE 82 2013
snuff is on their chest for people to fire scare away evil spirits, remain young, like a vampire. Below: a middle-
help themselves, and a little tea is protecting the soul on its departure While asking about rituals aged woman (left)
poured into a small, decorative to the afterlife. surrounding the funeral and the helps an elder
teapot near the deceaseds head meanings behind them, I learned ritual spiritualist
when a round of tea is served. THE VAMPIRE WIFE that Sasha was disliked by many untie all the knots
Cremations take place out of After one cremation in a small native people. Not everyone accused her on the deceaseds
sight of the village, and the village, I was talking with some of vampirism, but she was clothes
deceased is vigorously guarded out friends about the fact that the considered a bad mother and a
in the tundra, while men build the deceaseds clothes burned off and worse wife, crying crocodile tears
pyre. Close friends and relatives say flew up, exposing the naked corpse. at her ex-husbands funeral. She
goodbye right before the deceased This bad sign meant that his married a good man, an excellent
is carried over to the pyre. funerary clothes were not from his herder with many private deer.
The body is accompanied by two own deer, but stolen. His first wife Sasha used him up and discarded
women who make the final Sasha had sewn them, and she was him, finding another husband with
preparations on the pyre. An not respected. Soon after she had her unusually youthful, good looks.
experienced grandmother is married this man, his deer began to Is this female jealousy towards
accompanied by a middle-aged disappear. After all his deer were an unfair competitor? Is this social
woman in training. They untie all gone, she left him for another man reprobation against a wife who
knots on the deceaseds clothing to and began to deplete her next doesnt provide for her old and sick
unbind the deceased from this husbands herd, so they said. husband after he provided for her
world, and they cut the abdominal Deer are the primary wealth for in his youth, against a mother who
muscles so that he or she doesnt Koryaks. There are spiritual ignores her children once they are
sit up during cremation. It is best if connections between deer and adults? Maybe, but in thirty-five
the deceased just lies still and burns their owner, and an attack on one
quietly and quickly, indicating an is an attack on the other. The deceased is vigorously guarded out
appropriate death and funeral and
no further trouble for the
My friends commented to me
that Sasha is notorious for draining
in the tundra, while men build the pyre.
deceaseds family. These women people of their energy or life force. An experienced grandmother, accompanied
hold a piece of moss in their mouths She brings bad luck to whomever
and caw like ravens as they work. she lives with. All of her children by a middle-aged woman in training untie
Ravens are not necessarily birds have bad lives, too. Sasha looks a
of death; they are conduits to the lot younger than she is. all knots on the deceaseds clothing to
afterworld, carrying offerings of
meat from this world to the
I remarked that it sounded as if
she were a vampire. At first they
unbind the deceased from this world.
ancestors. The deceased is left laughed nervously, then they agreed These women hold a piece of moss in their
alone on the pyre only after the fire that she was exactly that. She could
is smoking profusely. Smoke and sap peoples life force and used it to mouths and caw like ravens as they work
OOP ISSUE 82 2013
Below: Koryak months of fieldwork in Kamchatka, people and get them to leave. KALAW AND VAMPIRES
mans cremation I have heard many stories about Woqwanga talked to the kidney When a shamanic vampire
outfit. Made greedy people - tirades against stone people and told them not to consumes some of the residual
from reindeer, loose women who attach bunch up, but to spread out into little energy of a deceased person, they
seal and dog themselves parasitically onto a man pieces. Thus the stone broke up and are not destroying the soul, not
skin, with alder with a job or other income, who their father passed them. Anya and preventing its journey to the after-
bark decoration ignore their children and only want Tanya have several stories about life. They seem to be acting
Early C20th to get drunk, but only once has people their grandmother has healed. similarly to a kala, but the kala who
such a person been accused of After about an hour of eats a recently deceased soul
being a vampire. conversation, they confided that destroys that person and prevents
their grandmother lives far from them from going to the next world,
A VAMPIRE GRANDMOTHER town because she is feared and from where part of them would be
After Marinas statement about even hated. She can make people reincarnated back into this world.
vampires, I was quietly, yet sick and die, as well as heal them, As cultural monsters, kalaw are
consistently, on the lookout for and has done so. I then heard the most feared inhabitants of the
examples, but I found only three several stories about people who Koryak universe. Vampiric shamans,
cases in two out of ten villages had offended her, and how they feeding on dead souls, are analogous
I visited. Analysing these quickly became very sick or their to kalaw monsters, and thus
cases as metaphors for lives took drastic turns for the worse. anathema to human society. Indeed,
something else She is a powerful person, and socially the shamans cannibalism is
misunderstands the lived she can do many things, like seen as worse than kala predation,
reality of people in understand dreams, foretell the which is at least not cannibalistic.
Kamchatka. future, talk to the dead, heal the These evil activities do not go
Later, two sisters I sick and sicken the healthy. without consequences, as I
will call Anya and When Anya and Tanya told me mentioned above. Deploying a
Tanya, told me that Woqwanga looks very young shamanic attack in northeast Asia
about an elder for a woman of the same is much like nuclear war. Not in the
relative of theirs generation as their grandmother, sense that your enemy will retaliate
who can heal. A who had died almost ten years in kind, although he may well do
cousin of previously at a very advanced age, that, but in the sense that harmful
their and that some accused her of fallout can drift back over your own
mothers stealing energy from the recently people and kill some of those
mother, deceased at funerals, I connected closest to you.
Woqwanga her to the vampire described to While vampiric shamans look
cured their father of me by my friend. younger and live longer, their family
kidney stones. Sickness is Then I learned, Sasha, the suffers fallout. Their children are
not a thing or force, but a vampire wife, is Woqwangas often ill, die young, or just have
people. You have to talk to the daughter. rotten lives (alcoholism, poverty,

Right: the
women leave
the pyre only
after smoke is
thick enough
to protect the
deceased from
any spiritual

HOOP ISSUE 82 2013

divorces). Koryak people also told was not hated as Woqwanga walked. They also waved them over Left: Koryak
me that such people will eventually seems to have been, but many of the fine gifts. mans cremation
pay the price themselves. I couldnt the local Russians referred to her She is a bad shaman, they told outfit. Made from
get specifics, but their souls would as a witch, and it was clear me. She leaves seal, reindeer
suffer in some way after they died. many feared her to some extent. bad energy and dog fur with
It will come back to hurt you, I One would only lose in any behind. You hair and silk yarn
was often told. fights with her, I was told. She also should be embroidery
Unlike European vampires, looked unusually young and careful about Early C20th
however, Koryak vampires are not vigorous for her advanced years, but those
Evil Incarnate. They are not that was described as a physical gifts.
possessed by evil demons, but are index of her spiritual strength, and
simply human beings doing evil not nefarious attacks.
things. As humans, they are also
capable of good things: loving Her remains were eventually
family, caring for the sick, found, a year after she
protecting the weak. disappeared, and Russians
explained to one another that
Wandering the tundra alone she was killed by a bear.
marks shamans as powerful However, native people
persons. The open tundra is a assured me that she allowed
dangerous place, but not because herself to be taken by a bear.
people get lost. Koryaks know She must have been tired
every little stream and hill as we with life, because it would
know our favorite streets and have been impossible for a bear to
haunts of our hometowns. They do surprise her and kill her. She was
worry about bear attacks, drowning, too powerful for that.
hypothermia and freezing to death, I do not believe that Tatiana was
and hunger. But the scariest thing a vampire, but a powerful shaman
about the tundra is that people can with a powerful personality. She was At my hostesss recommendation,
simply disappear - kalaw get them. not a recluse like Woqwanga, but I took the gifts over to Tykken,
I have been told many stories of more of a community leader. Many another grandma, who is also
people who vanished. The boat, who feared her nonetheless famous for her shamanic powers.
gear, dogs, and fish were all present respected her, and she did have Tykken looked over all the stuff.
at one mans fishing camp, but there many friends in town and lived a Everyone agreed that Qaichivangten
was no trace of him. Another man public life. sewed beautifully, but it was bad,
was walking last in a file of four men. While Tatiana may seem an made to enchant, suck my energy,
His son turned around to address example counter to my ruin my marriage.
him, and he was gone. The three generalisation about the danger of Tykken cut the seam at the
men looked all over for him, calling being near shamans, she did not back of the hat and turned it inside
his name, but they could have a large family or a large out, looking for charms. She found
find no trace of him. It circle of close friends. She was some rabbit fur sewn into the Left: Koryak
was if the tundra simply respected, but even then at a seams and she pulled it out. She antler carving
opened up and distance. did the same with all the things, of a woman
swallowed him, his even found some suspicious thread
Early C20th
son said to me. The GIFTS FROM A VAMPIRE in the beaded mat. Rabbit fur is
subtext is that a kala My only direct experience with powerful stuff. Loose tufts are
caught him. shamanic attack was in a third mixed with seal fat or reindeer fat
Woqwanga lived village, which I will call Woqanak. and kept in a bag; this mixture is
several hours walk I was there to attend a festival, called enelwit and given as an
from town, by herself. and the day after I was visited by offering to the spirits through the
Not only did she not a grandma, Qaichivangten, who fire and to the earth when setting
fear bear and other gave me several beautiful gifts: a up a new camp or before beginning
hazards, she finely beaded fur hat, souvenir
prefered the mittens, cute little bags, and a The second after she left, my hostess
dangerous milieu of
kalaw and other
beaded mat.
I had been the recipient of
and her daughter struck matches and
spiritual forces of the Koryak generosity before, and I frantically waved them all around the
open tundra to the figured this was just the most
strained milieu in town dramatic example of the custom room. She is a bad shaman, they told
where she was either
feared or hated.
of giving guests parting gifts.
The second after she left, my me. She leaves bad energy behind.
Tatiana, a shaman hostess and her daughter struck You should be careful about those gifts.
in a different town, matches and frantically waved
disappeared as she them all around the room, They were bad, made to enchant,
was walking the especially where the grandma had
tundra in 1996. She been sitting and where she suck my energy, ruin my marriage
OOP ISSUE 82 2013
Wandering the tundra alone marks chanting unintelligibly and making the Qaichivangten is an example of a
throaty noises of a loon. shamanic vampire who prefers
shamans as powerful persons... I had brought over an audio- preying upon living people. Her gifts
cassette copy of Bogoras and provide a spiritual connection between
the scariest thing is that people can Jochelsons wax cylinders of her and the victim. Victims not only
simply disappear - kalaw get them. Koryak songs and narratives from
the 1901 Jesup expedition as a gift
lose spiritual energy, but experience
drastic side effects, like a broken
I have been told many stories of for the family. At that moment, the marriage or an axe in the foot, due to
tape was providing a 100-year-old her shamanic interference with the
people who vanished. One man was recording of drumming to victims life force.
accompany Tykkens cleansing of These vampiric gifts are an
walking last in a file of four men. the shamanically poisonous gifts. inversion of regular Koryak and
His son turned around and he was As she called out like a bird, her
son-in-law leaned over to me and
Chukchi practice. Hosts present
gifts to guests as they leave so that
gone. It was if the tundra simply said, She is a loon. the person will have good feelings
The chanting took about 15 and there will be good memories of
opened up and swallowed him, minutes. She cried some and the visit. Qaichivangtens presents
seemed exhausted afterwards. She are even more monstrous since
his son said to me told me I could wear the hat, but I they are anti-social, or even anti-
should sell the other stuff to a human, as they serve to help the
a ritual. Enelwit is also left at stranger. My wife and I shouldnt dark shaman predate upon the soul
sacred sites: certain hills, rock wear the pendant. of the recipient. The power in these
formations, sections of a river. One grandfather present told gifts does not produce a positively-
The rabbit fur in the hat and me that Qaichivangten sewed very charged moral connection between
other things was charmed to drain beautifully, and it can make one giver and recipient, but a negative,
my energy and channel it back to forget how dangerous she is. He antisocial one.
the giver. said, She gave me a pair of
Tykken disparaged the mitts and beautiful boots, and I, like a fool, From a Koryak point of view
Alexander King little bags. They were for a corpse; forgot how dangerous she is. I took shamanic power is not
(Ph.D. 2000, University them and wore them. Only a supernatural, but superhuman. It is
they were sewn like funerary wear.
of Virginia) is Senior
Lecturer in The beautiful fur and bead couple of days after that I drove an based on a human being working
Anthropology at the pendant intended for my wife axe right into my foot as I was closely with powerful other-than-
University of Aberdeen would split us apart and suck our chopping wood. I was laid up for human beings, all of whom inhabit
in Scotland. He has energy. We shouldnt wear it. weeks. I burned those boots right the same natural world.
been traveling to after that. Too bad, they were really Shamans in northeast Asia are
Kamchatka regularly
Tykken removed her head
since 1995, living with scarf, possibly setting aside a nice, but I was hurt a long time not qualitatively different from other
people there for Russian badge of femininity to because of them. people, but in quantitative terms
extended periods at a appear more Koryak (and so He and other people present at they are stronger, wiser, older than
time. His book Living feeling more Koryak?) for her the cleansing ceremony explained others. Koryak shamans are not
with Koryak Tradition:
Playing with Culture in entreaty with spirit allies. to me several times that the dark inherently evil or good, but they
Siberia unpacks the She lit a match and waved it over shaman gives people presents so can do evil things as well as good
relevance of traditional the stuff as she incanted in Koryak, that she can hook into their spirit things. Qaichivangten certainly had
culture for indigenous exhibiting a light trance, such as I had and suck their energy. friends and relatives she was close
Kamchatkans in the I gave the gloves to a friend to to, but my acquaintances were
contemporary world.
seen her do at the ritually-charged
His current research parts of the festival. Sitting on the sell and I kept the bags. One of from a different faction in the
examines the power floor of her kitchen, in front of the them was partially destroyed a year village. Everyone in Kamchatka
and artistry of oral brick Russian stove of her second- later by a moth infestation in my agrees on the danger of profound
storytelling and myth floor Soviet apartment, Tykken called box of reindeer fur items. None of shamanic activity, however. The
in everyday life.
on the power of her helping spirit the the hats in my collection, nor the threat of shamanic fallout has loon. She waved her arms over and boots given to me by friends were prevented more than one Koryak around the pile of gifts, alternately damaged by the moths. person I know from seriously
pursuing shamanic gifts despite a
predilection for interaction with
spirit persons and powers.

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