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May 11, 2017


WASHINGTON, DC In response to President Trumps executive order

establishing a commission to investigate the non-existent issue of voter fraud,
Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil issued the following statement:

No matter how the White House tries to spin it, this phony commission, which
will be stacked with well-known voting rights opponents like Mike Pence and
Kris Kobach, will have one task only: to turn up evidence of widespread voter
fraud where absolutely none exists. Priorities USAs research has
demonstrated that the real threat to the nations electoral integrity is not voter
fraud but voter suppression. Strict voter identification laws like those Pence and
Kobach supported in their home states make it more difficult to vote and
depress turnout on Election Day, especially in low-income and minority
communities. This commission should not infringe upon Americans
fundamental right to vote just because Donald Trump cant admit he lost the
popular vote by a historic margin.

Earlier this week, Priorities USA and Civis Analytics released the findings of a
study on voter identification laws, which found a significant decrease in turnout
during the 2016 election in states requiring voters to present a form of ID before
casting a ballot. A close analysis of Wisconsin, which passed a strict voter ID
law in advance of the 2016 election, suggested that up to 200,000 voters were
suppressed in a state that Hillary Clinton lost by only 20,000 votes.
To read the memo, click here.

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