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Separation and Purification Technology 48 (2006) 3644

Boron removal by means of adsorption with magnesium oxide

M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto a, , Eugenio Munoz Camacho b,1
a Department of Industrial Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Jose Gutierrez Abascal, 228006 Madrid, Spain
Department of Industrial II Engineering, Department of Chemical Analysis, University of A Coruna, Mendizabal s/n 15403 Ferrol, A Coruna, Spain

Received 16 November 2004; received in revised form 25 June 2005; accepted 4 July 2005


The presence of boron compounds in waters increases in a continuous and parallel way to industrial development. Therefore, their harmful
effects on living organisms also increases, especially on plants, since this element manifests an important micronutrienttoxic boron duality.
The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of different operation variables within the adsorption process of the boron compounds with
magnesium oxide when liquid waste of urban, agricultural or industrial origin is being treated. The results obtained indicate that the process
is strongly influenced by the quality of added reagent and by the contact time between the reagent and solution. Moreover, the temperature
variable also stands out, as it has a very positive influence, reducing the necessary contact time to obtain specific boron removal yields. On the
one hand, it has been observed that this process appears to be inextricably linked to pH. The removal process improves as the pH increases,
presenting a maximum at pH value between 9.5 and 10.5, which is where borate ion predominates. The reagent used in the study has an
important alkalinising capacity. Due to the fact that the pH of the solutions is situated around this range, it is not necessary to adjust this variable
during the process. Therefore, using this reagent is an attractive option. As for the metallic cations that usually accompany boron in industrial
waste, it seems that the reagents presence also facilitates the removal of these cations and a simultaneous treatment of industrial waste can
thus be carried out. Furthermore, interrelationships between the different variables have been established. When the optimum conditions are
selected, the process reaches over 95% of boron removal.
2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adsorption; Boron; Pollution; Removal; Variable influence

1. Introduction Boron, which is one of the dilute elements in water and

regarded as a minor element, appears in concentrations usu-
Far from being considered a polluting agent, despite its ally less than 1 mg B L1 and it seldom exceeds the con-
multiple applications, boron (in its borate ion form) has centration in seawater, estimated to be between 4.4 and
lacked exhaustive control (Adriano [1], Keren and Bingham 4.6 mg B L1 . Drinking waters does not commonly contain
[2], Pain et al. [3] and U.S. Borax Inc. [4]). boron, having typical concentrations of 0.10.2 mg B L1 in
According to the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geologi- accordance with Adriano [1], Keren and Bingham [2] and
cal Survey [5], world production of mineral borates and boron Pain et al. [3]. For most of the world, the concentration range
chemical derivatives were estimated at (45) 106 tonnes of boron in drinking water is judged to be between 0.1 and
of B2 O3 every year and reserves were calculated at 0.3 mg L1 , according to the guidelines for drinking water
270 106 tonnes (in B2 O3 form). The United States (42%), quality of the WHO [6].
Turkey (42%) and South America (11%) share about 95% of The main boron sources, whose presence is detected in
borate production worldwide. surface waters, are urban wastes rich in detergents and clean-
ing products; industrial wastes, which can come from a wide

range of different activities as well as several chemical prod-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 91 336 3185; fax: +34 91 336 3009.
E-mail addresses: (M. del Mar de la Fuente
ucts used in agriculture (U.S. Borax Inc. [4]). From the wide
Garca-Soto), (E.M. Camacho). range of boron derived compounds, only oxianions appear in
1 Fax: +34 981 337410. waters since they are soluble. Moreover, the different uses that

1383-5866/$ see front matter 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644 37

can cause liquid spillages directly involve orthoboric acid or ing adsorption at higher pH. Organic matter, in the form of
borax, or transformation reactions of the by-products towards humic acids, has been suggested by Gu and Lowe [12] and
these more soluble, oxidised and stable states. by Meyer and Bloom [13] as an important factor in boron
Orthoboric acid is a very weak acid with a pK of 9.2 and, adsorption processes in soils due to the presence of large
therefore, not very susceptible to transfer protons in an aque- amounts of OH groups.
ous solution. In its dissociation B(OH)3 does not ionise by In recent years, studies of the beneficial/toxic effects of
losing a proton from the molecule and forming the anion boron in irrigation waters, living organisms and diffusion
H2 BO3 , but B(OH)4 and H3 O+ are formed by the addition in soils have proliferated. Nowadays solutions that involve
of one OH , acting as a Lewis acid, in the most general sense. reducing the high boron concentration in some industrial
The borate ion B(OH)4 in aqueous solution exhibits a tetra- liquid wastes in the sewage system (Integral System of San-
hedral structure as opposed to the planar trigonal structure of itation (I.S.S.)) are being studied by de la Fuente [14], de
orthoboric acid. For dilute solutions (0.10.001N) the consec- la Fuente and Munoz [15,16] and Martnez et al. [17]. The
utive dissociation constants have been calculated. However, variety of ways boron is used in industry has encouraged
the second and third dissociations are not important enough the development of a number of boron removal methods,
to explain the reactions taking place in environments with a including the techniques based on precipitation, adsorption,
pH less than 13. From this it can be inferred that, in order ion exchange, extraction with organic solvents and reverse
to explain the vast majority of practical cases occurring in osmosis.
waters, soils or solids, the species B(OH)3 and B(OH)4 are This study focuses on boron removal by means of a precip-
enough. itation/adsorption process. The influence of reagent quality
It is also important to indicate that, depending on the con- and quantity, the physical variables such as contact time or
centration of orthoboric acid, different species of ions formed temperature and the chemical variables such as pH and the
by the condensation of several borate molecules called polyb- presence of other ions have been studied.
orates (monoborates, diborates, triborates, tetraborates and
pentaborates) can exist in the solution. As indicated by Na
and Lee [7], there are no species that do not satisfy the con- 2. Selecting the removal method
dition a/b > 1 in the expression Bb (OH)3b+a a , where a and
b indicate the ionic valence and the number of atoms, respec- There are a great variety of possible removal methods of
tively. With a boron concentration under 0.025 mol L1 , the borate ions in industrial waste.
only species, which appear in solution, are the monomolecu- Boron precipitation/adsorption in the form of sparingly
lar ones, that is, the orthoboric acid and its borate anion. The soluble compounds has been selected because, on the one
triborate ions appear for concentrations >0.025 mol L1 , that hand, there is little need to process and condition the aqueous
is, the hydroxiborane and its conjugate acid. The remaining solutions and, on the other hand, this method is very simple
polyborate ions exist for boron concentrations greater than according to Kim and Gee [18], Matsumoto et al. [19], Okay
0.1 mol L1 . et al. [20], Pain et al. [3] and Rodionov et al. [21].
In nature, this element appears in the following forms: As for the adsorption methods by compounds of nat-
(1) in mineral compounds (borosilicates and borates), (2) ural origin (Goldberg and Glaubig [8], Keren and Sparks
adsorbed by clays, (3) adsorbed by organic matter and (4) [9], Meyer and Bloom [13] and Singh and Mattigod [11]),
in aqueous solution. The total content of boron in solids is at first, the processes are analogous to selected precipita-
normally in the range of 2 and 100 mg B L1 , with an average tion/adsorption. However, these materials have drawbacks
value of 30 mg B L1 as reported by Adriano [1]. The total since they need complex pre-treatments in order to achieve
quantity of boron depends on many factors, but the main vari- appropriate particle sizes (20.2 m), property homogeneity
able is the type of soil. or the removal of possible superficial coatings of the active
The process of boron adsorption (free form) in soils dif- adsorption sites. These treatments are, in general, complex
fers substantially from the other essential anions for plants. and time-consuming in terms of the laboratory and espe-
In contrast with what happens with phosphates, sulphates cially in the context of industry. Therefore, they have not
or nitrates, boron adsorption in soils increases when pH been selected.
rises. The adsorption maximum ranges between pH 7.0 and Another attractive method, ion exchange (Ishihara et al.
11.0, depending on soil composition according to Adriano [22], Na and Lee[7], Pain et al. [3], Okay et al. [20], Rodionov
[1] and Keren and Bingham [2]. Many researchers (Adri- et al. [21], and Sahin [23]), has been discarded because it is
ano [1], Goldberg and Glaubig [8], Keren and Bingham [2], only effective with low boron concentrations, it involves pre-
Keren and Sparks [9], Mattigod et al. [10] and Singh and treating the waste to eliminate solids and fats, and it has costs
Mattigod [11]) have highlighted the important role iron and related to specific resin and its regeneration.
aluminium oxides play in boron adsorption by soil particles. As regards to the extraction methods with solvents accord-
These authors found greater adsorption as the pH increased, ing to Kahraman [24], Pilipenko et al. [25], Rodionov et
with an adsorption maximum between pH 6.0 and 7.0 for al. [21] and Su and Suarez [26] they are considered highly
Al2 O3 and between pH 8.0 and 9.0 for Fe2 O3 , and decreas- efficient and selective. However, they have several disad-
38 M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644

vantages: the complexity of the equipment, the high costs The following analytical equipment has been employed:
involved and the partial solubility of the organic extractants Shimadzu UV-260 Spectrophotometer/Perkin Elmer 1100
and dilutants used in water. Thus, their use is limited due to Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer/pHmeter Micro
their environmental risk. pH 2001 Crison/Heto Thermostated Water Bath (Den-
The need to maintain membrane stability for the methods mark)/Heidolph Stirrer/KS 501 D Janke & Kunkel Stirrer.
of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration or nanofiltration (Alvarez
et al. [27], Marinas [28], Nirmal et al. [29], Rodionov et 3.2. General operating procedure
al. [21] and Smith et al. [30]) in the face of pH and tem-
perature variations, the presence of oxidating agents and, in The experiments have been carried out using two syn-
general, the need to pre-treat waste to lengthen the useful thetic samples, one of them with a high concentration,
life of the membrane, makes these elimination methods more 500 mg B L1 and the other, with a low concentration,
expensive. Moreover, electrochemical methods described by 50 mg B L1 . These values have been selected, according to
Rodionov et al. [21] have been discarded since they present, Na and Lee [7] in an effort to avoid the appearance of polyb-
in general, low yields and high costs relating to the electrol- orates. B polymers are negligible at this concentration, the
yser construction. Methods with membranes are, in general, molar fraction of trimolecular species is <0.003 and it is con-
non-selective techniques. Finally, thermal methods reported sidered that the only existing species in solution are boric acid
by Rodionov et al. [21] and Pocovi et al. [31] are very energy and borate ion. Throughout this study, the concentrations of
consuming and, therefore, discouraging from the economic these species will be designated as a sample of high or low
point of view. concentration, unless otherwise indicated.
The amount of boron retained is given as:
(c0 cf )
3. Experiments and discussion %= 100
3.1. Reagents and equipment where c0 and cf are the initial and residual boron concentra-
tion in the solution. The analysis method that has been used
Magnesium oxide reagents used in this study were pro- was Molecular Absorption Spectrometry in the UVvisible
cured from Panreac Chemical (Spain) and Quimipur (Spain). range using Azomethine H as a colorimetric reagent accord-
Properties of these magnesium oxide adsorbents were listed ing to the procedure of Lopez et al. [32]. This compound
in Table 1. Boron stock solution (500 mg L1 ) was prepared is not considered a standardised reagent for boron analy-
by dissolving an appropiate quantity of boric acid (H3 BO3 sis in waters [33]. However, it has been selected owing to
supplied by Merck Darmstadt, Germany) in double distilled its simplicity and competitiveness over other Spectrophoto-
water, and the working solutions were prepared by dilut- metric reagents, according to de la Fuente and Munoz [16].
ing this solution with double distilled water. For the study Concurrent with the boron determination, the analysis of
presence of other ions, highly soluble salts of cation and residual magnesium cation (in the pH variable) has been car-
dodecilbenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt (tensioactive) were ried out in each solution by means of tritation with Na2 EDTA
used supplied by Merck Germany or by Aldrich Chemical or Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry depending on the
Company Inc. The other chemicals used, such as Azome- concentration range; this analysis shows to what degree the
thine H, HCl, NaOH, Na2 EDTA, HAc, NH4 Ac, etc. were of adsorbent reagent has been dissolved. The residual con-
analytical reagent grade supplied by Merck Germany and all centration of the corresponding cation has also been anal-
the solutions in the study were prepared using double distilled ysed in the study of the variable presence of other ions
water. by means of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The
Other, only polymeric: P.E., P.T.F.E., quartz glass and anionic tensioactive content has also been analysed (stated
platinum laboratory material can be used to minimise the as sodium dodecylsulfonate) by titration with bencetonium
contamination or the increase of boron content. For this study chloride (hyamine) or Molecular Absorption Spectrophotom-
P.E. material was used except pH measure electrodes, quartz etry with methylene blue depending on the concentration
glass spectrophotometric cell and quart glass vessels for high range. Lastly, the boron stock solution has been standardised
temperature. through acidbase titration in mannitol.
The general operating procedure that has been used is a
Table 1 discontinuous contact-filtration method. The first step con-
Magnesium oxide quality sists of taking a sample of 100 mL, which is put in a 250 mL
Reagent A Reagent B P.E. vessel. It may be necessary to heat the sample up in a
MgTOTAL : 57.23% MgTOTAL : 44.71% thermostated water bath if the required temperature is higher
Weight loss at 100 C: 0.48% Weight loss at 100 C: 2.66% than room temperature. This sample is mixed on a stirrer
Weight loss at 570 C: 2.26% Weight loss at 570 C: 18.55% under the selected conditions, with a speed of 200 rpm and
Mg5 (CO3 )4 (OH)2 : 4.60% Mg5 (CO3 )4 (OH)2 : 37.82%
with a specific quantity of previously pulverised adsorbent.
MgO: 92.56% MgO: 54.88%
The sample is allowed to equilibrate (contactrepose) for
M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644 39

Fig. 1. Effect of Mg/B mol ratio on adsorption of boron by magnesium oxide.

[() low concentration sample; () high concentration sample] (variables:
stirring, 2 h; repose, 48 h; room Ta ; pH 9.5010.50).

a predetermined time. Then the clarified solution is filtered

using Whatman 31 filter paper. The residue is washed sev-
eral times and the filtered substances and the backwash waters
are gathered in a precipitating vessel. The pH of this purified
solution is set to 5.20 (a suitable pH for a subsequent analysis Fig. 2. Influence of reagent quality on adsorption of boron by magnesium
according to de la Fuente and Munoz [16]) by adding diluted oxide: (a) correction factor applied fT and (b) correction factor applied fO
hydrochloric acid and ammonia solutions and using a com- [() reagent A, () reagent B, () corrected reagent A, () corrected
bined glass membrane electrode as a pH sensor. This solution reagent B] (variables: stirring, 2 h; repose, 48 h; room Ta ; pH 9.5010.50).
is diluted to 200 mL in a P.E. volumetric flask and the analysis
of the residual boron is carried out according to the referenced 3.3.2. Reagent quality
method. Moreover, the resulting solids are dried, weighed and If the boron removal process is strongly influenced by the
stored. quantity of reagent, selecting a reagent that has a different
quality from the one used in the experiments can result in
3.3. Selection of variables: results and discussion removal yield increases or decreases. In the laboratory, it is
easy to have reagents with such a high purity, but at industrial
3.3.1. Magnesium/boron mol ratio level, reagents of commercial qualities are preferred because
The removal yield has been studied according to the quan- they are cheaper. Another important point here has to do with
tity of the magnesium oxide added. It is essential to determine the easy carbonation and hydration of magnesium oxide when
the optimum Mg/B mol ratio in order to avoid an excessive it is stored under unsuitable conditions. For the laboratory,
consumption of magnesium oxide, which makes the process this aspect is easily controlled, but this is not the case for
more expensive without achieving a significant increase in industry.
the removal yield. The influence of this variable has been Accordingly, two reagents have been tested; their experi-
studied in both synthetic samples following the procedure mental characterisation is shown in Table 1. Reagent A is used
previously described, at room temperature and with stirring in the remaining studies, whereas reagent B is an alternative
and repose times high enough to eliminate their influence (2 reagent of worse quality. An X-ray spectrum has been car-
and 48 h, respectively). ried out on reagent B (of worse quality) in order to know its
The Mg/B mol ratios studied and their corresponding components. This spectrum reveals the presence of hydro-
amounts of boron removal, stated as a percentage, are shown magnesite [Mg5 (CO3 )4 (OH)2 4H2 O] in a periclase matrix
in Fig. 1. The similarity between both curves allows them to (MgO). No other component has been determined. The ther-
be analysed at the same time so the optimum Mg/B mol ratio mal decomposition temperature for this form of magnesium
can be found. It can be observed that the process is strongly carbonate is between 300 and 570 C, losing at first the struc-
influenced in the beginning by the quantity of reagent that tural water and then CO2 . The weight loss value during
is added. A significant positive slope is revealed. In the high calcination at 570 C, shown in Table 1, can be identified
concentration sample studied it is also observed that the Mg/B with this compound, estimating the magnesium content for
mol ratio, beyond which the increase in removal yield is not this carbonate.
significant, is about 20. The low concentration sample does In Fig. 2, the study of the influence of Mg/B mol ratio is
not get to become stabilized completely. This value has been shown, over a high concentration sample, for both reagents,
selected to carry out the tests requiring a constant Mg/B mol without taking their composition into account. Moreover,
ratio value. given the characterisation analysis, the experimental results
40 M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644

should be multiplied by a correction factor when representing

the data of removal percentage versus real mol ratio. Accord-
ing to two factors, Mg/B values have been corrected.
The fT factor has been estimated taking the total magne-
sium content into account, the one from either the oxide or
the carbonate. fT was calculated by the following equation:
MgTOTAL (Table 1)
Mg real
fT = = 100
Pa Mg
Mg theoretic

These values for fT were 0.95 and 0.74 for reactives A and
B, respectively. Fig. 3. Effect of contact time on adsorption of boron by magnesium oxide.
In contrast, the fO factor which has been estimated with [() low concentration sample, () high concentration sample] (variables:
only the magnesium from the magnesium oxide is considered Mg/B mol ratio, 20; stirring, 30 min; room Ta ; pH 9.5010.50).
active. fO was calculated by the following the equation:

Mg real
MgO(Table 1)
100 PPMaMgO
Mg As can be observed in Fig. 3, the curves show an initial
fO = = Pa Mg
portion with a high slope and a second portion in which the
Mg theoretic development tends to become asymptotic. This is a typical
development pattern in adsorption processes where, as the
These values for fO were 0.93 and 0.55 for reactives A and process goes on, the solute diffusion towards the sorbent is
B, respectively. It can be noted that fO for reactive B is almost slower due to a decrease in its concentration. In this first
half. Fig. 4 it is also observed that the optimum repose time is
It can be observed, also, that the modified curves accord- between 6 and 10 h depending on Mg/B mol ratios. These
ing to the fO correction factor correspond with the ones for times (<10 h) are not accompanied by high related costs but
reagent A as they develop without correction. The presence they do involve an effluent immobilisation, and, in specific
of magnesium carbonate in the reagent does not encourage cases, this is a determining factor.
the adsorption process as it should be considered an inert Starting from the results obtained, for the contact time, the
component and, therefore, the reagent quality is a variable to value of 30 min for stirring time and at least 6 h for repose
be taken into account. time at room temperature is accepted for superior tests.

3.3.3. Contact time 3.3.4. Temperature

The contact time was defined by two processes: (1) stirring In general, an increase in temperature has an influence
only and (2) repose after stirring. on adsorptiondesorption processes. Therefore, it is impor-
The importance of stirring lies in the fact that it maintains tant to know its influence on the adsorption process of boron
the magnesium hydroxide in suspension, offering the maxi-
mum surface to boron precipitation/adsorption but when the
boron concentration in the solution is so low that stirring does
not encourage the diffusion of borate ions towards the surface
with the same effectiveness found during the first few min-
utes of the process. Stirring for a long time elevates associate
Repose time is understood as the time in which the solution
and solid keep interacting while the samples are in repose.
The importance of this variable lies in the fact that it can be
known if the process makes progress with time. It is a useful
variable to apply the results obtained in a laboratory to a pilot
plant and at an industrial level.
To study this variable with both synthetic samples, the
following variables have been used: at room temperature,
and with a stirring time of 30 min, changing repose times.
For the high concentration sample, the test was carried out at
20 C for three different Mg/B mol ratios (10, 20 and 30) in
order to study the interaction of this variable with the repose Fig. 4. Effect of contact time and Mg/B mol ratio on adsorption of boron
time. As for the low concentration sample the study has been by magnesium oxide (variables: high concentration sample; stirring, 30 min;
done for an Mg/B mol ratio of 20 at 25 C. room Ta ; pH 9.5010.50).
M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644 41

significant decrease in the repose time needed to obtain a

specific yield. The rise in effluent temperature through direct
heating involves high costs. An alternative route could be
transferring heat from a hot residual source.

3.3.5. pH
To carry out this study, 14 P.E. vessels have been prepared;
in which 14 identical samples containing an initial boron
concentration of 500 mg L1 have been introduced. The oper-
ating procedure used has been a discontinuous method of
contactfiltration. The samples are stirred under the selected
conditions: Mg/B ratio, 20; stirring speed, 200 rpm; stirring
time, 30 min; repose time, 24 h; room temperature. Then, they
are, allowed to sit for the predetermined time. Before being
filtered, the pH of each solution is adjusted to the correspond-
ing value by adding HCl or NaOH and using a combined
glass membrane electrode for control purposes. Then all the
samples are stirred once more during 30 min so as to guar-
antee homogeneity, the clarified solutions are filtered and the
residue is washed several times. The filtered solution and the
backwash waters are gathered in a P.E. vessel, where their
pH is set at a value of 5.20.
Two systems are implied in the process in study. The
first one is the orthoboric acid/borate ion equilibrium
(500 mg B L1 0.047 mol B L1 ). It has been considered
that the only boron species present in solution which can be
helpful are the monomeric species orthoboric acid and borate
Fig. 5. Effect of contact time and temperature on adsorption of boron by ion. At pH values between 5.5 and 7.5, which are the most
magnesium oxide. (a) Low concentration sample and (b) high concentration
sample (variables: Mg/B mol ratio, 20; stirring, 30 min; pH 9.5010.50).
common in waters, there is an extreme shift to the left with
the equilibrium of dissociation. Therefore, the predominant
species in waters will be the acid species H3 BO3 or B(OH)3 .
with magnesium oxide. Besides, the reactivity of magnesium However, it has been observed that the majority of boron reac-
oxide (solubility and hydration) also depends on temperature. tions with OH groups of polyalcohols, clays, humic acids
Four temperatures have been studied: 20, 30, 50 and 70 C. and so on, occur with the borate ion. These reactions will
The samples were heated in a thermostated water bath, a be favoured at a pH greater than 9.2, where these species
Mg/B mol ratio of 20 was used and the reagent was added predominate.
once the samples reached their corresponding temperatures. The second important system is related to the reagent
Under these conditions the samples could be stirred with a (Mg/B mol ratio: 20 0.93 mol L1 ). Magnesium oxide
paddle agitator for 30 min. Then the samples were allowed in contact with an aqueous solution hydrates, creating the
to sit while a constant temperature was maintained. hydroxide, which presents a solubility product of 1011 and
These tests have been carried out changing the repose precipitates at a pH near 8.5, decreasing the free concentra-
time to obtain additional information about the interaction tion of magnesium ion in solution. Also, it is soluble in excess
between temperature and contact time. The data for a tem- of alkali but it dissolves in all acids. The data indicates that
perature of 20 C, a Mg/B mol ratio of 20 and changing repose the reagent used in this process ultimately cannot be regen-
time appear in previous tests. As observed in Fig. 3, in the erated using acids since the dissolution of adsorbed boron
beginning that curve shows a period with a high slope. It is and of the reagent will occur, thus, losing all its interesting
vital to control the influence on temperature in this interval, properties from the point of view of adsorption. That is, the
rather than during the asymptotic period to which the process adsorption process is irreversible.
is prone, regardless of the variables applied. For this reason A last consideration is the borate ion reactivity to create
the influence of this variable for relatively short repose times metallic complexes in solution with alkali and alkaline-earth
has been studied. cations. With the borate, magnesium forms an ionic pair by
Fig. 5 shows the yields obtained for each temperature means of the following equilibrium:
and for high and low concentration samples, respectively.
Mg2 + + B(OH)4 [MgB(OH)4 ]+ pK 1.65
As it has been previously shown, it can be noted that a great
increase in the curve slope at an early stage occurs for the The reaction between these two species is going to be
highest temperature values in these figures. This involves a influenced by two main reactions: the acidbase reaction
42 M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644

therefore, the solid keeps the optimum qualities for borate

ion adsorption within these ranges.

3.3.6. Presence of other ions

Wastes rich in boron compounds can contain substances
coming from industrial or urban processes. These substances
are mainly metallic ions: Ni2+ , Fe3+ , Zn2+ , Cr3+ and Cr(VI)
from metal plating processes, and the typical tensioactives
of urban wastewaters. It would be interesting if a positive
influence of these compounds on the process existed, since it
Fig. 6. Effect of pH on adsorption of boron by magnesium oxide. [() would help to reduce the boron concentration.
amounts of boron removal, ( ) Mg2+ residual in solution] (variables: high Moreover, clays have an important ability to boron fixation
concentration sample; Mg/B mol ratio, 20; stirring, 30 min; repose, 48 h;
room Ta ).
in soils. The main components of clays associated with this
process are iron, aluminium and calcium. For this reason the
influence of Ca2+ and Al3+ ions has been also studied.
of the orthoboric acid/borate ion, only being possible at For these studies the highly soluble salts from their cor-
a basic pH where the borate ion predominates, and the responding ions have been used. The tests have been carried
precipitation (or solubilisation) reaction of the magnesium out on four samples containing the following boron and ion
hydroxide. It can be said that the higher the pH values concentrations under study:
(for instance, pH 10), the less quantity of Mg2+ remains
Sample0 : (500 mg L1 of B).
in solution to form the ionic pair. Therefore, the quantity
Sample500 : (500 mg L1 of B + 500 mg L1 of ion).
of borate ion which takes part in the complex is insignifi-
Sample1000 : (500 mg L1 of B + 1000 mg L1 of ion).
cant (2 105 mol L1 0.22 mg B L1 ), in contrast with
Sample5000 : (500 mg L1 of B + 5000 mg L1 of ion).
the concentration that is free (4.6 102 mol L1
500 mg B L1 ). This indicates that the influence of the ionic Here, the procedure has been the usual one, with the fol-
pair formation is negligible for this study. lowing maxima in the process variables: sample volume,
Fig. 6 is a representation of the B amounts retained found 100 ml; Mg/B mol ratio, 20; stirring time, 30 min at 200 rpm;
for each pH value, as well as the magnesium percentages in repose time, 24 h; room temperature; pH 9.5010.50.
the solution. In this figure three areas can be clearly distin- For the pH range used, the majority of ions that will
guished: for a pH < 8.0 the removal yields are very low and be studied predominate in their hydroxide form, except for
practically constant; for a pH between 8.0 and 10.0 a maxi- Cr(VI) and the tensoactives. Therefore, this process can let us
mum in the curves development appears and for a pH > 10.0 purify the boron and the metallic cations of an industrial liq-
the yields decrease, but remain far from zero. uid effluent simultaneously, along with the other advantages
According to this data and taking the previous consider- arising from this aspect.
ations into account, it can be suggested that a complexation The B removal percentage obtained and the residual con-
reaction of B(OH)3 and B(OH)4 species occurs with the centrations of the ion in solution are shown for each tested
OH groups on the reagent surface. At a pH below 8.0 the sample in Table 2. In the case of nickel, iron and aluminium a
predominating species is orthoboric acid and, owing to its slight increase in boron elimination is observed as the quan-
low electrical activity, the adsorbed quantity is insignificant. tity of cations in the samples rises. This process is due to the
This species presents a low affinity. As expected, when the pH precipitation of nickel hydroxide at an approximate pH of
increases, to an identical pH to the pK value, the adsorption 7.0, iron hydroxide at pH values over 2.0 and hydrated alu-
process is more effective. It reaches a maximum, the borate minium oxide (commonly known as hydroxide) at pH values
ion concentration rises quickly and the adsorbed boron con- near 3.5 which adsorbs a part of the boron. However, the
centration increases to a maximum of pH 10.0. Later, the quantity of magnesium oxide is so high that the influence of
pH increases raising the concentration of hydroxyl ions in cations is negligible. As is observed in Table 2, in the case
relation to the concentration of borate ions and, owing to the of zinc, its yields decrease as the content of Zn increases,
competitiveness of these two species for adsorption sites, the but the magnitude is limited. As with the previous cations,
adsorbed boron decreases. However, a reaction among the the precipitation of amorphous zinc hydroxide occurs in the
borate ion and the active hydroxyl groups of the adsorbent test conditions and begins at a pH of 11.5 to yield a zin-
reagent still exists. This explains the presence of a down- cate ion. The decrease may suggest that Zn does not bind the
ward curve with a reduced slope. It is also observed in Fig. 6 borate ion in its precipitation. Nevertheless, it may be inter-
that the concentration of magnesium ion in solution is very fering in the adsorption sites of the magnesium hydroxide.
high for a pH below 8.5. This encourages low boron removal The tests which correspond to ion Cr(VI) cannot be analysed
in the form of orthoboric acid, since the active surface for due to the great coloration of the samples. At pH values of the
adsorption decreases. Moreover, the quantity of magnesium tests, Cr(VI) predominantly appears as chromate ion with a
cation in solution readily decreases for a pH above 8.5 and, typical yellow coloration which interferes in the Spectropho-
M. del Mar de la Fuente Garca-Soto, E.M. Camacho / Separation and Purication Technology 48 (2006) 3644 43

Table 2 ion, which has been fixed at 500 mg L1 of B in this study.

Effect of presence of other ions on adsorption of boron by magnesium oxide
(Mg/B mol ratio, 20; stirring, 30 min; repose, 24 h; room Ta , pH 9.5010.50)
The economyresults balance will decide if the application
of the proposed methodology for the effluent purification is
Sample B removal Ion solution Sample B removal Ion solution
(%) (mg L1 ) (%) (mg L1 )
feasible or not.
Besides, the behaviour of boron adsorption with pH
Ni0 95.44 Cr(III)0 97.49
Ni500 96.69 <0.01 Cr(III)500 97.98 <0.01
(chemical variable) is quite similar to the one observed in
Ni1000 97.20 <0.01 Cr(III)1000 97.81 <0.01 natural materials such as clays or humic acids. The addition
Ni5000 98.53 <0.01 Cr(III)5000 98.46 <0.01 of the reagent, with high alkalising ability, gives a pH value
Fe0 95.44 Al0 95.44 between 9.5 and 10.5, which is in accordance with the max-
Fe500 98.45 <0.01 Al500 97.06 <0.1 imum value appearing in Fig. 6. Therefore, the control of
Fe1000 98.30 <0.01 Al1000 97.71 <0.1 this parameter will not be necessary since, with the study,
Fe5000 98.58 <0.01 Al5000 97.53 <0.1 it is known for certain that work is being carried out in the
Zn0 97.49 Ca0 95.44 optimum conditions with respect to this variable. The use of
Zn500 98.60 <0.01 Ca500 95.92 231.66 this reagent introduces this advantage in establishing a pro-
Zn1000 97.07 <0.01 Ca1000 95.72 519.33 cess of purification at an industrial level. Furthermore, this
Zn5000 96.53 <0.01 Ca5000 95.01 3080.34
reagent presents similar effectiveness to natural adsorbent
Tens0 97.49 Tens1000 92.79 120.30 materials such as clays or humic acids. It holds an advantage
Tens500 98.94 62.47 Tens5000 92.11 558.02
over them, since the latter need previous treatments to ready
them in terms of particle sizes, to achieve homogeneity in
their properties and to eliminate possible superficial cover-
tometric measurements. The presence of chromium with an ings of the active sites for adsorption. These treatments are, in
III oxidation state has been studied. The results in Table 2 general, complex and time-consuming at an industrial level.
indicate that this cation has a similar performance to that of As for the analysis of the experimental data regarding the
the other metallic ions studied: slight yield increases due to presence of other ions in the adsorption process in study, the
coprecipitation of the corresponding hydrated hydroxide at following conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, the presence of
a pH about 5.0. The addition of calcium ion by means of a cations can be beneficial as it increases the removal yields.
neutral soluble salt results in the same conclusions observed Secondly, an interesting parallel purification of the metallic
in the tests corresponding with ions Ni2+ , Fe3+ , Cr3+ and cations occurs due to precipitation in oxide form. Lastly, the
Al3+ . presence of tensioactives must be controlled since they have
As it is observed in Table 2, the content of all cations in a negative influence on the process.
treated solutions is under the limit of detection, which cor-
responds to each element. Therefore, the removal procedure
under study for the case of boron is also useful for the removal
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