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1. Title page
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement -company persons, TAPMI
faculty mentors, etc.
4. Table of Contents
5. Executive summary -What was the study (brief
explanation of the objectives, who was studied
(population) and the most important findings (
briefly) -1-2 pages.
Part- B - Under chapters

6. Introduction: The problem/research need of the

study, by company. Background of the company
and its performance. Competitors etc. - 2-3 pages.

7. Management problem/objective: What is

dilemma/problem at hand of the company/decision
making situation/to do tasks?
Management Objectives:

Eg: 1. Why are Sales decreasing in MRF passengers

in the Eastern region.
2. Convert non wedding customer to wedding
3. Reducing Waste in Assembly Line
Manufacturing of Hyundai.
4. Strengthening Inventory management System in
Roots .
5. Assess the Financial health of the company .
8.Research objective: Based on the above,
define/identify, what to research. Construct( the
key dimensions of the research objective) to be
explained. The conceptual frame work of the
research objectives/constructs (used for the
study) are explained. 1-2 pages.
Research Objective:
1. To understand the profile and behavior of
customers and non customers.
2. To understand the manufacturing process to
identify the stages and quantum of waste.
3. To understand the type and method of
Inventory system (which) to find out the level
of problems in Inventory management.
4. To collect data to compute the ratios under
profitability, efficiency and solvency.
9. Scope: Related to the objectives stated above, here
you would explicitly specify the delimiting aspects, if
any, that would define the scope of the current study.

10.Information required for the study- based on the

constructs .
11. Hypothesis framed .
Eg. People in the income bracket above Rs. 1 lakh may switch more to
Tansihq, for wedding buying.

Wastage happens more at step-3 ( grinding) .

12.Methodology- population and its characteristics
described and sample number. Data analytical tools
and techniques mentioned and briefly described in
relevant places. 2 pages

Part- C

13.Analysis and Findings Organize it under

objectives/ sub objectives, and with information
required as sub titles. Show analysis output,
graphs, tables etc at the relevant place.
Eg. The below Rs 1 lakh segment trust the non branded
jewelery, because of ----


16.Recommendations (if asked) specific and

with action plan under each.

17.Limitations of the study.


Other data and information.
Some tables of analysis

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