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Dogs and Cats Behavior

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Dogs and Cats Behavior

Dogs just like Cats have multiple ways in which they speak to people through their

behaviors. Distance increasing signals are one of the behaviors that dogs use to convey a

message that they could not be enjoying what is going on. Aggression in dogs is expressed by

fear and elicits a flight or freeze response. In most cases will work hard to control the situation

by using calming signals but will resort to the use of aggression (Shaw, & Martin, 2014).

However, when it succeeds in thwarting the perceived threat, a defensive behavior is reinforced,

which include avoidance or motivated aggression. Offensive aggression is now the opposite of

defensive aggression more so on the agonistic continuum.

Social play in cats is highly prevalent between 4 and 16 weeks of their age. Cats through

play exhibit various body languages. Body language commonly used is associated with both

predatory and aggressive behavior (Case, 2009). A good example is when a cat crouch and then

decides to spring at other cats, which is predatory, or piloerection its hair that is found along the

spine as well as tail while doing a mock play by stepping on the other cat. Such a play mostly

shows a defensive aggression among cats. There are other behaviors considered of subtle signals

like facial expression and the rate of tail movement, which is used to modify the meaning of the

sign to signify play and not the pure aggression. When cats play, they exhibit various predatory

natures. Some of the predatory signs used by cats while playing include pouncing, stalking, and

even bite, which to some extent can be very intense. The predatory play is mostly expressive by

kittens that are taken through evolutionary functions where their predatory skills are sharpened

for use in a later life (Case, 2009). This type of play is commonly referred to as a blatant

aggression. The predatory play is not a problem when there is a feline company but when no

feline company, kittens will always directs their play towards their owners. Some other ways in

which typical cats show their predatory nature in play is through hiding behind walls stalking

and pouncing on proceeding ankles or feet. They inflict some pain and scratches with mocking


Both dogs and cats have various undesirable or behavior problems other than urine

marking or scratching. Some of the behavior problems are those behaviors that are within the

normal range but are near limit or are in excess in intensity and seem to chalk for the home

environment. Some of this near normal behavioral problem is overexuberant play, asocial,

vocalization, and such like (Shaw, & Martin, 2014). There are other behavioral problems such as

pathologic or inappropriate behaviors making living in the home a bit difficult. Such actions

include interact aggression, fear, and avoidance of many other. There is a higher need for owners

to find a most appropriate way of dealing with these behavioral problems exhibited by either a

dog or a cat to ensure that there is a peaceful coexistence. To cope up with these problems

owners need to have proper guidance and resource materials that are necessary for meeting

behavioral needs of a cat. Owners also need to understand learning principles that will help in

reinforcing desired behaviors while trying to do away with those behaviors that are not desired.

Near standard behavioral problems required in-depth behavior assessment that will be helpful in

discussing realistic goals that need to be achieved, which include finding ways in which the

environment cab be managed or only modified. Incompatible or abnormal behaviors require

consultation on how to diagnose, find a diagnosis, and come up with ways to implement

behavior and environment modifications (Case, 2009). Teaching primary reinforcement based

training give owners the opportunity to focus on the best ways to reward desirable behaviors.

Owners must try to avoid punishment as that may result in fear and anxiety towards the owner

and undesirable behaviors may only be stopped when the owner is there but practiced the

moment the cat is alone.

Cats are known to be fastidious creatures and one way through which this is evident is in

the litter box habit. When a cat that has been consistently using litter box decides to stop using

the litter box, it is highly possible that they have developed elimination problem and the primary

cause is known to be an unclear box to an illness. There is a need to observe the cat with an aim

of noticing whether the cat is straining to urinate or claw out (Case, 2009). Without shouting or

frowning at the cat, it is important that the cat is checked for any urinary tract infection, diabetes,

kidney, inflammatory bowel, or any given illness that may affect the litter box habit of a cat.

There is a need for patience to be able to take the cat back to the litter box.

When dogs are in a more relaxed state, they tend to have specific behaviors and changes

in their posture that owners need to understand. When there is no dire state around the do

especially when confronted by another dog, include having similar body posture and sniffing of

particular parts such as the face, groin, or side regions. In most cases, dogs that are in a relaxed

mood equally have very relaxed postures (Shaw, & Martin, 2014). Their ears and back are very

relaxed, mouths remain closed, their lips pulled back, with eyes widely opened and avoiding

contiguous states, and finally the tail remains gently wagging.



Case, L. (2009). Canine and Feline Behavior and Training: A Complete Guide to Understanding

Our Two Best Friends. Cengage Learning.

Shaw, J., & Martin, D. (Eds.). (2014). Canine and Feline Behavior for Veterinary Technicians

and Nurses. John Wiley & Sons.

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