Plastic Menu Buttons: Intermediate Section

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Intermediate Section

Plastic Menu Buttons

(Pg 1)

Create a New Document. The dimensions will be dependant on what size you want to make your buttons; but
they can always be sized down later. If you're not sure, just make it 400x200 pixels @ 72dpi, and RGB with a
White background. The large button shown in the example images above is 90x35 pixels.

We're going to give our transparent plastic buttons some colour here. I think it creates a better effect than just
using plain white (ala the 'iMac' Web site). At the end of this tutorial though, i'll explain some variations you
can get; including fully transparent.

The Button Shape:

Create a New Layer and name it 'button'. Now open the Channels palette, create a new channel and
name it 'original shape'. Then make a rectangular selection at the size you'd like your button to be,
and Fill the selection with white. Now Duplicate the channel, name this 'button shape', and press Ctrl+D to

Apply a 4 pixel Gaussian Blur to the channel.

Open the Levels filter (Ctrl+L). For the Input levels (top half of the editing window), drag both the black and
white slider adjustment arrows toward the center arrow. The center adjustment arrow should always remain
at 1.00. To start with, try using these settings for the black and white sliders: move the black arrow to 109 and
move the white arrow to 134; or you can just type the numbers in manually. (What we're doing is
resharpening the edges of our channel shape, while making the corners smooth and

Ctrl-Click this channel and return to the 'button' layer in the Layers palette.
Fill the selection with black. Now return to the channels palette and Ctrl-Click the
'original shape' channel. Return to the 'button' layer again. Using the Rectangle selection tool, hold the Alt
(MAC: Option) key down and loosely select the top half of the currently selected area.
This will Deselect that portion leaving us with just the bottom half, which has the
sharper corners on it.
Now fill the remaining selection with black, and press Ctrl+D to Deselect. We should
now have our button shape; rounded top corners and square bottom corners.

On your 'button' layer, 'Lock' the "Layer Transparency". Now fill the shape with a Linear gradient, from top to
bottom. When choosing the start and end colours you want, make sure the darker colour is applied to the
TOP of the shape (so it should be your Foreground colour); the bottom should be lighter (so it should be your
Background colour). Leave the layer's Blend Mode on Normal.

TIP: for better looking results, choose 2 colours that are in the same 'tonal' family. However, the final colours
can be changed later if you like, using the Hue and Saturation filter. What's most important is that your
gradient go from dark to light, top to bottom.
Intermediate Section

Plastic Menu Buttons

(Pg 2)

Ctrl-Click the 'button' layer to select the shape. Now Contract the selection by 2 pixels. Then create a
New Layer and name it 'edge highlights'. Switch the Foreground colour to white, and Stroke the
selection 2 pixels/Inside.
Now apply a Motion Blur to the layer with these settings: Angle=90/Distance=5.
Deselect now, and pick the Move tool. Use the down arrow key and nudge this layer down 3 times (3 pixels).
Because we've moved this layer down, part of it will be sitting below the bottom of the button; but it's white, so
we can't see it against the white background. Ctrl-Click the 'button' layer to load its selection, then press Ctrl
+Shift+I to invert the selection. Make sure the 'edge highlights' layer is active, then press the Delete key.
Finally, set the Blend Mode to Softlight.

Now to create the highlight along the top of the button. Ctrl-click your main button shape layer to load
its selection. Create a New Layer and make sure it appears at the top of the palette. Name it 'top
Hit Ctrl+H to hide the selection. Grab a small, soft-edged round Airbrush and paint a stroke along the top of
the button. Your selection will protect the canvas, so start the paint stroke outside the left top edge, and finish
it outside the right top edge. Hold the Shift key down while you paint the stroke, and you'll get a perfectly
straight line.
This ensures a balanced, smooth looking stroke. For the best effect, don't paint the highlight along the very
top of the button. Instead, paint it just a bit below the top edge. Then Deselect. If the stroke looks too close to
the top when you're done, just use the Move tool and down arrow key to nudge it down 1 or 2 pixels. Trust
your eyes to know when it looks right.

NOTE: Brush size will vary depending on the size/shape of your button(s). For the shape and size of the
buttons i made (see example pic at top), my brush size was 5 pixels, with a soft edge.

Now to complete the look, let's remove the corners of that highlight line. It ruins the effect. Grab your Eraser
tool, and using a medium sized soft brush (the brush should be bigger than the thickness of the highlight),
erase just the left and right ends of the highlight line; the parts that cover the rounded corners of the button
(see example pic at top). Basically, we don't want the top highlight creeping down the sides of the button.

A solid, coloured button: Leave the 'button' layer on Normal mode.

A transparent, coloured button: Turn the 'button' layer's Opacity down to 60%. When you put
in a background image or tile pattern, you'll see how this makes the button appear transparent.
For now though, just continue on with creating the button.
A solid, colourless button: If you really want a colourless button, just set the 'button' layer's
Blend Mode to Luminosity, instead of Normal. Or, you can simply Desaturate the 'button' layer
after you create it, and leave it on Normal mode.

A transparent, colourless button: Set the 'button' layer's Blend Mode to Luminosity, instead
of Normal. Or, you can simply Desaturate the 'button' layer after you create it, and leave it on
Normal mode. Then turn the layer's Opacity setting down to 60%. If you wish to, you can also
lighten up this button quite a bit using the 'Levels' filter. Just open it, and move the middle slider
(grey tones) way over to the left, toward the black slider.

There, we're done! Just add your text to the button and it's complete. Give the text a VERY light shadow, and
make the shadow sit about 2-3 pixels straight below the text. If you want the text to look like it's embedded
inside the button, just reduce your text layer's Opacity to 70 or 80%. But if you do this, you'll have to pick a
slightly darker colour for the text's shadow.

Now, if you want to, you can create some kind of bar or mounting to run along underneath, or to incase the
buttons in. Just something for them to look like they're sitting on or in. I'll leave that part to your own

To create a darker more rich colour on your buttons, just Duplicate your 'button' layer. Then set the
duplicate's Blend Mode to Multiply, and turn the Opacity setting down to 50%.
Another variation involves the use of Javascript image rollOvers.
If you intend on using those, then have a look at this example image. It shows you briefly one idea you
can do to create the 'MouseOver' version of a button.

Hope you liked this one!

Have fun with it!

Mark (aka theKeeper).

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