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Scott B. MacDonald

' ~ n e of the biggest dangers to programs also lllcan inflexible h.l- Great Depression. and I simply
~ . J t h c elobal e c o n o m y IS tO0
cr 9 9
bor markets, higher business ex- thouoht that this was atrocious for
much dependence on the United penses, and heavy costs to natiomil our country."
States and China as locomotives of budgets. And then there is the de- Europe's dilemma over the lack
growth. This could be stated an- mographic isstie: in the future there of growth and maintaining the good
other w a y - - one of the biggest will be fewer younger Fxnopeans life was recently evident in the
weaknesses in the global economy to pay for the older, retired l:'uro- E u r o p e a n U n i o n ' s decision to
is the inability of continental Eu- pcans. As Europe ages, there will loosen the guidelines to the Growth
rope to contribute in a inealfingful bc people it+ pay for the and Stability Pact. This was agreed
fashion to global growth. Why is costly system. upon in the early 199()s as the
that'? One of the results of this situa- flamework for a more unified F,u-
While Europe has one of the tion is deepening, t a . t l a t l o n - - l o w
S ~,._r " 9 ' ropean economy and prudent cri-
world's highest standards of living. economic ~elOVcth, hi,,ll~, unenlploy- teria for any new entnmts. In par-
sophisticated industrial sectors and ment, and ,~smg'
" " inflationary pres- ticular, it was decided to relax the
political stability, it also has big sures. For all the wonders of the budget deficit target of 3 percent
problems. The most significant of European way, Germany's unem- of GDP and public sector debt to
these is a well-entrenched culture ployment is now at a postwar high GDP ratio of 60 percent.
of entitlement. Many Europeans, of 5.22 million, close to 12.0 per- The European Union solution to
especially those in the West, expect cent. As P r o f e s s o r Michael low growth, high structural unem-
a comprehensive package of good- Tolksdorf of the Berlin School of ployment, and rising inflationary
ies fi'om the state. This encompasses Economics slated: "'The time pressures is to loosen state spend-
generous unemployment compen- thai we had such an ellornlous fig- ing. Instead of taking more diffi-
sation and pension programs, pro- tire was in the earl\' 193()s. the cuh and politically distasteful eco-
labor work markets, and a tradition
of an interventionist state. And if a Anglo-American and Euroland Econonlies
Real GDP
finance mirlister seeks to rational-
ize state expenditures, there are tisu- 2005 (~7c) Unemph)ynaent Fiscal Balance
ally strikes. This culture of entitle- Forecast (~/() cA- of GI)P
ment is much more solidly A#tglo-Americ{m
entrenched in continental Europe, Ecommfies 20()4 2005
in particular, France, Germany and Australia 2.9 5.1 (May t 0.5 0.5
Italy. Canada 2.9 6.8 (April) 1.3 1.3
While we would not dispute Llnited Kingdom 2.5 4.7 (Marcht -2.9 -2.9
anyone's desire for a better life, we United States 3.5 5.1 (May) -4.7 -3.9
have concerns about the Big Three Euroland
sustainability of this situation. France 1.8 10.2 (April) -3.8 -3.6
S h o r t e n e d w o r k w e e k s (now a Germany (1.9 II .7 (May) -3.7 -3.4
modilied 35 hours in Francct, lav- Italy 0.3 8.0 (February) -3. I -2.9
ish state support for the unem- Euroland Area 1.4 8.9 (April) -2.8 -2.7
ployed and comprehensive pension Source: Aladdin Capitol Managment, LLC Research


nomic reforms, the option is to push wimesscd the reactivation of inter- moderate economic growth and
the state-spending button. It was no ventionist industrial policy. keep its companies and jobs at
big surprise that in March 2005 EU The bottom line is that Chirac home. As the head of Germany's
finance ministers bowed to German has embraced a policy stance that opposition Christian Democrats
pressure to ease restrictions on bud- can be described as soft-left, stat- stated of Schroeder's reforms: "The
-et deficits, seekine to boost an ist, and anti-capitalist (especially measures are well and good, but it
economy that has lagged behind the capitalism as practiced by the was clear that Mr. Schroeder did
U.S. in growth for 12 of the last Anglo-American economics). What not get to the heart of what Ger-
13 years. The Germans have missed makes all of this even more dana- many needs." It is no surprise that
the EU Growth and Stability Pact a,zine is that the government lacks Schroeder is likely to be voted out
target for the last three years any- any rectal(appropriate word?) for- of office in October.
way. Indeed, of the 25 EU mem- titude in standing up to strikes and We mention Europe's problems
bers, I 1 countries were missing the demonstrations. It has repeatedly because it is important to under-
budget deficit target. caved under pressure fl'om airline stand why one of the most signifi-
I,eadcrship remains one of the workers, students, and public sec- cant regions in the global economy
largest problems. One need only tor workers. In the last case, the is not working despite substantial
look at France and Jacqttes Chirac. government held firm in its prom- advantages as political stability, a
The Economist magazine recently ise not to give in to more pay hikes developed industrial and commu-
declared that Chirac is one of for a full three days. Even in the nications infrastructure, and well-
Europe's most left-wing leaders. aftermath of the "Non" vote in late educated populations.
Supposedly the leader of a center- May referendum on a new EU con- The European economic ma-
right coalition, the French leader stitution--which reflected a mas- chine needs to be upgraded, which
is opposed to new measures at fi- sive discontent with the carries with it some degree of so-
nancial liberalization in Europe, government's economic misman- cial cost. This means that the
favors the creation of an "interna- agcment--Chirac's response was to political elite must assume the
tional solidarity levy'" on interna- sack his prime minister and bring responsibility of making hard de-
tional financial transactions so as aboard D o m i n i q u e de Villepin. cisions -instead of spending more
to finance African development and gillepin is a strong Chirac loyalist, money. The EU needs growth, but
the fight against AIDS, and is one has never been elected to off'ice, and it will not come with the current
of the most identifiable anti-Ameri- is a major proponent of a major leadership that allows the culture of
can political leaders in the world. state role in the economy (he be- entitlement to continue, regardless
As The Ecom)mist noted: "'More- lieves in fostering "'national cham- of cost. The dcfeats of the EU ref-
over, his Arabist forei-n= policy in pions" in the corporate sector). He erendum in France and the Neth-
the Middle East, and his defiant is a walking symbol of everything erhmds (on June 1) only deeper
hostility to the war in lraq, he seems French w)ters rejected with the EL" Europe's malaise. The uncertainty
to have a soft-left world outlook constitution--a non-elected elitist, over Europe's future is likely to
that would fit well on any univer- who thinks he knows what the un- reinforce the's weakness, and
sity campus." washed masses need. make other currencies on the map
On the e c o n o m i c front, the France is hardly alone in its stew more attractive to investors.This
Chirac years are memorable for of socioeconomic problems. Some situation also reinforces one of the
very little, except the passage of the of Europe's largest companies, such major risk points in the global
35-hour workweek into law (when as l n f i n e o n T e c h n o l o g i e s AG, economy, the imbahmce of a Eu-
he shared power with a Socialist Europe's second largest chipmaker, rope without growth.
government). His government has and I)eutsche Bank AG are cutting
since tinkered with loosening the jobs or moving them elsewhere due Scott B. MacDonald is the co-head
rigid adherence to the 35-hour to slowing growth, rigid job mar- o fre,~earch and a partner at Aladdin
workweek. He has resisted EU ef- kets, and rising costs. Germany's Capital Management LLC. He has
forts to liberalize the energy mar- embattled leader, Gerhard written e.rtensivelv on Eurol)ean a[-
ket. He is also blocking the services Schroedcr, launched Iris reform fairs and has a Ph.D. in political sci-
directive, which he said was "'un- package "'Agenda 2010" two years ence front the University c)f Connecti-
acceptable" and should be "'picked ago, but more structural reforlns are cut. tie is currenth' working on a Iris-
apart." His years in office have also needed if Germany is to regain tory o] :,,reat A m e r i c a n .[Tnancial


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