Mb044 - Nzydna Ladder III

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Storage conditions: NZYDNA Ladder

III should be stored at -20 C until first

use. Thereafter, the product can be
stored at 4 C for up to 6 months.
Avoid multiple freeze thaw cycles, as
NZYDNA Ladder III these can damage the product.

Catalogue numbers: Shipping conditions: Room

MB04401, 200 lanes temperature.
MB04402, 500 lanes

Product life: Three years.

Ladder is not sinking upon loading

Vortex briefly
To prevent degradation as a result of
DNAse contamination after opening
Make aliquots with a small quantity of
the ladder

Quality control assay:

Nuclease assay
Description: NZYDNA Ladder III is a
To test for DNase activity, 20 L of
ready-to-use molecular weight marker,
NZYDNA Ladder III are incubated for
specially designed for easy size
14-16 hours at 37 C and DNA
determination and DNA quantification.
integrity analysed through agarose gel
For best results using our ladder range
we recommend using NZYTech
Functional assay
Sizing: NZYDNA Ladder III produces a
pattern of 14 regularly spaced bands, 5 L of NZYDNA Ladder III is loaded
ranging from 200 to 10000 bp. onto a 1% (w/v) agarose gel with TAE
buffer and separated by
Quantification: When using the electrophoresis to check the intensity
standard loading of 5 L per lane (714 and the pattern of bands. It is expected
ng of DNA) each band corresponds to to observe 14 regularly spaced bands
a precise quantity of DNA (Figure 1). as presented in Figure 1.
Band size (bp) ng/band
10000 100
7500 75
6000 60 Figure 1. Precisely 5 L of NZYDNA Ladder III
5000 50
were electrophoresed in a 1% (w/v)
4000 40
electrophoresis grade agarose (MB027) gel. The
3000 30
gel was buffered with TAE (v/v) and stained with
2500 25
GreenSafe Premium (MB13201).
2000 20

1400 14

1000 100
800 80
600 60
400 40
Revised 12/12
200 20

Certificate of Analysis
Assay Result

Nuclease assay Pass

Functional assay Pass

Approved by:
Jos Prates
Senior Manager, Quality Systems

Estrada do Pao do Lumiar,

Campus do Lumiar - Edifcio E, R/C
1649-038 Lisboa, Portugal
Fax: +351.217151168

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