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Investment Research — General Market Conditions

05 August 2010

EMEA Daily
• Polish Finance Minister Rostowski tried to quell concerns that the upcoming VAT
EMEA swap rates
hike would lead to problems with rising inflationary pressure yesterday as he noted
that the plan also includes a cut in VAT on many types of food products. However, at 2Y IRS Mid level 1D chg - bp
the same time, Rostowski gave a spike to inflation expectations, stating that CZK 1.66 1
‘emergency’ VAT hikes could not be ruled out in the future if the present fiscal HUF 6.19 -1
tightening proves insufficient. In our view, the planned VAT hike should not lead to a PLN 4.67 -4
rise in inflationary pressure in Poland; however, continued speculation of future VAT RUB 5.35 -10
hikes could give rise to expectations of higher inflation, which could become a TRY 7.51 4
concern for the Polish central bank. ZAR 6.53 1
5Y IRS Mid level 1D chg - bp
• The Russian CPI for July was in line with expectations, with y/y CPI falling to
CZK 2.24 0
historic lows of 5.5%. Month-on-month change was 0.4% as in June. We expect
HUF 6.56 0
inflation to remain at low levels for the next couple of months and then to accelerate PLN 5.18 -2
rapidly in Q4 10. Read more in our Flash Comment. RUB 6.65 -5
• The rate decision in Romania yesterday came out as expected. The Romanian central TRY 7.98 4
bank (NBR) kept the policy rate unchanged at 6.25%. The recent 5pp VAT hike will ZAR 7.31 1
push up Romanian inflation and remove the possibility for NBR to cut interest rates Source: Reuters Ecowin
further. On the other hand, we do not expect that NBR will have to hike interest rates
in the near future, as inflationary pressure remains limited in Romania despite of the
EMEA FX markets
VAT raise. We expect NBR to keep the policy rate unchanged for the rest of 2010.
• In a comment yesterday the IMF supported the recent austerity measures implemented TRY vs. EUR

in Romania, including cutting public spending and raising VAT. TRY vs. USD

Preview RON vs. EUR

• Today data is due on Hungarian industrial production in June. We expect data to show
that industrial production growth has eased to 11.6% y/y in June from 13.7% y/y in
May. On Monday, we got surprisingly good PMI numbers in Hungary; nevertheless,
Basket vs. RUB
we are not too optimistic about a recovery in the Hungarian economy. 1-day change
• Also on the agenda today is the rate decision in the Czech Republic. The newly ZAR vs. USD
appointed governor of the Czech central bank (CNB), Miroslav Singer, will lead his CZK vs. EUR
first monetary policy meeting. We expect the key policy rate to be kept unchanged at
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5
0.75%, as there is no pressure on inflation and the Czech koruna continues to move %
Data updated: 04/08 - CET: 14:10
Trading update Source: Reuters Ecowin

• There were no major moves in the markets yesterday. CZK continues to be at the top
in our EMEA FX Scorecard so look for this currency to continue to move stronger.

Chief Analyst
Thursday, August 5, 2010 Period Danske Bank Consensus Previous
Lars Christensen
HUF 9:00 Industrial production, preliminary y/y Jun 11.6% 13.7% +45 4512 85 30
RON 9:00 Industrial production y/y Jun 14.4%
TRY 10:00 Foreign Tourist Arrivals y/y Jun 15.8%
CZK 13:00 Monetary policy meeting % 0.75% 0.75% 0.75%

Source: Danske Markets
EMEA Daily

Emerging Markets Contacts

Emerging Markets Research

Lars Christensen +45 45 12 85 30
Flemming Jegbjærg Nielsen +45 45 12 85 35
Violeta Klyviene +370 5 2156992
Stanislava Pravdova +45 45 12 80 71
Jens Nærvig Pedersen +45 45 12 84 98
Sanna Elina Kurronen +358 10 546 7573

Emerging Markets Sales, Danske Markets

Erik Rasmussen +45 45 14 32 47

Global Retail SME, FX

Stig Hansen +45 45 14 60 86
Flemming Winther +45 45 14 68 24

Trading FX, Fixed Income, Danske Markets

Frank Sandbæk Vig +45 45 14 67 96
Thomas Manthorpe +45 45 14 69 68
Markku Anttila +358 10 513 8705
Perttu Tuomi +358 10 513 8738

Danske Bank Poland, Warsaw

Maciej Semeniuk +48 22 33 77 114
Bartłomiej Dzieniecki +48 22 33 77 112

Danske Markets Baltics

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ZAO Danske Bank Russia, Saint-Petersburg Treasury Department

Mikko Pitkänen +7 812 332 73 06
Vladimir Biserov +7 812 332 73 04
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All EM research is available on Bloomberg DMEM

2| 05 August 2010
EMEA Daily

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3| 05 August 2010

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